.'"- . ' ' ' '- ' , rtfi&tttfiriaL 'WsPEULti Editor and Proprietor M t!txtV.R TO THE STATE. ; A ill Boiip-Alant Editor. . A- t ITEUMS: . .,nvEEKLY .KIlTIO per annum, ... 2 in Advance. ) . ill' We sluitern; Republic. V irnU Os1ifai( lf 1 Covfedaote States i. , of America, V.f.' l V... ;.-tlianH- infViiidctit- character.- in Section 2. f Jl -nse'I IlWsenfatives !a'i 5 fornPf,se " -vliheverx ef4id year by the people of j ...-j.;..i..! tI-eKtrs in each Shite .shall, ''VjHft'-va'i.'.'eiieilite- States?, Mid have the quid-! c1ettr of the most nu men am hut no person of . .$a "i who" toll not,. ,(jtch y eftii inhabitant of that State ui which . ! ;k; " uS.ntaiivesiaiid .ct taxe Khall he appor-i ? - , i',JJ . tie several States winch may .lw l no! uueti ; tiers' 'whiifUiall he determined by addin- tothef ''fl, AjM.r (4' ii'(i i6Hr including thve huund: 1 t vxvd threelittW o;": alt .slavvsv lj:e actual en I , ;.ti(),sl1ail e niad wathin three years after t t ...... ,t ( -Ml 1 't SUI iiic wumww""v-""' :&r 8is theylhall! by law, direct. -The number of .--M-nt.itives Mill-i not exceed one for every fifty,. And Weieh State sljall-have at least one repre-4'';VitH-ei:-ai4n-ftl-sticH: enumeration vhall be niaue S'auf SifiLh ftromiarshall he entitled to choose VC-"t-v t-iu- k- Geivria'tcu, ..the State of Alabama! in '.i.-i Mate i)f-Fbrbia,tvvb, the Stare of Mississippi, -t.vn'ile"bale:'-of!-luiiana six, and the btate of jlVrr v-au4s hapj)en in the representotionj i. i ' ai.v St atf.hii" K.:itiUve autnority tnere(;i. suaur i hi writs -of. tlei ty .ii to"'lu siicti vacancies. T- Ihai1 of llebresieutatives shall choose their: HIS Ol fVi ''.r: . . , i, . i 'i ' i-V. j.n.l-Liiiiii'liw fil t iti there .1'. , j. i ,.' . , " ' . 4 ' -jf Tk Semite of 11- b.ufodrTateSfatcs shall be Wt vcfs lvhe. -,i-ejaN:wic ""-" v rc,: :W.n mniatelyl preceding tiie cotlimence vi.f i.f the l-rm'iif service; and each benaiur shall , tWIekoy shall he. nJM In ; c,nvece.6f the first e cction, they shall be divtdcl m ;,u .11 1 a? may Ve iinhy three clai. i he seats of fck-naiors k thf.tilrsti-las.s- shall be vacated at the eki.iK.tli.tt oft the sUWd k;ear ; ot the second class at - ti'.M.iratioi.rof..tl-.ej f.urth year; and of the thud vtie t-SkWafio! of!the sixth yoar;.s" that one- t' :ia Ui:iV OK CHosen vvlij . '" rits 1 a.u-n oTcsigiiitin. or otherwise during there- ; iW !.i Ihe- Lagishittife -f-any . State. . the Executive r liKrVofmayriiakeJniry appoumeiits uytn - .' ...i .i-l. ..U w-haM rhnn -till ! Ikp uicWi of. the -Eeg)slature, winch shall then fill . u !iva;u.-.-u,ss .( 1 ...... k'- 'y jNoierson sh:il beia beiitor who shall not hae S-: 'tlttViil liageof tSiivH years and be a citizen of;the .C i.lcdate StVtesftHh who shall not when eiecth U aiiabitantof the! State for which he shall be ..- V ; T The Tioe PrcsidoutSof the Confederate States shall 4 HlcuU'tjtl.e'n4te, but shall have no vote, un- ; less Uh v he equally jliviVled. ' ; . ; . .-' --1'?' v:..,. .(...UiH .rboose their other officers, and 1 aNffa1 President nrolictiporc in the absence of the ice lWutyut, or hen he shall exercise, the office ot Presi. -ueU ot the IVnk derate Mates.. . .- - ' 0 The-Mnute shall ,liae the sole power to try all unreaaimias When sitting for that purpose, they - fl,.!,l ne on outh w Utlinnation. hen the 1 resident . ol't'e C .i.lwkrie St iter, is tried, the Clnel Justice . 'shd' jus.'W; aid j.o i'cr -on shall l; convicted Avith- oul c.ncuij.nu' .t two-thirds of the members 7 .Uulgnient in cases of imr eachment shail not ex tend l m thn tha.i t un.oal pu office, and disqual iticatiVn to.hokil:V.i(deji,oy any cfiice of honor, trust or " pi M.JWuler the( fiutdo.iUj Sta'es; but the party con-' -KUd' shall, neveltholeas, li liable and subject to in- dictinfcnt, trial, (judgment and punishment, according ' to law. ' ' ', .1 . : j . .... i ; :-.r:--; " I ) Section 4..' 1J The times', placls , and manner of holding eleo--" tions for Senators and Representatives shali be pre- scribed in each State 'by the Legislature thereof, sub ject to the provisions Of this Constitution ; but the-Con-' ' .gress .mayv at iuy time, by; law make or alter such ' regulations', except as to the times and places of cljioos- Uii Senators, f '',", ' ; '. V 1 1 Thb Congress, shall assemble at least oace in every . .?! L'icnMJmwt.iti!' 'shall be on Ithe first Monday in Uecjernber, uniess iucv suiu,"j j 7-. day. '.. - " .'f " . , I - j I Section 5. '' '' JA- i Eacliilouie shall be the judge of the elections, j ' : returns arid quahficittions of ite own members, and maji.ritf of eafclvshall constitute a quorum to do bust- ;. pes; but a snialler 'number may adjourn from day to day, anil may f e authorized to compel, the attendance ofsehtrmeiiitersViu such maunfer aud under such ;: peual'iit'las-e-c'y lloise.may provide. v . 2 Piich House may determine the rules of its pro.. cee lings, punifchliH members for disorderly behavior, ,) ami, th the concurrence of two-thirds of the whole . ; ; tiUinWr, exie a member. 'f . S. lach 'Hoiisej shall keep a'jourtlal of its pro- r eee4ittW and!frjjni time to time publish the same, ex- ceding Aich paitslas may .in their judgment require secresy, land tle Iveas and nays of the members of .': either sHUisc.5 on any question, shall, at the desire of . 1 r twe-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. . - ..- 4 Neither House, during the session of Congress, - fihalOwithoat the consent of the other, adjourn .for moreanan tnree. uays, uor. w auj vvut. -r;- - itm a-.m-rmHticnt lederai government, ouiu r i,r nil insure'dciiifestiff. tranquility, and secure tfie MT'filV) 'rt'v" to burselves aud our posteritj-r-in-'f? fUrriml guidance of Alnnghty Cl-dd v - i .ttU- ii tfiis Constitution for the Coutedcj -,-u-tot Airierica. - t j ABTICI 1 -S01. , " , I -, J-uiw i poicrs herein delegated shall M AlVkf a YireL r the Gmfederate, States! 'l1 ikll'o'i-s-.! of a Seftate and. House of. Rep- V' ir1'1,V 1 I ' I , ' "lirth iKa'citjiea-.-or the Conicderate, blades t fctowci i v:e. ;or any lIBcitk. civil or poiiti- ' "' ' t ifrfor FcW3"al. " . ,,',, rt;lrM Ka representative whoshadti.ot. ; 1 K i il .rtu-r.nfv.fi vfi vrars.- sum! he a! -i Iki li.iv ' - - . 7 I - i t .. " ,: .; ... . Section 6. ' 1. The Senators and. Representatives shall receive la compensation for their services, to be ascertained by ' Jaw, and paid ont of the treasury of the Confederate States. ' They shall, in all cases, except treajion, felony iand hrcachpf the peace be privileged from arrest during . jtbeir attendance at tle ; session of their respective Ihrtises, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech .or debate in either House they shall !not be questioned in, any other place. - i j 2. No Senator or Represeutative . shall, during the time for which he was elected, Jbe appointed to any icivil office under the authority , of the Gnfederate -v !Statet whicti shall have been created, or the emolu Iments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the Con ederate State.i shall le a member of either House du ping his continuance in office. But Gmgress may, by, jaw, gr ni to the principal officer in each of the Ex Tiontive Departiiients a scat upon , the floor of either VUS3, witivthe privilege OI discussing any uiea&ures opK.Ttaning.to his department: . ' : . -. ' " .. '. oeai oh 4. - ' ' l.'AH bills for Taising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; DUt the Senate may propose j concur with aineiidncnts as on other bill--: 2. Every Hi" wh(ich shall have pissoti both Houe shall, l efore it U'C:mes a law, I presented to the President f the Gmfederate States ; if he approve, lie shall kitm it. but if not. he shall return it with his .b- jectioris' to that House in which it shall have Origi nated, Avho-hhall enter4 the objections at large on their journal! and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass! the bill it ball be sent, together with the ob ject ion i. to the other House,- by which it shall likewise be, reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that hvuso ft shall become a. law. Btitin all such cases the Vfites 'b(.tiri louses shall be determined by yeas and navs, and tliename? of the -persons voting for and agaiufctithe bill shall 1 entered on the journal of cju h ifousc respectively . If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sunday excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent it return ; in which case it shall note a law. The Presi dent may approve any appropriation and" disapprove any other appropriation in the same bill. In such case, he shall, iii signing the bill, designate the appropria tions disapproved, and shall return a copy of such ap propriations, with his ybjectiunsto the House in which -the bill shall have originated ; and the same proceed ings shall then I had as in case of other biljs disap provel tv the President. 3...tT8--y pnler, resolution or vote, to wmcn inecon- iirrence ol both Houses may ue necessary ea.cepi, wi X. . ' i n i il a question ot, adjournment), snan oe preseuieu w um FredeuNof the ; G.n federate States; and beforeythe same shall take' effect, shall be approved by hinf; r ' being disapproved by him, may be repassed by t wo-, thirds of both Houses according to the rules and limi-' tations' prescribed in case of a bill. f ! i , " Section 8. . The Congress shall have power . 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties, import? and ex-' cises for revenue necessary to pay tt;e debts, provide for the common defence, and carry on the goveruincitt of the Confederate States ; but no bounties shall.be granttl from the Treasury, uor shall any duties or taxes on importations from foreign nations be laid to pro mote or foster any branch of industry ; and all duties, imposts-arid excises shall be uniform thoroughout the Confederate States. 2. To borrow money on tliecredit of the Confodc- & To leiiulateTcommerce with foreign natn-ns, ana among tiie levera States, and with the .Indian tabes ; but iHth tin, nor any other clause cont a n;ed m the Gkstituiioivskdl ever be construed U) delegate the power to Con gressHo appropriate money ior any internal improvement intended to facilitate couimerce, .i' x- : .. 'noviornMon. in all which cases ouoiriiiciioiis an n.o "o . f -I'x x 1 sucli duties shall be laid on the navigation facilitated thereby as may be necessary to pay the costs and ex pense's thereof. . . ,. ,. . 4 To establish uniform laws of naturalization, and uniform laws on the sulct of bankruptcies, through out theifederate States; but nohiwol Congres shad disclarge any debt contracted before the passage ot ' the nitijc. ; ; , . . ' . , f 5 f To" coin money, regulate the value thereof and ot . foreign coiu, and fix the standard of weights and mea v. g -r rovido for the punishment of counterfeit- in,T suiities and current coiu-of the ' Confederate gtutes. ' v . r . - . , 1,T, thn sures ivtt. offices and nost routes ; but the expenses of the Post office Department, alter the hrst day 1 of-March in the vear of our lord eighteen hundred and: sixty-three, shall be paid . out of its own reve nues. .. , r , . & To promote the progress of science and useail arts by securing for limited times to authors and in venitors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. - . To; oustitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court. - . ... . .. . if). To define and punish piracies and felonies com mitted on the. high seas, and offences against the law of nations ... -" ' ' , 11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and re prisal, and make rules concerning captures on laud ail water. ". . Jli To i-ni.se and support armies ; but no appropna tioji. of money to that use shall be for a longer term ''than two years. " : ,13. To provide and maintain a navy. s 14. To make rules for government and regulation of the land and naval forces. 'i3.-Top.rovide for calling forth the militia to exe cute the laws of the G.nfeilerate States, suppress i&r suirrections and.repel invasion. ; . . lit. To provide fur organizing, arming and discip lining the militia, and for governing such part of them aJmay b6 employed in the service of the Confederate Siatesi reserving to the States, respectively, the ap- piintment of- the officers and the authority of training tiie militia according to the discipline prescribed by ilusivft lemslation. in all cases Mdiatsoever, over fuch district (not exceeling: ten miles States and square; at uj v - . the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of tbe gvennnent of the Gnfederate States ; and to exercise . like authority over all places purchased by the consent of tiie Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and I 18! To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing pow ers; and all other powers vested by this Constitution in thegovernment of the Confederate States, or in any department or officer thereof. :. . . section y. 1. The importation of negroes of the Afpcan race Yom anv foreign country other than the slaveholding States, or Territories ot the u mtea otaies oi America, Is herebv forbidilen ; and Congress is required to pass such, laws as shall effectually prevent the same. I 2. Congress shall also have' power to prohibit the 'introduction of slaves from any State not a member Twritfirv ni.t lelononner to. this Gnfederacy. '3. The privilege.' of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, sinless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. 4. No bill of attainer, or ex post facto law, or law denving or impairing the right of property in negro , 1 l slave8 shall .be passed. " - 5. No capitation or other direct tax rfiall be laid unless in proportion to the census or numeration here inbefore directed 10 be taken. f i ,: f : 6. No tax or duty, shall be laid or articles exported from any State, except by a vote' of two-thirds of both houses. ; ; -:r ' . ..7. No preferences sliall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over hose of another..- ; I 8. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made.by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and ex penditures of all public money shall )je published frcm time to time. '1 . -:f;;: .. '.. ; .j. t '.; 9. Congress shall appropriate no money from the treasury except by a vote of two-thirds of botli houses, taken by yeas and nays-, unless it be asked and esti mated for by some one of the heads of department, and submitted to Congress by the President ; or ; for the purpose of paying its own expenses and contingencies ; or for the payment of claims against the Confederate -Statesthe justice of which shall have been judicially declared by a tribunal for the fnvestigarion of claims -against the government, ; which it is hereby made the : duty of Congress to establish . f i ' 10. All bills appropriating money shall specify, in federal currency the exact amount of each appropria- . tion ' and the "jmrposcs for which It is "m.ioe ; and Congress shall grant no"exti compensation to any, public contractor, officer, agent or servant, after such l contract shall have been made or such service ren- L , dered. . - ' 11. No itle of nobility shall be granted by the Con federate States; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the ccrseut fo the Congress, accept of any present emoluments office or tit!e"of any kind whatever from, any king, . prince or foreign State. 12. Congi-ess shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; of abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to . assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances. - ; 13. A well Eegnlated militia being necessary to the" security of a free State, the right i the people to keep and bear arms shall nofc.be infringed. ,14. No soldier 'shall, in time of peace, be quar tered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in tiWof war, but in a mauner to be prescribed by law. 15. The right of the people. to be secure in their pei ns, houses, papers and effects against unreasona ble searches and seizures, shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, sup ported by oath or affirmation,- and particularly de scribing the place "to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. , 16.. No person shall be held to answer for. a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service, in time of war or public danger; lior shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of 'life or limb, nor be compelled, in any criminal ease, to be a witness against himself; nor llqiived of life, liberty,. or property, withdYuV due proems of. law; nor shall private prop erty be taken for public use without just compensa- . tion. , j 17.. In all criminal prosecutions ihe accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an irn-.-partTal jury of the State and district wherein thecri,mo shall have, been "committed, .which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be to be'confrontcsl. with the witnesses against him; t- ' haye commisory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to. have' the assistance of counsellor his defence 1 . , . , 13 In suits. at common law, where the value in coHtroversv' s.bill exceed v twenty dollars, the right of trial bv jury shall be preserved; and no fact so rned bv a jury shall be Aherwise re-examnied in any court of the Confederacy' than accdrding to the rules of the common law. . -, ' " 19. ' Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exces sive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. , . , 20. -Every law or resolution having the force oj law, ' shall relate to but one subject, and that .shall be-expressed iu the title . ' ' Section 10 j ' 1. No State shall- enter into any treaty, alliance, or ' confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; make anything but go.hl and silver com a tender in pavment of debts ; pass any bill of attain der, or ex postjaeio law, or law impairing uiu ouu.i tion of contracts ; or grant any title of nobility..; 2. No State shall, without the'consent of the C)n J :lv fl.nv iniH.sts or 'duties' on imports and ex ports, except. what, may be absolutely necessary tor executing its inspection laws ; and the nett produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any 'State on imports or exports, ''shall be for the use of the treasury "of the ' GTnfederate States ; and" all such laws shall be subject . to the revision and control of Congress. ; 3. No State shall, without. tbe consent of Congress, lay any 'duty of-tonnage, except on sea-going vessels, for the improvement of its rivers and harbors naviga ted by the said vessels ; but such duties shall not con- , tfict with any treaties of the Confederate States with foreign nations ;. and any surplus of revenue' thus de rived shall, after making such improvement,, be paid into the common treasury ; nor shall any State keep troops or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into any ' agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually inva ded, or in uch imminent danger as will not admit of delay. But when auy river divides or flows through . two or more" States, they may enter into compacts with each other to improve the navigation thereof. Article II. Section 1. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a Presi "A1 r.f tho Confederate States of- America. He and the Vice President shall hold their offices for the1 term of six years ; but the President shall not be re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as4 follows: ;- :. ' '- ,' .1 2. Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa tives to which the State may be entitled in the Con- . gross ; but no Senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the i Confeder ate States, shall be appointed an elector. V - 3. The electors shall meet in their respective States and vote bv ballot, for President and Vice 'President, one of whom, at least, shall not.be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they shall name in . their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice President and they shall make distinct lists .of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall, sign and certify, and transmit, sealed to the government of the Cuifcderate States, directed to the President of the .Senate j ithe'President of th Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and Hous of Representatives, opeu all .the certificates, and th votes shall then be counted; tae person having th greatest number of votes for President shall be th President, if such number be. a majority of the whole number of electors appointed , and if no person have such majority, then," from the persons having the high est numbers, noWxceeding three, on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choosd immediately; by ballot, the' President. But in choosing the President the'votes shall be taken by States, the representation fronVeach State haying one vcte; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. : And if the House of Representatives shall not choose aPresider.t, whenever the right of bcice shall devolve upon them, before the 4th day of March next following, then the Vice President shall ,act as Presi dent, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. : 7 . ; ; r- 4. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President shall be the Vice Presdent, if such .number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list the Senate shall ciwjose the Vice President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Sen ators, and a majority of the whole number shall be. ne-. cessary to a choice. : . . - ' 5. But no person. constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice Pres ident of the Gu federate States. , . .; .:y ': 6. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their vote?, wliich day shall be . the same throughout the Confederate States. ; , ; , -.-V ? 7. No person except a natural, born citizen of the Gmfederate States, or a citizeu thereof , at the time of the adoption of this constitution, or a citizen thereof born in the Ur.ited States prior t. the 20th of Decem ber, 1860, shall he eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be. eligible to that c. nice. 'who; shall not7 have' attain. d the ac:e of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the limits of the Gmfederate States, as may exist at the time of his election. . , , 8. Jn case of the removal of the President from office, of of his death, resignation, or inability to dis charge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President; and the Congress may, by law, provide for the case of re moval, death, resignation, or inability both of the Pres ident and Vice -President; declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accord ingly until the disability, be removed or a President shall be elected. - ,9. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a' compensation, which shall neither be in creased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected : and he shall not receive with in that period any other emolument from the Confed erate States, or any of them. 10. Before he outers on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation 1 " I do solemnly swear for affirm) that P will faith fullv execute the office of President of the Confederate States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution thereof." - " Section 2. ,1. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Gmfederate States, and of the1 militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the Gnftlcrate States; he may re quiie the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the Executive Departments, upou any sub ject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and -he shall have power to grant reprieves aud pardon- f r -o -n-es against- the . Confederate States, ex cept .in eai-es of impeachment. 2. He shall have- the power, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, to mak treaties, pro vided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; aud he shall nominate," and - by and with the advice and .consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Su preme G'tirt, and all other officers of the Gmfederate ' States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise -TTrr-Cii. :lwW4 wvstv". I.v' Faw,; vil tile ru.ruituient of suCh inferior officers, as they think iroper, m the law or in the heads President alone, in the coui ts ol of departments. , t ;. , , 3 The principal officer in each ot the executive de partments, , and all persons connected with the diplo matic service, may be removed -from office at tae plea sure of the President, All other civil officers ot the Executive Department may b removed. at any lime by the President, or other appointing power, w.iWi their services are unnecessary, or for disiioiiesty , mcar pacitv, inefficiency, misconduct, or neglect oi duty ; and when so removed, the removal shall be reported .to the Senate, together with the reasons therMor. 4 The President shall have power to fid all yacan cies'that may happen during' the rece of thcSeiyite, by arantin commissions which sna.i expire at the end of their next session ; but no person rejected by : the Senate shall be reappointeil to the same .office du ring their ensuing recess. . . Section 3. 1 The President shall from time to time, give the Gmgress information of the state of the (A-ufcl- eracv, and ' recommend to. -.tneir consiaeiauouu. measures as Lie snau juuge h--jj. 1 - , res as h he may, on extraordinary Vw-.nr nr either of them ; occasions, wiiveuo: wn and in .case of disagree- mcnt between them, wit ith rrsnect to the tune oi an- . - 1 i . lournmenr, ne iuxj v - ,. , , ri,i ', .u:.,!. ..r . Up Klmll-recei v-Ambassadors aud i. ,i;nrn t ,im u, sucti lime as ne Snau iniim iui.. , -- . i,r nnWic. ministers- he snad take care that the 1 1 t ' 1 f.,;fUf,-,li,r x.venited: and shall Aiommi siou ait laWS UC luliumiij ( the officers of the Confederate States. ; Section 4. -1 . ... 1- The President, Vice President, and all cnu bfii-cer-'of the Gmfederate States, shail be removed from -Office on impeachment for, and conviction ot treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdeanors . autkle ui. Section 1. i 1 The iudicial power of the Gmfederate States shall be vested in one Superior Court, and in such in- . ferior courts as the Congress may from time to . Um ordain and establish, The judges, both of too Su preme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices du ring good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished duriug their continuance 111 office. Section 2. ' 1 The judicial power shall-extend to all cases arisin" under this Gmstitntion, the laws of the Con- SCstatcsf.ndtreatiei.made or which snall .be Se under their authority ; . to all cases attecung ; am bassadors, oilier public ministers and consuls te Mdl cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to con- ?rTe4s to which the Confederate States shall be a ty; to controversies tweentwo orrnoreStete ' between a State ana cuizeus 01 u-. - -- , ffrSJL i- lamtiff between citizens claiming land . undeV grants 0f different State,, and between a Stag or tfe dtizens thereof and foreign States, citizens subjects - but no State shall be .ued by a cW or ' 6U1n1n1um minkers and consuls, and those m which a State S be a narty, the Supreme Court shalL&ve origi nal urvsdictL -In ad the other casesAfore men jS.fi'l'S Court shall have appellate mm- S-a.tolaandtect, and under ciirn r(' iiiiuuxia i-j 1 ...f ..i.r. oa Congress suv xx vo maKe. . . . A.x : ahl.c nf ?m 3 The trial of all crimes, except . - ia x .v.n w w inrv ahd such trial shall be : K ttS te whre thTsaid crimes shall have committed ; but wheot cornM any State, the trial shall be asuch place or places as the - Congress may by law have directed. . .Section 3. , ..- 1 Treason aain. the Confederate States shall con- toJ tm'lmforiberSo to their encmiesgiyingj them aid an.1 j cf'mf .hll baonvicteJ f.f treason tpii u ' timony of tw6 mtnesses to the same overt act, or C2 fe'SJ have power to declare .be s .-11 -U ,t,tinn nf blood, or forfeiture, except; snau vurjk. wuuj"'"- - - f- during ihe life of the person attuned. . , ;..., : article iv. . Section I. - ' .1 Full faith aud credit shalLbe given in each State to the public acts, records and judicial proceed ings of every other State. And the Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in. wch such - acts records and proceedings ihaU be proved, and the Ueet thereof. . , Section 2. " 1. The citizens of each Suite shall oe entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the sever-' ; al Statcsj and shall hsw- be right of transit and so journ in any State of this Confederacy, with their slaves and other property ; and the right of property, in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired. ; ' ; 2. A person charged in any State with treason, 'fel ony, or other crime against the laws of such State, who shall flee from justice, and be found ia another State, shall',, on demand f the executive aiitority of the State from which he fled, be delivered np to be re moved to the State having jurisdiction of tiie crime. -,-3. No slave or other person held to service or labor in any State or Territory of the Confederate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully: carried into 'anothershall in consequence of any law or regu lation therein, be discharged from such service or la bor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such slaves belong, or to whom such service . or labor may be due. : ? Section 3. . , . 1. Other States may be admitted into this Confed eracy by a vote of two-thirds of tiie whole House of Representatives and two-thirds of the Senate, the Senate voting by States; but no new State shall bo formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State ; nor any State be formed by the junction of two or mere States, or parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as, .f the G.ugress. . ' ' 2. The Congress shall have power to dispose of aud make all needful rtfies and regulations concerning the property of the Gaifederate States, including the ands thereof. . .' . . : 3. The GmfeAlerate States may acquire new territo ry, and G.ngress shall have power to . legislate imd provide goyernments for the inhabitants of all terri- , tory belonging to the G)u federate State lying with out the limits of the several States, and may permit thf.m , at such ti rces and 'i such manner as it may by law provide, to form the States to l .admitted iu to the confederacy. Iu ail such territory the institution of negro slavery as it now exis's in the Confederate States shall be .'recognized and .protected by Congress aud bv the territorial governmeTxtVnd the inhabitant! i f the several Gmfederate States nd Territories sba have the right fo take such territory and slaves law y'ul!y held by them in any ol the States or Territories of the Gnfederatx States. , . . .'4. The Canfederate States shall gtmrautee to every State that n.w is or hereafter may become a member of this Gmfederacy a. Republican form of government, .and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the Legislature (or of the Executive - when the legislature is not; in session) again.it domes tic violence. : ; . article v. Section . 1. Upon the demand of any three States legally . assembled in tlietr several conventions, me iongress shall summon a' Convention of all the States, to ted? into consideration such amendments to the con?tiUl tion as the said States shall concur in suggesting7 at the time when the .said demand is made, and kliV uld any of the. prop. sed amendments to the Constitution Vhj agreed on by the said convention voting by Sxtatx-xand the samc.hiv. ratified by. th -TWnlatures ratification ma v be . proposed by the general eonyou :tiun -they shall henct forward fm a part of this States shall. Without its COU' sent, be ileprived of its equal iepr6sentation in tho Senate. AHTICI.E VI " 1 to (invernmentestablisltcd bv the Constitution is the successor of ihe provisional government of the Gndederate States of Amenta, aud all the laws pass ed by the latter shall continue in force until the same shall be repoaled or modified ; and all the oflicers ap pointed bv the same shall remain in cilice until their successors are appointed and qualified, .or the ofiiees abolished. ' ! . -. , , o All AoUa contracted and engagements entered ix. i,r. .ofl.Mrfinii of this Colistmitioll fcliall 1. 11.11 Dt-'ioit; nit v' - top e as va lid against tiie Confederate States under this consttti: uti .u as' under the provisional government. ; .'his eoiistituttyn; and the laWs of the Gmfeder- 10 T thereof, and all trea 1 rr.nde. or which shall I made uuJer the authon-- tv of the Confederate States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the. judges 111 ewry Dtaie snauuu 1 .i.tui t nTilv. anv vthin,J--in the constitutioii or jaws ..f .,.,v xuihi in th.coutrary notwithstanding. 4 ti... t-ot,.K nT,d Pienrcsentati ivel lefore mn- tioned, and the men mbeis ot the several oiaw uegi.Mit- JL x. .-.11 vir'i!t.v.-! and 1 iudicial officers, both ot lllieS. Clll ----- - : f - , , the Co feoerate States ana 01 me be bovnd by oath or affirmation-to support this con stitution but no religotis test shall ever i- required as. a qualification to any office or pul .ho trust under tfce G.id'ed -rate States. r, " . .. -. '- . . 5 The ehuuieration, in the cstitulion, of. certain r-hts shall not. l econstraedtudeny or disparage, otheis retained by the peoplf the several Slate. G The powers not delegated to the CinfMerate Stttes bv the constitutionnorj)rohibited by it to the States are reserved to th6 States, respectively, or to the pcjple thereof. ARTICLE VII. 1 The ratification bf the Gmvcntions of five State shall be sufficient,for the establishment of this consti tution between frtie States so ratifying the same. o fi States shall have ratified this consti tution in the' manner before specified, the Congress under 'provisional constitution shall prescribe the tinje for holdmgthe election of President and V.ce Pru dent ; ahd for the meeting of the Electorab .GJU-ge ; and for counting the votes and inaugurating thclresi ' dent7 They shall also prescribe the time forolding the7 first election of members of Congress ujder this constitution, and the time for aHsembhnghc same. . fentil the assembling of such Gmgress the .Crmgrejs ' under the provisional constitution shat continue to exercise the legislative powers granted them, not ex tendinl beyond the time limited bf the constitutton of the provisional g vernment. Adopted unanimously, March 11, 10I Q. PK CARTERET. N OKTH-CAROLIXA ,B00K BI?DLUi, Q . V Ltiy ' iit-v xi. v. w . npfnrtorpt & Armstrong BOOK BINDEKS pfD BLANK BOOK UANUFAC Jan. 23, 18C1. - 7 E"- GREnL""SS" ATTOBKET AT LAW. RALEIGH, K. C, -nr.lra vrni itiend the County and. Superior Court; of WaKe, n.'ti.f. f h one iormeriy , irl W fTawrwMi. ir. - - ' i . - Jtd .11 XX. T '- J J Ulj Jan. 26. 1861 B. B. MOORE, . . , Will practice in the Courts ofltowan and adjoining coun ties. CoUections promptly mad-' ' . ; 171t . Jan.23 IWL ; . , aitfaalTur. K. C 1 a- -- M ' 4 - 'k . . 5 :-i