W:1)filftfl '''I- "'' '; i ' -.n-: , :-; ;1' : b'-A'' ''-"-.'- " -5 '.:.'';.": ;:-;- .:;:'-" ..' ':;-;'' f ; - .'.,':' j.-'-,' V ' v' V .': .': r- ..'" .; --Vj ".'"' ! ... ':'V-' .' ' ; V - ; "1 : 1 -. : !'': : ' ' ' - ' ' " ' .Jj;" '7 - - - ;.-. -.! I.-: --...v- .V0L . I. ;. . RALEIGH, N'. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, I860.. . - .- - - -' . - i' : : . j ' -i .-. . . : ' ... r- r ' : u : in an nt a f!8 n (it j ' 1 BUSHED WEEKLY AND SJ' rOHST 'SPELSIAUV Editor and Proprietor, j : EdKESPAY;EGBMBER-26, I860. - .MI-WEEKLY, ... ... . 'EEK.fi , '. ? i. . i. .i .... - i . . $4 2 Invariably in advance. ;r;,V"-; 'V..- ADVERTISING : ' Adv kirti-spments in. the fjeroi-w eeKiy,,wim ono; '.' . ..4 .-'-'-i it r i' - " i m- inthe Weekly, will Ik? elmrged for- the first fprtikll per : square bf 1 4 lines, and 25 cents each, i-tf' I'll if...&-:.. i li'W.ml AeOMirbian mads to UWJIL IliMti it'm. , , . . 1. - . In" the Weekly exlitiou ho deduction from the above .tvll betiadfl;-.;: .f.;. -',- ; -.-' , : : I ' ' IIIE V01pv THE PEOL'LE. : iTlTT.i large, enthusiastic : ana" most miluential etJiftW eiuzeps of Pitt county was held fdUivte .lol'ahe Itf& lu V. Beards' j at k'iftl e::;cijaip:iinl D. A-dJiewiar and C. J. lljgaR adirtg as ?(4retark8 "Spirited ?peec '.'r::A Ur Hhn : nl.;iirrti:ili Cl.n. (r. J'j.' 13. C v HhiV cliairdiau. Gea. G. E 1J. Sin .iltajfy, and hfr l')r IJarham. of Wilson, and th 1r- 'Baihani, of jWilsb'n, and the tJ bWi uk Te.io!iutions aaoprea oy a.n .overwueiuiiug i. w .. .. ';.. .- 11 . 1 : 1 - f. -vi S i'is ature oow in .sUsstoh.MO-iaitft sucn sieps as r,hee thb.i State of N Tth-Carolina by t!ieide luco thfc.i State of N rib-Carolina by theide ! sister ''States 'bf the-South, f apd for : that i . . ... i.- I . 1 - J l a a l i at tne earnest, practical penou. - , , i :MiiMtl, That the present defenceless condi4 for, iminediatq actibti. ; A. irfiluuh reorganization of the militia and yoluo-1 I.Syrsteni 'f si and liberal ip- .noil oi tne ouLB-xa is rl Jiff U(n lor. liai. purpwu;- ..suuuw-w. inyiuij Miffed, Toatnuriaulnle, in view of the presr ivwiltJVu'gerou j-co.odhQ ' of iaffa js, it devolves i';ita'(hft;it)zn&. ihhftir .'private Vapcrt. to do v jvf be ii - their i pof ef in f u rtheranee of the vfligili tig. objects, bySbriivng milirary companies, ;.;4vufuitary.:-cb.ntnbutibns'fgr-. their support, and ;! f:?ac.ry i as may. be practical and most eff(ee-i; i yietokhl, Thaf the; people, of .the South have t!ini;ted to tlie arrferessiohs of the-. Nortliern tc-as long jas honor and a jast regard fot'the siTyatjoiriof their riirhts will permit ; andl we Uiemfprri, Solemnly declare, appealing to high. IJnvWi ior t'hip Vreetitude ol our intentions, that f :t!i tfblitical fcbnds which , cohiiect'ibe' N-orthera Southera Shitoi nf ibis (onfederacv 0U2 hi hi uibtioh! lit waserdei-ed; th:it the report of I. tllii Ul(tctlUS' arid tlio; resolution s ..adopted' be sent in el ii be ieiis in the" Legislature and . tbe'pro- puViic-lu-d' in the ll;ih 'gli llfcftxtir, .VV'iliiiingtoa Joa.iial., and Xori.h r'H4t VintxeJitiV 6f thb eUiz-ens of Casfon, held at- f 'iIas, Qu i le dst inii: Uil' llichard Ivhiikia in J lW . 31; I'FcrgiuiOii and James M--. i .-i I . . ' :.' ., .... ": ' krega !tetui?i:is;. ,seveariesy.:; tUe tollowing were 'H)ti diseiltijfig voice : , L i . -t .We' haro -heard with unfyignbd Ulat-k-Rcjiublieati. bas.been ef ec-red Die I'nitd States, by ah entirely v whose principles-as. announced are of vivMlnit lelitri Av'sr' o exjei-hiination jniist bef made o our uid thav -tUe wegro must be the equal f. '.'. .i - - . . I'riyifuiiaii? .f m wim in ttai:4 guv-.Tiiinettt, I herelore That wfr full v and x-ordiall y "enijorse jof ,.Gr.t. Ellis on ." Federal .Kela j and; ypecjtt Uyth at; pthvf ton- re& iiimen d in g al,, th'tbe people in; convention to devise Uie.j iioejrt means; tor our jalety ! That we will -not submit to'thb ty ifgher JaVi principles, '" and if sueli submitfcd; to: tt7e"Sbhtli;' she will tall '.aql'J'ljl eohstitdiional : i-ih ts ' for- protection . lenekv tfanies Qaiu'i. J. (f. Lewis, u iria V.01. italic in auuressea uie v - WILSON. !t a nice in? of tUW'-eitizehs of Wilsbn, -held' e 'town )f V ibsbt) j on 'the 24th ult., Joshua f - ! if irjiA'S ,n.th cliaiv: arid l 1L Burlim acting as taithie.foliovifig were adopted withoutfa ! - ' ... ' - 1- U lit in it. 'yoiee , ''the cfttizeus -of. the county of' Wilson, N. al party ihaihesiand views, cordially ih the ttouowing reolations : ; - 'v. That tht deeuou -of Abraliaih Lin- Q'Uiitind llapiribal I lEiiilin to the Presidency itnd i-tti Jt'reiacney in the Uritei rates. -Ou-htnot t:'l and 'w; mi -.uot t1e5.subm1t.ted to. : T&at;it ip'the. ense of tlii meeting 4 we: nav a; reserved nuht 'as a soven to,sect;i le from Clio' t'jiior; and that in this. iK?rj:eii.ey. t is tliu proper remedy, ans that it is j ut ISorta Carolina cp-pptratte with .lieri:.t.eTfS xiufheriV States.' ' ' . ; TlitVe rju&st th;Legi?laturb- to; ej umliiufe hx resolution at the ear-' :ifhh in ee tl ie 'Tactic ivuim'i n1i 1 m it t a ,s sikI iVoesi.'uta;ives in Congress,. .uli-f()!.0ll'l latQ Willi .till' ( nivprnni in n;illini a iiiveidion f tlie pjfcle; to 4'termine oh vthe' and- lneasirofs 'of repress! iV" - wger mode; tttts-'hwil, u$ti we resiuttallv sugnest to. the iLj'SjlatCIHi lb take- iill,HlP,l;:l ;stPna t,t ArtiirWn ndprmlhedbreos ,f the State.' . x" ' ' ''':3jhat-weespe Hlfpltake; into immediate consideration Wsagf8ueh bvws as -will be likely to alle i;ite; any:unu8ua emblaTrassmentof tlie eamn.pr- CMulliitcrcsts ot the State' ccnscjuent upon the pcest.nt political emergencv; ifc'dMd'l cops of the forecroing resolu W flht fvithoudelay to our Senator and ; bejesentatlybsin theJGeueral Assenibly of the .aib ho arejherebyj re.tuested to lay them be tyrefthq II buses of which, they are respeetivel v rri'Mpbers.'..' ,, ;i i- "' - . . , J . i.ilis meetiiug was addressed by Captain J. D' Ra.4iffe ' Rbvl D. BrCiavton. Dr. It. G. "Bnr.- JLailiil 6bli M. "Movb A; 5 " . ItarnM .T t XV SA31PS0X. I The follqwing preamble and" resolutions were unanimously "adopted by the citizens of ; this couAty. at' & large meeting held in Clinton, and were forwaeded to their Senator Col. Thomas I.' Paisorj, witb the request that they be. ' aid before; the-SSenate ' . ;" '.. ; ;' v- '- i ; WiiEJiEAis, The uncertain condition cf our civil afFars;'threteu!ng. alike the liberty oi our citi-j Zeas;,.an'd tie destruction- of our property, in ourj opinion, calls for prompt action on the part of the' el istens of Jsorth Carolina. And deeming this' aj 1 proper time ior a jair expression 01 our nguis, , we j maintain, that iNortli-Uaronna, m comaion ; with the thirteen independent colonics, entered in tola comjiifci for mutual protection and defence,! reservinsr i themselves the absolute right to con-1 Itrol each ojie for herself, her domestic institu- j tipn s: That in violation of the compact, many of j our kister Slates have refused to protect the pro-, perty of lh Southe-n States, and have passed laws by thefr State Legislatures contrary to the -Confctitutioif.'ad nullifying the laws massed by Cbnress fr the protection of the property' of hianyo'f the States: That the-citizens of apart ,of the S tat s -have been, and, we have every rea son jto believe, are still, making every effort, by all the meads in their power, to incite our slaves ta rpbellionf and murder : That ci.tizgns of the jSoujhern, Sates ib pursuit of their property have beeu rhurde:e(, and th soil of; a Sovereign Stats "staineel .with the blood 6f her citizens attempting td defenbythjemselves and their property from the invasion of -an armed' band from States belonsric 2: td tli e sama Govelnnient with oursel es: That all tfhis andmore-;has been done againsc the. earn est protestation, of the. Southern States: That against our solemn protest they: have elected a President hose whole course ot conduct, and ex pressions of opinion have been, and a 'e, at war vWlth the nearest and dearest rights of t ie, South ern people : That as an 'example of their opinions, ai'mi-and pi; rposes; .he, and his suppor :rs,.. have endorsed th 3 sentiments, and contribu:ed freely by nioney id labor to the circulation f" an in rfamus publi cationj the design 'of whic 1, if car ripdbut, wculd set the slaves as bloodhounds, upon the x,;hite. race of the Southern States: That we hai e- borne all this for-bur love and ven eration for the Union and Constitution, until we' belifeve the Union 'apd Constitution have been pdrverted to means of oppression1 by designing menj, and no longer metes oat to each State' equal ity, ind justice : Therefore, ' -'C ' jltesolvedr That we believe in State Sovereign tyi,' and that any. Sovereign Sta e has the right to secctle from a confederated Government, when ever a majority of her citizens in convention met, shall hold tl at theie has been a violation of the natiiiial compact.; " ' -' j - luisolvedJ That we instruct our representatives iniblih Houses pf the General Assemb'.y to u:ge thfe irall. as spoii as practicable of a feiatej Conven tiqu to deli (ierafb as : to what course the State should pursue iii .her present position of danger. ' 1 iso ved, f Th at we instruct .our Representatives in ;both Houies of the General Assepibly to urge th-fe early coiiiidei-atiOQ arid adoption of all! rie'ecs-. saty reforms F in the militia system, and the; im- m aii kite i appropriation or a suui suihc-eat to arm 1 'e'vpiw free w - 4 r .- . .. t hue man-in. the' 'State.. . ' Unsolved, to 1 rjiass law That the Legislature be requested taxing the manufactures ot the ivTbryhern States, so .as Ho amount to ,a 'prohibition 1 of th eir imrojai.-ction,' agaipst the States. hat dis 1. t d the ri this of the citizens of this'" State in thfiirj slaves., solved, distrie That we-recpuimend that et ch cap- ta'ih'sj orjtais. county appoint a copnmttee ind form companies of minute men visiillance, CAT AW JJ A" pej of thiTargest meetings ever held in Ca tawba,' was- Ifcld, irrespeci;iy 'of party, ; at ,New- tort, i -d on thd 8th ifi.st. E. W. P.v Coulter, occu lt 4 le e air aua u. Harr ruftn nd G. P; Shufordi acted as: secretaries. 'The; .meet ing was- addressed' by Ca'pt. Jno. F. Hokes,-Locke' - , 3icC kl, ;, ;ilaj..J. Bost, Col. II. L. Robards, a .d (Jthersijafiid the following "resolutions: were unkuMnouslyjadop'ted ; Wliereash! Abrab 1 - T :.v..1! .1 1 ' ciiBsuu- r rus 14.1 ou t. 01 .ue -uuueu oiabt's, exclusive ly by tne su racjes ot trie xNorthern estates, he- causq of his tleclared opinion to the effect that-the eniayeiiicnt bt the neuroe is a sm and a crime .... I . -- - ! - e and slavery must be extinguished, and' negroes piacea upon an equality wnu wnite upjnj now, there ore, ' f jv ,.; ''"-. ' . Be it Retdi'vetl, lis; the people of Catawba, that North Carolisuv, :as a sovereign -State, has a -right ;tb wii hdraw from the Union, whenever in her opinion, the Constitution has been violated by her cpi5federatcdStates, or jany of them, or by their J niutuil ageng, the Government at W ashington, actdTiponf helwithdrawal of North Carolina or any other jState,-Be Federal Goyefnment has do pow er iiniler the Constitution, to coerce or subjugate Vsucih sece linii State. .T- "' ; ' I . ti '.ojced, further That it is the duty pf the pr'tjsi!; Legtature 10 arm a volunteer force, and organize the jmilifia, and place the State in a conr ditonlto maiptain and dejfend her rights, and to cajl a'bonvenion of theecple,. to consider the mode iiid uicure of redjress it this crisis" of im-'peiid-irrj danger to our rights and liberties. 'Jten lived, 'further. That we heartilv endorse the: rec-imetlidations, c'otitaiud in the message of his KxKlliney, Gov. John W. Ellis, touching the questions; connected ivith our Federal iRela tious, and ar gratified at the bold and manly por sitibu he has assumed iu defence of our.houor and' of our' rights .r ' ' , " -.l'- . '' - j- ..' Rrzolced ftfyiher, That copies of these .Resolu tions be sent o pur Representatives in the Senate and in the House of Cohi-mons, with the request that the same; bo presented to the two1 Houses of j thefpresent uencral Assembly now in session. Also that copies be forwarded to our Senators and our ihj toed iiit: Represantatives in Congress. i SITUATION WANTED. '.("."..- BY A VIRGINIA LADY, WHO HAS SEVERAL years experience in teaching. . Her conipetency h;it leen well tfcsted in teaching tlie fulloving branches: Grammar, Geography, 'Aiithpietic, Philobophy, Bota ny, vc. To which will Ih? added thVrudiments of Lat in, and the e!e$ieiitio vocal and. instumental music. Will receiveKxanmuilicatious until the 1st Feb. -180 1. Address, stating terms, ! - , B. S. 'JETTL "i; . White Plains, Brunswick Co. Va Dec. 38, 1850. - -I ' " 5 St. . lAUGUST 17,. 18G0. . , TERMICEi LXr 31 A C A R O N I G U A V A V JELLYiAT , i ' WHlTXKEIi'S Legislative ; Directory. INTERESTING -WO RKv . i TUST PUBLISHED A COIUIECT DIRECTORY i! rfJ of the Legislature of Xorth-Carolina, , giving the name, birth-place, age, residence, occupation, politics, and boarding house of each member of the present . Legislature. ' It , has' also an interior view, of the Senate Chamlxr and House of Commons, designating the seat occupied by each niember. 1 It is also accm , panied with tvvo large tables j one showing the popu I Jar vote for President' of all' the States from 1824 up to 1B60, and the other showing the vote of North Carolina, by counties, from 1840 to . 1860. ' ' It also contains the names, ages, birth-places, etc., of ' the Clerks and Door-keepers ; and a list of all the State . officers, public works, itc, &c. . f ' , ..-.'.. The whole is pubUsheii-hl a volume of fifty pages, - and will be senlLte-iiTyportion of the State, post-paid on rc'eiptf fifty cents. ' . ' , : Address JOHN NICHOLS, Publisher, : - -' '. -. ,: Ealeigh; N. C; Dec. 12, 18G0, ' ' K - , 5 tf . . JT Editors copying this advertisement, and calling 'attention' editorially, and sendihg us a marked copy ol . their paper, will receive a copy free of charge.. ' ST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH N. Pdght Rev. THOS. ATKIKSOX, D;D. Ksiiwv i. Rev; A LDERT . SMEDES, D . D. kedor. Rev. FRED'K FITZGERALD, A M. Ash mHE THIRTY-EIGHTH, TERM OF THIS I SVifxil'witl mmmpnrp .Tnn ffh IRfirt--.' " For a-circular containing full particulars, apply to the Itector. . - .! Dec. 17, 1860. , M 5 4t ROCKY MOUNT MALE ACADEMY. ' Rocky Mount, N. C ' inpHE SPRING SESSION OF 1861 WILL BEGIN I . -the 1st. Monday in January. '...' -l. . .; Tuitition in Primary . English, ... .-i. ; ... . 10 000 " . Higher English. ........ .1. 12. 50 ; " ' Latin and Greek............... 15, 0s . No deduction' exceptjn case of protracted sicklier. Hoard can be had with the best families on liberal terms. - JOHN IL THORP, Principal. ' Dec. 17, 1860. : o 5t. ! 1 FREE EX H I B ltr 1 ON AT The . Cteoest Store :0: Under the Sun J; MIL LER ;v ; i - DEALER IN ". : ; NEW FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS. t Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Has just o'pened one of the largest, most varied and cheapest stodk of Dry Goods bom for L.adies and Gentlfejiien, ever ofiered m this market ; also BOOTS, SHOES, TRUIn'KS.VAL1SEs!&C &C ; can; be bought- cheaper at" The Cheapest Sto-e 1 urider the bun" than any wnre else. All -we want ; is foi! you to come to the " Free Exhibition," a"d i judge lor yourself. ." -; ' ; ' ! WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, &C, ; for sale ; also, carefull)- repaired an'd warranteu to give eC tire: satisfaction, i " j" ; Algo -a large stock of Gentlemen's Drcs n j Furnishing Goods, which will he' sold lo at " th I Cheapest Store under the Sun,'.' No. 18, Fa-se.tteYil Street . -. ' $-24 NOTICE. ; A LARGE SAEE iTT AYING DETERMEBTO REMOVE TO ALA-BAM-A:, I will, coihmence selling my: property 'at. public auction ;th Thursday-. 20tli day of DeceiniKT, 'a fid continue from day to day,: until, all is disposed of. I expevt.to sell "between 200 and gOi) Tarrels of. corn, .jlO.pens, of shuk.s-,-40' stacks of fodder; betweeh-130 . jaud 150 fat Hogs for pork, a few fine sows,' a! number pf-cattle, among them i thoroughb'rekl. De'von Bull, and tome Devon .Calve, lwilf breod.:'-- Also a large supply of farming utensils and kitchen and household, fur'ni tn're,' a fine l'iahrt, Meluleon &c, &C. ' , i '. The p rk will be solf twr cash ; ' the other property pit a-' credit .V.f nine months. Bond au'd approved se curity" reqrdred. -XINN B, SANDERS.-'. ' ' ' j t,l.'. :N )V, I860. STOCK OF MEDIOINES FOR SxlLE. : -D1 R.,WM. H. HOWERTON HAVING DISPOSED ' of his. property in Richlands, Ouslow countv. . U, ..others tor sale his entire 'stock' ot .Medicines. : He Las been .practicing in-, this neighborhood7 for nearly foiir years and has ,:. 'proven it to be a first rate location. ' . ;" ; ' . .. ;;. j Any phj-siciah' 'desiring a good situation worth a practice from. $2,000 to 2,500 .a year would do well ,fo secure the, stand. ,. !; ,' "ji - For particulars address the subscriber at Richlands, Onslow Co., N. C. ; WM. II. HOWERTON. 1 Land for Sale. ; i rpIIE SURSCIlIBEIf wishing to move 10 the Sonth j 11' west, offers for sale the tract of land on which lie now resides; lying, eight miles south of Raleigh, and one mile north of Rand's mill on the waters ot Swift Creek, and in a healthy and intelligent neigh borhoodv I , ' v . Said tract contains . about 40 acres ; There is enqygh land cleared",and in a high state of cultivation, for a four horse farm, cultivating one half alternate ly. There is on the tract a good two story dwelling house (Containing eight rooms, and a basement, newly fitteii up.- There are also all the necessary outhouses of a well regulate farm, with a WelJ of excellent water in the yard. The farm is well "adapted to the g-rowth of Con, Cotton Wheat and Oats. 1 ; For further particulars address. : '. JOHN MITCHENER. ':!' ' . Auburn Wake Co., N, C. Ontober 13. 1860 -' . ; tf i furniture, Furriitui e. ; ALFRED OYERTJJRF,n Iig removed to the large, new and. extens .ebuil-' (fi. on Sycamore street, nearly opposite" Do nans & .jftwison, has purchased the most superior an exten- ;ye slock of Furniture ever exhibited in the city, to -jvih he invites the attentiort of- hoiJeke er and otners m'want 01 superior aritcies ui his line, Uedging . entire sati?factiou in ijualitv and prce. HU stock is composea or Sofas, Divans, Parlor chairs, IN ahoganf wtirarooe; and Book cases, Jlarble top Bi reaus, Centre tables, Spring and Other Bedsteads, i ociables &C1.-. He will also make to brdei any artb le in. hi'? iirie, as he has some of the best workmen ir the city in', his employ.. He solicits a call from his fi .ends and the public. - I, ' - -': ' I ; ' ' He will pay particular attuiition to the.Uilertaking Department, for which purpose he will ke p a gooil assortment of Uurial Cases ol every descrip ion. lfHe will have in attendance oh funeral occasions ,a careful dri.ei auu ..O.juj' . ' t I - ! retersoursr. v a..; iprn h, xSoo jv olni C. Himself Agaiii. The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has regained his health, and will cntinuethe Auc- j ' tioneerino; business at his newly fitted-up establishment near Hackney Pool's Clothing -Store. Tie room will be lighted up with Gas, and so arranged as to make both Bid ders and goods appear teejl. I have also made arrange ments to have a full hle-size portrait of my brother Chip taken,! and will exhibit it whenever bad looking articles afe offered, as the cmtrast will be so great as to ulake the gfnnls appear, better. ' . I j I can't promise to talk like Douglas, but will endeavor ! ike my namesake Bat, to $eak to the point; ! - JOHN C. MOORE. j! Nov. 13, 1S60. ' . , . 42 tf.- ! FOR SALE. rpWO SECOND HAND BUGGIES; ALSO TWO , X Good BUGGY or WAGGON HORSES., C. B. HARRISON. 4 tf.- I ; Dec. 14, 1850. MISCELLANEOUS Theamaluamation of .Language. There i a growm tendency in this age to appropriate the- moist 'espresssive ; words of other languages, ind after a Vvhile to incorporate them into our own ; thus the word Cephalic, which is from the Greek, signifying "fof ! the1 head," is; now beconun-r populaiized in connect'oa - with Mi. Spalding's great Headache remedy, but it will s4on be used in a more gen- eral way, and the wokd Ce'phaltb will become as common as Electrotype and ma,ny thers; whose distinction as for eign words has been worn k way by common usage1 until they seem;"native and to the manor born." : , ' - 1 v.;, ;,:.Li,. ;'. :,...;'- 'ardly Realized. Hi ?ad 'ii 'orrible 'edache this af ternoon, hand I stepped into the hapothecaries hand says hi to the man, "Can you hease me of an 'eajdache ?" "Does it hache 'ard," says e 'riexceeilindy,'' saiys hi, hand up on that 'e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand 'pon me ' ;nor it cured me so quick that I 'ardly realized I 'ad 'ad an 'edache.. i " I 'I -1 JIIeaDaciie is the favorite sign by ;which nature makes known any deviation whatever irom the natural state of the brain, and viewed iij this light it may be look- -' cu uu as Baicgiaru mieuueu -to give i notice of disease which mig-ht otherwise escape ittention, till too late to be remedied ; and its indications should never be neglected. Headaches niay be classified under two names, viz ; Symp- ' toniatic and IdiopathicC Symitomatic Headache is ex ceedingly common and as the precursor of a great- variety of diseases,' among which are1 Apoplexy, GoutjRheumatisnr, and all lebrile diseases: In itbervou4 form it is sympa thetic of disease of the stomach ohstitutiogj sick 'headache, of hepatic disease constituting biliovts headache, of worms, constipation and other dsofders'rof the owels,,as,1f well as 'u renal and uterine affections.' Diseases of the heart areve- . ry fequently attended with Headaches ; Ana-rai and plev thora are als afiections which irequently occasion -head-, ache. Idiopathic Headachy is also iyery -common, being J usually distinguished by the; natoe; of nervotis headache, sometimes eoniing' ' on suddenly j in a state of ' apparently sound health apd prostrating at bnce. the mental , and phy sical energies and in other itistinces it comes on slowly,, heralded by depression of spirits; or acerbity of temper. In most instances the pain is in jthe front; of the head, over one or both, eyes, and sometime? provoking:: vomiting j un der this class may also be named Jiiralgia.. - For the treatment of either clas of Headache : the" Ce phalic Pills have been found a sure 'and safe remedy, re- . ceivingthe most. acyte pains in i few minutes, and by its. ubtle power eradicating the diseases oi which Headache is the unerring index. . . BRIDGET. Miss us wants;,y6u jto send her! a box ol . Ce phalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills. , but I'm thinking t at's not just it naithqr j but perhaps ye'H be af- iner Knowing wnai n-is. le see jsUes mgh dead and gone witli th-e aMcIc Headache, and . wants some more of that same as relaived i.er b6forei Druggist.-i-You mean Spalding's Cephalic Pills. JJridget.-r-Vch I sure now aad vou've sed it. here's the quarter and give me the Pills a 4l dont be all day about iL Constipation or CosTivESfESS. N6'one of the "many ills flesh is neir lo" is so prevalent, ' so little understood, and so much neglected as Costiveness, Often originating in carelessness, or sedentary habits ; it is jregartied as a slight disorder of too little consequence to ; excite anxiety , white in reality it is theirecurscr and i-ompanion of maT ny of the most; fatal and dangetous diseases, and unles f eaily eradicated it will bring the sufl'erer-to an untimely grave. Among the lighter eils of which c stiveness is the usual attendant, are Headache, Colic, Rheumatism, . Foul Breath, Piles and other-of like nature, whde a long train of frightful diseases such' as Malignant; Fevers, Ab cesses, Dysentery, Diarrhoea1, Dy si)epsia,Ariopieiy, Epi-i lepsy, Paralysis, ..Hyste lay Hypcjci.oudriisis: Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate heir 'presencein the system by this alarming svmjitoni. Not hnl'requently the diseases named originate in Constipation, mt tae ok an indepen i dent existence unless . the .ausc s eradicated in an early -stage. From all these eonMderatioiis it ..follows that -'the -;. disorder should Receive injmedjat e ,attfcn.iii Whenever it occurs, anu no:person shouidj neglect to..v t a box of Ce- ' pha ie Pills on the first apijearan'Jc of the complaint, as . iiieir umeiy use win expe ;ine lMiauoas approaches ot di sease and destroy this dangerous fje to human hie. A JJeal Pif.SsINfi,-PhiSiiii',--Well, Mrs. .Joriea, hqAv is that 'headache. ? 'Mrs, Jones. Gone ! Dottor,;all gone I the. pills you sent ! ured.me in ju t twenty minutes,! and I wish: vou would,- 1 ... . a i - a t . i t . i! , . i r i ; seuu njore so time i can Jtsve iiiem iiancv Physician. Yon can get them kt any driigists. Cephalic Pills, I find thejf nev fail, and I Call , for commend; tliem in all cuscs oi iiea,da(.flie, Mrs, Jones, I shall send for a box 'directly, arid shall : ci for a box dir'ectlv. i mi iii suuciiu iijtiiuj lor in jj'lpr they are a real blcj&in 1 WEXTV JMlLLIOXS OP !DpI.L.4KS S.A VED.-rMf Spaldr mg. lias solo two.rmirions ol bottles of his celebrated Pre- p.aretlt-lue ajTd at is estimated that! each byftle sayes at least gregate ot twenty, millions of dollars reclaimed frpni total loss by.this'varWuble invention'llaVing ina'de his Glue a I.eil flOlUlr. WftlTn (Lr-rfjlrpn'tMrTniiirn h, ly t . . household word, he -now" propose to do -tjie1 world still greaier suivice Dy cun ig. all theachinir heads with his Cephalic Pills, and if they are.as ood as" his Glue, flcad aches vvill soon f airish away like bnqw iii. July ' " - - . MJ- OvfcR icHTja.;xT,. and tlieDn'eDtal care land airxietv . incident to close attention' to bftsiii ess or stndvj are araun the numerousciuse s of Nervois feadache. The disoi tier" ed state of mind and body incident to this distrcssino- com plaint is a lata! blow to all energy and ambition.! Snffer- hies and aggravates the disordered'eondition of the braine avs accomna- By the use of these'Pill the per; odic attacks ot Nervous or Sick Headache may be prevdntd ; and if taken at'the cotamencement'of an attack immeiiate relief from -pain and sickness will! be obtained I i I They seldom fail in removing th i Nausea and Hea.dach to Which females are so subject. - ' '. C '. -. They act gently upon the .; bowel 9, tremoying Costive neSs. - - -- ' - '. , i ; ' f. '"' . For Literary Jtfen, Students, Delicate. Females' and all person of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Lax-t stive. imDrovinS the awttite, srivirvff tone and visor to the digestive organs,J and restoring the j natural elasticity; and .J sirengin oi tne wuoe sjsitiu t : j , - ; The CEPHaILIC PILLS; are tle result of long inres tigation and carefully conducted ekperiments, haVmgbeen in use many years;, during which tithe they have prevent ed and relieved a vart amount ojf pain and sufteringfrom Hfeadache, whether originatiiig in the nervous systein or from a deranged state of the fiomac. ' j . They are entirely vegitab!e in; their composition,'andmay be taken st all times with perfect; safety without "making', any change of diet, and the absence of any disagreeable ' taste renders it easy to administer fhem : to childreiu BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS t Thegenuine have five signature j of Henry C, Spald ing on each .box. , . ! Sold by Druggists and all otk?r Dealers' in Medi cines. !. :-.-'- -j - ,; Box will be sent by mail piepa;d on receipt of the ... i " - - ' ', " ;'. t ' . Paice2j Cent's, -v.- j. - . AH erders should be addressed to ' i" " -:; ,1 c 1 1 EN RY C SPALI) G, - '.. ' 48 Cedar, Street, New-Yorit. "VTOTICE IS irJ-LKJeiii;. tjiv ty iiiai a i ui: l lie meeting will be, held in the Court House afr Snow Hill in Green county on thej 29th inst., without regard to party, and it is hoped and sincerely .desired that as many of our fellow - citizens as can will attend, and 'give their -opinions freely as to what the State ought to do at this momentous period of her, political histon'. By the re'quest of - j 1 - aJIa-aNa v,niiii..'n. Dec. 21, 18o0. -tf. ets by this disorder can always obtain speedv j felfef ' from -i Cowles, Andrew Carson- xaokrn, Uniptonville No. these-distresing attacks by u'sm ohe of the Cephalic Pills 4 CoolevV 5 ' ' . - whenever the symtoms "appear., ij quiets the j overtasked CtalvionX iMalchus K Wayne, Golilslxiro' Hutcliin's. brain, and soothes the strained and larring nerves, ind re- , l' ' -i. Tffi. Vi i i- Ai - a , re - - (Vtunnlw Thomas Newton- Ashe. Jetierson No. 1. .ij CURE S Wi NervousHearfae cURy ;: : a;'. OXFORD c FEMALE COLLEGE IJTERARY SCHOOL. ;'". ;;' THIS SCHOOL' COMPRISES EIGHT ' PERM A nently organized classes., whose studies commence with the alphabet and are continued in the Elemeiita- ry Branches, Mathematics, Languages, English Lite- rature, Natural. Sciences, and Moral Philosonbv until the minds-of .-the students are nronerlv trainaf for tho duties of hfe. The investigations and discussions are thorough and . comprehensive. Necessary apparatus lsirceiy suppuea. llie Lanranes and Cab ni tm- I brace rare and extensive collections. '- FINE-ARTS SCHOOL. Special attention is devoted to Drawing, Oil aint- ing; and pAmbroidery. The various stvles-of fancv paintinglrand 'ornamentaI work" are also taught. ' MUSIC SCHOOL. IVlusic is taugh as a science and as an art. Instnic tion is given on the Piano, Guitar, and Harmonium. Unusual attention is devoted' to Vocal and Sacred .Music... ;: ';. '' : !:;--.;' . V' ., :''.'" '. -. ' EXPENSES. .' T.tion in Elementary Branches;. . . : . $15 t " ' " College Classes, ; - : . '-. : ' 20, " Drawing, (materials included,) . 12 1'aintmgm Water Colors, . r .:. 15 Oil Painting (materials included,). . ,.20. Wax .Work, (metenal included.) - , 10' Embroidery, (materials included,) - .10 Music, "(instrument furnished,)'- 2$ Board, (washing included,) 50 u ii . .... , : . -,. ';:- ' : REMARKS. '. : ' . ; . -: ; . .'X Experienced and thoroughly qualified teachers; give their entire time; to their .respective departments. " 1 ;'.-' Extra charges' and 'needless 'expenses' are strictly j prohibited necessary purchases are made by' tl teachers. -Picayune pedlars aire not allowed ;toJ enter the premises, and no pocket money is required. .. . . Oxford is situatcd.tii theliealthy hills of . Granville,' 12 miles from the Raleigh ;aiid Oaston Railroad, and is connected.,, with Hc'tulersoii Station by, a, line of daily stages. - ; - I 1; ' r. .', ' -'' "'. -', j -. J The scholrtstic year is divided into two sessions.: The first opens on the first Monday iii July and clas ses on the last Thursday in November. ! ilie second, opens on the first Monday in January and -'closes' with the annual commencement .on the last ; Thursday in iy. - .' ' ' ; 1 .:''"- . .. V ' i : 7 Students are received for one or, more sessions. Cor-1 respondents will direct, their favor to ' MILLS, &: CO., Oxford,' N. C. , ';! : : .. ' 3 tf." Dec. 8, 1860. DIKE G T Oil Y HOUSE OF COMJIOaNS. Hox. WILLIAM (T.DORTCII, of Wayne gpkkcr. A . EDWARD CANTWELL Clerk. - 1 WASHINGTON M. HARDY Assistant- William. S Webstkk Doorkeeper. William R. Lovel Assistw'd. 'Albritton- Burton 'G.T-Patt; Greenville.- Vlfred, Frederick E.- Civiven-, Bay River Bain's. Aiitrv, .George ; Washington Sampson, Dwensvill . '. Itutc-bin's.; --i- J . v-. '.'.'' ' : - . . Barringer, EdV:'ji id Greenlee -lfontgomery, Ediniboro' ' E.' Jone s, No. 1. - - - . ; ' . Barrow, -j Phillip Forsyth Sedgei-Garden Hutc Batehel or, Joseph Branch Warreiij WarrentOn boronch's. , :; :' .-' mi s. Yar- Baxter, Burwell M, Currifei.ick, Indiaiitown Guion's, JSo, 26. . ...'-. - 1 ". ;,' ' ' : - - '.: Blue, 'John,. Gilchrist Richmond, Gilopolis Guion's. Bootlie, John 'Gates Gatesville Guion's, No. 201. Bowman, Jacob W. Yancey. Bakersville- Hutchins.' Branch, James Q. Duplin, Branch's store Guion's, Nd. r,2. -; ":"-,' :': ' ". I t r Brid'jrers, Robert Rufus EdgecomlHJ, Wilson Eagle U' H,tel. j 7 ' - : -;' '... I Prtillotk, James '.M. Granville, Townsville Yarbo '..'' r.u2h's.)No.T0. '' i ' . " '- I' ' "Biirgin,. Ciiarles'' Hard- McDowell, Old Fort-r-Mrj. -, DuPreeV. ' ; ' Byuuni, Tlimer Cliflthani, 1 lttsboro i Cannadv, Samuef Hillmoli Granville, tiutcnin s Brookvi le- Lawrence s, iNo. o:. . rOarson. John Miltoii Alexander", -'.Old Fort Mrs. DuPree's." - ; - fc .V- i , Cheek, Willi am.' Hayes Warren, Warrenton Eagk f. " .Hotel) No. 29.; ' ' "-'V '"$. ' ";' - ' ',' :'' ! Chirk, Charles C Craven, Newbcm Yarborough's. ) Oark, Edmund B. Davidson, Jackson Hill Hutch- !' : ' ' -.- i : . ').:.: CI hie' Jonas Catawba. CatawJjat" statioii-liufchm s GjoleV's Davis, Stephen' W Mecklenburg, Charlotte Guion's, ' - No. 3:5. . :.'.-.?....- . ; . Davis, Champion T. Nj Rutherford, Rutliefordton ' "Mrs. DuPree's. ' Davis, Charles T. BladA4 Deseret Cook's. ': . ' .. Davis, Archibald Hilliard-i-IIalifax, Ransom's Brylge - Yarborough's, No. 22;- ':..!; Dickson, Williani Wallace Caldwell, Lenoir Mrs! Dufre's, Nov3. ; ' ! '-' : ' ' ''.' ! "' Donnell, Richard S:-Beaufort, Washington "it ar- borouirh's. 1 ':' K '1 ' V J ' ' Dortch, WilHam T. Wayne, .Goldsboro No. ;31 -Yarbprough's. ,,."''! . . -- '. Eweli, -;Jihua -Lawrence-r-Martin, .Williamston Hutclrius. - i.i'-ii - . ,; ; ; ; Fagg, John Allphin-T-Madison. Holly. Grove No. - Guion's..' - y ' : ' ! ' ' '' 53 Fflisno Nfbcm'iah U.--Sijmpsbn- Clintont-HutchinV. ' Farrow, Tilman Hyde, OcracT)keGuions. Ferguson, John R Bertie- Madison Hutchm s. : Ferelwe, Demiis Dozier Cainden;, Srpith Mills No. : 12 Yarborough's. . ' ' j. J : -Fleming, Nathan N.Rowan;Sahsbury No. 4 l ar . burough's. -. ' .'; : 1 - '. i - r v Folic, .George NathameMVatauga, Boon Mrs. Du- x' Pre's. "1 i - '' 'j; 'v i ' ' ' '. Foust Isaac IL Randolphi-Ree'd Creek CopfceV. -: Fbv,i James Harvey Onslow', j Richlands Hutchins. Gaither, Aza Beall .Friers-jn Ircnlell UoiLstonvillc " PTinfoc T-TtP . ' - - --'- ' i Gallowav, Rawlev R(x;kingham, Madison Guion s. Gi reensboro NoV Gorrellj Julius ltayotte--uuiifu,- ; ..Green, Robert N.Chatharq ' Beaum-Q.k mnr, T .o fa vfArfpStahl v. Noriv'ood R. M.,- Jones ' WJl'liam F. Franklin1, f Louisburg No. 10 .-'Guion's... ''.'--'.. - . ; ..,' ':A ' Jc-'" GutbVie, Hugh B. Orange, Chapei 11111- : Half, Newberry F.liowan, ijowan jlui- - - lUnes, LewisDavidsoii, ClemmorlsvtUe Ilxrtchins. Hri'ngb.n,s James S. aimWlandaad Harhett, Har- . iingt n-Hiitehin's'.' ' ' ' I- ;. '- I' 'U''. 1 Harris, William S . Cabarrus, Concord Guions. ; ; Havs, Ge,rge. Washingtaii-pierokee, Murphy 6ok's: .. ' ;'- " I' ; ; j . .. ' c'k Ifcniy;, peyton-Tunsta IBertie, OJeram No. 5U Yarborough's. ''-.' - '. j .' ' '; .1 1 ill ,' Samuel P. Caswell , .Yanceynlle No. 57 ar- . 'borough' . ' ' ' 1- t, ' T Howard, Henry B. Davie, Fulton-R M. Jones. " -Hoke,' Jolm Frankhnr-Lincolnj. Lmcplnton No. o 1 (J nil m's. . ; ', i ' ';-. , v Horton. Phineas-Wilkes, Elkyille Lawrence s, No. 3. Jenkins, William H. P. Granville Frankhnton. Jordan, Joseph I Pinkney Henderson, Henderson vdle Mrs. DuPrc's. .. ..- !. - . . T . ; , ; Kalian, Horatio Penn Stokes, Little Y aIkm Hutch - . j . . t - . i i ". v.: -. ,' . i- ir,.n.T' on.lnriibiore. CarthageV-Hutcldns. f 1 Kerr, John Caswell, janceyville. j Lathabi, CWleWa.sliington; s Plymouth No. 54 lartwrough 3. ' ' - 1 -t - 1 - i - ' ? ; i - ; I . 1 1 - . - - . . . j r - ; '. ' : ,. .1 Lemmonds, Cyriis Queary Union, Cobourns Store -. HuteuMis. . i . . . i - r Liles, Edward Rutlpilap Anson i-WmWii. v;. -i -. - - -O- . J - ".wiir7- a,iu. A.,-. lAawrenec s. : -: . i Logan, . llohn Randolph Geveland Slielbv Mrs y luting's. ;' :-. ' . '.'..'. Love, Jakies Robert, Jr., Jackson, Welxstpr Mrs. Whitirigs.. I ' ' i .;-'..' Love, Samuel L!. Hay wckxI, j 'WajTiesviilo Mrs. Whitirig's. ' j . ' ':.; ' ; "',, Mcaeesep Cliarles-rTyrrel, Gum Neck Bain's. McMillaii, Alexander Robeson," Dumlahach Hutch- -.'ius. : : j ) .- : - . Marsh, William ITioihas Beaufort, South Creek-: ' YarWough's. j . .- , - 1 .- ; 1 ' j ' Martin, Augustus Harrison Wilkes, Brico. Creek ;' No. 2. Cooley's.t- '." .' . ' . ; -; j . '; .;.' Meares, .Tliomas D; Bnmswick,; , Smitliville Irs. ' Iredeli s. -'. . ; .' x -. ' - ' . Mebaue,. Giles Alamance, Mtbanesville- Guion's : No. o. -.. h -. -. r 1 Iendenhall, Cjtus P. rCuildford, Greensboro Cook's, llerrimou, A-iugustus Sunmierfield-r-Buncohibe, Ash- . F - ' ' ' erville-p-Mrs. DuPre s. . . - . , : Mitcheneir, Janies4Tj.uhnstorv SnufJAfi4dXUiitchiii, ; . IIC. . Mordecai, Henry Wake, Raleigh Home. s Newby, Nathan rerouimons, Durant's NeckNo. , 59, ; Yarlxn'oudi's. , . , Padgett, krryman Jl lie jes rolk, & Rutherford, Hkks- vi'le Huteliins. t: ' t Patterson)' William X. Orange, Cliapel Hill No. 39, .'Guion's.. i " 'I (, , ' ";..' Ptairson, John II. Burke, Morgantown No.' 4, Law ,' mice's." & -'u'l i ''' Peebles, Villiam ; W, NorthaiHpUtnj Jacfesou-i-Nt tVGuin's; - ; - p ' ' ' i Perkuis, ClhirchillrPiit; Pactolus R. S. Tucker; , I'ersoh, Samuel J New Hanover, Wilmington Eaglo .Hotel.. - " . :. .i - ;.' 1 Poindexter, John F. Foisythe, Gcrnianton. lfA, Lebnidas Lafayette A ns n i, Wadesburo N o. 1 Lawreiices'. "','. -' . .," Popei AN'illiam .. Blount Idifax, ' llanfaxi-No. 85 . Yarbi .rough's. :. ; '" ; . , Pott-s John AMcKnight Mecklci'iliUrg.Charlofte No. . 33 Guion's. ;, .' ' "; '-: : : :.;. Ransiim, jNIatt.-' W;. Northauipton, Gtirysburg No. 27 YarporougTi's.1 . . ; ' " y, ': J , "' Rogers, S on 11 Wake, Raleigh at home. Russ, Joljn P. H.-Wake, Itbgcrs' stored Hutchins'. Shaw, Daiiiel-New Haa'ibver, -R.)cky Mount No. 42, Eagle Hotel. ' i' .- " -", L Shober, Cliaries Euzene Guilford,- Grefiisboio' No, V 25. Yaiboroughis. ' :.' c Siler, I)a;id WU-rher-Macon. Franklin Cook's. Simontouj Al"salom':Knox Iredell, Statesville- r Slade- T lomas S.i Rx-kingham, Rawlmsburg--- Hutchi'i's'V .f ; : ''. V '. .;t', -i '' Small, Rihard H.-4-Chow.an, Edenton UutchiTis'.' Speight, Arthur Dubbs Green. Speight's Bridge , No. 31 Guion's. - v . : . .: -" Stanford, j John .7-Duplin, Kenaiisville No 51' ; Guion's! : -.-! ' - -.' ' ' . - ' :". : . Tapscott, John Alanitmcc, Graham Hutchins. Tavlor, -William F.-t-Uuitliam; Pittsboro' Gnik's. Ward, William r.-f Jones, lolock's Hutchins. , , Waters;' Abraham Kj ray, Cleveland, :Shelby-i-Mrs. . Whiting's.j f . ' - . J . ' Whtsoii. WiHiam Herrinir Johnston, . Smithheld ... . , - T- vji ,. llohins.' ' ' !, Waugh,: Harrison Ms. White, Jaines HiUhf , Surrv, Dolisou Gmons.f ,use Gartou,. Dallas Hutchins, Wfcitehnrst, . Daniel W. CarU'ret, Straps -Mrs. WLitiriAT's. " Wilkersoni-John D.4-Pcrson, Roxktro' No. 11 Yar- boroughs. Wiliiatns, Henry Gi Nash, IliUiafd.stoa-j-Yarbor- ousrh's.. Williams,. John Thomas, Pasquotank, Uuntonsvillc ; Hutchiiis. Williams, John C ' (look's. '. Cunilx'rland and Harnett, AvcrySf Wiliiaihscd, Nathan.L. O .luinbus; Ce-rogord.v M ut- . - chinsv i - I ' "; '' . : ' . ..'- ' ' Wiuslow, Thomas Ll-Randolph, Trinity G-llcg.'. Wieb.-.ut; Eli Robsoiii, Lumbcrtoii Hutchins..' W.H.xlard, -.Tames S.-rEdgecbmbe,' Wilson No. 17 Eagle Hotel. J " - W.ten,John Council! LeiK.ir.Kinston N.o, 2 Law- ' m-eX ; ' ' ' ' . - . !. ' ,' ' : '. . ' '" ;';;- j . m "Wright, Clcnrent G.CunilKn-land -and Harnett No. K; Yarborough's.! ' . , ' x. . Ye'ates, Jesse J. Hertford, MurfreeslK.ro No. 20 Yarborough's, I ' . ' ' "''''!" KEaMOVAI GEORGE L. lllDGOOp, ! B00KSEM.0K, " METHODIST DEPOSITORY, AG EXT itlCIlhlOND VIRGINIA. Would' respectfuily inform his friends and tlie pub lic, thaVhelia? removed to the store ,! . I No. 161 MAIN STllEET. : Recently occupied by Mr. Chas. A. Gwatkin,' and one doorbelow Messrs. Kent1 Pain 6t Co. His Stock of HOOK S, S TA TI ON A It Y, AN D - FANQY ARTICLES. :,; wid compare favoraliily with ny houe South. He -uaslelected with great care a splendid assbrtmerit of. stationary, to suit the; most fastidious. A'collection of choice . , j '. . -, ' '.' - -. aM'iSCELL'AaNEOU?, STANDARD AXD TIIEOLOGIOAT. of the newest editioni, and indeed the latest popular, moral! publicatjio .s as soon as published. ' The Trade canbe stupplied with our ovn Bookn up--'an the' same terms as! at the Nashville house, -tor -terms, see qataloguej which will be furnished gratis. Mercn'aiiti, .Ministers,' Colporters and Consnrriers. will find it to their advantage to patronize the Uepo- " 'The' store ias beenIegantlj and comfortablf fitted up with a view to the easy conduct of the business, a well as Hfe iomfort and ease 6( the customer Also , nolite and accommodating clerks, are-ernpioyed. . Orders will be faithfulJy.andromptly attended to. Dont forget the place. N0-.I6I. Mam street, on5 d-or below Kent, Pain & Co. ' . . ' -'.'j p-r A.. ;Wi -II.' Pdmerdy, ; -1 : :.';';' 1; GENERAL. l-'" : -:- :. . - BOOKSELLER & STATION ER, No. 1 C' Favetteville! Street, Raleigh, S. C "., . j. Jt WITES particular! attention ip hw exiensi coiiec-. . lon. of I hfcoiogicai, ..iwiyo" , if ' ,us. arid Schwl Bwks, Bibles, Prayer Bo.iksHynin celianeou . A, great va-nevy pi v".i"J- required for Oil and Grecian Painting, , diw.Waetf Colors Orders ffom distance failed with the troost d.sd , ', ; ): ; fall 18G0. . T:V;... . STEVENSON WEDDELL' &. CO. Importers and JolLer. - ' - ' .,; - STAPLE AND; FANCY DRY GOODS. , , 1 ' No. 78 t 80, Sycamore St., Petersburg V a. PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS. ENGLISH, ' FRENCH AND AMERICAN Iii Large Stock and freat Variety' -PLANTATION GOODS. ',..!' , I r. In large Assortments. . , ! ALSO FULL LINE OF NOTIONS. ' , morLTHEa wiTii every class ind Dfr TS tfn o?Goods to be 6inole , HOUSES, NORTH OR SOUTH. 7 Th- trade of Virginia, North-" Carolina and .Tenses se Jl in vited to af If wmihatioa of the Gobds now ' '"'Weekir additions, will be added during the seaons ' Order, promptly Executed. Sept; 12 IS)- 3m i ,1 j Duahaui. , t;: '- :'.: .;;- I- .1 -;.-.J ' T '' j. r '':! M

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