THE STATE ' 0U11NAL: IiAJ JUGI!, N. C.,- WEDNESDAY , FEIiRUA KY- 12, 1SU2. . ; ,: --. t! J A frcm the London Punch We have seen r coy f thf Inl n PimcA for De cember, which is decidedly rich on American affairs,, especially in its cuts and caricatures of Washington notabilities the ent,rt--'inn-ent M our readers, we dish- up a few specimens of its flavor : JSwfitK and American Pulls. i j An English Bull's runjrall. aloud to beware - iOf his horns, ever prompt to assail, j Bnt a Yankee Bull's Ran is another affair ; lAnd create most alarm by his tail. ''A. Contrast. English character personifie.1 is John Jhtd. That of America is embodied in Jonathan BuUy. . ' ' The American Exhibition. Mr. Punch has great pleasure in announcing, in thejnost officious manner, that the directors of the Internationel Exhibition have not forgotten the popsihillity. of the aWnce of voluntary contributions from the Northern States of .Americal The subject has been taken into crave con sideration . and negotiations have been entered into with the Lords of the Admiralty and the Commander in-Chtef. in order to the adoption of means fWsnp plying this de6ciency, shonM it unfortunately occur; Withotit entering into details (as the whole arranged ; ment mav Vie renderM unnecessary by the arrival of Messrs. Mason and Slpfcll about the 28th Decern her) Mr Punch beas wfav that, in the event of the red Praia declining tf 'send contributions to the exhibition, the SDace now appropriated to-' mrhx articles will be unrfplert through the exertions of gentlemen connct nA wifVi v,nr rnillitarv a:id naval service, and that amon" the inolant-vry contributions jfrom the North will be the f.;llowjncr articles: 1 Confederate Congress First Session. The following is a list of the members of the First Congress of the Permanent Government of the Confederate States, which meets m ebru arv next : Those marked with an asterisk are mem bers of the Provisional Cosgres3. . Alabama. Wm. L Yancey, C. 0. Clay, Jr. Arkansas. Robert W. Johnson, C. B. Mitchell. Florida. Jaines M. Baker, A. E. Maxwell. Georgia. Robert Toombs, B II. Hill. Kentucky. Henry C. Burnett, Wm. E Sink Louisiana. Kdward Sparrow, T. J. Se mines , Mississippi. A. G. Brown, Jaines Phelan. . --: -. . . . ! I. , . .- - 1 Thf. Nuiaara tails American mort ion ny me kind jiermission of the Canadian authorities, and to. be returned when donlwiti., ' V 2. Ths American tingle The inrerestinir animal will be provided with a large supply of its natnral food, name-y. Bunkum, to lw obtained from the offices of the New York newspapers. 8. Several Bottles of Hail of Columbia. V. ' 4. Curious assortment of Stumps, on which patri otic or t ry ha b en delivered for some year, vi h the happy conWquenccs now before the w.orld. 6. Several Platforms, forming a further portion of the Stump machinery. ' Y 6. The White House name of "Lincoln" on the brass plate. 7; -The coat in which Mr. James Gordon Bennett, editor of the New York Herald, was whipped be Elea rerP.Growky. 8.' i The coat in which Mr. James Gordon Bennett, flit or of tfie New York Herald, was cqwhided by ThineasX.Blazfr. ' , r ' 9. IThe c;t in whirh Mr. James Gordon! Bennett, editor of the New York Herald, was thrashed by Ebc nezT V. Whopple. ' . 10. A collection of nineteen whips withvhieh Mr. James Gor "on Bennett. edit r of the Nerp York Herald. was at various times flogged by nineteen slandered citizens. ill The boot3 with which Mr. James Gorlon Ben nett, 'ectitor of the .New York Herald, was kicked by Epaminondas P. Buffer. 12; Six pairs of highlows, and five pairs of shoes, V '-with;' which eleven other slandered citizens have, at tariqus times, annotated the editorial labours of Mr. James Gordon Bennett, editor of the1 New York Herald. ' , , ' . ; ''H ' " 13j. Remains of the brandy-smash in which Mr. Rewjjird pledged himself to insult England on the ear liest jopportiinity, and the glasses from which his six : teen! previous orandy-sm ashes hud been'iimbibcd by that1 statesman. - - 14; Ftags of the Southern Confederacy, captured by the Armies f the North. (Promised conditionally only, in the event of such flas being discoverable) -15. , The Declaration of lndependcnce.--To be rev erently preserved- and returned to the North when a t itekinan, worthy to fill the placeof George Wash ington, shall demand it. ; ! '. .. 16-. Specimens of Jerusalem Snakes, Rinqfatitd i Hoar era Ihumlar Ovonsums, and other curiosities of ' American natural history. ' i' 17. A B'hoy.- It will be .interesting i to compare " this animal with his superior, but a mfcmbei of the same genus, the Gorilla. 18. Specimen, of American Editorial .Writinsrs. (Disinfecting-fluid will be found in ihe same case, and ' labelled "Common Sense.) 19. Secret Treaty for (ha Partition of England be tween the Emperor of Russia, Mr. Seward, and the , King of the (In mibal Islands. - 20. Mr. Ih-igham Young, the latest, ally of the North, and ni'xlel of his ei nplio. , 21. sThe original Popk of Mwion. as aboftt the on ly original w.nk whuh Aiueri-Mnhas pnxluced since Knickerbocker's History. 0 22. Specimens of America A pes and Naturalizud Irishmen, stuned. THK AMERICAN PILEMA. Yqur passion and arrogance, Janathan. bridle. And let me know what you call Mason and Slidell. Ar they rebels? What right, if you take 'that position. v Had you, boar.lin;the Trent, to demand extradition. Had Mitchell and Meagher been Slid 11 and JIaxon. We you, and you. we,. wuuldyu think no disgrace on Your flag had U-en cast, its ;nvti;;4iou fr mi iuAlor If we thus" tv trait. r.j. ha ! !ake;.. I xvo.ider ? lVlligeretits'Cx.ul yo'u the'r.i'Vi y : hid hand on, " n ai.ari: vi;i d h.tve :v. no your jirotec- Aijdithe chaxgi n:ii fras;;-a Were we fighting fhe Frcuoh, objection ' ' ' To our seizing French en vovs. beneath tion.' 1 ' Moreover, as prisoners of war if you- take them, And therefore ilu-ir country's amb.u-sadors make tliem, Yoji put your.-ml Ves then it thi siiuitioa : YuU are first to acknowledge the'Cmfevleration. .1 ANOlIIEll COMPANY WANTED. -' W. L. Sanders, formerly Seernd Licnteiiant in the Rowan Artillery, having received the appointment of Captain, has resigned his Lieutenancy anl is now in this place, for the purpose of raising a Gmpany for active service.. Persons desirous of entering, should report themselves early. Mr: Sannders has add.d to his other qualifications for command, a practical knowledge-of the duties of the cam p, "having been in 5 the army fur more than eiulit moiitha. It is hoped be will soon have the of forming a company. Salisbury Watchman. " Articles received nt the General Military Hospital, at Raleigh, during the month of January; 1862. From the young ladies of Misi Partrdge's school, .Raleigh, 4 bottles, of black berry wine, 2 bottles red -eurreut jelly, 2 bottles rose geranium water, 16 nil iuw, c wine glasses, n cuj)S, 11 saucers, 2 tumbhrs, 4 plates, S pair socks, 1 pair drawers, 1J lb. sonp, 4 papers cornstarch, 6 mugs, 1 jar pi khs, 1 puper of candy, 1 jar of tamarinds, .2 towls; Mrs. Svlve-ter Smith, Raleigh, 2 pillows and caws ; 'Baptists Sick S 1 diers' Relief Society, Rdeigh, 12 flannel undershirts, 1 sheet ; Mrs. Iura Gtton, Kateigh, 1 very fine mat tress; Mrs. A. JR. Ncwlin, Alamance G"unty, 4 vorv '.. fine blankets, 2 pillows, 2 sheers, 3 pair drawers. 17 pairs socks; Miss Frames Birch, .Alamance Conr tv, 4 pairs n cks ;Miss Miriam G:i!i:iin , Ahrnvmce Goitn ' ty, 1 pair drawers; Miss Martha lifted, 1 pair dvar rs; Miss Babbitt. Rleih, 1 bettad'., 2 mattresses 1 bister, 1 table; Mr. W. Thompson, 1 jnvaHd eh.'ir Mr. lhomas, 1 quart of h.wey ; CI rht'.s Khun h Sick N.ldies Relief 'S.ciety Raleigh, 0 box -s mu..t rd. 0 V -ttles catsup, 8 .ttlos bfaokU'rrv wine, 8 botUe of Uraiily, 2 bottles C. taw 1. a brand v. 8 p:prs black tea -tthsJaraai-iijringer. 1 H . sj,it tv p,. ciniv.m". ,V 5 io-re..M?pper, 1 . IU-ca-ile s. an, 23 lbs , 2' ccoa dinners! 6 b .vU. k plate 2 tea in its. 6 lar-f sno .V. wuhuih; ii rcsuyienan ick ..i:,niTS llelief S.k ietv !cigh. 4 sheeis, 1 Uble cloth. 0 t -wds, 5 pll..w es, 14 pair1 drawers, 5 slirt", 1 dolibSewrappor 17 rsscx-kscnjui and Niucers. 1 dozen eachr 1 dozen' tes: -Rev. Mr ' Mavnanl. Fr: LTnt, . . - j , - ........ , , nuu ''d-IIotir. 4 istew; an , , icups, 9 siiucers, 1 SENATE. Missouri. John B. Clarke, B. L. E Peyton. North Carolina. George Pavis Wm. T. Porth. South Carolina. Rob't W Ham well, James L. Orr. Tennessee. Gustavus A. Henry, Landoa 0. Haynes. Texas. Lewis T. Wigfall,' W. S. Oldham. Virginia. Not yet elected HOUSE OF BEPBESENTATIYES. 1. 2. o o. Alabama. Dist. 1. T. J. Foster, 2. W. 11 Smitli, 3. J. P. Ralls, 4. J. L. M. Curry F. S. Lyon, W.P.Chilton, J). Clopton, 8. J. S. Pugh, 9. E. S. Pargan. Arkansas. A II. Garland, G. D. Royster, F. J. Batson, T. B. Hanly. Florida. "' Jas.'B. Pawkius,' R. B Hilton. . Georgia. Julian Hartridge, r Chas. J. Munncrlyn Ilines Holt, Augustus II. Kenan, j David -W. L?wis, W.W Clark, 7. Robert V. Tripp, 8. Lucius J. Gartrell, 9. Hardy Strickland, 10. Augustus R. Wright:' Kentucky. (Not yet elected.). Louiaiam. Gharles J ViHcrc, Charles M.. Con ad. Duican F. Kenner, Lucien J Dupro, John L. Lewis, 6. John Pei kins, Jr. Mississippi. . J. Vr. Clapp, Reuben Davis, Istavi WeV-h, II. C. C!iamb.:rs, 0. 11. Singleton, E. Barksdalo, 7. John J. McRae Missouri. W. M. Cook, T. C. Harris, (asper W. Bell. Adam II. Condon. 5. G. 'G. West, .; ! L. W.. Freeman, . 7. John Hyer. 1. 2. 0. 4. 5. 6. North Carolina. Dist. 1. W. N. n. Smith, 2. R. IT. Bridget, 3. O. It, Keenan, 4 T. D McDowell. 5. A. II. Arrington, G. J. R McLean, 7. Ashe, 8. William Lander, 9. B. S. Gaither, 10. A. T. Davidson Soilth Carolina. John McQueen, W. Porcher Miles, L M. Ayer, M. L. Bonhani, James Farrow, W. W. Boyce. Tennessee. Joseph B Heiskell, W. G. Swan, . W. II. Tibbs. J. B. Gardenshirc, . Heury S, Foote, Meredith P. Gentry, George -W. Joucs, T. Menses. J. D C. Adkins, -John V. W right, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. o o O. A T. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5; 6. i . 8. 9. 10 11. D. M. Ctrriu. Texas'. John A. Wilcox, C. ( Herbert, P. W. Gray, F. B. Sexton, ; M. D. -Graham 6. B. II- Epperssn . Virginia! 1. M. R; II. Garnett, 2 John B. Charubliss,. 3. John Tyler, 4. Rocjer A. 5. Thomas S. liucock, G. 'Johii Goode, Jr. 7. James . Holcombe, 8. D. C. DeJarnette, , 9: William Smith, - 10. Ales. R. Botcler, 11. John I. Balwin, 12. Walter R. Naples, 13. VValter Preston, 14. Albert G. Jenkins 15. Robert Johnston, 1G.- Chas. W. Russell. Pry or, WASTED. 0E Matron, one Assistant Matron and ten good snr sos for thi General Military Hospital at Raleigh, X. Carolina, Apply to" E. BURKE HAYWOOD - - ?)i:rgeon. Dec. 25, 1861. ' sw&w 12 tf For Sale, AXE FISE JACK, five year? old, of W -vlo, one ffoou 11 a ru lUKMiv ciir known as the property of Viilian C. Ftrn Jl. Km 1 vrarj ojJ, Th provud secui it v. Apply to . Sunny South, Nash Co., X sold cheap for cash, or notes with ap- P. L. EURKLb! C. Jau. 22. IMV2. 13 -3:n. E. BURKE HAY WOOD, Surre Si AND Enemies IX our Camp The Knox- e(lnn.) Krguti,r.t January 31st, tays fir. itKage or i' tiers has l-een -rte-jiitiv ' handed to'the militarv authoritips nd f Kelmoiwl, revealing the plars of f,Ur Generals in vneee a:.d Kemicky, ami piving imimaiion . f jr iiiui-ary n.ovfment n liard. lrirlrnnn'.; fl,;iw , , -, . . " "''b iiiTv yauKcei is nearly com- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, V " Chatham-County." Cocur of Pjluas and Q-Jartkr Ssssioxs, Xovcnibi'i" Term, 1SG1. John II. naughton, r . John Taylor. IX Tli is cast; it bo mi? made toappor t.. tho sat.i ifactioii of thy Court, that the defendant, John Taylor, is a non resident of th? State, it U ordered that advertisement bu made in the State Jnnnml for six week?, for the said div t'cndint, notify iii; him to appear at the next Term of this Courc, to be hold for the county of Chitham, at the Court House in .Pittstxiro', on thj second Monday in February next, thon and th-.;r? tr plead, answer or demur to this pe tition, otherwise judgmeut pro coneMO will be taken as to him. 1 ' ' In testimony of which 1 do hereunto sign my name and affix the seal of orifice of said county, at tne oftice in 1'itts boro', the 2nd Monday of November, 1861. R. C. COTTON, C. C. C. By Wm. F. Foushek, D. C. January 8, 1862. 14 (iv STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, V T. ' K Chatham County. ) Covkt of Pleas akd Qoakteb Sessions, i November Term, 1861. Laurence J. Haughton, r. John Taylor. IN This case it beinjr made to appear to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant. Jolin Taylor, is a non resident of this State, it is ordered that advertisement be . made ia the State Journal for six weeks, for said Defen dent, notifying him to appear at Ihe next Term ofthi Tourt to beh Id lor the County of Chatham, at the Court House in Fitt-boro', on the second Monday of l-b uarv next, tlu-n and to plead, answer 6c demur to this pe tition, otherwise Judgment )r confe will be taken as to hiin. In tttimony of which I do liereunto s.ign mv name and affix the seal of oT;ce of said Court at otiice ia Pittboro' the 2nd Mondsv of Novembt-r. Ibfil. ' " R. C. COTTON, C. C.'C. t ' By Wm, F. Focshee D. C. January S. 1862. 14 6vt! , . (r-V Al'THojilTY.) : , No 177. AN ACT To prohibit th Exportaiiin of Cotton from the Conf-d -r-,- .ate fctau-s, except through the seaports of said Stat-s ; aim to punish persons ott ndin? thert in. SEcrio.N 1. The C mgress of th-. Confedarate States of America do enact, That from and a'tor tae first day of June next, and during the exigence or the blockade ,','f any of the ports of the;Confe.Wate States of Aun rica by the governnK-nt ut the UniUd States, it shall not be law tul tor any pt-r.n to export any ray cotton or cotton yarn tidin tue Lonitdei ate Stat -s of America; and it?ha!l lie the duty of the mand.alsiaud jevcr.ue ofticei of the said'' toalcoe. ate States to prevent all violations of this act. .bhC. . 1 1 any person shall violate, or attmpt to violate oreva le the provisions ofjth? forgoing s-ction. he shall torfeit all the cotton ot cottn.n vara thus attemoUd to be illegally exported, for the use of the Confederate StatJs : and m additn.n t.u reto he shall be a-uiltv of a v.AAm.,J ' an.! on convK-t,. thereof shall fined in a sum not ex ceeding fcre thousand dollars, o,-else i.nprisond in pabhe jul or ; ju rit-ntiary for, a period not exeeelinsr ix months, at the diseretion of the c-mrt, after conviciion upon t. i ll by a court of competent jurisdiction. ! hr:o. S. Any person inlormiug as to a violatiiii or'at Uinpt to violate the provisions of this act, shall be enti tle!, to one-half the proceed of the articles forfeited by reason of his information. J Ssc. 4. Any justica of the'peace, n information under oath from any person, of a violation or attempt to vioUt- . ." rrem ana cause tne cotton or cot 3 Sec 5. Every eteamboat or railroad car which shall be used with the consent of the owner or person having the same in charge, for the purpose of violating this act, shall be forfeited in like manner to inenae of the Confederate States. But nothing in this act shall be so construed as to porhibit exportation of cotton to Mexico through its co terminous frontier. " J a 1 11.. ni 1M1 t 11 jvpprovcu ljr Ai, oui. 11 v ' t ' fNo. 180.1 $ AN ACT ' .! " ' . . j. ; To provide for the cession, op tbe part of the State of Ar i kansas, of the Arsenel at Little Rock, and of Fort Saith, at tne cuy 01 run oiunu, in me otaie 111 ai Kansas, 10 the Confederate States of America, and acceptance of the same by the said Confederate' States. -Whebzas. Bv ordinance of the Convention of the State of Arkansas, passed the 11th day of May, 1861, herewith submitted, authority was conferred upon'the delegation of the State of Arkansas to ceae to tbe Confederate States the arsenal at Little Rock, and Fort Smith, at the city of Fort Smith, in the State of Arkansas, and the grounds, buildings and appurtenances attached to each, iu accord ance with the terms of said ordinance, Therefore' The ' Congress of the Confederate States of-America do enact, That the cession as hereinbefore received is hereby accepted, and it is now made the duty of the Secretary of War to accept a deed of cession of the said arsenal and other property executed by the said delegation, and to take charge of and hold the same in the name of the government ot the conreaeraie ouues 01 America. Approved May 21, 1861. 17 it ' - . . ' No. 181J ; - -f ' .AN ACT . r ll Relative to Prisoners of War. , Sectiox 1 The Congress of the Confederate States of America do!jpnact, That prisoners of war taken, whether on land or at sea, during the pending hostilities with the United States, shall be transferred by the captors, from time to time and a often as convenient, to the Dep.irtment of War, and it s hall be the duty of the Secretary of War, with the 'approval - of the President, to issue such instructions ottlie Quartermaster General and his subordi nates as shall'provide for. the safe custody ani sustenance of prisoners of war ; and tht rations furnished prisoners of war shall be the same in quantity and quality as those furnished to enlisted men in the army of the Confederacy. Sec. 2. That the eighth section of the act entitled "An act recognizing the e?nstence of war between the United States and the Confederate States, and concerning Letters of Marque, Prizes and P; izt? Goods," shall not be so con structed as to authorize the holding as prisoners of war the officers or Criw ;f any unarmed vessel, nor any pas senger on such vessels, unless such passengers be persons employed an the public service of the enemy. Sec 3. That the teHth section of the above recited act shall not be so construed as to allow a bounty for prisoners captured on vessels of the enemy and brought into port, unless such prisoners were captured on board of an armed ship or vessel of the enemy of equal, or superior force to that of the private armed vessel making the capture, Approved May 21,1861. ' . 17 4t No. 185. AN ACT Supplemental to an Ac'o establish the Judicial Courts of . the Confedvite States of America. Section 1. The Congress of the Confedsrate States of America do enact, That in all suits and actions in any dis trict court of the Confederate States, in which the judge of such court may be interested, or .may have been of counsel of either party, or is connected with or related to either party, so as to render it improper for him to sit on the trial of such suit or action, it shall be his duty to cause the fact to be entered on the records of the court ; also an order that an authenticated copy thereof, and a copy of all the proceedings, orders, pladings and papers in such suits or action, shall be forthwith certified to the most con venient distiict court free from the like objection; which 'said district court, upon such record being: filed with the ' clerk thereof, shall take cognizance thereof, in the like manner a3 it such suit or action haa been originaily com menced in said court, and shall proceed to hear and deter mine the same accordingly. And the jurisdiction of such district court shall extend to sill such cases so removed as were cognizable in the district court from which the same were removed. Sec. 2. When any appeal or wr it of error was pending Sn any of the late circuit courts of the United States, from any of the late district courts of the United States, and the judge of the present district court to which such ap peal or writ of error is transferred is the same person who rendered the decree of judgment from which appeal or vit of error-was take-n. then such appeal or writ of error shall be transferred to the Supreme Court of the (.V nf'd erate States, upon- the party giving bond and -surety, as required by law in case of an appeal or' writ of crior su- d out to said Supreme Court. And an authentic copy of the record, under the seal of the district court, .-hail be sent along with such bond to the srric Supreme Court, which coiii t shall thereupon proceed to hear and determine the. .same, as "in other cases. Skcv 3. When in any ease h retofore declared in any of the late district or circuit courts of the United States, cither party had the right to appeal or to prosecute a writ of error, so as to suspend execution, but hare been prevented from so ding within the time fixed by law, by th-i closing of the courts on the secession of the several states, in all such cases a further period of six' u.onths from the-time of holding the first term of the district court of Hie Confederate States in .'itch district sTiail be allowed suclr' party, within which to take an appeal or sue out a wiit of error ; and such appeal or writ of error shall have the same effect as if sued out or takeu within the time pre scribed by the former laws. Sec. 4." The (15cial bonds of alt clerks and marshals of the courts Of the Confedei ate States shall be deposited in the Department of .Justice. In case of any suit thereon, in favor or for the use either of the government or of an individual or a corporation, such suit may be maintained on a copy of such bond, authenticated by said department under its-seal, in the same manner as upon the original. But if the execution of such bond shall be desired by any party thereto, by "a plea 'of i et faction, supported by alhdavit. then it shall be necessary to produce the original before the trial of such suit: and in such case, the said d'-partment sha.U transmit the original bond, retaining a copy thereof, to the court in which such suit, is pending ; but th ; same shall be returned to the said department, wh -H the suit is ended. Sec. 5. Where, in any case, there is mo building pro vided for holding a court of the Confederate States, it shall be the duty of the "Department of Justice to proAide suitable accommodations for holding it,- and to. furnish the neces.-ary hooks for records aw! dockets for the proper con ducting of the business of. the court, ubject in all instances tothe approval of the President. Sec. 0. The forty-eigth section of the act to which this is a-suppliment shall be and the eajne Is hereby amended, ). pemnt t.-itiicr party to i.i tne trass-eeipting toe and copy of -the LvmusWid herein required, in the le Court of the Confederate States, without dis- t vsitijc tne appeal or vent 01 error in the hups erne Court of the United States, whereMhe said court refuses to dis miss th- same u;in motion ; arid that the said section be also amended sr as to allow the pes iod of twelve months from the tim'of the organization of the Supreme Court of the Confederate States for tiling such transcript and bond, in stead of the time in said section prescribed. , Approved May .21, InCI. ' 17 4t ton yarn specified in the affidavit to be seized and retained until an investigation can be had before the courts of the Confederate States. i so.a. ryeo: -up-, No. 188. AN ACT j Foil the Relief of tha District Attorney of the Confederate . Sitates iu the field. Skction 1,. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That, whenever a district attorny of the Confederate. States may enter the military service of the Confederate States, he may, by "the consent of the district judge, entered of record, appart an attorney pro tempore Approved May-21, 1861. 18 4t I No. 1 00. 1 ' ' AN ACT Assigning, the Judge, District Attorney and Marshal for the District of Texas, to the Eastern Disti ict of said . Stale. - , Section 1. The Congress of the Cpnfederate States of America do enact, That the District Judge for the Dis-i trict of Texas, be hereafter denominated the District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas; and that the district attorney heretofore denominated the District. Attorney for the District of Texas, be hereafter denominated the'Di trict Judge for the Eastern District of Texas ; and the marshal heretofore denominated tht Marshal for the Dis trict of Texas, be hereafter denominated the Marshal for the Eastern District of Texas. Approved May 21, 1861. IS 4t No. 180 , AN ACT ... - To secure Copy-rights to1 Authors and Composers. Sectiox 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. Any person or person?, ht ing a citizen or citizens of the Confederate States, or resident therein, who shall be the author or authors of any book or books, map, chart or musical composition, which may be now made or composed, and not printed and published, or shall hereafter be made or composed, or who shall invent, de sign, etch, engrave, work or cause to be engraved, etched or worked from his own design any print or engraving, and the executors, administrators or i -gal assigns of such per son or persons, shall have the. sole l ight an i liberty of minting, reprinting, publishing and vending such .book or books, man, chart or musical composition, print, cut or engraving, in whole or in pat t, for the term of twenty eight years from the time of recording the title thereof, in the manner hereinafter directed. " i Sec 2. No person shall be entitled to the benefit of this tct. uuless he shall, before publication, deposit a printed copy of the title of such book o- l-.oks, map, chart, musi cal composition, print, cut or engraving, in the clerk's ollice of the dUt; ict curt of the district wherein the au thor proprietor shall resioe". And the clork of such court is hereby directed and required to record the same thereof forthwith, in a bo:k t be kept for that purpose, in the words following driving "a copy of tbe title, under the seal of the court, to the said author .r proprietor, whenever he shall require the same): Diitriit nf to tcii : Be it - remembered, that on the day of Anno -Domi-M-. , A 15, of th ssid district." hath deposit ed in this oilce the title of a luM.k ( map, chart or other wise, as the case may bv, the title of which i in the words following,' to wit (here inseit the title): ihe right w hereof he claims as author (orproprkior as the eae mav beV, ia conformity with an act of Congress entitled Au Act to secure Copy rights to Authors and Composer. ' C D, Clerk of the lirtrir." For which record th? cl -rk shall be entitled, to r- e ive from the person elaimhig u.-li richt as aforesaid, fifty c.;nU: and the like sum for every copy, under seal, actually giyea to such person or l i? assign's. And the author or proprietor of any such bonk, map, chart, musical composition, 'print, cut or engraving, shall, within three mouths trom Mi publication of said book, tnap, chart, musical composition, vriat, cut or enravin" deliver or cause to be delivered a copy of the sama to the clerk of said -district. And it shall 'be the duty of the clerk of ench district court, at least once in everv year, to transmit a certificate list of nil uch records of copy right, including the titles so recorded, and the dates of record ; and also ths several copies of books or other works deposited in his office according to this act, to the Secretary of State, to be preserved in his office. Sec. 3. TSo pcrwn shall be entitled' to the benefit of this act, unless he shall give information of the copy-right be ing secured, by causing to be inserted in the several copies of each and every edition published 'during the term se cured, on the title page, or page immediately following, if it be a book, or if a map, chart, musical composition, print, cut or engraving, by causing to be impressed on the face thereof; or if a volume of maps, charts, music or engrav ings, upon the title or frontispiece thereof, the following words, viz : " Entered according to the act of Congress, in year by A B, in the clerk's office of the dis trict court of (as tbe case may be.) Sec. 4. The author or proprietor of any book, map, chart, musical composition, print, cut or engraving, for which a copy-right shall be secured nnder the existing acts of Congress, or those which shall hereafter be enacted re specting copy-rights, shall witbia three months from the publication ot said book, map, chart, musical composition, print, cut or engravig, deliver or cause to be delivered one copy of the same to the Departmtnt of State, for the use of Congress. Sec. 5. If, at the expiration of the aforesaid term of years, such author, inventor, des:gner,cngraver, or any of "them, when the work had been originally composed and made by more man one person, be stul living, and a citizen or citizens of the Confedet ate States, or resident therein, or being dead, shall have left a widow or-child or children, either or all then living, the same exclusive right shall be continued to such author, designer or engraver ; or if dead, then to such widow and child or chiidr.n, for the farther term cf fourteen years : Provided, Tint the title of' the work so secured shall be a second time recorded, and all such other regulations as are herein required in regard to original copy-rignts, be complied with in respect to such renewed copy-right, and that within six months before the expiration of the first term. ,if Sec. G. In all cases of renewal of copy-rights 'under this act, such author or proprietor, shall, within two months from the date of said renewal, cause a copy of the record thereof to be published in one or more of the news papers printed in the Confederate States, for the space of four weeks. Sec. 7. All deeds or-instruments in writing for the transfer or assignments of copy-rights, being proved or acknowledged in such manner as deeds for the conveyance of land, are required by law to be proved or acknowledged in the same state or district, shall and may be recorded in the office where the original copy-right is deposited and recorded ; and every such deed or instrument that shall in any time hereafter be made and executed, and which shall not be proved or acknowledged and recorded as aforesaid within sixty days after its execution, shall be judged fraud ulent and void against any subsequent purchaser or mortr gagee for valuable consideration without noticed Sec 8. The clerk of the district court shall be entitled to such' fees for performing the services herein authorized and required, as he is entitled to for performing like ser vices under existing laws of the Confederate States. Sec. 9. The district courts of the Confederate States shall have original cognizance, as well in equity as at law, of all actions, suits, controversies and cases arising under any law of the Confederate States, granting or confirming to authors or inventors the exclusive right to their respec tive writings, inventions and discoveries : and upon any bill inequity filed by any party aggrieved in any such cases, shall have authority to grant injunctions, according to the course and principles of courts of equity to prevent the violation of the rights of anv authors or inventors, f secured to them by any laws of the Confederate States, on such terms and conditions ajthe said courts may deem at i and reasonable : J'rocided. however. That from all iudsr- i inents and decrees of any districftourts, rendered in the pre mises, a writ of error or appeal, as the case may require, shall lie to the supreme court of the Confederate State?, in the same manner nod under the same circumstancas as is now provided by law in other judgments and decrees of; such district courts, without regard to the amount or the decree, verdict or judgment appealed from. Sec. 10. If any other person or persons, from and n"ter the recording of the title of anv book or books, according to this act. shall, within the term or terms herein limited, print, publish' or import, or cause to be printed, rubi i.4i r'd or imported, any copy tif such book or book, without the consent of the person legally entitled to the copy-right thereof, first hand and obtained in writing, signed in pres ence of two, or more credible witn??es, or shall, knowing the same to be so printed or imported, publish sell or ex pose to sale, or cause to be published, sold or exposed to sale, any copy of such. book without such consent in writ ing, then such offender shalf forfeit every copy of such book to the person legally at the time entitled to .the copy right thereof ; and shall also forfeit and pay fifty cents for every such sheet which may be found in his possession, either printed or printing published, imported or exposed to sale, contrary, to the intent of this act : the one moiety North Carolina 8!ioc Factory, HPnE Subscribers Adopt this method oflnform- JL 4ng the public that they have established, and have now in operation in Raleigh, 'a manufactory of WOODEN SIIOES, w bich they can confidently recommend as the cheapest shoes now manufactured, and also as an article which will prove valuable and lasting. Their shoes are made of gum and poplar wood, and are lined,' and finished oft with leather tops and ears. These: shoes are lighter than leather brogans of the same number. Thejr are im pervious to water, and, while thev will last a long time, they will also keen the feet 'perfectly dry. They w ill be found very suitable' for railroad and" field hands, and also for sentinels and soldiers who are much exposed. The poplir shoes are very light and can be easily worn by any one. . . ': .- "I ' - ' - : '".-' The subscribers have also in operation at their "stablish ment a machine for making SHOE LASTS ; and they are turning out large quantities of this article so indispensa ble to shoeuiak is, at fair prices. They are selling their shoes at $1,75 pir pair wholesale, and $2 retail. Terms, cash on delivery. " . We make the following extract froin the Patent Office Report of 1850 : Experience has shown that a number of diseases, often resulting in impaired constitutions, and even in the loss of life, have been contracted by a portion of the laboring population, in consequence of wealing leather shoes, when engaged in their operations, during cold weather, or in' wet situations. To prevent these evils to some extent, wooden shoes are extensively worn in France and Ger many. Thev are highly recommended by the Agricul tural Societies and governments of Europe. Impressed w ith their importance, the Board of Commerce and trade of Wirtemberg, called a practical workman from France to give instruction in their manufacture. No allowing water to penetrate as leather shoes do, they are naturally dryer, capable of keeping the feet warm, prevent diseases by promoting the requisite and salutary perspira tion, and are regarded, to a great extent, as life preservers. There is hardly an operation on the farm and about the farm-house in-which they could not be profitably used. They are most economical about stables, where leather shoes are exposed to the destructive attacks of dung-water, in plowing, mowing, harvesting, in doing earth work in vineyards, chopping wood, and in marketing. With theso advantages, in a salutary point of view, they combine such durability as to last almost a life time. . These advantages will certainly entitle them to the atten tion of a portion of the fa'-miug, manufacturing and labour ing population of the counsry. TIIEIM & FRAPS. .Raleigh. N. C, Dec. 31, 18G1. Jan. 8, 14 tf jZ5" Standard and Register copy. - FOR SALE. THE SIBSCRIBERS ARE DESIROUS or ing of the following property, viz : , tin i flIsP0S. team, with wagon of excellent make, seven vol -r in gooa oraer xor oeer. une steam mill and C 1 horse power engine, in excellent workinn ord, , IS r.A iknnconil fat A- I ..,1 rr " ."'HIT, anil Ar "emu,.,.,: or 50 thousand feet of dry lumber, vears old. Address, HOLT ""are N0. sept. 7th, 1851. 4 PHILLIPS, Clayton! X 1,5 81 Tw5tld. thereof to such lesral owner ot the copy-right as afore-; said, and the other to the use of the Confederate States ; to be recovered by action of debt iu any court having com- . petent jurisdiction thereof. Skc. 11. If any person or persons, after the recording, the title of any print, cut or engraving: map, chart or musical composition, according to the provisions' of this act shall, wiVhin the term or terms limited by this act, engrave, etch' or vork; sell or copy,, or cause to be engraved., etched, worked or sold, or copied, either in the whole, or iv varvinp, Sil'.linji tn. or vJimiTiirHinjsr tl,c n?iiii tct-ipm, with intent to 'evade the law ; or shall print or import for sale, or cause to be printed or imported for sale, any such map, chart; musical composition, print cut or engraving.: or anv parts thereof, without the consent of the proprietor .or proprietors of the copy-right thereof, firs-t obtained in , writing, signed in the presence of two credible witnesses ; ' or knowing tne same to be so printed or imported -without' such consent as aforesaid, then such offender -or offenders shail forfeit the plate or plates on which such ;nnp, chart, musical composition, engraving, cut or print shall be copi ed, and also all and every sheet thereof so copied or printed as aforesaid, to .the proprietor or proprietor's of the copy right thereof; and shall forfeit one dollar for every sheet of 'such map, chart, musical composition, print, cut or en graving, which , may be found In his or their possession, printed or published, or exposed. to sale, contrary ro the true intent and meaning cf this act; the one moiety tjj-re-of to the proprietor or proprietors, and the-other mo'fy to the use of the' Confederate States; to be recovered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.. Sec. 12. Nothing in this act shall be construed t'i ex tend to prohibit the importation or vending, printing or. publishing of any map, chart, musical composition, print, or engraving, written, composed or made by any person not being a citizen of the Confederate .Slates, lior r-.-:dent within the jurisdiction thereof, except . h. inaU ''- pro vided for. . i . Sec. 13 Any." person v person ho .shaU ninti r-r pub lish an manuscript whatever; without !h" ttcnseiit of i'r author or legal proprietor tivst obtained as iitoi'ea:t n' such author or -proprietor be a citi:--ri of the Confi derate States, or resident therein,) shall be liable to suffer land pay the author and proprietor all damages occasioned 'by such injury; to be recovered by a special action on the case founded upon thia act, in anv court; having cognizanze thereof : And the feveral courts of the Confederate States empowered to grant injunctions to prevent the violation of the rights of authors and inventors, are hereby empower ed to grant injunctions in like manner, according to tho principles of equity, to restrain such publication of any manuscript as aforesaid. Sec 14. Any copy-right hereafter granted under the laws' of the Confederate States, to the author or proprie tor of any dramatic composition designed or suited for public representation, shall be deemed and taken to con fer upon the said author or proprietor, hN heirs or assigns, along with the sole right to print and publish the said com position, the sole right also to 'act, perform or represent . the same, or cause it to be acted, performed or represented, on any stage or public place, during the whole period for which the copy-right is obtained ; and any manager, ae tor or other person acting, performing or representing the said composition, without or against tlje consent of the said author or proprietor, his heirs or assigns, shall be liable' for damages, to be sued for and recovered by action on the case or oilier equivalent remedy, with costs of suit, in any court, of the Confederate States Such damages in all cases to be rated and assessed at suebnm not less than one hundred dollars for the first, and fifty dollars for every subsequent performance, as to the court having cognizance thereof shall, appear to be jut: Provided, nevertheless, That nothing herein enacted shall impair any right to act, perform or represent a dramatic composition as aforesaid, whirh riht may have been acquired, or shall in future be acquired by any manager, actor or other person previous to the securing of the copy right for the said composition, or to restrict in a"ny way the rirht of such author to pro cess in equity in any court of the Confedernte States, for the better and further enforcement of hi right. Sec. 15. If any person or persons shall be sued or prose cuted for any matter, act or thing done tinder or by virtue of this act. he or they may plead the genera! issue, and give special matter in evid -uce. Skc. It;. If any person or" persons, from and after the passing of this act, shall print or publish any book, map, chart, musical composition, print, cut or engraving, not. having legally acquired the copy-right thereof, and shall insert or impress that the same hath b en entered accord ing to act of Congress, or words purporting the same, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay one hundred, dollars; one moiety thereof to the prison who shall sue for the same, and the other to the use of the Confederate States; to be recovered by action of debt in any court o! record having cognizance' thereof.. .Sec. 1". No action or pro nnitien shnll be- maintained in any case of forfeiture or penalty und -r this act j iile.s the same shall have ben commenced within two yl-.u - dif fer the cause of action shall have arisen. Sec. 13. Re it furth - enacted, Tbttttll the. rirht.?'apd ' privileges allowed by this act to auibors,-' corrpos.-i.; and designers, citizens of the Confederate States, b' and are hereby extended to authors, composer aiud designers, citi zens or subj cts of any foreign state or power, by w hoe Jaws like rights and privileges are granted to the citizens of this, Co ifederacy, on the following conditions, viz: First, that copy-rights shall be app!hd for in this Confederacy, within four months from the time of the publication of the original in the foreign 'state to which tho applicant owes allegiance. Second, that the actual and bona fi.i publi cation of the book or other th:ng for which eo;y-;irht is 'PcTiif, shall be commenced within the limiis of th!- Coji- lVderair within six months from the date of the granting 1 of suei copy-rights. On failure to i.mply with .cither 0 ', "these cbnditioiis, all the rights and piiviU-ges attaching to j tbe eojly-right grar.ted. shall case and - w,r no t-if ecu j Sr. '. lift, "lie it fu.i ther enacted. That all repr int or pub- Iitali'ink of hooks, map.-i, charts, music;!- anL other com positions and de-igks, for w hich copr-i ihis m;tv -re si ant- j ed und r the provisions of the foregoiitir - -ti v. irlide or J 11 -I . 1 IS mi 1 .-lan, v. t . rut, . I . u. tj i iu.; til- pi i, ji- a copy-right to the author, composer or designer thereof, shall not be introduced for sale into the Confederate States; and any person int.-oducing or selling such reprints, shall be liable to all the penalties hereinbefore prescribed for a violation of copj'-righ ?s. Sec 20. Be it farther enacted, That this act take effect and be in force from and after it passage. Approved May 2118C1. 18 Rfiniiftsfritlon TMinA 1MIE undersigned appointed Receiver im . Sequestration Act for the counties of Oran"o xf-,"C Cumberland and Harnett, hereby giVes . notice ') ke, sons having any lands, tenements or hereditament 1,r" or chattels, rights or credits, or any iute-estthei for any alien enemy of the Confederate States of v"' 'Jfr -speedily to inform me-of the same, and to renc" , ctlcV count thereof,- and so far as practicable, to place T ac in niv possession, under the -penalty of nJ 1. ?u rlue . - .i,,w . wiiiJiiaii;c ' -- r"u-. I also notify each and every citizen of the fw' 1' ' States speedily to give information to me of -i, ,rate lands, tenements and hereditaments, goods and- ,? fl rights and credits within the said count ie J' liiJttel3j 1 ...:il .. 4 . .4 . l. . J:n i ... "! I i in Biieuu tu; uiuereut counties in a few davs r purposeof receiving when due notice will be iriv..n llillsboro' Recorder and Fayetteville Observer fopy"-'- BETHEL ACADEMY. T. J. 110 UN Eli, Principal. THE PRESENT PRINCIPAL 1US HAD CHARGE of this school three sessions, and is gratified to bc live that he has given entire satisfaction to his patrons, and that the school is now permanently established. He will strive to make thorough scholars, and to train his pupils to steady and studious habits ; and his long experience in teachipg and governing a school justifies the expectation that he will be successful in his efforts. . The school is located in a healthy secti'on of rson county", among the moral and refined people, so t the students will meet with fo.v temptations1 to vice im morality. . - The course of studies is designed to prepare young men for college, and also to fit thoe who may not expect or de sire to obtain the benefits cf a full collegiate course, lor respectable stations m lite, by instruction m the ordinary branches of a sound English education. To atlain these ends with the greatest efficiency, the classes will be few-. and ample time devoted to examination and lecture upon thesul'i -ft of everv lesion :. and whilst the svsf.i!:;.; recom mended bv experience will be strictly adhered to. the text books ana moues ot instruction will be 'adapted to th latest advancement of knowledge i:i each of the several branches. A student will not be retained w ho .habitually neglect - his studies, or is addict, -d- to profane swearing or anv ot': t siiecieg 01 immorality. KuvNt.- .and guardians will be advised of the deportment and progress ot iheir sons or wards regularly at the middle and close of each term oftem r, if circumstances seln to icon, re it. f Two term.? of twenty-one weeks each, compose the sch-d astie year, nie ripring term opens trie -d Monday-in January, and the Kali .term the 2d. Monday in J-ily. vEi? The price of board and tuition is sixty dollars pc-t tei tu. Jart. Is, 1C2. Elder J. E. MONTAGUE J. F. SEAL, i - K. 1). JJUMI'AS.rv f Trustees. X 1). A. HA KiilS. , W. H. LAWSOX,- j , Is 4w CracK'er Bakery. THS 'subscribers bavins built a lar?e HARD. l)ll"Al) and CRACKER liAKEUY, and fitted it up w ith the most improved machinery, are now prepared to farnMi the citize? of Kaleigb, and the State, with fresh Crackers, and of ihe best quality, such as S,il:i fV.'iohcrs. i Butter C.-tickcrs, ' , Water Cra'-'kcrs, S:ij;ar Crackers, etc.,, etc. We ate also prepared to furnish' the Army and Xavy with " f ' ' Xavy l5vn1, -road W'nie Circuit, . ' S i ' rtc, etc.. tto., at the lowest market rates., Cash orders secure! v packed and promptly by ' JAS. -SIMPSON &. SLW. Wanted. Empty Flour Parrels in good condition, for which wc will pay 25 cents each. j JAS.. SIMPSOX &. SOX. nv. 30, 1SS1. ' ' 6 swCui. . j ! , . IIEAD-QUAKTERS BEPART3I VST OF X. C. V (JoLnsBouo', January 10th,. 1862. J SPECfAL'OUDKKS, ' . X0.10. ; .. . V 1. The Hntterai Pririeri, recently returned frora-the. North, having been duly exchanged," are now subjecfto duty. They, and also those officers and men of the same c-.iMpanies who ec p.d capture, will repair .without delay, t'i the nearest military post, and repoi't themselve. accoid uigly ; when thev will be ordered by the conimnndirig o'lli-c..-r to pi'eeed to such points as portions of their respec tive companies may be serving, to beput on, duty with the same. " r . .'. 2. It will be the duty of; tbe 'officers aiul nn-commi?-sior.ed otlicers, to collect together as many men of thir respective companies as practicable, and proceed as di rected above. ' - 3. The SheriiTs and others who may see this order, axe. respectfully requested to notify those concerned, that they may comply with its requirements. By order of Uilg. Gen. GATLTX. - ll. II. RID DICK. As'st. Adj't (Jen'l. Jan: 18, 1862. , 18 3t . Volunteers for (he War. T DESIRE TO RAISE SIX COMPANIES FOR THE J War. Mv office is the one oecup'ed by '-the l ite J. K. Marriott. The company 'officers .will have the right to elect their field officers. I shall visit, witli. other persons engaged with me, the Various musters in Johnston. Waks, and probablv other Counties. Liberal bounties offered. In a few days I will publish notices to be s"nt out anions n . . . . . . n mv friends. Raleigh, Jan. 18, 18C2. S. 11. RODGERS. 18 tf A A Gooa CooIk Wanted. FIIIST-RATE C00k TS WASTED FROM THE first of next year. Ap; 1 at this-office. dec. . 4, lfi61. I . 7 tf. ; Administrator's Notice, HAVING Qualified at August Trem, 111, of Rowan Courty. Court, as Administrator of the estate of John W. Ellis, deceased, notice is Lorebv given to all persons indebted to said est at", to make immediate pay ment ; and to those having claims against sjid d-sconsc'd, to p.-esent them duly authenticated,, within the time ;'pre ec il-.-d by law, or this notice will be jflead in bar ot'tli-ir' recovery. L . JOIIV IICGIIES. Adm'r. . 1 Newbe.ny N. C. Jan. 10th, 182. 17 2m NOTICE. ..: ' r.v'., TIinE President of the North Carolina R'dlroad Com X pany will retutn th" st' ck of indiviilua's to the Tak Co'lector, and will pay thi Tax under the act of the (',:: federate Congress. I PAUlJ C. CAM EiLON, Pr-i l-nt. Nov. 15, 1C1. i . 2-tf .' A NOTICE. OFFICE WILMINGTON &'WEhDOXR U CO VII) END No. tober, !.;' 1 1) as D of eight per cent, on the Capital sJt -of this Company hasbeea declared frin the p!()!i, ' C KnUctt;.,! ...... .:n ,-i . ... V' "rfts if iuv icVi ,i, anu tirnuu paiu it) MOCUilolil,., and after. the loth- November next; the one-half in ( and the remaining half in bonds of the Confederate Stai of America. By order 'of Board of Directors ' . JAMES S. GRLKN, Scev. mUE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholder? oni JL AVilmington & Weldon Railroad Company, will I held in this place on Thursday, 14th November in xt ' : JAMES S. GREEN, s.pV Oct. 23d, 1SC1. yj-t' GKEEXSK0K0' Hutual life Inuranrc am Trust Company : This Company oilers iisdinVn,..ut to the" public which few possess. . It is economical jn management, and prompt in the parment of its biU The insurbd for life are its members, and thev particii-.i in its profits'; not only, on the premiums' paid in, hut 'th on a -large aud increasing desposit capital kept in ue'tiv'! operatidn. ! ,'- " ' B A dividend of C7 p;r cent., at the -last Ahual Meeting (,t the Company, was. declared, and carried to. tlie civihttit the life iuembers4of the Company. " Those desiring an insurance upon their own lires or t,a lives of theit slaves, will please add.ess ' . " l. P. Vi;ik, Treasuror '. Greensboro', Feb. 11, 1839. . 11-j' . WANTED TO BIT, r.n ;:rthe, iniclligf nt XER0 1 KIIO'V trom 18 to 2, years old, lor w hieii a lc!;il pi i. e '.j ut: pam iu uioite. Apply luiuuuiJl. ly to eilher of tbe editors of this paper. oct. i, 1801 8S wiswtf. NF. I.U Jb CO.. wholesale nnl retail I)n." gists, haver.i.l will keep on ban. I a lull supi.iv ?,f all-such articles as arc ksusHv found iu a first i'.ii. ij;u. House. They-will conducs the business 011 a l:tr-e ' liberal scale, haviiig ample experience, foi-ce and j.e-iii:!,'., for doing no, and hope by their pi otrpt..,, ',.,., v ahJ ui.tinng ; efforts to pletise, to seeuri' the liberal patroMaay their fi lends nii't the jUil.lie geiierall v. "" The Prescription Department. "w iK he under t!te u:tm'u. aif Supervision of one-of ths firm, ' both daviiud ni -l.t. Oi'ueta will Le attended to wiJi m n tue.-s and d;-;i lii'-l,' s ' : N . P. KIVKS. M. i. . walts: it joiiiuv. ' 5 -tr. jtis. cmii:. 0XF0HD 'FE3IALE CO'LLKftv-' THE 'TWEi"Tl-SF.C0XI) slssi;v 74 It . ccajjfsicncc cn tlic first 3IoH;!::y i-i .!;;!. V ? uerv, le02. J. II. MILLS, - die. 11, 1RC1. 11 tJ tr.l Oxford. N. C. HEADQUAIITKLS X. U. TjajOi'.S. Aijut,'s Oi ri. r, , llALKtun, December-nth, 1SH. Gi:netai. OuntR ) Tin. zi. f - ' ..' l military ofliccrs or pci'rts havincf in tlie'v - fiOsMon money or pri'pci'ty iH-'.oiiging to I lie Ht-itv par ticularly, qtiiirtcrniustci' 'stores, clothing' catnii and garrit-on cqnipsigo, coaiiui.-.s;try and onliiuhee stons, arc rcquiroil to make a full and rnnilct,o 'rctr.rr. of in to the AdjirtWit-Gt'iicnil, a.cconlinj; tof Hie X inns re-, quired by the; Rcgi.l:itins( sliowin tlie ani'Uint'n ceivtHl, is.s: icd Aiul remaining mi haiel r.t: the end of tlio rese:it ami each Milisetiticiit qiiarcr. -"' -General onlcr X 17 not haying been cyttiplird with, all yifficors failin;; with this oruVr will be rcpuitcd to the Guvci'iiitir to be ilimisse.l lixia the service as tiie l'ilwviji; cAtracts of the law til reel.. Bv order of the' r-iu-chicf. J. (i. MARTIN, Adjutant (Uiknil.- ; Extract from the '(Ht'l?'- oj,pLred Seyfemher 20.'.'i, Jo. "Sec 78. All military oliieeis having the cliar-jeof iiio ney or property b lonnfin-; to the.State shall make a pur terly return of the'same to the,Adjutaut-(f. nerar. in siidi form as he may prescr'te. and also ar.y other returns n reports which he may retjuire. All 'said r.'turn' shall be'niade within twenty. d.iys after the cxphajtioii of ; the quarter, and any oflicer faiiing to make the same in one litonth after the expiration of sueh quarter, or to e ttl, . up his accounts w hen reijuired to do so, and pay any I'wl-1 ance due by him on account for any prop ei ty for v lii;Ji ' heouhtfo account, thall be dismis'sed by the (level "?, unless euflicient excuse is rendered for jsueh failure or 'du- s fault." f , - ' '" former disbursinjr o'!Ticer3 w ho shall not have closi-d their accwuuts and hadj the same settled jnior to the 20th of August, l.SOl, shall vhlm tl'u settlein"iit of: the gnnie with the Adjutant-jener;d ; and all olli Cers haviniri public -prope'rfy tif every litid Btiddeseiiption which shall bo ia his hands", w ho shalll p out of oiliee m the 'Z'Jth or-Auorust, or before or after! flint time, sln(ll ac count for and deliver sutli property ti the Adjutai.t.-(;et)''- . ral, and failhir to' do to shall be liable to be"sn-d in flu name of the State; aod all 6uit. at law w hich it may l necessary to prosecuti undr this aet for th State, nyty ho brouht'in the Superior Coin t of Wake Count v." ." v dec. 21, !8i;o. . ' " .1 1 :st WANTED, A SITUATION AS TKACIIKU. For particular ?A dress, , . . V. JI. DAVIS. Vi!iiam.-h:iro', Granvill County, C. Jan. 1, 18.02.. 1 . 13 sw tf Th University of Sorth tarolinu, chapel hill r. rpilE next Session will besin on Satuhlaj, J. January, lF(j2. .. 1 ! This Institution situated in a rcplou remarkably, health- ful and remote fVom the at of w ar, ha j been in cucCi -,u' operation since February, 177.'. At 00 previous perio'l have the means and opportunities of iiiiprovem-'iit been m reat as thev now are. 1 , DAVID L. SWAT.V, !Ve?i h n..' , dec. 4, lfcGl. , 7 ': : NOTICE. . G and after tho olh January, 12, all Freight' h tween W'tldon and Coluii:bi., w ill be taken at l"'id rat.' Charges will follow as nt present, an i 'coHeeti'Hi.' nsade at points of delivery. ' , vr. j. iiAVKi.vs,,iWt it. & ih n. I'. C. CAMKUOX, " S. C. K. II. Wit IMIIV JllV li' , . 'If All (JoveimiM tit freight will be shijiped a.? le i'"- T SonHTTiUe Female Bfinlsiarj, . TJ:AH'!-!lfi. X, ('.'"' nilE-ExercW-p of h.:.- -'-i.i ;'.;!? n i;lbe referred rh the second WedriLt-i.i in i .-!.' i'fii. . Boaid, including washing, fuel, Ac. per. one weeks i... Tuit ion in the English I5ran hes from .. Mumc on the I'lano, with Singing, ... French. Latin and Greek, each.. Lights $!, Contingent expenses 50 ceU. nt required in tidvance, but considered Iu at the clort of each scion.'and when not paid, interest will be charge-ih 1 upiU will b-z cliarged from the time of entranc: SOLOMOX LEA' pciiteinal. Jan. 4th. 1SC.2. 11 wtd V'VfE. J t e e .-. !:ieil,, ihf.I. 1 -12 -tf of tw-ntv ill 50 .... S10 to $15 ........ 20 V 5. Our QYin Primarj Grammar. JUST r pcr ?:??: t) STEELING f CAMPSLL,. GaL.xsDok"' .X'C.'" ' 72 page, 12 mo.. 25 cents per copy. For sale bv thorn and ail booksellers. Teachers and School oiheer dei: in tr copies for examina tion will receive them on rtuiiiting 15 cents to the author. ,rc. w. smvthk; Lcxinirton. N. C. 825 UEWAKJ). . ;' J OST or 'ftohm on the cais hetwec n t5M.tlMro' a:el I;''" J eigh. ei t!j- '2.'iid iimtatit, one I'ork t IJ00V, con'.ii.'.hi-T $27i''in '...' on linnd.- of Jfotth Candirn due Januaiy l-t. , ' l.-.Ti.u! -. ' :i.e:;e t-ight o'r tei: dollar.-' ui titoiiey, and a pa- tl.o ythr 'hiii-le. to The :u ty Mi-'e- -!t . : abont ' or 17 year?, treble. I face and- was- d;eSj.t-'d : " ; . fai b of a '.-uhiier, he wis going. in tli direc-tioli ol liu'. oint. The above reward will be paid for the reeoveM : the Bonds. . - ., . , ' " . T. I). SLEDf'H Kaleiph, dec. 24th. U'tf MASONIC HIGH SCHOOL, . OXFOHD, X. C. ; TMK FAIL SESSI0X OF THIS ISTICTE -"iVlU JL commence on the 2d Monday in July. ".. . In consideration of the imperious necetr-ity for niili'-'!'.'1 education, the Tnu-tces have rerolved to eonneyt to tu In-titntion a JfHitari Department, which will be under the ehiirge, of a comjH-tent instructor. ! The rte- of tr.itioa arc as follows: ei' Oft Ide.tnentary Emlish ; , ' w' "Advanced English : o no i Ancient and Modern Languages ( ? ))( lJij;hcr Mathematics ; ! . , .' The price of board per session is from $5a to $'.0 intiu , ins washing and fuel. For further particular see circular; THOMAS, C. TO LET, Principal. Dec. 25. ; . 1212 dcc.ll.18Cl. v .9 tf. j r i ' ' '. ' i wgilr-Mi V - . .- . I. , "T'