1 THE STATE JOURNAL: IULEIGII, N. G, Y EDNESD Ay , SAHlJ. AltY.15 ISG2 . 9 i I Laws of Hie Confederate Slates. :' o.270. an .act to reimbues jj the State of flosi- . H t I)A. " : , 1 - '". T ? ' : , ".' rhcreau, The State of Florida has made large out-layi ' ; 0f money ia the arming, equipping and maintaining troops for the rTice of the Confederate States, and in" the con ' structidn pf ca-coast defences whereby the State of jHorida has exhausted her treasury, and has great need of money to carry on her military operations : Therefore f The Congress of the Confederate States of America do ' enact, That.the Secretary of . the Treasnry ia hereby di- j. " rectei to issue to the State of Florida, upon the applica- - ' tion of the Governor of said State, three hundred tnous- - and dollars in Treasury notes : Provided. That the said - State deposit with the Secretary of the Treasury of the " ' Confederate States an equal sant in the bonds of the State of Florida authorized to be baed under an ordinance of the Convention of said State, which bond shall be held by "the S"JcreUry of the Treasury until the account of the State of Florida, for advances made for military purposes, is adjusted aa Congress may direct.'' ) e ' ' Approved August 31, 1861. - 9 it. y-j: r"?M i'7'': ' ' !' Xo. 283.1 - ' A RESOLUTION IN RELATION TO DRILL-MASTERS APPOINTED BYi STATES. , . Whereas, Cnder-the authority of some of the States, -; - TtrillmAstcrs were attached to rarious regiments: And whereas, such officers are not recognized by the Jaws . of the ftenfederate States, and consequently were not mns- . tered into service : And whereas, several of such Drill masters hate nevertheless continued to do ehvetive ser- vice,; voluntarily, with their respective regiments : y Therefore : ' Jiewlvtd, That such drillmasters be granted an honora- '.t Me discharge whenever-they apply therefor. Approved August 31, lG'l: " 9iL ' i: --:-:! ;' ,-''. r.ro. H2A -.' -" ' AX ACT TO PROVIDE KEVEXUE FROM COMMODI- TIES IM PO I4T Ji !) FUO.U FUKKXUS. COUNTRIES' . 1 SectioS 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of ; - America do enact. That from and after the 3lst day pi August next, duty shall be imposed on all goods, pro- ' d acta, wares and mcrchandie imported trom abroad into " -the Confederate States ot America, as follows: ' - On all articles enumerated in schedule A, an ad valorem daty"of twenty-five, per centum. On an articles enumer . atcd in schedule li, an ad valorem duty of twenty per centum: On all articles enumerated in schedule V, an ad i ' valorem idty of fifteen per centum. On all articles enu- . inerated in schedule D, an ad ralorem dutv of ten per - , ' centum. On all articles enumerated in schedule E, an ad valorem duty of five per centum. And that all articles " . enumerated in schedule F, a specific dutv as therein named. - ' And that all articles enumerated in schedule G, shall be exempted tram duty, to-wit : ScniiuiJ! A, (twenty-five per centum ad valorem.) Alabaster and spar ointments ; anchovies, sardines and all f ; .. other: twh preserved in oil Brandy and other spirits distilled from grain or other atcr,ials,not otherwise provided for ; billiard and baga , . telle tables, and all other tables or boards on which games are playea. - .... .... Composition tops for tables, or other articles of furni ture : icontectionary, coinhts, sweetmects, or fruits preserv " cd in sujrar, molasses, branly or other liriuors : cordials, absvnjhe, arrack, cunadoakirschenwesser, liquers, inara- . u! j l fi - -,1 -11 r.iV..i. v, e . similar character. j Glass, cut. '. v' ' . . - - Manufactures of cedar-wood, granadilla, ebony, mahoi? i- any, rosewood and satin-wood. '- I Sc'gliola tops, for tables or other articles of furniture: serarL snuff, paper segars, and all other manufactures' of tobacco. -. . , v V ines ifurrumiy, cnaropagne, clarets, madeira sherry, 'and all other wines or imitation of wines nCTiEDCLE o, (twenty per centum ad valorg Almonds, raisins, currants, dates, ftg3, ancr all other dried or preserved fruits, not otherwise proofed for ; ar gentine, alabata, or German silver,' manuJKctured or un manufactured ;. articles embroidered ju0m gold, silrer or other metal not otncrwisc prwyiue Balsams, cosmetics, epsencupiracts, pastes, per fames and tinctures, used lor tntjmet or tor medical purposes : bay rum, beads oj ami L Ltmpoditioti or wax, and all other beads j benzoates, braids, chains, curls or ringlets com posed of hair,, cr of which hair is a component part, not ptlierwise proviueo lor ; brooms and brushes of all kinds, Camphor, refined : canes and sticks, for walkinir, fini.h- .'J .Ti!-!.! l- : - J r Si , . 1 cu or unuDisuuu , vujiers, picnics, ana sauces or an Kinds, not otherwise provided for ; card cases, pocket-books, shell boxes, .souvenirs, and all similar articles of whatever material composed, not otherwise provided for , composi tions of glass, set or unset ; coral, cut or manufactured. Feathers and flowers, artificial or ornamental, and parts thereof; of whatever material composed; fans and 'lire screens, of every description," of whatever material com posed, v . Grapes, plums, aad prunes, and other such fruit,; when put up; ;m bottles, cases, or cans, not otherwise provided for. Jlair human, tleanscd orprrparcd for use. - , Manufactures ot 1, ratin:i or silver, not otherw ise ' 'provided for ; manufactures of papier mache ; molarffcs.. v ' r. -.rainjings on gjassj. pepper, pimento, cloves, nutmegs, ; ' cinnamon, and Other ?pices ; perfumes and perfumery, of ; 'all sorts,- not otherwise provided for; plated and gi!t ware of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; playing cards ; prepar ed vegetables, fruits, meats .poultry and'gamej seal : ed rr eficlostd in cans or otherwise. ' . Silver plated metals, in sheets or other form ; asoap', eas tile, perfumed, ;.Windsr, and other toilet soaps ; sugar of - ; all kinds; syrup of sugar. . ' 1 Epaulettes, -galloons, laces, knots, stars, tassels, trusses, and Vings of gofd or silver, or imitations thereof. j : ' . SctrxouLEC, fifteen per cent, ad valorem.) j Alunj arrow-root; articles of clothing or apparel, in . eluding hats, caps, gloves, shoes and boots of all kinds. worn.uy men, women or cnuuren, ot wnatever material composed, not otherwise provid- d for. .j 1 i BaiztA 'blankets, bockings, fltnnel3 and floor-cloths, of ! whatever material composed, not otherwise provided! f;ir ; baskets and all other articles composed of grass, osier, I " palm-leaf, straw, .whalebone or willop, not otherwise! pro : Tided fo ; beer, ale and ptjrtr, in casks or bottles ; hees- 1 wax berries and vegetables f all sorts used for foodt not' otherwise provided for ; blue or roman vitriol, or sulphate of -cojvppr :" bologna sausages ; braces, suspenders, web bing, oivother r fabrics composed wholly or in part of Indian 'rubberi tnot otherwise provided for; breccia; burgnndy liteh-; Jbjuttons and button moulds of all kinds. I 1 Cable! and cordage, of whatever material. made; cad mium ; alanvrne; calomel and all other tneicurial.piiepa iV rati(tns;fc'ai:bohate ofsda; castor beans ; castor I oil; ;"T canillea and tatters of spermaceti, stcarine, parafine tallow or wax, atid ail other candles ; caps, hats, muffs and tipjt-, anil all oflier iuuufactures of fur, or of which fur hail be a.tN.np,-.!iVpart ;.cap'r, gloves, b-ggins, nuts, socks, stiock . 5ngK,.w ottsUfrfs and drawers, andil similar articles Horn by n:Ji, vn!U!.uand children, aud not otherwise provided ' for ;.careUi, carpeting hearth-rugs, bed-sides,' and other a poi tionsif carpeting, being either Aubusson, BrusseU iu graiu, Saxony, Murkey, Venetian, Wilton, or any- other similar fabric, not otherwise provided for ; carriagesiand parts (ff.fcarriages; castorum; chains, of all sorts'; cider h and' other beverages not containing alcohol, and not other- ; wise proriuea tor; cliocohtte ; chromate of lead ; chro- I mate, bichromate, iUydriodate, and prussiate of potash; i clocks aijd parts of clocks ; coach and harness furniture ! 01 att-knirts; cobalt; combs ot . air" kinds; copper hot I sheets oi l plates, called brazier's copper, and tther icet-s I 01 coppci noi oinerwiso provniei K.r; copperas, or green vitroil, o sulphate of iron ; corks; cotton cords, gimps i , ;.iun laces, voiion lnsertings, cotton trim- ! minR lacs, catton laces and braids; court plaster ; coral Mid nn T . t 7. .. A . i" 1 1 1 - , . ' . iiiKiiniavitll ed;" crayons of, all kinds; cubcbs;cutlerjf of all kinds. Delaines: dolls and tovs of alt k mcdicinatl iv , - . r ' ' ' T ' V.rtYtn . i)ii.a .nil i lTi j aui ouiuc ware, hiiii an otner wares com- l"'" farm iy and mineral substances not otherwise provided fiir ; encaustic tiles ; ether. -- i .. j'l'a'! .fig-blue; re-crackers, sky-rockctts:, Roman T u similar articles used in pyrotechnics;' fish iiruirrifWB, smQKeo, salted, dried or pickled, not other- Fr,MKieu mr; irmis, preserved in their own juiccj or pie fruits 6h glue, or isinglass ; fish skins ; flats, braids plait?, spaj terrc and willow squares, used for raakin"- hats r uunneisj; noss siixs, leather beds, feathers for beds, and down of Tall kinds; frames and sticks for umbrellas, paia sols. and amnshades, finished or unfinished; Frank ft rd black ; fulminates,, or fulminating powders; furniture cabinet and household, not otherwise provided for; furs' dressW onf the skin. ' I ' Gingersdcied, green, ripe, ground, preserved or pickled glass, colored, stained or painted; glass, window; glass crystals far watches; s-Ussea or n..KKi.d ..ri.: . ; . glass tumblers, plain moulded and pressed, bottle?, flasks i J "IV11 other vessels of glass not cut, and all glass not j-.-v.. w, i uv ior; grass ciotn; green turtle; jrum oenioin orbenjamin; guns, except muskets and rifl s, fire arms, and all parts thereof not intended for military" Pur poses; guany cloth and Tndisn hiin nA , . - lli -'"f-. UUVft X liVtlcl ill ill I- fclingof all torts, not otherwise provided for. i p .; Hair cnred, moss, seaweed, and all other vegetable sub i stances Used for beds or mattrasses; hair pencils; hat bodies of eitton or ,WOoi j hats anaVbonncts, for inch, wo men and children, composed of straw, satin-straw, chi ! gra, paln-leaf, willow, or any other vegetable substance' prof tiair whalebone, or other materials, not otherwise j Pdttonefeh"Cr'8 PSh' f f" riarrcom! j Ink and) ink powder : ineenenanKo . -L 1 SITir0!i cing; iron liquor ; iron in bars, bolts, i rmls. slabs, nt n ni.H ..V.. 'ir.ir . spikes, fishing plates and j chairs usea in constructing railroads ; ivory black bh .tV, .t":"P" .W"13" .' i kb'ds not 6therwiser.ro- vided for j jett, and manufactures of jet, and imitations --. j" j i iuiiiivim luii nn : juniper Drries i - Laces of totton, of thread, oe other materials not other wise prev idled for; lampblack; listings, cnt in stiii ir other patterns, of the ize or shape for shoes, boots Lk tees, sappars, gaiters or button.-", of whatever A,,f,;t iiiriwii r ii-XTiirT nr iiniTariAna tt , similar prefiarrtibns not otherwise provided for ; machinery of every description not otnerwiue nvnvirl r. 1.. magnesia; -manganese; manna; manufactures of thetark ' t Ji rC manQfactnrts of manufactures of ZLr aI11lfr worsted, not otherwise provided for j manu.actutjs yf hair of all kinds not otherwise provided ? for; manufactures of cotton of all kinds not ot Wise , rai pari manufactures, articles, vessel and wares of uu.weu;:lw,pt.Bcuw; icatien pipes ; leather, japanned the8J hns of a11 kinds Hquoi ice, paste juice or root litharge. ,.j .. f.. ,.. . ' j , Maccaroni .verraicellL irelatmft. ?..!!;. 'anA n ilass, or of which glass shall be a component material, not therwise provided for? manufactures and articles of leather, or of which leather shall be a component part, not otherwise provided fort manufactures and articles of mar- -Ble; paving tiles, and other marble more advanced in manufacture than in slabs or blocks in the rough not otherwise provided for;.-manufactures of: paper, or of which paper is a component material, not otherwise pro vided for ; matting, china or other floor matting, and mats made of flags, jute, or grass ; medicinal preparations, ' drugs, roots and leave in a crnda state, not otherwise pro irlinVd for : morphine ; metalic pens : mineral waters ; mu- , Isical instruments of all kinds, and strings lor musical ins strum en ts, of whip-gut, cat-gut, and all otjher string oj- te same material; mustard in Duix or in bottles; mustard Jfecdles of all kinds, for sewing, darning and knitting J r. irate of lead. .. . . Ochres and ochrey earths ; oil-cloths of every descrip tion, of whateveri material composed; oils of every de s ription, animal, vegetable and mineral, not other rvisc provided lor; olives ; opium ; oiange anu lemon p'ei; pilPrOrWlllOw, preiareu iur.uMiruinM;iB uau. r? J'aints, dry or grounu in 011, aw ouit-rwise pro ia- for; paper, antiquarian, uemy,; arawing, elephant, lcan. imperial, letter, and for printing and all other pjper, not otherwise provided for; paper boxes, anc all Oljlicr fancy boxes; paper envelopes; paper hangugs, paper for wall?, and paper for screens or fireboards ; parh ipnt; parasols and sun-shades, and umbrellas ; patent inbrdant; paving and rooting tiles, and bricks, and fire Mick ; periodicals and other works, in course of printing iijd republication in the Confederate States ; pitch ; plas- te of pans, calcined ; piumoago , poiassiara ; putty. . . j Quicksilver ; quills ; quasia, manufactured or unmana fa rtured. . , j lied chalk pencils ; rhubarb; roman cement. ' j Saddlery of all kinds, not otherwise provided for ; eaf firi n and saffron cake ; sago ; salts, epsom, glauber, ro Ch.'Ile, and all other salts and preparations of salts not m icrwise provided for ; sarsaparilla; screws of all kinds ; se; ling wax; seines; seppia; sewing silk, in the gum and pu rifled ; shaddocks ; skins of all kinds, tanned, dressed or jaj aoned ; slate pencils ; smaltz ; soap of every descrip tion! mot otherwise provided for; spirits, of turpentine ; ; spink ; squills; starch; st.-reotype plate; still bottoma; sulphate of baryics, crude or refined ; sulphate of quinine, aniMjuinine in all its various preparations. j Tapioca ; tar ; textile fabrics of every description, notr oil erwife provided for ; twine and pack thread, of what ejv :r piaterial composed; thread lacings and insertings; tV esi old or new, and type metals. - ,. nMl titirlj ., v. urn Viinfinan Afi vti VIT in tna cbfcposed wholly of cotton, or of cotton atnd silk, but of wlic h cotton is the component material 01 chiet value j veitdiffris: vcrmillion; vinegar. S Wafers ; "water colors ; whalebone ; white and red lead ; wlite vitriol, or'sulphate of zinc; whiting, or Paris white; wiidow glass, broad, crown or cylinder; woolen and Worsted yarns, and woolen, li.fing3 shot of lead, not otherwise provided for : wheel-barrows and hand-barrows: wiekpons and vehicles of every description, or parts thereof. : I i i Schedule D, (ten per centum ad valorem. I . I 4cids of every description, not otherwise provided for; allcfcmoque ; aloes ; ambergris ; amber ; ammonia and sal onia; anatto, roucon or oriesos; angora Thibit, and r coats hair, or monair, unmanuiacturcd, not other- provided for ; annis-seed ; antimony, crude or regu f; argol, or crude tartar; arsenic; ashes, pot, pearl soda; asphaltum; assafoetida. Hi ananas, cocoa nuts pine apples, plantains, oranges, and all ether West India fruits in their natural state ; barlfa; bark of all kinds, not otherwise provided for; bajrc, Peruvian; bark, guilla; bismouth; bitter apples ; bljji ching powder of chloride of lime; bones, burnt; bqa -ds, planks, staves, shingles, laths; scantliDg, and all otp ir sawed lumber; also spars and hewn timber of all soft's, not otherwise" provided for ; bone-black, or animal calliope, and bonedust; bolting cloths ; books, printed, mi;azines, pamphlets, periodicals, and illustrated news paj) :rs, bound or unbound, not otherwise provided for -bop us, blank, bound or unbond ; borate of lime ; borax' criit c or tincal ; borax, refined; bouchu leaves; box-wood' unki anufactured; Brazil paste; Brazil wood, brazilctto, and all dye-woods in sticks; bristles; bronze and Dutch met il in leaf, bronze liquor and bronze powder ; buidin"1 Stwn ? ; butter ; burr stones, wrought or unwrou,,ht. Cabinets of coins, medals, gems, and collection of anti quities; camphor, crude; cantharides ; cassia and cassia buls ; chalk ; cheese ; chickory root r chronometers, boy or 1 ip, and parts thereof; clay, burnt or unburnt bricks1 pat' ng and roofing tiles, gas retorts, and roofing slates cojil coke and calm of coal ; cochineal ; cocoa nuts, cocoa -and :ocoa shells;, coculus indicus; coir tarn; codiliia, or : tow of hemp or flax: cowhado down : cream of t.ai-t.ip - cudtfear. IJiamonds, cameos, mosaics, ccnis, pearls, rubios. and nthier precious stones, and imitations thereof, when set in goiiljor silver, or other metal; diamond glaziers, set or noti let: dragon's blood. . Eiravins:s,' bound or unbound : extract of indio-o. pv- tracts and decoctions of losr-wood and irth-i- dv-e--i,ul r,t otherwise provided for; extract of madder: enrnt. Flax, unmanufactured : flax seed and linseed : flints nnH . fliriktronnd: flocks, waste or shoddy ; French chalk : ! fucsjiattors', dressed or undressed, when on the- skin Glass, when old and fit only to be re-uianufacturod ' gnutSoge ;gold and silver loaf ;.fi:old-beaters 6kin - i-rindl -i stoiiis ; gumsArabic, Barbary, copal, East Indies, Sene- 1 auusuiuie, irngacaniu, anu an oiaer gums and resins in a truue state, not otherwise provided tor.- ! IMr, of all kinds, uncleansed and uninnnnfnpfnrn . heinil unmanufactured : heinp setd. and rane se.-rl nns" Ivqry, unmanufactured, ivory nuts, or vegetable ivory. cii urn u-tips, uoue-iius. aim leeiu. unmanui.icrnt-ofi ijtie, sisal grass, coir, and othur vegetable sub stances, unTil4nutacturt-d, not otherwise provided for. i.-L ft i . Kelp: kermes Lac-spirits, lac sulphur, and lac dve: leath er. fflnnoI for;! oanuisoie, ana upper ot all Kinds, not otherwise nmviVi.ii and limes, and lemon and lime juice, and juices fruits without siiirar : lime.x of a Iader, ground or prepared ; madder root; marble, in the ui,u ei?iu ur umivk, uuinanuiaciurei : -Eicta N . nn. in an mes : act u red, not otherwise provided for : mincrai t..i-. mineral and bituminous substances in a crude state not ervvise provided for; moss, iceland : music, printed witld lines, bound 9r unbound. ? on; nickel; nuts, not otharwise provided for : nut nox vomica. gallsl Oajl um; oranges, lemons, and limes., nmimnni- oran-sres. lemons, and limes PaOjn leaf, unmanufactured ; pearl, mother of ; pine ap P!Hi; plantains; platina, unmanufactured; polishinT- a stoiidsi oounoes; prussian oiue: pumice and , pumice stonn, Ra ans and reed3, unmanufactured ; red chalk stone Sa rotten ower ; sai soda, and all carbonates and snlr.lioiua r.r soda vided t-3 "tieci uauica uesiirnatOd. not oriie.ruMo. ...i.i j . , . . . seedlac; shellac; silk, raw. not moj-iVa.lv.me in in lhufacture than single?, tram and thrown, or or -;m- zinc tponrcs: steel, in bars, sheets am! r.1 k ,), I h ' i' - ' , , .1 1 l--.n.s, UUl IUI- ... .1 - li , . .. y "a 11. ci niiviiiitcu in iiiiiuiMacture man nv rn no- on.i Cltbt 6ie--i in oars ; sumac ; sulphur, Hour of. la iii w, marrow, and all other crease or soan atnr A soap i Tea luil's, not otherwise nrovided for. tome tin, in plates or sheets : teazle, trron ;ar.n. nica, c iteeuu; tin, in plates or sheets, and tin foil; tortoise and A plant i.-i ouviis, uiiuiaiiuiacturcu ; trees, shrubs bulbs ind roots, not otherwise provided for; turmeric. ' hes and parts of watches; wood or-pastell woods dar, box, cbonv, liruum-vit.e "-r:inafliI!-.' Wait viz : e gany, tose-wood, satin-wood, and ail other woods, unman- ufactdqed Iroi jore, and iron in bloom, loops and pi"-s. Maj) and charts. ; . . " Paitiings and stationary not otherwise provided for AV ool. manufactured, of every description, and hair of the Alpaca goat and other like animals. Specimens of natural, history, miner alogv-, or botanv not otM'r w ise provided for. J . YaiM. ; Leaf Jind unmanufactured tobacco. cheimi.k E, ihve oer centum ad AltliCl es used ia dyeinar and tannin r not. nth, .. vided ft: r. . w i o ii iov f l i- , JJj.afl bars or pigs, old and fit only to be rc-inanufac-tured 3 joells, old ; bell metal. Cop r, in pi-s or bars ; copper ore ; copper, when old nly to be reman ufactured : eutch. and tit, 4 Diaii) nils, cameos, mosaics, pearl, erems. rubies, and other piecioimton es, and imitations thereof, when not set. EmcV in lump or pulverized FeltJ O uid: Idhesive, or sheathing vessels ; Fuller's earth. oi mi sons not otherwise provided fori irutta nur--aiuiactuied. 1 cna uniil Itidia rubber, in bottle, slabs or sht tacturw t,..i: it.. ' -ii - ' unianu- Junk. , n;i.ia i uuuer, iiiiiK. oi. old. , - of Paris or sulphate :of lime, ground Plaslie ground or un- Sl.kt:. ... - t . " voovu. law irnies auUSKinS Oi all WinrI nnHcc.) I. ck n c ...J f,..i ,.:.k. .1. , . . ' copper out no COfiner tn h.j ,.t.;.l A as Tt-i -"9 ; v.-ngiiuncnes long and hmrteeu inches dide, and weighing irom eleven to thirtv-four ounces Hsheathing or yellow metal not wholly or part of iron; tlieathinsr or-yellow metal, naii sheathing ... , ------ .itoit ior nails shmo-lci Its paper ; stave boits' anil Tin or and tin in pigs or bars; type, old and fit only to i.actured. old. be re-malm . Zinc, elter, or tentenegue, unmanufactured. Ice ihfi -.CHE0itE b, (Specitic Duties. ) n .1..1l.. J i: r. . . . , ' " Salt4 fifty six; - ""H.I auu ui iv eeuis per ton. round, mown, or roefc onnds per bushel. -two cents per bushel, of Schedcxe G, (Exempt from Dutv.1) aps, charts, mathematical and .nauiieal in-trn- sophical apparatus, and all nthw ar;.!..- i ... Books?, naents, p ever, imn rted for the use of the Confederate States : book pamphltfi , periodicals, and tracts, published by religious sopbical apparatus, instruments, books, maps ; statnes, .statuary, bustn ami rteta t .r . ..1.1 .. associate All ph ana cha 'bronze, alabaster or i aster of niria a ' ings : etk mgs ; specimens of scu kUure : eahin.t r .,:, . modal ms, and all collections of antiouities : i'r,.r;,d.! i ne sain; be specially imported in good faith f-r the use icty incorporated or established for t.l.n.,!,;. ot any si cal and hue arts erary purposes or fr th iinnnrfm..t L, r ' .1 , . " .. v.. m - . iWl ,n yn it ior tne use or.. by. the order of anv- rh lege, aci emy, school or seminary of learning in the Con- Bullioki gold and silver. Id, silver and ennner fr Coin,gf wuen mil ..... a - .i. . ff"i tumijiv topper, .ited for the mint ot the Confederate Stated Garden! seeds, and all other seeds for liorl5! npon kL DUKSID inpiiamaKnnit IL. I . . ch no drau-haolr i .ii..,. , .. "". v-u That allfrgulations to rTUdn thVl X J'roridetL scribed Mr exisUii!- :u . , - " ' F1 re- the Secrltarv of arr ' X? oe Prescribed bv r ' ; . j " complied with. uuuuu, wnara, and terUlizera of all sorts. i J. ' - , 'J ii.oe comi ued wii tiousenpid enects, Old aud it, nse, of persons or fairili-, rom forgn countries, if used abi-oad bv th -3 intended ar any other .purpose or pnrpla. or for sale. 'v.Maawidi tiur UKHG r-i-I .V 1 1 woi., U.,.1 Jf n-rowtli ,1a ' ' rs. ana. merchandise, the expor tX t T r- Wwtetort oT the Confederate States, SrJi0.tre,rn,try and brought back to the Models of Inventions or other improvements in tha arts t Provided, That no article or articles snail be deemed a model which can be fitted for use. i, Paving stroncs, personal and household effect not mer chandise, of citizens of the Confederate " States dying- abroaL: "" '" ' ''"'" - " - . . , Specimens of natural history mineraloerv. or botanv: provided the same be imported is good faith for the use of j any society incorporated or esiaoiisnea tor philosophical, agricultural or horticultural purposes, or for the use or bv the order of any college, academy, school or seminary of . Wearinsr aDoarel. and other personal effects not ; mer chandise, professional books, implements, instruments, and tools Of trades, occupation or employments, Of persons ar- riTinir m the confederate states : frovtded. I hat this ex- eaiption shall not be construed to include machinery, or ther articles imported for use in any ' manufacturing es tablishment, or for sale. ' ' , r Bacon, pork, hams, lard, beef, wheat, flour andbran of , .wheat, flour and bran or other grams,' Indian corn and meal, barley, rye, oats and oat meal, and living animals of all kinds, not otherwise provided for ; also all agricul tural productions, including those of the orchard and car- ueti, in uieir natural siaie, iiui uiuerwiseprpvioext lor. Gunpowder, and all the materials of which it is made. Lead, in pigs or in bars, in shot or balls, for ' cannons, musKets, nnes or pis nes or pistols. r Rags, of whatever material composed, Arms of every descripiion, for military purposes, and parts thereof, munitions of war, military accutryments, anu percussion caps. , . . , Ships, steamers, barges, dredging vessels, machinery. screw pile jetties, and articles to be used in the constru'o- 1 tion of harbors, and for dredging and improving the same, j Sec 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be I levied, collected and paid on each and every non-enumer- r x 1 . I L V 1 . . , , ... I aiei ariicie wnicn uears a similitude, cither in material ; quality, texture, or the uses to which it may be applied, to i any enumerated article chargeable with duty, the same j rate of duty which is levied and charged on tne enumerat- ed article by the torgomg schedules, which it most resem i bles in any of the'particulars before mentioned; and if any non-enumerated article equally resembles two or more 1 enumeraica arijcies on which dillerent rates of dutv are chargeable, there shall be levied, collected and paid on such non-enumerated articles the same rate of duty as is 1 6uiu uu me amcie wnica it resembles, payinar the . j ruvvucu, mai on an articles which are - not enumerated in the loregomg schedules and cannot be uajomuu u'iuci uiio cevuiou, a uuty 01 cea per cent, ad va- lorem snail be charged. ' Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That all goods, wares and merchandise which may be in the pablic stores as un ; claimed, or in warehouse under warehousing- bonds, on tho ; 31st day of August next, shall be subject, on entry thereof ior consumption, to sucn duty as it the same had been im ported, respectively after that dav. Sec. t. And be it further enacted, That on the entry of aujr guous, wares urimercnanuise, imported on or alter the 31st day of August aforesaid, the decision of the collector of the customs at the port of importation and entry, as to iuui uauiiiiy u, uuijr or exempiion tnereirom, ; snail be j, final and conclusive against the owner, importer, consignee or agent of any sued goods, wares and merchandise, unless the owner, importer, consignee or ae-ent shall, within ten days after such entry, give notice to tSe collector, in writ- iu. ui iiiBuiwauaiacuou wuu sucn aecision, setting lortn ;xthereto, and shall, within thirty days after the date of Treasury, whose decision on such appedl shall be final and conclnsire ; and the said goods, wares and merchandise - shall be liable to duty or exemption therefrom aecordino-lv. : any act of Congress to the contrary notwithstanding, un- ! less suit shall be brought within thirty days after such de- ci?iou, ior any unties mat may have been paid, or may inereaiter ue pain on said goouj, or vyitnin thirty days j after the duties shall have been paid, in cases where such - gooas Enaii De in oona. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall bo law tui ior tne owner, consignee, or agent of imports which - nave been actually purchased or procured otherwise than i by purchase, on entry of the same., to make such addition in the entry to the cost or value giren ifi the invoice as, in j mo uj-iuiuu, lu.ijr raise me same 10 tue true martet value . ot sucn imporu m the principal markets of the country whence the importations shall have been made, and to add Miereio an costs ano cnarges wbicbynnder existing laws, would torm part ot the true value at the port where the ; same may be entered, upon which the duty should be as- esseu. -Ami 11 suan do tne duty ot the collector within whose district the same may be" imported or entered, to ; cause the dutiable value of such imports to be appraised, estimated and ascertained, in accordance with the provis ions or existing Jaws; and. if the appraised value thereof shall exceed by ten per centum, or more, the value, so de-clared-on entry, then in addition to the duties icipoaed by law on the seme, there shall be levied, collected and paid a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem, on such -appraised value: Provided, ; nevertheless,: That nnder no circum stances shall the jluty be assessed upon an amount less than th invoice or entered value, any law of. Coiktcss to he contrary notwithstanding. n r Skc. C. And be it further enacted, That 'so much of all acts or parts of acts as raay.be inconsistent with the pro visionsf this act, shall be and the same are hereby re pealed. ' ' 1 Approved May 21, 18G1. ' gj4f : 'Xo. 2H5. " - AX ACT TO ESTABLISH T1II-J RATES OF POSTAGE O.N SI'APERS AND PERIODICALS SENT TO DEALERS ThEREIX THROUGH THE MAIL, OR BY "Sectios 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That persons engaged as 'dealers in newspapers and periodicals' may receive bv mail any quan tity of such papers and periodicals as thev niav order, on the payment at the place tf delivery, at the same rate of postage as is reqrused by the existing law to be paid by the regular subscribers to such newspapers or periodicals. Skc. 2. It shall be lawful for persons'engaged in buying and selling newspapers and periodicals, to carry any q'uan" tity of such papers and periodicals over the post roads of wiuninatf t-stai.es, ouisiue oi me man, upon prepay ing tne postage at tne same rate charged to regular sub sc: ibera to sucli papers and periodicals,' into 'the post oflice nearest ine place ot publication or purchase thereof; and stitii prepayment snail be indicated by the stamp of such poet on ice or by writing upon the paper so sent. rv?e. s. Any person Violating the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of tiftv dollars, to be recov ered ny action ot debt in the name and for the use of the onieaerate states. Approved August 31, 18G1. 9 4t. X fXo. 287.1 RESOLUTTOXS TO PROVIDE TROOPS IX TIT E FIELD WITH BREAD AXDttESil PROVISIONS. Jiesoiveti oy tne Congress ot .the Confederate States of America, t hat the bocretary oPAVar be, and he js hereby. oueLuju w n;rui..-ii to sucn ot our troops in the held as 'de sue u, up-rn requisition made, and whenever practicable. in hen of iTi.e usual ration, of L'onr, an equivalent of well baked bread, and to i his end is htiiTkh i i.1 -..fKi:,i. i . i . . . , uun.eries in sucn nuni.'x'rs anu at necessary, or to make contract's such points as in ay be for the supply of such bread, Resolved, That a daily ration of fresh vegetables be fur milieu w an troops wnenever lie? same can be provided at a reasonable cost and charges to the Government. Approved August 31, 1801. . . Oit. Xo. 200.1 An,AV.r T'AUTIIORIZE T1IE PRESIDEXT TO COX- ii;. .u', nib AJ'J'UJ.VT.Mi-;.TS .MADE BY HIM. IX lL" BWSBl WL??A!: service, durixg It-;'-' ntr' ut "-'LbH.OIi THE LAST OR SESSIOX, AXI). Tt) SUBMIT THEM TO cuuni.bb AT lib XEAT SESSIOX. O .. . -i nn j . otc.io.N i. ine congress of the-Confederate States of ....v. .w. u cimLu i ii.il me j resment ce au continue the appointments made by him, in th and Xaval service, during the recesses of Cj America oo enact, lhat the President be anthnri.il in. lie Military during the last or present session, and to submit 'them to Congres? at the commencement of its next session. Approved September 3, 1SC1. , . : 0 4L Xo. 231. ' AX ACT SUPPLEMENTAL TO AX ACT TO FST W . LISTABLIS1I THE RATES OF POSTAO E ToX PVEw PAPERS AXI) PERIODICALS SEXT TO DEALERS oteno i. i ne congress ot tiie Confederate States of America . uo enact, mat tne word "the" where it last oc curs in the second section of said act be, and the same is hereby, stricken out, and the word "each" substituted iu its' stead. . . Approvcd b'eptcniber 3, 1SC1. 9 It. So. 17-1.1 A RES0LUT10X To provide for the Keinoval of th Seat of Government. Resolved by. the Congress of the Confederate States of e .ii'ioiiiiou to mase suitable arrangements for the accommodation of Congress, and of the several execu te departments. Resolved, further, That the President be and is hereby aurhorized to cause the several executive departments, -jdtlt the archive thereof, to bu-remov,,! at such time between this and the twentl.-fh ri., i.,i .- h:- mat uctirmme, to mchmond iw;!.,j- '!...; t-vcr, lhat in case of anv public emer.'oncv whirl. the judgment of the President, render it impolitic to m"et in Richmond, tiie president shall huve power bv proclatna- proclaina- u"" l" -' - v,nn?ress together at soui' uivnt place to b? selected by him. - , Approved May 21, 18(51."'.. ' 1 : ... ii .. . . otber conve , 14 4t: ... No. 17. ' AN ACT . To antliorixe eertain'. Debtors to pay the amount due by .tuem int th lreasurv of the" Confederate Stat.-s Section 1. The C,nSre of the Confederate States of America do enact, That all persons hi any manner indebt ed to individuals or cm -perationa in the "United States of America, (except the States of Delawara, Marvland, Kenetcky and Missouri, and the the District of Columbia i b3 and are hereby prohibited from paying the same to their respli vc creduow, or their agents or assignees, pend ing the existing- war waged by that govermentagainft the tef' V ar?o rfarebolding states t, SriC" 2' i CJ. Vernn indebted as aforesaid shall be' and is hereby authorised to pay tLe amount of hia indebtednesS into the treasury, of the Confederate States, in specie or treasury notes, and .ball recti ve from the' treaS I cerMficate, countersigned by the register,' showing the- wWh iPa,,i aDd on-l'nt. account, and the mto of interest winch t!ie same was bearing. Sec. 3. Sueh certificate Thall bear like interest with th. original contract, and shall be redeemable, at the c""e of the war and tho reMo.atL.n of peace, ia fcpecie 0, iB sJ valcnt, tn presentation of the original certificate. America, mat mis congress will adjourn on Tuesday next to meet again on the twentieth day of July, at Richmond! irgima; and that a committee of thnu ,.nK.... i.:. SkC. 4. All laws lis act be and the thisact be and the samVare e hebv Approved May 21, 186L j x . .. r""-" .;i-lV;H;: No. 176.) . tjA? .i ;U, ' : A.i!if ACT- T siletnT7 C'-ionn certain Com-L'oTthTT tin the Circuit and District i. nUnrt!d States of America to the State Se slme U rt- AUte8' and to "thorize the AmirSdo2t -f.,of th Confederate States of SunUd io tu'P? n all cases where suits have been s Sof Amor c. dif courta of the United States ot America, whether at law r in equity, by a citi zen or citizens of oe of the Confederate S?ates of America, against a ciUzon or citizens of the Confederate Str and said suits or any of them shall be recommenced in the state courts of any of the Confederate States, the ev dence Sfcorttr r Pending the circuit or S trict court of the Lnitcd States, by commission-, shall be vead upon the trial of such suite sJ recommenced in the state courts aforesaid, under such rules and regulations as obtain respectively m the state courts of the Confederate States ; except that no objection sball be good and avaH? ble to the execution anJ return of the commissions for taking tertimony which would not be good and avalialle ?,,rcm.t op Strict courts of the United States from u'lu , u taudu, ana mat an consents between '. parties or xneir anorneys entered rntn tourhinnr the return and vxccui.ou vi me commissions tor takinz testiraonv and n a.: f il. to the admissibility of evidence, t-ntorod intn n, aa-,A ..,. wbilrt pending m the said Courts of th nn5i,i o .. shall be valid, and obtain in the said suits so recommenced in the state courts of the Confederate States. Mce. l. lhatnpon the application of either narf.tr Ti!a agent or attorney, it shall be the dutv of the clerk of the district courts ot the Confederate States to tmnn,;i n.i.. his hand and seal, duly certified, all the testimony taken by commission in any case so brought as aforesaid in any of the circuit or district cou-ts of the United States, to thr nWt ot the state court where the same mar h rnmnn n . ........ ... n ana return 01 commissions and - - vu the fldinissihilif v of lucti mony. that he shall receive for such service the sum of one dollar to be paid by the party applying for the same, which sum shall be taxed in the bill of cost in the state courts, and abide the result of the suit as other costs in like cases . . , - i - Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the Stat f ArVn sas shall constitute two indicat : district. t.h limit. boundaries of which and the officers thereof, nhall be the same as existed by force of the laws of the United State' ft when the State of Arkansas seceded from the United States, ; and such districts, shall be known and designated as the f eastern and western judicial districts of the OnnfejWnte In states of Amrica in Arkansas. ; E- Sec. 4. lie it further enacted, That the judge, marshals nu aiiornevs tor said districts snail be appointed by the a icsiuent, anu mat tne jurisdiction exercised by said dis- tnct courts and the judges thereof shall be the same in all . " mat caci tiacu ut iuc uioer uihincb the Confederate States and tudires thereof, and j. said courts shall in all respects be subject to the prft 01 ine act entitled an act to establish the ludiciai courts of the Cenfederate States of America." i ' Approved May 21, 1861. Ht UnilnailCeS aM BeSOlUlfOIlS. PftSSCd 1)' tiie State Convention, rxo. iR.r AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR, TIIE RAISING OF MOXEVFOP. THE SUPPORTOF GO VERNMENT AN FOR THE ISSUE OF.TREASURY NOTES FOR TIIK PURPOSE OF PAYING TIIK PUBLIC DEBT, AND PURCHASING SUPPLIES FOR THE MILITA RY. FOUCliS EMPLOYED FOR DEFENCE IN TIIE l'KhSJSNT WAR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES SENT WAR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. , be in force during the present war only, except as to pros tt ordained by the Delegate of the people of North J ecutions which may be pending and undetermined at the a i Convention azuembLd, and it is hereby ordain- ?, end of the war ; and may, in the meantime be repealed'or 1. lie Carolina ed by the authority of the same, That the Public Treasurer is autnorizeu to issue I aeasury notes tor such sums, not , exceeding, at any .onetime, three millions of dollars, as the exigencies of the public service may require, before or ? on the hist dav ot Januarv. 18C3. and the said note' shall be. prepared and signed, and issued as hereinafter provid- j fl 2. Be it' further ordained. That the Public Ti easurer cause the said notes to be nreDaired. and that thev shall ;d. and that l . l l T k it rrt i ... . - ue sijrneti ny me l'lioiic M easurer, on behalf ot the State and countersigned by the Comptroller ; and each of those omcers snail Keep, in proper books, seperato and accu rate accounts showing the number." date and amount ol eivch of the said notes signed and countersigned by them respectively, and, also, accounts showing all such of said notes as may be paid or redeemed and cancelled, from time to time, and theaaid Treasurer shall account, month ly, for a 11 such of said notes as shall have been counter signed by the Comptroller, and delivered to the Treasurer ior issue. 3. He it further ordained. That the said Treasnrv notes Fhall be payable, at the public Treaaury, to the bearer, on the first day of January, 1865, and bear interest from date at the rate of six per cent per annum, for every hun dred dollars, ami in that proportion for sums creater or loss than one hundred 'dollars ; and the said notes shall be of the several denominations ol" five dollars, ten dollars. twenty dollars, fifty-dollars-.: one hundred dollars, and two hundred dollars ; and in the Pillowing prooortions. that Is tn say, notes for five dollars ten dollars and twenty dol lars, the amount ot tour hundred thousand dollars of each denomination shali be issued : and notes for fift.v- da II the amount of eight hundred thousand dollars" and those for one hundred dollars and for two hundred dnl- lars, to the amount of five hundred thousand dollars off each denomination : and in the course of the issuing o said notes, from time to time, the said relative proportions shall be observed a3 near as may be. 4. Be it further ordained, That the principal rnonev. ' and the interest due on the said notfs shall be paid at the maturity thereof to the several lawful holders thereof, upon presentment at the Treasury, out of any money in -the -I Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and further! fh:-.it at any time or times before the ma1 uritv of said notes, tiie I . -ensurer nsav give notice in the nv wi.ai-ers. j.-ru.ted in Raleigh, o" his readiness to pay the same on any clas or denomination of said notes, or" any certain part thereof.' and the interest shall close on the notes designated in such notice at the expiration of forty days after such notice given. . 5. Be it further ordained, That the said notes may be issued, by the Treasurer, in payment of any warrant in favor of public creditors,". 'or . for the purpose of paying military officers and troops in service, or for the purchase of supplies for such troops and for the payment of, cou pons upon any bond or bonds hitherto given, or hereaftei to be given, or for any other demand upon the Treasury b persons who may be willing to receive the same in payment at par ; and the Public Treasurer may borrow money, from time to time, upon the credit of said notes, as the' public service may require, not exceeding the said sum of three millions of dollars: Provided, That upon such Joans in terest shall not be charged or paid at a greater rate than six per centspcr annum, and further, that no Treasury notes shall be pledged, nor shall th -y be sold, or issued tor any purpose, for less than the amount due on the same, includ ing interest accrued thereon, if any. . ( ' 0. Be it further ordained, That the said Treasurynotes shall, at any time or times hereafter, be receivable" at the Treasury in payment for land entered, and for taxes, and any debt to the State at the Treasury, and in making such payment, the holder shall have credit for the principal Hio iey mentioned in said, note, and the interest accrued thereon up to the day of payment; and accounts shall be Keptas atorosaid, ot the notes thus paid or redeemed, d t"ngtfishingthe sum allowed for interest from the principal . t. pe it lurther ordained, lhat the said Treasury notes shall be received by .Sherilfs, ad other collecting ofiiccrs in pa and t . ment ol the imbue taxes in their respective counties, le said officers so receiving any "of the said notes shall at the time of payment, take froni the person payinsr them a receipt on the back of each note for the amount allowed therefor and the date thereof, and such oflicer shall keep a uiatinct anu specitic account or said notes so received in payinent,showing the person from whom received, the number and date, the day ion which he received them, an the amount of the principal, nd also the interest allowed by Jum, and deliver the sairl notes and accounts to the public Treasurer ; and he shall, thereupon, and on his oath to the truth of said account, receive credit for the amount thereof. ' 8. Be it further ordained, That the holders of the Trea- suary notes issued under the authority of this ordinance, may nave the same tundett. by request to the Treasurer t give in exchange for them bonds of the State, pavable in thirty days at the public Treasury, and bearing interest at tne rate i six per cent per annum, payable halt yearly. witii coupons attached, ton the interest, payable, also, at the treasury; i'roti led however. That sueh bonds shall be issued for the amount of five hundred dollars, and one thousand debars only : . And provided, further. That unon application for such exchange, tie interest npon the v notes shall be allotted un to the first dar of January, or April, or .July, or October next prcceed ing the-request for such exchange, as the case may ue, anu. tue interest on tne ponds rivcn in exchange. shall run from the day to winch' the interest on the notes was allowed, and of the notes received bv the Treasurer. and of the bonds given in exchange therefor, full and accur ate accounts shall also be kept as aforesaid V and the Pub- lie Treasurer is authorized and required to issue such cou pon bonds agreeably to the provisions of the ninetieth chapter ot the Revised Code, subject to the restrictions and modifications herein provided. ! u. jje ii . luruier. oruaineu, mat tne .Treasury notes so received at tiie treasury, from sheriffs and other, as afore said, shall not be reissued, but .-hall be deemed to be paid, ana De cancenea : ana oilier treasury notes to the same amount and of the same, denomination, and payable at the same time and place, with the same rate of interest may, . in like manner., be issued in the place of those so redeem ed; Provided, nevertheless, That the aggregate amount of said notos outstanding at any one time, and of the bond given ia exchange for notes as aforesaid, shall not exceed "the said sum of three millions of dollars of principal money. 10. Be it farther ordained, That the act of the General Assembly, entitled an act to authorize the public Trea-i surer to "issue Treasury note3, ratified the twentieth day of September, 1861, be, and the same is hereby amended. 11. De it further ordained, That if any person shall falsely make, forge or counterfeit, or cause to be made, forged, or counterfeited, any notes, bond, or coupon, in imitation of or purporting to be a Treasury note, or bond, or coupon, made pr issued by authority of this ordinance, or shall aid or assist therein, with intent to defraud the State, or any corporation, or person oripersons, he or she soJ)3ending shalf be deemed guilty of fjlony, -and on due conviction thereof) shall be adjudged to sjtand ia the pillory one hpur and receive thirty-nine lashes arm the bnre back,! and ba imprisoned not leas than sit months or tore than three years, and . be fined ; and in . the di.eret;un vf. the court, all or any part of the said punisnicnts may be in flicted. ' ' '-"-"V" .-' " -'- ' 12. Be it farther ordained, That if any person "for the sake of gain, or with the intent to injure or defraud the State or"any corporation or any other person or persona foSjr !? f dirCC.tlL.r Oy otter or publish any false lurep, or counterfeited note. bond, or ennnnn m on ' " neu preceding section, or shall bass or deHvPr. attempt to pass or deliver the same to any other Derson. knowing thi v. "Kivr.'rj;-"0 j "iv or n co mrj" x orgeu or connteneitcd, he or sne so oflendinir hati nn Jn. . tne same t oflVndinn . , . . ... e punihoea in like manner as u nrnti. : :j: 0 j . ... o 1 vvuiituuii luereoi, De section of this ordinance. r'That the Treasurer shall -Zm.r. l" comptroller, an accurate account th 7t DOte8 ,us.ued' or to be issued by him under 5nrae Gineral Assembly, and the ordinance here- S2JKfMd nd n0t aKnn,led ' the Comptroller shall also keep an accurate account of all auch ntiin ih .o 'Srira u' heTAa ia relation tothe Treasury notes authorized to be issued by this ordinance. . altetdBoVm!f jm.; tuT IT- J. MKS "euera" Assembly, out, not so as to impair the obligation of the said notes, bonds, or con- rutn PEitfl ii v idcii . a a i . ' - . lr.A Z Ya i uer Lne antnonty or this ordinance and then held by any person or persons. ikcaa ana. ratihud in nnn r.,. o,. Dec, 1861. W. N.-EDWARDS, i J. IT. Jfoore,;Prin. Secretary, ' . - L. C. Edwards, A&uVt SecreUry. of Convention,, No. 19. AN N' ORDINANCE FOR SUPPRESSING OPPRFSSIVF SPECULATION UPON THE PRlWRvi vpnV4af TTKS OPTFTR PPflPI V vkJi i 1. lie it ordained by the peopleof North Carolina in wintcnuon assemDiea, ana it 13 hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That whoever shall engross or a-t into his hands by buying, contracting, or other means, ex cept by producing, corn or other grain growing in the fields, or any other corn or grain, pork, or beef, either fresh salted or smoked, cheese, fish, coffee, sugar, tea, salt, salt- .L. to the intent to ell tho nw. .., n. pcin , muci ut victuals wnatever, and also leather. , m- - - " wmu.. u, uitt uMsouauifj. xriC6s or to keep the same from market, and prevent.the same from passing idio tne nanos and use ot the people, or to any other intent than to his own use or consumption, or for saie at rcasonaDie prices, or for charitable distribution amongst poor and necessitous persons; and, whosoever having in his hand3, by the means aforesaid, any of the before mentioned articles not intended for his own use or that of hi3 family or dependants, or for some such charita- u iT u w iVfesaia 6UsU1 retuue to sell the same to, or shall ask and demand therefor unreasonable nrie. fVm any person or persons desiring and offering to purchase for their own personal use, or for that of their families or de- penuams, or ior sucn charitable use as aforesaid, shall, , j . . . C 7 ' J1 X. l DUOIl maxe any motion, bv word, letter UB ueemeu an UniawIUI entrrnsaor onH l.a l.-n i to aD7 person or persons, for the enhancm'" of the price' ; f "carer soiling 01 anything above mentioned or else uissuauo, move, or stir any one cominc, or purposing to come to any city, market, post, or place within this Stat 1"u uy promise, enter into any agreement, or come to any understanding with any other persdn or persons, that he shall not sell any of the things before re- 1 i 1 uca.aCu, UuV a certain prices, or at not less than certain prices, shall be deemed an unlawful cansoirator : and anv person upon Conviction of either of the said offencies by ver dict or confession, shall-be punished as for a misdemeanor. and shall be required to enter into recognizance with suf ficient surety for his good behaving for the space of three years, in suchsum as the court may direct : Provided, lhat upon suthcient cause being shown, Upon affidavit, the court shall have power to order the taking of. depositions to be read in behalf of the accused, unon such terms the .court may decree on trial of cases arising under this ordin ance. : . 2. And be it further ordained, That this ordinance shall end of the war ; and may, in the meantime, be repealed'or ujifuiucu vj iuc renerai Assembly. Read and ratified in open Convention the eleventh day of December, lbCl. W. N. EDWARDS, ; t tt President of Convention. ' J. li. Mooue, Prin. Secretary. L. C. Edwards, Assistant Secretary. OXFOUD ..FEMALE COLLEGE. THE TWESTY-SECOXD SESSIOX WILL commence on the first Monday in Jan uary, 16(52. uary dec. 11, 1861. 11-itJanl II. MILLS, Oxford, i. C. 100 IVcgroes Wanted OX THE Western Norii; Carolina Railroaa. THE SUBSCRIBER' WISHES TO HIKE FOR TIIE ensuing year, 100 AliLE-liODIED NEGROES lor the use of the Western .North Carolina Rail road, to be em ployed generally as section. Train and Station hands; but J io ue usea as tne interest ot the Company may seem to ustify. Persons having such to hire will find this a de sirable locality, aud will please apply at this oflice. '; , JAMES C. TURNER, '" Chief Eng t Sip't, W. iN. C. R. R. aIlsoury, dec. 14, 1861. - 10 lm A Good Cook Wanted. A FIEST-RATE COOK IS WANTS!) FX 011 THE jljl. urstoi next year. ApdIv at this ol no. dec. 4, 1861. a a , - 7-tf. Cracker Bakery. rlV,V, ?DscJl?rs haTlns built a large HARD. i.uAii uu uAbjvLiv jjAJviitt i , and ntted it up iui me must, unproved macuinery, are now prepared to. iurnisn tne citizens of Raleigh, and the State, with fresh uraeKers, and ot the best qualitj-, such as . ooua oracKers. Butter Crackers, Water Crackers, Sugar Crackers, etc., etc. e are also prepared to furnish the Army and Navy ' Navy Bread, ' Bilwt Bread, Wiue Biscuit, etc., etc., etc., at tne lowest market rates. Cash orders securely packed auu oioiupuy oy - JAS. tilMt SO.Y & SON. VY anted. Empty Flour Barrels in good condition, for nuxeu n-e mu pay o cents eacn. JAS. SIMPSON A- SON. -now 30, 1861. 6 sw6m. Head QuasAcers N. C. Militia, 1 . ' ,: Adjutant Genekal's Office, j" II.ii.eigh, Dec. 7th 1861. General Order, 1 No., 3 f The following persons will be exempt from Company drills, except once in three months : All workman In am factory engaged it working for the State, or making arms, lead or powder, or in ship-building for the State, or Confed erate States, the necessary employees of Telegraph or Ex press lines, or Daily Pressj Ferrymen and keepers of Canal Locks, State odicers and other persons whose employment iu ius tservn-eoi me mate is inconsistent with their attend ance on Militia drill, and persons excused under the Mili tia i,ayv. , iuhi"u" oi uui ue unuersioou as excusm" any Pcr- orvr. frnm MilUIn A.,l ...U. II. J . f . ow.. .I..,.. .hIUUuh n ueu emieu upon to repel an inva sion, or suppress an insurrection, or from Iieimental or JJy order of the Commander-in-chief. , . J J. G. MARTIN, Adjutant General. dec. 11, 1861. - 04t au the papers m the State copy one time, and send bill to Adjutant ucneral s tJIucc. ; He APtjcA RTEK3 N. C. Militia, . Adjctant General's Office, Kalcigh. Dec. 16,18G1. General Order, 1 No. 4. f " cneral order iNo. 1 is so Rir modified a tn , Militia of the State to drill once a month instead of once a weex. - liy order of the Commander-in-Chief. ' J. G. MARTIN, i ' Adjutant General, dec. IB, 1S61. . " '- 12 St., Kegister and Standard three times. ...MASONIC.- HIGH SCHOOL, OXFORD, n. c. : : r1HE FALL SESSIOX OF THIS IXSTITUTE 1TILL JL commence on the 2d Monday in July. In consideration of the imperious necessity for military ..l n . .i f I , . V. T- . . t . 1 l . . . .uni.m, iiumccs liave resoiveu to connect; to mis Institution a Military Department, which will be under the charge of a competentnnstfuctor. The rates of tuition are as follows : i-lementary Knglish- '. $15 00 Advanced English 25,00 Ancient and iiodern Language . 30 00 Higher Mathematics " 30 00 1 he price of board per session is from $55 to $60 inciud ing washing and fuel. For further particulars see circular. THOMAS C. T CLE Y, Principal. .Dec. 25. .; . 12 12ins C0AF0KATS: STATES OF AMERICA. ) Treasury Department, 'Uioimosd. Dec. 10th, 1861. V NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on and after the 2nd day of January ensuing, the interest on the Funded Debt of the Confederate States will be paid in Coin on presentment of the proper authority at the Trea sury, Richmond, fir at the Assistant Treasurer's, or Deposi taries at Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, i.asnruie, or ew urieans. (Signed) C. G. MEMMINGEB, - ' . ' Sect. Treas. Dec. 23d, 1861. , H 4w 5iules,f Mules!. " 17 OR SALE, four large an;l good males; aso . tor, hire, four" nezro men. three women, two bovs. and t wo good houij servants. . 1 . courts 01 1 ;,""i luiuearto wring, or convey any or the things that the 1 before rehearsed to anv ueh piv .,!. .u -visions Place to be sold, shall be deemed aforestaller ; and -h,. . nwrtm C-U 11 : . ' " Apply to SETH IL. JONES , dec. 21, 1SC1. - .11 W2w FOR SALE. fT-UE JL team in good order for beef. horse power Engine, in excellent working order ijft 50 thousand feet of dry lu-mber. ; TheWules ar v'0 r years old. , . I ": . re -o. l c JJ OTWM . fixt.,;"-"?' S Address, HOLT A PHILLIPS, Clayton, X. c , ' ' - 81 5tp,i.. sept. 7th, 1851. r 'Sequestration Notice THE nndcrslgned appointed Recelier und ,u Seouestration Act for the counties of o"g" - Cumberland and Harnett, hereby gives notSe son. having any lands, teneaienCsor hereditament. " per or chattels, riglits or credits, or any interest tE ' for any alien enemy of the Confederate fitt.7.7.ln of "r speedily to inform me of the same, and t -.... A,Ut rca count thereof, and so far as practicable, to uZli an ac- in my possession, under compliance. - j , . the penalty of thVVSlS 1 also notify each and every citizen of the Cr i States speedily to give information to ?nV?,r -j---, vu.v,. .u.i cuiwincma, goods and land lKniinti ...I t,..: .1:. . . "". .chuttek . -e"." nwuia ti nuia tue saiu counties win aitena tneaiiienrnt mnn wi ;n - r .... j purpose of receiving when due notice will tie T . - . . n iiav, . i -I . i. me G. H- WH.iii'uV oct. 23, 18C1. 1 eceiver. Hiilsboro' Uecorder&nd Fayettevillc Obscr ver conr NOTICE. OFFICE WILMtfXGTOX & WELDO.V U. R CO i 1 DIVIDEND yo. iP1' mh . ' the last fiscal vr aA .ni k- ." i .: I' HM'ts and after the 15th November next ;, the oZ m " T and the remaining half in bonds of the Confederate sf1' of America. by order of Hoard of Director, ' s t -; , JAMES S. OltEli,, Scc'y. TII15.,A?fNtIAL MEETIXGf the StoekHolderTof i Wilmington & Wehlon Railroad Company -ni'e held in this place On Thursday, 14th November next ' Oct, 23d, 1861. " . J AMES S. GUEEN, Suc'r." - .,"- , - ' 4t. GREEXSBORO' Mutual Life Insurance . to the public which few possess. It is economic! ' ! management, and pi ompt in the parment of its The insured for life are its memWft. and ti.w losses. i .. - . ' participate ' . . . 1' - - t I'niu Id, out aln on a large and uicreasinsr desuosit canital L.. i " huuu : jiol m r on tn nrommma raA i ... i operation. -. " .l "'lU0 A dividend of 67 per cent., at the Lwt Anual Mectin- t the Comnanv. was deelarrl anH ,..;a i. ... .r1 1 Y'- i, ' """'"'"uw me credit of the lite members of" the Company. . .. - Those desiring an insurance upon their own lives, or the ' Lyes ot their slaves, will please address 1 f D. P. WEIR, ! Greensboro', Feb. 11, 1859.' WANTED I TO BIT, .an active, inte Hjrent XEGRO FELLOW f rom 18 to '2a years old, for hich a liberal price tt II -be paid in money. Apply immediately to cither of the editors of this paper, 88 wAswtf. NF. RIV ES &i CO., wholesale and retail Druz. gists, have and will keep on hand a full supply of all such articles as are usually found in a First Class ii. u iniuse. Aney will conducs tm nniioK their friends and the public irenerallv. m i . i ... . . " v . - - - xue rrescripuon department will h tmrlnr i ate superyiwon of one of the firm, both day and nijUt Orders will be attended tp with neatness and despatch ' , K. F. RIVES, M. D." ' r -1 ? ,uv '""""ii-: WALTER D. JORDAN. CXIUi. M A X S I 0 X II 0 I! S E . Within" Two II TUB TLnn... xiuw upen ior me reception ot XKA.NSIENT CL'STO i and .DOAROERS. Table supplied with Oie botthe ma kVtii; , ; ' TAGUE, Proprietor. lieadQjiarters Nortli Carolina aiuujj.. w t .i Adjutant General's Okkice, Haleiqu, October Uh; 1801. UENERAL (JRJJER, ) Xo. 20'. f All companies hereafter accented br tho i:,.,-, :n emam at home, without p"ny, until called on for active ser- nee, mien a reasonable time will be allowed thm fu, caching the appointed place of rendezvous. This ord erU : necessary on account of the limited quantity of clohin-- and camp equipage now. on hand, and tocnaOlethe Gover nor to have these supplies ready for the ue of thctroons at the tune they begin their field service. ' By order of the Commander-in-Chief. - J. O. 'MARTIN, m -.oVt - Adjutant General .' ' oct. la, 1861. , u at All papers in the' State copy .four times and send'bil s ' Adjiitant General's office. t 'o - - , . . ;'-- ' IIEADQUMITERS N. C.' TROOPS, " ' h . , ! aKiutant-Gexeral's Office, -: Kaleiuh. December 17A IHCl ' General Order ) " '. -No. 24. . ...:'..".. All military odicers. ofkents havins in their do?- session modcy or property belonging to the Sta-e,' p-tp. nuiuaiijr iiii;iru.-rma.ioi- stores, clothing, carnir and garrison equipage, commissary and ord nance stores are required to niake a -full' and complete return of it to t;o Adjutant-General, according to the foiins re quired by the Regulations, showing the amount re ceived, issued ami remaining on hand at the end of the present and each subsequent qiuirter General order No 17 not lmvinrr hen mrdfl . with,' all officers failing tocom ply with this order will uo replica io tiie Lruvernor to be dismissed from the service as the following extracts of the law direp.t. jjy,uruer oi ine Uommaiider-in-chief. ; ;J, G. MARTIN, ' ' - Adjutant. Uencr.il. Extract from the "mil" approved September 2Q?A, 1861.1 ec. t8: All military ofheers having the charge of mo ney or. property belonging to the Stateshalt make a quar terly, return of the same to the Adjutant-Genera!, in uch s4 he may nre.sct-rb anA al anv ... - reports Which n mav nxiuiro in ....,. shall be made within twenty days after the expiration of the, quarter, and any oHicer failing to make the saqe in one month after the expiration of such quarter, or to settle up his accounts wh..-n required to do eo, and pay any bal ance due by him on account for anv pronei fv for which be ought to account, shall be dismissed by the Governor. I,. ' ...... ..jv. J 1 UIC V V. 1 1 1 1 ' t ess suihcient excuse i. r nr,.A ..u r:i a fault " ( - i.. iui duiu idiiuru ui. ut- "Sec. 80, All former-ffijhn rr;... t..ti have closed their accounts and had the same settled prior to the 20th of August, 1861, shall make the settlement of t.uv Biime wun tne AOjutant-tieneral : 11 ofli- cers paving public -property of every kind ription 1, n . - in uia uatww, who shall iro tiie 20th of August, or beforn nr fi.. dice on count for and deliver such property to th Adjutant-General, and failing to do so shall be liable to be sued in the name of the State; and all suits at law which it may be r - ms.m ...H..ivuieuuucr hum actror the otate, may ho brought m the Superior Cuurt of Wake County." dec. 21, 1860. ,. - n3t WANTED, A nuuATiroi. AS TEACHER, For particulars ad- dress, 7- W. II. DAVIS. '' -ii r, . ,''-. . Willianisboro', Granvill County, N. 0. Jan. 1, 18C2. 13-sw tf The University of iorHi Carolina, CHAPEL IlILLs' TSiSS!0 wIIVbcSa 0" Sataraar,,18th .mis institution situated in a region remarkably health lui ana remote f i om the atat of war. h&a h.n :n ..,.afnl operation since February, 1775. At no previous period uiTe me meant ana opportunities of improvement been so great as they now are. . - . - . , 1D, ' DAVID L. SWAIN, President, dec. 4,1861. ,v . 76t, . '- . : NOTICE. .. . OX and after the 5th January, 1862, all Freights be tween Weldon and Columbia, will be taken at local rates, vuarges win iouow as at present, and collections made at points of delivery. W. J. HAWKINS, Prea't R. A O. R. R. .P. C. CAMERON'. " N. li lt. R. nvii. JunstiN. tt NOTB.- tofore. -All Government Freight will be shipped as here. 1L I Ik,. Ik- Raleigh, Dec 23, 18C1. . 12 tf SUBSCRIBERS ARE DESIRnr.c at, . ing of the following property, via , . w "Po. , with wagon of excellent ma!r L .ro"r lui Una m An , cvfi-n Vilr f a laru-i! nml uoerai scale, Having ample experience, force and facilities ' for doing so, and hope by their promptness, cicrgy and until ine: eftorts to'please. to pnro tha liK..t.i . ' ; ;;-, $25 KEWAKD. r. LOST or tolenoa the cars between Goldsboro',and Ral--:eigh. on tiie 23rd instant, one Pocket Book, containing $270 in Coupon Bonds-of North Carolina due January 1st. 1862. also some eight or ten dollars in money, and a pass from the Mavor of Charleston. The party suspected is a youth about 16 or 17 years, freckled face and was dressed in the garb of a soldier, be waa going in tho direction of Ilih Point. , The above reward will be paid for the recovery of the Bonds. ."..,. v . ' TfTD. SLEDGE. Kalcigh, dee. 2itfi, 1861. t l2tf i - i. !'

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