w r f ti T r 1 rl,;" 1 gptfltcfjoiirnol. ; t-: ' ' y Kyy "-vtT7-y y " ' ..': .'-..' ' y" --':" - 1 TERMS FOR ADVERT IS I JIQ One square, first insertion,. ..$1.00 ; bn iftlSlEH TO TII STATE- Each subsequent insertion,.... (Fourteen tinea or under make a square.) B. ff3I; boBISPOX,' Assistant Editor. flyi'E . ' T E M S: -f "v::: ; Y EIUTI03T, per annum, VSk. X 1nrariablv in Advance.) ,$4 .2 The SoutLern Bepublic. t$VfAfctfatiion of tic Confederate States yyyy , of Glutei M-i. . ..... .;- ; I I' H; the Confederate States, "each State I Mtfijtn ai:d indq -orient character, an f'3aJ6Vannt. federal govertw(ect,- estab- trsnlves at. bur p wtefitjr--n- fa$itVfch$t this Constitution for the GjniWle- . 1. rfe v .vm-icus I. Seciu. . L'ii'ivfc :jpowerherem delegated y f 'M ress f , the -Confederal shall be ate States, If Stiom 2. .: ;" yk-L illise lf ftep'reseutativos' shall be composed fevhs SibWy secolid year by the people of (iMv!-7;Vii-4.:Jv:A- 't. tor-ton. in touch State shall " . :Uiv i Nruti' -: (ii.u v n 1 ttie CWfeiicr ite States, atid have the qual- f.r o!eet.rs of the 41 - - jt mmm ; vol. i.o ' ' a . . , j . j r I' . ' i; ! 'No. 6 T ' ' J-'' ' - RALEIGH. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 17. 1S61J : 8hatlf before it l)ctmes a law, be presented to the PretiJent f the Gin federate States ; if he approve, he shall ksn it: bu? if not. he shall return it with his .b- m'-fet numerous ; V j, a S-af e ,I!"islatnre: but no 'person of . " ; fy v i ...... 4T5, --t,;?! nrilUX. J : - I',..- f&n:fihulbc arepres-tative tttiwel thetaSG of twehty'itri: tj si i all not iii4 be a iXi wSi shall not, IjlJ-ui Siati in which ft! i-.jsen- yes ami unuci iura omi "it" R. i 't nUdU)! 1 T l I 1 ITS iVliVt VUIVW .v --r &Li,i:th,.'-v(Ta- States wiacli may be' include WW 'i'i'i: - a 4.i4 .t.tf inviw.r irA dotcriiniiod by adding to the' ''Jiiuto. of &.w peiinsf . incladiug those bound nice icr a wnii in yyiw , ;uw im-iwim v..... VU; fkVfi!tbV- Of all slaves, lie aciuai enu- t , u .within r nvpA Viar fiirpr tjir -C--.:W;rtfoi th?Nis:ress of tie-Confederate bUtes, ?lT! t bv law. dir-t. Tiie-rmnvberof "ti uteye'rv u'q ent tcrp1 ten years, in sue !;..' 'sliai!, by law, direct. Tiie-numtje'r foi-iHvfo v shall' hot-exceed onv fitfvery: lilt ft-:. n.4vi;irt,-kcli -State -611:111 nave ac ieaii-.one rcyre JfiV- ant -i.intU' rucn emuueiwtm wcui (uj llit:S?.-if: iwtii''C':i?4roii5ua lie entitled to choose .1 U'ty lyi (-n I'fiia fr Sttitiiiof- Gmi;itenr ! tho State j;f. Alalmna . ;feke:'ct)-riv ;t yro, thg Ssate of 5IMsEipi ti:'Hta.te V. ;of. feuisiaiiia n, lad the Stat of lUMaieiiiApiwii; la the representation: 1 :'- .I! J.d.',-.. .V.tli. llltlll ,1 !tV t".U'-rf(lf kliall. js-'K fits Oi tlt.'Vv,Ml u!'a"1'" . -WW. I'te iloiiso-of j;epre,cj)tativf8 sua.i cnoose meir. and: t)tlier trfneers, i,ana snan ae ui aow t.f .mnnthiiierit, ex(;c-t that any jiuuciai or feiiMi sMy within ;iiirits!oC:Atiy Ijit.Vte, may te impeacliea y a vote .v &bwdsFbf .both, branches ol tue egi.aiure tii 'Senate of the Om federate States shall be ulrfdSermtdrs' State, chosen tor T6M'iV tbe'i Le-4isltwJ ? M-tci t, at tne reg.nar .il HWxt, immatfaUiiy precfciung uu wiuuh-lu- t.iif tiie tcrui oi service; ,auu cah uumi iian it; - in ed f ,.T';:;.'v.lf -t KP.-ond vear :': of the secuild class at aiul.i.t tiie taini f ; .4lwirtiAt.oH-i,aft.er thev sha.l be assembioi ' l;l:...i,r.!d -iil,i..'i'st' fle-ctfc.ih. tliev shall be divid i.tt4:div':'ft litavile inti) thive daases.. I he seats o i it'TJw'KC.,'A,i..c vt: r.f.issN .'s ha 1 be. vacateu at ti 4S . I-fc I iL'-ii'iairiirraUi ctfr'the-rsixtU-year so that ie- f ! Atoa 'fee'dfh every: weiKflid yejvr-;anl if l Mik,U vchiM- oriutl.crwise during the, re- ;: - "I UA:, x ,;j,, .nnv. State.:' the bxecutn jectioh8 'to 'that iiluusb in which it shall have oriid natfd , who shall enter the objections at large on their, jouijrijil and proceed to reconsider it. - If, .after such recoil sideratiort, two-thirds of that House shall agree to pa s the bill, it fliall be sent, ''together "with tie ob- jections, to the other House,' by- which it shall likewise be reconsidered, ap4. if approved by two-third of tliat Hose it shall become a law. But in, all such cases the .yotes of both lJouse4 shall be determinea by yeas and nays, and the names of the persona voting for. and against the bill shall be. entered on the journal jof each Ilotis? respectively, i If any bill shall not be returned by 2 President within ten days (Sundays exceptetl) after it shall have been, presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he hat! signed it, unles s tiie Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its retilin i ; in which case it shall not be a law. The Presi- dent ; nay.pprove any apprripriation and disapprove ' any o the appropriation in the same bill. In such case, he j;h alin signing j the bill, designate the appropria tions, f Jipproved; and shall rCtuni a cony of such ap- proy ialions, withhis olijectionsjtothe House in which tholll shall have originated ; and the same pmceed- jjs shall then be had as in case of other bills disap proved bv the Presidents r. jEvery order, resolution or vote, to which the con currepce'of both Houses may be necessary (except on a qWstion of ; adjournment) shall be presented t the President of the Confederate' States; and before the' sanpefshall take effect, shall be approved by him; t-r beiig disapproved; by him,i may be repassed by two-' i thifdi of both ioiises according to the rules and limi- Uatioas prescribed In1 case f a bill.1 :'-::. '. .:. ; . ' i Section 8. - ;... The Congress shall have power 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and ex cises "or revenue necessary to pay t' e debts, provide, for tiie common 'defence, and carry on the government of hrOnfederate States; but no bounties shall be granfcd from the trPas"ryi nor shall any duties or taxes on jiniportations fiibtn. forgn natious be laid to pro mateor foster ahyfbrahch'of industry ; and all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform thoroughout the Confederate States,; j To borrow money on' -'the credit of the Confede rae States. - iy-.i .. J:.- " : ':.y 8. To regulate commerce with 'foreign, nations, and ani(tg the Severa;States, and with the Indian tribes ; bujt peither this, Iripr any other -clause contained in the Constitution.' sliaU ever be construed to delegate the power to C ingress to apphipriate money for any inrernal irfiprovemelnt intended Ur facilitate commerce, exc ept lor the purpose ot iurmsmng lights, Deacons aim bnjoyi, and' Othcrf sjids to navigation upon the coasts, an 1 'the improvement of harbors and the removing ot hkt.tWti.rtts; in river navnration. '. in all which cases sutli duties shall .e! laid on the navigation facilitated thereby as may be becessary to pay' the costs and ex- peiises tnereoj. y 1 1 , U.'rlV establish itni form '; laws 'of naturalizalion, and. ' uiiifdrni "1 ;iws on the subject , of bankruptcies, through out tihe (Jonfetierate States : Dut no law oi ooiigms s.n,iii VdehiJ contracted before the passage of 5".l To coin money, regiilate the value thereof and of fok'ikn coin: and fix the standard of weights and mea- 1 6.1 To nrovide rfur the punisli'meht of counterfeit- iii' the securities iiind 'current coin of the Confederate 71 To establish ! post offices and post routes ; but the expanses of the ost office Department, after the first day lot M i rch in tiie year of our lord eighteen huudred niipst. e . J: nrv abtVoihtments .until ibe Y-A; U -..-i- n.: i .lf,;clutiirp wmch shall, thai nil wee?. V.; ': ."t-t; ' " ,-. M the State lor wmeu u tun- ft. ici5i;i;iii,M felt-ru te States. -Iiy - ii .-.'"'..: "is.'..-n ',';";. !,' nh nowcr'ti trv ad & ,.lu ,.t ivatl.r rikion. ben tue President, i tWO-tlllitlS OI Hie lueuiucio U;Sf f-y - :iyy J1' l iuinibitiiat f SMrrv. PrOnt bf the 'Cm: federate States shall j li-Vlv luyif. T&iKC-nate shall efce'their other ofoeei iyit'' in-thcuVsem ot tl Wni Avbeviiit. shaUWxercise thej-fhee of other officers', and ie Vice of Presi- si xty -three, hall be paid out of its own reve- A .14. ws ,tl concurrence ;! o Y-mnfikrd iucases- of imacnmenisoau . ... . P : K -; -i. .'.. v. '.i.'l . f ,t-"i ifTirift. and disoual- fl,il lurlm'r uuui U.K.-U.-..V. ..-v. nr feft.nnrtheUorilrae.S frM''sliall,:'pevertheic?,pe...uc: o;y . . ... If i . y . . -i :.a.v,.;k .l nnnisktucnt-: accoruuig " -.Section .4. ... - -...i1 ;,K;Tltimcs of , Lining eiec- m for Senators: ann; lJtlrV Vi e'-IZ-ir.Vja . l.,i. cya.fu iw thrt Leyvdature tlierepf. sub- ' 'ik to the provisior.s of this Condon; but .the Con ''1 umv, at any i tirnl-v by law mae of aliersuch (j-: ii&mt&'rS Except, as ;to :the times and pates ol clioos- i ' 'E-i Senators.. ; . " ,' ' ' -V't ';.nw WMSi-:- rvrtrrls Rbal! assemble at least ojeem fer. ffi:SU.U;ion the fiMoudaym Mhcrmiless'tiicy shall, ty law, appomaivu. g f ' SWtion 5. : B-Jri .iiyyiyTTic. iiialV -lw the 1U120 oi W il' - l-.VI.t I I I 1UIIUV ....... . , , . . -. iTH . . . .f itjAwn vnpmners. f returns ana .quaim.uv?n vi v 7 ; ,iHv of each-Sbiill fyustitue a .'qu., lu..lyl it V bwt'a imallbt, iinrhim W . and may- be autbf 5 Vzcl W the electioris. and i a 1 usi- ayadhmrn. from .-day to f ci vuipel-1 l;e attendance j '..; i KM . Lt it l iiiu ..i. 'off "absent im-mt iu inc manner and unaer sucn ' Penalties as cacti HUVse. may provide.- ,-y SKlI.tcrtuW thentlcs-ofi srcw ' ; .yU.i;, i.tnJits tubers t)r dis(mt-r.y ne.-mviw,. "J I r.crsfrcn'.'i . s . . .- M itmillexpclKmemner. v ,A1 X .iialh i&mse sliall keep a. jourruil , of 4ts pro ' JLii;t.J:Vilil rrum'timebitiine publish the.s:ime, ex-, v: -.- ?l:. :t-.-v,ivv in their iudonent. require TZ: of 'the loemheSl of SSSSWH "Ht tl.e dire of '.' r.iJ ,rfi i; be entered in the KMrnal. ie-iutu . tuv-Tv. rv----. . . - . . , - -fr;11(rrf9iS airit..Mtfeout the ctvuscni.oi nv X'-JAZ?. w i.-V ure thatf three "tiayst;r.or WWl. iy...i;..i. -tveA Houses snau w siim'n-, 1 -. u w iitu iiv t .- . - . : ; 1 ; . - Set:Uon - , ..'.- J j f 1 'The natdrs and ; Kepresentatives shreceivq '1 ye y r .L'UiirVW to be ascertrfine.i by I a cWu,i,r- -nv f)f the Confederal s rw ''"Pi? 1 ; ,,-y . 8,. rAHt treason, teb-nu .nty .vl.:5,. -t,n :cpssi(n c tueir restf il,usc.sra&r-ifi nn5 to and returning .i Ind ilmiuy speech. debate .?ur;t3ier:Iiwty f" . W Ve q itioned in any other place. . ; i( No Senator or P';Cff;f 'I- Lr m. i.a ... iu iA. twl. be appomtet to any 1 lime ionwuicu ire " w.--, .-.. r ... p4 T..t tirrimnt ihe TriQLress of science and useful artsj uv seetiruii; -ioi .'iiwjiuvv. vnirs the eXciulve right to tneir .repevu "o-, andldiscoveries; ; If ..'. ..-'. - '. ' - 9 To ..oustitute. tribunals mi nor to tne oupreui Court ' " i;';" ''"'"' 'i "-' ' : i V : ' I l " To define and punish piracies and felonies com mit jk on the hih seas, and offences against the law la. To declares; war, gram leiiers u ih priskl, an4make!rules,;concernmg capiures m Mm an. li water. R-v ."' I lb. ' To raise aiid support.artmes but no appropna- tiotiofi money t6: that use shall be. tor a longer term tihafi two years. :y y y 1. -: "-':, Lo proviueana mauiiam aiavj. To make lhdes for government and regulation f tLotiiivl and iiiivai forces. -is To nrovicfc for calling forth the militia to exe cute the laws otlj the Ctohtederate States, suppress 111- L,,X.wc mA Y&mpl invasion. ' ift 'i i nriunnp nr (iru-iLiiiiu, i x,. inlng the1 militiaf and for governing such part of them c hi'jtf in prm i vku in ji IStiitesH reserving to the States, respectively, the ap- the authority of training lAIIUUUtUH ""If ..... Mil Jh4 militia acccdihg to the discipline prescribed by iCopgress..'' yt'..:. - ,, . ' " . ; .' y .- .' ' 17. To' exercfse exclusive legislgion, m all cases 'wlfatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles (sqLrey as may.fby cession of one or more States and itii wntnnreSof Coneress. become the seat of the ernment of the Confederate States ; and to exercise fikfe authority oyer all places purchased by the consent. rf !th Triiat.nre of the State in which the same shall I be , for the erection of fcirts, magazines, arsenals, dock fysrds and otherjheedful buildings; and !' i Tn mnkei all laws which shall be necessary and i pJoper for carrying into execution tiie. foregoing pow- ) ' r . .. 1 iJ r!r.nctl tilt Kill 111 ers and all other powers vioi uy iumwu.w""." the governmeni of the Confederate States, or in any dcpartihent or ifficcr thereof. ' .-' . -' , . ' II .-. ;T;Ia Section 9. ' ..";' . .- V. The importation of negroes of the African race fiom anv foreign country other than the slaveholding States, Territories of the United States of America, b hereby forbidden ; and uongress is rt-quirwi tu v slch laSvs as sljall effectually prevent the same. 2. Omgressl shall also have power to prohibit the, introduction o slaves from any State not a member cf or Territory n t belonging to, this Gmfederacy 13 The Ptivilese of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, Unless when in cases of rebellion, or invasion the public safety may require it. Ai No bill of attainer, or ex post facto law, or aw (ichying or impairing the right 01 proper m uvg.t. slaves shall tepasstov t :: - , . -. -...,' 5. iSo capipition or outer tiu-v unle-s in prop, rtion to the census or enumeration here i nbefore directed' to be taken. . , , - 6 No tax oi- duty shall le laid on articles exported rum any State, except by a vote of two-thirds of x)th bouses. "I v ';, -' , . 7.! No! preferences shall be given by any regulation f commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over khose of anotlier. ' - . y ; . y g, Xo money shall be drawn Irom tne treasury, wu in consequence or appnpnau. mauB ia , regular statefljent ana account 01 uie retvi penditures of all public money shall be puonsnecurom time to time. . . o n.wio-iYs shall annronriate no money from the treasury except by a vote of two-thirds of both houses, office or title of any kind whatever from any.. king,, prince or foreign State. "12. Congress 6hall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or. prohibiting the: free exercise thereof ; or abridging tn freetloin of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the peple peaceably to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances ' ' 13. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep jmd bear arms shall not be infringed. 14. No soldier shall, inrtimeof peace, he quar tered in any house without the consent of the owner'; nor in time of war, but in a mauner to be prescribed by law.: " .. i .1 ,.V.- ;''. ; 15. The right of the people to be secure' in their Eersons, houses, papers and effects against unreasona le searches and seizures, shall not be violate! ; and no, warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, sup ported by oath or affirmation, and particularly .oe scribing the place to be searched, and the per4u or things to be seized. 16. No person shall be held to answer' for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in caseif arisiug in the land, or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service, in timebf war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put iu jeopardy of life or limb, nor be .'. compelled; in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without, due "-process of, law; nor shall private' prop erty be taken for public use without; just compensation.-' r' - -:' - ; I . ..' '.: ' I - 17. In all criminal prosecutions tiie accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and p'iblic trial, by an im partial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have j been committed, which district! shall have been previously ascertained law, and ,tb be informed of the nature and cause of the -accusation ; " to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses iuhis .favor, and to have the-assistance of counsel for his defence.. , y 18. In suits at common law, where the value in. controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved; and no fact so tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of tiie Confederacy than according to the rules of the common law. . J; ; i 19. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exces sive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. : . 20. Kvcry law or resolution having the force of law, shall relate to but 'one subject, and that shall be ex pressed ia the title. ; ; Section JO -1. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or , confederation ; grant letters of , marque and rep.isal ; c.in monev : make an vthiug hut gold and silver coin aitender in oavme::t of debts i pass any bill of attain der, or ex post facto law, or law impairing the obliga tion of contracts ; ; or grant aiiy title of nubility , . 2. No State 'shall, without the consent of the Qon- o-ress lav any imposts or duties on imports and ex ports, except what may bej absolutely necessary for executing its -inspection laws ;' and the uett pro luce of, a 1 duties ami imposts, laid by any State on imMrts or exports, shall be tor the use ot the treasury oi the G.nfwjerate States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of Cmgress. . . 3 No State shall, without the "consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, except on sea-going vessels, for the improvement of its rivers and harUirs naviga- t,., l.v the said vessels ; but such duties shail not con- flict with any treaties of the Confederate States with foreign nations; and any surplus ot revenue rnus de rived shall, after making such improvement, be paid WsVsiiipiHW fy Teementor compact with ; another State, or with a his services a compensation, which shall neither be iu- crtasel nor diminished .during the period for which he shall have lxjen'ieleeted ; and lie shall not receive with in that pent I any other emolument from the Confed erate ! States, or my of them. ! . 10. Before he enters on; the execution of his ornce. he shall tike the following: oath or aftirmatioi; " 1 do Jem oly swear (or alurm) that I will faith fully exociite the office ot President of the Confederate States, and wiljj to the best of my ability, prcsttv?, protect and defend the O institution thereof. y s hal give to 1. dent troi n.w.irt.Tit. or eomt lisiyvuivu. ... j , .11 foreign power, or engage m war, uniess actuany mva detl or in such imminent danger as wit. not admit ot delay But when any riverdivides or flows through two or more States, th may enter'into compacts with each other to improve the navigation thereof. Article! I, Section 1. - . Tiie executive pdwr jshall be Rested in a Presi of the Confederate States of America. Me and the Vice President'shall hold their omces lor me teuu of six veslrs ; but the President shall not be re-ehgijle. The 'President and Vice President shall be elected as o StatA shall anuoint. in such manner as the Islature thereof may direct, a n trailer ut electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Kepresenta tives to which the State may be entitled in the C m- rt SAnator or 1 renresentaiive, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the Coufeder t tot --slmll be atmointed an-elector. 3. The electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot, for President ana-y ice:x resiueui, one of whom, at least, shall not b an inhabitant ol the same State with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as- President, and m distinct ballots the person voted for as. Vice 1 resident. and they shall make distinct lists 91 an person. for as President, and of all persons voted for as ice President, and of the number of votes fir each, wh ch list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the government of -the Cn federate States, directed to the President of the Senate ; the : President of th Senate 'shall, in tiie presence of the Senate and Hons of 'Representatives, open all the certificates, and th votes shall then be counted ; the person haying th oreatest number of votes for President shall be th President, if such number be a majority ofj the whole number of electors appointed , and if no person haye 1 ,L.ritv thpn from the Dersons having the high- ' Mlwll Ul ' V J "w . .... C .1 est numbers, not exceeding three, on the t of those voted for as President, the House of' Kep.esen ta ives shall cho.e immediately, by ballot, the President. But in cho.ng the President the votes shall be taken by Stiites, the representation iromeacu oims u- iu5v-.. vote : a quorum for ' this f purpose shall consist of a member or memliers from t wo-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the' States shall be neeessary.to a chnce And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the 4th day of Marelv next foil .wing, then the Vice President shall act as Presi dent, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the Preident . V C : . A 4 The person having the greatest number of votes "as Vice Presi. lent shall be the Vice Present, if such ...,i, o r..ioritv of the whole number of electors IllltUl'Vl .'w ...j j ' . . . .1 appointed ; and if no frson have a majori-y, men mm the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall t ch.Hwe the Vice President; a quorum wr i ie p.urp shall consist of tw. -thirds of the whole number of Sen ators,' and a marity of the whole number shall be ne cessary to a choice 1 Section 2 1, The President shall lei eommander-in-chieT of the army and navy of the ': Con federate States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual -service of the Gm federate States; he may re quire the cjpini m, in writing; of tne principal otneer jji each of the Executive Departments, upou any sub ject relating to -the duties: of i their respective offices, and he shall halve power to grant reprieves and par dons for offences against the Confederate States, ex cept in cases of impeachment: J; . 2. He shall have the pWer, by and with the ad vice and cnsci)t of the Senate to make treaties, pro vided tWfwkh'irqs of the Senators present concur; aud he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors,' other public ministers and consuls, judgei of tbe Su preme Court, atid all other officers of the Confederate' States, whise appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior Officers, as -they think proper, in the . President- alone, in the courts of law or iin the heads of departments ,f ( r. 3. The principal officer in each of the executive de- partments, audi all persons .connected with the diplo matic service, may be removed from office at the plea fsitre of the President. All other ci vil officers" of the Executive Department may be .removed at any time by j the Presideiit, or other appointing power, when their services ate unnecessary,- or for dishonesty, inca pacity, inefficiehcymiscouduct, 0 neglect of duty ; and wlien so removed, tfle removal shall besreported to the Senate, together with the reasons therefor. ' 4. The, President shalbhave power to fill a!l vacan cies that may happen daring the recess df the Senate, byl granting commissions which shall expire at the enilof their next session bufno person rejected by the Senate shall be reappointed to the same office du ring their ensuing recess.nl lf - - -' jy i Section 3. 1. The President shall H from time to time, the Gnigress information! ?ofthe' state of ; the Uontetl era ;y, and recommend ; to : their consideration such : measures as hei; shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordidary jpecasions, : convene both houses, or eitlier of therti ; and in case of disagree ment between them, with' respect to the time of ad journment, he i may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other' imblic ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, 'knd-"hall commission all the officers of the Gm federate States. - . ' I' ' :' ' -I - .y', Section 4. ' l: l; The President, Vicei President, and all civil offi cers of 'the -Confederate States, sha.ll be removed from office on impeachment for 'atid conviction of treason, bribery, or other higli crunes;and nnsdeanors. X - AUTici.E m.-pfclton ji. y 1. The judicial power i off tiie Ciiifctlcrate States shall be vesteil in one Superior Court, aud in such iu- lerior courts as 'trie uongress.auay iroin s umc w uure ordain and establish.; The nudges, both ot the Su preme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices du ring g(K)d behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, wnicn snail not ue : diminished during their cdnti)iiauce in ottise. , -. . - .1 - : flwi I.....U rA tlin I . 111. arising uuderims nisuuutjiia , ., , federate -States, and treaties tnade or which snan uc niiide under tjieir hufl;ority ; to all cases affecting am bassadors, other ptibltc ministers aud consuls ; to au cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to coiv troversics to which the uopieacrate suites unii w party to controversies between , two or; more State ; between' a State and citizens of another; State where the Sta4 is dlaiutiff ; between citizens churning lands under raUts'of different States, and between a State or the citizehs thereof aud lreign Stas, citizens or subjects ; bu no Stat- shal) be sued by a citizen or sul ject of an y foreign State. ! !; I 2 In all i:a'ses allecting ambassadors other public 'ministers aiid ceisttl: and! those in which a State shall be a party, the Suprerhe Gmrt sh;all have origi nal jurisdiction. In a the other cases before men tioned the Supreme Court 4iall have appellate juris diction,! both ,Vs tc law and act, with such exception and under j such regulatiots as the pongress bhall make.;4 " .V-J'r'y-t: r 3 The trial dt all crimes, cx -ep. m t.IOt:a u peachdent shall be by jury, and such trial shaU jbe 1A in th, Shite where the .said enni s .shall have 'been committed ; but whenlot committed within any State; the trial shall be at, such, place or piacc .is iu Congress may by law nave ouecicu. . v v j. .' ,.' ySScc 3. . -'.' y 1 "Trealori against the Confederate States shall con sist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies,! giving them aid and. comfort. . Ao. person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. - ' I 2 The Gmsress ohall have power . to declare the; punishment of treastm,! but no attainder of. treason, shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except durin'Mhe life of the person attained. ';-' I, . 1 article iv. oecnon 1. 1 Full faith i and credit- shall be given in each State to the pubiie acts, records and judicial proceed ings of every other State.' And the Congress may, by general laws, prescril the roanuer 111 w.cn sucu arts, records ana proceedings ui y effect thereof. ; '. ' '. Section 2. ; , 1. Thi citizens of each State shal ;oe entitled to all and hy the territorial covemrrtent. and the inhabitant f the several Gmfederatc States and Territories sha iia.Te h?Jl?ht tM take such! territorv and sla lai I tjorl-lti.ri. o.,.l . 1 ... r,.n : t - r ul " ? Z "7, 71inem! 10 any of tlvs States or Territorie of the Con federate; States. r 4 The Confederate States'shall guarantee to every outtc i.uai n vw is or hereafter j may become a memW o, inu cnneaenicy a Uepnblican form of government. amj mihii protect each .of the against invasion: and on application of the Leirislatnre. when the. Legislature is not in session) against domes- no vionuice. yy -41 Contract! will bantered inio with yearly, half-ytarly and quarterly advertisers, at a reduction from W abera rate. ".r y :.: ,-. .- ' ! ' v- .. y. -, ..... 1 "yy -'.' l 1 Ho deduction from the regular rates for adrertis aeata' inserted in the Weekly Edition. U ' I' - -i - " i " I ! All advertisements feceire on, insertion in the Week . i --'., - - 1 yy y. -J v. . . : y r . " ; The 5euse Manufacturing Company HAVE on hand a general assortment of Vew and Book paper-also, Post office, X re? . .7 rr--; f - hiui, IN ft ISXffe 0lU.n. tity of common wrapping psper.T . " tLW.HUSTED, Treasurer. 66 fit. Address June 12. Raleigh; Register, Greensbora' Times, Western Deme eoat, GoldsboBO Tribune and X.whrn P,; rch. -y 1 NQ appointed anlj jqualilied, or the offices article Y.-Section I. 1. Upon the demandof iaily three States legally assembled m their several c()nventi.ns) the Congress shall summon a G.nventi(i f'ail. the States, to "take into consideration such amendments to the constitu tion as the said States shallj concur ih suggesting .at 1 me um wueii me sua aemand is made, and should any of the proposed amendments , to the constitution be agreed on by the said convention voting by States and the same be ratified y '..'the Legislatures of two-thirds of the sevferaljiStates, or by conve itions in two-thinls thereof as the one or the other mode of ratification may be propose - the general conven tion -they shal I hena f irivanl f. irm a part of this Gmstitution. But no 'States liall, without its con sent, be deprived of its equal representation in the Senate. . j .," :" ' ARTICLE fj. y - . ;'. j 1 . The Government established by the Constitution the successor of the provisional goyemraent of the Confederate States of America, aud all the laws pass ed by the latterhall continue; in force until the same shall be repealed or modified ; and all the officers ap- !rtiintpil liv.thn cimn c Via 11 Un;n ..en'..- -.1:1 ti t-v....Vw wj .v..w wiv wiicni iviuani tu uuit-c iiiiiu tnmr successors are 2. All debts cnntractetl aud engagements entered into before the adoption of Hliis constitution shall be as valid agaiust the Confederate States under tjiis constitution as under the provisional government.' 3. This constitution, andjtHe lavys of the Gmfeder at States, made in persuau;ce thereof, and all trea ties made, or which shall be made under the authori ty of the Gmfederate Statesy bhall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything m if the constitution or laws of any State to the contrary; notwithstanding. 4. The Senators and Representatives before' men tioned, and the niemliers of the several State Lerisla- tures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the jo federate States and pf the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to sujmort this con stitution, but no; roligous tefcit; shall ever be required as a qua'ificatton to any office or public trust under the .Confederate States. tlj; V .- 5. The enumeration, in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be constrtied to deny or disparage others retained by the people of the several States. ;; 6. The powers not delegated to the Confederate States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States, respectively, or to u 1 u, t- ii ii ' . tUO Jt30(IU lilCIUOI. . V!-- j - ARTICLE. VII. 1 . 1 ! 1. The ratification of th O'mventions'of five States shall be sufficient for the establishment of this consti tution between the States so ratifying the same. 2. When fish States shall j have ratified this consti tution, in the 'man-tier k'tbre specified, the Gnigress under irovisional constitutKh shall prescribe the time tor holding the election of i; President and Vice Presi dent: and for the meetingii)f the Electoral College; and for counting the votes atd inaugurating the Presi dent. They shall also preiiribe the. time fr holding the first election of members of Congress under this constitution, an.l the time 'for assembling tjie saine. Until the assembling of such Congress; the Congress vjaVj.-!ia- T.v'.i-iiirol ni'rt.-it?in cVioll rfi, tiirm. tending beyond the time limited by the constitution of the provisional g iverninent, Ailopteil. unanimously, ilarch 11, 18G1. EDGEWORTU FKMALK SKMIXART, law institution has been in succesfnl operation for twent. years under its present one years, and tor tne last teal f nncipal. Ths course of Instruction U deffned to afford to South- I ern Parents an Institution in which can be secured eTerr advanUge afforded by the very best Female Seminaries in the country.. . ) ' .. )'- 1- . , . j11"5 mfy crttlt!i!it5 f fiTeoGentiemen and Four La- cT5pDv8tUu.tion -nd. ben TH0U0UGHLY I SO o Tit ERN in its organizatioii. I i i Greenaborouh is eminently healthy, snd ia the present I excited state ot thij country, iU geographical position ren 1 ders it a quiet and safe retreat. The next Session will commence Ancrast 1t. ' For Catalogues containing full particulars of terms. 4c. ' ivunu ois'iu.iu, rnncipai, . i ureensoorougu, A. c. ' -3m. i apply to June 26. i v "p nna commuted to tbe Jail of Meek-! I lenburg pounty, on the 8th day of September last, a I jrtp boy, who saj-s his name i " Jim," and that his mas- I rnamew "John Worthv'l living in Gaston county, I 1-:- NOTICE rp AKEX up and committed to the Jail of Meek-! negro ter i C. Said boy ia of medium heighth, very black and has yery; ordinary intlhgencer-no barks or sears bv which to identify him. Th owner is hereby notified to" come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take him awav. otherwise on the 9th day of September next, he will bo tx posed to public sale, to pay feei, as the law direct. I - "I- W. W. GKIER, . . J Sheriff of Mecklenburg countr. Charlotte, N. C; May 29, 1851. td 1860. 1861. j SPRING TRADE. nJ f. RIVES & CO. WHOLESALE DKCQGISTS, .' " - ., I EipKSTLT -Invite the merchants of Virginia j Xorth-Carohna and Tennessee, to examine their ex-!' tensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, y j Oils, . ' Dye Stuffs, " ',! indow Glass,-! Patent Medicines, 'Seeds, - Spices Perfumery, " Fancy Articles, Brushes of all kinds. Tobacco, j Cigars, ' Snuff, Pure Medical Wines Brandies, Gins, Ac. N Q. DK C4.RTEBET. y L sj y" JOHN AR1ISTR0S0. OKTU-CAKOLIXA BOOK BINDERY, - x l ... (OVER THE C. BOOK STORE.) DeCarteret Armstrong, BOOK BINDERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFAC- 1 Oil (.lid, Having facilities unsurpassed by anv house in the trade, ? they feel authorized in saying tHey can, and will sell all" goods in their line of business, at such low prices as cannot tail. to. give entire satisfaction. Orders will be promptly ' attended to. All goods sent from thjir establishment, war1 ranivu as represeniea or mem. i . 1 N. F. RIVES "A CO., ' -l '! -' I r Wltolesalp DrninrUt. i Dk. X. F. Rtvts, -. Petersburg. Ta. ' ! . Walter B. Jobdas, Joseph Care. L ; . 12 it. i FUMITI UE! Fl'KNITL-KE 1 1 A LFRED OVERTURE, having removed to the il large, new and extensive building on Sycamore street,' ncaily opposite Donnans k Jobnfon, has purchased the most superior and extensive stock Of Furniture ever exhib ited in the city, to which he invites the attention of house keepers and others in want of superior articles in his line : pi edging entire satisfaction in quality and price. His stock is composed of Sofas, Divans, Parlor chairs, Mahogany wa.tdrobes, and Bookcases, Marble top Bureaus, Centre 'Tables, Spring and other Bedsteads, Sociables, Ac. 11 will also make to order any article in his line, ashe'has some of the best workmen in the city in his employ. U solicits a call from his friends and the public. :'.- j- lie will pay particular attention to the Unaerttkinar De partment, tor which purpose he will kwup a good assort ment ot Burial Cases ot every 'desci iptfon. He will hare in attendance on tuneral occasions a careful driver and good hearse. i 5 ii ' ' ! Petersburg,. Ta., April 9, 1860. y j ly.i i d X-otlL-CIrolina? 'i fiartn&miAme aHa tdpt- rior workmanship. Also, SADDLES and HAR LSS of the bast materials, and of my own manufacture.: Call and see iny stock before purchasing elaew here. . - . Xbl 123 Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. i lffiO. - ... y. . - lr. . April, REMOVAL. Jan. 23, 1SC1. RALEIGH, N. C. 16 ly GEORGE L. BIDGOOD, B O O K 8 E L L E It ,- .''. y Agent Methodist Depository, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, fJRAIHM H4VW00H. COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, . . RALEIGH. N. C. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Wake, .T,,l.ntmi and Chatham : the SuDerior Courts of New Han over and Sampson, and the Terms of the Federal Courts' and Supreme Court of .North-Carolina, at Raleigh Oifice, the one formerly occupied by he late Hon. Wil liam H. Haywood, jr. y i i - , ' Jan. 26, 1861. . f;'y -j ! j - ' '' 17 WOULD respectfully inform his rrienas ana the public, that he has removed to the store NO. 1C1 MAIN STREET, BR. MOORE. J1' ATT0RNET; AT LAW SALISBURY. C, -Will practice in the Courts of Rowan and adjoining coun ties. Collections promptly uiaue; Jan. 26, 1861. " -1: i f N-l'y E. K. PICK1NS0S. S, BJ- HILL, j . Cf HILL. . Dickinson; ! hill & co., . AUCTIOXEERS, NORTH CORNER OF -FRANKLIN AND WALL STS., RICHMOND'. VIRGINIA. Attend particularly to thej selling of slaves at public' and private sate. Aug. 28, 1860. : Recently occupied bv Mf. Chas. A. Gwatkin, and one door below Messrs. Kent," Pa jn 4 Co. His stock of 7 , BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND FANCY ARTICLES, will compare favorably with any house South. He has se- 1 lected with great care a splendid assortment of staUonery, to suit Jtne most jasouious. : -v "'"cv""" ; Z7.fi. r -i rT.i.4Vl..nTm. STANDARD AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS, of the newest editions, and indeed the latest popu lar, moral publications as soon as puuiusueu. : , ..! Tho trade can be suuolied with our own own Books upon the.'same terms as at the Nashville house. For terms, see Catalogue, which wiu De iurnisncu graua. j Merchants, Ministers, Colporteurs and Consumers, wU find it to their advantage to patronize the Dep tory. - The store has been elegantly ana comioriauij . w -k ; with a View to the easy conduct of the business, as well as the rmtifort and ease of the customer. Also polite and accom- ; modating clerks are employed. . " f . Uraers wiu De launiuuy mu ; - . Don't foreet the place. No. 161 Main street, one door ; below Kent, Pain A ,Co's. , - the privi al States bivK office under the autlionty of , the J .i, afcn!l have been createti, or. u.cwu..m.. t r""..?"?" .. . .Innnsr sucn 'Lents' whereof shall hive been increased during suc e -and no persm holding any office under tiUJ f l member of either House du- 'i HI; rate Mates snan .r;-- - -. ;icb ol tliei tux. his coutinuan'-e Ul Mce ve I)-partmcous a;scat .upon iw taken by yeas and nays, unless u oe mNwVi u.t matedfbr byiso i e one of tlieheads of department, and cnl.mitted to Congress by the Presi.leut; or for the purpose of payingits owh expenses and contingencies ; or for the payment of Claims against the Gnfederate States, the justice of which shall have been judicial. y j0,!,tlr i.v Ik tribunal for the investigation of claims and immunities of citizens in the sever- shall hav-he 'ri2ht of transit and so- ioum in: any State of this rJonfederacy, with their. . . T. . ... ( il- wCU. i.:iruirftf s aves and other property aim tue ugui, .w. v in said slaves shall hot be theii'by impaired. chareed in any Stato with treason, fel- ntl.pr rriruft atrainst the laws ; of such State, cha i tifp tr. ;m nistice. anu ue muuu m uui-mvi State, shall, on demand tif the execittive autority of the ttat0v,vm irh-liP fledi be delivered up to be .re Tn-.vorl to t.ri state bavinsr jurisdiction of the crime w y - . V - ' . il l 3J Nd slave or other persn held to service or woor in any State or Territoryi of the ; Gmtederate otates, nn1-r the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carnetl into anot'. er, shall in consequence Of any law or regu he discharged from such service or la- lint nprson constitutionally ineligible to the 1wr i.f hU be-lelivered up on claim of the party . . . ... . .i..m-: i , : y, .. .i. .if President shall oe ensnoie to iuai.ui w. no- trt wilom stn:h slaves teions, or m uwu uuu V - ' 1 . w- ident of the Gmfederate SUtes . ;. . l)r labor may be due; G. The Gaigress may determine tne uraeoi uiiuofi"K ( Section 3 the electors, and the dayon wmcn they snau - . , lhfa votes, which day shall -Oe tne same turouguuu. c , -v--" - , .i,: of the whole House of . -. . ( 1 U-l v. v. ...v. v. ... . . - . .. 7 tv.rs.in except natural born Gnfeilerate States, or a ci been there the adoption of, this constitution, or a ciu Wn-.in tbe United States prior to the 20thj y-tpps-vfiiiftRft' Mntnal Life Insurance and Ix Trust Company : This Company offjrs inducements ih mihlic which few possess. It is economical in its management, and prompt in the parment of its losses. TT-I.P: a ft., i;fi. r it mpmbisrs. and thev participate in its profits: not only on the premiums paid in, but also on a large and increasing; desposit capital kept in active ?pIr jV' 'is nr C7 no, ipr, . at thL last Anual Meeting ot the Company, was. declared, and carried to the credit ot the life members of the .Company. . .. ... Thaa .airino- an insurance upon their own Uvea, or the. -WW--,, ... , ."JJ..... lives of their slaves, wiu pi Greensboro', Feb.-11,! 1S591 D. P. WEIR, Treasurer. 11 ly. j COLLEGE HOTEL. rpHE rndersigned having taken chSrce i of the 1 houses formerly occupied as a Female College in the cUv ot ffigh' on riilltfboro' street, 200 yard, west of the respectfully solicits the patronage of the TRAVELING, shade durinr the summer months. The Proprietor aligns kfaoincr House for uuARuafts, """"ft " 1 nr t"PlD , r. . i i r t re .hn n have the b.ncnt or 2uato Iny in the State in medicinal properties, and JanJ 26, 1861. -. '' " ' NT. KIYES & CO., nrholesale and retail Drug . gists, have and keep off hand a full supply of JJL as are usuallv found in a First Class Drue House. They will conducs the business on a wg?a liKscie,Wn "ilJanl for doinff o. and hope by thair promptness, energy and ;t.5vWgffiSrt. to DleLe, o secure the fiberal patronage of th.-ir ft iends and tba public generally. Tha Prescription De ate supervision of one tment wiU be under the immedi 1:h fi. both dav and nieht. Order.P wUl U attended tcf wityeJtnPh ! j 'I WALTER B. 'JORDAN. ' 5-tf. If JOS. CNB v a i a v if n E . .,;... .---.-- 55.-.-- custom kct affords. Jan. T,1861. :t vinvTAtiUE. froonetor. r ; -. - 12-tf . i . t- nv i-iiPKiires il Vaou:.;. with the privilege Ot .uiscusuA .-j ; .fappertaJiing to his department-1 - . j" I I ' I Section i. . . . y ... i s . j. . - . . . oVioilnrnrinatc in tne I . 1. Ail hills tor raisinsreveuuw j, House of .IK but the Scnatomay propose ... ...x nn other lull-- . 2. fcvery bUi which hall have passed both Uoss, i; CiKifiur U....v- i. -L- 1 J 1. against the government, wnicn is nereuy iumc wic r.f flmtrress to establish. 10. All bills appropriating uioney shall specify in thfl Mart amount of each appropria- ICiitia iivf.vj .... - . tion and the purposes for which it is made; and Congress thall, grant no extra compenoauou rt.jr public contractor, officer, agent, or servant, alter sucn contract shall have been made or such service ren- dC n' No title of nobility shall be granted by thefon ederate States; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, withoirtthe ccrent of the CongK, accept of any present etnolumeiits, ;- ''' ' --.-'- I "'- ;,1 .; -"' -- - ' ' -'.!,.. - " !-'-'- i- i - !. . . - . - -'-'---'- ' t . - - : ' ' y - y." :- ' -" i i wen cWi Via P.li rihle to the office of President ; m-ither shall any person be eligible to that t.ffice who .. Warn attain d th ze of thirty-five years, and Nxn fourteen years a resiueut within the limits ot the Confederate States, as may exist, at the tune of bis the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to dis chiiree the powers and duties of the paid othce, the tne 41iall devolve on the Vice President ; and the Uxa, nrnvi,! fur the case of re- t niirrvKW i iL j v auwa w-' .:-! 1 Al fc citizen of the ,Ifcprntet .f athe time of Senate yiting oy oww. i . ;"U'!" T; e e .- .wo. witriin tnft lunstliction of anv other zen tnereoi ioi iu .v-ww. ..... v , - . . . I State - nor anv State be formed hy the junction oi two or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures or the States concerneu, a eu if the Congress. o Ti, r.ntTTai ahall have power to dispose oi ami make all needful rules and regulations concerning the property of the Uonfederate mates, inciuuiug lauds thereof. CCBSISTEXCEBEPAETflEXT, Sealed proposals will be recoired at this Department ior the dlurSrynf good merchanuble flour, at anv railroad depof Sin the State, tn quan rrnU tor flour.- and addrewed to tbe Uommiaary j0HNST0y, the May 20. 1861. Vommiuary 6rrnly 3. The Confetlerate States may acquire new territo ry and Gwigress shall have power to legislate and for the inhabitants or au icrri- fiuuiTTvn ta Jail. In the town of Sallsorj aa i biUnga t James Fuller .m.lo (mvprnttionfcl i .. ut.mnff tr. th ronfederate States 1 vine with- nirv uwiw"o -w w- . . I .. . r . 1 Ct .(.. ...I matt rwrmit out the limits oi tue several cuur "-y r-" , who says bj ht. hn i. about twenty-one mia name i rrrc i;itt.rk , dd, about ewig - - .- lAiuicsa " t i j I : ... . n I .... .Via iimiTt ni nut KPVPrx nKn-al, death, wrigmitian. or inaWity boto u rr- -. -T . . , rach mnner M it mT lJr tot d,vk. 5.'"5sj" SSSS- Si .1 I'owirt .nr ann mien omcer Linw w-""-. ?.rW until the disabiUty be removed or a Prcident o President shall, at stated times, jreceive for States to be admittel iuto the confederacy. In. all such territory the institution It Vim Tist in the Confederate 6fatea ahall be recognizl "and protected by Congress ' May , 180. awd says or two v color, had on oroy w-.-, , -g - . Thfl, be a boy or gooaj ' 7ch.re, and take him .wi '. i ly - . cuir Omu eountv. --...,...-.. I . s : 0na . - v'r, -hich wiU not rip or ravel, eveuii paoumc ""VViTt I ft mews eauallr as well tae TCryi?Yinhseto?thV ad Bokers, are invited to caU and examine ,or vue- , clv- . Wilaon Merchant ".faUor, Winston, ,5. C. Wruiui.,vvr. - - Raleieh. and the county vs bv P A''WiSrof Wi"ii PPy Forsythe, Ukt-n br. . A- J l"fo'r the Sut. We will pay y , nut -rsifimed aeenw ior w Enable pc, cent, to aliens ggJlgEfJJ n.Ln.boro'1 S. C, Feb. 2nd, 1858. ' . uiuvm"- w l.Llu sm lit ' LlD FOR SAL"The suhscrioer w""a AmVJei S- Southwest, offer, for sale the tract ofland ou whTcrhrnowr rstfl- tract contain. out MO t foV land dearwdd . fhfc.rg u. horse .Lr dwelling hue .-nuiuiiig eight the tract a good .S" . There are also aU .rooms,andabament, nlyhwa thenecestouthou of . wdj reglT well oi excwiieni. rtsum Whom an"! uate. daotWdtoth. growth v-tun !t For farther parMcu-"'jqH! JUTCHLNER., J ,"' .:- 'Auburn, Wake Co., 3fC. . nJtober It. 1S60. rnvra riKOLIM MILITARI BITT0X8. The " Vi SSnart be made to the Captain, AH piUwtioiu man u- CHAT()N Uoidsboro, 5 C. ' J. 12. 16R0. - v : i -It-