l! C c c , 1 " I ,!; ..... . , . i., : ...: V "I i '. . - . '. '-" - ; ' t' 115 ':-.' ft IS i ,11 1 8 i . sTa -:k.....w .1 ' -.u. G Mr State J -'jA1W3H'bj',' .; ef-.f tfJOHX JpELM AN, T'lltor Proprletor and prixter. to Tip; state. iAr -RACIXSOX, Asslu t Editor. M J" . , t 1 '3 MT-wrnKLY EDITION, per thnuri, (Icvrnably ia Advance.) , . . . The Soutuern xcepuDiic. '.Mnneni Cuth'sftu'ion. of Ike CWf UV- SIMS derate St itt-s, caekSt htc . 1 V.j . , I.- , f , u :;;ifeli. insure tlniiiric traiiMiuttV,' he 'ritil.lfs.-an iavnr and uili.te of Almighty G u-41( vfriS . 'dtJ- ryl ablfcb this Cwastitution lor the uuiwc -fila.v,a t:Jtte of - America. , - 4 nTjn.E . I .bccUon 1. i ''Uiative"' no were "lio-rdiii delegated : s?tall 'All hi ' a Cuiiiiress of the :-C6nfcilerato Sta OS, bill consiit of a Senatcud .House of 11 - Cm WM' 1 Tie ' J'tuse r.f "Rrprtseutatives Lall be comp4cd iSBfcl ? .Jwl vlneverv secoud'Vear. by the peupldof SifUtf-riiembers clsosvtj every seuouu cm. i-y ffV'itWvTal SMtes; an4 tl. clcctdrs m carh State fc. A iftC -qfr krate States, and have tl.qi Si:'. . :i-Wti iv'site' -' vu-rs of. the riict iwai.T all tM'-ih tlio-raw ' Legiblatiire; lut no peiWii'if ilfiEi. ;;, 'nili it a citizen - jf the Onffederate bUtes ' Biestn ' "-!"41, ' ' - -J . ." 1 ?0t1c- - lr Federal. ! : 1 ' ', !, '- .:.; jVitou shaU be-a representative who shad hot -;.,Q:liH.vir-;l flie ase-oCtwcnty-fivt- years,' and h a Jt-Si-i'lTi oi'ibii U'nfc'ieratc Stated, and whoha'Si; if-t, :':"iitvii(jf;t.'i habitant ul' that State in wliich iv v .1 .fmv"si-fH' p'r'ewjitfativcs and direct taxes !.iinv-tfie:scvoral States which fen.ui I- If T i . . 1 : ,1..I1 ,1 may be inclu led itirtiir-i .this Cuiilevlt'i-acy according to-tatir respx-p'e i.- vvhu li sli.ill lc detcrniiiiwl -by' addiug to itiie ?i1l'iR'l)tfr nnilrt-r ..f free rei s m, including thoR' LotfunL :-.,.,:U-..;f,,v n ir:in Hi years, ana exeiiumia Juuauin , l. 1 ! . T.l 1- ... to r. ni y r .- y. .. ' . tMiJvA-tax 1 tLntiiititS' ol .ail s-Javes. I nc actuaj cim .-sj'.-in 1. jiiM.de within three vearsaflicr Lhe :mzrk m the tonic.ieratees, -r .w theV U . vdaw, direct. 1 ne immhtt . ,f " . .. . I t ja i;.,,..Y tilii-i'M . h:i 1 u it exceed one loreveivi Jr.r- i 818(hutisa!ia;"but t-acU ; St ate; shall have at iea:tom Rs-r.-titbieraud until suclrenumeratviTi skill be I- " -.1 'i-e-. tide .1. t --.. -,. - J i . .. ' i- i .n 1 . ...(I I : .1 i,..i.. iSont i i aro. na snau i:-e riuiuoi ,u osc: :.. lias a. i in-."- :;1fl5r4-il;.' State b'f-Geor-iia ten, the Stiu of Alalnliiia 'HMU'iW :tl:Stal c of Florida tvn th.i. Staiv-'of Mi ss: l'JV. ;:.7 fmHcven,: ho; State ; t' Luuisiaua six,'aad the sV-'lVvfi.; six. :" . .' '" suit '1113. -:4- When .vacau.-ies happen i:i 'the', reprcsenia ion .. '.,4 't ite- i!ic votive authoritv thereof siian all ftlSft4nRAvrits of fluci:i'n to t'ill.Mich" vacancies. u ."V--The-House ot llfbreseutativcs snail enoo.se;.i ieir, :'t fi,v,'lrtt1stiKl otlrer ofticers, .and h:ll. have Use IS' no ' !'-:.iIi.Hv"er M i'n-nW:-K.hueu't, except that any ju'lidia or .:" fm.tricr itifeml oOiver ivideiit and acting suk-iy. wi i -ilvl,!.. liniStH of auvtate, may be impeached J:Y,a 't " J 1 ofi t woltiiirds - of -Wli . brandies, of tho'- LegiIa ure iM9' I. I . . ,'-" , - ." . .' ..... . , , be f.r liar The Senate ;of. the C'litederate Mates sua! ,J-.Li ,,P tivrv Ki-.iT i tins: iViifn each -State.- chnsci ffftiS ",:I. ..'.: ' Kir-MH...' T ..w1.,titw -lluTnof- at. ttHi -i"A S ?t A l-illh ITV. 111 -iii.i,u u."v, .....w. TO laai-l-iext iinmediatdv .'-preCeling the .'connaeiicer. Mm- ii ei.t f the term cf sei vice: and each fjenatoi hall Jii;4-dih.y.e.'fie-.y,,tl-"- fd'ter ' tb'y shall W isseinbh iii, rJ.i-Ai-JnHn- i.f -the nrst election. they snail oe d; ided '-r -'f;.fltfequp1y- as' ni: r .- I i lie-'Sen at.nrs .of ; niay iie into tiirce classes. . Ine sea s 01 the first class shal! be vacated la i the i 1 . .1 4.U,, .......... .1.... at Pxrn ration offt.hc fairfh yeir; and of the; iliin jOw '-expiration of the sixtli year; s to;iUue- :lv i'e V-riOS.'n eviiv sniiiu ci aim u ym. , . 1 ... . ...1 . . .f-.-.X au- uoii bi' resimiatiun op otherwise duravg thL re- !t'!(t -f.ouis!:it"re of anv Stale the . . .. ... .i Execfitive hii' V niake-tfitiporarv appoinnnent ' unti the t(XSI 4V....:.,..i ppl iust lMiinff the. ' Legislature, which shall the fill vfteai.cie:i.- - . . r o'tvetson shall be a 'Senator who shall not tiave a-alfaiTHid the 'age of thirty a ou'-s, and be a citixeij ' the rat V States. a"n 1 Aviio sha,!l not. when eie 1 . . - ... i ted.i id'iabitatit ot' thc State lor whicn.be sua 1. Ui. ilk . -t. . Tiie.Vi e rresidmt of tlie -CoTifeflrrate States khaH vt of the Sfinate, but shall have nu voteL un- I lie eqiuxlly divided. Semite sha-U chuose 'their other ohiccrs i ;.j;ti' rresiu .1 ilmlVh'.fH'J 'y fi ,-.;dso a-i'reVidcit- pro h-uiKi in. the absence ot til v Wk- dVesidliiti or ..vviien he shall exercise the office of in the absence of the i-e re.-i- y all they dent S"dfiit of tlie'dinfedeiMte States 215 ";'.i C-'lfhe Senate sh;i 11 have- the sole power tn tr m ' njnieatfMin'rUs. W Uen suung lor unu inn st, "4a!l I. v un .i:ii h r a rination. i lien xne rms d' the shall r 'C'nlfc.lcrate Stntes is tried, the Ciiief .lul.tice nr.il no iicrsnn sliall ie convicted ivith- I. it U (3 Concurrence ol two-unrus oi tue nienauers . .. . .1 -i- .1 : :. 1 : ri 'present Judgment in cases of impeachment shall n irlher than to removalTroiu office, and d'y: t cx- fi lial- UKT.tKl- hold ai:"il ii;ov nnv olhce ot honor, tr .l or. CoU- .i;i- bVufit;' ludcrthc Con!i-d::rate Sta'es; butthe parfv nfiited i- . - - j.- .1 111 1 - ill. "nevertheless.- ie naoie ana suojeci Uictinq ni)- trial, judgment and punishment, acco rdiu? h. '..ii 1 ' -- ";, ' J Section 4 v,l. a- lii:is. olaces -and manner of - holdhig clc tiolis r Senators and Represent. itives- shall be "s'cribc'J iii -each St Vie bv the Legislature. thercolJsuoT jecf r ,' tl i" lit-i-ivi.sioiis of this Constitution ; but thqGn- gcys.ituay. . . . . . , i,- i r.t anv tune, by. law maK.e or auer sucn ri".-ul;ii. rti.s exct r-t-as to tlie times and peaces ol clioi-S ipu Stalirs. io-r",-. . 'J. - i, .i.Nf' GngR'ss sluill assemble.at least o.ue in '.: VearXaiidsncli niet'ting shall Ik? . on the fa-st vu ?vwy Jay in: ,lvec mbrr; tnilebs-ti .ey -shall, by law, appoint a'ui . day.'-; -. ; '' : '-;' .-'- : .' S-vtion 5. . " : crent ..''la'.laHi'tlouseyudl be the "judge of the ele rcturiis andVinalifications of its own members. tious, and'' a."! ."irtuijov-yf-of . Well' shall eyiifctitute a yuorr.ni todcJ busi - - - av to - ne.ijlW a jsnxatler n.iunoer nv. suijourn nrom day; :jmd inny e authorized to compel the iitn-i ; of absent members, in su di' manner a; id uwdci Jdance SUCU oefialfies as each lleitse niay pivviuc v :2' J-ladi Hoitse ini-v determine tlie rules of it rv Vecdiijs. punish' m members for disor ler'y belifcivior;; iajidltii theon -c:nv;ice ot two-thirds oi the 'InumU'r.- expel a member. whole" i"'. !' ; Each Itiuse shall keep a journal. of it pn-: Vxi ; t Wftlii '.;ri1 fn ni time t time publish the s'tmle 'Ccbfhiir Viich. parts as may in their judgment r qUiri? jsocresv, and the yeas and hiivs of the memli'Ts of either; House., on .u;y ouestioii, snail, at the dc ire .o;ieifijDf.ii of thosf present, be entered on the jourk."alv ; t " Neither House. d'nnn' trie session ot Loih crressi! -sluiil.i.wuiiout ' tho consent, of the 'other fof. piore than three day:.-, nor to any other place th;" in that iii wliich -the two Houses shall be sitting. ,1' Tlie Senators 'and llepresentatives. shall fecrive la eniWiisatioi) i'f- -r their services, to e. ascertailnnl by law. Jind oaid out oi the treasury oi tne v.onw derate "Ktiit.'.i ''; 'I bev shall, in all cases. ti:eit treason felony- and breach of tl'e peace be pri vileged f ifmi "arrest lurin: their ) attendance at the session of tlieir res eetive Houses, and in oing'to and lvturning i'ro.n tne sanii : 1 a'iid tor any sieecu or debiite in either House thejy shall ' not be tmestioned in any other place. 2. -Ko Senator or llfpresenbitive shall, duri nc tlie time for which.be was elected, be appointed to aiA- civil office under the authority of the Cbna'dcrate Spates- which shall have beeu created, or the men ts' whereof shall havedieen increased .d urn Linolu- jnelits "nJg such time irne;'ahd .no. person holding any office under 'the Coii edeiutp Statvs 'shall be a ineml'cr of-either Hi tse dii- $jj v wngiiis cohtiiiuauCe in -otlice. But Congress i iay, by aw, gr nt to the principal, ouner in eacn oi lie hs- upnijive Pcpartiaents a seat upon the floor oi cither ii.' -Jti 'witb-.tbo privilege bf discussing auyn easure. oppertamug to uisutpariuiuuu - j ' 'o- Section 7. All bills for raisinst revenue shall. origina :e in the UlousS-of: riepreseutatiyes; but the Senate may propose ni nr wit h amendments as on otnex oiu.-v. Every bill wbich thall have piissal botliJHouses V 1 as. vrJ . ' ' J ' ft i U 1 VOL. I. Jrall, I before it becomes a law, be presented .to the Prisadeiit f tu Confederate Sutes ; if he approve, ho shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it with his ob jections to tluc, House, in. which.it 'shall have origi nated1, who lall enter the objections at large on their joimal and 'proceed to reconsider If, after, such recoipderat'u? t two-thinls of that Tlouse s-liall agree to pis fine bi , shall be sent, -together with the ob jections! tnrtlii other House, 'by which it shall likewise be recohsiLVred, and if approved by two-thirds of that lioiise it shall tiecorne law. But in all such cases the vots of loth Houses shall be deteiToined by yeas and nals, and Xk names of the , perstns voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each IbJuse respectively. If any bill shall not be returned bVftbe TreVklent within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it. si lall have been presented 'to him, the saine shixll be a law, in like manner as it be baa signea it, uile.ss the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its -return; in -which case it shall "not be a law. The Tresi litmayjipprove any appropriation and disapprove ariy other appropriation in tlie same bill. In such case,- i- 'ne shall, in slkning the bill, designate the appropria- i r KlWfifc . i I tiiws disapproved, and shall return a copy ofsnehap .5,1" -1 S'ijrori'ationH Ji.th his objections, to tbt? House in whiclr ttse om snau nave origmaieu ; ami me &iimc iii.cvii iilgs shall then be had as in case of other bills disap proved by the President. . i 3. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the con currence of both .Houses may be necessary (except on ,a'; question of adjournment) shall be presented b the IVesideut ot the' (Joniederate fttates ana Deioie me bkme shall take e0Vt, shallbe approved byl him; or liing diipproved by him, may be repassed by two thirds of both' Houses according to. the rules and linii- vi.: ,. . ; l.ill. 1t4UU IS UieaUlUfU 111 .n,-Kji vi n .m. ..- , . .V , ! lit" uiij;rt.TS& fiiiiin ijcivu jwci - ., 1. Toiav -and collect taxes, duties, imposts and ex- cisesfor revei-tio necessary to pay the debts; provide iOT the common defence, and carry on the government j of the Confederate States ; but -no bounties shall be ; hinted l"ianf the Treasury, nor shall any duties or taxes j u . frolll flsr& Wtions I j . . . j t.xds bhal uniform tl be laid to. pro- , and all duties. , 11111 M )SLS UEIU t-XClSes bllllll uc uuuuiui uiuiu.ii.uvui 1,11. i i .ii i- :c- . . ( ... (Jfiid'ederaie States - . . . ... . .i. . i-i. ,,p 4.1,,. ri.,,r...i.,: z lO IKirruW mOUev OH Ulc tlcuic ui iuu vjuiih-uc- ... rate. States. j To regulate connnerce with loreign nations, and j aniong tlie sevi-ra Siates, and with the Indian tribe:; ; .: 'but neitlier this, nor any other clause contained in the Gjiistitutioii, shall ever be construed to delegate j Ihe j imver fo'Gmgress to appropriate money for any iutcrniil ifn pro vemcnt .intended to facilitate 'commerce, ! tv(;ei!t for' the purpise of furnishlug lights, beacons and - Tmoys, and Uher aids to 'navigation upon the coasts, j .at! id the improvement of harbors and the removing of tibstructions in river navigation, in all whjch- cases j sbch duties shall be laid on the navigation facilitated i tliorehy as may be necessary to pay the costs and ex- penses thereof, ; ; L ' ( '4. To. establish uniform laws of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies, through .ut the Con federate States ; but no law of Coiigres shall i discharge any debt contracted before the passage of j tlie same: -;4 o. To coin money, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin, and lir the standard of weights and mea sures. - ' . ..' i'.C. Ti provide for the punishment of counterfeit- j iii"- the securities' anil .current coin of the Confederate Suites., : . ... - f 1,7. To icstablish post offices and post routes ; but the j "f xpen'ses of ; the Tost office -Department, after the first j d.iy of M-irch in the year of rfur'lord eighteen -hundred sixty -three, shall be paid out of its own reve- j. cues. ' . . ' ' i ; g. To promote the? progress of science and useful' j arts, .by. sec a ring for Huiitecl times, to authors and- in- ; vet tors tbe exclusive right to their respective writings j and disco verieSi ; ' r f.f ). To- l Onstkute tribunals inf. rior to the Supreme Cohrt. - ":: . ' ' . ' ' . - ' :-,' i' TO, -To define and punish piracies and felonies com knitted on the high seas, and oilences against the law of-nations. . . 11. :'i'o declare war, grant letters of marque and re- ; 'prid, aad.inake rules concerning captures on land ; knot water. ". - ', ' ' . i 1-2. 'To. raue iand support armies ; but no Hppropria- i tioiiof money j to that xise shall be for a ' longer term than twi yearsj - ' To provide and ltiainf ain a navy. ' ' 11. To make rules for governmenfand regulation .' .of the land and naval forces. 15. To provide for calling forth the militia to' exe cute the laws of the' Confederate States, suppress in- t surrections and repel invasion. ; lO'. To provide" for organizing, arming -and disci p- ' limns: the militia, and for governing such pari of them :.:as; may lie employed in the service of the Confederate States ; reserving. to the btates, respectively, tne ap-. . poibtment of the officers and the authority of training the . militia according to the discipline prescribed by .Congress. . : -' ' - " ; ' -17..; To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases . whatsoever, overmuch -district (not exceeding ten miles ; square) as may, I y cession of one or more states and s . the--acceptance of . Congress, become the. seat of the ; goyernment, of the Confederate States:; and to exercise j Iikeauth'ority overall places purchased by the consent ; oftheTjegislatnre of the State iu which the same shall ! be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards aisd other needful buildings ; and -' ' ' ; 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and : proper for carrying into execution the foregoing pow- f ers, and all other powers vested by this Ginstitutioft in h the government of tlie Confederate States, or in any depai tnient or officer thereof. : . r . j - . - - '"'". I.'. - Section 9. ' . . . 1. The importation of negroes of the African race from anv foreign country other than tlie slavehuldihg ! States, or Territories of the United Stated of America, is lioreby forbidden ; and Gmgress is required to pass L su'nh laws as shall effectually prevent the same. ! ?: 2. Ghn's-ress.;. shall 'also have power to prohibit tho ' iiit roduction of slaves from any State not a member - ot. or lcrntory not ceiongmg-to, uus vxiueueracy . , "3. The privilege ol the writ ot habeas corpus sha n i i ...i ' ; i,.n:. .... not OC SUSpeuueu, illness nirai iu tasia oi icucuivu ui , invasion the public safety may require it.- j ' "4. Xo bill of ottaincr. or ex post tarfplavr, of law 1 f demdnsc or irhpairing the right of property in negro I slaves snau nc passtu. - 1 - ' 5. Xlo capitation" or other direct tax shall be laid . - . .i . -- ;; ! ' unices m, proportion to tne ceususor enuniei.uion neie inbefore directed tole taken. of t " G. Xo' tax or duty shall be laid on article exported id from any Stfite, except by a vote of two-thirds ef 1 notn nou:-es. . . . .v , 7. Xo Preferences shall be given by any regulation I of conmu rco or revenue to the ports of one Siatirover ; . t f lose ! airothrr. - . ' : , ,' t'f 8. Xo monrv shall be drawn from the treasury, but Th ronscqueiijee of appropriations made by law ; and a regular sUitcment and account of the receipts and ex penditures of all public money shall.be published from tinier to time. ' D. .Congress shall appropriate no money from thn treasury except bv a vote of two-thirds "of both houses, taken iby yeas; and nays, unless it be asked and esti mated for by so re one of the heads-of department;-aud submitted ti Congress by the President; or for tho purpose of pay ing its own expe nses and contingencies ; or for the payment "of claims against the Confederate States, tlie justice of which shall have been judicially declared by a tribunal for the investigatioa of claims against fhe government, which it is hereby made the duty of Congress to establish. .. "if ' . ? 10.1 All bills appropriating moiiey shall specify in federal currency the exact amount of each appropria tionand the purposes for; 'which it is niade;.and AJtingress snau grain, ui e.ira couipjusuiuiu io any public contractor, officer, agent or servant, after such contract shall have been made or such service ren dered. ', '..;'.. -;" '-i.. r -" : -l - 11. No' title of nobility shall be granted by the Con cderaJte States ; and tK-- person holding any office of ".profit or trust under them, 'shall, ;without the consent ot tttc congress, accept oi any present emomments X S NY. m nr-fNY IlAlEIGH, d WEI)NESDAl AUGUST 21, ..1861. office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince or foreign J?tate. '12. Congress shall make no law respecting an establi.sliraent of "religion," or: prohibiting "the. free exercise thereo'; or. abridging the freedom of speech, s or of the.t-re? or the right of the people peaceably td ssemble and betitiou the government for a redress of grievancti'" r"'j : '' VI ' -'. -:"-v' s";: : ':v'' -'-'." ' '"":'.'.' 13. A well regulated militia being'-necessary to thH security oi a tree fttat, tue right ot the people to seep and bear arms shall not be infringed.-. v - ' ' '! 14. Xo -soldier shall, in tihje of peace be cuat--tered in any house without the consent of the owner nor iu time of var, but iu a mauner to be prescribetj by law.. , . ; . .i 15. '.The right of the peple to be secure in their; persons, houses, papers and effects against uirreasona-i' b!e; searches alid seizures shall uot be violated ; andl no ; warraufc shall issue but. upon probable cause, sup ported by oath or affirmation, and particularly de . scribing the place to be; searched, and the persons or tilings to be seized. , : .. . '' : ':; : . r 16; .No perscn shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a -.presentment eir j'y-.ut 4f a grand jiir,rexcept-in cases arising irrttoe7and7oi naval forces, pr in the : militia, when . ia. actual. '.'servicein time of war, or public! danger ; ; nor shall any person be subject; for the same oflence to be twice piit in jeopardy of life or limb, nor be compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself; nor ijje deprived of Jife liberty, or property, without due process of i law; nor shall private prop erty be taken fox public use without just conipensa- tioh. ' '-'' 1 ' ''".;'' ; - '' y'' 17. In all criminal prosecutions ihe. accused) shall enjoy the rightjto k speedy and public trial, by an im-: partial jury ofibhe State and district wherein the crime shall have beion committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained bv law, and to be j informed of tip nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted, with the witnesses against him ; to have .compulsory procesS'for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to liave the assistance of Counsel for his defence".' .: 18. In suiti at common law, where the value in n,.,. uimnniisj all exceed- twenty dollars,1 the right of trial by jtiry shall be preserved ; arid no fact so tried uv i iiu y oua.i hit uuiii iou 1t-1-A.1iJii111.-11 in iinv iuiih, iv.. . ..in i,-Att.,n.i.. .r. Uut the Gmtedetacy than according to the rules ot the common law. Kb Excessive bail shall not be. required, nor exces sive fines imposed, non.cr'uel and unusual punishments . lnnictec " 20.' Every law or resolution having the foive of law: shall relate toil but one subject, and 'that shall be ex pressed iu the itle Section 10. 1. Xo State confederation : shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or grant letters of marque aud reprisal; coin money ihake anything'but gold and silver coin a '.tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attain der, or ex post 'fado law, or law impairing the obliga tion of contracts ; or grant any title of nobility. '2. 'No 'Statejj shall,. without ihe consent of the Gm- gress. lay any imposts or duties' on imports and ex ports, except what may be absolutely necessary fir executing its ijiisjicctioii laws ; and the net't produce bt all duties and imposts, j laid by any State oU imports or exports,! sliill be for tlie use of tw treasury of 'the Giiifederate States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revisioni and control of Congress. 3. Xo Statcj shall, .without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, except on sea-going vessels for the improvement of its rivers and harbors naviga ted by the said vessels ;' but such duties shall ttot con-j (net with any treaties of the L oniejlerate States with; foreign nations; and any surplus of revenue thus de rived shall, aljcr making such improvement, be. paid; into the common' treasury : nor shall anv State keen! troops or shipfs of war, iu time' of peace, enter into aih . ... t. 7 , j . j agreement tir jjCompact with another State, or with a n-c, or engage in war, unless actually inva-j srajfa i.mnineut danger as wk! not admit of loreigtt - pow ded, cr in delay.' But i Jvheh any; river divides or Hows through two or ruorJ States; th-y 'may" enter into cornpact4 with each otlJer to i'mphive the navigation thereof, .f ' : Ar.TiCLE. II. Section 1. , 1. The executive, pow-r shall be vested in a Presi dent of the Uoniederate States of America. He and tlie Vice President shall hold their offices for tlie term of six" years ; put the President shall not be re-eligible. The" I'resideni aiid Vice President shall be elected as follows: :'' .; , : :" ,'. !; - 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature tliereof may direct, a number of electors equal tothe wjiole number of Senators and Itepresen.ta- tives to wiiicll the State may be entitled in' the Cii gress; but up Senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit mider the - Confeder ate States 'shjlill be appointed an elector, j -i; 3. The electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot, for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not b an inhabitant of the1 same State w ith tlieuiselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in' distinct ballots the person voted tor as Vice President, and they sha i make distinct lists of all persons -voted for as President, and. of all persons 'voted for as Vice President, and of the number of votes'for'each, which list tliey shal sign and certify,-and transmit, sealed, to tlie government of the Gib federate States, directed to the President of the Senate ; the President of th Senate shall, $u the presence of the Senate and Hons of Representatives, open all the certificates, and th votes shall then 1 be counted ; the person having th greatest number of votes for" President shall, be th President, if uch number be a majority of the .'whole number of ehctors appointed , and if no person hare such majority, then, from the persons having the high est numbers, inot exceeding three, on the !istof those, voted for as President, the House of Ileiresenta tives shall chcKjio immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing tlie President the votes shall be taken by States, the'rejresentation from each State having one vote; a quorum' for this purpose shall Consist, of a member or njembers from t wo-thirds of tlie States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary: to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upoiii' them, before the 4th day of March next following, then the Vice President shall act as Presi dent, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. ! 4. The person haying the greatest number of votes as Vice President shall be the- Vice Presdent, if 'such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the Vice President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of twt-thirds of the whole number of Sen ators, and a tnajority of the whole number shall.be ne cessary to a choice, i .."':'-.: 5V Cut no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of Tres dent shall be eligible to that of Vice Pres ident of the Confederate States. ' : . 0. The G:tigress may determine the time of ehoosihg tlie electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes, which day shall be the same throughout the Gal-federate iStates. , ! '- i - . 7. No perlson except a natural bora citizen of the Gmfederate States, or a citizen, thereof at the time of the adoption of this constitution, or a citizen thereof; lKrn in the United States prior to the 20th of Decern ing. 1860, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have- attain d the ase of thirty-five years, ' and been fourteen years a resiaeut within the limits of the Gmfederate States, as may exist at the time of his -'election..'.: ..-"' . , : '".;.r ",: ,A'-,.l ...- .! .;..,. 8. Ia ; case of the remoyid of the: "Eresident from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to dis charge the powers and duties of tlie iaid . office, the same shall devolve on the 'Vice President ; and the . Guigressi may, by law; provide for the case of . re moval, death, resignation inability both of the Pres ident: and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as "President.-and such officer shall act accord ingly -until the disability be- removed or a President shall be elected. . j - ,9. -The President shall, at stated times, receive, for his services a eompensarion, which shall neither be in creased nor diminished during the period for which lie shall have been elected :, and he shall not receive with in that period any,, other emolument from the Confed erate States,. or any of them. .- -'., ; ' ' 10. Before he enters' on the. execution of his office, ... Jie shall take the following oath or affirmation . . " : ""'J' .P"1, -f""i. VT V1 O T ry , , u,eaery KepubUcau form of government, ully execute the ofhee of Fresideut of the Confederate . ami shall protect each of then, against invasion land States, and will, to! the best of my ability, preserve,; on applicatioriwf the Leinslatnr i..r ne pTJiti,. protect "and defend, the Constitution thereof.' r-r-i ' - . . Section 2. ' j-- ; ; .,: - 1. Tbe Presklent shall be "commander-in-chief of ihe army and navy of the Confederate States, and of the militia of 'the several States, when called into the., actual service of the Confederate States ; he rrihy ;r". quire; the Qpinvon, in writiiS, of ; the principal officer in each of the Executive "Departments upon any sub-' ject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and par dons for ofiences; against the Confederate States, ex cept ;in cases of impeachnjent. . , 2. lie shall have; the power,' by and with the ad vice and consent of! the Senate, to make treaties, pro- -. ided, two-thirds, 6f the Senators present concur ; and hpf sbiill -nominate. 'and bv And witb-'tbo ''a.?rf consent of the Sehate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public, ministers and consuls, judges of the Su preme Gmrt, and all other officers of the Confederate States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may, by law, vest tbe appointment of such inferior ofiicers, as they think properd in the President alone, hi! the courts of law or in the heads of departments. : " "' i . ', -i 3. - The principal officer in each of the executive de partments, and all 'persons connected with the diplo matic service, rn ay jbe removed from office at the' plea sure of the President. .All other civil officers of the Executive Department may be removed at any time by the President, br other appointing power, when t heir services 'are unnecessary, or for dishonesty, inca pacity, inefficiency! misconduct, or neglect of duty ; and when so reinoS'ed, the removal shall be reported to the Senate' together with the reasons therefor. .4:' The Tresikleni shall have power to fill.!l vacan cies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next: session ; but no person rejected by the Senate shall be' reappointed to the same office du ring'their ensuing recess. : . , ' j .' . . Section 3. Th6 rresidenit shall from'' time to time, gi ve 1 3 the Gingress information of tiie state of the Confed eracy, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ;' he. may, on Extraordinary' occasions, convene both houses, or either of them", and in case of disagree ment between theiti, with respect to the time of ad jouriiment, he j may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper;; he shall' receive Ambassadors and other public ministers ;; he shall take care that the laws be faitlifully jexecuted, and shall commission all the officers, of the Confederate' States. 1- '..'''"-' ' j .'- Section 4. L The President Vice l'resident, and all civil offi cers of the Confedbrate States, shall be'eemoved from' . office on impetichnient for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other .;h5gli crimes and inisdeahors. ' -J- arTjCI.k nr. Section 1. " 7 1. 1'he- judicial' power of the Confederate States shall be -vested. hi fne:Superior Gmrt,. and in such in ferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Su preme and infe.rioij courts, shall hold their offices du ring good behviojy "and -shall, at stated timess receive for their services a compensation, whidi shall" not be diminished during: their continuance in office. '."' .' " Section 2. .' 1 The judicial power sh:Ul extend , to all cases arising under this; Constitution, the laws of the Gn lederate States, aind treaties made or which shall pc made under their fuithoritv; to all cases affecting ani- i i . i!...: ..! :: . ,.":. : .i. ....l -..,!.. . V,. .,n uas.'a lors, OlUt:r puyiio liiimjr;ia dim ivuauis , bi .ii.i . cases of admiTaltyj and maritime jurisdiction; to con troversies to wdiich tbe," Confederate States shall be a party; to" controversies 'between two or more States-; between aState and citizens of another State where the' St ite.is plaintiu; between citizens claiming lands uiifler grants (if ; different States, and lietween a Sj-ate or the citizen thereof and foreign States, citizens or .subjects-; butjno Stat:: .shall be , sued "by a citizen or subject of any loreign -fetate. ; -2. iiu all cases laflecling ambassadors, other public ministers, and Consuls, and ' those in which a State shall be a patty,-' Hie Supreme Court snail have oiigi- nal iurisi isilictidn. In ad the other cases' before men- ' tioned the Supreme-'-Court halt have appellate juris diction, butli as to' law and tact, with such exceptions and Under 'such j regulations -,as. the Gingrcss shall make. . ' '; ; !'' ' i . . . i 3. j The.' trial of all crimes, except in cases of imr. peachment, shall je by jury, and such trial shall b:e held in" the State-wlvere the said crimes sluill. have been 'committed ; but When not committed within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. i .- . ; , ; . Section. 3) -1. 1 Treason against, the Confederate States shall con-: sist (inly in Uvying war against them, or' in adhering to their enemies,: jgiviug".theni aid: and ..comfort. No person shall be coiiivicted of treason unless on 'the tes timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in 'open court. 2J.The-6ngress shall have "power to declare the punishment, of treason, but; no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attained. . j auticlk iv. Section 1. 1.! Full faith and credit sliali be given .iii each State to the public acts, records and' judicial proceed-' ingsof every othbr State And the Congreso may,, by gt!iieral laws, prescribe, the manner in w '.ch such acts,;recordsahd proceedings shall be proved, and the eh'eet thereof. . . '"'...-' ' ' ; :; j , .-'... j ';-, ' ' Section 2. ' . M i'.j The ciijizensjof each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and! immunities of citizens in the sever id States, aild sluill hav the right of transit and so journ in any State of this ionfederacy, with their slaves and other jiro'perty,; and the right of property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired.. ; . '2i A persiin -charged in any Stato with treason, fel ony,; or other ;triine' against the laws 'of -such -Slate,. T. ho shad flee fr in juM lce,: and be found in another State; shall, 'ou demand of the executive autority of the, State from which he fled, be delivered up" to be re moved to tlie State having jurisdiction of the crime. 3J No slave or lother person held to serv'ce or labor, in any State or Territory of the 'Confederate Suites, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried into another, shall in consequence of any law or regu lation therein, be'discharged friflHsucu service or la bor,; but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom suchi shiives belong, or to whom such service or labor may be due. '"r - ' " ", " Section 3. 1. Other States may be admitted into this Confel eracy by a vote of two-third of the whole Home- of .Representatives and two-thirds of the Senate, the Senate votingjbyl States ; but no hew State shall bo, formed or erected1 within the jurisdiction of any. other' State ; nor -any State be formed by the junction of two or -more Stales! or narts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned; thft States concerned.1 as well as tif the Congress. . .. : ..- ' .' -; - - ' - : 2. ' The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all heedful rules and regulations concerning the -. property - of the' Confederate States, including the lands thereof. . f 3.; The Confederate Stat5 may acquire new teTrito- fv, and ConKress shall have .power to legislate ami provide governments ior ine ui d -mu--- tory belonging to the Confederate States lying with- out the hmite tif ; the several States, and nxiy permit . thsm,' at such times and in such manner as it may by law provide, to form the. States jto r" admitted into . flip ronfilpi-ii'v.: .Tn all "suck territory the institution : of negro slavery s It now exists in the" lonfederate ' j States shall be- recognized ana prowcieu uy ximcaB- -VT" .'- ML i 1 No. W. mm oy tne territorial frovemmrnt ai.. tl.n ;.,linV.u. ....11 (. i k several UntelerAte States and Territories hal r vC , ? ,rght tu tAke-s,ich terriu,rv and sLivc luby held by them iu any ef -the States or Terril of tlie Confederate States. law erntone 4. The Confederate Statps &tate t,nt now is or hereafter may become a meuWr. yhen the "Legislature is not in session) against dofues- tic violence. I -I AIITICLE V. Stclioa 1 1 TT . . .. .. .. upon tne-demand of any .three States leiallv .wii.vicu miugir several conventions, the Congress shall summofi a Convention of all the States, lo bike into considerition such amendments to the - constitu tion as the slid States shall concur Ju suggestii. at the time wliten tlie "said demand is made, and should any of the proposed amendments to the constitution be agreed on by the said convention-votin by States and the same be ratified by the Legislatures of two-thin s of the several States, or by inventions in two-thirds thereof as the one or the other rnolle of ratification may be proposed by the general conven tion they shall henceforward form a part of this Gaistitution. But no States shall, without its con sent, be depri veil of its equal representation in .th'4 Senate. . . - ARTICLE. vi.".-. ..' , . 1. Tlie Government established by the Constitution is the successor of! the provisional government ojf the Ginfetleratq States of America, aud all the laws us ed by thedatter shall' continue in force until the 'same shall be repealed or modified; and all the officers ap pomted by-the same shall remain ia office until'tlieir successors are appointed and qualified, or tlie dffices aboiished. 1. 2. All debts contracted .and engagements entered into before .the adoption of this constitution shall" be as valid against the Confederate States under this eonstitutioq as under the provisional 'government. - '.3.--This Constitution, and the laws of the Confeder ate States, jmade in pursuance thereof, arid-all trea ties made, fir" which shall be made .under thq au:hori-J ty of the. Giiifederate States, shall lie the supreme law of the land ; and the judges iu every State shall' be bound. thereby, anything in the constitutioif or laws of any Stafc to the? contrary notwithstanding. 4. The Senators and Representatives before men tioned, anrj the members- ot the several State Iieb'sla tu res, and, all executive and 'judicial officers, -b ft h of the Gi' federate States aud of the several States, shall "be 'bound by oath or. affirmation to sumxii-t thid mn- stitution, b.ut no religous. test shall ever be requiied as a qualiScation to any office or public trust under the Con federate States. . . ;.' 5. Tiie enuineration, in the constitution, of certain rights, shall .'riot be construed tu deny or disparage others retained by the people of the several State's'. 6. The ; powers not delegated to-the Confederate States byjhe constitution, nor prohibited by it o the States are J reserved to the States,- respectively,' or to the people! thereof. , . I ARTICLE VII. ' 1.- The ratification of the Gmventions of five stales shall be sufficient for the; establishment of this consti tution lietween the States so ratifying the same. 2. When five States shall have ratified this consti tution,, in the manner before specified,.. the Gingress under provisional constitution shall prescribe tha for holdinr the election of. Prpsident nnd V.re 1 time -.1. ...: A - - i.1... . , j? 4i T-M . d resi- ueuu, iinu ior uic uieeiing oi me Electoral Uojtiege; and for counting -the votes and inaugurating the presi dent.!; They shall also prescribe the time for holding the first election of: members' of -'Congress under this constitution, and tlie time for assembling the satrle. Until the assembling of such Gmgress, the Congress u.nder the provisional constitution shall", continue to exercise; the legislative pawers granted them, not ex- tenoing oeyond the time limited by the constitution ot the provisional g ivernment. -Adopted unanimously, iNfarch 11, 1861. it Q. DK CA.KTEUET. JOHN AHMSTH0SG. E-pSG N J01.T1I.C.VU0LI V BOOK BIXDEUt, I - j . (OVER THE N. C. UOOK STOKE.) ; DdCartcret & Armstrong, BOOK BIXbERS AND. B LA NK B 0 OK 21 AX UFA C - i , . TUBERS, . ! f ItALElGIT, X. C. 1 ' Jan. 23, 1861: ... : 16 ly TTDi Gil A IT UI K VYW001), Aid ' C0UXSELLOR AND ATTORNEY ATI LAV, K A LEIGH, K. C. Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johnston and Chatham : the Superior Courts of iVeW Han over and Sampson, and tlie Terms of the Federal Courts and Supreme Court ot iNorth-Carotina, at Kalonrh. Ollice, the one formerly occupied by the late Hon-. Wil liam II. llavwooa, jr, , Jan. 26, 1861. - ;. - ll-ly R. 3I00IIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, : sat.isbCrv, n. c, "" Will practice in the Courts of Rowan and adjoining coun ties. Collections oromntlv made. Jan. 26, 1SG1. 17 ly .H.'H. tttfjinsso-v. ... N. B. HILL. c: b HILL. I DICKINSON, HILL & CO., ; Al CTIOXEEUS, k NORTH CORNER OF FRANKLIN AND WAL1 STS., '-; . RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Attend particularly to the selling of slaves at public and private sale. : t . Aug. 28, I860. ' : ly TlEEYSBORO' llutual Life Insurance and IT Trust Company : This Company otters indupements to the public which few possess.. It is economical in its management, and prompt in the parment of its losies. The insured for life are its members, and they participate in its nrofits : not onlv "on the premiums paid in, but also. on a large and increasing desposit capital kept i!n active operation. I A dividend of 67 per cent., at the last Anual Meeting ol the Company, was declared, and carried to' the credit ot the lite nieuiDers oi tue company. ... , ' Those desiring an insurance upon their own lives or the lives of thear blares, win please aauress , l xj. jr. y tuii., . ; ' " . j Treasurer. Greensboro'; Feb. 11, 1859. -S .; ' .- tl ly. F. HIVES & CO., wholesale and retai Drug- gists, have and will keep on hand a till sijpply of all such articles as are usually found, in a First ClaUs Drug House.';-They will conduce the business on a lahge and liberal scale, having aiaplo exparienca, force and facilities for doing so, and hops by their promptn .-ss, enejrgy an uutiring efforts to please, to secure the liberal patronage of thir friend and tho; public generally. ' I The Prescription Department will be under the Immedi ate supervision of one of the firm, both day an night. Orders will be attended to with neatness and disspfttch. ' X. F. RIVES, M. ID. ! . WALTER 11. JORDAN. - 5 tf. i .". JOS. CXRR. 1 r s i o x HOUSE. VI WrniTs T wo-Hl-vdued Ya'bds of th Depot. Now open for the reception of TRANSIENT ClL'STOM and BOARDERS. . Table supplied with the best Uie mar ket affords. " L. MONTAGUE, Proprietor. Jan. 7, lf-61. . -12tf.i OrBSISTEYCEBEPAHTilEXT, '; ' J ii -- ; - R a lei oh, Mav, 25thL. 1861. Scaled proposals will be received at this Department for the delivery, of good merchantable flour, at anj jraitroad Jepot within the State, in quantiUe not U lha tvntjf fire barrel, until 15th i of July, 1861. - j Proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for flour, and addressed to the Commissary General' J0USOS - .... .- BLmM(iru fj niter al. yr'. trt 'lifil: . .; . ,:..:: . I . tf COMMITTED to .lall, in the town of Sallsburj Rowan county, ,br Cornelias KesUer, a negro slaves wb says he is a runaif ay, and belongs to JamiM Fuller and ear his name ia Frank. This boy is about twenty-one or twory?" old, about six feet high; of rather a light-dark color, had on brown woolen clothes, Jiadly torn, appears to be a boy of good quality, and a number one negro. ; 1& owner will come for him, pay charges, and takeUin awajf otherwise lie wiu oe aeau wiiq accung 2lTOX, Sheriff of Rowan countf. . May if 1861, v 1 ' ' 4 t ' ' . TEItMS FOR ADVERTISING Onewpiare, first u-crtion, . . Dach Bulwoquent insertum,." ? ..91.00 ,- : Foarteea lines or nndW make ft sqaare.) - - ... '- ... '. ..'..,-, ,; i' x. V.V ' J ' ', ' i Contracts will be entered into ith yearl, half-yearly and quarterly advertise, at a reduction from he tWn rals. " - k ? .- " r t) No decnct;on from the regular rate, for adTertXwmW Inserted in the Weekly Edition.- i ! i All adrertisements receive one insertion in tb? Wrek.y T!ic Neuse Manuracturins Company H $H aHHortment of Xrws and Cartridge Vrt; tity of common wrapping papr .." rt. qnan- jdAT . I'- W. IirSTEI), Trvror. . eo;fcGoldsboro'Trib? and Neivb.ra Pr" ; Edgewortii Fliuili5min ,., . . UUEENSiiOKOrJll W C - Prinab ' the la.t ten year - under iu presei,, ern 1 arents an InsUtntiou in which can b cun-d terr thl coSry ! . 3' thff TJ The Faculty consists of five Gentlemen anFour U-oArTiiv8-tlt?ltl0Qt'S.'nd has been THOROUGHLY oUo 1 lit UN in its organization. Grecnsborough is eminently healthy, and in the present excited state ot the country, Its geographical position rea lers it a quiet and sate retreat. . ' The next Session will commence Ann-ust 1st, 161 For Catalogues containinu- full particulars of terms, 4c. apply to K1C1IAU1 STERLING, Principal, ' Greensborough, S. C. June 20. .. I ...... V 3,,,. TAKKX up and committed to the Jail of 3reck lenburg county, oa the 8th dar of September last, a negro, boy, who savs his name is Jim," and that his pias ter s name is John Worthy," living in Ga,ton count f, L" 5Vld bo..v "f medium helgUth, very black' and has very ordinary i!itolhgence-no marks or scars by which to ' ulen lty him. 1 b owner is hereby notified to come for-1 ward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise on the lth day of September next, he will be' ex posed to publicsale, to pay fees, as the law- diroi . - ' W. W. GTilER, . , .. x, " SheriiT of Mecklouburg conntr. Charlotte, X. C. May 2t, 1851. ' td 1860. SPRING TRADE. ' i86l. N. F. HIVES & CO. , . WHOLli.SALE DRUQGISTS, " . ! E.UiESTLY lovtte the merchaats of YlrRlnla ortli-Citrolnia and lennessee, to examine their ex tensive stock of 1)r"Ss Perfumery - : Chemicals, Fancv Articti - ?. ' ' - Brushes of all klndx. Dye StulT-. Tobacco, ., . . ' Window Glass Patent Medicines, Seeds; "' Cigars, Siiuti; - ;: Pure Medical Wines - Spices, Brandies, Gins, Ac. Having facilities unsurpassed bv anv house in the trade, they kvl authorized in . savins- tli.-r eaii. an, I -will -..ll .n poods in tbeir line of business, at such low prices ai cannot tail to give entire satisfaction. Orders will be promptly attended to. All goods sent from their establishment, w ar -ranted as represented bv them. ' N. F. RIVES k CO.. Wholesale J)ruggiVi, PeterHburg, Vb. 12 tf. I) it. X. F. RivKf), Walter B. Jokius, Jo&epii Care. . FrilNITritK ! F nLMTIUE ! ! ALFKED OVEKTIIIE, having removed 1o the large, new and ext-nsive bmldijig on Sycamore at ret t, nearly opjiosite Doniiiiiis A Jolm.son, has-purchased the most superior and extensive stock of Furniture ever exhib ited iu the city, to which lie invites :tlie attention of house keepers and others in wnni, of superior articles in his h'n-,. pledging entire satistactifjj) iii quality aud prico. Hisstnik is composed of Snl-is, Divans, Parlor chairs, Mahogany vva.idrobesj and Boi k cas-s. Marble top Burt-aus. -Centre Tables, Spring and oilier Bedsteads, Sociables, kc. He will also make ;to order anv article in his line, an he ha some of the best woi kiiii-n in tin- city, in his employ. lie solicits a call-from his fri"uds ami th! public. lie will pay particular attention to th- Undertaking De paitnient. for which purpose lie will keep a good a-sort-ment of Burial Cases of every description, lie will have in Attendance on funeral occasion a careful driver and good hearse. "' ' , '' Petersburg, Va., April 9, lsCO. ' ' ly. WEEKLY AUSIYALS OF rAKKLUiES; KoTka- Ai S ami BUGGIES, made expressly lor Vir.'ina and Xoi thTCari!in:i. Th -y are of thf latt-ht Avleaud suu rior workmanship. Also, 'ADDLES and HARNESS of the best materials, ami of my own manufacture. Call and see my block btl'ore purcha-sihg elscw here. . ' - r A. C. HARRISON. No. 123 Svcainore street, Petersburg,' Va. April, 18(-:(). " ' ' , ;' ly. REMOVAlZ" T"' '-J CiEOUGE L. B1DG00D, . it oo u s i: 1. 1. e u, Agent Methodist Depository, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, -.'" WOILI) respeetfiilly Inform his friends and the public, that he has removed to the store NO. 1C1 MAIN STREET, V. ' ! Recently occupied by Mr. Chas. A. Jwalkin, and one door i below' Messrs. Kent, Pain Co. . His ttock of ' ! BOOKS, STATIONERY,' AND FANCY ARTICLES, Will compare favorably with anv house South. ; He has se lected w ith great care a sjiLndid assortment of stationery, to suit the liiost fastidious. - A collection of choice MIS CELLANEOUS, STANDARD AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS, of the newest editions, and indeed the latest popu lar, moral publications as soon as published. The trade cau be eupplkd with our own own Books upon the same terms as at the Nashville house. For terms, ej Catalogue, which will be furnished gratis. ' . Merchants, Ministers, ; Colporteurs and Consumers, w il find it to their advantage to- patronize the Depository. ! The store has been elegantly and 'comfortably fitted up i with a view to the easy conduct of the business, as well as the com foi't. and ease o the customer. Also polite and accoui- j modating clerks arc employed. i Orders w ills be faithfully and promptly attended to-. i Don't forget the place. - No. 1G1 Main street, one door ; below Kent, Pain k Co's. 6 COLLEGE HOTEL THE I'nderslgned having taken eharge of the houses formci I v occupied as a Female College in the city of Raleigh, on Ilill.-boio' street, 200 yards west of tha Caoitol towards tho X. C. Depot, and having opened the!, saSTpUBLIC HOTEL 'bOARDIN HOUSEI respectfully solicits the patronage of the TRAVELING PUBLIC." , - ! Hillsboro' street is noted fir good water and beautiful shade durir the summer months. The Proprietor designa keefiiiB- a uTiuse for BOARD ERS, during the summer and fall months for FAMILIES, who can have tbe benefit the Mineral Water from the Kirkham Spring, which equal to any in the State in medicinal properties, which is well known to all who have, tried the water. ti.. n.,Ki;.' aro rMncetfullv- solicited to call and iudir foi themselves, as promises might be made and not complied X SAMUEL E. PHILLIPS, Ag't. Jan. 26, 18C1. : lt-il &Zf SEWIXG MACHIXES. The Quaker CUj ?) OU Sewing Machine wiwks with two threads making atlouble hck stitch, which will not rip or rel, en if verv fourth stitch b; cut. It aews equally as wel the oar'si.-.st Unsey or th tinest Muslin and is undeniably the ast machine in market. Merchant Tailors, Maatu Makere ml Iiou?ekeep3rs; are invited to call and examine for them- e,".,t' i a Vil-rn. Merchant Tailor. Winston, X. "C. ha ving tried other machines, buyitme of tie Quaker City r and pronounces it far better than any before in use. Ail persons wiliig to secure the agency lor the sale he 0 taker City machine, in any of ' the towrw in North Carolina, except in the county of Wake, which is tecurtd. to Messrs. Tucker & Co.. of Raleigh. , bd the i count, uf Forsvthe, Uk.n bv P A. A iUm.ol N inst4m, should appiy oon to the under.-igned agents for the State. W will pay . reasonable per centao all pems fatf. GrnAoro'. X. C., Feb. 2nd, 183d. D TOR SAIE. Thf subscriber wlshlnff to noveio the "Southwest, offer for sale the tract of a.d on whicn he now i -sid -s. lying eight miles south of Migh, and Tone mile north of Rad.n..il on the w.ten . of; SwU-t Cree'k and in a healthy and iutelligeut ne.ghlxirhiKHl. . . Said tract cdn ains' about ao acres.; th-re is enongh ..Ll!1 .,? in a hieh state of cultivation, for a four . J"' ?' ',:r- ....hair fllt..rnatelr. Hi'-re is on Kacta'od' storrdwelling bo,c.UiniDg eight , rtalidbasement, new ly fitted P; . Th arcabi. all the necessary the, a x- S?ted thtTof Coin, Cotton What .f OaU. For further particulars iv ,Tml,,.( . . , j. .., 'T. . ' VU.1 JlllivJlJ'.ii'Uf Auburn, Wake Co., X. jC. October 13, I860. tf. TVTOKTU-CAKdLlXA'MILITABr BrTTOXSTtfr 1 " Goldsboro Rifle,'' havfaig procured a complete . of Dies of the State Arms, are prepared tofurnuh ,. for all the Xorth-Carolina Military-Compamec at, cent, less than they can be purchased elsewhere. ' . - All application urnst be made V the Captain, lV ; i M. 1). CBATOX Goldaboro, KC. Jan.- . ' . - -. ' ' WHtf- i - 1 -I - v i 1-" '! i' ; i, !'. -it. IfV, : !, I' I V '' :- i'.-! ':. H A ,'!',.' A: f . -; --." .... r 5 r ... ; it .... J mm 4? ',-- ---

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