?5 1-- ,5 - y T E II 31 S IMI WEEKLY EDITION, per annum, .$4 . 2 :(Inv ariably in Advance. ) II The Southern Republic. it; L. .peirt'dnefifCfrnsftiution of the Confederate States America. fesj'Ln of liberty Yourselves and pur posterity in- M 1, Aiie Tavor and guidance of Almighty God do aiidtablish this .Constitution' for' tMCotifixle- $ffc-V;-,.7-j 'i Aiirict LlSection 1. i : 41 ierri1iti ve : powers : herein delegated ) shall be feafeil .' Coiigress. of 'the .Confederate States, H U-! irh- fc-hail ' consist of -a" bepate" and House of Iiep- VA Ji TLe"lbse Vf iieprebentatives ishall be composed j Iftin('ia!jrti'tlasen every second year by the people of! mYcrai-ioiaies:.ttui uue i-iectoiti in vicn oiuie Mian '' htftfi&rf&wi the-Gop fedeYale States,-. and have the qual- ' .v.;'TTi .1 i- : J:-i M " "tliQ pleoftlieCohfelerate States, each State Iftinif iii-Jtl sdvcrclgnfand independent chtiracter, in SLiiVirm a -nermii rient fuddr&V government, estab- lifk'iitiir rpjiiisitej uf '.electors of the most numerous f ;' '$( ftlie.- State ' Legislature; but 1 no person' of ;;i!wi.'ni'i5irSi''n6t 'a citizen1 of the Confederate Stales t V:lit$:te aliiwed to vole for any ofi;cers. pivil or politi ;?t.vH .jprspp' shall be a representative who shall not j 'f''l&Q tuntjei tne age ot tyeiity-nve years, ana ue a -'. ihzcn "C'f : tic' Cirnfuvh'ratej States, aitd who shall not, 1 "!wkii ekicttl,;be an inhabitant of that State in which ! vibani'icriisjthey fel.iall, 1)V: law;, direct. The number of Vi,jvtscntati ves sliall ' wt exceed one turovery nJty I::wV)iind,3Ve'4-StAte! shall have at lealt one, rejre l seititt.i'datM until such enumeration shall be made ,?r"tbc ttf;tt 1$ SoUtli Carolina shall be entitled to choose ' ' ":MxV tPV8tate of Geijircia tci), .the State of 'Alabama h Aiine: the State ofjnorida two. the State of Mississippi : : wiT.V'tli&r--Slate iof'rLiJuihiana ix, and the State off ' y 4. .Vh'ii -Tacancir's.happeiv in . the; irepresentation 5i"ifViViUyiXtKte authority thereof shall -V .iisije-wrM:of clectilm to fill -.such vacancies. ; - - , . ' : r: ' -' Trirfltbvusft i.f lenrehntatives 'shall choose their :.. .jalfoV nd. other.'' officers, and shall have the sole Ttiowcr' ofKmpe-tchment. except that any- judicial or :r,tiicrj lrt'rat';UK'er resKrent aini acung sHciy.;Wiumi - liW liiuU4' f -'a 1 y Si ate, may be i m peached by a vote ifviv,tinras W'both v branches of, the Legislature alierVof. '; Section -3. j - lifliieil airi'l. thesoyepil. States which may be included j f :.;lfi;iu ttiil (jonleilt'Viipj; : according fo .thetr-.repective-1 '''.nih;'l'ith' sliall iWjileterniiucd-.by adding to the ! v li' Rtmlher of free -persons; including tjiose bound r V-v"! vice 'f a term of years,, and ' exel u liiig ; Indians f : ' j::(,t tuxe'd, ihrcM'-fii'liis "of all slaves. I'he actual emi- i. 'fet'w'i r lei-'iiaile::-'- witliiii three years after the s te-r 'rXHifiir nf IkijCiwHrfCs (if 1 1 iiV ( 'Joj i fLirsi!e'Shvtes. f : 7 JltiVL iyfO ; ' ' 'iTiil "witliiii every subseq i lent term of teiv years'; in such .' !' l. 'rhxJ Sv-'iiate of the Confederate States shall be ;'' vWh'p I'ltof twoi: Soniiturs; from each State, chfjseii for i;v.-.Y"ix y.eM. py .t- Liegisiai.ye- ineiuoi, HULtnu-jciuaii fe'if.'SKwu ilxt inmediatQly preceding the- commence-) 1 inci'it Ot llie tcrilr ot- service? ami eacn Senator shallf 'have oni vote'-. they. shall ;bq assembled, : ;Cfniseriitii of ; tlie lirt t ejection, they Shall, be divide ast'fjU'dfy as iiiay lie into, three 'classes!; . The seats b lithe Sehiftfrs of :tl first cl;tss 'sliall be' vacated at th icxpirAtit.n of the seeond ;ear; of the . second class ;i ..!kee.xpiiiati)ii ot the fourth '-year; and ot toe m ! i-V at, Hie cxpirfttion of,i fhe sixth ye:ir; so thai K'IUkwI ' rnlh? ImV ch;o:jn cvcfv second year ; and if v ".fVi'Mhpln by 'Vesignatifin .'-or otlx rwise during the re ';tceir?!; ffcij. .4-igi.ature"o.f arty State.V t 'Hhi,reof.Stikv: liiake tcinioraiy appointments until th4 hvxt. ine '-ting ot t rie Legislature, which shall, then fill Si MIC'h X ULUcieS.;. : feittairie tlwittC'e'iif thh'tv A'ears',- and be n'citizen of th 5 ;rCiiienite - Suites auii'who .shall. not,, when elected! IVJllie'atr iiiha:bitaht of the:-Shite. for which he shall'. A ,T'CtlOf-e.H. '-: -;. - -: .-. : ..:y, ''Ti! ic-jV'ice I?residoti;of the' (Confederate Suites sha ire dcnt t'tlie 'Sejiite, but shall hjive iio. vote, tic i;i-tiw.l-. i,,. ixiii-illv i li viaj'iI"'' 5.. ;ie Sifiiite shall choose their ofher' officer's Alt'B v..v.. ...... ... v-.. , aiK i4ii :i. Ihosidciit Tiro Lbmrntr'au the absence of the ic ukidilct, or' vvhehhe sliiall ;exercis?'-thc office of Presij vil'drii't oif the CdnliMhr:ioi Stak'sl - ; -. .. . :;;. i. 'Sbnate Miu'll have the sole power to try alp. ;-!iti!ji(';iC MtlHfl inients: ; WJtenjsittkig.lbr that purpose the yi)U ya tit or afihl oat iki ? When t he. President" r ol:tl:ei tplialll llVn-fislcfat S-t:5esi is tried, the' Cluel Jushcd esiile,' am ler and hoti irSon shall Ikj convicted with iWoitt t ks Coiieuri'ence 1 ot- itwo-thirds ot tiie memoers P. vri'.ciii i . . . . -; ?7 f Judgment incases ot --imy eaehment sna 1 1. not. ex "' '! tend further than- to rl-niovtd from office, and disqualf ;tHt? S-atfon' to' bold and enjoy any office of hojior, trust or ;;i prutiiMiuJer tlie Cqnfetferate-States; but the party cont- !iv tA'llv;shall,;Veve -be.hiible and siibjeet to lnt- dicti'iK'iit; trku. ,n'tdnie'fc and punishment, according S&iioh. 4. "' ;'.; l: The tineS, j.laces -and manner f holding elec ':' fi'JivVnkTdr; Senators antl Kepresentatives shad be prq i K srfiliu:each '.State by the Legislature thereof, suhP ":S;cttotl provisions of this. G-'ustitution; but theCoif- -' -hi iV&mav at anv time, by law maiie or alter sucn fregjitioxisexcep times and nlaces of choo.- uigiheuators. . - : ... ' v -'Th'b -(j-rtiress shall assemble at least oace in everty Teat : atttV siKh mebtiii shall be on the first Monday iii r,; ;'t it?l)cfeiw ' iaaess'they.ihall, by law, appoint a different Section . H: Fich" House shall be'the judge 'of the election, 's I; feHirns' and duaHhcatii iits. of its. own ' niembers, and fa1 -',--" 'majority ot eacn stiaiL onsnmie a quorum- wuo -uut-vj hfe ; bottv smaller, number may adjourn from day fo ,d;l"j and Play be authorized to compel the atieudaufe lblfyal manner and under such ::t:-.'inaS"'ts:as eah itnsje jnfiy-'.fprvyidc. ' j ' - . iUch House riiaS determine the rules of its pn ': ceedhig; phhish ts JMmjiers for disorderly bchavirfr, V alicht-v11tiilie ciKic'urrence of two-thirds, of the wlnjle C ' immlrexjiel a j member. ' , j " . f;'- ? 3,- Each House shall keep a journal; of its pro ceedings, and. from tmle to time puLUisii tne same, eiv-.'c.pilguch':paiis'-as' may in their judgment requtre jerisjv "and tlii". veas and nays of the- members ?of leJtlierilouseY shall, at the...deirejof of those-oresent. be entered on the journal J ktl i' NTrir liuuie. xluiins the session of Congress, :iln -Avhhont "l:he't-i)hsent of tiie, other, adjourn for ihore thau'three days jnor to any other place than tl at h .which 'the two Jlousts shall, be sitting. Section G.. .1: . ; I, the Senators and : ,Eepi"seUtativeS; shall recede w.mtviftoHffor their services, to oe asceriaiueu iy Im! andrpaid .Ut o the. treasury of. the Confederate Kite's;' i :They shall, in aU'cas6s, except treason and preach, of the pece, be privileged 1 rem arrest dunjig ritheiT' attendance-at the session ot meir respeeiu Hinises, and in going" to and returning trom uie same toWatnr- 's'pcech of debate in either House they shall iiotfbe duetioned .m Any other 'place. Wi-. -?i ..No Sonatnr or i Representative- f during fm&-V.-i-.wii;.K. hfi w:ts elected, be appointed , to any :iviloffide; under "the authority ot ; me imeuerie fet ;Ao clihll hve, been created, or the emolu- tT&t.W-.f tihall -have..l)eeu increased during sujch tii i .e ;nd no 'person holding any office, under the Con--iVlerate'States shall be a niembcT of -either House du- ':ring his continuance' in officer But Congress niayM 0i,-,;.r- tv q sMif. Tinon the floor of eitieB Hohse; with the privilege of discussing any measuM r)j)eriamug wme ubikihui"'' - '". - Section 7. ! il; AU bills far raisins revenue shall originate in thi House of EbifrWutatives: but the benaiemay pn'i iX-lijr iCc&cur. with'ameiidments as oiother; taita. :, j VOL. I. .2. Every bill which shall have passed both Houses shhll, before it becomes a law, be presented to the resident . f the Confederate States ; if he approve, he slill .sign; it; but if not, he shall return it with his ob jections to that House . in .which it shall have origi nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their' joirnal -and pnxeed to reconsider it. If, after such Tefconsideration, two-thirds of that House, shall agree, to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the ob jections,; to the other House, by which it shall hkewi tx reconsidered, and if approved by 'two-thirdsof that II xise it shall ljecome a law. But in all such cases the vc tes of both Houses sliall be determined by yeas and faf ysr and the names of the persons voting for and against the-bill shall be entered on the journal of each H:use respectively. If any bill shall not be returned lr r the President within tea days (Sundays excepted) ai ter it shall have been presented to him, the same si all be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return ; in which lease it shall not be a law. Tlie Presi dent may approve any appropriation and disapprove ai iy ot4ier appropriation in the same bilL In such case, ho shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropria te ms'.disapprOved, and shall return a copy of such ap--pi opriations,' with his objection's, to the House in which ti e bill shall h.ave originated j and the same, pnxreed-; irgs "shall then be had as in case' of other bills disap p oved by the President. . , ' r 3. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the con currence of both Houses may. be necessary (except on a question of adjournnlent) shall be prcsented-to the P-widenti of ." the Confederate States ; and before the sf me shall take effect, shall be approved by him; or b;ing disapproved, by him, may by- repassed by two-; tl irds of both Houses according to the rules audlimi tz tious prescribed in case . of a bill. . t . ' ' , : B -V'.;.'-.--: !',- ". Section 8. - " ,'"'. : - The Congress shall have power . ''" . . 1. To lay and collect taxesj duties, imposts and ex cises for revenue necessary, to pay the .debts, provide for the common defence, and carry on the government o ' the Confederate States ; but no bounties' shall be granted from the Treasury, nor shall any duties or taxes o l. importations from foreign nations be laid to pro n tote or foster any branch of industry ; and all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform thoroughout the Cunfelerate States. , ' '2. To borrow, money on the, credit' of the Confede-' r ite States. ''....' 3. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and ' among the several States,. and with the Indian tribes-; !. but neither this, nor any other clause contained in -j t io Constitutioiyshall ever be ', construed to delegate ' t ie jknveu to' O ingress to appropriate-'" money for any internal improvement intended to facilitate' comftierce," except for tlte purpose of furnishing lights, beacons and j lu'oys, and" othfjr.aids to navigation upon the coasts '. and the improvement of;harbors and the removing, fi tbstructions in-'ijiver navigation, iii all which cases, such duties shall be laid on the navigation facilitated tlierebyas may pe necessary to pay -the costa and ex- enses thereof. 4. To establish uniform lavs of naturalization, and niforni laws on the subject of bankruptcies, through- (lut'the-Ootifwlerate States; but no law of Congres shall diseharg-e imy clbt contracted before the passage of II ie siiine. v, ; . . X To coin money, regulate the1 value thereof and of oreign com, and nx tne stanaard-oi weigius ana mea sures. .- : - ,- , . 6. To provide for the pimishment .of counterfeit ing tne securities and chvreiit coin of the Confederate piaies. -.. i - . To establish post offices and post routes ; birt the . expenses of the. Post office jDepartment, aiter the tirst j iay Of JM irch pi the . yeartmv lord eighteen nuudreil find sixty-three shall be jaid out of .its own reve- - mes. ''" "V :'''!'. ''-''' ' : 8. To promote the progress of science, and, useful- i arts, by securing, tor limited r times to authors and in- , ventors the exclusive right to their respective writiugs mid discoveries.;, i ' .0. To constitute tribunals iuf rior to the Supreme R.irt: - '..;; ' 10. To. define and punish piracies and felnnies.com- t ted ort the high seas, and offences against the law ;. nations. . ' 11. To-dec-hire war,- irnmt letters of marque and re- brisal,-and make rules concerning captures on. land mil water. . . ' ... 12. To raise and support armies ; but no apprjpra- Itiou ot liioney; to that use sliall be -tor a longer term than two years' . - " To. To provi'defaiul maintain a navy. . ' 14. Td miikp rules for government and regulation.'' of the land and! naval forces. ' r jli. To. provide for'eallitig forth the militia to exe cute the laws Ot - the Loidederate-fctate.s, suppress, in surrections and rciel invasion. , - ' . 1Q. To provide lor organizing, arming and disci p- lining themihtia, and for governing, such part of them as may be employed in the service of . the Confederate States Te'M?rving to the States, .respectively, the ap pointi'iieut of the officers and the authority of training the ' niilitia according to the discipline prdscribed by Congress.' i ' : . . h -'' ' . ' - , 17. To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever. over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as mi-, hy cession. of one or more States and the accep'tAncie of Congress, become the seat of the'; government oi-the Cmfedcrate States ; and to exercise J like authority over all-places purchased by the consent , of the Lecislaliure of the State in which the same shall ! be, for the e'rebtion "of forts, magazines,' arsenals, dock yards and otlif r 'needful buildings ; and 18. To make all laiys which sh'altiie necessary and proper for caiirying into execution the foregoing pow ers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government pf the Confederate States, or in any department or officer thereof. ' . Section 9. . - 1. The importation of negroes of the African, race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States, or Terj-itpries of the United States' of America, is hereby forbidden ;. and Congress is required to pass such laws as fchall effectually prevent the same. - 2. Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introihiction of slaves from auy State not a member of or Territo-y not belonging to, this Confederacy., i 3. The privilege of the writ of 'habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may reqiiire it. 4. isoJjiirof attainer, or ex jwsl facto law, or law denying or. impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed. 5. , No ." capitation otother direct tax shall be laid unless in proportion to the census or enumeration here inbefore directed to be taken. . . 6. No tax or duty shall be Jaid on articles exported from, any State, except by a vote of two-thirds ot , botlftiouseS. ' 1 '. -' : 7. No. preferences shall be given by any regulation, of conimerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another. ;'- ..... - S. No moiiey shall be. drawn from the .treasury, but in consequence ot appropriations made ny law ; and a regular statettient ahd account of the receipts and'ex penditiu'es, bfall pubjic moneys shall be .published 'from time tj time. ' 9. OLngress 'yhalV appropriate no money from the treasury except by :ay ute of two-thirds of both houses, taken by yeas and 'nays, unless it be asked and esti mated for by some one of the heads of department, and submitted to Congress, by the President ;' or for the purpose of paying its own expenses and contingencies ; or' for the paymenif"tf claims against the Confederate Sfites the ; iiistice of w hich shall have been judicially declared by a tribunal for the-investigation of claims against -thoj government, which it is hereby made the duty of Congress to establish. . 10. All bills appropriating money shall specify in federal currency the exact amount of each appropria tion and :the purposes for . which it is made ; and Congress shall grant no. extra compensation to any pubfio contrftctor, officer agent or servant, after such contract shall have, been made or such service ren dered. --' r f :.- : " -...-.-''.' : 11. No title of nomlity shall be granted by the Con ; federate Sutes ; - and no jrson : holding any office of 'profit or trust imder them -shall, without the consent RALEIGH, N. C. SATURDAY. JUNE 8. 1861. of the Congress, accept of any present emoluments, office.or title of any kind whatever from ahy king, princebr foreign State. - - v ; r 1 , 12. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting jthe free exercise; thereof ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and -petition- the government for a redress of grievances. - -.. ' ' 13. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not' be iufringed. I' 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, .be quar tered in any house without the consent Of the p'w'ner ; -' nor in time of war, but in a manner to,' be prescribed 'bylaw.'. .- .--.'-:. ' '' ; - : .':..'' 15. The right of the people to b& secute in their persons, houses, papers and effects against Unreasona ble searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable pause, sup ported by oath or affirmation,and paitlqularly de scribing the place, to be searcheil, ahd the ersons or things to be seized. . - ' - 16. No person shall be held to, answer fo a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in casfes arising in the laud or naval forces, or m tlie milltiawhen in actual ! service, in time of war or - publi, danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same' offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or linib," nor be compelled; iii any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, jvithout due process of law; nor shall private prop erty be taken for public use Without jubompensa tion. ' ", ' - . ' . ; !- ' ;' 17. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, Tby an im- partial jury of the State and district Wherein the crime shall have been committed, --which district shall have been 'previously ascertained by law, ; and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with, the witnesses against him; to have compulspry process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his 'defence, 'A ' - - ! - 18. In suits at common, law, where tlie value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and no fact so tried by a jury shall , be otherwise re-examined in any court of the Confederacy than according to the rules of the commou law. ; ' ; -.--'. : 19. Excessive bail .shall not be required,? nor exces sive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments : inflicted. ; ' ; ' ; 20. Every law or resolution having the force of law, shall relate to but one subject, and that shall be ex- pressed in the title , , ' '; ''. Section 10. 1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance; or 1 confederation; grant letters of marque and reinsal ; coin money ; 'make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attain der, or ex post facto law, or law impairing the obliga tion of contracts ; or grant any title of nobility. 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Con gress, lay airy imposts or duties on imports and ex ports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the nett produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any Sta'tej on imports or exports, shall be for the use-of the treasury of ti.e (Aiufederate States : and all such laws shall b ue suniect 1 a to the.revision and control of Gnigress. 3. No State shall, without the consent of Congress, ' lay any duty of tonnage,- except on sea-going vessels, for the improvement of its rivers and harbors naviga ted by the said vessels ;:but such duties sliall -not. con flict with any treaties of the Cdii federate jStates with foreign nations; and any surplus of revenue thus de rive:! shall, after making .such .improvement, be paid into the common treasun' ; nor shall any State keep, troops or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into auy agreement Or compact with another State or with a foreign power, or engage hi war, unless actually iuva- (led. or m sucn imminent danger as will, not admit of delay. . -But when any river divides of'flbtvs through .two or. - more States, thiy. - may enteiinto compacts with each other to improve the navigation thereof. Article II. Section 1.- 1. The executive powir shall be vested! in a. Presi dent of the Confederate States of Americji. He and -the Vice President, shall hold their 'ofiices fpr the term of six years ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as follows: - " ' - 2. , Each State shall appoint, in such maimer as the IiCgislature thereof uiay direct, pumber! of electors equal to the whole number of Senators, and Representa tives to which the State may be! entitled iii the Con gress ; but ho Senator or reprbsentaiive,! or person liolding an office of trust or profit under the Confeder ate States, shall be appointeW elector, .j 3. The electors shall meet in their respebtive States and vote by ballot, for President and Vice President, one of ,;vhom, at least, shall ndt b3 an inhabitantof the saihe State with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as 'President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vic President, and they, shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and. of all persons voted; for as Vice President, and of the number of votes for each, which - list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the government of the Confederate States, directed to the President of the Senate; the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted; the person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the "President, if such number be a majority of the. whole number of electors appointed , and if no .person have such majority, then, from the persons having the high est numbers, not 'exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as President the House of Representatives sliall choose immediately, ' by ballot,; the President. But in choosing the President the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of . "all the States shall, be. necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the .4th day of. jNIarch next following, then the Vice President shall act as. Presi dent, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. . .' : 4. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President shall be the : Vice. Presdent, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ;- and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice President; a quorum for the purpqse shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Sen ators', and a majority of the whole number shall be ne cessary to a choice. . : ; ; - 5. But no -person- constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice Pres ident of the Coidederatc States: . j G. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors,, and the day on 'which they sball give their votes, -which day shall be the same throughout the Confederate States. . -."." !' . - 7. No person except a natural born citizen of the Confederate States, or a citizen thereof at the time of the adoption of this constitution, .'or a citizen thereof lxrn in the United States prior to the 2Qj,h of Decem ber, 1860, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall arty person be eligible to that office who shall net have attain-d the ase ol thirty-five 3'ears, and been fourteen j-ears a resident within the limits of t he Omtederate States, as may exist at the time oi his .election-. '."-.-:. -f '' A :''-.--:-; ;...'-,.-,".'?' ,; 8. Iu case of the removal of the President - from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to dis charge the powers and duties of the Kiid office, the same shall devolve on, the Vice President; and, the Congress . may, by law, provide for the case of. re moval, death, resignation, or inability both of the.Pres-j ident and V ice i resident. declaring: what omcer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accord ingly until the disability be removed or a President shall be elected. ! , 9. : The Iresident shall, at istated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be in creased nor diminbhal during jthe.pericxl for which lie sliall have been elected : and he shall not receive An th in that period any other emolument from the Confed erate States, or any of ; them, r '-.--'".". i 10. Before' he enters, on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation 1 . " I do solemnly swear or affirm) that I will faith fully exocute the office of President of the Confederate States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve,, protect and defend the Constitution thereof." ' , i 1 Section 2. . -; ' ; 1. Tlie President shall he oommauder-in-chief of the army and navy of the ! Confederate Stales, and )f -the militia Of the several States, when called into the actual service of the Con federate- States ; he may re-' quire the opinion, . in writing, of the principal officer in each of the Executive Departments, upon anj" sub ject relating to . the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and par donsfor: offences against the j Cohfederate States, cx- : cept in cases of impeachment. . ' 7 2. He shall have the pciwer, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Sepate, to make treaties, ..pro- . vided two-thirds bf the Sehators present concur ; and he shall nominate, andj . by and with the advice arid consent ,of the; Senatej shall appoint ambass;idoi-,. other public ministers and, jconsuls, . judges of the Su- , p'reme Court ahd all other; officers of. the Confederate States, whos$ appointments are not herein otherwise , provided for and which shall be established by law; but the. Congress 'may, hy llaw,; vest the appointment of such inferior officers,- as they think proper, in-the President alone, in the Courts of law or in the heads : of departments. - " j ; ' ' , ', - .' i 3. The prfneipal officer Jin each of the executive de partments, and all persons connected with the diplo matic service, may be removed from office at the plea sure, of the President.: . Al . other civil officers of tlie Executive Department may be removed at any time by the President, -or other appointing- power, when their services are unnecessary or for dishonesty, inca pacity; inefficiency, niiscouduct, or neglect of duty ; and when s removed, the removal shall be reported to the 'Senate', together with the reasons therefor.- i .4. The President shall have power to fill all vacan cies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by. granting commissions which shall expire at the , end of theiri next session ; but no person rejected by the Senate shall be reappointed to the same office, ring their ensuing recess ; : ; ' ' ' ;-..'- ''";.'!'. :- -- ; Sections. -...'-.' -:'":, ' i 1. The President shall' from time to time, give t) the Congress inforniation of , the state of .the Confed-' eracy, and irecomniend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge' necessary and expedient ; lie may, oil extraordinary . pecaaions, 'convene' both houses, or either of them ; and in case of disagree ment between them, with respect to the time of ad journment, he .may adjourn them to such time as he shall think jroper ; he shall Receive Ambassadors aiid . Other public ministers;-; - he shall take care that . the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers Of the Confederate States. : ..' " ; - Section 4. ' I 1. The President Vic. President, aid all civil offi-' cers of the Cohfederatef Statek, shall be removed from, office on impeachment for, and ''conviction of treason; , bribery, or father high crimes iarid riiisdeanors. j AV.ricijEni-JSectionli ' i" 1. The judicial power of, the Cxnfederate States sliall be vested in one Sujiqribr ,C)urt, and in such in--' ferior courts ak the Cohgress may ' from time to time ordain and; -establish, li The judges, .both of the Su preme and inferior 'courts, shall hold their offices du ring good behavior, ;and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a pompensation, which shall pot be diminished iduring their continuance in office. . .-- . -. li r ocauni z.. -. 1. The judicial powfer shall extend to all cases arising iiuUer tms Vxmstitution, tne taws oi mc un- frdcrate Stated, and treaties niade or which shall be hufele umler their authtiritv ; to all-cases affecting am- . bassadors, . "other public! jthinisters atid consuls'; to, all cases of admiralty ap d liiaiitime jurisdiction; to -'Controversies; to which the! (Confederate States shall be- a party ; to Coiptroversies between two or more States; between a State and citizens of anotner State .where'. the State is;' plaiutilf ; between citizens claiming lands under grants of diffjerept States, and between a State or the citizens thereof): and foreign States, citizens or subjects; 'bjut; no Statu shall be sued by 'a citizen or subject of any loreign Mate. , -. 2. In alll cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers., and consuls and' those - in which a State shall be a party, the. Supreme" Court shall have origi nal jurisdiction. In adj the other cases lefore men tioned the Supreme; Court shall have appellate juris diction, both as to lawi and-t;ict, with such exceptions aud under such regulations; .as the Congress shall "hiake. -; :''. ' -i; .in ; ."'i--.?'; - .';- ' -"' ."' ' 8. The? trial of all crimes, except m cases ot lm peachmenti shall W by jury, aud such-"trial shall be held in the State where the bud crimes shall have been committed ; but when Pot . committed within any State, the trial shall, be 'at such place or places, as the Congress may by law have directed. -' I l -, ; Section 3. 1. Treason against the" Confederate States shall con sist only in levying war, against them, or in adhering to their enemies, -giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason Unless on the tes timony of two witnesses to the same, overt act, or on confession in open court. - ' . . 2. Tlie Congress v shall have pqyer to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attained. ; j; i articlk iv. Section 1. ' 1; Full faith and credit shall be given' in ; each State to the public acts, Tecords and judicial proceed ings of eyery other State. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts,-records :and proceedings shall be proved and the effcet thereofl ; ; t : ' ''-.' , - . . ! Section 2. '-" . 1. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the sever al States and shall have the right of transit and so journ in! any State of this Confederacy, with their Tslaves anil other property ; jand the right of property in said staves shall not be thereby impaired. 2. A person charged in any State with treason, fel ony, or other crime against the laws of such . State, who shall flee front justice,1 and be found in another State, shall-, on demand of the executive autority of the State fron which lie fled, he delivered up to be re moved to the State having ! jurisdiction of the crime. 3. Noj slave or otlierj person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under tpe laws thereofj escjaping or lawfully carried into another, shall in consequeuee of any law or regu- . lation therein be discharged from such service or. la bor, but sliall be delivered up on claim of the party to whord such slaves belong, -or' to whom such service or labor may be due. ' . f :; .; ;.' , Section 3. " 1. Other States piay bo admitted into this Confed eracy by a vote ofitwch-thiridsrof the whole House of Representatives arid two-thirds of the Senate, the Senate voting by States ;. but no nev State shall be formed or erected -jvithin the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or more! States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures, of the .States concerned, as well as of the Congress. I f ' V 2. THe Congresi shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations concerning the property of the Confederate States, including the lands thereof. ! -' I - '."'; 3." The Confederate States may acquire new ternto ryy and Congress shall have power to legislate and p'rovide governments for tie inhabitants of all terri tory' belonging to the Confederate. States lying with out the liimitsof" the several States, and my permit them, a guch time ahd : such manner as it may by law provide, to form the States to be admitted mto the confederacy. ' In all such territory the institution of negro slavery as it now exists in the Confederate StatesDshall be recognizetl and protected hy Congress, and by the territorial government, and the inhabitant? ' -; -.- ;;-:'; - ;.:'..;;.;.. ';;':"-- ',-1. ; , (: - ..( No. ofthe several Confederate States and Territories sha nave the right to take such territory aud slaves law fully held by theni, in aDy pf the States or Ter ritorie Of the Confederate States. I . . ; ,- .-:..-. . 4. The Confalerate States shall guamntee to every State that uuw is or hemiftcr of this Confederacy a Republican form of government, j aud shall protect each of them against invasion; and U1 "ppucauon ot the legislature (or; of the Executive when the Legislature is not in session) against domes-" tic violence. ". ;;',.;; .')-' .. . : article v. Section 1. V 1, Upon the demand . of any thk-e StaU's legally assembled in their several.(iconventions, the Congress shall summon a Conventioij of all tlie States, to take into consideration such amendments to the constitu tion as the said States shall concur hi suggesting' at tlie time when the said demand is bale, .and should any of the proposed" ameinlments to tlie constitution be agreed on by the said convention voting by Stares and the same be Ratified bv the Legislatures of twivthirds of the several States, 'or by conventions in two-thirds thereof as the one oi the other mode, of ratification may be proposed by the general convention- they shall henceforward form a part of this Constitution. ; .;But no States shall without' its con sent,; be deprived of its equal representation in the oenaie. - . - . ARTICLE VI. 1. The Government establish pd liv th. OMxfTfiiHn is the; successor of ; the provisional governmeni of-the Confederate States of America, aud all the laws pass ed by the latter shall continue in force until the same, shall be repealed or minified ; and all the officers ap pointed by the same shalhi remain in office until their successors are appointed nd qualified; or the offices abolished. ' s -., ': . ' , J , - . , 2; All debts contracted and engagements entered into before theadoption of this constitution shall be as valUP against the Confederate (States under this constitution as under the Jj-ovisional government. 3. 'This co.iist'itution, aid the laws of the Cjnfederr. ate States, made in persjiance thereof," and all trea ties made, or which shall ?be made under the authori .ty of the Ci'nfeilerate States, shall be the supreme law of the laud;: and Uie' judges in every State shall be' bound thereby, anythih4in,the constitution or laws "of any State to the contrary ,notwitlistailing. . . , 4. the senators and: Kepresentktives before men tioned, and the members bf, the several State legisla tures, and all executive asiid judical officers, both of the Co federate States anj Of tiie several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmatiSu to support this con stitution, but no religous Itest shall ever be required as a qnaHficatibn to 'any ofifee or public trust under the Confederate States. 1 j! j h 5. The-.enumeration, in the constitution, of certain, rights, shall not be construed to!deny or disparage' others retained by the peppki of the several States'. - G. The powers not -'delegated' to,tlie Confederate States by the Coustitutioiii -nor proihibited by it to. the States are reserved to thf States,. respectively, or to vne people inereot.. j- , ; - AUTICLK VII : ' - ..'..! 1. The ratification of the Conventions of five States shall be sufficient for theif establishment of this consti tution between the Statesjso ratifying tlie same. 2. - When five States shall have Iratified this consti tution, iu the manner before specified, the Congress under provisional constitution shall prescribe the. time for holding the election of President aud Vice Presi dent; and fur the lneetjnjg oft the Electoral College; and for counting the voi4 and inaugurating the Presi dent. . They shall also jlrescribe the time for holding the first, election of members of Congress tinder tins constitution, and the time for asse'mblinsr the same. until the assembl ins' of I such O'mirresR. tlie '. (5onrrKs under the .provisional constitution : shall .continue to exercise the legislative powers granted them, not ex . tending beyond the tiiijl limited iby the constitution - of the provisional g vehiment. j ; Adopted unanimously;! March Jlt 18G1. ' Q. IE CiHTKUT. i . JOHN AKMSTKOXO. N ntTif.riRftTTVi nnv ntvMnr -. (OVEl THE X.i C. liOOK STORE.) i DeCarterct ! & Armstrong BOOK BINDERS AXD'JJLANK BOOK MASUFAC- . TifJtuits, RALEIGH . C. Jan. 23, 18C1. j i .16 lv GRAtlAlI HAtWOOD, COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; . - KA U.Hi U, .N. C, Will attend the Countvfaiid Superior Courts of Wake. Johnston and Chatham ;fttye Superior Courts of New IIan-. over and Sampson, and jth Terms of the Federal Courts and Supreme Court of Noth-Carolina, at Raleigh. Ollice, the one lormerly occupied bv the late Hon. u nam li. Haywood, j it -r-r ri Jan. W, IWL. F -I m ly B. R. M00RE, ATTORNEY; AT LAW, SALS6URY N. C. Will practice in the Courts ot Rowan and adjoining coun ties; Collections .pfompti' made, Jan. 20, 1861. 1 -t '. -, .:- , ' , .17 ly. K. H. DICKINSON. IN ;B. HIIL. C. B. KILL. DICKIXSQN5 HILL & CO., V AICTI0XEERS, NORTH CORNER QFj FRANKLIN AND WALL STS RICH 510. , UiUlMA. selling 'of slaves at public arid Attend particularly to th private sale. Aug. 28, 1860, 1 REEXSB0R0' Mutual Lifft Insurance and vJT Trust Company :-r this Company offers inducements to the public which few 'possess. It is economical in its management, and prompt n thaparment of its losses. The insured for life are; its members, and they participate in its profits ; not only ;onthe premiums paid in, but also on a large and. increasing desposit capital kept in active operation. . ' i j j ' ... ." j A dividend of 67 per cent., at the last Anual Meeting ot the Company, was declarpd, and carried to the credit ot the life members of the Cdmpany. ;. ' - Those desiring an insurance upon; their own lives, or the lives ot their slaves, wiu please address in: D. P. WEIR, Treasurer. 11 lv. Greensboro', Feb. .11, NF. RIVES & C'0.?irholesale and retail Brujr- gistSj have and will ke,ep. on hand a full supply of all such articles as are usually found in a First Clasa JJrug House. They will conducs the business on a large and liberal scale, "having ample experience, force and facilities for doinff so, and honei bv their riromptness, energy and untiring efforts to please, to secure the liberal patronage of their friends and the pupliic generally. Th3 Prescription Department wilf be under the immedi ate supervision of one Of ! the firm, both day and night. Orders will be attended ' to with neatness and disspatch. - " ; i 1 ' N. F. RIVES, M. D. . j".-;.' WALTER B. JORDAN. 5 tf. ,.. : -'-, I- -V JGSL CNRH 1 : : MANSION HOVSEv . W'lTHIN TWO HUNDREJ YARDS OF THE DEPOT. Now open for he reception of TRANSIENT CUSTOM and BOARDERS; Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. i I hL; MONTAliUh, Proprietor. Jan. 7, 1861. 12 tf SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT, , , f .! Raleigh, Mav, 25th, 1861. Sealed proposals will be received at this Department for the delivery of good merchantable flour, at any railroad depot within the Statejl in quantities not U thbn tu-enty-fire barrel, until 13th of July, 1861. Proposals should be endorsed 'Proposals for flour," and addressed to the Commissary General." i WM. JOHNSTON, ;'!: Comwtiwiary General. May 29. 1861. ' ' tf COMMITTED to Jail. In the! town of Salisbury Rowan county, by Cornelia Kestler, a negro lave whasavsJie ii a runaway, and belongs to James Fuller ' antl says Did nanse is Frank. This boy is about twenty-one or two veare old, about six feet high, of rather a light-dark color, fad on brown woolen clothesi, badly torn, appears to be a boy of good quality, and a number one negro. Th owner will come for him, par charges, and take him away,, otherwise he will be dealt with according to law. - W. A. WALTON, Sheriff of Kowan county. Mar 4,1861. , -tf ' ' -: . : i if- ;.'".';-.' r.: i "" . j ; Contract will be entered into with jeaily, half-yearly nd quarterly advertisers, at a reduction from the abore tes. ; 1 1 . . . : , N'o deduction from the regular rates for adrertUe meat inserted in the Weekly Edition. ' All adTertiflements receive one Insertion in the Weekly - 0XF0UD FEMALE COLLEGE. - . LITERARY SfTTFOO .. ' oiganized classy whose Mudie Mmmence wii the aTrecont"1in the Eleincntarr Branch., Mathemancs languages, English Literature, Natural Sci ences, and Mora 1'h.W.phy, until the u,inU of the tu d.ent3 are properlytrained for the duties of life. The inve,--$S iW!? dlsM:? ar thorough and ooraprehenive. rlh V!'ArtUS " 8UP,li The Libraries and Cabintti embrace rare and esWusire collections. I . FINE-ARTS SCHOOL. I T ; T' l a",,on3 devounl to Drawing; Oil Painting, and Liubrndery. " The various styles of - fancy t)SnJ aud 'ornamental work" also taught. v l SCHOOL. t Music is taught as a sch-nc- and and as an art. Instruc tion Riven op the li:4I,o. Ouitar and Har.nonh.ra! VL suat attention is devwi to Vocal and Sacred Mnsic. tuition in Elementary Branches.. " - ciieie ' - . .. .: .'-.; fl.V ' IM-awing, (materials included,) " Painting in Water Colors, " " il Painting (iiiaWriaLi include,) ". Wax Work, (matorjal included. ) ' " Kmlro4dcry, (mateiiala included. V 20 - 12 15 .so lo 10 23 50 u u " Board, (washius included.) J urvi wires ' viusiruuui lurnis'iiea,) - entire time to-their respective departments. -." . ; K Kitra ciarges and needless expenses are strtctly pro hibitednecessary, purchase are made bv the teachers. 1 icayune pedlars are not allowed to enter the premises, and no pocket uionev is required. - 1 1 Oxford is situated On the' healthy iilh of Granville 12 miles from the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad, and is con, nected with Henderson Station by a line of dail v stages. -.lliescholaititt year is divided into two sessions. The first opens on; the tivA Monday in J uly and closes t.n the Ix-t Thursday in; November. The second opens on the first Monday in January and lWes with the annual commenX-e-rnent on the last Thursday in May. , ., T ' j Students are received Jnrijone or niore sessions. '. CorresI pondents will; direct, their favors to - . Dec, ,,1860. y C0-Jf- 'I860. " SI'U'ING TUADE. , X. F. HIVES & CO. 18GI. WHOLESALE Dltl CGISTS, E ATk?H S7LYi ,nvItc, t,!C -mc whaiils of Virginia Aoi tli-tartihna and 1 ennessee, to examine their ex tensive .stock; of '; - '' . . ... Drutrs, Perfiunerv, i - Chemicals, :Oilj, ' -Dve Stuffs Fancy Articles,. Briisfrramf all kinds, Tobacco, ? . . ' , Cigars, Sniitr. -: ; . . '-.-: Pure Medical Wines' Window (ilass Patent Me. :ines, Seeds, Smees, Brandies, Gins, Ac. Having facilities unsurpassed by aftv house in the trade, they U-rl nut lOi-jed, in. saving! tliy can,:'and will sell nil goods intheijr. line of business, at such low psiees as ciriinot tail to give Entire satisfaction.! - Orders will be promptly attended to. j All goods s.-nt fronftheir establisliment.'Har' ranted as reinesentvMl bv them. i - . -J; ' -, -'.' N. F. RIVES A CO., , :'.; .. ! ' Wholesale Drugjrists, , 1h; N. F. Rives, j. . Petersburg, VA. j AL. li;K Oj. .JORDAN, JOSEPH C.RK. . 12 f F11MIJPRE! TliWITUKEH A LFaElil QYEUTHJE, having removed to the XI large, jew and extensive building on S.ycanxtre st.reetj: nearly .'opposite Donuans A ..Johnson, has 'purchased the most superior and extensive stock ot' Furniture ever exhib-.-ited in the city, to which h' invites-the attention of ticiuse-''-keepers and others in want of superior articles in his line pledging entire satisfaction in quality andrice. II is stock4' V composed of Sofas, DiTau-t.- Parhir -cliairs,. .Mahogany-' wa.iilrobos, and --.Book eases. Marble top Bureaus. Centre Tables; Spiilng and. other Bedsteads, Sociables, Ac. Ho wi(l also make to order any article in his libe, ns he has some of the best workmei) in t he city in his employ, lie ' solicits a call from his friends and the public. : ' He will-pay, particular attentoii to the Undertaking De partment, for which purpose he will keep a good assort lnl'iit of1. Buijial Cases of every description, fie will have in attendance on funeral occasions a .cartful driver and. good hea rsej ? ! ' ' . ' ri j Petersburg, Va-;, Ajiiil 9, 18(il).. ; . - lv. rior woikinanslnp. best materials, and of iiiy own manufacture. Call aud see, mv stock before purcJm.ing elsewhere. - " r f A. c. haruison. i No. 123 Sycajijore btreet, Petersburg, Va. ill, lHtil). " 4 j ' . - lv. REMOVAL. - lH).iKsEI.,!.Kl!, Assent 3Ic(h()disl Depository; , t . j RICIIMOJ). V1UOINIA, N 70rLI) respectfully tnform hh friends and Tf the jiublic, that Ije has renioved. the store : jl'' 4 .-,1 no. id main stuket; : ' T Recently nccupied by Mr. t.'has. A. wa.tkiir, and one door below, Mv-ifs. Kent,-Pain A Co. His (stock of . i BOOKS . TATIONEUV. AND FANCY.1 ARTICLES, will compare (i voiably w ith any hous South. He lias'e lectJd with g.reat cartj al.phhtdid assortment of stationery, tO'Siiit the iMOst fastidious.1 A collection of choice 51SrJ-' OKLLANEOl.'S.- STANDARD AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS, of the newe&t editions, and indeed the latest-popular, moral '-publications as soon' as published. ' j . The ti ada can be supplied with our own own Books upon the same tefms as, at the Nashville house. For tei uiij, see Catalogue, which will be furnished gratis.- . . Merchants, Ministers, Colporteurs and Consumers, will find it to their advantage to"patronize tho Depository. , The store has been ejeg-antly and. comfortably fitted up with ayiew to tlie easv conduct of the business, as well as the comfort and ease of the -customer. Also polite aid-aCcoln-inodating clerks are employed. . N 5 ; ; . Orders will be faithfully "and promptly attended to. ; " Don t loigetfcthe place. A0..I0I M am street one H)r ; COLLEGE HOTEL. THE Undersigned having taken charge of, the houses formerly occupied as a Female. College in the city of Raleigh, on Hillsboro' street, 200 yards west of the n:.:n t,,.,. th X O. Deoot. and liavinL' ouened.tho ri"rrrTLf HOTEL and BOARUI.VG -HOLE, respectfully solicits the1 patronage of the TRAVELING PI BUG. - J . " , ' . . ! Hillsbora' street is noted for good water and, beautitul shade during the summer months. The Proprietor designs keeping a House for BOARDERS, during the suinmer and fall moftths for FAMILIES, who can hava the benefit of the Mineral Water" from- the Kirkham Spring, which u equal to anr in the State4 in medicinal properties,-and which is well known to all who have tried the water. . : The pubKc are res-pectfully solicited U) call and judga for themselves; ai promises migbt b imadc . and ot complied with 1 SAMUEL E. PHILLIPS, H y 'Jan. 26, 161. "'? ' ' - 1 SEHIXG MACniXES-.Tbe Quaker Htj OOU .Sewing Machine works with two threads making double.lock stitch, which will not rip or ravel, fven if vtry fourth stitch be cut. 'It sews equally as web th Wi sest Linsey or the finest Muslinand is undeniably the - et maehine in market. J :Merohatit Tailors, Mantua Maker "nd Housekeepers, are invited to call and examine fyr theiut CMr!.P. A. Wilson, Merchant-Tailor, Wilton, X. C. h avine tried other machines, buys One of the Quaker City, . . -i v., .it.. than nv before in use. ana pronouuecu it. i , j ' , L ..1. - All persons wishing secure the agency for the sale, of , .r n;.-.-in nv Of the towns in North- " c f. . A i. .f Wki. which is secured keri Co-yorMh. the county ol ForyfJe, taken bv P. A.. Wils6n,ot W mstnn, stiouia appiy lonto the undesigned agenU for the Stat. Wewillp.y Reasonable per cent, to all persons Ukg agency . f . OreenittKH-o', I. C, teb. Znd, L1XD FOR SlII.Ilie snbscrllier wisliliis 10 sir." rSi horse farm4, cumvaung . ; : rr e li the tract m good two story dwelling ho . . ; rooms, and a basement, newly fattea 'fl" the necessary, outhouses of tdl-regul.U T . JM J well of excellent water in ;the ra -1 -JB o-ul ' daot e4 to th growth of Corn, Cottou U ..at a. .ti. Farrtber -; ' ;-.'.. Aubui t., Vi .;'.; C''- C. . October 13, 18fi0. ! V . ;1 ,:. : NOBTH-CABOLIXA MILITAHI Kiim-K Goldsboro Rifles," having procured Af.iA:U sit of Dies of the State Arias, are prepared t,, fuj-msu for all the North-Carolina MiliUry Co;upanv- ut 3- per cent, less than they can be purchased elsewhere. v . All applications must be made to the Captain, 'Jan, 12, 1SC0. , WKKK iiY A H RI V A LS 0 F (7A KK I A U ES, Kot k a W A S and Bi.(!(jlES. made cxdi-iissIv for Virmnia in;I Noj th-Caralina. ; Thev are of the latest style and silpe- Alxo, ."SADDLICS and .HARNESS of the