V ,. ".. , i - ' - 'v. - "." -. : ' ' 1 r ' i ' ' ' ' ."-!', - ': v."'-" l ' - , j - ' '' r :-' J'i '.':: I -. . ! f , . iJ . - ; i .. I : THE STATE JOURNAIi : RALEIGli N. G WEDNESDAY J SEPTEM BER j 18, 1861. . - . '" : M -;; . : - ". ;..'" '. ' . . - V. li It i L 1 1 j i: ' "'I' ' .. lawa of the Confederate States. ?.:' Bt Authority. :' .r;.0i;'-'. f rNo. 269.1' : ' AN ACT FOR THE SROTTESTRATTflY tiV TTfV. F TATES, PROPERTY AND EFFECTS OFi ALIEN ENEMIES AND FOR THE INDEMNITY OF CITIj .v. ZENS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. AND PER " S011110 THE SAME IN THE EXISTING WABj WITH THE UNITED STATES. 1 , S Whkbkas, Tire Government and people of th4 United States Lave departed from the usages of civilized warfare; in confiscating arid destroying the property of the people of the' Confederate States" of all kinds, whether jased for militarv purposes or not j and whereas, our only! protecl tion against such wrongs' is to be found in such neasurel of retaliation is will ultimately indemnify, our dwn citi-r bens for their losses, and restrain the wanton excesses of our enemies ; Therefore, j. j, , Sectiot?. 1. fie it enacted by the Congress ! of fihe Conl federate. States of America, That all and everv, the lands i "v.ucuuj nun uereuiiamenisi goons and chattels, ngnw 'v and credits within these Confederate States, add. everyf! ; ' '! nght and Interest therein held, owned, possessed $r enjov4 M ed by; or for any alien enemy since the twenty-first day of i May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-onef exceptf, "!&' ueh debbiduetp an alien enemy as may have been paid1 : into the Treasury of any one of the Confederate States!" I' - prior to the passage of this law, be, and the same are here-! I :'" -T WYrated by the Confederate States of America, and ? shall be held for the full indemnity of any true ahd loyal ; ' 'citizen or resident of these Confederate States, rr otheri 'll'U' , Pson aiding said Confederate States in the proseputionof si-'f the present war hot. V United SUt-esipf America, and for which he maysaflfcr ahyfi v loss or injury tmder.the act of the United States Jo which! this act is retaliatory, or under any other act f the United! . States, or of any State thereof, authorizing jthe seizure, condemnatioi) or confiscation of the property of citizens or: residents of the Confederate States, or other persop. aidingf . said Confederate States, and the same shall be seized and deposed of as provided for in this act : Provided, however,! : W hen the estate, property, or rights to be effected by this' act were, or'are within some State of this Confederacy, Which has become snch since said twenty-first day jof MayJ then this act shall operate upon, and as to such1 estate, ; property or rights, and all persons claiming the same from and alter the day such State so became a member of this! Confederacy, and not before : Provided, further. That the! provisions of this act shall not extend to the stocks br other! . public securities of the Confederate Government, of of anyf of the Slates of this Confederacy held or owned !bv any- ?lienenV7' m r, debt' "Wigation, or sum die from! the Confederate Government, or any of the States,! to such Aou proviaea, also, That the provisions of th is act sli all nof, em brace the property of-oitizens or resi r dents of either of the States of Delaware, Maryland, Ken tucky or Missouri, or of the District of Columbia, or the 5Terriiespt New Mexico, Arizona, or the India ! Terri-i . wry bouth of Kansas, except such of said citizens hr resi - dents as shall commit actual hostilities against the Confed erate States, or aid and abet the United States in the ex- 13tZ" war against the Confederate States. i i m i i r ' 7 tuaimi, xuiu, ilia, HDU fcliail . i be the duty of each and every citizen of these Confederate ...ow.wtBpe'euiiy togive information to the oflicers charged with, the execution of this law of any and everT lands, : tenements and hereditaments, goods and chattels rights ; and'credita within this Confederacy, and of every rht v and interest therein held, owned, possessed or enjm edf'by , or for any alien eiiemy as aforesaid. ; f rvSpc. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty ofeverv attorney, agent, former partner, trustee o other poniroiung anv such lands, tenements or '"'rY?lV,XeBgd' chattels, rights or credi'tsjor any 5 , nterest therein,;of or for any such alien enemy, speidiWo I ' Vvf Vi rrw, nemnalter provid?d to be; appbinted, f . .I t, lu Vuuei an afc"nt ttiereot, and, so far i iu is practicable to place the same in the hands of swchRe- ! v w Hereupon, sucn person shall be fully acquitted of! .... ,..., pvprii.jr aim enects so reported and ; turned ovj-r-j And any suebperson .wilfully failing io give sucb niformation and render snch account shall helguilty rew8mra,r' and uPn indictment and.'fSuvi. 'frj&l'1'- 5 SUm Dot ceoding five thousand ''Ini nl -T 5mp,fisonf!d' ?ot ,0Der thau B rionthis, said :i,liPnsou.nenttpbe detwmined by the! :coJi't try- - 11!?$?. PVble tesued; by said . rtUU auujeciea lopay ctoub thi value Hbe ostate, property or .ettvets of the alien cne.Jy hell , . bhim kr s-ut.jcct to his control. . T '-. vVv--sIla" he the tiutv of the several Judei 'St'J-W this .act specially in charge V .Un,0f tlJCT0 Colerate States, and it "hi:a.4. Ithall bp'thp Ant- nf t r.i le ... rge-1' the their ..dv ;at. each eittins well and trnlv tn ,.! J ? V aK. ' ten.em-fcntnd hereditaments, goods, and '.S; crit. and every 'interest tnereinj Avithin thpjurisdictwn of said Grand .iiiry, hold bor for .Dn' P" be the duty of the several Re- ,,,Frglu lJncer ln,s act to , k of;. P'oceed in ol i.a.u .hJ'Xkii mi.tomroi or, anarch i.rnn.iK nr? ......v'.t j ! k'"v-'-uijm n.r me seout-ri ration. . - - .;,; in, ' 5 ilu-reof in v. ti viuaiit-r .loviaeu. .- fer-c- 'Be it further -na ted. ' acted, That each Jutj &f this - V"iitTT snail, as early as practicable, appoint a Ke-' ,8!"!." f- te for which he o!d.s a T- - i ,v ivyuireuira oeurc entennar. taDbn th du- Vj ' frve,a bond 'in such-penalty las maV be rentiy andtaithtuHv di.rharo-nK.,:..,. -.V.;.'T T" .S r,i..v.T,:' uuioneatnat he wilrdiu- iAj-j ', r v. . M " "co "posci u-pqo mm k t:.j i- A ;r umw hi me pleasure ot the Judee of th d;r - i i .y t. " do ntedJainl W u, ..;uu" "'r .w,u n L18 P wT.. one or, more other Receivers' dit,i,4,. i fKtiSofanv1 di?CH of hisruX And C d r l;"-'SS a"y," Kecciver atany time, appear b the , , Jdge to .begreater than can b5 efficiently pcrformdbttim : :; SL!' 1 f tb.t ,u to divide the idtXSr f. : g to theeees.ities of th, -Wmndto apprtnt v :a dinewly created districts. And ; W!ver shall also, before entering upon the d. , , w, a 'Reeeiyer everv such entering upon the duties kf. his , - ;. omce, mnKo oath ,n writing before the Jud ' ! . tnet or section for which he appointed, dil .tru.P'tetle dujiesofWffic : ; v . Ke t urthrr enacted, That it shall ligentlvL well of the several Receiver v,.i.,; i , " . ";?UU8 wnementsand heredi- (":::zrisu" ant . each nd h- ,1 V.""'" loe se"1('r' 'or which he aits.- lifcrssaVn- fi.r i:i; mjiuicu, ueiiever , . - v i H,.uuiuiirilll ir I f I a T ti iL ii. .... uie eau n t in nomo e j de- as U -ris-ht-or tlin.r,h : :'.: -.""' Vie,-p:optTty ' 'if "It n'm,n,ff..exeicising supervision over in nV3eI - ?ion 01 or controlling the same, as the case mt b and" , ; .hrrpOD tho ea. tha b,, doctcteJ i,tad ".rtriS . t 1 . : X . l" "c 'ewverea. With th naifco nf lb presefye any nronertv rll0!.' eceary Provided Tnt j., -'V 'V UJ jwrisninffor waste r iD.vmta, init in anv :a5e nUn ih j.. rf , shaU.hnd it to be consistent with th coft. i V. ' J.f property so sequc .uinuvr intj rvi w w irave inesam in th.. 1,,t,.) J i ... (uua UliU the real Winn r,f U iA wo way be in pos- : Pame Ttoin th debtor or person p whoshands S rcil eStatf 'andlik.es were seized, requinngiu every such case such eecuritffor the safe-keeping of the property and credit as . h" tak? eem sufhcitiwrthe purpose aforesaid, and to abidVbv such further orders as the court may make in thlpreSseZ .But this pviso shairnot apply to Bank or otbeSSS: ,t,on stock, or dividends due or which may be due thS or to rents on real fctate in cities. And'no debtor n3 person ,hl be entitled to the benefit o ?.t St he ha first p.d-to the hands of the Receiver a 1 inte?S .or net profits icm.j have accruedince the 21st Maf . eiAcen hundred and sixty-one; and, in all cases ' coSJS under thw proviso such debtor' fchall be boundTpa Jtyef annually . he Receiver all interests which .TJSf . v ?"v . in.- yd son in wnose hands anv other ,; property b,ay be lefl shall be bound to account r and J vpay wen annnaUv to the Receiver the net income ir pffl oi said propel ty, and on failure ot such debtor Ir o he? J the same as thedebt r property. And wherever, afteT ten daylno) tice to nV debtoror person in whose hands Sll vec it fchall be made tti appear to the 4I .that the securities (if such debtor or person T if aDix'ar to th a(;of,.i:... iL TJ? 'ir. that the securities of suich debtor the court may; oq the failure of. th e party to give sufficient aUnhe bar- pfonejty ; apu O! 1B6 Judgo thfreof the publii&c nil re- quu-ing said Rccei'veitoV " H i, ?1Z Turi reT vi, nmuiwiuiiiTLiaTnave Been eiven nr, tW VL sions of this Ac4 the'debtor orhI.Ri ATto" par the same, then: upon ten .ay'. notice tne said lto?' and his security, given by said Receiver, of a nfottn tb b ; made m said court for judgement for the amouit s6 s . cured, said court, at thenevt " r OUf s? SCZ .i,:V(. .-i. . . J Ulu of me oavnient la render Indtrn.,, ,i:.iTi??r mV Proceed K againstlheaitv served with .acbS the i S Z Al -meof saKelver . - - , , VUVIUU I 111. I t I U I . . . f ' ' SEc. 7. Any 'icrson in the mvaPMnn of ; ' c,a"l:,, 0, aby .such suit, or claiming any - therein, mav. hv orVfpr nt i , r. . J the interest de m- in AZ ' w no PelBhall be leard ,, ..v..v, .v c..i. re a p,ea, Termed by affidavit fl. igned by ta, seUing forth that no alien enemy lha, i -interest in tW right which he asserts, or for whi'ctj he and lii- f1 j i; : i v. " v ti "-'jj uj trust, open or secrpt i ?d tb1 ItigatescSolt.ly for himself, or for CmTdSen f v jhe the defence is conducted for or on account of Another ; hi whofe or mart. ih t.U KoT1 . rv "l T .iner . --- 7 - r - "" i tut? name ana resi dence of b u-h other person, and the relation thatl thede-' lendantb;rstohiiu in the litigation. If the cause iT volves ma ter which should be tried by a jury, according to ecoui of common law, the defendant shall be jentiUed to a jury f tnal. If it involves matter of equity jurisdiction the court -hall proceed according to its usual model of pro cedure iu ucli cases, and the several courts of this Confied- iaT;;;,:rK '".lue r.ecov ; such trfti.7 K.1 rcr,bed in any Stite . .. . -y-- ucuis 'luerein mirincr Mia n. tne tor in and mode iftisff tsars issfsir ssr eracy may, fi om time to time, establish rule of procedure tender this act,' not inconsistent with the act or other laws of these Confederate State - . Sec. 8. . Be it farther enacted, That the clerk of the court shall, at the request of the receiver,- from time to time, issue writs pf garnFshment, directed to one or more per sons, commanding them to appear at the then sitting, or at any future term of the court, and to-answer under oath what Dronertv or eflfuctn of anv alwn enemv he bad at the service of the process, or since has had under his posses- ' - " A tf . . ' sioB or coniroi Deionging 10 or oeia ior an alien enemy, or in what sum, if any, he is or was at the time of service of the garnishment, or since has been indebted to any alien enemy, and the court shall have power to condemn the property or effects, or debts,. according to the answer, and to make such rules and orders for the cringing in of third persons claiming or disclosed by the answer to have an interest in the litigation as to it shall seem proper ; but in no case shall any one be heard in respect thereto until he shall, by sworn plea, set forth substantially the matters be fore .required of parties pleading. And the decree of judg ment ot the court, rendered in conformity to this act, shall forever protect the garnishee in respect to the matter in- evolved, And in all cases of garnishment under this act. the Receiver may test the truth of the garnishee's answer, by filing a statement, under oath, that he believes the an swer to be untrue, specifying the particulars in which he believes the garnishee has, by omission or commission, not answered truly j whereupon the court shall cause an issue to be made between the Receiver and garnishee, and judg ment rendered upon the trial of other issues. And in all cases of litigation under this act, the Receiver may pro pound interrogatories to the adverse party touching any matter involved in,the litigation, a copy of which shall be served on the opposite party or his attorney, and which ehall, be answered under path within thirty days of such service, and upon failure so to answer, the courtshall make such disposition of the cause as sh!U to it seem most pro motive of justice, or should it deem answers to the interro gatories necessary in order to secure a discovery, the court shall imprison the party in default until full answers shall be made. - . Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the District Attorney of the Confederate States, diligently to prosecute all causes instituted under this act, and he shall receive as a compen sation therefor two per cent, on and from the fruits of all litigation instituted under this act: Provided, 'That no matter shall be called litigated except a defendant be admit ted by the court, and a proper plea be filed. !! Sec. 10. Be it further enacted, That each Receiver ap- ipoiuiea unaer mis aci snan, at least every six months, and asmucn oitener as he may be required by the court, render 'a true and perfect account of all matters in bis hands or t under his control under'the law, and shall make and state 'just and perfect accounts and settlements under oath of his collections of moneys and disbursements under this law, stating accounts and making settlements of all matters ; separately, in the same way as if he were administrator of several estates of deceased persons by separate appointments. And the settlement and decrees shall be for each case i or i estate separately, so that the transaction in respect to each . alien enemy's property may be kept recorded and preserv ed separately. Ao settlement as above provided shall, however, -be made until judgment or decree of sequestra tion shalliiave passed, but the court may at any tiuie pend ing litigation, require an account of matters In litigation and in the possession of the Receiver, and mav make uch orders touching the same as shall protect the" interest of the parties concerned. , . . . ;' St.c. 11. When the accounts of any Receiver shall be filed respecting any matter which has passed sequestration the courtshall appoint a j day for settlement, and. notice thereof shall bj published co'nsecutivelv for four weeks in souie. newspaper near the place of holding the court, and th clerk of tha court shall sqnd a copy of such newspaper tojthe District Attorney of the Confederate States, for the court where the matter is to be heard, and it shall be the duty of said District Attorney to attend the settlement and represent the Government, and see that a. frill, true and just settlement is made. The several settltiinpnts npppHino1 the final one shall be interlocutory only, and may be in" peached at the final settlements, which latter shall bu con clusive, unless reversed r impeached within two years, for raud. " J j Sec; 12. Be it further enacted, That the court having jui jsdictionof the mutter shall, whenever sufiicieht cause is shown therefor, direct the sale of any personal property,' ""ci i.uau ffiavrs, sr qutwiereu untie- mis aci, on sucn terms as it hall seem best, and such sale shall pass' the title of the person as. w hose property the same has been sequestered.: ; Sec. 13. 'All settlements of accounts of Receivers for se questered vroDcrtv shall be recorded nnd vv- th. o-.f shall be forwarded by the clerk of the court to the Treasur er pt the Confederate States 'within ten dav? afir thr d,- Ci ee? interlocutory or final, has been passed; and.ali balances iounq against trie Keceiver ?hall bv.him be paid over into the court, subj ct to the order of tire Treasurer of the Con fe'derate States, and upon the failure of the Receiver for five day3 to pay over the same, execution hall issue there for and he shall be liable to attachment bv the court and tosuit upon hUbond. And any one.embezzlingany money ui.d r this act shall be liable to' indictment, and on convic tioiQ.th.aH be "confined at hard labor for not less than siz months 'nor more than five years, in the discretion of the court, and fined in double the amount embezzled. Sec. 14. Be-it further enacted, That the President of the Confederate'- Stales' shall, by- and with the advice nd .,n. sent of Congress, orof the Senate, if the appointment be' mape unaer tneperniai.eut-liovernnient, appoint three dis creet Coinmissioni;rs, learned in the law, who shall hold at .the seat of Government two terms each year, upon notic- given, who shall sit so Ion uMcumj 11 ciian.ue, unoer sucn rules as they mar adopt, to hear and adjudge such claims as luav be brought before them by anv one aiding this Confederacy in Uie present war against the United States, who shall allege that he has been put to loss under the act of the iLnited States, in retaliation of which this act is passed, or jundei; any other act of the United States, or of any State thereof, authorizing the seizure, condemnation" Or confisca tion of the property of any citizen or resident of the Con 'tcdeiate States, or other person aidins said Confodorat" States in the present war against the United States, and jtne finding et sucb Commissioners in favor of anv siuh jclaim shall be priuia facie evidence of the correctness of the demand,-and whenever Congress shall pass the claim t.beeame shall be paid from any uionev in the Treasury de rived from sequestration under this 'act : Provided, That said Board of "Commissioners shall not continue beyond the organization of the Court of Chums, provided for by the constitution ; to which Court of Claims the duties h'erein provided to be discharged by Commissioners shall belorxr upon the organization of said court. The salaries of said Commissioners shall be at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars.per annum, and shall be paid from the rlmll rl.. 1 M 1 J , li m , (jniracy. And it shall be the duty of lire Attorney, General or his assistant to represent the in- jtsjyeia oi uiis government in all cases arisina- undr thU :et pefore said Board of Commissioners. die; io. lie it -turther -enacted. That. all Curred in proceedings nder this act shall be paid from the Lqtestered fund, ami rnV Judges, in settling accounts with Kecfivers, fchall make to them oroner allrm-anB ne -m pen$ation, taking two and a half per cent, on receipts ai.d the same amount on expenditures, as reasonable compensa- Moi i -u cases. 1 oe lees ot the officers of court shall be Such as are allowed by law for similar services in other cases, to be paid, however, only from the sequestered fund- riovideii, l hat all sums realized I v an y Receiver in one vices, cxceeuing nve;thousand dollars, shall v , vumcucidie ireasui v. ior the use Confederacy. 7:SiEV1ii" Iieit!'urther enacted, That the Attorney use oi the Gcn- .4 puii pieacnue sucn uniiorm rules of proceed UCr tills lllit llAruin rktK.,..,.:n : J j f ng iin- i Iz, ' . ' ioc uroviaea ior, as sball j . Sec. 17, Be it further endcted, That appeals may Ho i tf om any final decision of the court under this law in th ; s&mo ir.anner-and within the same time as is no-r, or her if b.v law prescribed for appeals in civil cases, t Sf.c? 1?., Be it further enacted, That the word "person"'' this law includes all private corporations : and in all heu. corporations become parties, and this law re quires an oath to bo made, it shall be made by some officer j of such corporation. . ,J ! tS?c.:i?. Be it further enacted. That the courts are vest- ed with lurisdiction, and required by this act to settle all ; partnerships heretofore existing between a citizen and one who is an alien enemy 5 to separate the interest of the alien renemyand to sequestrate it. And shall, also sever all iKrt,i!?!S7VbeIi a?aUlU e,-eU,-V iscocerned, and seques trate the interest of such alien enemv i fSEt. 20. Be it further enacted. That in all cases of ad-1 iminstration of any matter or thing, under this act t h . i court having Jurisdiction may makesuch orders touch n j j the preservation of the property orct.r.i a-.'t 'wvvvv uctc-cHivn ui liiy case. Hipn or control of the Receiver, not inconsistent with th !:iira?t0it?hallm Proper. And the fiu; ' a "u"'.asK ana Qave the instructions of he court, or judge respecting bis conduct in the dispoi tionor manaffemenf of anvnrnnti- .. , . ! -'control r-r vuecta unuer.uis-. 'Bt.c 21. That the Treasury notes of this Confederacy shall be receivable in nnvmont nf oil r : LracJr lot effects.sold under this act. - t pioperty, j- Sec. iJJ. Be it further enacted. That nothing in this act be construed to destroy er impair the lien or other rights 1 ;of any cteditor, a citizen or resident of either of the Con-1 fedeia e States, or of any other person, a citizen or Wsi- i dtnt ot 0Dy country, State -or Territory, with which-this ! j pinfederacy is in friendship, and which person is not in ac j fual hostility to this Confederacy. And any lien or debt i jclaimedaeainst any alien enemy, within the meaning of I this net, shall be propounded and filed in the court" in ' which. the proceedings of sequestration are had, within j twelve months from thc institution of such proceeding for sequestration ; and the court shall cause all proper parties UShf dn0t-St0VelPiveD' nd shall hear andde !P iV-te'rt'SpCCtlre n'lt3 ofaU Pities concerned: : IhaTwvV f owfFer sls or payments over of money ha.l bei delayed tor, or by reason of such rights or proVi ;ceedings5 but any money realized bv the Receiver, wheth-' iKiL t" the court, or Treasury, or still in the Rt'cei -er's &-faJK8tKAn hen ofht-which produced said oM - lht d t0 aDSVVer the dei"and8 of the creditors aforeBaid, u the same manner as that which produced such i 1?!yias' -nd a,1,claiuis not propounded and filed as : ;aTM,u! ""t,n lwTe months as aforesaid, shall cease to g;anst the estate, property, or effects sequestrated, op the proceds thereof. - . , 1 s Approved August 30, 1861. sep. 11 law4w M No. 119.J " iriSf P,,lh? Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austra, Tr Prussia Russia, Sardinia and Turkey, in a Con- -ference held at Paris, on tb ifitK r io-JJ " j.uon .tain-declarations re'ng,. to m St ' term nilf for thai i ' . . u11- L - . 7 r -. smuauce, in an cases arising under the wl" i 1 " . : adu, wnereas, it ueinff desir Gtt'l on,v.t.Vtain certainty and unifonity, u far L V-u'L " " ' V ",tt,i"ne law, Dut also to maiutain v. v,uie, ,n maratime law, but also to maintain whatever is just and proper in the established usages of nr& ?e Confederate State.' of America deeb ft ?m. ortanttto declare the princinles bv whirh TO-n k" portant principles by which they will be go- i ' tt ; ' r . ' yerned in their intercourse with the rest of mankind. Now, therefore, , ' - ; . 1. Beit resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That, we maintain the right of Priva teering, as it has been long established by the practice and recognized by the law of nations. -2. That the neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of counterband of war. - 3. That neutral goods, with the exception of contra band of war, , are not liable to capture, under enemy's flag. . v;?' ",;,,;.: , ; , 4. That blockades, in order to be binding, must beNeffec tual, that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the'eoast of the enemy. , Appbovkd August 13, 1861., sep 4 law4w ; : (No. 220.) - ' " ""J ;: AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF SURGEONS AND ASSISTANT SURGEONS FOR HOSPITALS. - The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized, to appoint in the Provisional Army as many Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons, for the various Hospitals of the Con federacy, as may be necessary. Approved August 14, 1861. sep 14-"-law4w No.. 221. - ' AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAW IN RELATION TO THE EXPORT OF TOBACCO AND OTHER COMMO DITIES. The Congress sf the Confederate States of America do enact, That the act passed at the present session, entitled "An act to extend the provisions of an act entitled An act to Prohibit the Exportation of Cotton from the Confeder ate States, except through the seaports of said States, and" to punish persons offending therein," Apprpved, May 21, A. D. 1861, shall so into effect immediately after the an- proval of this Act. Approved August 6, 1861. sep 4 law4w No. 223.1 " ' r :: - . ' AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF TREASURY NOTES. AND TOPROVIDE A WAR TAX FOR THEIR REDEMPTION. j Section I. The Congress of the Confederate Stales of America do enact, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized, from time to time, as the pub lic necessities may require, to issue Treasury Notes, paya ble to bearer at the expiration of six months after the rati fication of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, the said notes to be of any denomination not less than five dollars, and to' be re-issua-ble at pleasure, until the same are parable ; but the whole issue, outstanding at one time, including the amount is sued under former acts, shall not exceed one hundred mil lions of dollars ;'the said notes shall be receivable in pay ment of the War Tax hereinafter provided, and of all other public dues except the export duty on cotton, and shall also be received in payment of the subscriptions of the nett proceeds of .the sales of raw produce and manufactured articles. . ; - ':: , Sec. 2. That, for the purpose of funding the said notes, and of" making exchange for the proceeds of the sale of raw produce and manufactured articles, or for the purchase of specie or military stores, the Secretary of the Treasury, wnn. me, assent oi the f resident, is authorized to issue Bonds payable hot more than twenty years after date, and bearing a rate of -interest not exceeding eight per centum per annum, until they become payable, the interest to be paid semi-annually f the said Bonds not to exceed, in the whole, one hundred millions of dollars, and to be deemed a substitute for thirty millions of tha bonds authorized te be issued by the act approved May sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one ; and this actis to be deemed a revocation of the authority to issue the said thirty millions. ; The said Bonds shall not be issued in less sums than one hundred dollars, nor in fractional parts of a hundred, except when the subscription is less than one hundred dollars the said Bo.ids may be issued in sums of fifty dollars. They "may be sold for specie, military and naval stores, or for the proceeds of raw produce"and manufactured "articles, in the same manner as is provided by the act aforesaid ; and whenever subscriptions of the sasiie have been, or shall be made, pavable at a particular date, the Secretary of the Treasury shall have power to extend the time of sales un til such date as he shall see fit to indicate. - :" Sec. 3. The holders of the said Treasury notes mav, at any time, demand in exchange for-thorn, Bonds of the Con federate States,, according, to such regulations as may be made by the. Secretary of the Treasury. But whenever the Secretary of the treasury shall advertise that he will pay off any portion of said Treasury Notes, then the privi- ui luuuuig, as io sucn notes, snail cease, unless there shall be a failure to pay the same in specie on presenta tion. . .' Sue. i. That," for the special purpose of paying th prin cipal and interest of the public debt, and of supporting the Government, aWar Tax shall be assessed and levied, of fifty cents upon ach one hundred dollars in value, of the following property, in the Confederate States, namely: Real estate of all kinds, slaves, merchandise, Bauk Stocks, Hailroad and other Corporation Stocks, Money at interest, or invested by individuals in the purchase of Bit's,. Notes, uiu vr.n.i 1UCO 1LFI UIUUCV, t'Affpi 111 lUB DODUS OI Hie Confederate States of America, and cash on hand or on" deposit in Bank or elsewhere ; cattle, horses aud mules, gold watches, gold and silver plate, pianos and pleasure car riages; Provided, however that when the taxable pro perty hereinabove enumerated; of any head of a family, is of value less than five hundred dollars, such" taxable pro perty shall be exempt from taxation -under this act : And provided further, that the property of Colleges and Schools and of 'charitable 'or religious corporations or associations, actuallyused for , the purposes for whicb sucn Colleges, schools, corporations or associations were created, shall be exempt from taxation under this act: And pronided - fur thrr, That all public lands, and all property owned bv a' State for public purposes, be exempt from taxation. Sec. b, That tor the purpose of ascertaining all property included in the abovei-lassce. and the value thereof, 'and tne person chargeable -with the tax, each State shall con sti.tutc a tax division, over which shall be appointed one oilier collector, who shall he charged with the duty of di viding the Mate into a convenient number of collection districts, subject to the revisal of the Secretary of the Treasury. The said Collector shall be appointed bv the President, and snail hold his oflicdfor one year, and receive a .'-alary l two thousand dollars. -He shall cive bond with sureties to discharge the duties of his office in such amount as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and tuitn iaa.e oaui lanuiuuy to aischarge the duties ot h office, and to support and defend the Constitution. The said thief Collector shall,-with the, approbation' of the Se cretary ot the Treasury, appoint a tax collector for each collection district, whose duty it shall be to cause "an assess ment to be made on or before the, first day of November next, of all the taxable property in his district, included each ot the abova mentioned classes of property; and the persons then owning or in possession thereof; and in order thereto, the said lax Collectors may appoint Assessors, v no snan proceed through every part of - their respective uiitricis, and, alter public notice, shall require all .persons owning, possessing, or having the care and management of any property liable to the tax aioresaid, to deliver written lists of the same, which shall be made in such manner as n ay be required by the Chief Collector, and as far as prac ticable, conformable to those which may be required for the same purpose under the authority "of the respective States ; and the said assessors are authorized to enter into and upon, all and singular, the premises for thevpurposes required oy mis ACI. , !ec. 6.: if any person shall not be prepared to exhibit a written list when required, and shall consent to disclose the particulars of taxable property owned or possessed bv him, or under his care and management, then it shall 6e the duty of the officer to make the list, which, being distinctly read and consented to, shall be received as the list of such person. '.. Sec. 7. That, if any person shall deliver or disclose to any collector or assessor appointed in pursuance of this act and requiring a list as aforesaid, any false or fraudulent list, with intent to defeat or evade the valuation or enumera tion hereby, intended to be made, such person, so offending, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction., Sec 8. Anv person who shall fail to deliver to thecollec tor or assessor a list of his taxable property, at the time prescribed by him, shall be liable to a double tax upon all his taxable property ; the same to be assessed by the col lector or assessor, and to be, collected in the same manner and by the same process as is herein provided as to the single tax. Sec. 9. The lists shall be made in reference to the value and situation of the property, on the first day of October next, and shall be made out" completed and be delivered into the hands of each of the tax colleclors on the first day of December next ; and upon the receipt thereof, each tax collector mayfor twenty-one days next ensuing the said hi st December, hear and determine all appeals from the said assessments, as well as applications fer the reduction Of a double tax, when such tax may have been incurred, to a single tax, which determination shall be final. Sue. 10. The several tax collectors shall, on or before the first day of February ensuing, furpish to the Chief Collec tor of the State in which his district is situated, a correct and accurate list of all the assessments made upon each per son in his district, and of the amount of tax to be paid bv such person, specifying each object of taxation ; and the said Chief Collector shall collate the same in proper form uuu luinam me couaieo. usi to tne Secretary of the Treasury Sec 11. The said several collectors shall, on the first day oi, jiay next, proceea to collect from every person liable ior me saia tax, tne amounts severally due and owing and he shall previously give notice for twenty days in one newspaper, if any be published in his district, and by noti fications in at least four public, places in each townhip ward or precinct within his District, of tne time and place v n iiiiii uc niuicvciveiue sam tax ; ana on lailure to pay the same, it shall be thedutvof the Collector, within twen ty days after the first day of May aforesaid, by himself or his deputies, to proceed to collect the said taxes by distress and sale of the goods, chattels, or.effects of the pers ns de- ""MUi,il- -iuu,iu caseoi sucn Qistress it shall be the duty of the officer charged with the collection to make, or cause io uB.maue, an account or tne goods or chattels which may , " ciKncu uy me omcer mak ing such distress, shall be left with the owner or possessor of such goods, chattels or effects, or at his or her dwellinz with' a note of the sum demanded, and the time and place of sale ; and the said officer shall forthwith cause a notifi cation to be publicly advertised or posted up at two public places nearest to the residence of the person whose proper ty shall be distrained, or at the court house of the same county, if not more than ten miles distant, which notice shall specify the articles distrained, and the time and place proposed for the sale thereof, wbioh time shall not be less than ten days from tbedate of such notification, and the place proposed for the sale not more than five miles dis tautiruui me piace oi masmg sucn distress : Provided in any case of distres for the Davment of fi.. said, the goods, chattels or effects so distrained, shall and may be restored to the owner or possessor, if, prior to the sale thereof, payment or tender thereof shall be made to the proper officer charged with the collection of the full amount demanded, toe-ether with imeh fiw fnr lor-r, j such.sum fr the necessary and reasonable expense of re- - - uj)ui5 jwus, vuttifcuis or euecis so dis- trained as may be allowed in like cases by the laws or prac- lice oi me otats wnerein tue uuouii uic uccii but in case of non-payment or tender as aforesaid, the said officers shall proceed to sell the said goods, chattels or ef fects at public auctien, and shall and may retain ftova thd proceeds of such sale the amount demanded for the ' nse of the Confederate States, with the necessary and reasonable expenses of distress and fcale, and a commission of fire per , centum thereon for his own use, rendering the overplus, if any there be to! the person whose goods, chattels or ef-; Jects shall have been distrained i Provided, That it shall not be lawful to make distress of the tools or implements f a trade or profeission f beast of the plough, and farming itensils necessary for the cultivation of improved lands, ' (arms, or such household furniture or apparel as may be tecessary- for a family.: 1 ,;' . - M' SC. 12. That if the tax assessed on any real estate shall ; remain unpaid on the first day of June next, the tax col ector of the district wherein the same is situated, shall, On the first Monday of July thereafter, proceed to sell the same, or a sutflciency thereof, at a public outcry, tot the highest bidder, to pay said taxes, together with twenty per Centum on the amount of said, taxes, and costs of sale, said 4ale t3 be at the court-house door of the county, or parish, -herein said real estate is situated ; and if there shall be more than one county or- parish in a district, the said tax collector Is authorize'd to appoint, deputies to make such sales in his name, as he cannot attend to himself; and, for f.11 land3 so sold by said deputies, the deeds; as hareinafter provided for, shall be executed by said collector, and such sales so made shall be valid, whether the real estate so sold shall be assessed in tha name of the t-ue owner or not. But in all cases where the property shall not be divisible, so as to enable the collector by a sale of part thereof to raise the whole amount of the tax, with all costs, charges and commissions, the whole of such property shall be sold, and the surplus of the proceeds of the sale, "after satisfying the tiax, costs, charges and commissions, ehall be paid to .the tfwner of the property! or his legal representatives, or, if he or they cannot be found, or refuse to receive the same,, then such surplus shall be deposited in the Treasury' of the " Confederate States;, to be there held for the use of the owner or his legal representatives, until he or they shall make application therefor to the Secretary of the Treasury, who, upon such application, shall, by warrant on the Treasury, cause the same to be paid to the applicant. And . f . 1 fi " i i f .1 l:.l.... Va11 Wnwy, Vnn, n,.a if th3 property offered for sale as aforesaid, cannot be sold for the amount of the tax due thereon, with the said addi tional per centum thereto, the collector shall purchase the same in behalf of the Confederate States for the amount aforesaid: Provided. That the owner or superintendent of the property aforesaid before the same shall have ben -actually sold, shall be allowed to pty the amount of the tax thereon, with an addition of ten per centum on the same ; on the payment of which the sale of the said pro perty shall not take' place: Provided also, That the owners, their heirs, executors or administrators, or any person on their behalf, shall have liberty to redeem any lands and other real property; sold as aforesaid, within tw q years from' the time of sale, upon payment to the collector for the use of the purchaser, his heirs or assignees, of the ainount paid by such purchaser, with interest for the same at the rate of twenty per centum per annum, and no deed shaU be given in pursuance of such sale until the time of redemption shall have expired : Provided further, That when the owner of any land or other real property sold for taxes under the provisions of this act shall be in the military service of the Confederate States, before and at tha time said sale shall have been made, the said owner shall have the privilege of redeeming the said property at any time within two years "after the close of his term of service. ' And the collector shall render a distinct, account of the charges incurred in offering and advertising for sale such property, and shall pay into the Treasury the 'sur-. pjus, if any there be, of the aforesaid addition of twenty pfer centum, or ten" per centum, as the case may be, after defraying the'eharges. And in every case of the sale of real estate, which 'shall be made under the authority of this act for the assessment and collection of direct taxes b the collectors or marshalls, respectively, or their lawful deputies, respectively, or by any other person or persons, the deeds for the estate so sold shall be prepared, made, executed and proved or acknowledged, at the time and titnes prescribed in this act by the collectors respectively within whose collection .district such real, esta te shall be situated, or in case' of thfcir death or removal from olJice. by their successors, on payment of the purchase money, or psoaucing a receipt therefor, it already paid, in such form off law as shall be authorized and required by the laws of: thje Confederate States, or by the law of the State in which such real estate lies, fOr making, executing, proving and acknowledging deeds of bargain and sale or other convey-' arices for the transfer and conveyance of real estate : and for every deed so prepared, made, executed, proved aud acknowledged, the purchaser or grantee shall pay the col lector the sum ot five dollars for .the use of the collector, .marshal or other person effecting the sale of the real es tate thereby conveyed. The commissions hereinater al-. lowed to each collector shall ba in full satisfaction of all sef-vices rendered by th-jm. The assessors appointed under thbm shall be entitled to three dollars for every dayemploved ih;n:aking lists andisseesnients under this act, the number of: days being certified by the collector and approved bv thb chief collector of. the State, and also five 'dollars. for evfci-y hundred taxable persons contained in the list as com pleted by him and delivered to the collector : Provided, That when the owner of any real estate is unknown, oris., a ion-residont of the State," or tax district 'wherein the safue is situated, and has no agent resident in said district, thfe assessor shall himself make out' a list of such real estate for assessment. Skc. 13. Separate accounts shall be kept at the Treasury of jail moneys received from each of the respective States, and the chief collector shall procure from each tax collec-' tot such details as to iho tax, and shall classify the same in suefi manner as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct, and so as to provide full information as to each subject of taxation. Sec. 14. Each collector thall be charged with an interest of jfive per cent, per month for all monej s retained i in his possession beyond the time at which he is required to pay over the same by law. or bv the refutations pst.ahli.OipH hi- the Secretary of -the Treasury. . Sec 15. Each -collector, before entering upon the duties 61 iis otlice, shall give bond in such sum as shall be pre scribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with surHciont sureties, and shall take an. oath faithfully to execute the duties of his office, and that he will support and defend the Constitution of the Confederate States. Sec. 16: Upon receiving the tax due by each person the collector shall tign receipts in duplicate, one whereof shall be delivered to the person paying the same, and the other shall be forwarded to the chief collector of that State. Thi money collected during each month, or during any shorter period which may be designated by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be also immediately forwarded to the said chief collector, and by him be disposed of according to tjhe direction. of the Secretary of the Treasury ; and the said chief .collector shall report the same immediately to thejbeereta ry ot the Ircasury, and shall furnish him with a list fprciiVingthe names arid amounts of each of the re ceipts which shall have been forwarded to him'as aforesaid by the district collector?. Sec. 17 ThV taxes assessed on" each person shall "be a statjutwrv lien for one year upon all the property of that person in preference to any other lien : the said lien to take dat from the first day. of October, to which the valuation hasi elation. and the lands and other propertv of any col lector shall be bound by statutory lien for five'vears for all m n ys received by him for taxes; the date of such lien to commence from the time of his receiving the monev. Sec 18. The compensation of the tax "collectors shall be fivefper cent, on the first ten thousand dollars received, and ttfoi and a half per cent. on all sums beyond that amount, until the compensation shall reach eighteen hundred dollars, beyond which no farther compensation shall be paid. ' 1 --;..-- - Stc. 19. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to establish regulations suitable and. proper to carry this act into; effect', which regulations shall be binding in all otli cersj; the said Secretary may also frame instructions as to all details which shall be obligatory unon alltnarties - braced within the provisions of this act. lie may also cor rect all errors in assessments, valuations and tax lists, or in the collection thereof, in such form and upon such evi dences as the said Secretary may require. Shc. 20. Corporations are intended to be embraced, nn-- der the word "persons" used in this act: and u-hWpr the capital stock of any corporation is returned by. the corporation itself and. the tax paid, the stock in the hand of individuals shall be exempt from tax: and also all the realjtstate owned by the corporation and used for carrvine on its business; and the capital stock of all corpoi ations shall be returned, and the tax paid bv the corporations themselves, and not by individual stockholders. The term mereandize is designed to embrace all oroods. wares and merchandize held for sale, except the agricultural products of the country. Monev at interest is intended to inohiHo the principal sum of all money belonging to any person other than a bank upon which interest is naid or tr h, paid by the debtor, as the same stands on thi- first day of October. lheterm "cattle." horses and mules" i intend ' ed to, in elude all such animals as are raised for sale, and nn't such as are raised merely for food and work on the planta tion 0r larm wnere they are held. . The term "real estate" : is intended to include all lands and estates therein and all interests growing thereout includinffferr ies. bl idofR. minos and the life-1, and in all cases the actual marketable value of property Se. 21 to be assessed. - Se. 21. If any person shall, at anv time durinir ih i-tence of tha present war between the Confederate States and the United States, or within one year after the ratifica tion .of a treaty of peace between thm. fallv n-.ato forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be ialsely made r H .... r. -x-j 1 . , ... . iuiecu twuuiKiieiieu, or wmmgiy am or assist in falsely making, forging or counterfeiting any note in imitation or, or purporting to be a treasury note of the Confederate States, or shall falsely alter, or cause or procure t be falsely altered, or willingly aid or assist in falsely altering any treasury note of the Confederate States ; or shall pass, utter or publish, or attempt to pass, utter or publish as true.iany false, forged or counterfeited note purporting to be a treasury note of theUonfederate States, knowing the same to be falsely forged or counterfeited 5 or shall 'pass, utteror publish," or a'ttempt to pass, utter or publii-h, as true, any falsely altered treasury note of the Confederate States, knowing the same to be falsely altered j or shall con spire jor attempt to conspirejwith ar.otber to pass, utter or publish, or attempt to pass, utter or publish, as true,, any falsely forged or counterfeited, or any falsely altered treas ury note of the Confederate Slates, knowing the same to be falsely forged or counterfeited, or falsely altered ; every such person shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of ftlony, and being thereof convicted , by due course of law, shali 8ufferdath. - - Ssci 21. If any person shall at any time falsely make, forge .or counterfeit, or cause' or procure to be falsely made,; forged or counterfeited, or willingly aid or assist in falsely making, forging or counterft-itinff any bond or mn. pon. in imitation of, or purporting to ba a bond or coupon, or me, vyimicueinic ,-3(.a"a ; ur suaii miseiy aner, or cause or procure to be falsely altered, or willingly aid or assist in falsely altering any bond, or coupon, ot the Confederate States : or shall pass, utter or publish; or attempt tn n utter.'or publish, as true, any false, foreedor counterfeit bond, -purporting to be a bond or coupon of the Confede-. rate States, knowing the same to be falsely forged or cou c erfeited ; or shall pass, utter or publish, or attempt to pass, utter or publish as true, any falsely altered bona, s i E . ... . " - -. or coupon jof the Confederate Stat?, -iHJJPIf blfals?ly ilteredror shall wn8pire r:-tten,pt tojpira withanofe to pass, uiteror pub Hsh or attempt to ffi utter, or BUDiisn. as true, any , . -r- . . L j i. ' tn hi bond or coupon : 1 ;r r v.i. .i oitorAdbond. or cou XWi Uoniecuraie mates, or any i.i.i - . r-c. cimtaa knntvmo- the -same w oe falsely forged or counterfeited, tri falsely aIted,eTery su h person shall be deemed and adjudged gni ty of felonv, and being thereof convicted by due course of law, shall De sentenced o be! imprisoned and kept at hard labor ior a term not less thian five ndr more than ten years, anil De fined in apum not exceeding fire thousand dollars. :r Sec 23. ilft any person shall make, or engrave,! or cause or procure to be made or engraved, or shall bave in ms custody or possession any metallic plate engrayed af ter tne similitude of ay plate from which any notes or bonds is sued as aforesafd shall have been printed, with Intent to use such plate.ior cause, or suffer the, same to be used in forging or; counterfeiting anv of the notes or bonds issued as aforesaid j or shall have in his custody or possession anr blank note or notes, bond or bonds',; engraved and printed after the similitude of any note or ! bond, issued as afore said, ' wit-hHfitejit to use such blanks, or cause, or suffer the sanie4o be; used in forging or counterfeiting any of the notes or blonds Mssued as aforesaid ; or shall have in his cus tody' or "possession any paper adapted to the making of notes or bonds,! and similar to the paper U;ion which, any such notes or tfonds shall have been issued, with intent to use such paper:, or cause or suffer the same" to be used, in forging oi counterfeiting any of the notes, or bonds issued as aforesaid; every such person b?ing thereof lawfullv.con victed by due icourse of law, shall be sentenced ;ito be im prisoned and kept to hard labor a term not less than five, nor more han ten years, and fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars. I " 1 .. ' l' Sec 24j If ainy State shall, on or before the first day of April next;, pay in the Treasury notes of the Cohfederate States, on jnj specie, the taxes assessed against the citizens of such State, jless ten per centum thereoni, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to notify the same to the several taxS collectors in such State, 'and thereupon, their authority and duty uhder this act shall cease. Ssc. 25. !lf '4D.T person shall, at any time, after one year from; the ratification of a treaty of peaoe between the Con federate Stated and the United States, commit any of the acts described jn the twenty-first section of this act, such person shall bej deemed and adjudged guilty of felony, and being thereof convicted by due coursa of law , shall be sen tenced to be imprisoned and kept at hard labor, for a period of not i less than five, years, nor more than ten years, and be fined in a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars.' j ' ' - Approved August 19, 1861. sept. 14 law4w. . VAlJlJBLE STOCK FAEM HI-1 " and... . ':: - .-;!'-- BL()0IED STOCK FOR SALE. T WISH to sell a Fine Stock Farm X villi-, in! Buncombe county, N". C, with upon it, consisting of a neari Ashe- the life stock ! HEUD OF EXCELLENT CATTLE," ! ' " MOSTLY : . ' !- r ayershires; i AND GRADES OF AYERSHIBE, ' DEVON AND SHOHT-H OE.N Also Several Brood Mares, i ; ' Colts and Fillies, j. ' J Several fine Jennets, j Young Jacks, and an j IMPORTED JACK. These will be' sold either with or without-the FARM. And unless previously sold at private sale,, will be sold 1 1 public auctioin on the premises on . , Tuesday, the Stli of October Next, I wish a small proportion of ttha maincfer at the end of the war. As 'during the jwar," in my absence I. pay in hand thety I am a v)lurtt'?er.' B. Sawyer: Eq.-t Asheviue, will represent me. :' I -;' it; August 2lj 1&61. J. W. WOOD FIX. 76 td. " ! J WANTED. BrGLERS FOR THE 2X1) CAVALRY REGI- j nlent. IjApplv to Commanding Officer by letter or in person. r v S. li. SfllUli.L, Col. 2d C. Regiment. Camp Clark, Kittrell Springs. sept. 7, 1S61. . 81 3t. ATTENTION V0LUNTERSI PRE SI BE XT DAVIS HAS ! AGREED TO RECEIVE a regiment of olunteers for the .ar from this State, to consist ,f twelve companies, jwith power to elect th-ir own oflicers, and to fill all vaeaneii-s that -av hereafter occur. There is now no difference between Volunteers and State Troops,' except in thy mode of appointing the officers ju w no, ueeire 10 join loeaooye namea corps will pfease report at A ewbern to the undersigned. 3 j i O SIXGLETARY, ! C.lA Qth dominant V P XT. .July 17; I . 4.; (.; , wisw2w. THE uii(ieisigne(l having at August term, 1861, -of the Court of Ph-as afid Quarter Sessions, for Wake county, qualified as Executor of Wesley Wfaitaker,' Sr. deceased!, hereby gives no: ice to all persons indebted to the estate pf the said testatorj to call upoH the I under signed and pay up, and to those .having claims or demands against said estate, to present thiem within the time pre scribed by layr, or this notice will b.-oladedn bar of their recovery. WESLEY WHITAKER, Jk. . Aug. 24, 1861. i . 77 4t. ' OFFICERS! OFFICERS! THE STATE AKMS BUTTOYS. THE ORIGINAL AND ELEGANT PATTERN I ray bands A Jfin UKOSS hare come into J.JL. a ind are: to be used i ! Expressly for Officers j! n such such suits as wc make. None for sale otherwise 1,000 YiiRDS FIE GRAY CLOTH ! CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS. E. L. HARI)IGESQ.. Of RfllPlVh 'u-ill' falra ma.no. and receive oraers ior us. or we mav h nrldroa.i Kr , - ' r1 7 " " iiivniiui to mail i 0. S. RALDWIN, Wilmington, N. C. 3w. WiSW. July 31. RICHMOND TYPE FOUNDRY. 1 THE ONLY MANUFACTORY OF TYPE j ON SOUTHERN SOIL, : I SOUTH OP BALTIMORE. ' THE Proprietors or the above Foundry hare also united with their Foundry a complete W Printer's Furnisiiing Warelibnse, Having on hand, or furni.-hing to order, every asticle requisite for si. Printing Oflice. , " j j ; f ; FROM A BODKIN '-I to a " '"' . . I TEN-CYLINDER P3ESS. Type and Printing Material from any Foundry North fur nihed when desired - ;Wf can andjwM manufacture in Richmond' as good ah article as any Foundry North. : AVe respectiully solicit the patronage of the South. . w . H HENRY L. PELOUZE A Co. We refer you fo evory Printer in this city. We also de sire every newspaper in the Sooth to copy this advertise ment for one month, sending us one copy of theirpaper and receive their, pay for mch advertisement' upon pur chasing five times the amount of their bill from us i August 21, lm. n. L. P.'aCo. N0R-TII CAROLINA COAL. rrBJB bllJSCRIBER BEt-S'lBJAYE TO AW0UXCE ..i. i. . ' ""g" ne nas ruaae arranee- - -..-., --v v wueuuu --attppiir 01 uoal Ironi Egypt, in Chatham county. J' . ".oupnj- iu uave voai acuvereq at their residence vau uaye u oy ma,King early application. I P. FERRELL. August 28. 186i. Wilmington street. 78 tf. rplBXIP SEED. J- i I TURNIP SEED. Large Flat Dutch Turnip Seed, Red Top Turnip, Large Norfolk. -Large Mammoth (from this county,) And other kinds of Turnip seed, ' Au i SCUD'S Drug Store, A FOE LOT OF SrOXGE. i alad Oil, Y ' : Baker's Bitters, J Black Tea, I ; English' Mustard, " i A larg- stock of Fancy Soaps, r Received at . P. F, PESCUD'S, auc-19 i Drugstore.. g lv' j . 76- tf. i Cant well's Practice. DrnixG Mr abskxce l the military service of the State. in'Vir?ni, .Klit"- others desiring copi of the Zi i?" u"na of ilra. Cantwfell, Raleigh. . " v"" Fm All persons indebted to me, by note or otherwise, ire requested to pay her. I will hold her receipt good. ' Fiice of fciuele comes of th &h,7 ; on r v j-l will be made to those who buy toli agiin.: "cu 'wwn n ' "' t.x. , HOWARD CANTWELL. Camp near Norfolk, July, 1861. 67lm. Keeister. Western Democrat m ' -i Wilmington Journal, copy 3 i$7tll Y"" ' NOTTOFi Methodist Prot. Female rmi ' f ot 'mm nnrtrif . Vj. T - ,3 C l.LI. L!ij. n M1.Q cal and chemical apparatus, Ac. wVhiO' The President and family, with theotl, V Faculty, live in tha College and eat at h rmn&nt.i the Students. Tuition $15 "per session j m'-' tal,! ,'3f Latin franoh -JQ,T T:t.- " VnlWoidn Wax Flowers. Feather Fln-.-'w:'all,R' Harnl' A Wax Flowers, Feather Flowers. Wa cal Music SI; contingent expenses $1- x rruit. i tn; 'or. monm, mciuoing washing and fires, half in 1 ' 50 .it-' 1 J- ... . ' -V, Ullill'llln. further information address (3. W. TKViw ' June 26 i(f, ROANOKE FEMAlsiT THE next session of this lnstftnt residence of Dr. J. T. Watson J.W . at h. juaiiiu i. v., wiu oegm on the fnnVn i, JnlvMiss Sue William. nPv n :ALt0Ultli M if a : i xr n . 1 j -y-n, lliaji,.l. "IT " TERMS:' - ei Spelling, reading and writing per session Higher English Branches..... J rench Mnsic on Pian Use of Instrument 20.00. .10.(0 '.00 Board, per month " 5 days in a -week, with washing at homp For further particulars address , July 10,1861. J: T-WAT.Sox. . : , (Register copy 4 times weekly V' ' VOLiUNT E E RSMVTTr YOUNG ME.X OF X0HTII CAB0Wi L X country is invaded and calls you to anna 'Y? established my Headquarters, for the pres -nt at 1 !w"e ton, Robeson county, and invite the vounsrmpn !f V,- buslirunswict, JBIaden, Robeson, Cunibvii lanrf v- C m win De acccptea either lor twelve months or dii - 1 t InJe,tw-fo'd capacity of Captain in the atmv of A Loi-d and of my country, I. propose to lead tb m j my command to victory over their spiritual as'wel temporal, foes. God and our country ! Fellow c ti? the rescue . lm -v ' '.'" JAMES 'SINCLAIR 1 Aug. 24. ""- ; ' " CoU.Cyuiu.an-J Wilminffton Journal. Fa vettovilla nK-..i M, ,w" I Presbvtenan conv 4w. ' t. W - ' " . VOLUNTEER COMPANIES. ADJCTANT GENEa'Af.'8 Ofricif, , ' ' - Raleigh, '.V. C. T..r. 1 . V.InntPOi a anontH hvr tl.o .. v.... . tnootU, . xue vnpvniuo ui nn iuv voiijuaniPg ot tWelvp . j... ...v, uu?ciuuir 1 1 u l as yet not i report. . . - j. ' J. 0. ;!rti ' - , Adjutant General State TrooL " - July 27. ' . - '' Raleigh Register, WUmington Journal, 'and Vhcvill. ews copy 3 time? each. ' . To. Rifle. "Makers within theScT; ORDINANCE I)EPAKTMENT ; ' Eal'-igh. August 10, H. ' Proposals' are invited until 12 M. -on Aednt'sday 4th September next, for the fabrication and d.-liverv at tb" Ordnanc'J Depot in this city-whei-e san plos -rav ! ,-en' of (5000) five thousand Percussion Kifk-s of the tbUowirsr' dimensions to-wit : Iju-b'.-s. : 0.54-, o.ov Bahrel f Diameter of the bore cast steel j Variation allowed, more or iron, Diametei at th& muzzle ' steel pre- I Diameter at breech, between ihoJixt, 1.15 .33'" ferred. Length without the breech screw,-. Rahrod steel length .Arm Couf'LKrE length M Implements t screw driver, with cone wrench; screw, sarinq tice. bullet mould. tn.rr, M" To be subject to inspection bcfoi e reception. '. I'rfipd-jj will state the number that will be deliv.'ivd w,m kl.y .-.!' the earliest day of the first delivery. .Su iici'-nt s'tu u for the faithful performance of contract will acciw,;iii proposals, which will be addrexscd.-lo th;; 'Oiii.Vr r..iri-' nianding Ordinance Depot.'Kaleigh, X. V," and ui'dJis 4 "Proposals for furnishing percussion Rifles." V - JAS. A.' J. HKADF0UI), V - .' Colonel and Chitf of ('n'u,K)i!'. Wilmington Journal, daily, It., weiklv till dat K". , ister, Fayetteville Observer,' Westeru Democrat, Askulie News, Salisbury Banner, Winston S-iifiii .1 Gei boro' Patriot and RaleigShtandard each, weekly tiH Jai. August 10. ' . . ' 7jt,i. UNIYERSIY OF N0HTII-AR0LIXW PIIE next Collegiate Tear will !;c?in Frldar, JL 19th July, 1861. Two large aDd well Hirandefli fices, containing lecture rooms, society halls and forfv dormitories, have just been completed, and are read v for occupancy. The libraries and cabinets are receiving' 01 ' etaut additions. .The cor'is of Instructors is full r.nd tH-1 cient, aud in all the departments of. the Institution t!ice meajis and opportunities for instruction are greater than at any former period. The healthfulness of Chapel Hill is proverbial. T DAVID L. SWAIN, Pres&e'.." June 15,. lffCl . 3f.v.v.'. HILLSBOROUGH ' MILITARY ACADEIIY. THIS IXSTITITIOX is under the rondufl or; - L Tew' formerly Superintendent of restate i i xUintary A-nriemy at Columbia, S. C. It is rtotigned t aftord 1 1 . education of th chara? r as that obtained' in th Sat-tilitirv 'In,tiia.' tions of Virginia and South-Carolina. COURSE OF STUDY: rrI'ir8t Yearf M Clas Arithmetic, Algebra, f rench : History United States, English Grammar, Geography, Or thography. . . 'Second Year.'ith Class Algebra, Gcometrv,-Trigpnuiii-. CtrI- lI vh' atin' Universal History, Composition.- ' ou jr Ycar 3J Class Descriptive Geoir.ttrv.'Shadw, Shadows and Perspective, .-Analytical-G:onu-try. SuitcV; ing, French, Latin, Rhetoric, History of England; Litera ture, Drawing, Elocution. , ! . Fourth Year, 2iirf'.CVos-!-Dif.'"and Int. Calculus, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Logic, Moral Philow" pnv, Latin, Drawing, Elocution. . fifth Year, 1st Class. Agricultural Chemiftr'v, Aftroc-:. omy. Geology, Mineralogy, Civil Engineering. Field Forti hcatmn, Ethics, Political Economy,-Evidences of Cliristi- : anity, Constitution of the United States. Infantry and Artillery Drill will form rni a featureof the uuic course. - . ACADEMIC YEAR BARRACKS.1 ' ' The Academic year will commence 011 the first1 day in February, (Feb. 6, 1661,) and continue, with-W ternugsion, to the fourth Wednesday iu A'vcuih...r. "Tf barracks are arranged with special reference to the i:--sities of a ililitary Academy. The main building J'"-'-teet lone and threp utm-iui h.'-v. . . n,..- i-Ti.t -t long, contains the mess hall, kitchen, store room, trgt v oliice and hospital. . , . ? TERMS: ' ' The char eres for th ar-aJ,.; t-5i ; r,.r Mlifrli the academy 'provides board, fuel', lights, warliirg iiiiti uo tion, text-books, medical attendance and clothing."' wuuidu coniaining tuli information a(ldi-- . :'. ; ; col. c c..ot: April 10, 1SG1'. . b"Ft' -w&.wlr; '" FEED. SIMMONS. IMMOAS & CRIMP, s ATTORNEYS AT -LA - SAUDIS, MIS rll'PL . practice in tho Pnm-i; f r..i. i.. ,,trt ana Will otner counties in. Mi;u;r,r; . a .;:i Maitirnlar attention to the collection of d'ebts, and all other bminsu entrusted to their care. :.- .' REFERENCES: T P?109- Branch &. Sons, Petsrsburg, Va. ; Dr. H J; Leigh, do.; Hon. M. W.Ransom, Weldon, S. C. ; Col. M. Long, do.; Gov. Ellis, Raleigh, N. C; Hon.D.M Rarringer, do, ; Hon. W II. Thomas. Jackson county, . vrK- K- Heath, Edenton, X. C. : Hon. W. A. Wright, Wilmington, N. C. ' ' . F.- Simmons is Commissioner for 5Toi th-Carolins ' Jlississippi. . 30 T1iSJ5??i500k for Volunteers FubMed JUST PUBLISHED, , ' . And now readv for sale-- THE 0LUNTEER'S MANUAL AAD JlIIlLL BOOk. ' . 1 Aol. 18mo., 372 PP. ; Pkice S1.50. , Oomphed from the best and latest authorities for tie Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States, by Lunt; Lol. W u. H RrCHABDSox, graduate and formerly asin-tt instructor of Tactics, Virginia Military Institute. . , Tins valuable book is a liberal abridgment of Hardee Tacltics, including the School of the Battalion, and instruc tions for skirmishesthe Balance Step, and the Manual of Arms for . the Musket being intr(duced from Uila Manual j also, the forms of Parade for Review s, Inspec tion, Dress Parades. (inarA fA.; -. ,ri. Dutie ot Captain in Camp and Garrison, Marches, Camps, Ac, Ac, together with Soldier's Rations and mode of cooking them, and a few important sanitar suggestions to solcfwra- IN PRESS, &. A new edition of the - TROOPER'S MANUAL. By Col. J. Llcics D; 1 ol. 18mo. Price, $1.23 A. MORRIS, Publisher and Book-eller, , ;'. .;..' Richmond, Va. r ARMTRFCn ATIONS, 'i ..-AUTUOWZED EDITIONS, compiled by the Chief Clerk in the War Department, under the direction of the President of the Southpm nnnrs. - -"- . A. MORRIS, Publwncr, ; Richmond, (71id. a 1 . auouu, iiFic uu jiuutgoiuery 10 railv to the flx(y r l tountry, hitherto victorious in a'l pitcT.ed btt)' -help drive the 'enemy from our borrffQ v. . M hi irn t-'i 1 1.1 iv oiri inoiiru irin . 1 . . 1 1 this o:hce, stating the strength of the company" aU amount of arms, if any. Other Companies that' niar 1 formed, but not heretofore accepted, are also r-nne):i ; . , . , - - -i"-.-n-'.i li