. .... g i - . j ' j ...... . . -- - , ,. Journal. SPELEAN, Editor ana Proprietor, AND PRINTER TO THE STATU. ; J03X f M. R0BI"SO Assistant Editor, j i 1 1 'tkums:-' ' h, i; -, -V L-. f . .: ' . '. is cFMl WFEKLT EDITIQ?, per annum,.;......... ..-.$4 2 i i . . J J'! T(In variably in Advance.) ' MJW-in m irnr r The Southern Eepublic. 1 i -:-. :-;r ilcid Constitution of the Confederate States i of America..' j u-tn.'1, lrurc tlomc&tic tranquility, and secure the S !t NiLM' to ourselves and Our posterity in- r- ft tlic iatVOr arm iuiuaiicv in .iuiwiguiy vjrt.iu no kj,iijjd establish this CoD.stitvitiou for the Oonfxle- " ' J ill lesi- At(vo powers nerein aeiegatea snail be Ail 3, i V'ljjj'css mi vuw vxJuifucraie ouii.es, .:. r .1... n.?...i .i- ct..i... jW hal consist of a Senate and?. House of llep- Uitati 1 ' , . Section 2. 4 - , tip I louse of Representatives shall be composed r rnvmblr llioien e ery second year" by the people of? 'Vsfvexal Slates; and tlie electors in each State shall -&;,f the-Ojnfedcrate States, and have the qual- for electors- of the most numerous! ' h of ho Sate legislature; but no person of j:iS .i,n.lTTS IC'JVtP'v t'1 ' births upv citizen oi mu imieuermw ouub 'I . - T JlriwBjl tQ vote fur any officers, civil or politi-j i i ti ti nn Federal. C , "--J . , - ... ... ... -i. i ,) v pt'l"On snail uv a rej)iutuiiuviivt; wiiu iih uuu hive attiiritM the iige of twenty-five years, and be ai c ii.l th1 lifedeiate States, and who shall notjj efrj-fc' leil, be .in inhabitant of that State m vvhich? - Lcbhi'l bucbisca. ' - " . . ;' f 1 3 il( j tf-K-i't iU v e and direct taxes shall be apporn tiotl a 'i 'i Z tbe&exer violates 'which may be included? wrh ri thia CJ ifeder ir according to tlwir repective jiRinibt"N determined by adding Cij the "whole niiii tow otree prstns,": including those bound 10 eTVue i tinl ol tars, and excluding Indians 'i t tiwl tlirce-hlth.-. t all "slaves; Tne actual enu- 'rieritt n-HWll I'C maue wnnin mrfe )kp aucr uits Un l w'Jl.'trtjt.'Vt'rv sub.ajqeut term of ten years, in sucu ni'iur is fhcyiml, bv law, direct. Tite'tmtnber oi rt-h MiJiUr "bail not exceed one kr every nit IS a-1 h! i).it .a h t Ac bhall have at least one repiY foCl V l t , Hi!1! lllJi.ll CklV.ll V.H'11'.v 1 .'1. 'ilkbtl lllt..iv I'-c't tf'e iT-ionth Carol in:i sliall Ikj entitled to choose tn iM f G(.r:ii te.i, the Stat of Alalani A' i( l! ri U t AO. tne, Siae of ilissis;;n Utu,Ti 2ate" of 1 T', i f L miViana six, and the State of 1 Vt iiii -Acancies happen in the repre:entatioi fi-rfi mviVite lit LcCut.ve ,'uithontv thereof hnai UU' write if ti,t m to iill such vacancies. i ll(lljii-t of llpie eutatives s'.iall cho ise thei NCI ti t 1 Iui4 -oHwr otikers; .and sliail'luvve the ! . f-j ! lnaittU.iUll'-'lil.. f.Vi. I 'in- lii.ii. any iinii-i.u . 1.7 i . . . . . 1 ...-..... 1T..1 111. it.'. 1 il , ? (r i Itiit t fii .r i -idi nt-.and acting solely 'with'ii A i u ittj nu, bt ite, my be impeached by a voti i',V. (u rv-fllrls of butli branches of the Legislature J tWi. pe I !i , : ' 1 ' hiii Si ntc of l-e C ufederate States shall bp r h ii. T-t'l J,t.o Sa.i toi liom each State, choseli f '' r-'bi tne it ue '.thereof;;, at. the regular preceding the coinmenccj- tirrMt,l WfUewo a-t ,iervi;e; and each Senator sha . f U " t I I.-.. J - - 12 Iiuiti i i tt 1 Mtei ley shall . Ik? AfseintMeu, ui H.ijfiim,- of fhiir-t Ct tiotithey 'shallbe dividI iiSoiiuallk' at may. beinto three elas-sj. The stats af 1 th' Si n U sf( t tf f' tir-r cl iss shall be vacated at" the .'mr ii l i I the s( olid Lfir: of th m-iontl ela.ss. at nir:wi' 1 I tne Ki ol iilie fourth vear : and of tise thiill I ' i- at uiirsp 1 iti m ( I I .c sixtn war; So that -On- All 1 1 111 f. ti v-U sen evt i'V second year ; a 1 Vear ; and if vaoau- rr-sH-n:jiti.i)n nr. otiierwihe uunns tiie rf- 1. OCT iJpwi u lslature. of ah v .State .'the Lxecutie t4un( 1 irt- in dvo t lp 'i iry 'appointments- until ihc 1, t n t nn2 ot the L i I lUire, yhicn snail then I41I ;t'-!i va'-hn''-!' ' ""' Nofutr-oi Mu'l i a Nona for who shi! I! not :hate A.'t 1 11c 1 t c. ol tlnrW iars, and be. a citi2en ot te ht 'Ml I iclrasen.- !r. ii . ; ' - a i 1 I Tl (" i' e T'e-i V1" t of the.fonfederAte States sh:ll ,Vt I r hJc it ol tl e Si n lU , btit'fluUl have no vote, uji- k s tic uf. 1 on 1 d, nit I.' r P v,.,, ,t,Mi lU ( ho se their either olTieers. aiid fl. 1 pfr si 1 i-t- ?o Ui,n-"ic in the absence of tlic Vile -iPvide't-il' rr when he sliall exercise the office of Tre ufiuit ..I tTiu.V Linletlerate States, ' 0 "1 iij Sea ite h ill have the sole power to try il 'u ivuhnuiitb he., lifting for that purpose,; thj-y '! n 1. n itti in lifirpii'ioii. Vrheii the Presidetit i.ttao djted"rate .Stili is tried, the Caief Justice t.li" inside- and no rerun shall be convicted witl r.if th.; 1 (uii mum ot two-thirds of the mem Wis 'iiresent.fi . ; i -. i- 7. Jtid"nw it m Cim t f im r.eachinnt shall not tx- t ml lurihpr tlsin to it'noal from ohice. and .-disquil if itirintrj hold mdeniov my office oi honor, trust r'-H'it, vpdcrfhe Conk 1 -r it cs Stares; but the party d rtieh be liable and subject to (lKtn)euk -tjial, nuUment and puuishmerit, accordih lo taw L 1 i SiC'lOH 4. ' I.' The tune- i-hcii and manjier of holding elf c ft" 11& fjf Sen iters ami Representatives shall be pb ijCMed aiiiieacn tate. ov tne ijei.Miiuue mvn,,.jy id 1 1 the iiroi iior of this Constitution ; but the Gb : cr'.(a t1iv nt nv.v time., bv law. make bt alter siic riula'B-U'i except as to the times and places of chAs 11 'Seiittors Vrlho liiii"-rc-s shall assemble at least o. ice in eyin .if . aiid --uth mtetir.g sh ll be on the first Mindav ii -1 l'nin wior !im1ew thev shall. bv law. aunointaiuirei pnt d iv. I Sec! ion 5 J, UJkh House hill Ik- the jtidge of the election Kifl nnahfication-s if its own members. anl miiontiv Jt etb shill uintitute a ojiorum todt nestj, ; Uifi a snnller nunl.T may adjourn from diy. aidlhiay 1 e authou'ed to com pel the atui of db-JuC member in stioh nviuner and .'wna-MM'slflseach House may provKl ' 2 Kacu Ho.ise ma i rerminejrules of its pre-? cechnf in l'sh it m 'm fraisiirderly behavjyrt, ,vo-thirds of the whole wb'j t! e tom-rrioiKw of tw I niimlH'lh -fttiiel a member S, iLuh lloe-e shall keep a Journal of its riri YeeJinlu ird from time V) time 'publish the same, jes Jio'Hiinrts i-iit-v in tlitir mdjrnient reqmite h t.e - oid navs of i the meinbers i tin'"fli-e on n tM ion. ""-shall, at the desirfe jf o ..ttifsh wt,.H Pie- t, be entered omthe journa. 4 ' VJIiei II Mi. .uiing the-' session "of Congtesb, si ill wiAimd the co sent, of the other, adjuum f . ru To'tfjm tliree das im r to itpy other plaee than tiilt in rh khc two U uws shall. be sitting 1 . f r..- -i . C.-,..u ft ' ' - 1. theBeciKrs nl llepreseutatives' shall recti je n "ri ,t ti tor ucir .services... to be aseertaincti ly in,. Ai , 1 iir t tho treasury of the Confedctake ' 'i 'i i m ill r-nsHs. excent treason mid Uq'Vf tin. iHia e'le pnvilegeil from arrest durir . thtit iateodmc at the session of their respevjtite : 11 ...-! ;..);;. , in in -wi.T ri.turhms Ir-.wn too sain : i i u n r rn i r .thit.p in either Ho'Uso'tLev Sliull nut 1m nn 'oLtin h! in :inv,-other ula;e. 1 UiVI IUT iiU V i ri.V- vn. - T - . . - w 1. 1 2. Ko Senator llqircsentative shall, during the timefcr hic i he was elected, be apix.intcd topuiy tuilolBce'uider he authority ot the. Uoutiuiae btitcs wluc i fchall have been created; -r tne eraotii Yi.. , tJ'UjLir, W.l have been increased during suit "time lM no person hohhng any office Hmh'rti.e Cob- ' wmrKU f-rt.th.nmce iu office. But Cjngre. mtg by. appcrtyiiiig to his deiwrtment. i t, L rmi 7. 1. 'All'bills for raising revenue shall originate io tflie HofiA , R'preseutativi--; but the Senate may prdpfc ?' 'the people of the Confederate States, each State s ' '-;tj oovereisn and imkiiendciit character, in .ton I o i"v" j - rnv, rrj,,t to fie proicipu oiuctr i Jttutwc Iet.artmeuU a s.at upon the floor of either Uoust, m the privilege of discussing any nieasuies Jl WHK Igf WU'U ailK'lKUIirUM W - r VDL. Ii 2. Every Liill which shall have ta.-ied; both Houses. hall,3 before it Incomes a la w, be presented to the rresideni f the Confederate States : if he approve, he fehall sigh it; but: if not, he shall return it with his b- ections t that: House - in which it shall have oriin- Jiated, vffxo shall enter the objections at large on their urnal and proxd to reconsider Jt. If, after such econsiderationj tw(-thirils of that House shall agree to pass the bill; it shall be sent, Ugether with the ob- Jeetions,, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered; iand if approved by two-thirds of that louse if shall become a law. 'But u all. such cases the votes of..both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the: Arsons voting for and Against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House. reiectivlyw If any bill shall not be returned Ivy the president within ten days ! (Sundays excepted) fifter it lhall have been presented - to him, the eanie shall be; a law, j in like manner as if he hail signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return ;n which; ease it shall not.be a law. The Presi dent may approve any appropriation and disapprove iny other appropriation in the same bill.' In such case, lie shall : hi signing the bill, designate the appropria tions disapproved, and shall return a copy of such ap propriations, wit h his objections, to the House in which rehe bill fchall have originated ; and the same proceed- ings - snail men oe nau as in case 01 oiner unis uisap provedby the President. ' 3.- Etery order, resolution or vote, to which the con current! of both Houses' may be necessary (except on ti -question of ailjotirnment) shall be presented to the President of the 0,n federate States; and before the isaftie shall take -effect, shall be approved by him; or f Hieing qiNipprovcd by him, may be repassed by two thirds of both Houses, according to the rules and hmi- ftations prescribed in case of a bill. . ' f - :: -Section 8. ' The Congress shall have power -1. Tp.,la" and collect taxes, duties, imposts and ex cises for revenue necessary to pay ttie. debts, provide for the common defence, and cany on the government of the &mi federate States ; but 'no bounties shall be granted from the Treasury, nor shall any duties or taxes on importations from foreign natious be laid to pro mote of llister :piy briuich of industry ; and. all duties, impost! aiid excises, shall be uniform thoroughout the Confederate States. . 2. Tj borrow money on the credit of the Confede rate Stjitesv. ;')!;: . " '". S. reguliite commerce with foreign nations, and auiong( the sevt'ra States, and with the Indiau tribes ; but nenilicr tlVu;, nor nuy other clause contained in the Ctjhstituriciu, shall: ever be ;' construed to delegate the p iver to' Cuigress to appropriate 'money' for any riiteriiil'infprdveiiient intended t facilitate commerce, except! Ah; the jpurpose of furnishing lights, beacons and bu-ys- and other aids to navigation upon the coasts, and tlJcinnproVement of harbors and the r;moying of obstrultioii.s in river navigation, in' all which cases such ifutiei: shall 'oe lai l on the navigation facilitated thoreliyjas may be necessan' to 'pay the costs and ex-- euse.-i thereof.;-" - - 4. to! establish uniform laws of naturalization, and imiforjiit'paw oil the subject of bankruptcies, thnugli- oiittiii'Criifederate States; but no law of Congres shall 'Uscliarge-iiiiy debt contracted before the passage of l-the so.nre, . . "f ". . . o. To tHiiri m:iey, regulate tile value thereof and of foreign coin, ajid iix. the standard of veightsand mea- ? sun-s.; - j ' -. : '., . ;. 1! 0. To pn iviile for the punishment ..of 'counterfeit- ing thelscciii-itjes and current coin of the Confederate Static. ! ?.. ). ' ' 7. i.Th otablish pst offices and post routes ; but the, expenses of: the Post office Department, after the first day of Mireh in the year of uur. lord eighteen hundred and : ivixty-three, shall be paid: nt of its own re've tihesr . " I, , ... ; I ' . :: -- 8.Tiv prnympte the ! progress of science and useful arts.tW seeuriog for limited times to authors and in- venlrsi the exclusive righV to. their respective writings and discoveries. ., ) ; .9$ '. Vonsttute 'tribunals iuf rior to the Supreme Collft. j . -k ' ' . , - - . " ... 1$: To 'define nnd ptinish piracies and felonies com mited on tlie jhigh seas, and ofieuces agaiiist the law o' nations. " j 'ii'-. .:' ! ' '. 1 1.. To declare war,' grant letters of marque and re prisal, ;ahd make rules eouccrning ." captures on Jai.d and; water. , !... ... Y '"." ';, ; ' .; ' : 4?l'.itrais4 and support armies ; but iu appropria tion!iof)fmotiiA to that use shall be for a longer term tiian tv.M years. ': :.,. ' N. ! .. 1?..; -fo provide ami maintain a navy. ; lji'-ltd! maie rules for government, and regulation of the 4and and naval forces. ; ' l)tfo proyide for calling 'forth the militia' to. exe cuttij the lawsW -the Confederate States, suppress in surrections and. repel invasion.; ' lb, To profiiie fof; organizing, arming and discip lining the nnlitiaancl for governing such part of them' as ifiAy be employed in the service of the Cohfed- rate States!; reserving to the States, respectively, the ap pointment of the"fficers and the authority of training tlmf niSlitia amirdinir to the disciMiue prescribed by ..... T ' . . . Congress. 1 "i .";..: ' ; . " . UTiU'o exercise exclusive jegislatiiin; iu all cases whatsoever, ver such. district (not exceeding ten miles 'squWrj; as mdy, by cession of one or more States and thef acceptance of Congress, .'become the seat of. the; goifcrnhieut of the Chfinlerate States ; and to exercise liki authority over all places purchased by the consent of he Legislature of the State in which the same shall be.fojr:the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards and ot icr needful buildings : and 8. :To mlike all laws ..whicli shall be necessary and pTcjptr jW carrying into execution the foregoing pow er i', and all ;ither powers vested by this Constitution in th govern njjeiit of the Confederate States, or in any department f otiiJer thereof . ., 7M" -i " !1. The ini porta fom any fireign c J States', or Territorit OCCUOH V. ... titiun of neirroes of the African race countrv other than the slaveholding tjites. oi- lerntones ot the united btates ot America, isjhere'oy frbidden ; and Congress is required to pass suph: laws as sliall effectually prevent the same. -Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introduction of slaves from any State not a member o4 or Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy. ;3i FTl'ie 'privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall nqt pe suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or inV dil i asion the public safety may require it. 1-4; '-jN'o bi'll of ivttaincr, or ex post facto lawj or law hinging or. impairing the' right of property in negro ii vM shall! le .passd. 1 W, So- capitation or other direct tax shall tie. laid imles in 'pfojxirtion to the census or enumeration here ihliefoje directed tdl)e taken. jC. JNo; tajx or duty shall be laid on articles exported from; any j State, "except, by a, vote of two-thirds4of b!th houses. ' . 7. s!No preferences shall le given by any regulation off cotumeiie or revenue to the ports of .one State over- those ol anliitfier. I 8. ' No nioney shall be drawn from 'the treasury, but hi cohscquerice of appropriations made by law ; and a r4gu5artatement and account of the receipts and ex pplidituresjof all public nioney shall be published from time to tinje. . ' : 9. C ngress shall appropriate no money from tho treasury except by a vote of two-thirds of both houses, tkeu by yeas and J nays, unless it be asked and est i niated tor hy so.i.e one of the heads of department, and siibinittedj to Congress by the President; or for the purpose offpaying its own expeuses and contingencies ; or for 'the paymeut of claims against the Confederate States, thej justice' of which shall have beeu judicially ' 'deviated by a tribunal for the investigation of claims a 'aitist thf .gVvernihent, which it is hereby made the dirty of Congress to establish. -i io. All bills appropriating nioney shall specify hi federal currency the exact amtnint of each appropria-ti-m and. -the purposes for which it is male ; and Coiigresa 'jehall gsaut no extra compensation to any public Contractor, ofiicer, agent or servant, alter sucii ctitract shall have been made or such service ren- iicred. .. ." .' 111, Noi title of nobility shall be granted by Uie Con federate States ; and no person holding any office f profit or trust under them, shall, without the coweut RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAT. ! JULY 3, 1861, of the Congress, accept of any present emoluments, office or title of any kincT whatever from any kiug, prince or foreign State. 12. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and petition the government for a redress of grievances. 13. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ? 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quar tered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a maaner to be prescribed by law.- !" " . I -,. . ;'. - "..f; - 15. The. right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against ! unreasona ble searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon" probable jcause, sup ported by oath or affirmation, and particularly de scribing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. - 1 f ' -. - 16. Ko person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cjises arising in the land or naval forces, or in ; the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger.; nor shall any person Be subject for the same, offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or linib,' nor be, compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor le deprived of life, liberty, or; property, without due process of law ; nor shall pf i irate prop erty be taken for public use without just compensa tion. ' 1 " . - . - j - '- - . . ':.' 17. In ail criminal 'prosecution! the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial,; by an im partial jury of the State aud district wheFeid the crime shall have been ' committed, which -district shall have been previously ascertained by law1, land to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; . to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his' defence- I ' j ' . 18. In suits at ro'mmdn law, where the value in .-controversy shall exceed twenty dollars:,! the right of trial by jury sha.l be preserved; and no' fact so tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined iri any court of the Cmfederafy "than according to the rules of the common law. -ji ! 19. Excessive , bai shall not Ikj required,! nor exces sive fines imposed; nor cruel and unusual punishments infiided. ' . - '. Hi- 20. KverN' law or resolution having the force of law s.hall relate to but 'one. subject, and that shall be ex pressed iu the title. Section 10. 1. No State shall enter into any treaty' laUiance, or confederation; grant letters of marq tie : aiid reprisal; coii money'; make an'thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attain der, or ex jtost facto law, or law impairihglthe obliga ti m of contracts; or grant any title rf nobility. - 2. No State shall, without "the consent of the 0n griiss. lay any' inijosts tir duties on ini ports and ex ports, except what may be absolutely, necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the net(j produce of all duties! and imposts, laid by any St,te! on imports or exerts, sliall be for the use of the treasury of tlie "(iiiifederate States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Cmgress. j I 3. Ko Stat shall, without the consent of Gmgress, lay any duty of tonuage, except on sea-goiug vessels, i the jiiipruveiiicnt or .tu -ri- nA Ivirl irs "navilia ted by the said vessels'; but such duties' shall not coW "diet with auy treaties of the Confederate States with foreign nations; and any surplus of rejvenue thus de rived shall, after making such improvement, be pa'.d into the commo-; treasury ; nor shall kny State keep troops .or ships of war; in time 01 peacep enter mto any a' reeinent or Compact with another Swte, -or with a reign ' power, or engage in war, unless -actually inya id. or in such 'imminent d;uirer as willliot a'dniit of ' fol ie oe i !av. But when anv-rtver divides or hows UirourIi tiv E. or more States, thy may enter into compacts i m . ii . .v.r :.. : . v r w eacn tuner to improve me uaviKiioii: ineieoi. AttTie'LK II. hcviiuil jl. ' J; , 1. The .executive pow'-r shall be vested in a I'rcsi- iletit of the Confederate States of America. lie aud th( Vice President shall hold their oftljes for the term of feix- years ; but the President shall hot be re-eligible. The President and Vice. President shall .be elected as ibliliws: ' ' '- . ! ;, 2. Each State shall appoint , m such.mailner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa- : tivesto wjiich the State may be entjitled.iin the Con gress; but no Senator or represenpuivq, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the Confeder ate States, shall be appointed au elector.. ' , 3. The electors shall meet in thciif respective States and vote by; ballot, for President ahd Vice President, 'me of .'whom, at least, shall not bjj'ah inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they shall name in I their ballots the person voted for asj President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for (as 1 Vibe President, ami they shall make distinct lists rojf all persons voted for as President;, and of all persons voted for as Vice President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, i the government of the Confederate States, directed ! to the President of the Senate; the President of the Senate shall,, in the presence of the! Senate and House of representatives, open .all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the jperson having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a ma orityjof the whole nmnlier.of electors appointed , ami if no person have suck majority j then, from the persons having the high est numbers, not exceeding three, Jn the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately by ballot, the'-' President. . j iJut jn chKiiig the President the votes shall be taken 1 by Sfcites, the rejiresentation from each State having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States-, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, wheuever the right !f choice shall" devolve upon them, before the 4th day of March next following, then the Vice President shall' act as Presi dent.' as in case of the death b other constitutional lisability'of the President. ' ; ! 4. .The person having the greatest! number of votes as Vice President shall le the Vice Presdent, if such utimlier be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall ehtMise: the Vice President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist jf two-thirds of the whole number of Sen ators, and a majority of the whole number shall be ne- esary to a choice. ' ' : . .' .' . . ' v . -5. , put ha person constiiutionally Ineligible to the' Kice of I'resident shall be eligible to that of Vice Pres ident of the Confederate States. , i j" G. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day-shall be the same j throughout the Confederate States. " ' ! I1 V j 7. No person except a natural borri citizen ' of the Confederate States, or f citizen thereof .at the time ot the adoption of this. constitution, or a citizen thereof Ixirn in the United States prior to the .20th of Decern-" ber, i860, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attain d the age of thirty-five years, ioid been fourteen years a resuieut within the limits of the Cimfedcrate States, as may exist at the time of his election. :...... - -.; 'j : .,.: 8. In case of the removal of the f President . from office, Tr of his death, resignation, or iuability to dis charge 'the pjwers and duties of the paid office, the same shall -devolve .on the Vice President ; and the Congress may, by law, provide for the case of re moval, death, resignation, or inability both of the Pres ident and Vice President, declaring What officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accord ingly until the disability be removed or a President shall be elected. - I ; i k 0. Thei Itesldeut shaH at stated times, receive tor his services a compensation, which shall neither be iu crtased n6r diminished during the periotl for which he shall have been elected : and he shall not receive with in that period any other leinolument from the Confed erate Statesor any of them. I , 10. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmati.011 " I do solemnly swear; (or affirm) that I will faith fully execute the office of President of the Confederate States, and will, to J the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defeud the Constitution thereof." . t f ! i ' i f&ctirm 9 . 1. The President shall be! commantler-in-chief of j the army and navy of the Confederate States, and of -: the militia of the several States, when palled into the actual service , of the.; Con federate States ; he may re- j quire the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer j in each of the Executive Departments, upon any sub- j Ject relating to the duties of their iwpective offices. ! and he shall have power to grant reprieves and par dons for offences against the Confederate States, ex cep in cases of impeachment. 2. He jshall have the power, by and with the ad vice and Consent of the Senate, to make treaties, pro vided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; .and he shall nominate, and ! by aud with the advice aud consent of the Senate,! shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Su preme Court, and all other officers of the Confederate States, whose appointments! are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law;, but the Congress may, :!by law. vest the appointment of such Inferior officers as they thiuk proper, in' the , President aloneiu the courts of kviv ?or in the beads of departments. : . j ; ; j ! I 3. The principal officer in each of the executive de partments,' (and alt persons connected with the diplo matic service, may be removedfrom office at the plea sure of the president.; All ptlicr. civil! officers of tlie Executive Department may be removed at auy time by the President, or other appointing power, when 1 their services are urinecessary, jor for! dishonesty, inca pacity, ipeffieiency, misconduct, or neglect of duty ; and when Wi removed, the removal .shall be reported to the StfnatcS, together with the reasons therefor. 4. The President shall have power to fill all vacan cies that; may happen; during the recess of the Senate, by granting! c'ommissidiis which shall expire at the4 end of their hcxt session ; lut no . person rejected by the Senate shall be reappointed to the same othce du nn? their ensuing recess. ' - .1 I :" -. Y i Sn-fiAn 3 1. The President shall from time to time, give.t i the Congress! informatirin of the state of the'Confed eracv. and "recommend to- their consideration such measure as he shall !:jddge; necessary and expedient ;. he mayi on! . extjraorduiaryj oacasions, conveue botlv' uousi's, jtr euiier 01 iiieiu ; uiit in.-ease 01 tusagree mentibejtween them, with irespect to the time of adjournment- he may adjouni them to such time as he shall thhik proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public ministers.; he shall j take care that the laws' be f!a.itb fully .exoeutevi'. and 'shall! commission 'all the officers of the Gin federate States, j . ' j : ; ' ! ; Sec! Ion 4. j ; -1. Tile President Vjce' President, and all civil offi cers of the Gn federate States, shall be removed from office od impeaclinient jl'ir, and conviction of treason, bribery or other high erj nies and misdeanors. - j j I AUTiciiim Section 1. ' 1. iThei judiciKl ; pOAVer jof the; Cop federate States shall bej ilcsted in hue Superior Court, and in such in ferior cl'urbj as the Congress may frm time to time . ordain and 'establish. I Tifo jti Iges, both of the Su- uiU' intcnor courts, jsuaji 11010 rneir. .oma viu ring ()!mI liehavi(ir, aniii;sha!l,! at stat'etl times, receive for thei services ti cbihpe;s;iiion, which shall not be di'minis ie duruig th.Mf 'COiitimiaaee 111 office. 1 I'! i ' .S'. r. fi. 2. -! - 1. Ti e itidK'iaii lMj'Ver l snail, extend to all cas. s arising ulider tliis'Constitiitioii, the laws of the Ga St;ktcH, ;apd dreatfes made, or which shall be federate made uhder! their s.uthontf ; to all cases affecting arn- 1 . 1 i. : 1,1 ' . ..'..1.': i i'.;1:. .: ,t..-. ...1 .... M oassau'irs. tinii ..iimiti;; auiuisuis huh eunsuis: uu iu -admiraltvaud!iiniiHtime jurisdiction ; to con troversies to which the? Coid ederate States' shall he a a,rty ; j to controversies ibptween two or more States; betweeh a State and citizens of another State where l the Stae,.is!plaiutifF; betwe-en !-citizonis claiming lands under grants of different 5tates. and: between a State or the citizens thereofj and foreign States, citizens Or subjejygbutTiOi jStatt jsljall Ije suet I by a citizen or subject: of any foreign Stae. "':-. ;" 2.. Ifi all 'eases artectih ambasad!orsC other public ministers ;aiid. consuls and those m- which a Stale shall lie. a party,, the Supreme Gairti shall have origi nal jurisdiction. - ;In ai the other casts tiefore men tioned the Supreme Court shall .. hatfe appellate juris diction both as to law- avjd tact, with such exceptions and under such! regulations as the Gmgress shall make. . ' . . : I j. j . ; .j ' ' 3. 'Hie trial of all criijies, except in cases 4' iin peachiieht,! shall.be by jhry, and such trial shall be held in; the State .where the sard jc-rimts shall have been committed ;! but -when not committed within any Statethe trial shall by a( such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed!. ; I- :''.! '". ! Section 3. . j,; 1. Treaspn against the- Gn federate States shall con sist only in levying war against them,- or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and- comfort. No person sliall be convicted', of treason unless on the tes timony of jtwo witnctwsjto the saine uveit act, or on confession in open court.'. '' T ' 2." The Gmgress iihall ' have poiver to declare the punishment of treastwii, l)ut no attainder of treason shall work corruption ofj blood or- forfeiture, except during the life of the jxrson attained. f' . j : article iv. Section 1. 1. Full rfaith and f crldit shall be given in each State to the public acts, fecords and judicial proceed ings of J every other State. '; And the Cougresi may, by general laws prescribe the mariner iu wch such acts, records and! proceedings shall be pr'7ed, and the effeet thereof. I 1 I ' : ' , ' . ' Section 2. - . f c 1. Tlie citizens of eacli State shall oe entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the sever al States, and shall h'avv the right! of transit and so journ in any State of this rJonfederacy, with their slaves and other . property ;,';and the right, of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired. ! 2. A person charged, fn liny State witl treason, fel ony, 'jor other crime against the lijws of such State. "who shall' flee (nm Justice and be found iu' another Stat4, shall, on demand of the executive autorityof the State from which he fle, be delivered up to be re moved, to the State 1 having! jurisdiction of the crimo. 3. ; No slave or otlfer! ferson held to service or labr in any State orlTerritjory of the jConfederate States, tinder -the laws thereof escapiug jor lawfully carrietl, into anotlicr. shall in consequence of any law or regit- lation therein, Ik: discnargou irora sucu service or la bor! but shall . be Ueli veredj up on claim of the party to whom such slaves LelonJ or to whom su;h service or labor may be due 1 IB', ilrj :- :.- - Section Z. 1. Other States mal be Admitted into this Confel- eracy by a vote of tw.ithmls of the whole House of Representatives and tjivo-thinls 6f ithe Senate, the Senite voting by States but no j new State shall lie formed or erected ivitlihi tlie: jurisdiction of auy nther State i nor any Statp lii formed by the junction of two or more Statesor parti ; of States,! without the consent of the Legislatures of the States, concerned, as well as of the Congress. . ; j . : 2. The Congress, shall have power to dispose of and make all need fnl mles and regulations concerning the property of the Gmfederatc States, including ..the., lands thereof. . : 'i - ! "f ' " '- ': ' 3. The Confederate Stafxs may acquire new territo ry,! ahd Gmgress sha! havii poiver, to legislate and provide governments for the inhabitant! of all t.rri t ry belonging to tlie jConfedcrate States lying with out the limits of tho-several States, and may permit them,' at such times and Jn such kuanner as it may by law provide, to form the States to be admitted into the confederacy, i In all such territory the institution of negro slavery! as it now! exists in the lonfederate States shall be recognized and protected by Oongrc and by the territorial government, and the inhabitant? '-. '" . - i : ';:'!';-ii!.i !' I.' ' : - '- ! - - . ... ... - - . aV ' 1 1 ' 1 - ' -. 1 f,e several Coufederatd jStates and Territories shal nMl?inr u e P territory and slaves law of Ll r Jhe clQ an of the Stat8 or Territorie of tlie Cmfederate States c:; T''e,"(ederate Stotes shall guarantee to every State that mw is or hereafter may become a member of tins Wederacy a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of ?them ncralnsh invi,. on application of the LegMature (or of the Executive J tuC uegi31aiure is nut m session against domes tic; violence. .: -, - ' . : !; :- ' .-' . ABTICLE V. SerftW 1. L fe" I thtJ demand 'of any three States legally assembled m their several, conventitxns, the Conga-ss snail summon a Convention of all the States, to take into consideration such amendments to the eonstitu tion is the said States shall concur! in snggestin at the time when the said demand is made, and should i any ot the proposed amendments to the constitution j be agreed on by the said convention votin by States and the 6ame be!i ratified bv the Tmvir of two-thirds pf the several States, or by conventions iii two-thirds thereof as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the geueral conven tion they shall henceforward form a part of this Constitution. But no 1 States shall, without its con sent, be deprived of its equal wp'resentatidn in : tbs Senate. v Ms, , '..''-... ARTICLE VI. ' 1. The Government5 establishetl bv the Omstitution is the successor of tlie! provisional government of the Confederate States of Anierica, and all the laws pass ed by the latter shall contaiuo in force uutil the siinif shall be repealed or nvxtijSed ; and all the officers ap pointed by the same shall remain in office until their, successors are appointed iand qualified,, or the offices abojished V ' - . j ; j ... 2. Wl debts, conflicted: and engagements 'entered mto Wfore the adopti d jef this constitution shall be as valid aganist'ti.e tljhfetlerate States under this constitution as under the? provisional government. 3. This c-.aiiititution, tod the laws of the Confeder ate States, made in persuance .thereof, and all trea ties made, .or;whieh shall jl made .under'the authori .ty of the Confederate States,; shall be the supreme law of the land ;! and the,' iikL'es in everv Stafe sh;ill -h bound thereby, anything; in the constitution or laws' ui'ituy otrtie 1,0 me contrary laitwitiistandjng. 4. Tim Senators and Representatives before men tioned, and the members pf the several State Legisla tures, and all (executive ja-nd judicial officers, both of the C' federate State' and of the several States, shall ho botirid by oath tir jartirmation to supjiort this con stitution, but no religou's W shall ever lie ttr,uitt 1 n qua ihcation to any tiffice or public tr i Cnfeleiate States. I ; j ' I trust under; the o. 1 lie enumeration, sin the constitution .f f...rf..;.v ts, shall not Le jconstrued to deny or disnara others retained by the) people of the several States, " A i rT; 6. I he "powers.-u.jtdelegated to the Confederate States by the, ctiiistitiitfn, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to tfie States, respectively, or to t he : people thereof. j; ,: ' j iltTICLE VII. v T. The ratification! of the Conventions of five States shall be sufficient fir the, establishment of this consti tution between the Spates so ratifying the same. 2. When five States Hliall have ratified this consti tntion, in the manner vj-'fore ' specified, the Gmgress under provisional constitution shall prescribe the time for holding the election of President and Vice Presi dent: and for the meeting of the. Electoral O.lhw- j and for counting the votes aud inaugurating the Presi- rriv ..sliall also iMe-icril w tr K.J.i:-r j the first election of members of Congress under this j constitution, and the time for assembling the same, j. Until, the assembling of i-such Congress, the Congress j ' under the provisional constitution shall continue, to 1 exeivise the legislative powers granted them, not ex j tending beyond the time limited by the constitution of the provisional g ivemment. . .Adopted unanimously,; March 11, 1S61. .. :. ' ' J. Q. PE CARTERET , i , , ,JOH ARMSTRONG. NORTH-CAROUyA BOOK BIXDERY, (OVER THE N. C. HOOK STORE.) DeCarterct; & Armstrong nOOk' BIXflEIiS AND BLANK BOOK MASUFAC ! TVRERS, . ' RALEIGH, N. C ' Jan. 23, 1 ; :. 1 ly ED. GRAHAM nATWOOn, COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, ... ; ' RAtfitUH, X. C, Will attend the Count .y! and Superior Courts of Wake, Johnston and Chatham ; the Superior Courts of New Han over and Saitipson, and 'tKe Terms of the Federal Courts and Supreme Court of North-Carolina, at Raleigh. . Orlicc, the one formerly .occupied by the late Hon, Wil liam II. Havwood, jr. j ;i Jan. 26, 1861. i S - 17 ly . ! :Ht 7 7- - . B. M00RE, i i t ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' j , SALlSBCRY. V. C, Will practice in the Courts of Rowan and adjoining coun ties. Collections promptlV uiade. Jan. 26, 1851. ' I ! 17 ly R. H. rilCKlSSOX. ( S. B. HILL. C. B. HILU DICKINSON, HILL & C0n ArCTIOXEERS, NORTH CORNER Of FRANKLIN AND WALL STS.,' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Attend particularly to the selling of slaves at public and private sale. j A - ! Aug. '28, 186a.. . j- - Kf.-!r' - ; , . ly GREEJiSBORO! Mutual Life Insurance and Trust Company :-4This Company offers inducements to the public which fewjpossess. It is economical in its management, andiproinjjt in the parment of its losses. ' The insured for life ard its members, and they participate in its profits ; not ohlyii the premiums paid in, but also 'on a large and increasing desposit capital kept in active operation, -j j. J.jl K ' j A dividend of 67 per, cent., at the last Anual Meeting ot the Company, was declared, and carried to the credit ot the life members of thei. Company .. Those desiring an insurance upon their own lives, or the lives of their slaves, will please address ' . - -'., - A ItiV . D. P. WEIR. . j ' .. I 3if . '.;.. Treasurer. ! Greensboro', Feb.jlJ 1859. 11 ly. N F. RIVES L C04 wholesale and retail Drug- gists, have and jwill keep on hand a full supply of all such articles as ar? jisually found in a First Class Drug House. They will conducs th business on a large and liberal scal'iharingaraple experience, force and facilities for doing so, and hope! by their promptness, energy and untiring efforts to please, to secure the liberal patronage of tbuif friends and the public generally, i The Prescription Department will be under the immedi ate supervision of" orieiibf the-firm, both day and night. Orders will be attended to with neatness and despatch. ' r ? i , . F. RIVES, M. D. i M i WALTER C. JORDAN. . . 5 tf. 1 - : ' JGS. CNRR. ATA SSI OX HOUSE, . jyji ' WltHI TWO IICSCRED YABDS Or THE DEPOT. Now open for the" reception of TRANSIENT CUSTOM and BOARDERS. 1 Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. ': -fi : H L. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. '. Jan. 7,1861. !""i!.: 1;-' 12 tf- SUBSISTENCE DEPARTilEST, ; u I . j- KALtiaH;Mavv25th, 1861. Sali"d proposals will he received at this Department for the delivery of good tnerchanUble flour, at any railroad depot within the State in quantitiea not le than ttcenty- fice barrel, until loth Of July, Ibbl, " 'a ' Pi onosals should be endorsed " Proposals for flour, and addressed to the Commissary G.neraL" JQHXSTp; I. ii .CommUvarg (leneraJ. ' May 29. 186.L '.!,--'-,'- '" ' , tf COMMITTED to Jail. In the town of Sallsbnrj Rowan countv, by Corneliiu Kestler, a negro slave? wh savs h j is a runawavv and belongs to James Fuller and savs hi name is Frank. Tbb boy is about twenty-one or two" rears old, about! six feet high, of rather a light-dark color, had on browa w oolen clothes, badly torn, appears to be bor of good quality, and a number one negro. Th owner will come for blip, pay charge, and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with acwrtW to law. ' W.-A. WALT02 .- I ?! Sheriff of Rowas county. f51a4, 1861. , , - v ' " u 1 1 . . . TEBM8; FOB ADVK RT1SIX0. r ' p- '' "'.' y '-'---""" ' .'" ; -.r. One .quare, flrrt insertion, .v......:.......l.ob EhtttbieqiintineerUon,.w. ' w (Fonrteen lines or under make a square.) : CbntrcU will be enured into with rearlr. hltvri - and quarterly adrerti-er, at a reduction front the abor. , rates. No fodaction fro the rejular rate, for adrertbemeaU inserted in the Weekly EdiUon. 1 All Ldrertiaemenu ontt lm?nii , tn W tity of common wrapping paper "wyt quaa-. H. W. IIUSTF.D, Treasurer. v Ualeijh Retrister. Greenabom' TiJ- w l'tiSm . oat, Gold.boro' Tribune and A& EDGEW0RTII FEMALE SKMIXART, i his institution .has been in Huccessful operation for twentv4 PricS af Wnderit.relS Th0 course of Instruction is desijrned to afford to South- V ern Parents an Institution in whicfican beaecured everv 0 couTry? 6d b the Tarj 8t Female , Th4 Faculty 'liT-Trns-Rv8-tlt.utl0n ia.nJ. bas been TIIOROCGUtT wreensoorongn is eminenUy healthv. atid in th nMun excited state of the country, lu geographical position rea ders it a ouiet aitd safe retreat . . x The: next Session will commeuce August 1st, 1861 1 f 1 For Catalogues containing full particulars of terms, Ac PPJ to j RICH A Kl) STERLING, Principal; : June 26. wreensoorougn, A. C NOTICE. 'T'AKE.V up nnd committed to the Jail of Meek- Kiivurp county, on tne tu flaf of September last, a identify him. The owner is hereby notified to' coma for ward, provd property, pay charges and take him awav,' oth -rwise on the !)th day of Septenaber.next. he will be e'x- v., fumn mic, u pay iees, as inn iiw directs. 1 '' ' -W. W. GRIER, , . Sheriflrqf Mecklenburg couutr v jii ij, loot..- ia 1S60J v SPRING TRADE. N. F. UIYKS & (0. 16I. W HOLEbAtE DRC00ISTS, E AR5ESTLT Invite the merchants of VlrzlnU h .orth-Carohna and. Teunessae, to examine their ex- tensive stock of Diugs, i Chemicals,. -ils,. I r ' Dye Stuffs. Window Glas, ; Patent Medicines, S eds, j f. Spicos, : . . ' , F. Perfumery, Fancy Articles. Brusaos of all kind, Tobacco, ; Cigars, Knuif, ' Puro Medical Wines Iirandiev, Gins, Ac Having Iacil.ties ansurnswii hv mr linnm in h they !teti autrronzed lit saying they can, and will sell all goihls in their line of buiiut.'!s, at sm.-h low prices u cannot : tail to give entire satisfaction. Ord-jrs will be promptly att-.-nded to.l -All goods ut from their establbhnient. war- raiueu as rupres-.-nura Dv tnem. I'::' '.' RIVES A CO.,'"' Wholesale Drugeists, Petei-hburgjTa. ' ' : 12 tf. Dh. N. Fi Rives, AlTKlt B. JOKllAS, Jo SEPH CAtB. FURNITURE: FURNITURE!! A I FRED 0VEUTI RK, havlrt? reihovetl to the XX. llargt;, new and extt'tuivo baildiug on Sycamore street,, nearly opposite Donnun. 4fc Johnson, has purchased tha inobtfeuperior and extensive tot-k of Furniture ever exhib ited ih the city, to which ho invites the ajtention of house-! keepers and others in want of superior articles in his lino pledging entire satisfaction iii quality and price. HU stock is coiiiposed of SofiM, Divaiis, Parlor chairs, Mahogany wa.idriibes, 'and Buiik ca.-.-..', Mai We top Bureaus; Centre Tablesl Spring and oth-r Bedsteads, Sociables, Ac. H will aljio maktj to onh r any article iu Lis linn, as he has ' some ot the best workmen in the city in his employ, lie solicits a call from hu friends and the public. He will pay particular attention to the Undertaking De partment, lor which purpose he w ill keep a trood assort- in attendance .on 'funeral occasions a careful driver and good heaiW. ''- .''-' Petcrvliurg. Va., April ?,'180. " ' ly. ' A iTrIV ALfTol KutYlVRTcka. V WAWS and BUGGIES, made' expressly lor Virginia and North-Carolina. Thev ret if th? latest st vie and supe rior worknianPhip. Al, .A'l) l)L ES and II A R'N ESS of tha be.rit material, and of wy own.' manufacture. Call and sea 111 y stock bM'oi u purchasing elew liere. j j a. c. Harrison; . I No. 123 Sycamore strn't, Petersburg, Va." April. 1SI-.0. t ; J ly. :. REMOVAL, i . .':! ..- -i ' x ... .6 , .. ,. .. - .,- (iEORHE L BIDUOOI), t 1 HiKiKSELLEK, Aeut Methodist Depository, i 'RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. " WOULD respectfully Inform his friends and the public, that he ha removed to the store f ; NO. 161 MAIN STREET. : 'Recently occupied by Mr. Chrts; . Gwatkin, nnd one door below .Messrs. Kent, Pain A Go. jllis stock of ',. BOOKS.) STATIONERY, ANU FANCY ARTICLES, will compare favorably with any house South, no has se lected with great care a splendid assortment of stationery, to suit the moat fastidious. A collection of choice MIS CELLANEOUS, STANDARD AND TK0L001CAL WORKS, of the newest editions, and indeed the latest popu lar, moral publications as s'oii as publihHi. The trade can be supplied with our own own Bonks upon the same terms as at the Nashville bouse. For terms, see " Catalogue, which will be furnih-d gratis. , Mfirehai.ts, Ministers, Colpoi teurs and Consumers, wil find it to their advantage to patronize the Depository. The store has been elegantly and comfortably fitted up with a view to the easy conduct of the business, as well as tha comfort and ea.e of tlie customer. Also polite and accom modating clerks are employed. ? Orders will be faithfully "and promptly attended to. Don't forget the place! No. 161- Main street, one diKr below Kent, J'ain A Co's.J COLLEGE HOTEL TnK Undersljrned having takei charee of th X houses formerly occupied as a ienfale College In tp city of Raleigh, on Hilkboro' street, l yaros v Capitol, towards tha N. C. IKpot, and having ?Zl - irrnr if HOTEL and BOARDING west of tha opened tha respectfully solicits the patronage of the TRAVELING public.: .- . U.i Hillsboro street is noted ror gooa waier, ana ormuu.u. shade during the summer months. The Proprietor deigus keeping a House for BOARDERS, during the summer and fall months for FAMILIES, who can have the benefit of the Mineral Water from the Kirkham Spring, which is eoualtoany in the State in ' medicinal properties, and w-hich is well known to all who have tried the water. The public are respectfully solicited to call and judgi for themselves, as proinises Jan. 26,1861. ' 1?tf rXCi SEWIXtt M ItU I ES..The pYT $tJ O DU Sewing Machine works with two threads making double lock stitch, which will not np or ravel, even if very fourth stitch bi cut. It sows equal Iras welt tha ,ai4st Linsoy or th fin-t Muhlin, and is undeniably tb TShin, in market. Merchant Tailors, Mantua Maker. n d Housekeepers, are iuvitea to can ana examuir vu.- ClMrt P. A.i Wilson. Merchant Taif or, Winston, N. C. having tried other machine., buys one of the Quaker City, , : for i-.ttfr than anv before in .use. All persons wishing to s -cure the aney tor the sale ot he Quaker Citv machine, in any ol the towns in Nortb. Carolina, except in the county of Wake, which is m-ura to Messrs TuTker A Co., of Raleigh, and thi county FoTe'tienb roisj uic, w. . , , . Kt ttL U will par uvnn to ma nnnerfiEie- oi.n - a n-asonable penvnt. to all peraons Uking fff'-n"- t j a r-awnaoit pvr j7 A F. GAKRETT, Agenta, ; Greensboro', N. C, Feb. 2nd, -. '' - i Lixn FOR SiLE The fcabscrlber whhln? U ; moveMctbw,,t, offer, for sale ' on hich he now resides. I;ing eightwile. aoatb Kaleb. and on mile uorth of Hand's m?ll on the waters ofSwift "iSW in a healthy and ftcgh Und Sd and ligVU of cultivation for a fo-f Ian'' cXT lSZ'SZ c Ihalf alternately. There U urn jiorw wm, v.m .T ' ; j.. ii: ". . uM the roon th w .1 F.T further particulars address JOHN M1TCHENER, r luhnm. W aWc Co.. S. C October 13, 18tW. tf.-. "VTORTn-CAROLISA MILITABF BlTTOXSj-.-Tlie l " Gi)tdboro mat.'.' baring rocnrsi a cuiple set of Diea of the SUte Arms, are prepared " fmntUk Unttoaa for ail the North-Carolina MUitary Ci.uipn.., at 34 pet um than thev can be pur chased elsewhere. All pplioationa'moj.t be made Ui the Captain, j ' . iL D. C RATON, Goldslro. .X V. J lllsHfl. - - i W V "ft-f -".' bt uia name is - Jim, and mat hu mas "f1"''"" Worthy," living in Gaston coanty, . Ci Said boy is of medium heighth, very black and haa vi pii uman UH 'Uif encn-nn mtrl. . tract .food two swvy -f - ..it liinie el IT lit b, ana a pasepicni, , with 4 e necessary outhoo 01 i-re . , . ell of excel ent water m uie '.7 , , V..lfi -"ia th., trrowth of Corn. CfrHtbu Vht ats. f' 1:! (It ! M 1 I.' 1 ,i m ;t! .: U ."1 " ' - 1 :. 1 I ' f ,f jr. .! ' . . ". .. i 9 " !

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