One square, first n8srtiOB,C.:.'..;; spElitAN, EdUor and Proprietor Each subjoquent insertion, ij.... . (Fourteen linei or under make a aquare.) ' M KOBIXSOX, Assistant Editor,? TERMS: j. EDITION, 1 J " " 2 l -i ; VnlrariablT iti Advance.) 4 loutierii EepulAic. nmi misliiuiion of the Confc.icral Siaies of America. ' j 1 : idek the IGHjfcdcrate States, each State ':tlSerm arid-Ficnt character, in n:nr.-nt federal government, estab- r' W iaiiy 4Uc tranquility, and secure the - liLcrt' to ourselves ana our vpu lH,!-V f vo&1 JTUinceof Almighty Gloi v.Afr tatih Uiif Constitution for the Oonfiide- 1 in of k S3nate and House of licp- . .Ktvvlli.ywcrs iicrein delegated sliail be . jl.;f. f ;the Ccnffcratc States, .it ,j 'Section 2. 1 h ' r . everiv' sceowl year bytlic people of L!f.r(llector3of the mostnir :-i--'-',:S- 'In otc - tTslature; bui no pe pinerous person of 1 1. ii.L ..: ,! fr-rniiiv nfilrrs. civil' or roliti- .,1! !i. rtWfUW wvv,w:-v - - sf!if-; or re-wAu. i ;'o- , n, rM.n lainKj a representative who shall not .iie-l m'AfLc ojf twenty-fivp years 'and be. a -''.r nftiK- C.liMti4e States, and who shall not, T! & hIij inhabitant of that State in which iV-isail le chosijjj . -.: ii'.-.r.went-dv-cs at I (ISrcct'taxcs shall be appor- States which may le included viM this Cpifli-'icTacy according w iuu iuv S;TS whiavtlairbfjdcfcnniuGdb adding to the faf.riwUTf i'rw mrsons, including those bound -wV thrtt'4stns "ot atl slaves, xne.autiiai.eiiu ,'wu '-nidi- -made "u-itlfln three years after the ;;U'm'tii:T-f fif-Cwnrewj of the Confederate Stales ' Vr-ithiri 'ter.1itil5scijent' teinn of ten years, in such they IhjifVby w, direct. ' JUe finmber of : l.t.,t;J ftH- ntlt exceed one for every fifty 'f- 1 ql I hut e;oi.' btatu lian nave at least oimj repre- clioose utma ippi Jof Ltjnisiuna six, and the State of firies happen in the representation lie 'iixecutive authority tlitreof shall '. X.'.S iX.-' iri.-B;yiy..ate iricflTlts-'ofel Ss-riici-r ana ; 1 iin tc fill; such vacancies. If lie preventatives shall chcose the ikr office-it, and-shall-have'tlic yi ieir r,. - - . . , 7 i - v- - ,f im'Mthnieuk except tnat auy jmuciai or Uwt llcrnl ifW fo:;dedt and acting .!ely within" tli luf its x.f" 'ai'i .StaVJ, njny le-impea he by a v-ote ;fj twl.mlVj.tM'tli1'briiclies of the . LcgWaiure- 11. ": Sen ii i i- 1 1. ci.i.. ijv'i U?j (it tuc u imeru'ruu; riiaw-s .Mian w .r 1 i . . . b .i. . .1 .: 1- i a... .,r.,v 4.;n;xt ji.ediatLly f pntfiling tlie cotusuce i.t j!.!' th; tt of .rvia'.aUl each; Sena to? shall. Vol. II. If 0. 14. President of thd Confederate States ; if lie approve, he shall sign it; but if not, he shall return it with lus ob jections to that; House 'in which it shall have origi nated, who shall enter" the objections at large on their journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thuL" of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, togcthef with the ob jections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thircls of that " House it shall become a law. But in alL such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be' entered on the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) f after it shall have lieen presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner-as 11 nc had sigaeu it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return in which cn. it shall not be a law.'. The Presi dent may approve-any appropriation and -disapprove any other appropriation in the same bill. In such case, lie shall, in signing the bill, designate the appropria tions disapproved, and si vail return a copy of suchap propriatious, with his objections, to the Hotise in which the bill shall have originated ; and the same proceed ings shall then be bad.,n, rny, J V1' rl'fll,P RALEIGHa N. G, SATURDAY, JANUAEY 4, 1S62. ;,;ivt' ol l. VI hO -'.:'4V.' aft -(in.iily ns'miy le cr ihev shall lo, a-rmblrtl,- in k olecth'n, thev Av.iW v. divided nto three chases. . The' seats" of J st clat-s sh'aii he va-ntrd .t the Y -I A' -.Of- ' ::.-,! li; nf !t:; j ... tid'Vcar ; of the .-se:Nml.cla;-!S at. iumHli year . and of -the .third' ot?fii si-tli. year'; so "that one- ivcrv se-voi; 1 ye.'tr ; anf! 11 vaean- ijicror iith' i' i.-ie."l'nriiig the ve of j any Sia'U. 'the ' 1 Aeeitti ve ip.1r.1Vv aiiiv.iii.tTiH'nts uutfl ihe Jt-'"Ur at U:1V 8. Every order, resolution or vote, to which the con currence of both Houses may be necessary (except on a question of : adjournment), shall be prescnttjd to the President of the Confederate States'; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved, by him; or being disapproved by him-, may be repassed .by -t,wo-thirds of both Houses according t6' the rales ancl limi tations prescribed in case of a bilh r -JK-; " 1 ' '. ; Section 8. ' The Congress shall have power 1. To lay and collect taxes, duties,. tnmcKfts and ex cises fop revenue necessary to: pay'iit "qcjbK' provide forihe common defence, and carrion the. goveiniment of the Confederate States ; but " no - bounties shall be granted from the Treasury, nor shall any duties or taxes -on importations from foreign nations be laid to pro mote or fosterany branch of industry ; and all duties,' imposts and excises shall be uniform thoroughout tho Confederate States. ' . ; 2. To borro w money, on the credit of the Confede rate States. . . . 3. To regulate commerce, with foreign nations, and -among the "se vera States, and' with ihe Indian tribes; but neither this, nor any other clause contained in. . the Constitution, shall ever be constracdj to delegate the' power to O ingress to" appropriate money for any internal impnivement intended to facilitate commerce,' except for; the purpose of furnishing lights, beacops and buoys, and-other .aids to navigation upon the coasts', and the "improvement" cf harbors and the removing of obstructions i.n riyer' navigation, in all which : cases V t 't m 1 i ' 1 - . : 1.:....' i . : 1 : i. a 1 . sucn unties snail oe uuu on trie imiguiiua uitaniatcii ' there! y as may "be necessary to pay the. costs 'and ex penses thereof. . , , ; 4 -To establish uniform laws of. naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies, through out the Conffdierate States-;, but no law of Congres shall discharge any debt contracted before, the passage of the samel, "... .' - '- " : " "5: To coin money, regulate the value thereof and of .foreign coin, i and fix the standard of-weights and mea sures;. .' M ' ; i '. V . . . ; -;). -To provide for'tlie punishment -'of counterfeit- ing the securities and current coin of the Con federate . .States. -. j . ' ' .. " 7: Tocstab;ish post offices and post routes ; but the expense of ; the. Post 'office. Department, after the-rirst (jay of .March" iii the year of or r lord eighteen hundred iaiid' sixty -thi-ec, shalM'e'paid out of its own reve nues." : I i ... ,. '; ''-.- ; " "''Y"' 8. To pronidto the '. progress of science and useful arts, by seeiirjng fr limited; tiim.-s to authoi-s and in veiiWs the exclusive right to their respective writings which sliall t!ien lilPi' ie a jf-.enalor w!io sit. ill not have tv k';ii's, hiva ci'i.en if the lectvd,! sail l e it' hi.ite.sva'Ll vn- snail 1101, i:.u :ii'!Ma'hit;n;;..f t'li-- 'Slate f.r " which lie s ii'r;, of tl.e Con fiilem teStates shall Senate), but shall have n vote, 1111- 1 I' i , tte' . I": v-!:fva lie i;-'t: . . tj ... tS !V O VKlvli. SVnahfVhalH -chkse their rther.'fflicers. and irn'orr in tlie abseiw:e f the Vice jfim'.j exeieie tlie ofike of antl iiisceiveries. .1; ottstituto tribunals -inferior to' t he Suprtnie 12. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereoT; of1 abridging the freei lorn of speech,' or of the press ; cr the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances. x :' . 13. A well regulated militia being necessary to . the security of a free State, the right f the people to keep , and bear arms shall not be" infringed. 14. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quar tered in any house without the consent of the owner; nor in time of war but in a manner to, be prescribed by law. "!. i i 15. The right of the people to be secure id their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasona ble searches and seizures, shall not be violated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, sup ported" by oath or affirmation, and particularly de scribing the place to- be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. . 16. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment -or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising .1 t V 1 f i il . ilia.' 1 in tne lana or uavai iorces, or in tne miiiua, wnen in actual service, in tim of war or public danger: lconnUofhSte,iatt gliall have been elected : and he shall not receive with in that period any other emolument from the Confed erate States, or any of them. I 10. Before he enters on the execution of. his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation r " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faith-, fully execute the office of President of the Confederate, States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, thereof." Section 2. ' 1. Tho President shall bo commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the Confederate States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the Confederate States ; he may re quire the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the Executive Departments, upon any sub ject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant and par dons for offences against the Confederate States, ex cept in cases of impeachment. . ". 2. He shall: have the power, by and with the ad vice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, pro vided the Senators present concur : and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and Court. com- 1 te law iY the (V,tfdeTatk States. 1 ie N-nau: :n l,!tlti;ts ' ;!.e Ml t.i.ltil if i-'MW-j.'r-.'sik Kit' i";U '"i; ;n,ei VrtL a .... . it i.lVi ,'. . .-4 Jen i:'ft i:re:-s i:urt' i i lh'l"S. ill'S Ute 1 e,o a l:V:Vl or; ,1 S 1 i -nee . r .1!) c: fclH-.I ( on! "fill! i:'il 1;i;h . an r::ii the koio pnwt;r to try all n siting f t purpose, they :nn::tl('n .Yhtm tlie President atesj is.-trieM-,' ll'ie Chief Justice. 'HTSinhall--lie- ennvteted with- ot' two-tlih if. tho mcmlx'rs srs 'f i m poach 111 en t shall not ex- t i liernuval from office, and disqual- iiidV anv ofiice of honor, trustor derate btatesf but the party con he liable and subject to ia- leijt 'aiid puiiishnlcnt, according. and manner of holdir.g elec- 4 :.lU'prescnt:itivfs shall he nre- by f he Legislature thereof, sub if this Constitution ; but the Cui- fv law u :a kc or alter such tMliejnies and' places of c!kH'S- -! . . j J . r t:... s ,0 .... 1.1., 1. t ''it;..l jii.iii ;im-i 1 1 oit: tiv h dMi.'.Lt.t- 111 L-i a j : shall ix; on the hrst lonf.avm t:;uui::t; 1. ite -M - 1 uclf (lireeti j u':-i,kl'lie sh'Sll, by law, appoint a diiiei ent .(-''. aiivl away lie au i -'-!:t members,! of the elections, Section 5. 1-" Kaeh Ih-vij-sltiiil be the judge : -'"n.s ,ti.:.i p;;-jj.;ti;tions of its own tneml ers, and a' j -riTy r.f.e.u t sl:;fll constitute, a quorum tdo busi hut "a sriiisjlyr humlier niay adjourn fn'im day to iv. aiivl ,1,1:1 v. litvaulliiirizitWto eonnvel th.c atienilance . 1 t -x - I in such manner and under, such t?es .as-'eacp;iHHise .may.- irovuie. l.aclv'lh'uk,'''w;'V dcterniiiie the rules of its pro- ir.k. otiiiis: its ineniher for dis:i'deriy l ehavior, li ihe; ei.cutr( iicc' t two- CM-et i .nwnu'er. thU'ds of tlie 'whole ' il.'i-';' gliall fkvp a journal of its pro- 1 ; V Tat i!n :T.r-.(t!i r i 1 i . i.niilwTi thr .ii. . . . ....v. w.v .v. t nn f?s m live :i i fits ;js inay 111 their judgment, require inleforc dirc 10.- To diflne a.nd p'ii'rt-h iracics avid felonies niitted on thej higlr-tseiis, a'nd offences .against th of naiioiis. s 11. -To dei fare war, grant le tiers f-f marque and re jris:il; and mjike rules concerning qatiucs on laud and water. ! ' . - 12. Tt raise and support armies ; but fio-approjiria- to. that, use shall be for a longer, term 'ile ane X maintain a navy. ru-es- lor government anei regulation i v. s.i ' .ami tit ui liii p;j 4- Nei'lu-r-lkns' - t:i:v,!:W ;U5tV,ll :.; - S--;iairs j -.--i !-:0 l illlt - ; ' 'i .i y !; -a -jioi' til- pi l p any ''!1'V'-',;''"'!f 'I r-j.v"-.ici.atlr. of J V 5 " ' : . : '"'e.; , unifer Alcvs iflid navs'of- the. members of S , triil o nest ion. shah, at the desire'fif sent; ue entered 011 te.e journal. during the scssivi fCngress,; he Consent of -the other; adjourn for Jtot to .ph' othcr phice than that Hies 'shall be. sitting. . "'Y t . S&riiun 0. ' Vnd. Jifpresentativt?i sh.ah reH'eive - , 1 -1 Miesf services, to oeascerta'.ne(t iy the treasure of ihe Confederate , in -ii) cases, except treason, felony '.ccIm-lirivi'.egetl from arrfst during; .t tl:M t-ssioii ot their resicctive 1 1 and ret urning from the' samp ; .r debate in cither House- they shall i any;other place. , llepU'scutative - shall, duringfthe as elected, be appointed to any the, authority of trie Confe-derate IS, -v h;ch itiail bavq l-n created, or the einolu- ."'''t AvhemSUstKijIl have Ktn .increased during such :e: i- Mattv-f-ii-r! YY-iiT nt to lie 1 tion of in one than two yeatj i3. To ii i4. To m: of the land aiid naval forces 15, To "pnjvide for calling forth the militia-to exe cute the laws of tho Con.fcderate States, suppress in surrections and rerel invasion. . ' 10. To projvidc for oriianifmg, arming and discip lining the miljitia,. and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the Confederate Sjates ; rescu ing tt the States, respectively, the ap-' pjintmei.t of the officers and the authority of training the iniiitia; according- to the ..discipline prescribed by Congress.. 17. To 'exercise exclusive legislation, in all cases whatsoever, javer such district (not exceeding ten miles j square) as may, by cession of one or more States and .the. acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the Confederate States ; and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the. State in which the same siiall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dejek yards and ojlcr needful buildings ; arid 18. To mnke all laws 'which shall be necessary and proper for' carrying, into execution the foregoing pow ers, and all other powers Vested by this Constitution in the government of the Confederate States, or in any department or officer thereof. . Section 0. 1. The importation of .negroes of the African race from an'v foreign country other than the felaveholding States, or Territories, of the United States of -America, 'is-hereby forbidden ; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same. 2. Congret s shall also have power to prohibit the introdiiction ef slaves from any Stete not a member of, or Terriuny not belonging to, this Confederacy. 3. The. privilege of "the .writ of habeas, corpus shall not bp Suspended, -unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public ".safety may require it. 4. No bill of attainer, or ex post facto law,- or law denying oi impairing the right of property in negro slaws shall lie. passtxl." . v o. No .capitation -or other direct tax shall be laid Iportion to the'eensusor enumeration: here inbefore directed .tobe taken. or duty shall be laid on articles. exported' tatc, except by a vote of two-thirds of any measures i, a.-!! no pf rsiii holding any office imde-r the Con- le a meiaber ot either House du e in offiee. But Congress niay, by rincipal oilicer each of tCe Ex- Hitive I k'siaiturints a upon the floor ot cither use, with t'ik' privilege of dLx-ussing ! pi'per'taning tJ hiJdepartment. ,. K Section!. 1. AIT bm.4Tor vnisinfi- Mwimr shrill or5-nnnt in tho House of illep.S'seatatives; but the Senate may propose -J.torur.withfairJaudrhents as'on6ther--bills. Kvery KH wpich shall have passed both H6u?es befora .it Incomes a law, be presented to the - s G. in o tax from any t bVth houses. 7.-No preference shall' le given by any regulation Of commerce! er re venue to the ports of one State over hose-of another. .8.. No nio)ney shall be drawn from the treasury, but fa in consequeilce of .appropriations .mode by law ; and a' regular statement and account of the receipts and ex penditures ojf all public money shall be published from time to time.- - '-' ."'9. Congress shall appropriate no money from ; the treasury except by. a vole of two-thinls of'Utk house,' taken by yeas and . nays.-unless it lc asked and csti mateei for by sennc one of, tne. heads of department, aiid submittexl tlo ; Congress by the President ; or for tlie purpose of 1 aying its own expenses and 'contingencies ; Or for the payment of clajnis against the Confolerate Stales, the utice of which shall have been jiidicial'y dGclared by a tribunal for tlie investigation of claims against the government, which it is'hereby made the .duty of C-origress to establish. " 10. All Ijiills appropriating money shall specify in fcyloral cyrrtney the exact amount of each appropriti audi riie piirposes ibr which it is made;-and Cvirigres? j frhaTl graut no exti w il ompensatiou to any .public contractor, officer, agent or servant, after such contract shall have been made or such service mil dcred. U . ; L 11. No; title of nobility shall be granted by the Con federate States ; and. no person holding any office of profit or irusjt under them, shall, without the consent fiy the Congress, accept of any present emoluments office or title of any kind whatever from any km-, prince or foreign State.' " - . ' . boll my iHinjoir be :urjject for thearjae egence to be twice put . in jeopardy of . Ii fe or limb nor be ; compelled, in any eriminalcase, to "be a witness against himself; nor lie deprived of life, liberty,; or property, without due process of law; nor shall private prop erty be taken for public use without just compensa- ; tioru tZY' - - 17. In all criminal " prosecutions' the accused shall " enjoy th right to a speedy and public trial, by an im partial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have- been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, "and tote informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted? with the witnesses against hini ;.' to . have compulsory process foir obtaining witnesses in his favor, and ' to, have the assistance of counsel : for his' defence. ' " . ' ' ; '" 18. In" suits at common law, where the value fn controversy shalL exceed twenty do!'rs, the right-of " trial .by. jury shall be preservc'l ; and ik fact" so rrjed ", r by a jury shall otherwise rc'-exn'minol in any court , of the Confederacy than according to the. rules.' of the , common law. ' :" -'-j:." '.'"- - - - 19. Excessive bail shall not be requireel, nor exces sive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments . 'inflicted.- -'"''A " -,- . - ' 20. Every law.or resolution having the force of law, shall relate .to but one subject, . and that shall be ex pressed in the title. " Section 10. ..... 1. No State'shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or - confederation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; make: anything but gold and silver coin a tender in phymcnt of debts ; pass any bill of attain der, or ex post fucio law, or law impairing the obliga tion of contracts' ; or gi ant any title of nobility. 2. No State shall, without the consent of :the Con gress, lay any imposts or duties, on imports and ex- .' ports, except what mny. be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the uett produce of afi. duties and imposts", -laid by any State on impeats or export, shall be for the use of -the treasury of the Confederate States ; and all such laws shall be subject tp the revisiai and control of Congress." . 3 Ho State sbalry without the consent of Oingrcss, lay any duty of tiinnagd', except on sea-going vessels, for the improvement of its rivers and harboi-s naviga-' UhI by the said vessels ; but such duties shall not cen-t'k-t with ;any treaties of the Confederate States with foreign nations; and any surplus Jot revenue thus dc- :' rted shall, after in aking such ihipr()vene;!t, bo paid into the. common treasury ";t nor shail- any State keep troops or ships of war, in time. of peace, enter -into any . agreement, or compact with another "State,, or' with a kiicign- power, or engage in war, unless actually invar deil, or in such inv.sui ncnt danger ;as will not admit 'of delay." Put when any river divides or. Hows through' two or more States, they "may enter inW com pacts., with each other to iinnrove the -navigation- thereof. - ' 'Article II. Section 1'. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a Presi dent of the Coid'oUerato States of America, ile and the Vice President i-half hold their e-fnecs for the' term of six years ; but the President shall not he rc-cligiblc. The President and Vice. President shall be elected as loiieiws: 2. Each Slate shall appoint, in such manner -as the Legislature thereof may direct, a uumbcr cf electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representa tives to which the State may be. entitled in the Con gress ; but no Senator or representative, or person holding an office of -trust or profit: under the Cunfeeler ate Slates, shall be appointed an elector. 3. The .electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot, for President and Vice President,, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in ilistinct ballots the person voted for as Vice President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted.: for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice President, anxfof tlie .number of votes for each, .which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the government of the Confederate States, directed to the Pji esident of the Senate ; the President of th Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and Hous of Representatives, open all the certificates; and th votes shall then be counted ; the person, having th greatest number of votes for President shall be th President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ,' and if no person have such riiajority, then, from the persons having. the high est numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as President,- the House of Representatives shall choose .immediately, - by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President the vote's shall be taken by States, the representation from each State having one :vctc; a quorum for this- purpose shall consist of a member or' members from tvb-thii-ds of the States, and a majority of -all the States shalk be necessary to a. choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President, whenever, the right of choice shall, elevplve upon them, before the 4th day of March-nest following, then the Vice President shall act as Presi dent, as in case of the death or. other constitutional disability of the President. ..' ';! . 4. The person having the greatest numlcr of votes as Vice President shall be the- Vice Preselcait, if such number be a majority of tlie wholei number, of, electors appointed ; andjif no person have a majority,' then froiri the two highest numbers on 'the list the Senate1 shall . choose the tleej-President ;. a quorum for" the"" purpose snail consist, ci itwotmruis ot the whole number of !Sen ators, and a, majority of the whole number shall be ne cessary to a choipe. . I . ' :' - 5. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of Presiikht shall be eligibleJto that t)f Vice Pres ident of the Confederate States. ! ' I : . . '""-...- G. The Cvmgress may detei minejlhc time of choosing the electors, and the day on whie'li-tliey' shall give their votes, vhich day shall be thei&ime throughout die Confederate States. " "(-'. -7. No person except a natnraj irn citizen "of tlie" GnfetleraLe Suites, or a citizen tlicreof at the time of f. tlie adoption of this coitstitutioa, eir a cjtizon .thereof horn in -the LnftiJ States prior tq the 20th oi Decem bor, lSGOthall be eUgible, te tiU offieeof President; neither shall -any person be eligible to that "office -who shall not have attain d the age of thirty-fi ve years, and been fourteen years' a rc-siueUt within the limits of the Confederate States,. as may exist at the time of his election. , ; ?'. p . ... 8. In case of the removal of tlie- President from office,, or of his doatb,' resignation, or inability to dis charge the powers and duties jof the said 'office, the 'same shail devolve on the. Vie President; and the Oiugreis may, by-law, provide. for the case of re- moval, death, resignation, or inability both of tho Presi " ident and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act. as President, and such Officer shall act accord ingly mstil the disability be removed or a President shall be elected; - .. - 1 1,9. The President 'shall, at stated times, receive for his services a compensation, which shall neither be in ert ar-cd nor diniinishcd during the period for which he' haye the right to take such territory and slaves laW lully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States. 4. The Confederate States shall eiiAi-ant. State that now is or hereafter may become a member of this Confederacy a Republican form of government, and ? hall protect each of them against invasion; and ori application of the Legislature (or of the Executive (gisiature is not in session) agiuust.doincs- ither pubiie raiiilstera and consuls, jadges-of ,.the,Su-. v 'preme Court, and all other officers of the Confederate . States, whose appointments are not herein' otherwise provided Ibr, and which "shall be established by law j , but the CoBgrcs-s may, by law, vest the appointment of such inferior bfiicersr as' they think proper, in the President alone, n the courts of law or in the heads of departments. - " " " .. j , . , 3. The principal officer in each of the executive ele partments, and all persons, connected with the diplo matic service, may.oe removed from ofiice at the plea sure ofthe President.; A1P other civil officers of the Executive Department maybe removed at any time by the President, ? or . other appointing power, when their services dre unnecessary, or for dishonesty, inca pacity, inefficiency , misconduct, or neglect of duty and when so removed,"the removal shall be reported to the Senate, together with the-reasons therefor. - 4. The President shall have' power to filhall vacan- - cies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, ,by granting commissions' which' shall expire at the i end of their next session ; . but no person rejected by the. Senate shall be reappointed to the same office du- 1 ring tbeir ensumg recess. . . . Section 3. ' ; ' l. The President shall from- time to time, ' give, to the Congress, information of the state of the Confed eracy, and recommend to thciri consideration i such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, 'convene both houses, or either 6f them ; and in case of disagree ment between t,hem, , with respect to the tinie of ad-1 "journment, he may adjourn them te such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care, that the laws bo faithfully executed, and shall commission ailx . the officers of the Con federate Stgjs. i ' -" ' - Section 4. 1. The President Vice President, and all civil .bfii cers of the Gmfedcrate States, shall be remored from 5 office onk impeachment' for, anel conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdeanors. , aktici.k in. Section l: . ' 1. ITie judicial power of the Cemfi'derato. 'States ' shall be vested-in one Superior 00111!, anel in such in- -ferier courts as the Congress may from, time to tima ordain and f establish, 'llie judges, both of . the Su preme and inferior courts, shall hold their office's du ring goexl behavior," and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation; which shall .ufjt be diniinishcd during their coiitiniiance in office. " " -' -' " ","''..-' Section 2. ' 1. x tie. judicnu power stian extend to all cases arising under fnis Constitution,' the laws of the Con federate States, and treaties made or which shall be made under their authority ; to all cases affecting am bassadors, other public ministers and consuls ; to all . case-s of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to con troversies to which the ' Confederate States shall be -a party ; to controversies between two or more States ; between a .State, and citizens -of -another State where the State is .'plaintiff; between citizens claiming lands under grants of different State.;, .and between a State or the citizens thereof and foreign States," citizens or subjects ; but no . State shall be sued by a citizen or subject of any foreign State. "2. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and. consuls, and those in which a State I shall be a party, the? Supreme Court shall have origi nal junsehction; ' In ad the other cases 'be I ore. men tioned the Supreme Court vhall have appellate juris diction, both tis to law and tact, with sue fi exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. , 3.' The trial of all crimes, except in cases of im peachment, shall be by jury, and such trial shall bo held in the State where the said, crimes shall have k been committed ; but when not comnmted witliin any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed." Section 3. 1. Treason against the Confederate States shall con sist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid an'd comfort. No .person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes timony of tb witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. 2. The Congress shall have power to eleclare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of. blood, or forfeiture, except during the life ofrthe person attained. - article ir. Section 1. " , 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public acts, records and judicial proceed ings of every other Slate. And the Congres-; may, by general laws, prescribe the manner" in wv.'.ch such acts, records ind proceedings shall be proved, and.tho treat thereof. ' . . ' . . - . . ' , Section 3 " Y ',.- 1. The citizens of each .State shall oe entitled to sall tlie priyilegcs and immufiities of citizens in thc'seveW--' at States, and shall havC: the right of transit and so-" ' jonrn in any; State of thWfeiler;t?, , with their slaves and 'other "property: and thai riglitof property in said slaves shall not be thereby impaired. , . :2. A person charged in any State, with treason,, fel ony, -or other crime against the laws' hi such' State, who shall llec from justice, and be found in another State, shall, on demand of the executive autority of the State from which he. fled, be-delivered up" to be re moved to the State having' jurisdiction of the, crime. 3. No slave or other person held to service! or labor, in any State' or "Territory of the Confederate States, under the lawsjthereof, escaping .or lawfully carried" into another," shall' in consequence of any law or regn-' lation therein, be discharged from such service or la-- ;bof, but shall be delivered .up on claim of the 'party to whom such slaved belong, or to whom suclrservicjo or .labor may be- due, . , . .; ' ' ' Section 3. '. 1 ' - ' 1. Other States may lc admitted into this Confed eracy by a vote- of two-thirds of the whole Iiouse 01 lieprescntativt-3, And two-l-hinls of- the Senate; the Senate voting by 'States but no .new State shall be furmed or erected within the jurisdiction ef any other State; nor any State be frihediy tlie junction of two or more States, or parts of Slates, without the consent' of the Legislatures of the States concerned, as well as , nf the Congress, Contract wl bo entered Jnt"wita yearly, half-yearly and quarterly kdTertiaeri, at a reductiou from bo abor rates.'.. - ' , Y -..;' Y,Y 1 - .1.., V-A 'i "'' o deduction from the regular rates for dTertijem e inserted In the Weekly Edition. t . t ; All advertisements recelre one inaertion lathe Weeky UILLSOEOUOIT MILITARY ACADEMY; Tnr? !?,TIrTrTJ0X nBdc1, f ondaft "of ui-4u y- lew formerlT Superinlcndent of the SUto .Military Arndemv at Columbia r 1. ... . : . 1 " - V. M U UCWEUCU V" . .attordu ttlacation of tha xamo iiufi- ..4 n.t;..i charavr as that pbUined in the SUte MiliUrv lastitu tions of Virginia and South-C&rotina. , tic Violence. ARXICL2 v. Section 1. 1. Upon the demand of any three States legally assembled in their: several conventions, the Congress shall stunmon a Convention of all the States, to take into consideration such amendments to the constitu tion as the said States shall concur in suggestiu at' the time when the said demand is made, and should any of the proposed amendments to thq constitution be agreed on by the said convention voting h-r Statesr-and the same be ratified by the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, or bv conveutions " m iwo-inireis increot as the one or the other mode of ratification'raay Ijc proposed by the geucral oonven .nthejriallJiericivai..foiTO i4if nhia Uomfitutkin.' - But W Stafes'srial!, "without itscon seat, h 'deprjycd,'of .iti eqtial representation in. "lb Senate:"."1" -- '.;''' , ." -', . : .;-... :' "s- . - - 'V- .'"'.':; ABXICXK VI. 'YY::Y " : :.f: 1. The Government established !yi the Constitution is the successor of , the provisional government of the Confederate States of America, and all the laws pass ed by the latter shall contiuue in force until the same shall be repealed or modified ; and all the officers ap pointed by the same shall remain in1 office until their successors are appointed and qualified, or the offices abolished. ,"-.----' '". "' 1 ' -""4: : 2. All debts contracted 'and cngagernents entered into before the adoption of this, constitution shall be as valid against the f Con federate; States under this c institution as under the provisiemal government. ' - 3. This constitution, and the laws of the Confeder ate States, nnide in persuance thereof, and all trea ties made, or Which shall he made, under tlie authori ty of the Confeelcrate States, shall be the supreme law of f the land V and the judges in' every State shall . bo bound thereby, anything in the constituticni or .laws 'of. any "State tethe contrary notwithstanding. j4. The Senators and Representatives before men tioned, and tlie memliers of the several State Legisla tures, aud all: executive and judicial officers, both of the Confeelerate States and of the several States, shall be bound by oatii'or affirmation to support this Con stitution, but no retigous test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under tke Con federate. tates. ' 5. The enumeration, in the constitution, of certain . rights, shall., not 'be construed to' deny or disparage others 'retained by" the people of the several States. 6. The -powers, not .delegated to the Confederate States by he constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States, respectively, or te the people thereof. , ', AUTICLK VII. " '."' l"Thc ratification of the Conventions of fiye State shall be sufficient for the establishment of this cwisti-' tution between the States so ratifying- the same, r 2. When five States shall have ratified this consti tution, in the manner before specified, the-Congress under provisional constitution shall prescrilc the time for holding the election of President aud Vice Prcsi elcnt ; and for the meeting of the Electoral College; aud for counting the votes and inaugurating the Presi dent. They shall also prescribe the time for holding the first election of members of Congress under' this constitution, and the time for assembling the same. Until the'ai-scnihling- of such Congress, the 'Congress under the provisional constitution sliai continue to exercise the legislative powers granted ttem, not ex tending beyond the time limited -by the constitution of the. provisional g vermnent. '. '. Adopted unanimously,. March 11, 1SG1. Firnt Year, COURSE OF STUDY: blh Claim Arilhmslia 1 1 V n. . tt j c- . . ......... ,v..v aiKcm a, x-rcuvu istory United States. Eno-lUh fir... i ' . tho,rraphy. a ' wl Second rear, Itk CW-Alffebra, Geometry, Trion'om-7ni-b' Lai',n' Ln,Te"alIILitorj, Comjiwition, ' ai t nS . c'a Descriptive Geometry, Shades, bhadows and .Perspi-ctive, Analytical Geometry, Survey ing, trench, Latin, Rhetoric, History- t Enirland, Litera ture, Draw ing, Elocution. v ' Fourth Year, 2d Ctan-Dit and Int. Calculus, Natural FhiWphy, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Logic, Moral Philoso phy, Latin, Drawine:, ElocuUon. I iftk Year, lrf Ci. Aprknltural Chemitrr, Artron omy. Geology, Mineralofry, CivUEnpncerinjc, Field Forti fication, Ethics, Political Economy, Evidence of Christi anity, Constitution of the United States. Infantry and ArtiUery Drilf wUl form a feature of the whole course. . , : . W v ACADEMIC YEAR-D ARRACKS. , -. The Acadeinid rear will commence on the tint Wednes day in February, (Feb. G, 1S61,) and touUnue, without in- ' lermission, to the fourth. Wedncada in Xoremf. -The"-Barracks are arranged with special reference to the re ea eities of a Military .Academy.... The main building ia il5 feet long and three atorica high ; another building, 190 fee ' long, contains the mess hall, kitchen, store room, surgeon's ofiice and'hoepital. - , .. "I - TERMS: ... .' - - ' "" '" The charges for the academic year are $31S, for 'whicV -the academy proride board, fuel, lights, washing instruc tion, text-BiMiks, medical attendance and clothing. - For circulars containing full information addreni - .: . COL. C. C. TEW, fcupt. 11. M. A. -w Aswly. TENTS4 FOR THE VOUNTEERS. : THE subscriber keps constantly on hand and manufactures to order WALL, SIBLEY, BELL AND A' TENTS. - . Any number, from 1 to 1,000, of the best and most Im proved styles can be supplied as fast aa needed. H. B. Officer's tents mado to order and warranted to suit. - . ;!-". . "- - ... ','" : ...'"'... . S. A, MYERS,, rr " ; Corner Main and Pearl street. " . , . Richmond, Va. ; ; oct, 3, 1?C1, S8 3m., " April 10, 1861. HURMP SEED. Jl ' turnip -:' ' ' Large Flat Dutch Tu Ked Top Turnip, , Large Norfolk, , Large Mammoth (from t i And other kinds of, Turni For sale at ; PESCb, August 19 : , . v,' d, county,) i KTd, - 8 Drug Store. 76 tf. A N' J.Q. DE CVRTETIHT. JOHN XKKSTHOHO. 'OBTH-CACGLIXA BOOK BINDERY, ; (OVER THE N. 0. BOOK. STORE.) .BeCartcrc-t S Armstrciig,' T ' BOOK BIXDERS AS D 111 A .VA' BOOK MANUTAC - , TU11ERS, , . RALEIGH, X. C. Jan. 23, 18G1. . 1G ly 171). GIIA1IAM HAYWOOD, h COUNSELLOR AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' RALEIGH, N. C, Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Jolmston and Chatham ; the Superior Courts of New Han over and b'ampson, and the Terms of the Federal Courts and Supreme Court of North-Carolina, at Raleigh. Oilice, tho one formerly occupied by the late Hon. Wil liam II. Hayw ood, jr. Jan. 26, iSCl. ' 17 ly B R. XI00RE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' SALISBURY, K. C, Will practice in the Courts of Rowan and adjoining coun ties. Collections promptly made. Jan. IHG1. 17 ly notice. .; HAYIVfl lost or mislaid ray certificate, Xo.353, for four shares of stock in the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad Company, I shall make application to 'the Board of said Company for a re-issue of same. ' . ' JOHN WATShX, deci'4, 1861. ' , 7 lm. -NOTICE. nll -HcUicdist rot. Feimtlp-. College,..- Jaxestows, Guilford Co., N. C. - , milE FIFTH SESSION WILL OPEN JULY 4,1561, JL under the charge of G. W. Hbse, A. M. This Institution has the advantage of a healthy 1 cation, large and comfortable buildings, and extensire philosophi cal and cliemical apparatns, &c. r4v. ; ' Tho-President and family, with th other members of the Faculty, five inthe College and eat at the same tablec with the Students. Tuition $15 per session; Music on the Piano or Guitar $20,Grecian Painting $7 53; Embroidery $i 50. Latin, French, Oriental Painting, Drawing, Hair 1 lowers, Wax Flowers, Feather Flowers, Wax Fruit, each So; -cal MusicrSl; contingent expenses $1; Boarding 87. 50 per month,-inck:ding washing and tires, half advance. or further intormatiou address , ' . , L ' "' ' . O. W. ILEGE, Preside,. . "- June 26 ' r. - ' - . - v tf'-. R0AKUKE FEMALE BE3I1NAKY. next session or tris nismuuou,, inc r' lir .. . T. V atr-on. near ikiiuwm i . v., nniiE I - resid Martin" Co., S. C, 41 begin on Julv Jli5S Due i imam?, oi v., the fourth Monday fn teacheri ' - TERMS Spelling,- reading and' writing per '.session..:......... Hio-her English'Branches.'..:.........-.. French Music on Piano........ Use of Instrument,... 1 vi-f h - -. " ...... ---"' " ii ,? a -.L' trlih wayinn.'' at. liOUl';... ...... i W $10.00 , 12..r0 ''7.50 . 20. 0 . 3.00 10.00 Fort Macon, Hat- $10. Sold' For further particulars -address. . J. T. JulyIO,lSGl. '. , - (Regis 7 ;cr copy 4 times Weekly ) WATSOC 64 4tf: t 1 ,-se oi ana 2. The Gon"rcs3 shall have power' to disp'.-? make all neecft'ul rules and ; regulations concerning the property of. the: Confederate States, including the ands thereof. . ; . 3. The Confederate States may acquire new territo-. ry, and Congress shall have, power to legislate and provide governn-enta. frr the inhabitants, of all terri tory belonging to the Confederate States lying with out the limits of the several States,, and may permit them, at such times and in such manner as it may by law- provide , to form the States to be admitted into the confederacy. . In all such territory the institution of negro slavery as it nowexists in the Confederate States shall be recognized and - protected by Congress and by the territorial governmentaud the inhabitant! cf tho several- Confederate States and Territories sba Froi-kimtiou- . : .. fw-nv.., : and by V.ueof, Sirefolatlcifci - .moiJcs is at asembly North -Oaro.Iiua, i, Henry I . j " -. . , ex-oiitio;of our Stnt?, d hereby Jio.tin.1 . ; FINE LOT OF SPONGE. . .. -. '- .-, Saflad Oil. . Baker's Bitters, v, :.-.: Black Tea, -.,'.- ' J'' :''-'"-;"-;": ' ..-.'' English Mustard, "..''' J ' f A large stock of Fancy Soaps,' .-',;.;':"" Receiyed at, . P. F.'PESCUD'S, :i Drug Store. , "g ' -I- - - -. ' " " " ' .76- tf. THE BUCSCSIBER BEiiS LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE to tho 'citizens of Raleigh that ho has made arrange- mentsto kaopon hand a constaat supply-of CoaL. front Egypt, in Chatham couEty. . .. Persons wishing. to have Coal deliyercd at their residence can have it by making early application. - . P. FERRELL, , s Wilmington street. August 28. 1861. . JS-ptf. - , Quirtcfmastef s Department. PROPOSALS will be recelrcaat. this ofiice for -furnklimg tlie North Carolina troops with Hats. Pro posals must be accompanied by a sample of the bat. and 'must state price and number which can be delivered per week, and also at what time the delivery will commence. , J. DEYEllEbN, A. Q. M. ; soj t. 9. ; ; 5 T . vo ti. . Map of Koxth Carolina ant! Virginia A FEW COPIES OF rEAKCE'S NEW MAP OF North Carolina and Virginia, embracing Virginia as KicumoiiU, l brktorn, Bethel, I-ortrcss Monroe, Ac. ihe Coast Defences ol-North Carolina, teras, Ac. ' Sead soon if you want a, copy. Vorth tor ct. ' - - : I SAMUEL I'EARCE, ! . - HilUboro' N. C. September 14.: I 82 6m. NOIITII CA3JOLINAINSTITUTE ' For the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind. TIIEncxt session or this Institute will com mence on Monday, the 2nd of September, and con ' tinuc ten months. Pupils should be sent in punctually at the commencement of the session. . Having a full corps ot , teachers in the-different departments it is to be hoped that the fiarents and friends of tho Deaf and Dumb and the Blind will send them here to receive the benefits of an education. . Any information as to the method of .admitting pupils, Ac, will be given upon application to mo by letter or otherwise. . . WILIE J. PALMER, Principal., Aug. 17.. 75 wsw3m. NOTICE. ON AND AFTEH THE FIUST DAY OF OCTOfiEE," 18G1, I shall sell no goods, except lor CA8II ON DELIVERY. I am compelled to do' this because I can buy no gooda now except at from two to two hundred and fifty per cent, higher than I bought them 4 months ago and I can get no time on them, but must plank down the cah or go without the goods. I therefore advise all my customers and tho public generally, who will favor me with their calls,' that they must bring the change hereafter, as I shall certainly refuse my best friends. . 1 also earnestly request all parties owing me accounts due 1st July or previous thereto, to come forward and set tit the same, either by ca.h or note parties failing to com ' ply with this notice b'y 20th October next, will' bo charged . 10-per cent, on the whole amount due, from 1st July lt, t Idas as thcir.accounts remain unsettled. - ; J. SCHEIB. Raleigh, sept. .23. ' fc7-9t. : Scqucslralioii ilotlcc. HAYING BEEN APPOINTED BY HIE HON. ASA Biggs, Judge of the District Court of the Confederate States oi A merica, for the District of North Carolina, the Receiver -for the Countiesjjf Northampton, Chowan, Gates, and Hertford in said Stafe, I hereby notify every attorney, agent, former partner, trustee or other person holding or controlling, within said counties, any land, tenements or hereditaments, goods or chattels, rights or credits, or any " interest therein, of or for any alien enemy of the Confed erate Statesof America, speedily to inform me of th same, and to render to me an account thereof", and so far as prac- ticable to pav over the same to me, or to place tht same in my hands. "Any such person willfully failing to do so shall be guihv of a high misdemeanor, and upon indictment and couvictionshall be fined in asum not exceeding fire thous- -and dollars; and imprisoned not more than six months, and shall further be liable to be sued by said Confederate Slates, and subject to pay double the value of the estate, property or eliocu of the alien enemy held by Lim or subjec to his Cl alio" notify each and every citizen of the Confederate States speedily to give information to me (as he is required ; brMawtodo) Lfauy ac-Aali lanib, U-nc-mcuts and hrerti tamcnti, goeihi and cbatteLs rights and credits, within the said counties, and of every riht and interest therem held, owp'cd and posses2eU or tnjoyt-a uj or iu "j v- TN pursuance 'JL the General A; Utark, Goveriior.ex-o?ntio,oi ouriHio, '- ill Htixensof this State now .-in- h ; ;nt7; ol the United States, to return to .North' Carolina where their allegiance U jtfy auc, 4t 7lil, from the dnteUrhof:. and I d, hereby declare a an eTien enemy, subject to ail the pains, nenaltK and ,forf(ii-'tBlu-t iK-w-iDV b incurred by a alien ncmy, evy person tailing to obey the. re,1uirement' of th... pro w . C k- . :,ihi f n the army- of the .Con- ol th,m, -iipraor taintd by rce. HENRY T. CLARK, ..' l'-t'Y Gorerror Exnllilicio. ! Executive DErxaTMisT,,. ''.-" '. ! SWoud Democrat copV t.-a, isl. - r Jackson, Xorthampton county, N. C. W. W. PEEBLES, Receiver for the Counties aftwid. de hp North Carolina State Agricultural Society . afe rSteTmeet at the Court House in this city- arc lH .. m...i loth Hnv of November o'clock, r. at-, on, j T at? instant. - fmnortance requires a jjusiness oi b' v" "r , punctual attendance. ', Xiy oraer i - VV.SC.UT). Sect'v, fall and Uxlei gh, 2f. C, nor. 6, 1S6L' C td. oct. ics rs$i. 'pfiOCLVMATIOX By his Excellency, Henry T. Clark, Gov- emor of. the State or jm orin aroixu.. . EXECUTIVK DrrABTKXT, ' Raleigh, Oct 3rd, 1S)1. f In pursuance of the po given me by the of the Conititution, and by and with the Council of Statel do hereby prohibit the " vond the limits of thUSu . te, of all bacon, pork, beef, lea her, men'sshoeS, wtKIcn ffoods, jeana ImdWja. and blankets, xct through, the orders of the proper officers of , Confederate tiovei nment, or of the tate Goyerament. Thd order of ths 13th ult. a hereby revoked, i The Ad, ; iutani General is dirrctei to employ all accessary uicum to ' carry into full effect this order. - , t ' . Done at the city of Raleigh, this 3rd day of October, A, ; D''1fCl' ' ' . HENRY T. CLARIv. . , ' ... ''": Governor Ejt-olUcio. . oct '5 ISG1 ' ' K0 4t. Weste'rn. Democrat, Fayettevillc Obterrcr an3 Wilmirg- toa Journal copy four times and eend bills to ex-oiucc. 1 ... .si- 7 - - . t' Y : y : .