. - Ik - 1 6 THE STAtE JOUftNAt:, nttALE H.; 1862. , i : r . J'. '4 i i " . -...-.. .- '' .... -v. ... !'' - - . ! ' . it.. riAriiilAiHi(A' Ctofne Laws 01. me tuiijcuciait uiiv.:i 4wv.ir'i ' (No. 300.) : - jvrv iiirvn A V A nT TT.VTT Confederate Congress-FIrst Session, V; The followmg is a list of the inpmbcM , of the . First (ngrsa of theTPerniiinent. Government of the Confederate Stateswhrch '.'.meets in Pebru- " Those marked with an - asterisk: are "hers of the Provisional - Congress : "5f mem- , SENATE t Alabama ' k u Wm. ij lascey.-va C. C. Clay, Jr. Arkansas. -c?& Robert W. Johnson, C. B. Mitchell, James M. Baker A. E. Maxwell. iy-g Georgia,1 Robert iTorubs Kentucky. ITcnry C. Burnett, , Wni. E Sims: - --- : ' Louisiana. Jgdward Sparrow." T. J. Semnies ""' . t t - Mississippi. ; A. G. Brown, James Phclan. : j . ; . Missouri . John B. Clarke, v IL L. E Peyton. 1 North Carolina. ' George Pavis Wm. T. Dorth. ; Soidh Carolina. C I Rob't WiJjaTfiwell, James, I. Orr. Gustavas A. Henry, Land on 0. Ilaynes. V Texas.' Leis T; -.Wiifall 1 S. Oldham. , " , rginia. ' Not yet elected s - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AX T TUK TLKD "AX TctTfOR TI1E SEQUESTRATION OF . LIE ENEMIES, AND FOIt INDEMNITY OF CITI 7EVS OF TnE CONFEDERATE STATES, AND PER ? SONS AIDING THE SAME IN THE EXISTING WAU L WITH THE- UNITE D .STAT ESV .APPJTEDArj- Alabama. Dist. 1. T. J. Foster, 2. W, Smith, 3. J. P. Ralls, 4. J. L. M. Curry, ! 1AH: t&. F 1. Lyon, W. P. Chilton 7. D. 'Clopton, 7 8. J. S. Pugh, 011 S; Bargan. Arjjiiisas. Garland, D. RoyKte:,' J. Bjitsoii. T.B. ITanly. Florida. Jas B. Iawkins, R. B Hilton.' Giorgio. 1, Julian nartridgo. 2. Chas. J. Munnerlyn S; Ilin. s Holt, 4. Augostusil. Knan, 5. David W. L?wis, 0. -W.XV Clark, 7. ltoheit P. Tripp-, 8. Lucius J Gartri;llv 9. Hardy Strickland, 10. Augustus tt.W sight Kentucky. (Not yet elected.) Louisiana. J. Duncan r. Ivenner, 4. Lucicn J Dupre, 5. John L. Lewis C. John Pei kins," Jr. Mississippi. 1. j. Hv ci.ipp, 2. Reuben Davis, 3; IsraenVe'ch, 411. C. Chambers, O. RSinglcton, J.f McRao.. j Missouri. W. M. Cook. 2. T. C. Harris, 3. Casper W. Bell, 4. 'Adam 1L Condon,"' 5. G. G. West. 6. L. W. Freeman, 7. John TJyer. 2 3. 4 5 G. 7. 8. 9. 10 l: North Carolina. Dist. 1.-W. N. II. Smith, R. R. Bridget, O. R Keenan, T. D McDowell. A. I. Arrinton, J. U McLean, - Ashe, William Lander B. S. Gaither, - A; T. Davidson.' , South Carolina. ! John M(Qua-n. W. Porcher Miles, L M Aye'-, ' M. L. Bonham James Farrow, W. V. Bovce..- Tennessee. 1 Joseph B Ileidkell, 2. W. O. Swan. 3. W. 11. Tibl.s. 4. J. B. Gardcnshirc,- 5. ITei.vy S. Foote, , G. Meredith i'. Gentry, 7. George W. Jones,! 8. T. McMSe3, 9. J. D C. Adkin- 10 J.din V. Wright. 11. D. M. Oirrm". G. lexas. o o. 4. 5. G. o. Or 7. 1. John-A. Wilcox, U. C. IleTbcrt, P.WVGrnr," F. B. Sexton, V. D. Graham, B. II. Epperson. Virginia. 1. M. II. II. Garnett, 2 John B. Chambiiss, 3. John Tyler, ', 4. Roger A. Pryor, 5. Thomas S. Bocwk G. John Goode, Jr. 7. James V. Iloleombe, 8. D. C. UeJarnctte, 9. William Smith, 10. Alex. II. Botcler, Hi John I. Balwin , Walter R. Staples. Walter Preston, Albert G. Jenkiite Robert Johnston-, Chas. W. Russell, 12. 13. 14. 1"). 10. GUST THIRTIETH, ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN "SecttosI. The Congress f the Confederate States r raerica do enact, That all and every the lands, tenement and hereditaments, frooda and chattels, right and credits, and every right and interest therein embraced by aid act of Bccinestration, of which this Act U an alteration and amendment, sbali be collected aod sold, as provided for in thii Act and the proceeds paid into the Treasury of the Confederate States ; but in ux "case sliall a debt, pr other chose in action, benold. r ... ;, i w -Sec 2. He it further , enacted, That all money realized under this Act,and the Act to which it is an amendment.ehall be applied ti the erjual indemnity of all persons, loyaFciti 7.ens of thv Confederate States, or persons aidiii? the. same in the present war, who have suffered, or may hereafter suffr loss or damage by confiscation, by the Government of the United States, or by any State Government, or pre tended Government, acknowledging: nd aiding-the 1 Gov rntnent of the United SUtes in thU war, or by such acts of the enemy, or other causes incident to the war, as, by future act of Cigress, may , be .described or defined, as I afi'ordinff, under, tbe circum?unces, .proper cases lor in- deainitv, and an money reanzw as aioresam, nuau uc ya.t into the Treasury of said Confederate States, as provided bv the Act to which this is an amendment ; and the faith of the Confederate States is hereby pledged that the sanie shall be refunded, as required for the purpose aforesaid. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause a seperate account of said money to be kept in well bound books pro cured for that purpose ' Tir:T';; ' Sec. 3. He it further enacted, That it shall bs the duty of every person in actual possession of, or having under hks control, any monev, property, effects or evidences of debt, belonging to an alien enemy, speedily to inform the Ilcceiver, and to render an account thereof, and at once to pay over to the Receiver and to deliver to him such pro perty and effects,. and evidences of debt, and such payment and delivery shall, be made without regard to whether any proceedings have or1 have not been instituted to sequestrate the same. And an person who, after giving suchinfor mation, shall fail so to pay over and deliver on demand m9Hhvth Receiver, shall stand in contempt, and the Receiver shall at once move the Court or Jadge to proceed against such party as in other cases of contempt ; and the fViurt or Judsre mav imprison 'the offender until he shall fullv comply with the requirements of this Act. And such . 1 - 1 11 r 11 - ;t J .4 : 1 . K payment or aeiivery suaii iuny acquiuiiiu uisauic mc party from all and every claim for or on account of such monev, property, effects and .evidences of debt. And the Receiver shall give such person a receipt, specifying the amount t money, the property, effects and evidences of debt paid and delivered, and the name of the alien enemy on account of whom ths, same shall be paid and deliver ed. Provided, That when the person having the posses sion or control of any money of an alien enemy, asserts a debt, or claim, against such alien enemy in his own favor, he mayfils it in writing ia the proper Court, sweating that he believes himself justly entitled to the same, and thereupon he shall not be compelled, in the first instance, to pav over to the Receiver th'. amoact thus propounded and claimed by hint ; but the Court fchall then proceed to examine and try the validity of the said dbt or claim, and decree according to the facts found, and the rights and Jus tice of the case. AkI if the Court decides against the debt or claim, the nartvJSotting up the same-shall forthwith pay over the sum so retained by him. And if the Court shail decree in favor of the debt or claim thus propounded, and it exceeds the entire amount originally in possession of such debtor or claimant,.' he shall , pay no costs ; othel wise he shall pav all costs incident to the proceedings.' Sec. 4. This Act. and the Act to which it is an amend ment, shall not operate to avoid any payment, bomi'jide made to an alien enemy, or to. effect property ot any kind, bona fide anfl absolutely transferred, or conveyed, by any alien enemy to a faithful citizen of the CvtfifeK rate States, prior to the thirtieth day of Augiut, oue thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. Sec. o. In cases of partnership property and effects, the resident partner, or partners, shall be dealt with in all re spects as surviving paitners in cases of a dissolution of partnership by the death of one or more f the partners, according to the laws of the placo'of the principal placeof business of the pai tnersnip ; and the Receiver shall have the same remedies against such resident partners as the representatives of a deceased partner would bo entitled to in like c'as Stc. G. The following persons shall not hi taken to be alien enemies under this Act, or thj Act to which this is an amendment : , ' fir t. P;rson3 who now have bone fide become perma nent residents of any State of this Confederacy, and are actually residing and domic led within the same, yielding and acknowledging allegiance , thereto, and who have not during the present war, voluntarily contributed to the cause 01 tn.i enemy. Second. All persons born within, any State of this Con federacy, or natives of a neutral" country, who since the breaking out of this war, have abandoned their domiciles and ceased their business in the enemp's country, and all persona aforesaid who have bone fide commenced, or a ttempt ed to refiove thetncmlves and effects from the enemy's coun try, and who have been, and still are prevented from com pleting said removal by the force or power of the enemy, or who from physical infirmity are incapable of removing. Third. All subjects or citizens of neutral countries who cannot be shown to have voluntarily contributed to the cause of tle enemy, and all who, though citizens of the enemy's country, have abandoned that country on account of their opposition to the war, or sympathy for the people of the Confederate States. fourth. All married women natives of any State of this Confederacy who, ot whose husbands shall not be shown to have voluntarily contributed to the cause of the enemy. AH persons non compni dentis and all minora whose fathers or.motiiers, were, or aVe, natives ot this Confederacy and same shall be governed Dy this Act, ana the one to wnicn this is an Amendment, so far as the latter-does not conflict With this Act. ' ' W Vu -, Sec 14. It shall be the duty of all persons owing debts to alien enemies, within three months from the passage of this Act, to give information thereof to the Receiver of the district in which be orthey reside, and iaca?e of corpora tions or joint stock companies, to the Receiver of the dis trict in which the principal office of business of such cor poration or company may be ; rand such information shall be in writing and sworn to by the debtor, and in case ef corporations or joint stock companies, by the principal oliicer of such corporation, or company, before any J udge of a Court of Record, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Commissioner of the Court or Receiver, tinder the Act to which this is an amendment, and shall set forth the name or names of the creditor or owner, of such debt, the amount be owes or owed on the thirtieth day of Angnst, eighteen hundred and sixty one and whether the same is, or has been secured by mortgage or. otherwise: and the informa tion or confession so made shall be filed by thet Receiver in the proper Court of the Confederate ' States,- and such Court shall, on such information, proceed to decree seques tration and payment of the debt or debts so confessed ; and in case any debtor fihall, in good faith confess his indebted ness as aforesaid; but sha'.l be unable to state the true amount of his indebtedness, or shall be m doubt whether .-.WANTED; "NE Matron, one Assistant Matron and ten good nur Vy, ses lor the Ueneral Military Hospital at Kalei Carolina. ' Applv to -E. BURKE HAYWOOD, .1 . Unrqenn. Dec. 25, 1861. " sw&w 12 tf h,-N. S3 the creditor or owner of the debt is an alien enemy, the Court shall proceed to ascertain the character of the cred itor or owner, and the true amount of such indebtedness, and to that end shall direct such proceedings as shall be adapted to the nature of the case, and decree according to the facts found. And in all proceedings against persons for debts due t y them to alien enemies, the debtor shall be allowed to make any defenee, in law or equity, which he might or could have made in a suit brought against him by the creditor to whom such debt was due : Provided, Jiou-ever, That no execution shall issue on snch decree, except for the interest which shall accrue on the same at the end of each year, until twelve months after peace shall be declared between the Confederate States and the Uni ted States, or until otherwise directed by law: And pro vided, moreover , That execution may issue for the costs of the proceeding, and the sum so collected for costs shall be deducted from the principal sum due. , ' Sec. 15. The Receivers appointed under this Act. or the Act to which this is an amendment, shall proceed diji- gently-to ascertain and collect the debts due to alien ene mies by persons residing in the districts for which they are severally appointed, and shall, on the discovery of any such debts, and after the expiration or three mont-ns irom the passage 01 this Act, and the debtor shall have tailed to give information of such debt, proceed to institute pro ceedings to sequestrate the same, and in suca proceeding, whichhall be by petition, as prescribed by said Act, to which thisis an amendment, and shall be to sequestrate the debt, as weilas to ascertain the sum due by the debtor. such debtor shall be-made defendant or respondent, as the case may be, and ths process to bring such debtor before the Court, or to compel an aiisWr, shall be in the nature of the writ of garnishment as prescribed in said Act, which shall be served on such debtor , and incase of corporations and ioint stock companies, on , some memberor officer of such, corporation or company ; and shall requrfethe de fendant to answer on oath whether ne is indebted to nv alien cnemv, or was so indebted on the thirtieth day ofH Angns, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, in what sum, and whether he knows ot any ottur person or persons so in debtc-d. and oa the disclosure by the defendant of such in debtedness by other persons, like proceedings "shall be had as in the original cause ; and in case the defendant shall suggest in his answer that tho djbt due by him or her is claimed or owned by any person not an alien enemy, setting forth tin name of such claimant, his place of abode, cita tion shall issue to such claimant to appear and propound his claim on oath at the succeeding term of the Court; and in case he is absent from the district in which the Court is held, or cannot be found, publication shall be made for the space of on'j month, in so;e newspaper best calculated to apprise such claimant to appear and pronound his claim ; and if such claimant shall fail to appear, nis claiia shall be barred. On the appearance of the claimant, the Court shall direct an isue to try the same, and shall fward the costs against the claimant if the claim be unfounded Provided, That the entire auswer shall be considered by the Court ,.Se 10. All proceedings now pencling'under the Act to which this Act is an amendment, shall bemade to conform to the proceedings directed in this Act, so far as practica ble, and the judgments rendered tnerein shall be given in all respects, and have the same operation .and effect a3 judgments rendered under the fourteentti.seetion of this Act CuiC. 1 i in an proceeaings against aeotors wno ran or refuse to give information of their indebtedness within the time prescribed in this Act, and the debtor shall b brought before tli : Court by process, the costs of the pro ceeding shall be adjudged against such debtor, in case he is found to be indebted to any alien enemy ; and if it shall appear to the Court", on the trial of any cause against such recusant debtor, that he has wrongfully and wilfully re fused or failed to give information of his indebtedness, or to state the true amount thereof, with the intent to hinder, evade or delay the execution of this Act, or the Act to which this is an amendment, or the jury, in any cause or" issue tried by them,- shall certify that such debtor has wil fully failed or refused to give information of his indebted ness, or the true amount thereof, with the intent afcresaid,--the Court shall award execution against such debtor on the decree or judgement for the whole amount of the debt and the interest due thereon, together with the costs; in all other cases, however execution shall be stayed until" the peace aforesaid, except for interest which shall accrue. , Sec. IS. In cases vhere proceedings shall be instituted to sequestrate judgements o: decrees already rendered, or of claims or debts upon which actions or suits may be pending, the Court may, after thedecnee of sequestration, allow the Receiver to prosecute such suit, action, decree or judgment, in the name of the Confederate Stitesof AJTTcT TfJAMENff THE ACT? TTTtED ATTACT TO AMEND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOIt THK UK GANIZATION OF THE NAVY, APPROVED MARCH SIXTEENTH, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE," APPROVED MAY TWENTIETH, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE; AND AN ACT EN TITLED "AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE PRESI- ; DENT TO CONFER TEMPORARY RANK AND t I COMMAND ON OFFICERS OF THE NAVY DOING , DUTY WITH TROOPS." APPROVED DECEMBER TWENTY-FOURTH, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE. - . . The Congress of the Confederate States of America do'. enact,' That the second sectionf an Act entitled "an Act to. amend an Act to provide for the organization of the Navy, approved March, sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one,," approved May twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and the Act; entitled "an Act to authorize the president to confer temporary rank and command on officers of the Navy doing' duty with troops," approved December twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be so amended as to include officers of the Marine Corps. Approved Feb'y 5, 1862. " 45 4t (No. 384.) A, RESOLUTION IN REGARD TO THE TRANSFER r OF CERTAIN INDIAN TRUST FUNDS TO THE CONFEDERATE STATES. 1 ; Resolved by the- Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the Government of the Confederate States hereby, agrees to indemnify the several States of this Con federacy, against any loss or liability incurred by them because'of the payment, or transfer, on the part of the paid several States, to the Govetiwient of the Confederate States, of any stocks, bonds or funds, belonging to certain Indian Tribes, or members thereot, in pursuance 01 the Acts ot the Congress of May twenty-hrst, eighteen hundred annsixtv- one, and January tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. Approved Feb'y -6, 18(52.- - 45 4t ' (No. 385.) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR CONNECTING THE RICHMOND AND DANVILLE, AND THE NORTH , CAROLINA RAILROAD, FOR MILITARY PUR POSES. The Congress of. the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to contract, upon such terms and conditidns as he may think proper, with any company or companies which have been, or may be, incorpor ated and organized for the purpose of buildir.g and working a Railroad, or Railroads, so as to connect the Richmond and Danville Railroad with the North Carolina Railroad, at such points as he may deem most advantageous to the Government, or to adopt such other course for building or working, or having the said Railroad b Jilt and worked, so as to effect the said connection, in the manner he may think will bdet promote the public interest. ' . . . ! i - . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That to enable the Presi dent to accomplish the object contemplated by this act, the sum of ne million of dollars, in bonds of the Confederate States, are hereby appropriated, to be issued and applied by the order of the President at such times and in such urns as he may deem proper. roved Feb. 10, 1862. 45 4t ANE HNE JACK, five years old, of Spanish blood Vy Also, one good Harn-ssi HOUSE, eight years old, known as the property of Willian C. Ferrell. The above will be sold cheap for cash, or notes with ap proved security. Apply to P. L. FERRELL. Sunny South, Nah CoNC. Jan- 22 I0-' 19 3m. '-' ForSale. ' :" TnE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, IN THE town of Goldsboro', his premises, consisting of two lots exclusive of horse lot, which is regarded as one of the most beautiful places for a residence in Faid town. Upon the premises is a Uomiortaoie u weuing. every out-house which 'convenience or necessity mav require, (all new. a splendid well of water. One entire lot is covered with a beautiful growth of native shade trees; is in a fine neighborhood and well located. . ' Also, several Store Lots on Bail road street. : Terms made easy a fine chance to make a good bargain. Feb. 12 tf - ' E. A. THOMPSON. ! FOR THE WAU. IAMautliorlzed t receive and muster into Service a Battalion of Infantry For duty in the Ffeldr Officers who are raising Companies are invited-to comma nicate with me here. I am prepared to receive men sinuly or by squads, or companies. Subsistance, clothing and comfortable quarters will be furnished and bounty money paid at the time of joining. Officers raising companies . for this Battalion will save themselves much expense by sending their men here as fast as they are enrolled. They k will not be required to perform guard duty'at this post but will be drilled daily. At least five Companies are wanted ' ' 1 GEO. C. GIBBS, 1 Mojor, C. S. A. Salisburj, N. C, Feb. 14th, 13G2. -30-tf NF. RIVES & CO., wholesale and retail Dm?- gists, have and will keep on hand a full supply of ..all such articles as are usually found in a First Class Dru House. They will conducs the business on a laro-e as'd liberal scale, having ample experience, force and fa'eilities for doing so, and hope by their promptness, energy and untiring efforts to please, to secure the liberal patronage f their friends and the public generally. ; " The Prescription Department will be under the iuimedi- te supervision of one of the firm, both' day and niht Orders will be attended to with neatness and disspa'tch" . V'-v !? i .. N. F. RIVES, M. 1). ". -. , . . WALTER B. JORDAN. S-ttV 5 , - . JGS. CNRU. NOTICE. OX, and; after the 5th January, 1862, all Freights be tween", Weldon and Coluinbu, will be takcnat local rates. Charges will toilow as at present, and collections .inade at points ot delivery. HAWKl.xS, I res t R. A G. R. R. i v P. C. CAMERON, ? " N. C. R. R - WM. JOHNSON, C. & S. C.1I.R.' Note. All Government Freight will be shipped as here ' tofore. , ; .i . . Jlaleigh, Dec. 23, 1SG1. ' ; 12 tf -M WANTED - - - - " rpo BCY, an actl?e, intelligent KEGE0 FELLOE 4.r"P A w years .ia, tor which a liberal price will immediately to either of the 88 wlswtf. whose property and persona are controlled by guardians resident in the Confederate States, and who have not Vol untarily contributed toth enemy's cause; and ail minors under the age of sixteen years, who were born in any State of this Confederacy, or in any State exempted trotii Jhe " operat ions of this Act while their parents were domiciled in such State and .who have not taken up arms against the Confederate States. Fifth, Free persons of color, who, by the laws of any State have b-.n-n compelled to remove beyond thi limits thereof, and are by. law prohibited froiif returning to such State, and who have hot in anywise aided th. eneni. Ssc. 7. The next of kin in the- direct ascending and de scending lines of any alien eneuiv, faithful citizens of any of the Confederate States, or engaged in their military or naval service shall be entitled to have decreed them (they paying all costs) the property, cff.'Cts and credit, of such alien enemy as if dead, intestate, leaving no other heirs or distributees, chargeable, however, in their hands, as in case of administration of heirship, with th i debts of such alien enemies duo to laithfal citizens ot any Contederat.' State. Skc. 8. All sales of property under this Act shall bemade by the-Rec -ivers at public auction to the highest bidder and on such temis and such notice of .he tiinesand placeof sale as the Court may prescribe, and shall be duly reported to the Court bv such Receivers at the term next after such ale; but no onvevance, of title shall be made to purchaser of the property until the confirmation of the sale by the Court and the payment of the purchase money according to the t.M-.iis of the sale; and no sale shall be valid untii re-? ported to, and confirmed by the Court: nor shall anv salp be.c,nfirmed until the terms shall have been complied w ith; and the Court mav set aside snch sale for fraud, want of proper notice, or any material irregularity, or where it ' shall appear that the Rctivcr was the purchaser "or inter ested in the purchase, or for substantial inadeouacv of price: Provided, however. That sales of personalty may be reported to. and 'onhrmed by the Judge in vacation. Sac. 9. The Court may, in" its discretion, when special circumstances exist which temporarily depress the sale of the propertydelay the order of eafr, or may direct the Receiver to examine and report whether it would be ex pedient to make an immediate sale of such property, and on such report, or other satisfactory eyidence, showing tnat a delay in tne sale would tend to secure a fairer price, may order such sale to be delayed, and in all such cases the Court may,, the case of real estate, or of a plantation and slaves, order the Receiver to lease the same on such terms as the Court may prescribe. Sec. 10. In cases where an alien enemy may have con tracted in writing, before the twenty-first day of Mav, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to sell real estate to a citi zen, or citizens, of this Confederacy, and to make title upon payment of the purchase money, thftCourt in decree ing sequestration of the said purchase moneyTor the residue thereof unpaid, shall further decree thntYhe Receiver of the district in which said real estate is situated shall, upon payment oi sain purchase money, or the residue thereof, as. aien saiu. make iu;e lor such real estate to the purchaser or his assignee. 1 x Sec- 11. The Court shall audit and pass on the accounts of the Rec.-iver as provided in this Act, and the one to which this is an amendment;, but in lieu of th- coo'pen-ri-tion and allowances therein provided for, shall allow such compensation as to il shall seem reasonable and just, follow ing, ui this respect, so far as may be applicable; the annlo gis furnished by the law of the Stat3in w.hich the Court is held, conc.-rmtg compensation to executors, administra tors and trustees ; and the Court shall farther allow to th receiver all proper expenses attending the execution of his oihee. And all tees and allowances passed bv th Cou--t in favor of any receiver may be retained bv "him from an v moneym his hands; and, all fees and allowances toW l.eceiver beyond the rate of five thousand dollars per an num except for expenses as aforesaid, shall b forth wfth paid by him into the Confederate Treasury, to the use of Confederate Mates, and shall be' brought into, and ttated and accounted lor in his next account of settlement as Keceiver. ': Je paid in mrmv. Annlr editors of this paper;- ' oct. 1, 1861. , K0TICE. ilarch 12, 35-4 1. .Fulton P. O Davie Co.; N. C. Sec. 12 The Court shall appoint an attoi nev fdr each sec tion in w hich the Com t shall K . i...i - r. uuiucu, ano in wine!) att..rney of the Confederate SuulL shall be no . 1 L to discharge, within ait UrK. .k,. j...- . posed on the attorney of the district by tha Act to which this is amendatory; and the compensation of such attorney so appointed shad be the sanv, for business bv him done as is now provided by ninth section of said Act for the dis trict attoixiev. ; - C ; . T Sec. 13. The Receiver shall in all cases, take the posses! sion apd control of the money; property and effect of alien enemies, and of such chosea in action a shall be in the hands of ay agent or thiid person, except when tberwisj provided b, this Act, and, on being refused plSession, 8 VXa tb& Mmf uch possession sha not be withheld on any pretextof any provision of th At-tt wbicb this amendatory. The Court may order a delay in " wnen n snail oe necessary to complete r gather a growing crop, or when it shall be otherwisa manifestly to the benefit of the Confederste States todelay V I csale; but in all such cases the possession, eoirtrot nri management shall be with the .Receiver, or under hia con trol ,and authority. ;And ia Jh .collcctioo of .debts or vuvbcc m Hcuont no ctate star , law sliall govern, but t'.ie ..ir - - - - y 3" America ; and in cases of suits or actions pendinjr, or de crees or judgments rendered in the State Courts, where, by the laws of such State, it may be admissible, such Receiver may introduce the Confederate States of America in the proceedings as a party to prosecute such suit or action, or enforce such"decree or judgment ; but in su h cases execu tion shall issue for csts and interest only until further provided by law, or twelve months after the conclusion of eace as aloresaid. Sec. Yd. Attorneys, agents, or trustees of any alien en emy having claims for fees or commission on the fund or assests in their hands, shall, on delivery of such fund or assests to the Receiver, make out their accounts for such claims or commissions, and the Court shall consider and allow the 'same, if just and reasonable,, to be paid out of such fund - or assists; and where counsel are already en gaged in prosecuting such pending suits or actions, the Re ceiver shall be aathorized to allow them to continue to pros ecute sucli suits or actions for tho Confederate States of America. J Sec. 20. The rate of interest to be paid by debtors shall be regulated by the contract, if by the terms thereof the' rate of interest shall be fixed, and if no interest shall, be fixed by the contract, then the rate shall be according to the law of tlm place where the debt is to be paid or the contract performed !: and the judgment or decree shall bear the same rate of interest fixed by law or the contract, aud the same shall be punctually paid at the end of each year, or execution shall issue for the same. Sec. 21." In no case shall the judgment or decree be a lien on the property 'of the debtor ; but where, the Court shall award execution under this-act, the property of the debtor shall -be bound, from the delivery of the writ. Sec. 22. The Court or Judge in vacation, shall have power to award execution on any judgment or decree, in addition to the cases of recusant debtors, where the Recei ver shall make ath that the debtor is fraudulently con ceiling or disposing of his effects, with intent-to evade the judgment, or is about to remove his effects beyond the jurisdiction of the Court, but such execution shall be dis charged on the defendant's giving security to the satisfac tion of the Court, for the performance or paj'nient of the djcree. '. ' ' ' Sec. 23. In proceedings under his Act, and the Act of which it is amendatory, upon affidavit being made by the Attorny representing the Confederate States, or the proper Keceiver, that the name ot an alien enemy is wholly or parti' unknown to him, or that the names of the mem bers of a partnership of alien enemies are unknown to him, the process and proceedings may be against such partner ship by ths firm name thereof, f tated in such affidaxit, or against such alin enemy, 'whose name is wholly or partly unknown, by such name or proper description as may be known and set forth in such affidavit; Prvided That the Court may, at anytime, on motionj cause the full and proper name to be inserted in the record, and used in the proceedings when the same become known to the Court. Sec. 24 Receivers shall have authority to administer oaths touching any matter incident to proceedings under this Act. v ' Sec. 23. The sixteenth section of the act to which this is an amendment, is hereby repealed. Sec. 26. All debts due to any alien enemy may be paid in the Bonds and Treasury Notes of t he Confederate States, and the same shall be received ia payment for all property sold under tins Act. ' " -j Sec. 27. The fees v?f. all Clerks J-and Marshals shall be the same for services under this Act and the Act to which this is an amendment, as are allowed for similar services i a the Courts of the Confederate States, and shall be a charge upon the general fund derive I from confiscations, and shall be paid on the order of the Court. Sec 23. The Comuiis sioners "authorized by the four teenth section of the Act to; which this is an amendment, shall appoint a Clerk, with a salarv of fifteen hundred dollars, to be paid out of the Treasury of the Confederate States; but such salarv, as well as the salary ot said Commissioners, shall be charged to the confiscation fund, and be deducted therefrom ; and said Commissioners shu iiioreover have power to appoint Commissioners to'jtal thi examination of witnesses touching the claimswhich r.ia v bo propound, u before them, or mav summon witnesses l. lore them to oe examineu orasiy ; saia coiguussionei s a;:d the Commissioners anpinted by then? to examine witnesses as aforesaid, shall have power to administer oaths to the witnesses and to isiua subpeenas, and witnesses failing to appear shall, be subject to like" penalties and pro cess as may bo prescribed ia. the Courts of the Confederate States against defaulting witnesses ; -'Provided, hoicecer, That the costs of all proceedings to take testimony shall be paid by the claimant, except .in cases where the Attor ney General thai! apply fop leave to take testimony, and the tees ot witnesses aud --commissioners fcnaa De the same as are allowed in the Courts of the Confederate States in like cases. .'' ' Sec. 29. So much of the Act to which this is an amend ment as requires'the receivers to settle separately the es tate of .each atiea enemy, is repealed, and Hereafter each settlement shall embrace all the" matters ready for settle ment ; but the items of the account shall be so specific as to show the sources from which each is derived.;' - " Sec. 30." Where any judgment has - been ntered'sirn in any of the Courts of the Confederate States under the Act to which- thii is an amendment, inconsistent,, with the pro visions and spirit of the Act, the same, on motion, shall be set aside or amended in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Act." '- ,r's t 3-- . . Sec 31. The provisions of the Act to which this Act is an amendment, so far as the, same may conflict with this Act, are hereby repealed. Approved Feb.; 15, 1861 ; (No. 3S3.). AN ACT TO TRANSFER THE COUNTY OF ATTALA IN THE STATE OF" MISSISSIPPI, FROM. THE NORTHERN TO THE SOUTHERN JUDICIAL DIS TRICT OF THE STATE OF-MISSISSIPPI. Section!. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the county of Attala, m the State of Mississippi,' shall hereafter form a part of the Southern Judicial District of said State, instead of the Northern District as heretofore, and shall be within toe jurisdiction of the Courts of th? Confederate States of America, h.-ld within and for said Southern District. Approved Feb. 13, 1862. 4j 4t (No. 39.). AN ACT TO PAY INTEEREST UE THE CIIOCTAW- N ATI ON UPON STOCKS OF THE ST Alii OF VIR GINIA. Sedtion 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That kherc be, and is hereby appro priated for interest, from January the first, 1FCI, to Jan- uary the first isof, on lour uunurea ana nriv tnousanu aoi lars of the stocks of the State of Virginia, included in Choctaw General Fund, held in trust by Secretary of the Interior of the United States, which "interest has been transfei red by said State to Government of the Confederate States, to be paid over to Choctaw Nation of Indians, or, peesons empowered by such Nation to receive it, twenty seven thousand dollars. . Approved Feb. 13, 1862. - , 4V4t (No. 355.) ' ' AN ACT SUPPLEMENTARY TO A ACT EN TITLED ''AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE AP POINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL OFFICERS OF THE NAVY," APPRCtV'ED DECEMI5ER TWENTY-FOURTH, ' EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE. The Congress of the Ciyifeclerate States of America do enact, That the Prescient id authorized to appi.tot ofSecrs of the regularavy, to atiT higher grad,a un der the act above mentioned, without prejudice to the position under their original appointment. Approved Jan. 10, 1S62. s. tin a i OJ SL. tnibrilinary merit'or soroe wgoaf act of nufitary'dgtlt or gallastry. ,,..;. ... .. , , i "Sr.c. 3." Any : vacancies ccurricg in the ranks of companies mustered into the Confederate service for three yeirs or for the war, may he 6Uel ly volun teers ; and the commander of each of said squadrons, .j battalions or regiments organized as aforesaid may detail one commissioned officer and one non-commis-si ncd officer and one or more privates, fnra each company of his command with the approval of the Brigadier General of tlie brigades to whidi said Fquadrou, battalion or regiment may be attached to recruit men for said company; so that the same may con tain, more than one hundred and twenty five rank-and file; and the men so recruited shall be mustered at the. time of enrollment and shall boeulitled to trans portation and subsistence oi commutation of subsis tence, till they join their respective companies, and to fift' dollars bounty, to be paid at the time of joining the same. -'.'V : w,-.- , : ;", -y , Sec. 4., The President be and he is hereby authorized to appoint and commission persons as fiel 1 officers or captains to raise regiments and battalions or compa nies and the individuals comprising the same shall tie mustered at the time of enrollment and be entitled to pry, transpjrraiH)U aim . suosiRicnce irom-me iaieoi the organization of companies ; but the officers so ap pointed by 'the president sliall not be entitled to' any pay or allowances until their respective commands bo hilly organize and reported to the Secretary of Wa-; aid said ajpointments shall expire if the officer ap pointed shall not within a reasonable time nut to ex ceed two months for a compan' and four months for a battalion; squadron or regiment report the corps authorized to be raised by him organized and ready for duty. Provided i evertheless, that every officer so emmishione 1 for such purpose shall receive an ap pointment proportioned to the force he recruits; and provided furthermore that, no enlistments under the commission of captains shall be obligatory unless the number be sufficient to constitute a company. Approved, Jan. 22, 18G2: 39 4t. (No. 386.) AN ACT TO PROYIDE FOTi THE COMPENSATION OF G. II. OURYrELEGATE FROM ARIZONA. FOR . HIS ATFENDANCE AT THIS SESSION "OF CONGRESS. Section 1. The Congress of thedon federate States of America do enact That G II. Ourv be entitled to ten cents a mil(br coming to the City of RichinonctVirgina, and returning home, to "be estimated bv the usuairoute of travel, and to eiffht dollars a day during this sessinu of Congress, from the date of the approval of an Act to of: ganize the Territory of Arizona,, to be paid in the same" manner providedliy law for the compensation of members of Congress. ; Approved Feb. II, 1362, - 45 4t . ( No. 3S7.) AN ACT TO ORGANIZE THE CLERICAL FORCE OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The Congress of .the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he i hereby authorized to anpoint in the several Bureaus of his Department the following clerks : In the Bureau of the Secretarj-, one chief clerk, four clerks and one messenger. In "the Bureau of the Comptroller, one chief clerk.- twenty clerks and one messenger. In the Bureau of the Treasurer, one chief clerk, ten clerks, one messenger ana one assistant messenger ; and subordinate to the lrcasurer in the issue ot treasury notes, one princi pal clerk, ten clerks for signing, and ten clerks for number- ' ing, a'nd as many cutters and trimmers as the public service mav require, not exceeding ten in number. In the Bureau of the Register, one chief clerk; eight cierks and one mes senger : ar.d subordinate to the Register in the manage- . i ' i"ii.. t 1 T : : l . mem oi lue i hiuucc --uihm, one piinuipui cisi aiiu ivvu clerks ; and for the issue of Bonds and Stock and for sign ing Coupons, one principal clerk and five clerks ; and for the signing of Treasury notes and issning the same-, ten clerks. In the Bureau of the First Auditor, one chief ' clerk and one principal clerk, and forty-five clerks, and one messenger and assistant. In the Bureau of the Second Auditor, one chief clerk, forty clerks and one messenger. In the Bureau of the War Tax, one chief clerk and three clerks. ' - , . ' , Section 2 The Secretary of the Treasury may employ any clert on trial Deiore nis appointment. lor a term not exceeding two months ; ana any clerk shall be transferable from any Bureau or duty to any other, at the discretion of the said Secretary, and they shall all be subject to such rules aud regulations as shall be established byshe secreta ry, or bv the neaa ot eacn isureau respectively. Section 3. The salaries of the said clerks shall be at the following rates per annum, and may be paid to them month ly, or at such other period as may be deemed proper by the Secretary of the Treasury : The chief clerks fiftetm hun dred dollars; the principal clerks fourteen hundred dollars: the other clerks shall be divided into two grades, of w hom not more than one-half shail receive salaries of twelve hun dred dollars each, and the r ;mainder one thousand dollars each. The cutters and tiimmers, if females shall receive salaries at the rate of six hundred dollars forthe chief, and five hundred dollars for the rest; and'if males', shall receive the salary of the lower grade of clerks. The messenger shall receive a salary not to exceed five hundtcd ' dollars. One of the clerks may be appointed Disbursing CleiTv, and for his services as such, shall receive an addi tional salary of two hundred-dollars. . Approved Feb. 13, 1S62. 45 4t Slg STATF. OP Vn-. an advertisement in h ' ffT 1. 1 A V . uo me people oj Aarth-Carolin S3 innmnt and mr-nrt aitani. l . '"'Ortnoa-l I , Any attempt to etze the arms of : ira at variance with the Constitution " .mi -C,l,l?a ' t ' - - w V-l UIIIHIII ...I .' " ' uuiy oi every cmzen to keep and br me arms oi menniitia even frn- : " ,r-aadt. W1,"e 1 npt'ty you that these ' V"r O1- 1 1 i . . ' MOtT II .v vw riiC uur private arm. ba tected in preserving the means of gMfJlr 3'"u i'J b. 4 enjoin upon you m this einertrenrr . Dee- 1 1 patriotism and duty, that vou should rt""lii ; Stats authorit,,all pubi;arninuust :'T,r,0,H your knowledge, and of selling to fiti the property of individuals, whiehll'11 H The Colonels of the ' rrtA. as agents for the State, and wilf Zifvil mi!i,ir such arms are delivered or offered- tn e ,v,"'ifv.'.'5 aud earnest attention is called to the eTeSV1'- ,. I " HENlYtJ April 19 . " (:vfrnor(j..' ' PARTIES WISHIXTJ TO Pi iifv Oanptttra eiirht per cent. bond-. i xr. II . . "o" i. uionu, a. rreseni pi ice 102. March 25, r the LADIES ATTEMiOV" .Z. B. VAYCE'S BK WE AIHaTi iv, e entirely destitute of socks." or'. i LA" MFT clothing. The undersigned calls upon the'ladi Vr and the surrounding country to aid him in 'i 1 comfortable. I wish to sand them a lxi.v nfT i'P? drawers, Ac, on Saturday of this week or'Jr ''--a. Il- TT Who will, be first to send a contribution? . : -. ..- - - . . 1'. V March 22, : f' ORDNANCE DKPAUTnFfnt r - ALKiGn,.iMarph,2itfJ"i i L0UISBURG FEMALE COLLEGE. MR. JAMES S0tTHGATE,of the University of Va., (but for several years past, President of the Norfolk Military and Classical Institute,) has taken charge of this elegant COLLEGE, with the hope of establishinga School in .every respect, highly acceptable to the people of iha South. , MR. SOUTHAGE will beassisted by his LADY, a Teacher of varied accomplishments and vast experience, who for fifteen years has been connected with some of the largest and best Seminaries in Virginia. Schools of ANCIENT and MODERN LANGUAGES, MUSIC-and PAINTING, will have gentlemen Professors presiding over them. We shall offer the best educational advantages to a people whom we know can appreciate them, and all wo ask, is, yive us trial, and after this is fairly done, those who are not satisnea can remove their chiiaren or wards, free of charge. The Boarding Department sh ll have all the comforts and attractions of a well-ordered home,, and the Boarders a.s tendeily and affectionately watched over and c&red for, t. is even the most anxious parent could d?sire, every at tention being given to the health, manners and literary advancement of each Pupil. .Diplomas will be given to those who can pass rigid examinations on five Schools. Gold and Silver Medals willbe awarded for perfect deporf- Lfient. i oung fadies wishing to educate themsJvesjbr re- will find unusual inducements here, as the terms lor them shall be made suitable to circumstances, The School is not sectarian, though the purest morality is taught and required of every member of the Institution. he building is lare. new and, magnificent, well, adapted to School purposes.' The location is unsurpassed, being one of th loveliest, h althest and most refined sections of the South, 30- miles North oPKaleigli, and-10 miles from Franklinton Depot, where hacks ai always in readiness, to convey passengers to and from theViHage. Tlve':ehtTre expenses for ten months Will be from $15to $250. For forth. -r particulars, apply to Gen. J. B. Liutyohn, Wm. P. Wiillams, Daniel S. Hill. Richard F. Ynrb.'r"mh. or to JAMES SOUTHGATE, LoL'ISBl'KO, S. C .March 29, 1S62. 40 2mos. To tlic Heirs of Mabala Jackson, Dec'd. - NORTH CAROLINA, ) -.;' Franklin County. J , piIE heirs of Xafcnla Jaclison, det'd to wit: JL Robt. W. Jones, Louisa Upchurch, Jos. WT. Jones, Tlios. Jones, Wm. Vr. Jones, Whitmel Jones, Caleb Jack son and Crow, are hereby notified, that said estate has been settled and the distributive shares due to them will be paid on application. LEROY' MITCHELL, Adm'r of Mahala Jackson, dee'd. Louisburg, X. C, March 17th, 1862. 33 w6w " ' notice! OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA R. It. CO., 1 Company Shops, March 18th, 1SG2. J X and after April 1st next, all passengers aad paving their rarts on the cars to a Conductor, wil be charged six cents per mile. Tickets will be sold by the Agents at the Stations, at the rate of four cents per mile, as heretofore. ' By order of the Board of Directors. JUUN li. BRYAN, Jr., Sec'rv. ALL pure Saltpetre delivered at tho 07' Depot at Raleigh, within the nex t J : tl P paid for at the rate of Bixty cents , ZL v impure will be received and paid for at thns, -s the pure Saltpetre it may contain. Tranv'.ri'. -'- any point on the Railroads will also be "panl'hv I ' '','' ::r'B ment. All communications on this sutiicrt ' ! m dressed to Capt. A. W. Lawrence: OrH Jn.,..nM!:,i Italeigh, N. C J, G MAun,Adjutnt(i;;rt; Mavcl. 25,- . U,,"Uf : jZdj? Wilmington Journal Favettiwin.wii. bury Watchman,' Greensboro' Patriot. Crarluttl'T'i crat. Asheville News. Wostorn .."." ana lienaerson i lines, please puhadi wwkl May and forward accounts to this d-hartm,.,!. twe.nty-five dollars, uewae i V till 1.1 . ROATVAY FROM THE BIBSC8IBER ON :-qh day, 26th Ias.t J anuary, my negrohov named U He is of a whitish yellow complexion, and U al.'.nr'f G or 7 inches high, 18 or 20 years old, and weigh about 140 pounds. He has a ' Ihw h-a,i ,r k and talks short when questioned, and ha a '.i,,l I :', s,r ooliOT. iih is rrvinor in ni rur n l..... i i .above reward for him delivered to "me-at iWwiin Casvell county, or confined iu any jail I t ,.n ""' . V Yio ' - ' r-1"' waruex;' March 12. - v. .; v . 11 o March 22", 38 4w . (Xo. 2GG.) AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN . ACT TO RAISE AN ADDITIONAL MILITARY FORCE TO SERVE DURING THE WAR. AP PROVED MAY EIGHTH EIGHTEEN HUN DRED AND SIXT Y-ONE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That Volunteers' oHering their service under an act entitlinl, 'An- Act to iai.se ah ad ditional military force to 'serve during the war, a proved May eighth eighteen hundred and Mxty-one, may be accepted by the President singly as vrell as in companies, 'squadrons battalions ar regiments. Skc. 2. In all appointments f officers raised under this Act, the field and company ocfiiers shall be cho sen and appointedln the manner irescribtil by, the act entitled "An Act' providing for the granting of bonnty money and furloughs to private and nor. -commissioned officers in-the; Provisional Army' approved December eleventh, eighteen hundred and ixiy-one; and all vacancies occurring in the said, offices after the first election made under this Act as well as under the Act entitled. An act to raiso an additional mil itary force toerv daring the war," approved May -eighth eighteenjiundred ai$tl ixty-one.. shall be filled by promotion according to grade and senority as pro vided, in said act of eleventh Decemder, eighteen hon dred and sixty-one, except in case of disabiliy or ther luconipetency : Provided however,? thaU the ' President.be authorized to depart ffom the prescribed I rules of promotion ia favor, of -Jinj. person, especially ' NOTICE. TAKEN 'IT and COMMITTED to .TAIL L ROCK iiigham county, on the 27th day of. January last, negro man who calls his name Frank and says be belongs to James Pearce if Chatham county ; says he was bound to said Pearce, and at the age of twenty-one years he will be free, and says he is about twenty years old at this time. S;iirl boy is a dar k mulatto color, buby head of hair, stout built, full face, about five and a half feet high, and had on when taken up a brown homespun sack coat, pantaloons of kersey nearly the same color, a good heavy pair of shots and no socks, and a drab f it hat. The owner is requested io come lorwii a, prove ins property and pay charges, or he will be dealt-with according to daw. . X I 4 If CD II TT T T T " 1 T hajim ii. iiAL.Lt, ,aiior. APrU2,J8G2. 41-ifin. A Regiment for (he Conretlcrattates Service. flMIE unuprsigned, liavlns been anlhorized to JL raise a Regiment for the Confederate States rmy, takes-this method of informing persons who are now en gaged in raising companies, that thisis the first opportuni ty offered for joining a Regiment to gd directly into the Confederate serVice. Rank of ofheers and pay to officers and soldiers will begin with their enrolment.' A bounty of FIFTY-I)OfcL.UiS and the bounty from the State wiil be paid at tjic time of organization. Arms and full equipments of the best class will be fur nished to the companies. Term of service three years or the war. . For fuither particulars, address the subscriber immediately. ii. D. CRATOX, ' . Lt. Col. 3oth Regt., . C. Troops.' Newberti, C. Feb. IS, lfcC2. . . 3itfpd EX ECIJTIVE DEPiliTAIEXT, XORTH CAROLINA, . xmmi T7"oluntet;i,s Wanted fur t A John W. Mas-, Grosransville, Ftb.-13th, 18G2. . r lhe nerind of hnii,. Apply either in person or bv l.-tt.'-r. ..".VM vrtr..J Roekin;li.tUuuv ; 'j. J. w. mav. ' PLANTATION WANTED! OX or liear one of Hie. linos or Railroad, it!U accommodation lor li:ty t.i seveiitr-livi-Persons owning and desirous of '"film" such klress the subscriber, describing thenlac-, uiu'ia-,,:. theproduction, location, price of corn and meat ic v neighbourhood, price and' terms of sale, and all i riii a importantHo a purchaser. II. K; lll'liiiU V, 3" Register copy. - . BATTALION 0F LIGUfilO BL TIIE nnder signed having been ('(iinpilvNimH by the President to raise a Jlattalion nf l.i:lit Ii .-. for the War, calls upon the young men of'.Vottu (',-.' to come forw"ard and Volunteer for tlic f)HTMi.-f. '!..! who have good horses come and bring tlieni, to aid ic t defense of the Country. Let .those -who have licr who cannot come themselves, givtr or lon'd tht.-in wno can come, ana tnus cornnnute iiiafcn;ii aifft who would defend them in the enjoyment of ttfir fc ,v ONE HUNDRED AND FOllTY-FOUU KfiUW annum, will be paid for tach horse in th(vJt'alta1ion.in:i -months; instalments. .- They will be fed and cared fVita expense of the Geverhment, and . ifkilled in art:- n. '1 value of the animal will be paid. Equipments for men and hordes will be fnrni-W, !-i each man must bring his rifle, gun, pistol and knife, "r v. arms as he has, whirh will answer, untilaui)il()iu ir can be furnished by the Gavei nihcnt. . Energy of Action Action is what Hi" country n'-'-d-nw and the men of the country , must thnw liv llnin liisf. to come forward tlieietcrminiat ion which a'duat m Never to be conquered. The Battalion v.ill vkuM Companies, of Sixty mericach. Volunteer's for the present addrM me a. luVu yZC, untiluitable recruiling stations can !i t.iW;W , " IV M. ED.MU.VSTO.V, Lt. Col. Car., I'n.r. A.C.tt J. Feb20th, 1SC2. . CHATHAM COALFIELDS KA1L110AD. A1 T A MEETIXG'OF THE COMJUShUntM pointed for opening Books" of Miljscrirti..ti.w Tibove Road, the following Resolution wa-iMW'v -: ( Jtemlred. That Hooks of-'subserintion for Shk-Lh Company be forthwith oDem.-d, at-th-; Bmk'M H in the city of RaloLh, under the .Sup-frint-nn-R'" II. Jone ' - . - ' is- F.l vr WANTED BALJ . . i .. rpO HIKE. FOP. THE BALAXE OF Till- K X a goed Blacksmith. Raleigh, April 28th, 1862. General Order, -r. No. 6. J ALL companies authorized by the Governor to be raised prior to the passage of the law known as the " Conscrip tion Bib," must come to Camp Mauguin near this city, be fore the 17th day of May ; otherwise they will not be received. All those not in by that time will be subject to the War Department under that law, and had better remain at home till ordered by that Department. , V By order of Governor Clark, J. G. MARTIX, Adjutant General. AH papers in the State copy twice. April 30, 1862. ' 48 6t. . SOLDIER'S NOTICE ! THE following list of persons, viz., W. W. Wethers, B. C. Scai borough, Henry llodges, F. Wat son. A. Parrish, W. II. Lee, and 1). Upchurch, of the 31st Regiment Xortn Carolina Troops, supposed to be residing in Wake County, are hereby directed to join their Regi ment without delay, at this piac?, or report to the Adju tant General of th? State; otherwise I hey will be consid ered d-.'scrtera and treated accordingly. - S. G. FRENCH, Brigadier General. Headquarters, Wilmington, Jf. C, April 27th, 1862. May, 3d 1862. 49 4t. Confederate Court for Albemarle District, HPHE Court for Albemarle District, ordered to JL bj held at Edenton on the Tuesday next after 3rd Monday in May next, will be held at Rocky Mount, Edgecombe county, instead of Edenton ; of which all per sons interested will take notice. ASA BIGGS, Judge. ,;Apii! 25, 1862 49-td The Standard and Register will publish the above until Court and send their accounts to the Mai thai at Court. .dis't-iogrushed by Lb Commanding General, for" ex- Important Notice. ,? Office N. C. Railroad Company, ' Compaxt Shops, April 4, 1862. J ALL PERSONS OWNING STOCK IX THIS COM , pany who hare not received their certificates, are re quested to apply immediately at this office All those holding scrip which has not beenr regularly transferred to them on the books, are requested to Fend in their certificates and have them transferred as required by the by-laws. ' . . - -, It is very important to have the list exactly correct be fv ro the next annual meeting." ,-' ".' , . JOHN II. BRYAN, Jr., Sec. April 9,1 18C2. 43 lm. r . i Wanted to Hire. ? EIFTEEN INTELLIGENT JTURSES FOR THE Xorth-Carolina General Military Hospital at Raleigh. Middle aged men preferred. Also two washer-women. "Apply to -..... - ; -. ; ',.- - :-J- --t-. ,' E..BURKE IlAYWOOD Surgeon. -""-April 186ZiVf--.v:-..r-wi.v --v. - tf "" April 2. 1862. to M. . Cs aud A. ii-l Plantation for Kent. I 0FFEKMY PLANTATION IN'-JOHNSTOXfOf ty for rent for the present year. It cm-i'f aires, enough of which is cleared to work thv and of this 100 acres are prepared and ready r ' The plantation lies on the river, two and a-hall.-! SmithScId, and six miles from the Railroad, air! ; ; Terms to a". '- 1 -i all tho necessary outhouses. Ac, renters. s I will also sell some twelve stacks of fodder on said plantation. Address immediately, ' .. WM. M.-B0VLAS-. ' ' ' -, , ' - "Kalei";'". ; April 2, 1862. 'V-' LAND! LAND!! TX7E WISII TO SELL A VALUABLE F Wl TT within one mile df the Courthouse in t" ' Salisbury, containing TWO HUNDRED ACKf ; large two story DWELLING, negro kitchens. ' essary out houses, all new good cultivation, one hall SEVENTY-FIVE ACR Renier. west of Salisbury wishing to see it. For further I . I o April 16, Vo 1 a rtn ri) W i ft'-1 the farm is crorf "reeK t S OF WOOD LA ; ill shew theplacptar... - particulars i&k. -. DEAN, Stateevil1,, JouNsro.v, xA.l R. NOTICE! nl M T 'III YE oil han(l frorn1jKK)to l W celebrated Egypt COAL, and! 500 budi,-ls v R-- T fit for foundry purpose',; for sa.le,'at th-pit. r.. livered at Ijfiekville, or at thediepot of th.-Ivf , Western Railroad, or oa the N. C. Ueutrai Page's. . " J- -' J' April 5, , - - .. Confederate States Armor), 'As? WANTED, A larzc JHL Filet (ilffl- niimhrr of Machinists. Filers and irood Black Smiths, to be paid in conformity to the pr&vailing rafci lishments in the Southern Uon teaeraci. . . .. This is a One healthy region. ThechrtiAt'' - )()! - r.. t..w..:. rri . , ,.. ; mirn ci .. . . . ... -ii .:' -O ,.. -.if.aLliUj ' Tlfiff ivni ul Iha Ifwia Ml,- n-ll 111 fell i-ii..--- undisturbed bv J ankec in vasivn. .uK1 Address CLAYTON A V.'IIITS.ON. or .the-- ; A . B. W. PLT.LIA-M, Hye Asheville, N. C, April 12, ISC-'- ErS0NS bavin? claims against, of FROELICH A ESTVA.N, lC N ' A;UCJ P curity, will please present the same to ""y rv llj Wilmington, N. C. April 13, VG1 M rpHE partnership heretofore ix 'slli;Ar ' ry,) has this day been dissolved h,we(,n thffirg factoty settlement having bcen'made FR)f,;Lli: Wilmington, N. C- April 14, 1661 on the wrz tor- lirB. - ir. t - rnoPT TrTT .;il narrv factory, on hU owa accouat, f e PVjs FK0 jv.'-- . - . - i. - . w a .

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