A ... J. .f 4. .'1 i-Ai O iPm&iWAt:.:-:. vvivr 4' '' . . ' - ' . 4 ' ,4; .-.,-, rH-rr --v .- 4.U4: :Ji.'.4. .;-:' -i-''- - -4s-, ; ., -.V .v : j v:'' : :4-;4v. ; :-. .-4. a , -4 -7, -77 n 4.i.sn o ,----:. - .. - . - , .. . .....!........: -. . A'' 'r ii- ,, -, - i -;iv:r,v'. - r - . . -, ? . -- - - " . : ' - ' : ' ' " ' 1 g S0 v- 'If U -- c Stale , .j v T JOHN SPEL31AIT, Editor and Proprietor .1: AND PKINTER TOjUE ST4TE. WM. R0BIXS05, Assistant 1 Editor, TEKMS: 8iEMtWEEKLY EDITION, per aiinuoi,i..a.....4..$4 "WEEKLY EDITION", " J 1 . fnrariabr in 'Adraaoel ) ThD Southern Bepublic. ,1. 3ye Termaneril Constitution of he Confederate Stale ?i of Jim&iaJilVs. v jWejtbe pc3p!e6 lhdf Cbhfidcf ate $ta(cscacb StatQl t "ft '." ,;,?; Adtirig in its sovereign ami lnGcjiendeiit cuai;acicrfc itt- j j vraia; ud .entablihli this Constitution fur theConfede rhRito States of America;, ' i ' . i; ' Yin legislative povjs hereiu- delegated" shall"-be - ' vested in a Congress, of the'': Confederate-' States,: s KvHk-h sluil consist of a Senate and rlouse oi Uep-, , f re.sehtativcs . .-' ""' , .. :p ; : ; Section 2.." . . i . ' It I. THe ITWcof Representatives shall bc.com posed 'pr hieiut)crich(eii every second year by fhfe pco)lc of : v " ithe:stve'riil States; and the electors in each State sliali . : fee 4tizeusf the Cou federate States, and have theflual--. iMficationl requisite , for electors of tlie riiost numerous Jofalich f the Sate- Legislature; tut-no person of ; .' foreign irth not a. citizen of the Confederate. States; liatAc pillowed to'Votc for any ofBoers' civil .or politi-4..." ".; alBtatq or Federal. '' ' - r ; i 'ojpersjon shall be a represenfcitive who shall not ': SBivve kttMoed the ag of twetity-fivo years, and be a ''''xgliypii the Confederate States,- and wl mi shall not, j lhcin e'ectt'cl, l-e an inhabitant of that State in which : sliall be chosen. '..'.; ; ; : 3.1 llepresentativcs and direct taxes shall 1 appor- . Tinned aniong tle several tates which may be inchtdetl 1 ; ptjiih this p.ofederacy apotircliug tc theii respective ' - itaniers-KvhUh shall;be 'determined by adding to the $hite number of free persons, including those ocmnd f:i s-f-WiMfor a term of -vears. and exelndiu Indians . ,i.t tjixed three-fifths of all slave?. The actual enu rjicraitiun ih dl be - made, within three years after the jncctmg of the Congress of the Cmiedcratc States, id ivittii every sulcqnent term of ten years, in such rfilnncr as they shall; by law, direct. The number of ruHttalives shall not exceed one for every fifty '" tyiwaiid; ibtit each State shall. have at -least one reprc Sitattvejiind until such cnuxtierat-uii -hall ,lie made' ' -ti Sjtat c of South Carolina shall ltc entitled to choose fciH tiK Stkte of Georgia teu the: State of Alabama iiie,jthe H.tte of Florida twp, the State of Mississippi . ai'thi:, - the-State of Louisiana six, and the. State of -. -TtSas's'ix. . ' - - . . M IWhcii vacancies Happen in ine rcpresenranon fri-fia any Mate, uie Executive autiionty inereoi snail i)f election to till such vacancies. Vi e i louse of ltepreutatives"sh.ill choose their - Straicer a.j:d -utlier olticcrs, .and . snail- tiave.thc sole oftftni.e'-v-hment, except that any judicial or otfer Ifcderjd oflicer resideift and acting slcly within t he Jiaiits if anv Stut, may be impeached by a vote 'ot5;tvr-tliiHls oi both tranches oi ine . igisiaiure theroi. Section 3. M The ! I Senate of the Confederate States shall be conftosed of two Senators from each State, chosen for Vil .44 rs by the legislature thereof, at Uie regular .Sertoli next immcttiately preceding tne Coiiuucuce-;-. nunsfif the' term of service; and each. Senator shall : have: one voe. .. : 1 ; -.; i- fUnunaiiatcly after they shall be assembled, in .cOiSeiiience!of the first election, they shall be divided ase'qnaily as may be into three classes. The scats of the?Sci.ators'ff the first class shall be vacated at the 4"-exiritoii;'of the' second year;; of the -secrnxd class at : thcifxpiratidn of the fourth year; ami of the third 'laAiti-hc c!xp: ration' of the sixth year; si that one-.. tlii Uhav be chosen every second year; ana 11 vacmi- ciesiiia uen I'V resijmatin or ouicrwisu iiuiiij inu ru- .:cess)l it he'- - Jlegislaturc. or any otaiu. uiu .ecutivo thereoi may inake temporary appointments uutil ihe iicxiet:ngof the Legislature, which shall then rill -suclt vacancies. . - ' . ..-. 1 3l Ho i-rson 'sluall be a Senator who shall not have -t-!nrtl the rl"e of thirty ye;us,. and Jbc a citizen of the OjncdTate States, and who shall wot, when elected, VJlliCdeT be'tiivilwhabi nit of the" State for which he shall be 4 "rThc Vice President of the Confederate States shall j IlfV-vJitltHit of the Senate,' but shall have no vete, un- tpvs ihi-v lie cuuallv divined. ' ' 5.'T he Senate sliall choose uieir .oiuer omcers. ana f : i ' . il ' t I'll . . also a If resident yro tempore m ine aosence or ine v ice lit, or ivhenhe shall exerc the ofiicc of Presi- ' Prcuide4it, dent of j Mthe OJr. federate States. - - ' ; ' G. late Senate shall' have the sole power to try ail impciich kiiiiunU When sitting ior.iuai purpose, rney on oath or aflirmatioii; V hen the Prcsideut fif the 6m federate States is tried, the Chief Justice ; than f) ( 'UbAU!rbside'; fund no person shall Un convicted with-: out , hd iconcurreuce oi two-minis 01 me meuioeis iriPNcUt.l f 7. 1 Jiudgmdnt in cases of impeachment shall not ex tend lurjtlicr'than to removal from office, and disqual- ificatfonf to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit; under tlve Cont'etlerate States ; but the party con- : victcd ialL licvcrtlicless, be liable and subject to fh- dictmen trial judgment aud puuisluneut, according to law. Section 4. 1.. Tlve times, places ana .planner 01 noiuing eiec- '.: . i .1 A . 1 " t . . I'll ' tlons for Senators and .liepresenwuv es . snail ue pre scribed ib each! State by the legislature thereof, sub ject tn tlje provisions of this (institution ; but the Con irrcss mav at sinv time, by law make or alter such . regulatutns, ;exjept as to the times ami placcs,of choos :,ing Sebitors.. , . " ' . .2,1 --The' Congi css sliall assemble at least o.ice in everj yeari- anUsiiehhieeting shall be on the lirst Monday in , DecenibJr, uhleks they shall, by law, appoint a different . tLry.?i:'p: Section m li Iviidi iloi S3 snail be the. judge of the. elections, returw&rtnd-11 unifications of, its own members and a ruajoryof each shall constitute a quorum to do busi ness; ! V'Ut' a sniallev number may juljou.ru from day to lay; and may be authorized to coin pel the aticndatcj of "abricij; inernbersj in such manner and under such, ponalsi asVach Ik use niay provide. . ; .2. !Fauh House may determine the rules of lU pro- 1 ;eedluM, unisbits members for dts;rderly lehavior, (juid, wiTh the coucuncnce of two-thirds of the whole ; number' expel a mcniler. ;V :3. Kach House shall keep a jnirnal of its ; pro ceeding,1 and from time to tune publish the sr in?, ex- ceptihgisuch parts as may iu their judgment reqiiire secresy;! -imd the veas and nays qf - Uie members of cither tjouse, on any quesiioii, Minn, at ine ocsireoi -twp-fiftl of thosb present, be eutered on the journal. 4; Iflither. llbus j, during the session f -Congress, ; shall ; wltjiout . the consent 01 tuo other, adjourn Tor more thai three days,' nor to any other place than that 4; n which ike tWvl Kouics s'aall be sitting: r4lMw.ub of liberty t ourselves aiid our posterity in ' vukinJthe favor andlcuidance of ."Almitfbty God-o I r- .. SHinn R . :. ; - 1. The Senators and Represcntatiyes Uhall receiv c a cotnpciisation for, their fcervices. to be ascertained br Miw, h;xj jaia out o; tne treasury ot me uomeaerate ' 1 States. Thev shall, in all cases, excerjt treasoiu felon v . and breach of the peace be privileged from arrest dining " . their attendance at the . session of ; their respective. , Houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; ' an for any speech or debate in either House they shall not be questioned in any other place. ' V?..- 2 No Senator or Representative shall, during the, - time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority "of ; the Confederate $ States, which shall have been created, or tbe eroolu " nrbuts whereof shall have been increased during such v time; and noperson holding any tifiice under the Con-; " ederate States shall be a mem&r of either House du- r nig'"his continuance in office. But Congress may, by - tw, gr nt to the principal officer; in each of the Ex- ; v'pntive Departments a,seat upon the floor of citber ; . uuse with the privilege of discussing, any measures 7 uppertaning to his department. 5 ; ." 1 . ..v ; . .. - ; Scchvn 7. ' - 0 : v xt.lAW bills for raising revenue shall originate in the -i-Houic of Representatives; but the Senate ma propose "f" Si rjeincur wiu anwndmcnti as on other bills 2rTuvery ltvl)ich shall have. passed both Houses shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to tne President of the Confederate States ; jf lie approve, he shall'sigh it; but if not, he shall return it with his ob jections to that House in which it shall have origi nated, yrho shall enter the objections at large on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that House shallgree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with tie ob-. t juctious, to the. other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved .by two-thirds of that House it shall become a law. But in all t-uch cases the votes'of both Houses shall be determined bv veas and 1 nays, and the names of the persons voting for and gainst the bill shall be entered on the journal of each i House respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten' days (Sundays excepted) after it shall ha?e been presented, to him, the saino shall lie a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, .unless the Congi'ess, by their adjournment, prevent its 1 return ; in which case it shall not be a law. The Presi- -.; dent may approve anv appropriation and - disapprove any otherappropriation in the same bill. In such case, he shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropria tions disapproved, and shall return a copy of such ap- . propriations, with his objections, to the House in which -the bill shall have originated ; and the same proceed nigs shall then be had as in case of other bills disap proved by the President. , - 3. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the con . currence of both Houses may be necessary (except on , a question of adjournment) .shall be presented to the. Presicjent ef the Confederate States; and before the !sanie shall take efifcet, shall be approved by' him; or .being disapproved by him, may be repassed by t wo thirds of both Houses, according to the rules and limi tations prescribed "in case5 of a bill. . Section 8. ' TJiCongrcss shall have power .-.1. To lay ami collect faxes, duties, imposts and ex cises lor revenue necessary , to pay t..c debts, provide for the common defence, and carry on the government of the Confederate States; but no bounties shall be granted from the Treasury, nor shall any duties or taxes - on importations from foreign nations be laid to pro mote or "foster any branch of industry ; and all duties, imposts and excises, shall be uniform thoroiighout the Confederate States.- - 2. To borrow money, on the credit of the Confede . rate States. ... , To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the sevcra Stjites, and with .the Indian tribes; but neiilter tlii, , nor, any Other clause, contained in the Constitution, shall ever be construe! to delegate the power to Congress to .appropriate money for any interualimprovemenjt intended to facilitate commerce, . 1 except for tlie purpose of furnishing light, beacons and buoys, and other aids to navigatioiv upon the coasts, and the -improvement of harbors and tiii iv moving of ' 'obstructions iirriver navigation, .in all which cases .such duties shall be laid on the navigation facilitated : there I y as may be necessary to pay the costs and ex penses there if. 4.. To establish uniform law of. naturalization, and uniform laws oi- the subject of bankruptcies, 'through out the Oonfeder,ate States ; but no law of Congres shall discharge any debt contracted before the passage of the same. v. t - . " 5. To coin money, regulate the value thereof and of foreign coin, and rlx the standard of-weights and mea-. . surcs. . -i ' ' . 6. To provide fi.r the punishment of counterfeit ing the securities and current coin of the Confederate : States. - 7. To establish post offices and post mutes; but the expenses of the Post office Department, after the first day of "M'.irch in the .year of our jord cighteai hundreit 'ami sixtvithrce. shall be paid fcutiof its own rcve-v -nues. . : ; ; . 8: To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to 'authors and in ventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries. ; j -? 1 .. , '" 9. To coustitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme ' Court.' ' .. . ;. 10. To define and punish piracies and felonies com mitted on. the high seas, aucl offences against the law of .nations. ' . " ' . . . - 11. To declare war, graitt letters of marque and rc- prisal, and make rules concerning Captures on land , 'and water. . ' 12. To raise and support armies ; but no appropria tion jbf money to that use shall be for a longer term than two 3'cars. v' -, 1-3. To provide and maintain a imy. -14. To make rules, for government and regulation o.f the land and naval forces. .l . 15 To provide for calling forth the militia to exe cute the laws of the Confederate States, -suppress-insurrections' and repel invasion. 16. To provide for organizing, arming aiid discip lining the militia, and fo governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the Confederate States ; reserving to the States, respectively, the ap pointment of the officers and the authority , of traiuing - the militia according' to the discipline, prescribed by Congress. 17. To exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, over such" district (not excxxling ten, miles square) lis may, by cession of one or more States and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the Confederate States ; and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, fof.the erection of forts, .magazines, arsenals, dock-' yards and other needful buildings ; and . ' . j 18. To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing pow ers, and all other powers vested by. this Coiistitutiou in the government of. the Confederate States, or in any department or officer thereof. -..-' Section 9. - . 1. The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other tlian tlie slaveholding States, or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden ; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually. prevent the same. - ' 2. Congress shall also have power to prohibit the introduction of slaves from any State not la member of, br Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy. ' '' 3. The privilege of the writ of , habeas Corpus shall not he suspended, unte is when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. .; 4i Ko bill of attainer, or ex post facto law, or law denyin nr lmnunn the right of property in negro slaves snail be p assea. " 5. No capitation of other direct tax shall be laid unless in proportion to the census or enumeration here- . t inbefore directed to be taken r . m " ? J 6. No tax cr'dnty shall be laid on articles exported ' from any State, , except by; tote of two-thirds of both houses. ;'-S"'?i:: " -j 7. No preferences shall be given by any regulation : ef commerce or revenue to -the ports of One State over hose of another. " 8. No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a " regular statement ana account of the receipts and ex penditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. - " r r . f 9. Congress shall appropriate no money from the treasury except by i vote of two-thiids of ixth houses, ' taken by yeas aud nays, unless it le asked and esti mated for by oine ne of the hads of department, and submitted to Congress by thej President : or for the . -r purpose of paying its own expenses and contingencies ; or lor tne payment oi ciaims against xne uonieaerate "dufy of Congress to establish. " 10. All bills appropriating money- shall specify in federal currency the exact amount of each appropria tion and the purposes for which it is made ; and Congress shall grant no . exti J3mpcnsation to any public contractor, officer, agent or servant, after, such , contract shall have been made or such service reu- ; dered. '. . -'r. : -4- 11. No ti tle of nobility shall be granted by the Con federate States ; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent fo the Congress, accept of any present emoluments (nice or title of any kind whatever from any kin prince or foreign State. . . : if I 12. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ; or -abridging the .freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right .of the people peaceably to '. assemble and petition the government for a redress of : grievances. ' 13. A well regulated militia l-ing necessary to Uie : security of a free State, the right l. the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ; 14. No soldier shall, in aimc of peace, be cuar tcretl in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war, but in a mauncr to bo prescribed by law. . ' j 15. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and eriecte against unreasona .ble searches, and. seizures, shall not be violated ; and; no warrants sliall issue but upon probable cause, sup-! ' ported by oath or affirmation,' and particularly-de scribing the place to be searched, and the pers;ns or! things to be seized, V ' ! l(i! No person shall Imj held to answer for a capital j or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment ! or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising j in the land or naval forces or m tlie militia, when j in actual service, in time pi war or public, danger; nor. shall any person be subject for tlie same offence to be'tvi-e put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor be v. compelled, in any criminal case, to be a witness against himself ; nor be deprived of life. lilwrfy, or property, " without due" process of law; nor shall private prop- crty be tkken for public use without just conipeusa- tioji. . . , ' ! 17. In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an im- ; partial jury of the State and district Vherein the crime shall- have ' been committed, which district shall ; have beep previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature, and-cause f the accusation ; to be .confronted with the witnesses' against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his. favor, aiid to have the assistance ofi counsel for his defence ' ; 18. In suits at , common law, where. the value in. controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right .of trial by jury shall Us preserved; and no fact so tried by a jury shall bq otherwise re-examined in any court ftf the Confederacy than according. to the rules of, the common law. . 1U. ICxcessivc bail sliall notdx required, nor exces sive fines imposed, nor cruel and' unusual punishments inflicted. " . ' - 20. Every law or rcsjlution having the force of law, shalLrelate to but one subject, and tliat shall be ex pressed in the title. Section 10. 1. No State shall cuter inte any treaty, alliance, or ' confederatuiu ; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any. bill of attain der, or :x po.it facto law, or law impairing the obliga tion ot contracts ; or grant any title m now lit-. . . 2. No State shall, without the consent of the Con gress, "lay any imposts or duties on imports and ex--. ports, -except what may. be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and ihe nctt produce of all "duties and imposts, laid by any State on imports or -exports, sliall be for the use of the treasury of the Confederate States ; and all such laws shall be subject -to the revision and control of Onigress. 3. No SUitc shall, without tho consent of Congress,'.' lay-any duty of tonnage, except on sea-going vessels, ' for the improvement of its rivers and Iiarlors naviga ted by the said vessels ; but such duties shall not con- ' tiiet with any treaties of the Confederate States with foreigu nations; and any surplus of revenue thus de rived shall, after making such improvement, , be paid into the commo.i treasury ; nor shall any State keep troops or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into any 'agreement or compact with another State, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually inva ded, or in such imminent danger as will not , admit of- 'delay. But when any river divides -or Hows' 'through two or , more States, thsy may enter into compacts with each other to improve the navigation thereof. Article II. Section 1. - 1. Tlie executive power shall be vested in a Presi dent of the Confederate States of America, He and -the Vice President shall hold iheir offices for the term of six years ; but the President shall not l;c re-eligible. The President and Vice President shall be elected as follows: ' H 2. Each State shall appoiut, m such manner as the ' Legislature thereof nay direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators awl representa tives to which the State may be entitled in the Con gress; but no Senator or representative, or person ' holding aa orlice of trust or profit under the Confeder ate Stotcs, shall be appointed an elector. S. The electors shall meet in their respective States 4 and vote by ballot, for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not ba an inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice . President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they. shall, sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the government of the Confederate States, directed to the President of the Senate; the President of th Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and Hous of Bepresentatives, open all the certificates, and th votes shair then bc, counted ; the persori having -th " greatest number of votes for President skill be th President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of . electors appointed , and if no pcrsoti have . suck majority, then from the pejsons having tle high est numbers, riot exceeding three, on the f!Ut of those Ytted for as President, re Hodse of Representatives -shalt "choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing tlie President the votes shall be taken . by S tites, the representation from each State having one veto; a quorum fi this "purpose shall consist of a States, the justice of which shall have been judiciahy .. .1 1. -A 1... tjv..i r...-ii.k'l.i:-iir acainst the co'crnmentJ, whtcVU is hereby made the member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of representatives sliall not choose a President, whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the 4th day of March next - following, then the Vice President shall act as Presi dent, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. 4. The person having the greatest number of rotes as Vice President shall be tlie Vice Presdent, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the' list the Senate Bhall choose the Vice President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole "humber of Sen ators, and a majority of the whole number shall be ne- 1 cessary to a choice. , ' 5. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice Pres ident of the Confederate States. " 6- Tlie Congress may determine tlie time of choosinjj.;; r. the electors, and the day c-vliteh they fefeallsti re their voteSf: -"whlcJiday shall be the same throus:riout the . Confederate States., -, r 7. No person except a natural born citizen of the - Con fetl crate States, or a citizen thereof at the time of; the adoption of this constitution, or a citizen thereof born in the United States prior to the 20th of Dccciri ber, I860, shall be eligible to the office of President ; : neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attain, d the ace 0! thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resmeut within the limits of the Omfederate States, as may exist at the time of his election. . - i 8. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to dis charge the powers aud duties of, the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President ; and the Congress may, by law, provide for the case of re-v moval, death, resignation, or inability both of the Pres- : ident and Vice' President, declaring wht officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accord ingly until the disability be removed Or a President shall be elected. - ,9. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which sliall neither be iu cif aaed nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected : and he shall not receive with in that period any other emolument from the Confed erate States, or any" of them. V 10. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall tike the following oath or affirmation ! " J do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faith fully exocnte the office of. President of the Confederate States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, . protect and defoud the destitution thereof." Section 2. . -. 1. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the army and nav' of the Confederate Stales, and of the militia of tlie several States,-when tailed into, the actual service of the Confederate States; he may re quire the opinion,' in writing, pf the principal officer in each of the Executive Departments, upon any sub ject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall, have power to grant reprieves and par dons for ofiences against the Confederate States, ex cept in cases of impeachment, 2. lie sliall have the power, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, pro-'-, vided two-thirds of the Senators present concur ; and he shall nominate, aud , by and with the advice" aud crmsent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and. consuls, judges of the Su preme Guirt, and all other officers of the Confederate States, whose appointments are-not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established .by law ; but the Congress may, by law, vest the-appointment of such inferior; officers, as they thiuk proper, in the President alone, n the courts of law or in the heads of departments! . 3. The 'principal officer in each of the executive de partments, and all persons connected with the diplo matic service, may be removed from; office at the plea sure of lite President. All other civil officers of the , Executive Department may b. removed at anytime by the President," or other appointing power, when their services are unnecessary, or for dislwmesty, inca pacity, inefficiency, misconduct, or neglect of duty ; and when so removed, the removal shall lie reported to the Senate, together with' the reasons therefor. 4. The President shall have power to fill atl. vacan cies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting" commissions which, shall expire at the end of their next session ; but no 'person '.'rejected, by the Senate shall bo reappointed to the same office du ring their ensuing recess. Section 3. 1. The President shall from time to time, give t the Cmgrcss information of the state of the Cor.fed eracj', and ' recommend to their consideration such measures as he sliall judge nec-essary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both houses," or either of them; and in case of disagree ment between them, with respect to the time of ad- , journment, he may adjourn them tu such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws lie faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of flic Con federate States. Section 4. ; ? 1. The President, Vice President, and all civil offi- cers of the Omfederate States, shall be removed from office on imijcachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdeanors article nr. Section 1. 1. Tlie judicial ; power of the Confederate States shall be vested in one Superior Court, and in such in ferior courts as the Congress may from time to timo ordain and establish. The judges, both of the Su preme and inferior court shall boll their offices du ring good behavior, and shall, at stated times,. receive for tbeir services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Section 2. - 1 The judicial power shall extend to all cases arising under this Constitution, the laws of the Con federate States, and treaties made or which shall be made under their authority ; to all cases affecting am bassadors, other public ministers-and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; to con troversies to which the Confederate States shall be a party- to4 controversies between two or more States; between a State and. citizens of another State -.where the State is plaintiff; between citizens claiming lands under grints of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States, citizens or ; subjects:- but no State shall be sued by. a citizen or j subject of any foreign State. 1 ' . .. 2. In all cases affecting ambassalors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a State shall be a party,, the Supreme Court shall have origi nal jurisdictions In ! ad the otlier cases before men tioned the Supreme Court shall have appellate juris- , diction, both as to law, and tact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. - '.'.-.? ' .i , 3. Tlie trial of all crimes, except m cases or im peachment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall Uc held in the State where tlie said crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed withm any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the OonTcss mar by law have directed. , 4 . . Section 3. V 11 ' 1. -Treason against the Confederate States shafycon-; sist only in levying war agamst tbera, or m adhering to tlicir enemies, giving them, aid and comfort ho person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes timony of two witnesses to' the same overt act, or on conifssion in open court. ' . ' ... 2. Tlie Oaurress ahall have power to, declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder-of treason bhall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except -..!.' r during the Jife Of the person attained. ' AftTiCLE'ir. Section 1. 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each 4 State to the public .lets, records and judicial proceed-, iags of every other . State. - And the Cou gtcrt may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in wlch such acts, records and proceedings shall b pred, sud th fleet thereof. ' . v , Section. '-' : ' 1 . 'The citizens of each State shall r entKTed to all the privileges and. immunities of citizens in the sever al States, and shall hav the right of transit and so journ in any State of this iWcracy, trtb their tJaves and other property; and tho right of property in said 'slaves shall not be thereby impaired. 2. A person charged in any State with treason, fel ony, or other crime against the laws of such State, ' "ho shall flee from justice, and be fimud iu another .; State, shall, on demand of the executive autorit th State from which he lied, bo delircrLni jh batrt t&ovsd tothetr Tvtnguriscitctw crime " 3. No slave or oUjct person held to service or labor 111 any State or Territory of the Oortfedcrate States, under the laws thereof, escaping or lawfully carried i iuto anotlier, shall in ccscquence of an law or rrgt- ' lation therein, be discharged from such- twrvice or la-' lxr,' but shall 'be delivered up on cbim- of the party ': to whom suchUlavcs belong,. or to whom' such service or labor may bo due, . " 4,' ! : , ': Section 3. , ' .' - 1. Other States may be admitted info' this Confed eracy by a vote of two-thinls of th whole House of Bepresentativcai and twtKthinli of the Senate, the Senate voting fey States; but no new State hall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the junctioti,of two tr more States, or jarts of States, without the consent of the legislatures of the States Concerned, as well as of theCoiiGressJ - X-' f 2. The Congress sliall have power to dispose of and' j make all needfubrti! and wnil.itmn ivmmminr K ' property of the Confederate States, including" tho 4 ands thereof, fl. ; ... ' -.j- 3. The. Confederate States may acqniro new territo ry, and Congress shall have power to legislate aiul provide governments for the inhabitant of nil terri tory belonging tb the Confederate States lying with out the limits of the several States, and may permit them, at jsuch times and in such manner as, it an.iy by , , law provide, to form the States to be adm!ttetrint the confederacy.! j In all such territory the institution ' of .'negro slavery; a It now exists in the Confederate States shall le recognized and protected by 'Congress . and by the territorial government and the inhabitant! f the several Confederate States and Teriitarici shx have the right to take wich territory and slaves law N fully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States. '"'.' 4. Tlie Coufwlerate' States "shall guarantee to every State that ti-.AV is or .hereafter may become a member" of this Oiufeleracy a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and on application of tlie Legislature (or of the Executivo when the Iiegislatnre is not in session) against domes tic violence. , 4 ' article v. -Section I. I. Upon the demand, of any throe States legally assembled in their wvcral'conventions,. the Onigreno shall Kumiiioi1) a O invention of all the SutM, to take into consulcTiU ion such- amendments to the coiistitu- tion as tlie sa)d States shall concur in suggesting at 4 the time when the said demand ds made, and h'uld any of the propose 1 amendments to the constitution. -be ..agreed on by j the said con vention-r-voting by States and ihc same l, ratified by tlie Legi,slaturM of two-thin Is of tlie several States, or by cdnvcnti'n ' in two-thirds jthereof as the one or the other mode' of ratification may'lKi proposed by the general conven tion they sliall lutiw forward form a part of ihU ' Constitution . j But no States ;lnll, without its con sent, bo deprived of its equal representation in tho Senate. ' 1 j .; -.;; .. ' aktici.i; vr. . 1. Tlie -Government .'established by the p institution is tlie successor of the provisional governhieut of the Cmfederate States of America, and all the laws pass el by thedatter shall continue in force until the name 'shall be repealed or mt Hlifittl ; and all the officers p- !' pi tinted by thej same shall remain in office until thoir successors are appoiuted and qualified, or the riccs aboiished. '. ' I ! 2. All debts contracted and engagements entered in te before the adoption of this constitution shall be. as valid ag:ri rif t the Confetlerate State under this c uistitutioii as under the provisional govfrmivent. 3. This constitution, and the Iiwh of the Ctifeder-i. ats Statesj nulde in persuauco thereof, at d all trea ties niade, or which shall lie made under the authori ty of the Confederate States, shall be the supreme law of the laud ; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws . of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. The Senators and Uenrehntatives litforc men v " tioned, and tliejiucinljcrs of, the several State Legisla tures,, and all executive and judicial officers, both, of the Co federate 'States and of the several States, shall be bound by .oaith or affirmation to stiplHirt this con- ' stitution, but no religous test shall ever be required s a qua'ificjition to any office or public trustindcr tise Cn federate States, j " '5. The cuumeratiori, in the constitution, of certain rights, shall hot be Construed to deny or ' disparagu others retained liy the1 people of the several Sutc. 6. The Tiowers not dclegatetl to the Confederate States. by t ic cotistitutiou, nor prohibitol by it to the States are jeserv ml to the Stitcs, respectively, or to the people thee ARTICLE VII. 1. The ratification of the Conventions of five State shall he sufficient for the estaWishment of this consti tution lietween the States" so ratifying the same. 2. When five States shall have ratified this consti tution,, in the manner before specified, the Cmgns under provwonali constitution shall prescribe the time for holding tlie election of President and Vice Presi dent; and for thtj mooting of the. Electoral Gllege; and for eounling pie votes and inaugurating the l'resi : dent. Thy shall also; prescribe tb time for holding the first election of meinljer of Cotigrcys under this constitution, and the time f.?r assembling the same. Until the assembling of such Congress, the Congress under the provisional constitution shall continue to exercise the legislati ve jxiwers granted them, not ex tending beyond the time limited by the coiistitutiou of the provisional g ivernmcnt. r Ailoptcil unanimously, March II, 1861. 0. DK CiftTESET. : JOj iiunui. NOftTH-CAROLIXA BOOK nLiDKul. b . (OVKR TUK X. C. BOOK STORE.) DeCarteret & Armstrong BOOK DIN I) Ell H ASmtLAXK HOOK JIAXUFAC. '..4 .' ' '. TU It KR8, ' " 4'..' , . RALEIGH, X. a t" ; Jan. 23, 18C1. 4 ;. 1 E D. GIlAflAM JIATTTOOD, t nvvxr t . T '1 -r Wfll attend the Count and Superior Court of Wake, : 'Johnston and Chatham ; th aporior CoarU of ew Han over and Saopiwn,and th.Termi of the Federal. Court and Supreme Court oT Xortb-CafoTin, at Raleigh. Ofliee, the one forderlr occupied bythe lata lion. Wil liam IL Haywood, jr. r -j-'-; ? Jan. 26. 18CI. . I ! 1 . . ly SXLKBCMT, !. C, Will practice in tha CourU of Koran and adjoining coon- Jan. G ISGL I i -IT lj I 1 1 ' 4a ' -' , L I- 4 i3. ' M 1- V