f':i- - i V . 4Ar.tl 1.1 ' i' . i. ' i T E R51SP0RrADVE BTf S . ... '. . V;. ' " r v. - : ' .' , .- . - - If : I v k '. I- ' I t i Ifii 1- v. jOflXPEMIAN; Editor and Prpprje or r AXJD I '"UINTKK. TO Hi K SIAlfi. ' W 51. R0BIXSQX, Assistant Editor. ;K TER MS: ; irWEKlV EDITION, per annum,.. .2 ' (hivafiiiblj in Advance.) Tc- Southern .'Republic,- .I'-'ioAtt ( 'iin&iifalioh c f the Coitfaltru'c. Sfkte i (f Aifcriea. ,. l.nlrM.f tVit CoiiftcVrute Sff t s, each Si itc ih i ... Uicciit'iiwiit- cLaracttr E'ftvWui & i-ni-Hicnt 'crieuil goveriirrierit, ,-ot 1 ' i.tice. '."hisiMi'f ufU'Ut tranquility, and weurc "v!';.4-s .! 'J'A""'r-y H wiraclvos and our pteterity in IMj iaKr H!id 'tivTaiu;t' of Almighty G.k1--1o iT'iivif am 1 h- 1 . iA llTK'LE 1. dCCllUlt 1. 'All .1Wilative .''.'power herein delegated lui!l be p- . i ' a': irt'frcss of the . Confeflera.tc Sta .1. ull'l l 111 . . V - . .!,M,.i,'J,fil consist of a, Senate and House of li I 'phe IIousef Urcscutative shiill l cumpo;ed iIibors cf)?:u every seconrj year Ky the .poplc of Itl Vseivcral f?ta s;-aiid the electors in each Sti.'e si all ... i,,,-;!iz.-nsof tlie UonUMnnue uii-i nave ; ;.;,J i--niiisiie for electors oi the most tninu r us vs ,; ' . . t .... ' the ;W lx'tri&iaiurc: i-i.i ,h:ikhi of t, h rth ti"t a citizen oi me M"'Menue nv. tts ''tbklfi 'alV'l iw.-vote foriaay officersiviJ ur ioltti xa:! State ur r t;u i :u. ? ; W. ixrrs.in hull le a representative who shall lOt . ,i ilnedithe ;iire of twct'ity-fivc years, and Lf a 'I'll ;rt.,:.i!il,e hiidttlej-atcSl-iHw, .and who i ot, ch 1 ii'-'l U-'U ) .in' inhabitant yf that State in wh , -C'li 1 if t vi f'SC'1 t : 1 1 i V! 'S' v.vl ihreet taxe- shaii be anii'i- .T'.t States whiehinay le incliKpl '.. i. '! i ' t'l .da f.-rii;i:e.l 1 v adding to ne W irtjrs.iiis', incliii'ivi those bound . 'It' s and tx.iuuujg. lnoiatisv fhi''-) : iv-s. Tne ftetu eila- I nm-ie : within " three- ears aiu r . i'.l i .11 flUlI ne .4 . . i ' .., . .t .irl .,,1, ,ir.,K. S' lll C i '.v:;f,,;n..v'i'vr.'suusei ent tcrm.ol bn years, in silcn 1 .... . . . r. i . I 1 of Vv,t:itivs '.Vha!I nut ex.w'U one t r eviiy nity rt!l laliM. Olir L.l'U k'liUl. .jimii " -'V I T I 'l.tirivf; ;ui'l until such enumeration 'vn ll in: e ii.-'of onth iatoUna'siiali be enntled u c1k -si: ' : ' . . . .. . . 2 .. ..... t c .l ,1.:. JV t ic Mate, oi vr-in:;i;i u-u. thei Stan- of Ala bain a' iti: ... i': Sr:it. f.f Fliiiida two. the Sia i- of Missi.--ij 'I1 Ji-lviv "tho" State- bf , Lofsisiaua six,, and the - State! ot Vh.'.ir .ViH-aik'ie.s lfiitt'ion in the. r. Jifi'SCllltl n ii i t. tat' ihe'Kxeciitive 'authoritv thcivut W, r'ki' Writs' of cU:ctio"n.to!hl! sU'.'ii vaoan.-ies. Thc.HoMser of -i:ep-fe.eiitatiye.s shall clro-se -tileir i.Aktr and; cfi;or oijict rs. and shad h.ne 'l.e ,v.f"r of "li'ijii'i ;hjhc!it. except th;'t any .pidicj i -le or 'L.- (V.,i..i-d -.itU. i'v iwsident and' acttr.a M)U'!V wit: Mn iiihit.i.r'1'iuTy.. tate mav k lmpf; !iOd bv a v it.e ! th "Uranches ;t he Lej-islaiiiv ....... ..... .i t .. ilT'.'.'L . "-'"-.-'" H' i-Ikh 3." : "Ti:e .SehiiVe hf'ihe C mfetlerate-tites shall be- lial'M-d of two Sena rs irom eacli Mat-', c1: lattire thereof. ;vt tlie or ar e- isiv vonrs uv i,i le t.emi rcra i " i . 1 "!. 1 . ... Inwr 4-1. j.1i Ui1 -,i v.M, litivt -lllrTiUMI -lii-lClV I ai-ULir tll vnuuiv-U dinir the ,?..t tci'-ni ..f service: ami "each Senator sf service; alt li vi iiiiii Vute. 9 -JnOn ediate V. aUcrtiiev-hhaU be asseiifba'd, ih (d. ,.J.. A,ri.iia. ( i it 1 1 e. IV C I lOU, l lie . siiiiiuw ui v n ' .: . .. . ; . . .: . ii...:. ..i..,!i-i-. i(keiii.a!!v as Vnay be nit? turn classic. 1 he ;i-:its tU'Sc.i'..tfi'ysjnti.hv.-t i-1 ... i::ass sn. hall 'be va -at' 'd at rije ;'kpiriit-if.n.. til.; t!i.'..se. -nil vc ir : oi tne si't i i ii ; t at fh t'Ai;r.-i:K''i of --the !' t year ; and vlL t t. iird tM-(it..tlil; ,'expiJ'.-d''.,,J " fl -ti:e !th v "!i d ie- iye-'.r. : ruid;:f v.i;- is hli t-'io;i. y tfcfiEbafi- nj r vi-rwi.-c iitii t tne re- k of th'' .l.t"..i :' den f ahv Si-ue t:.e Kxe aUive li Ivx'AS tria-y v-inlvk tci'yj t n fy appointive bts untd die till. t Hi i ,vaciU..it S .i:5; NoTTson.5!:a i be a Senator who sh:dl hot h ve. fi-i uii -.1 ihe .r b!' tliirtv vears, a i-i be a i jtizen of tne 'flfei'lcf-ile-;. btat; 'and wh) shall- hot. wild eieci -h be ' hti an hiihabitaiit ot tlie State '.for which he shall ,..n.- i - .-. 4! 'n'errtide'ntorthe'O-nfelera.W l"iai.M.f.--'t;-t vlf the peltate,, but shall h..ve no vote"; ail tin- !: It' s tl.ev l c viia'ly .'livided'. r. The Sti.i fe shah o se tin -ir other ofjicers ind ;J;KiJ'reM ienj fore in the a llyotvr 'wtar.ltc-shall exertise I ibsence of thj- i'cc si- the oHU e of i ..'. Td. .f tlio (Vuifederats Mat'. ; i-i',. ..Tl.c Sciude shall have, the sole idrfiiicluncutslVWheu'sittiug for th; power to trx all at linriibsc th eV Sriit bo on ..afh or atnnnatioii When the Tnsii lit ..av-;.: Li:.,f..X-tMJ 'States is triad, -.the C ti-f Justiee sh;dl "preside ; imd no person sha Oi oT:vi.; i o I w i.if ii:e iiicni th- ' !. n.t" the tWO-tlill Is CIS ;. J-'St!lit. ''.' ! I :-' 7:.: .Jiidgmeht iiises of imji-i.chniert 1 -!i-t . h rl fin ther than to renovai tr .111 ;ui e. a:,u d .-u uai- ' ':.t:vatiiMi to.hi'ild' antlenvy anv ofilc'e of h nor. tr1 or ;Sfit;nh1lcrthe.Contederate States tut t-:e si ; t mv:. v cni tliil; sliiihy vievertheless,; be habie , U!)euti trial.' Judgment and puitishi. -Vt tOi 111- it'-C'-- rtltm t ,Liw. Section 4. li TV,,.stinis ; ibices and manner of holding e 1 x'i.,f SengK'rs ami ,uep.!een.u ::yt:iU-u each! State by t'.-.c' i-cgis HJt T ..the oroviMofiS of this C'pstit .. . . ---T : m . . i ii i ... Vi',,? Senat-rs ami' Uepresenranves snan o pie Legislature them)!".- slib- luuoii ; but thC Cxn-. -.l-ss.nVt;n .C..tt iu.-iV tina.', ly .ww rf i "'u-i ui '.datjh'uCelcte'i't-'suS' to the times .And places of chX- . i.! . r-.-'trte .i... res s halt assemble -1 i i le at least o.k e m every :v'f-M a'bd.jl'.ch.n' et.ii li4hbcVJuiWtS!ev i s.Kbl be on mo nrst .uonuay in .shall fcbv lawj-q point a different in .1 ill .. l .IV - ': ; .' f .' - v - 1 .. OCCNOK O. lidi'llrnsc rfhai'be the jmle of the ele"ti'ns, !d rs. 'and., a an to do' busi- rjinrivfti and: iah hod ions ot its own m. '.Ei:;;iv- ..r;..a, khuU Vonsti'tute.a 'in i- 14 lil' U. 1 1 - . JLu .- l."-it ViMl-ivr imml'O-huh- adn;rn trom to . day. and iiy kuithbri.ed to compel tue attendance -rth"sint niem riers, m so-. n -upiiuh-i iii ' tl I J. -E;ich Home shall keep a journal of. iN pro- tt hmlier. exnoi a uieiaoc'. ' - - .texluig, and from time to time publisn the same, ex- iei;tinWshcii parts as mav in their judmnei.t require MCCCsV. smd; tue vcas anu nsi) - oi oiu niunut-is oi "dirtier HtiusjOj .u iny.iqnestion, siiauf at tne desire qi ie-Qfth of those present,-uo cnteivd oitjie journal. : 4.T Neitiiep: House, during the fessij'ii of Congress, .,ii .u hhoiit: ; t heonsent oi tne oii.er, iuiiourn lor ill w than three days, iUv to any tithi r place than that rili-VlikU'the twti ileuses shaTi -be sitting. .' ' - s ' . Sccfioji G.-. .'-'..;' ,-. ' 1 r Tl e Senators ami - Representatives shall receive, ia con peasata.n for. their services, to be ascei taiuetbby. ' law; and paid imt fit tlte .treasury ot tne Qonlederate Btiites "-' They!shuTl,in all cases, except trciison, iejony and brcachof the peiWebe privileged from arrest during 'ihenf 'attendance, at the session of ,thcir: respective i Houses", Ami in g-.iug.to "and returning from the satne ; i-smd for anv sieeyhoT debate in either House they shall hbt be qeWionetl in any oi her place. . 1 :1ii2. "No Senator or llepreseut uive shall, during thei time 'for Which be wivs elected, be appointiM t' any civil. oflrce oinder : the authority .f the O ufedi-ratc Kjates ' Whhih -l..iU have been created, or the muoIu- WtV'wb.-riof shall have leen inereaoed dicing such 'tirnV; and n 'iHfr holding -any ofijee mwler the Con-! -I ei.ler'ate Staked hhali 1 a member of litetr Hous dtH .Mibis c-onli uaice in ofnee. ilut Congress may, by .pwr' gr ht toi,e pnn hi.d .officer in each oi tlie hx-J ''.-:" inalties';isltnch House in"av -provide. . : ' i 1 2 ' Each House mav iku-nniue the rules of its pro "'"i' -lhuga, unish its-numbers for dis.Yl'rly-behavi .r,. &Ar with tl.eoueurii-ri'ec of two-thiids of the whole ' -"! - , v.ontive .Det'artnHi.t,, a:it up -u UiC ' h IkusxT "w-itbl the privilege of drscussm the l:ovr ot edher g any lneatiures; h.i opitertaiiihg to ins department. V'j- v !l"hilis itni raising revenue shu!l originate in. th dbiUe of cpresentauves; but t!W Senate nvayprpiK j ;o"H tir witlt :imr?udnients asoa other t "2. Every bill .vhich shalHiave passed botn Itej VOi,. i. l-lVoVa. if luPnmia a law V Y-trcjvntwl IV I !lV I'ruiiiliitUf the Confederate States; if he approve, lie shaljl fcipn; it ; but if not, he shall return it with his .b jectijnfls tf) that House in "which it shall have origi nated vjidi shall enter tlw at largo on their journil and proceed to reconsider it. If, after mu-Ii .retfoliSiuerktiO!, two-tuirds ol tliat House nan agree to pa-U the bill, it tfiall Ix; sent, together- with the.olj- j jertiotis, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be ryonsiered, and if approved by tvvo-thirds of that it shall become a law. But in 11 such cases the votek bf kih : -Houses skdl be determined by yeas and nay4,and tlie names of the persns voting for and agaihk the1 bill -shall be entered on the journal of each iiou?e re-pe;iivejy. ii nuiy uui ouein in uv muiM." ly the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after jt shall have been presented to him, the same shall jhe a taw, in like manner as if he had signed it, uidesl the QungTess, by their adjournment, prevent its return ; in i bieb case it shall not be a law. The Presi- dent may approve any apprfpriatiin and disapprove any tllier aippropriation in the same bill. In such case, he silll, hi sigr-irg the bill, designate the apprqpria tioiiij fu'sap)roved, and sliall return a copy of such ap propirl.itioiis wi th his objections, to the House in which tltcUl shall have originated ; and the same proceed ing! ,a 1 e n casc other iiiaP" protH by 'the President. ". . Every brder, resolution or vote, to which the con- cii'rr hce ot; krth Houses may be necessary (except mr . - e -J:.; ti .V.ll 4-.. !-,,. iV (MfesilOuiOl : atijouriiiHeiiij eiiiii w i nv- IVts lent of the Confederate States; and before the samd tike effect, shall be approved by him; or Ijcinyfdisapproved by him, may be repassed by iwo thinWf)f both Houses according tt the rides and limi- tatiofik prescribed m case ot a buu ; J; .. I I ;' Section 8. . The Coiigrcss sliall have power- l.l To la'v! and collect taxes, duties, imposts and ex- f rises for rej enue necessary to pay t; e debts, provide far- tfie common defence, and carry on the government j, of tie Oaiflerate States; but' no bounties shall be ; granted fnm the Treasurv, nor shall any dutiesor taxes on ihipurtittioWfrom foreign natious be laid to pro niotd or foster anv branch tif industry; and all .duties, ;Lii:ij.jsb an'd excises shall le uniform thoroughout the tutfedvraip oiuu's. , ; 2. To" borrow money on the credit ot the ConfecJe- rate Ststesj ; . . .".To regnTate commerce with foreign nations, and atnoig theiseveni States, and with the Indian tribes; but ineit her; this, nor any bther clause contained in the 6)ns.titluti'U, shall ever be construed to delegate the jWwcr to G ingress to appr, priate money for any Uiterjiil jiii pr veme'nt intended to facilitate commerce, except for the purpose of furnishing lights,,beacons and biious ancb other aids to navigation upon the coasts, and tlw "irrjprovemeht of harbors and thv removing of obstituctioii in river navigation, in all which, cases suchfefutieii jsLall be laid on tlie navigation .facilitated thereby asi i nay be necessary to pay" the costs and ex- -lMnseti mejeoi. 4,To titiibiish uniform laws of naturalization, and 'if.frin. laws 'on. the subject of bankruptcies, th rough - i i tllllt out tne lion itHieraie oiaies: uui iiu itv m wiiro.-imi. ftnlerat hvTk'l tlisellarge in v . debt contracted oetore the passage tit the shjne . SiiTo'ci'tui money, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coiuj and fix the standard of weights ;ii mea sures, TiV brdvide for the punishment of counterfeit- ' ' : i . r ..i... r :. l ... nig he securities anu current oiu oi uiu wmcuaucu StafJ .-) m i 'r' i l l: .1. ftj.... .'"l.iif I ... ( .! I estaoiisn posi duironim uuzl louito, uui niv. exjtEeS hi' the I'ost office Department, after the first ; day )f Mhrch in the y ear of our lord eighteen hundred and ssixti-tliree, fchall be paid out of its own reve- ! lines : : ; ;.''.- ' ' .- - ' j 8. 'fl'i:-'m()t -the -progress of science and useful j arts, by securing for" limited times to authors and in-' vent us tie-xolusive,right to their respective writings - j and iiscvjveries.". . - ; ). 'r.ij. oustitute tribunals inf rior to the Supreme j Court, i : ; . I 1 ij ; To define and punish piracies and felonies com- l mitt ji op the higli seas, and offences, against the law ; tl lijnioiJS. I'4 declare war, grant letters of marque and re- i huike . rules concerning captures on land and Water. .,..' ' " . - raise, and support armies-; but no appropria- tioll (of liionev bi-that use Khrdl he tor a .longer term tluuftwi vex!-. ' . ' b lo provide and inain-rain a navy.! 14. Td iu-ake- rules for government aiid regulation ol tile land and naval forces. ,--.'' . n. To; 4 ' - Tl-i .. .. . .: 1 ' 4 f.-i-Mi t hu T-iilbtl l t- (IVfC piOVItie . IOI Cilllli' 1V1 Hi mv "uiiiiii. 'I' aws of the Confederate States, suppress in- t-iit ! the siir,4ttioiis and repel in vasion. , -' Jail Toiprovide for organizing, arming and disci p Hniilg thc imilitia, and fur governing. such part of them as iilfly be employed .in the service of the Confed-rate Statfik'; rebiirviug to the States, respectively, the ap 'lf.intiocnof the officers and the authority of training- 4hc huliti .Contri'ss.- according u me uiscipime picsc-nueu i .i i- - i- .- i... 1 I To 'exercise exclusive legislation,3 j in all cases r bver tucii district (not exceeding ten miles i i-. - a - .... 1 : . . 4... 1 . . . ! WtiU over tucn ctisinct inoi e.cetvuig it-ii uun - scj iisimay, by cession of one or more States and accvriuiicc "of .. Concress, become the seat of the ; - : . - ' "". !." r-i. , 1. . riimcitt of the Cmlederate Mates; and to exerci.-e ; 'ike I : kU.thor:r loRtv nvcr all places purchased by the consent , -f tl k.Legfsh attire j of the State in which the same shad j be. ti'ii theierection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock a-febd hthcr "heedful buildings ;- and- 1.4ifTirniake.all laws which shall be necessary and j proper tor carrying lino viwunuu i"w.i..p r.i.- , IV i ii Ll . ..A t, 1 Lit tbiu (. nwtitlllii i'i 111 : crs, uud ail omer pov.cis c.-n.i i,,.o . . , the government ot.the Conleilerate dtatcs, or m any dcb.fi-tmeutor officer thereof .- : . 41 section y. TiiThe importation ot negroes 01 tne Aincan race "t-f '. f - . ii ii. .. i....,a,,.i.i;,,.r froiii anv loreign . country oiuer iimu tuv wawiiwu SrrdHs oi- 'territories of. the United States of America, is hJ-iebv. tbrbiydeii ; and Congress is required to pass laws its 'shall effectually prevent the same. -h n iess shall also have power to .prohibit -the intriductioii of slaves from any State not a member iH "Territory iv t lielouging to, this Gmfederacy. :?The privilege of the writ ot habeas corpus shad n't joe .suspeuiiexi, uiness w hcu m kw vwv.vM .. ;, .i:;,M tL Turblir. sntVt.v mav reouire it. i 41 io bill of at tamer, or ex pom jacio law, or iaw denying or impairing the right of property in negro j sla'V jl shall! be passtri. , cjipitation f other direct tax sliall l laid 1 " .'; o timq & in iirvDortlon to tne ceutjii&oi ciiuuivjanou null.- 1 itikift.ire.di reeled to be taken. I- ill ., ... ... t6l:!N taix or duty shall be kid d on articles exported vote of two-thirds of 1 froi&Uny iStatey except by a v but ii houses. " , , . ' 7Po preferences shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another.' i ' , 8. No mliney shall be drawn from thetreasury, but iu CMOsequejhce of appropriations rtiade by law ; and a regtilar statement and account of the receipt ami ex penditures of ail public money hall be published from tim-tiV finiei ,':' .olVGtngress shall appropriate no money; from the j treasury except by a vote pf two-thirds of kith houses, j takU by yeas and nays unless it be asked and esti- j mated' for by so r.e one of the heads of department, and j submitted to Congress by the 1'resident ; or lor the rnriKie of paving it? own expenses and contingencies ; l-u,?-.-T v r "... ., : r.. f.j a-HsSust thef srovernment, wniui n n.-uj luam.- vi- -'-..l-. -'l 1 . 10, All -bills appropriating money shall specify in fedt fal currency the exact amount of each appropria tion and the purposes for which it w made; and Ce&reW ejiall grant no extra compensation to any 1 public contractor, othcer, agent or servauivauer,sucn contract shall .have been made or such .service, .ien- k r?d. ' i '' . ' ' ' - - - I. No title of nobihty shall he granted dv tne 1'on- fetfefate States; and no person holding any otnee ot mt or triist under them, shall, -without the crrsent . fo the Congress accept of any present emoluments r er-fprthe paymeut. 01 cijtims. iama mc wiuitmirt Statcs the! justice of which shall have k-en judiciahy ,t,., kr,l ly" a tribunal for the investigation of claims RALEIGH, N. C, SATUEDAY, j SEPTEMBER 21 1861. ! office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince or freign State. "..'.''' ;'''-"'- 12. Congress shall make no law respecting an estJiblishraeut of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government tor a redress ot grievances. . .'" grieva 13. seairi X well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. H, No soldier shall, in time of peace, be cuar (ered in any houve without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but ia a mauuer to be prescribed by .law..' . ... . J ' ; 15. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and eii'eets against unreasiua ble searches and, seizures, i shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, sup ported by oath or .affirmation, and particularly de scribing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. '. .. ' '"' . .' 16. No person sliall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the laud or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person le subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of .life or limb, nor be compelled, in. any criminal case, to be a witness ayainsi himself; nor le deprived, of lite, liberty, or property, without due process of law; no.r shall private prop erty be taken - tor public use without just compensa tion. ' 17. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an im partial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and Jto be nifirmed oi the nature and cause ot th,e accusation ; to le con frontal with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process ior-ooiaiumg wnnesses in ins favor, and to have the assistance oi counsel tor his defence '. 18. In suits at common-law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ; and no fact so tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the Confederacy than according to the rules of the common law. 19. ,Excessive bail shaU'not be required, nor exces sive lines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inilii ted. .. 20. Every law or resolution having the force of law, shall relate to but one subject, and that shall be ex pressed in the title Section 10. . 1. Xo State shall, enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque aud reprisal ; coin money ; make anything but" gold and s:!ver coin a tender in payme: t of debts ; pass any bill of attain der, or ex ponij'ach law. r Jauj impairing the obliga tion of contracts ; or grant any jtitle of nobility. 2. No State" shall, without the consent of the Con gress, lay any imposts or duties on imports and ex ports, except what may be absolutely necessary, for executing its inspection laws ; and the nett produce of ail duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or exports, shall be for the use of tlie treasury of the Confederate States ; and all such laws shall be. subject to the revision and control of Cohgress. ' 3. No State' shall, without the consent of Congress,' lay any duty f tonnage, except on sea-going vessels, for the improvement of its rivers auddiarUus naviga ted by the said vessels- but such duties' shall not cou Uii t with anv treaties of the fonfederate States with foreign nations; and auy surplus of revenue thus de rived shall, after making such improvement;-be p$.id into tlie common treasury ; iiorsliall any- State keep troops or ships of war, in time-of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another Mate, or -with a i foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually inva ded, or 'in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. But when any river divides or flows thr. Ugh two or more States, th-y may enter into -compacts with each other to improve the navigation thereof. . A UTICXE.II. Section 1. 1. The executive-power shall be vcsteil in a Presi dent of the Confederate States o f America, lie and the Vice President shall hold their offices for tlie Term of six years ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as follows: '. - ; 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the "Legislature thereof, may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa tives to which i he State may be entitled in 'the C nir gress ; but ho Senator or represent.!! ive, or-'pers ih; holding" an office of trust or. profit under the Gnfwler atc States, shall k .appointed an elector.-: 3. The elecb-rs sliall meet in their respective States and vote by. ballot, for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not bi an inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they sliall 'name in their ballots tlie person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice President, i,i i ii i i-.'i-i-.r-ii. i and tney snau mane uisnnct usts oi an persons vorea . for as President, aixl President, and of the ...... . . ol all persons voted tor as v ice number of votes tor each, wh ch list they rhall sign and certity, and transmit, seated, to the government of the Confederate States, directed to the President of the Senate ; the President ot th Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and Ihms of Representatives, open all the certificates; and th" votes shall then be counted ; the person having th greatest nunikr of votes for President shall be th President, if such humlxT be a majority of the whole -number, of electors appointed , and if no person have such majority, then, from the persons having the high est numbers,, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall chiose immediately,, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one vote; a quorum for1, this purpose shall consist of a member or members from' two-thirds of the States, and a majority of .all -the States shall.be necessary to a ehriec. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, liefore the 4th dav of March next following: then the Vice President sliall act as Presi- j.ocui - , .w-m owe,.i urc urom ut '.-uiu iuu8umuuu.ii disability; ol tlie President - ... pviwui ii.ninj 1 , .o'"Ll. 1 Im"'".' , as vice President snail re tne . vice i resfient, 11 sueir ..-....v.. Vv ......... . .v - . ...... .. ... appointed ; and if no person have a majority, thenfrom. the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall choose the. .Vice-President ; a quorum for the' purpose shall consist of two-thirds ot the whole numltern Sen ators, and a majority of the whole number shall be ne cessary to a choice. ' . 5. Rut no person constitutionally, ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice Pres ident of the,. Con federate Stated C. The Gmgress may determine' the time of choosing the electors, anl the daym, which they shall give their votes, which day shall' bethe. same throughout the G-tnfederate States. .1. No persian cxce'ptti natural - bnfn citizen of the Gmfederate States, ora ci'i.eu thcrestf at the time of the adoption-of this constitution, or a citizen, thereof kirn in th6 United States pri r to the 20th of Decem lter, I860, shall be eligiblj to the office of President; neither sliallany pe'rsod Itc eligible to that office who shall no have attain il the a:e of thirty-five years, ami )4en fourteen years' a resident within the limits of the Confederate States, as may exist at the time of his election. , I. . ,-i 8. In case of the removal of-the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to dis charge the powers and duties of the, paid office, the same shaU devolve on the Vice President ; and the Gmgress may, by law, provide for the -cat of r moval,"death, resignation, or inalnlity both of the" Pres ident and Vice President, declaring what officer shall. then act as Presid -nt, and suCh officer shall act accord ingly until the disability, be removed -or a Presideut sliall be electeil. - . ,, -...,.--- '. i ,9. The President shall, at stated timcsr receive for - . : -. -- v ' - - ' iB MOTMBMnMMMM OTBBM his service a comjensation, which shall neither Je iu crtaseil ndr diminishediluring the pericnl for which lie shall have leen elected: and he shall not receive with in that perioil-any other emolument from the Confed erate State, or any .'of them. i ; 10. Befiire he enters on the execution of his office, he shall fcike the following oath or afrirmatic - " I dt solemnly swear (or affirm) that I ' will faith fully excciite the office of. Presidect of the Confederate States, and Avill, to the best of my ability, preset ve, protect anjd defend the 0 institution thereof." . - Seciimt2. ' ' 1. The ! President shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Confederate Stales, and of the militia; of Jhe several States, when called into the actual ser j ice of the Gai federate Suites ; he may re quire the 'Opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in pach of the Executive Departments, upon any'sub ject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shill have power to grant repriev,; and par dons for offences against the Confederate Stated, ex cept in caies of impeachment: 2. He ihallhave the power,' by and with the ad vice and cbtisent oftlfe Senate, to make treaties, pro vided twoi-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he-sliall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent F the Senate, shall appoint amlassadors, otlier public ministers and consuls, judges of the Su preme Giirt, and all other officers of the Confederate States, wljose appointments "are uot herein otherwise provided far, and which shall be -established by law; but the Congress may, by law, vest the'appointmeut of such i life rior officers, as they think proper, iu the President f alone, in the courts of law or in the heads of departments. . 3. The'jprincipal tifticer in each of tlie executive de partments and all persons connected with the diplo matic service, may be removed from office at trie plea sure of thd President. All other civil officers of the Executivej Department may bi removed at auy time by the President, or other appointing 'power, when their servifces are unnecessary, or for dishonesty, inca pacity, inefficiency, misconduct, or neglect of duty; and when- so removed, the. removal shall be reported to the Senate, together with the reasons therefor. : 4. The President shall have power to fill all vacan cies that may harpen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next sessioti ; but no person rejected by the Senatej shall be reappointctl to the same office du ring their lensuihg recess. 4 Section 3. - 1. The President shall from time to time, givcti the Congress, information f of the state of the Confed eracy, and recommend to their consideration such measures ips he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, bn extraordinary occasions, convene both houses, or either of them ; and in case of disagree ment k'twjeen "them, With raspect to the time of ad journment; he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other ul4ic ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commissi' n all the officers of the. Confederate States. ' Section 4. 1. The President, Vice President, and all civil offi cers of thf Confederate States, shall be removed from office on iibp'eaehmentor, and conviction of treason, bribery, ot .other high criniesand iuisdeanors. article m Section 1. 1. The j judicial power of the - Confederate States shall be vested iu one, Superior Court, and in such in ferior courts as the Congress niay from time to tiituT ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Su preme antf inferior courts, shall hold their offices du ring goodiehavior, and shalW at statin! times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not bo diminished during th.eir continuaac in office. ' :""' .1 ..-.'. Section 2. -..'- 1. The j judicial power shall extend to - all ' cas- aii.-iiig uiKler this Constitution, the, laws of the Con federate States, and treaties made or which shall .lc niade undr their authority ; to all cases affecting am-'las.-a-lors, other public- ministers and consuls; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to con troversies jto which the Confederate States shall be a party ; tojeontroversies between two or more States; .between ;i State and citizens of another State where tlie State plaintiff; betyveeu citizens claiming -lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens, or subjects;, jaut no- Stat' shall, be sued by a citizen -or. subject of fany foreign State. 2. In a4l cases affecung ambassadors, other public ministers' iaikl. consuls, and those-' in' which a State shall he ajparty, the Supren'iC Court shall have origi nal jurisdiction. In ad -the other cases before men tioned thdj Supreme Court ha!!' have appellate 'juris diction, l.tlras to law and tact, with such 'exceptions and u.idtir sticn i 1 t . - 1 'regulations .'IS the L-ongress shall malce. f 3. Thei trial of all crimes, except in cases of im peachment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall. ite-' held in tie State where the said primes shall have been committed ; but wheh-not committed within any State, th&trial shall he at such pUe or places as the -Congress faiay by law have directed; " Section ii. ), 1. Treason against the Confederate States shall con sist only in, levying war against theni, or in adhering to their ehemies, giving them aid and comfort. No pers'-n shall be Convicted of treason unless on the tes timony ot two witnesses to 'the same overt act. or 011 confession in open court. - 2. The Gmsrress Jiall have power to declare the punishmejit ctf treason, but no attainder of j,reasn shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during thfc life of the person attained. j article iv. Section 1. 1. Full; faith and credit shall i begiven in each State to the public acts, records'andjudicial proceed ings of every other State. A nd the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe, the manner in w .ch such acts, recolds and proceedings shall be. pr"vcd, and the effect thereof. ' ' T. Thefcitizenof each State shall oe entitled to all the privileges and .immunities of citizens in the sever- ( al States, and shall havv'the right of transit an'd si--journ in anySkte of this -iinfetleracy, with their slaves afid oher property ; and the right of property in said slaves shall uot lie thereby impaired. - ApiTson charged in any State with treason, Jel ony,. or ttther crime, against the laws of such State, T.-hVshaij flee from justice, and be found in another tate, sha31, on lematid of the executive autority of the State fronn -which -he fled, be delivered up' to' be re moved tq the State having jurisdiction ..ot the crime. 3. No Have or other ierson held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, tinder rth4 laws thereof, escaping "or lawfully carried into another, -shaU' in. consequence, of any law or regu lation therein, be. discharge! ji from such service or la ktr, but shall be delivered " up ou claim of the party to whom Isucli slaves lelong, or to whom such service or labor may be due..' " Section 3. 1. Other States may be admitted into this Confed eracy by la vote of two-think of the whole House of Represeniatives and two-thinls of the Senate, the Senate voting by States ; but no : new State shall be ftrmed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State ; njr any'State be fonnetl by the junction of two .or more States, or parts of States, without the consent of tlie Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as if the G hgress. 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all beedful rules and regulations concerning the property of the Confederate States, including tlte lauds thereot. 1 3. Thi Gtnfederate States may acquire new territo ry, and Congress shall have power to kgislate ami provide governments for the inhabitants of all terri tory beltSging Id the Confederate States lying with out tlie limits of tlie several Sutes; nd may permit th an- at'jsuch rimes ami "t such manner as it miy by law pMvide, to 6m the .States to be adrnittefl into the confederacy.-. .In all such territory the institution of negm 'slavery as it now exi s in the Confederate States djall be regnized ami protected by Gmgrcs Tl. y Xi! te,rnt,,rial ernment, ami the inhabitants j i r J theseveral Confederate States and Territories shal j J'0 e nght to takel such territory . and slaves law I y, 3r1thcin- ia,ftny of the States or Territorie i qf the Confe-Jerate States. - i " 4. 1 lie Confederate States shall guarantee to everv State .that m.w is or hereafter may become a 'member ' v ,nfederacy Republican form of guverudieut. aml shall protect each ?f then against invasion; and on application of the Legislature (or of the Executive when the Legislature is) not in session) against donies- nc iwience. . - - -v. . .- '"' ',.;'' ARTICLE V. SfCthm 1. I i. u pou the demand of any three States legallv assembled in their seyetal conventions, the Coi.gresV shall summon a Convention of all the States.1 to take - -. i " proposeu amenaraents to the constitution he agre&l bn by the said convention voting bv Statesrr-and the same be ratified by the Legislatures of tw.i-thirds of the several States, or by conventions m two-thirds thereof-pds the one or the other mode of ratification, may be proposed by the general conven tion they "shall henia forward" farm-a part of this Constitution. But nq States shall, without j ita con sent, be deprived of its equal rejiresentation in the Senate. " j j t .- ' ARTICLE VI. ; 1. The Government established by the Constitution is the successor of the provisional government of the Confederate States of J America, and all the laws pass ed by the latter shall continue in force until the same .shall be repealed or ni xhfied ; and all the officers ap pointed by the same shall remain in office until their successors are. appointed and qualified, or the office aooi ..; 2. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adoption of this constitution shall be' as valid against the) Confederate States under this constitution as under.jthe provisional government. .. : 3. Tins constitution, and the Jaws of the Confeder ate States, made in .jpersuance thereof, and all trea-" ties made, or Which shall lie made under the .authori ty pf the Confederate; States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; ami the judges in .every. State shall be bouml thereby, anything in the -constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. I The Senators arid Representatives before men tioned, and the members of the several Shite legisla tures, and all executive and, judicial officers, both of the Co federate States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this con stitution, but no rolijVotjis test shall ever be required as a qua'ifieatton to anv office or publie trust under the Confederate Siates. I . ; 5. Thenumeraticni in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the pe. .pie of the several States. ; 6. The lhnvers nbt delegated hi the Confederate I States by the cdnstittition,' nor prohibited by it to the- otates are reserved tp the States, respectively, or"-to mo people tnereoi. j r . Article vii. I 1. The ratification! of the Conv-entions of five States shall be sufficient for; the estabhshment of this consti tution between the SiateS'so ratifying the same. '. ' i 2. When fivetat sliall have ratified this consti tution, iiijhenanner kfore specified, the Gaigress under provisional conjstittitiou shall prescribe the time 1br holding the electjbn of President and Vice Presi dent ;, and for the mtfeting of the Electoral Gllege; and for counting the Votes and inaugurating the Presi dent. They shall also prescribe the time for holding' the first election of recruiters' of Congress under this constitution, ami theitime for 'assembling the same. Until the assembling jof such Congress, the Congress nuder. the provisioun const itution shall continue '.to exercise the legislative powers gran ted. them, not ex tending beyond the tjiine limited by the constitution of the provisional g iviernment., j '.Adopted uniiniinouMy, March 11, 1861 J 'i (J. Db CA.RTE.UEr. i JOHN ABMSTRONU. N ft!tTII.f!i Rftl.iVi nnnv mviivijir ' - (OYit THE C. BOOK STOKE.) DeCarteret & Armstrong O 0 A B IX D ERS A XI) Ji I A XK BOOK M, '.tr j TURERS, RAliEIGII, N. G, Jan. 23, 161. i ie iv E"- GRAHAM HAYWOOD. COU.VSELEOU AX1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, kalei:;h, x c, Will Att .nrl tho Couuty andSuperior Courts of Wake, Jolu).rto:i and Chatham j? thSuperior Courts of New Ihtu ov ; and Sampson,- and! th Terms of the Federal Courts and Supreme Court of X0 th-Carotina, at Kaleigh. OiHce, the one formerly occupied by the late Hon. Wil liam II. Ilavwood, jry if Jan. 26, iSW. ; I j ; 17 lv . -- 7-- - B. R. M00RE, U ! I - ATTORNEY AT LAW, j SALISBCKY, K. C, i i Will practice in tlie Cjourts of Rowan and adjoining coun ties. toii,ctions promptly made;, i Jan'if., 1kU. If. .17 Iv i ! DICKIXS0X.". -H. B. HILL. , C B. HILL. DICKINSON, HILL & CO., AITTIOXEERS, , " . -XORTH CORNER OF FRAXKLIV AXD WALL STS., RICH M OX D, VIRGINIA. Vttend particularly tu the sellipg of slares at public' and private'sale. .V 1 Aug. 28, 1860. It GREEXSBORO' Malual Life Insurance and Trust Companv : j-This Company oft'era inducements to the public which fei "'possess. It is economical in its management, and prompt in the parment of its losses. I The insured for life arks its meinberH, and they participate in its profits ; not only jon the premiums paid" in, but also 011 a large and increasing desposit capital kept in active operation. j . . j I A dividend of 67 per cent., at the last Anual Meeting ot the Company, "was declared, and carried to the credit ot the life memBers of the jCpmpanj. I I Those desiring an insurance upon their own lives, or the lives of their slaves, will phase address l j A Treasurer. I 11 lv. Greensboro', Feb. 11, 1859. N. F. RIVES t COJ wholesale and retail Dru erists, have and will keep on hand a full suiSplv of all such articles as are ijsually found in a First Clan Dru?: House. They will conjducs. the business on a large and liberal scale, having ampld experience, force and facilities for doing So, and hope by their promptness, j energy and Untiring efforts to pleaste, to secure the liberal patronage of their friends and the public generally. The rreseription Department will be under the immedi ate supervision of one of the firm, both day and night. Orders will be attended, to with neatness and disspatch. . r . Kiv ts, il. WALTER B. JORDAN. 5 tf. JGS. CNR.R. TTA3iSI0X HOISE. ItX' - WlTHIS TWO HCKDKED 1 AEPS OF THK DkPOT. I Now open for the reception of TRANSIENT CUSTOM and BOARDERS, Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. ;' I ,L. .MON lAuLiv p roprietor. ! Jan. 7, 1861. j I , 12 tf Ci UBSISTEXCE DEPARTMENT. IJ ! : . Raleigh. Mav. 25th. 1861. i Sealed proposals, will; be received at this Department for the delivery of good merchantable flour at any railroad depot within the State,! in quantities not lest man tteentg five barrel, until 15th oT July, 1861. j Proposals should be, endorsed Proposals for flour,' and addressed to the Commissary General." - I j CommUiary General. May 23! 1861. ' . J - ; . - ' . tf COMMITTED to Jail, in tne town of 8nllsurj Rowan county, by Cornelius Kestler, a negro ftaret wii)8a hjua runaway,' aaJ blangs to Ja a FuILt and says his name u Frank. Thia boy is ab.ut twenty-one or two years old, about six feet high, of rather light-dark color, had on b; or-n wo?len clotbv-s, badly torn, appear to be a boy of good quality, and a number one negro. Th? owner will come for hin, pay charge, and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with according- to law. I - - . W. A. WALTON, . .. t SheriiT of Rowan county. . Mar 4. 186i; ",'. ,. I ? -.. r AXC One qnar, flmt nrtlJiK " r Each robiquent lartioh,; : V v ' ' (Fourteen 11m or nder make mturi ) Contr.cta will be' enter 1. nd quarjerly advertiser,, . a h rale. -. '. : ' - . : deductinr1,m the rlar rat for .dme.t inserted in the Weekly EdiUon. ' ' A ertiseu,enu receir, nBe in,rtion k the We.r HVndKSkh"tif ofXewr and Cartridge rappertTriquaSr " tity or common wraDDinu tity of common wrapiiinir cn.r J -pBOEffOETii rr.jiu.ii stmnrr . The Faculty consists of five Gentlemen and Four 1 Gieerisboroujrh u eminently healthy, and In the Dreei,l The next Session will copjmence August 1st; 161 Jf tor Catalogues conUinin? full reticulars of term. June 2G. ' . ' '. " Wborbagh, N. C. ... : . ' - ' ' 3m. AOTICE. -JUKEX up and committed to the Jail of Meet- e.nbur?lcuJ-. on the 8th dar of September lS negro boy, who ,av. his name is Jhn n5 that his mis U-rsname ,s .Uohn Worthy," living iu Qt nty N. C. Said ov is of medium heighth very black and hta very ordinary intelligence-no ma, k3 or Sir. by Vhich t" .den .fy him. The owner is hereby notified com tor. ' ward, prov.. property, pav ch.ri and take hLn! wav therw,sc on the 0th day of September next, will no "Il po,ed to public sale, to pay fee,., as the Uw direct? " c ' ', W. GIUEIt. I Charlotte, N. C: May tl' J 1860. SPRING TRADE. NF. RIVE8 & CO. 1861. - WHOLESALE DIll'UC ISIS, tBveSckT'r neMW l "aminath- - Drugs, . - -. Perfumerv, Chemicals, Fai.cv Articles, : n Brushf5 of all kinds, . DvehtulTs Tobacco. -. nidow Gla.s, Cigars " Patent Medicines, Snuff,' V1' ' lWedicaU-ffncf. - nVlC' V BdvSiw. 4c. Having facibtie unsurpassed by anyiiouse in the trade, thevfeel Huthonzwl in saying thVcan, and will ai-U ,1 gods in their line of husinessatsuch low prices as cannot tail to my. entire it israelii Or(ler8 wil, proni,,tj att.-nded to. All goodjMU-nt from their establishment, war j ivj'i cjen LUCID. X. F. RIVES 'A CO., . l.,.l.wl T Dr. N. F. kivvh. u.. t V; W.-K i' ... .vwurg,.. " i-mn am, vuitlA.l. .r . ' JOSEPH -UARB. . I2tt - FIKNITURK! FURNITURE!! Ai.tKftu .uvKKTiKK, havliif? removed to the targe, new and exten-ivc ImtMing on Sycamore street, nearly opposit- Doiinans A Johnxon, has purchased the most superior and extensive stoi-k of Furniture ever,exhib- ited in the city, to which he inviu-s the attention of house keepers and others in want of stiperioi; articles in his lino, pledging entire satislaetion in quality- ami price. His stock is composed of Sofas, Divans, PaHor chair-, Mahoeanr wardrobes, and Book case.-, Marble top l!uroaii(, CentrV . , sPring,amI oth r Bedsteads, Sociables, Ac. Ho will also make to order amyartic l.; in his line, as he has some ot the bust workntenti th citv in his emplov. He solicits a call from his friends aud the public. ' Ho will pay parftcula attention to th-; UnderUkinir De paitment. tor whichiiurpof.? he will keep good assort tneat ot Burial Cases of every description. He will have in iattendance onfuncral occasions a careful driver and good hearse. PetcrtjlturgyA-a., April 9, 1h60, . ly. f WEEKLY AKKI VALH OfIaIrUGES, RofklT. , x. A&amlBL(JOIES,madeexpresslvfor Virginia and Noith-Cai-olina. Thev are of the latest s'tvle and supp. rioi-orkiuaiiship. Also, SADDLES and HAitXESS of the bestr materials, and of my own manufacture. Call and see iny sUtk before pui cha.-iitg t lsewi.ere. , . A; C. HARRISON, l Xo. 123 Sycamore etrcet, Pc'U-raburtr, VaJ. April, IHfiO. ( " lyv ukm'ovaL ------ GEORGE L. BIMiOOI), : . . . . . .. , ' !! K f K I. L K II, ' Agent Methodist Depository, RICiniO.M), VIRGINIA, ; WOl'iD respectfully Inform his friends and the public, that h-has removed to the store " I XOv 11 MAIN STREET, Recently occupied by Mr. Cltas. A. Gwatkin, and one door bjlow Messrs. KentPain A Co. His stock of 'BOOKS,'. STATIONERY, AND FANCY ARTICLES,: will compare favorably with anv house South. He has ac lectcd with great care a splendid assortment of stationery, to suit the most fastidious. A collection of choice MIS C ELLA N EDITS, STANDARD AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS, of the newest editions, and indeed the latest pop a-, lar. morai publications as soon as published. The trade can be supplied with our own own Books upon the same terms as at'the Nashville hous;-. For terms, ice Catalogue, which w ill be furnished gratis. Merchants, Ministers, C Jjorteurs and Consumers, wil find it to their advantage to patronize the Depository. The store has been elegantly and comfortably fitted np with a view to the easy conduct.-of thcTTusinc, as well as the comfort and ease of. the customer. Also polite aud accom-, modatinjv clerks are employed. Orders will b? faithfully and promptly attndI tf. r Don't forget th(-filac. No. 1C1 Main street, one door below Kent, Pain A Co's. . t ' 6 COLLEGE HOTEL THE Vndersined having taken charge of the houses formerly occupied as a Female College in the city of Raleigh, on Hilb-boro' street, 200 yard west of the. Capitol, towards the X. C. De-tot, and having opened the . same as a PUBLIC IKfTEL and BOARDING HOUSE, respectfully solicit the patronage of the TRAVELING PUBLIC. - t ' ' , Hill'sboro' street u noted for good water and beautiful shade during the cummer months. The Proprietor design keeping a House for BOARDERS, duriug the summer and rail months for FAMILIES, who can have the benefit; the Mineral Water from the Kirkham Spring, which equal to anv in the SUte in' -medicinal properties, which is well known to all who hav$ tried the water. , I The'public are respectfully solicited to call and judgt fot themselves,' as promises might be made and not 'complied with. SAMUEL E. PHILLIPS, Aspt.! Jan. 2C, 1861. , '. : J 17tf SEWIXC MACHINES. The Quaker CItJ ig) tjJ Sewing Machine works with two threads makinjr adouble btck stitfh, which will hot rip or ravel, even if very fourth stitch bt cut. : It aews eiually as well the r., -,Hfi r.InMPv or the finest Muslin, and U undeniablv the ast machine in'market. Merchant Tailors, ilantu31akeri n d Houjekeepers, are invited to call and examine for tiiem- fr l WiU.n. Merchant Tailor. Winstnni S.'CJ haViiie tried other machineti, buya one of the Quaker ityr and pronounces it far better than any Delore in use. - ; All persons wishing to secure the agency for the sale he LUaKer Vliy nluuuir, in i iuc wnm tu iwiw 1 Carolina, Except in the countv of Wake, which is aecured tO JleSSrS. ' A ULiCrOk JM. Micijtii, vuv w.uu. Forsythe. Uken .bv P. A. Wilson, of Winston, should apply iwKtn t6 the undersigned agents for the State. We will pay a reasonable percent, to all persons taking agencies. Greensbftro', X. C, Febl 2nd, 1859. LAXD FOR SALEThe (inbscrlber wlshlnr to nore to the Soathyi et, olTers fo- sale the tract of land on whicn he now resides, lying eight miles touth of Btleigt, ' and one mile north of Rand's mill on the waters of Switt Creek, and in a healthy and intelligent neighborhood. ": Said tract contains about 640 acres. ; there is enough land cleared, and in a high Ut of cultivation, fhr a foar horse farm, cultivating one-half alternately, lliere is an the tract a eood two story dwelling hse containing gBt. roonw, and a basement, newly fitted up. f here aix also all the necessary outhoinea of a well-regulatJ farm, with a weU of excellent water in the yard. The farm u well d anted to the growth of Corn, Cotton Wheat and Oat. For further particular address V ' I JOHN MITCnEVKR. ' . Aaburn, Wake C -., X. C. : October 13. 1860. '.... n . - . -. ; . . tf. - . 0KTH-CAB0LIYA MIIITAKT Bl'TTOXti. Tie Goldsboro Rifles,'? having procured a complete . of Die of the State Arms, are prepared tof urnish for all the Xorth-Carolina Military Compankj, at ''"" cent. 1ms than they can be parch aied elsewhere. All applications moat be made to the Captaia. ; ' IL D. CRATOX GulcUboro. XC. -Jan.- ; ... . . . ;: ... " " 18-lf. it t 1 -': ' - !'i K.fi -l- 'it ; 1 : Vi -';-.i L 1: (: '-i 1 - ' -.:. i. -OS I; S- -; .' i-' - ---.. I'i ' --

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