' ' " . - : V . .-" i . V ' ' - " ' . . -; '': .." TnE Court for Albemarle Dist r'rt ' , lbs held at Kdenton on th .Tue'f.dVJ ' CrflfrM i" Montla.v in May next, will 6e J ? t alV v i- - THE STATE jOURNAIii RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY.. JUNE 1 18. 1868. confecleratc Congress First Session, The following is a list of the members of the First Congress of the Permanent Government of the Confederate States, which meets in Febru ary next": .V, . . ' . - Those marked with an '.asterisk () are mem ber of the-Provisional Congress. Mabama. Win. L Yanoey, C. C. Clay, Jr. Arkansas. Robert W. Johnson, C. B. Mitchell. - : ' Florida. James- M. Baker, A. E. Maxwell. Georgia. Robert Toorabs, B. II. Hill. Kentucky. ' Henry C. Burnett, Wm. E. Sims. Louisiana". Kdward Sparrow, .T SpmniM. Mississippi. A. G. Brown, Janaes Phelan. SENATE. - Missouri. John B. Clarke,. R. L. E. Peyton. North Carolina. George -Pavis Wm. T. Dorth.- Soulh Carolina. Rob't W. Barnwell James L. Orr. Tennessee. Gustavus A. Henry, Landon C. Haynes.1 Texas. Lewis T. Wigfall W. S. 01dham. rcjinia. . Not yet elected HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 9. E. 1. A. 1. t. Alabama. Dist. - 1. 'T.J. Foster, 2. WYE. Smith, 3. J. P. Ralls, 4. J. L. M. Curry, 5. F. S. Lyon, 6rW. I Chilton, 7, D. Clopton, 8. J. S. Puch, S. Dargan. Arkansas. H. Garland, 2. G. I). Koystei, 3. F. J. Batson, 4. T. B. Hanly. ' " - Florida. Jas. B. Dawki R. B Hilton. Georgia. Julian Hart ridge, Chas. J. Munncrlyn HinesIIolt, i. Augustus H. Koran, David W. Ltiwis, WV Clark,' Robert P. Trippp, Lucius J. Gartrell, Hardy Strickland, 1 ).. Augustus R. Wright. Kentucky.; '(Not yet elected.) Louisiana . 1 Charles J. Villcre, 2. Charles M. Com ad, Duncan F. Kenncr, 4. Lucien J' Dupre, o. jonn Jj.Jjcwis, 6. John Peikins, Jr. Mississippi. J. W. Clapp, Reuben Davis 3. Israel V1 4. "II. C Chambers. 0, 11. Singleton; E. Barksdale, John J. McRae. 'Missouri. W. M. Cook, T. C. Harris, Casper W. Bell, Adam II. Coudori, Gi G. West, L. W. FreernauJ John Hyer. 4 5. 6. i . 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 5. C. t . en, 1. o o O. 4. 7. Nortii Carolina. Dist. 1. W. N. H. Smith, 2. R. R. Bridgers, 3. 0. R- Keenan. T. D McDowell. A. H. Arrington, J. R McLean, . Ashe, " William Lander, B. S. Gaither, 10. A'. T. Davidson South Carolina. John McQueen, W. Porclier Miles L. M. Ayer, 51. L. Bonham. James Farrow, 0. W. V. Boyce. Tennessee. 1. Joseph B lleibkell, 2. W. G. Swan, W. 1. Tibbs. J. B. Gardenshire, Hcury S. Foote, Meredith t Gentry,. George W. Jones, T. Menses. J. D.-C. A.lkins, . John Y. W right, . D. M. Currio Texas. John A." Wilc-x, C. C. Herbert' P. W. Graj F. B. Sexto. M.D. CraVnii, 6. B. H. Et crson. Vjr'ginia. 1. M. J. II. Garnett, 2Tc.Kn B. Chambiiss, 3. John Tyler," 4. Roger A. Pryor, q. Thomas SI Bocock, 0. John GcoJe,' Jr. 7. James P. Holconibe, 8. D. C. DeJarnette, 0. William Smith, 19. Alex. R. Boteler, John I. Balwin. Walter It. Staples, Walter Presto, Albert G. Jenkins Rfibett Johnston, Chas. W.. Russell. Laws or tlic Confederate States. (BT AUTHORITY.) (No. 82.) AN ACT TO ENCOURAGE ENLISTMENTS IN THE CORPS OF MARINES Section 1 The Congress of the Confederate btatcs of America do enact, That from and after the passage of this act, enlistment in the Marine Corps shall be for the term of the existing war, or for the period of three years, as the recruits may elect at the time of Sec And be it further-enacted, That every able Eixlied man who may enlist arid Be received into the Marine-Corps, shall be entitled to a bounty of nfty dollars to be paid at the time of pining the Corps md every non-commissioned office, musician and 'private, now in" the Marine Corps, who may. have if enlisted for three years, shall be ennswu 10 receive the sum of forty dollar?, as an. equivalent w Sec 3 And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act the "sum of forty thousand dollars, id hereby ap propriated out of any jnoney in the Treasury not other wbed appropriated. 4 Approved April, 10, 1862. AN ACT TO LEGALTZETHE ACTS tF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY, MARSHAL AND - DEPUTY MARSHALS OF THE STATE OF, TENNESSEE. r . 0.. ' Sec 1. The Congress of the Confederate States or America do enact, That Hlie official acts of J. C. Ramsey late District Attorney, and of, Jesse 13. Clements, iate Marshal of the District of Tennessee, and of the Deputies of said Marshal, from the time their respective offices were vacated, by the passage of the act of the Provisional Congress; approved on the 12th day of December 1861, by which said Dis trict of Tennessee was divided into three several Dis tricts, without any provision for containing said offi cers in office, be and the same are hereby made legal and valid to the eame extent and in the same manner, as if they bad been continued in office up to the passage of this act ; and they are hereby exonerated from any penalty, forfeiture wr-liability to the public or any private person by reason of any official act committed by them, to the same extent and in the same manner, as if they had been legally in office at tho. time of committing the same. And eaid officers are hereby authorized to collect and receive the same fees and emoluments as if they had .been rightfully in office. Sf.c. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said Mar shal .md his Deputies may continue to act until the L successors of said Marshal are qualified. Approved April 11, 1802.- . . , o . 4. o. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 o o. 4. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 53 WANTED. ONE Matron, one Assistant Matron and ten pood nar ses for the General Military Hospital at Raleigh, N. Car Una. ' Apply to E. BURKE IIAY.WOOD, ci Snrgeon. D c. 25, 1861. ' ew&vr 12 tf For Sale, i...- OvE FINE JACK, Hve years old,- of Spanish blood. Also, one goo Harness IIORSK, eight years old, kno" n as the propertjr of Williaa C. Ferrell. Tl" j above wjll be sbld cheap for cash, or notes with ap proT A security. Apply to P. L. FERRELL. Su ny South, Nash Co., X. C. Jan. 22, 1SC2. 19 3m. ' - For Sale. " TH E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, IX THE town of Goldsboro', his premises, consisting of two lots elo ire of horse lot, which 13 regarded as one of the most beaut tful places for a residence in said town. Upon the prera es is a Comfortable Dwelling, every out-house which convr ilence or necessity may require, (all new,) a splendid ' well i f water. One entire lot is covered with a beautiful jgrow ti of native shade trees; is in a fine neighborhood and ."well 1 oatprt. ' Ala.-, several Store Lots on Railroad street. ' Ter is made easy a fine chance to make a good bargain Feb 12 tf E. A. THOMPSON. FOR THE WAR. I A 31 authorized to receive and muster Into So. rice a Battalion of Infantry For duty in the Field. A Officer who are raising Companies are invited to commu nicate .vith me here. 1 am prepared to receive men singly or by quads, or companies. Subsistance, clothing and comfoi able quarters will be furnished and bounty money mid aN, the time of joining. Officers raising companies for thl Battalion will save themselves rauch expense by sendint, their men here as fast aa they are jpnrolled. Thev will ni? be required to perform guard dutjf- at this post but will be (rilled daily. At least five 'Companies are wanted. GEOi -C. GIBBS, Major, C. S A. Salis ury,N. C, Feb. I4th, 18C2. 0 tf (NV 34.) AN .ACT TO AUTHORIZE -THE SECRE TARY OF TnE TREASURY TO PAY DISTRICT COLLECTORS IN CERTAIN CASES. Section 1. lhe Concresa ot the Uor.it'tierate States of America do enact. That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby, authorized to pay a part of the salaries of the several Dis trict Collectors of the War Tax. authorized by the act entitled "An act to authorize the issue of Treasury notes and to proide a War Tax lor their redemption," approved August -10, 1861, in those States which have assumed the payment of said tax: Provided, That' in no case shall the amount so paid to each collector exceed the sum of one hundred dollars: And provid d further, the Secretary of the Treasury shall bo satisfied that said collector gave bond aud rendered' por viccs as required by said .act previous to the assumption of said tax by ths respective States, equal in valu'c to the sum to be paid. Approved April 11; 1-62. i ; No. 85. ;. AN ACT FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF A CORPS OF OFFICERS FOR THE WORKING OP NITRE CAVES AND ESTABLISHING NITRE BEDS. Section 1.' The ' Congress of the Coafederatc States of America dp; enact, That for the pur pose of urocuriug a supply of nitre adequate to the wants of the government, during -the con tinuance of the war with the United States, the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint a corps of offic-ers, .consisting of one superintendent, with the rank, pay and allowances of a major of artillery, four assistants, with the rank, fay aud allowancesof a captain of artillery, eight subordinates, with the rank, pay and allow ances of first lieutenants of artillery. Sec. 2. The duties ot the officers, under the supervision of the chief of ordnance, shall be-to inaugurate and prosecute a system for the effici ent working of the nitre cave. and to purchase and contract for the delivery of; nitre produced within the limits of the Confederate States; . inspect the uitre caves and-other natural deposits of nitriferous earth, and to report the probable annual supply from these sources, and lhe extent and economy, or otherwise, with which jdiey are now being worked by private ' enterprise ; to establish nitre beds in the vicinity of th? princi pal cities and towns of the Confederacy', and to contract for the necessary grounds,. sheds, etc., and for the offal and other materials used in the preparation of nitre beds ; .to diffuse information and to f-timulate enterprise in tile production of an article essential to the successful prosecution of the war. TLe superintendents will make reports, at stated periods, to tha chief of ordnance, to be submitted to the Secretary of "Yar for the information of Congress! This organization to be continued at tJie discretion of the President. Approved April 11, 18G2. ' " stock upon such termt as may be found practica" . . i. ,i il .it i ... i : hie- and provirtea joriner, mat -an Donas issuea ai iu ajjijjnd AN ACT E: rtnfi, this section shall be made redeemable at .ACT TO RAISE AN ADDITION I the pleasure of the government attc tbe expira tion of ten years from their respective dates, but the faith of "the government shall be pledged to redeem the same at the expiration of thirty neon frnm ellK d.itCS. 0 - (No. i56.) TITLED "AN h MILITARY WAR. AP PROVED MAY EIGHTH FJOHTEEN HUN DRED AND SIXTY-ONE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That .Volunteers offerins their Sec. 2. The .Secretary, ot tne lreasury may J service under an ajct entitled. 'An Act to raise an ad n. r . i m it." "I i -. i issue in exchange lor any ot tne lreasury notes fiiuonai mnuary lorce to serve during the war, ap- which may be issued und?r this or any other law, bonds or certificates payable in not more than ten years, at a rate of inteiest not exceeding 6ix per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, to the extent ot litty millions ot dollars, whicn provea juay eigutn eighteen hundred and sixty-one, may be accepted by the President singly as well as in companies, squadrons battalions" or regiments. Sec. 2. In all appointments of officers raised under this Act, the field and company oeffiers shall be cho sen and appointed in the manner prescribed by the fifty millions shall constitute part of the one hun- act entitled "An Act providing for the granting of d red and sixty-nve minions or. siock anu Donas above authorized ; the said bonds or certificates to be reconvcrtible, at the pleasure of the bolder, into Treasury notes, and the said exchange and re-exchange to.be subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasuary may prescribe. Sec. 3. The form of the said bonds or certifi cates authorized by the second Eection above shall be "determined by the Secretary of the Treasury; the said . certificates may be issued with or with out coupons, ?md may be made payable, to order or bearer, as may be deemed expedieati Approved April 13, 1862. (No. 38.) ' AN ACT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF DEPOSITORIES OF PUBLIC FUNDS. Sec. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the Secretary is bounty money and furlonghsto private and non-ctin missioned officers in the Provisional Army," approved December eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one; and all vacancies occurring in the said offices after . tho first election made under this Act as well as under the Act entitled. "An act to raise an additional mil itary force to serve during the war," Approved May eighth eighteen hundred and sixty-one shall be filled by promotion according to grade and senority as pro Tided in said -act" of eleventh Decemder, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, except in. case of disability or other incompetency : Provided however, that the President be authorized to depart from the prescribed rules of promotion in favor of any person especially distinguished by his Commanding General for ex raordinary merit or soma signal act of military jjskill or gallantry. Sec. 3. Any vacancies occurring in the ranks of companies mustered into the Confederate service for three years or for the war, may be filled by volun teers ; and the commander of each of said squadrons, . battalions or regiments, organized as aforesaid may, 1 for his services during, his term of office, art annual ! salary of Twehty-five Thousand Dollars, payable quarterly in advance, to. commence on mo iwcniy secoiid day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty two, the time at which lie entered upon the duties of his office. ' " . . . Skc. 2, And be it further eiac,tel, that until a suit able Executive, mansion shall be provided for the President, the rent of one suited to the purpose shall be paid by the Government. Approved April 3, 1SH2. ( ' (No 23.) JOINT ' RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MANNER OF PAYING MEMBERS OF. THE PROVISIONAL CONGRESS THE ARREAR AGES OF THEIR PAY AND MILEAGE, Resolved, by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, that the pay and mileage of members of the Provisional Congress, who have not been paid may be paiifcupon ceitificates signed by the. Speaker of lhe House of Representatives, on the recommenda tion oftbe House Committee on pay and mileage, out of any money appropriated lor that purpose. Approved April 3, 18C2. nujsetuuiwc t""" s i-au ot hUonton oft. i . ;,1"art Bonsiintjerested will take notice. ' ' '"(' all .K A S 1 i.t. . ' April 25, 1SC2 C'1,J,J Ja,-,, The Mrfndnl and Register wilt publish ih v 4 ' t ! Com t and sorKj their accounta to tho Jlai "inf '''''' Yadkin Kivcr LaSTn1 THE Subscriber being (lesironr V Nortii Carolina, offers for sale bwi,.'i '! , in thp finnnlv af Dflvirijiin nr. 41. . .. 1 1 1 known aathe Jersey Lands. Said tract I'm' tion balance forest land. lam 1Uv,t of en;ht hundred acres, about one half in .. ' 1 Cl r,- All neeea!-. 1, . i ..' 1 land lies within three quarters of lnitt of ti , !-s- !'! tion, a depot on the North Carolin" P.M-lrw - Tirjr s is situated on both sides of said 'railroad ' ' ' For all further information ad Ir ii. V IToltsburo-. or It, A. aM.v..ll !'r;lhr 0 , - - J "'I I "UK s mington Journal copy 1 month and fcVwi'i : May, 10, 18G2. Wiln this office t.-i ... ., l. l i t.1 wan-'" Hereby autnonzea tO maxe aia COnSUtUte SUCU f1fit.ail nnfl rnmmissi.ml ofttcpr and one non-commis additional depositories of public money as, io his sioned officer and one or more privates, from each r judgment, the public exigences may require, J company of his command with the approval of the which said depositories shall give bona and De ungaaier general oi tne Dngaaes to wnicn saia suhiect in all reelects to the same laws and resu- squadron, battalion or - regiment may be attached to tions, and be entitled to the same compensation as the depositories now authorized by law. Sec. 2. The oiBccs of the said additional de pos tories appointed under this act shall cease and determine at the expiration of one year after the termination of the existing war with the United States, unless otherwise ordered by Con gress. Approved April 15, 1802. (No. il.) AN ACT lb ESTACLTSII CERTAIN ROUTES THERE IN NAMED. Section 1. Tho Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the following post routes, upon which the .service has been placed by. the Post naster General, be," and the same is hereby, establiahed, and his action, in putting the mail service upon the same, is hereby confimed. to yrit : A post route from Ilernando, by Pleasant Hill, to Olive Branch in the State of Mississippi ; also one from Maxahachie, by Alvarado and Buchanan, to Acton, in the State of 7'exas ; also from Goliad, by Cuni mengsville, Beville, and San Domingo, to Oakville, in said S4atc of Texas ; also one from Sherman, rby Chaly beate Springs, Dickenson, Delaware and Horse Shoe Bend, to Gainesville, all in the State of Texas ; also one from Dresden, by White Rock, Ilillsboro and Covington, to4 Grand View, in said State of Texas. Sec. 2. The following new routes are also hereby established, viz : one from Camden, by Buffalo, toliller's Bluff, in Ouachita county, in the State of Arkansas ; also one from Walnut Hill, in Lafayette county, in the State of Arkansas, by Spring Bank, Bright Star and Courtland, Cass county, Texas, to Havannah, of the county and State last aforesaid ; also a post route in the State of Arkansas, j from Washington, in Hempstead county, by Czan Postr omce, W llton l osto trice, on the Little .Missouri river, Caddo Gap or Centreville Postoilico, Gaddo Postofhce at Fan 's Mill, McConnell's Mill, Goodner's, Ilickey s,V aldron Posto (lice, to Fort Smith, in Sebastian county ; also the following routes in the State of Georgia, to wit: from Valdosta, by R. P. Hutchinson's, to Tyiriville; aho from Covington, by way of Oak Hill and McDonough, to .Tones boro also a post route from Jonesboro, in the State of Tennessee, to Grassy Creek, in the State of North Carolina, crossing the Iron "Mountain where the McDowell and Yancey turnpike road terminated. Approved March 24, 1862. THE FURTHER MOBILE, AM) DE-THE N. RIVES & CO., wliolesale and retail Drug- . ists. have and will keen on hand a full sunnlv f all such trticles as are usually found in a First Class Drug House. They will conducs "the business oh a large and liberal t ale, having ample experience force and jfacilities for dob- -r and nope by their promptness, enrgv and wntirinj: efforts to please, to secure the liberal patronage 1 their fri uds anu the public generally. The 1" escription Department will be under the imme ate sup. -vision Of one of the firm, both day and ni-ht Orders n K attended to with neatness and'disspatclT N. F. RIVES, M. D. ' , . WALTER B. JORDAN. 5 tf- JGS. CNRR, rrr. 0 rates, made at NOTICE. Nad after the 5th Jannarv. Iff,? .ill P,.n;.v. twe n AeIdonand Columbia, will be tal harges will follow as at present, and cojiections , omts of dehverv. . W. J. HAWKINS, Pres't R. AG. R R P. C. CAMERON, N. C. R. K WM. JUHSS., C.4S.C.R.R. All Government Freight will behipped as here- Nois. tofore. Raleig .Dec. 23, 1861. 12 tf WANTED 'fB1 actiintclligcRt XEGK0 FE1L0W fron- 18 to 25 vears old. fnr n-l.iK . 1:1 1 :.V.V. i .... . . 7 '"kii, n i.ui-i m price win "dV ney' Avpy tely to either of the editors ol .lug paper. . . -ue Ct-31 61V - ' i 88-wAswtf. r . : NOTICE. j,..;: IWISLt0 Wre twelTc or fifteen Segro Uarckl, S5 4t. PETER W. H AIRgTON, Folton P. O., Dario Co., tf. C. No. 36. TTTm TTX"irT TTfnTT V a mtT a tvrn THE PATRIOTIC WOMEN OF THE COUNTRY FOR VOLUNTARY CON TRIBUTIONS FURNISHED BY THEM TO THE ARMY. Resolved ly the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the thanks of the Con gress of the Confederate States are eminently due, and are hereby tendered, to, the patriotic women of the Confederacy for the energy, zeal and un tirng devotion which they have manifested in furnishing voluntary contributions to our soldiers in the field, and in the various military hospitals throughout the country. m Approved April 11, 1862. . No. 37. - AN" ACT TO PROVIDE FURTHER ME ANS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERN MENT . ECTIO l. lhe Congress of the Confederate otaies ot America do enact, That the Secretary of the Treasuary be, and he is herdby, authorized io issue, m addition to the- amounts 'heretofore authorized to be issued by an act entitled "An act to authorize the issue of Treasury notes and to provide a. war tax for- their redemption,'" ap proved August 19, 1861, and by the further, supplemental act to the above cited act, approved December 10, 1861, from time to time, as the public necessities may require! Treasury notes, certificates of stock, and bonds, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of two hundred and fifteen mdhons of dollars, of 'which fifty mi 'lions shall, be in Treasury note to7 be issued without re serve: ten millions irl reasury notes to be U3ed as a reserve fund, and to be issued to pay any sudden or unexpected" call for deposits; and one hundred and si sty-five millions certificates of took or bonds ( the aid Treasury notes, certifi cates of stock and bonds to be issued under the same forms, conditions and restrictions 'as are provided by the above cited acts, m every-respect and particular : Provided, however, that tho Secretary of the Treasury may, if he shall deem the .same advisable, effect a loan, at home or abroad, in specie funds or bills of exchange or Treasury notes, by a sale of the saidbonds or ' (No. 12.) AN ACT TO FKOV1DK FOK FENCE OF THE RAY' OF ALABAMA RIVER. Section 1. The ConjjreFS of the Confederate States'of America do enact, That the sum of .one million and two hundred thousand dollarsMs hereby appropriated for the further defence of the Ray of Mobile, and Ue Alabama river, to be expended, at the- discretion of tne President, by the Secretary of the Navy ; and the disbursement of said money shalPbe made in the manner provided by law for appropriations for the Xavy. . Sec. 2 Re it further enacted, That the President is hereby authorized to raise a corps for the temporary and special service provided for in the first seetion of this act in the Bay of Mobile, and the Alabama river, consisting of a number of men not exceeding -six thousand, and of such commissioned and non-commissioned oflicers, and of such rank as the President may deem necessary, who shall severally receive such pay and allowance as he may de termine. " ' Approved Mrch 24, 18G2. ' (No. 13.) A JOINT RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE PAY MENT TO MRS. JULIA TYLER OF TIIE ARREAR AGES OF PAY DUE TO HON. JOHN TYLER, DECEASED, FOR SERVICES IN THE PROVIS IONAL CONGRESS. ' Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the Committee, on Pay and Mileage of the Housp of Representatives be authorized and required to ascertain, at the Treasury, the- amount of pay and mileage due to the Hon. John Tyler, deceased, at the time of his death, for services as member of the Provisional Congress ; and to pay the amount so ascertained to be due to Mrs. Juia Tyler.'the local representative of said de ceased. Approved March 25, 1SC2. ' ' ' (No. 14.) : AN ACT TO PROVIDE A STAFF AND CLERICAL FORCE FOR ANY GENERAL WHO MAY BE ASSIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT TO DUTY AT THE SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States do enact, That whenever the President shall assign a General to duty at the seat of Government, the said General shall be entitled to the following staff, to wit : a military Sec retary, with the rank of Colonel ; four aids-de-camp, with the rank of Major ; and such clerks, not to exceed four in number, as the President shall from time to time authorize. The pay and allowance of the Military Secretary and tndes decamp shall bo the same as those ofheers of avalry of like grade ; and the salaries of the clerks shall not exced twelve hundred dollars per annum for each. Such officers, office furniture, fuel and stationery, shall be provided for the said General as the duties of hisoffice may render necessary, to be paid for out of the appropriation for. the contingent expenses ot the V ar Department. Approved March lb, 1862. - (No. MA JOINT RESOLUTION TO AID OUR PRISONERS IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY.- recruit men for said company: so that the same may con tain, more than one hundred and twenty five rank and file ; and the men so recruited shall be mustered a't the time of enrollment and shall be entitled to trans portation and subsistence ot commutation of subsis tence, till they join their respective companies, and to fifty dollars bounty, to be paid at the time of joining the same. Sec. 4. The President be and he is hereby authorized to appoint and commission persons as field oflicers or captains to raise regiments 3nd battalions or compa nies and the individuals comprising the same shall be mustered at the time of enrollment and be entitled to pay, transportation and subsistence from the date of the organization of companies; but the officers so Ap pointed by the president shall not be entitled to any pay or allowances until their respective commands be fully organized and reported to the Secretary of War; and said appointments shall expire if the officer ap pointed shall not within a1 reasonable time not to ex ceed two months for a company and four months for a battalion, squadron or regiment report the corps authorized to be raised by him organized and. ready for datT. Provided i.evertheless, that every officer so commissioned for such purpose-shall receive an ap pointment proportioned to the. force he recruits; and provided furthermore that no enl:tments under the commission of captains shall be obligatory unless the number be sufficient to constitute a companv. Approved, Jan. 22, 1862. 39 4t. (No. 17.). ' " ; AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MODE OF PAY ING THE MEMBERS OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF THE CONTINGENT FUND. Section 1. The O ngress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the compensation which' shall be due by law to the members and officers of the Senate and Mouse of Representatives of the Con federate States shall be certified as follows, to wit That which shall be due to the members and ofTrcers of th-1 Senate shall b-ertifidd by the President there of, ar.d that which shall be due to the membersarid officers of the House shall be certified by the Speaker thereof, and the same shall be passed as pibic ac counts and paid out of the public Treasury Sec. 2. All certificates "granted by the7 President and Speaker,' as aforesaid, of the amuuntf compen sation due as aforesaid, shall be deemed, and ar h ere by declared to be conclusive uponall the deparle ments and oflicers of the Government of thfc Confed erate States. ? Sec. 3.. All moneys which have been or which may I hereafter appropriated lor the contingent ex pensesof the Senate and the House of Representatives, respec tively, shall be paid at tue.l reasury from time to time, in such sums its the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the Houso may approve on the requisition and draft of the Serjeant-at-Arms of the Senate and the Clerk of the- il iiuse, respectively, and shall be kept,disbursed and accounted f r by them,respecti vel y, Lccording to law, who are hereby deemed and de clared to be disbursing officers. , Skc. 4. The said Serjeant-at-arms and Clerk shall (No. 8.) ' " AX ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED AN ACT IN RELATION TO PUBLIC -PRINTING, APPROVED FEBRUARY TWENTY-SEVEN, EIGHTEEN HUN DRED AND SIXTY-ONE. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the eleventh section of the act of tbe Provisional Congress, entitled aa act in relation to public printing;" adopted the twenty-seventh day of Feb ruarv, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, be and the same is hereby so amended as to authorize the Postmaster General, when in his opinion sufficient notice will Bot be given of advertisements for carrying the mail, by inserting such ad vertisements in three newspapers in each State, to adver tise such proposals in such additional number of papers as may be necessary to give thesa full publicity; provided that, by so doinjj, no greater expense be, incurred than il" said advertisements be inserted in but three newspapers. Approved March 14, 18G2: 53 2t. (No. 9.) AN ACT TO- REGULATE THE DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY UNDER MILITARY NECESSITY, AND TO PROVIDK FOR THE INDEMNITY THEREOF. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the military authorities of the Confederate Army are hereby authorized and directed to destroy cotton, tobacco, military and naval stores, or other property of any kind whatever, which may aid the etichiy in the prosecution of the war, when necessary to prevent the same, or any part thereof, from fallingi nto the hands of the enemy. . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the owners of prop erty destroyed under the .operation-of this Act, as well as those persons who shall voluntarily destroy their property to prevent the same fromfalling into the hands of the enemy, are hereby authorized to perpetuate the testimony of such destruction, in the manner presented by an Act of tne rrovisionai congress, entitled "An Act to perpetuate testimony in cases of slaves abducted, or harbored by the enemv. and of other vronertv seized, wasted or destroyed bv them," approved thirtieth' August, eighteen hundred. and sixty-one ; and such owners md persons shall be eht tied to indemnity out ot the proceeds o property seques tered and confiscated under the laws ot the CoDiederate States in such manner as Congress may hereafter provide. Approved, March 17, 18G2. 53 2t. " (No. 10.) . AN ACT TO REGULATE THE COMPENSATION OF THE OFFICERS OF THE SENATE AND OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Section 1. The Congress of th; Confederate States of Americi do enact, That the Secretary of the Senate shall receive an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars', pa able monthl v. That the Secretary of. the Senate be allowed to appoint an assistant Secretary at a salary of two tnousana dollars per.annum, ana two clerks at a sal ary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, each, payable monthly. That the Serffeant-at-ai ms of the Senate shall receive an annual salary of two thousand dollars: and the Doorkeeper of the Senate shall rective an annual salary - t? ti r i i i -.1 it . i.i ... t-v i oi niieen uuDurcu uouar.s, anu me assistant uoorKeewer shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dolors, all payable monthly ; and the Page.of the Senate hall receive an allowance of two dollars per day during, the session of the benate. ..- Sec2. Re" it further enacted,. Tliat the Clerj of the House of Representatives' sltall receive an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars, payable monthly. That thd Clerk of the IbiutSe of Representatives jbei allowed to appoint three assistants, at a salary of fifteen hund red dollars per annum, each, payable monthly That the Doorkeeper of the -House of Representatives receive an annual salary ot yro thousand .-dollars.and tb.8. assistant Doorkeeper shall receive an annual salary of twelve hundred dollars, pavable monthly. ; and -the Pace's of th House n Representatives .-rh.ill rejeiy? each an allowance ot two donars per uay u tiring the s-sion ol the House. Approved March 24, 18C2. , ."' CHATHAM COALFIELDS I A I LEY) AD. ATA MEETING OF TUfi COjIMISSIOXERS AP iA . PARTIZAN KANGEHS, If - 4 M 1 .. 1 . . - . . T JL 1 lanarers to serve durinc: the war ar,uan The corps is designed to onorate-. whl i. line, thus offering the bold and advontm n:,. .. i 'i- rn'-:' active life than that of the regular gprviro -n',,. n '"re j coruiauy anu most earnestly invite ihoa sUi i r.: enter into me partisan orancii ol the?rvicf to ' me in the effort to annoy and harrass the ruthl,.5 and to protect the defenceless within the en uiv' '"r'1' r' whether animated bv a'simnle lor nt' - vn of the vandal oppressors whether Co; it mev. I rr i . - i i,;... Address me at Goldsboro ,.N. C. May 10, 18G2. X Wethers, B. C SOLDIER'S NOTICE ! persons', v! gh, IJenry Hml Of hcai boron list 7 ' J. SmPVYTlln - Lir o--wi. IL son, A. Parrish, W. II-Leo, and D. L-oiliuniv & ,c tu Regiraent North Carolina Troops, supposeMo U, ;UH in Wake County, are hereby directed th-'jAiiti,,,:!!""? ment without delay, at. this place, or rciAn-t tn ti ,' ,:' tant General of the States otherwise th'v h. JJ" ered deserters and treated accordingly, ; S. GFKENCiI. ' 1 r t ,,!; n Headquarters, Wilmington, N. Q.,Apf ilTth l"r" May, 3d 1862. - ' 4J-4c 2000 YAHDS BLEACH! Black Alapaca. ;" do, .do. ULl7? w Lawns; COO do. Colored Mum is and Giiishams'- 3(i0d . Hose and half Hose ; 250 yai-ds Birds yve lliapt ,- - Iihi i Z Coat's Thread j Calicoes and poplins for. soldi,.,!, Ladies and Gentlemeus UndiiVrests ; Pap.-r Can Li , ' black and colored spool cottonAc Ac, for sale at a Chapel Hill, May 2atiil&C2 'JAMES; DAWS0X. .lL ---.'.tr.i SQUADK0N 'PARTISAN. KAERS-": HAVING beejr aiithprlzfd bj the Socretary cr ar and Mrj-Geu. Holmes tp raise two conn,!,,, ; 4 t "Rangers" to act together uudef the conuii.anll 'f,, -' tuiui vnjJiaiDya" "t'l"'! iuiiih is-mils OUi-refl IsVt.Iirwr afraid of getting hurt" to enter this" fibular hi-anch'nf service. Tluf Ranger service is authorized bv act (fi'Cn gress, and nus occupies the same legal' viunnd will, ti l-oi mm oiut? army, n uu mis uiuereuce, ww w, thatthV" -n.Act, The Ranger furuish-js his. own horse, other 'c.1'ui,1,j furnished by the Government.- Forty cwits a d;n l a;,; ,. 'liso I vi tin lirirso. anil his vn!ii if t il 1 ! ; .. .. i.-.i'' .7 , ", , ' . , , ' ' '(.niu.-. il tln-r I'wi nwu uiu ni in y, nuu mis ummeuce, iiowi'ver, tlia1 Partisan ilct was passed subsequent tti the CoMicriptinn and in all cases wheie thewo conflict the I!a!!"er pr. v furnish themselves with a shot gun, $1.0Q th ue of the same. Arms and munition's ' '""nth f,r f wm- t n fvbtn enemv belong to the coiupauv. A. th tc i m rt present need of these companies in -'Eastern (Wollna.a'td -j"pkked" men arc desired, 'tho Colonels of th di!''- t iiiiUtia regiments are requested to bring the n.aiter i ::;.. diately to the attention ot their; commands. Any p.'r'.i,a liable to conscription duty can join--'this- servic Viw.ivir. the same bounty, pay and rations as in lhe regul.-.p j.. Persons desiring to enlist in this bra"n'.'li' i4 thtservic. m communicate with Senior Card. P. G. Evans, i'.n-, i ..i, . IT-. Ilar.f .1 I IIj VV .1, l ...I.- 1 '.N.C.i'MuL W.'W. . N. C: Lieut. Genrire J. Moore. Gold.-boi Morehead, Ksq., Charlotte, N. C; II Morgantou, 1". May -31 C; Lieut. I. W. II ugh c.s, Guld-ijc -V.l'. pointed tor open above Road, tne follow ling Rooks of Subscription' ing Resolution was adopted : to the Resolved, That Books i6i subscription for Stock in said Company be forthwith opened, at the Bank of Cape Fear, in the city of Raleigh, rnder the Superintendence of Wm. 11. Jones. eb. U tf WANTED rpO HIRE, F0H THE 8ALANCE OF THE TEAR, a good Bl April a cksmith. Ap)lyto M. A. BLEDSOE, Capt. and A. Q. M. 41 tf. LAND! LAND!! TZ )VISII TO SELL A VALUABLE FAU3I lying T T witnin one mile oi tn? uourtnouse in tne town ot Salbury, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, with a i large two story DWELLING, negro kitchens, and all nec- r essary out nouses, an new, tne cleared land is ircsii ana in 1 : 1 . f. .. ii. f . 1 : . 1 Cill-Il, WUI11U ten UUVS Hirer lUO PUSSitge VI LUIS ilCt, 1 ArnnA rnltiratinn. nr.. hnlf tho enter into bond, with one or more sureties e ich, to lie T .SEVENTY-FIVE ACRES OF WOOD LAND. Mr! approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, in the Renier, west of Salisbury will shew the place to any person penai sum or nve tuousana aoiiars eacn, witn conai- i lusr'311" i"'"uri Al w-uiaio numcsa cnucr tion lor the faithful application and nisbiirsementof f ,.i. e J :i . ii' i .1 . : i- Ci I Buuiiunua as may uome into iiicir nanus, rcspcuLiyeiy, or may be drawn from the Treasury, under this or any othe act; which bonds shall be depositedin the Treasurer's oflice, and it shall be the duty of the Ser-geant-at-Arnis and the Clerk, hereafter Chosen, to give bond as aforesaid, within ten davs after his elec tion and, undertaking the duties thereof, and before he shall draw any draft or make an requisition as aforesaid. ' Sec. 5. All payments on accovjit of the compen sation due by law to the member and officers of the Senate and House of representatives, resrjectively, shall-be by .'drafts drawn by the Sergeaut-at-Arms of the Senate and the Clerk of lhe House, respectively, t April 1G, D. DEAN, Statesviile, N. C. or R.F. Johnston, Mocksville. . 45 fe'w NOTICE! I HAVE on hand from 1000 to 1500 tons of the celebrated Egypt COAL, and 500 bushels of hard COKE, lit for foundry purposes ; for sale, at the pit, or can be de livered at Lockville, or at the depot of the Fayettville and W estern Kailroad, or on the N. C. -Central Railroad at Page's. April 5, J. N. CLEGG. 4t-pd A large number of Machinists, Gun-Smiths il iler8 and good Bl; On thp Trposnvpr tn w vPi-ffW bv tho wtirin.-itu f ! P 1" Conformity to ,i, . r, j . c o ..A'l i c.i . f.L n J lishments in the Southern Con federaey. Confederate States Armory, AsheTille, X. C. . I ' WANTED, se number of Machinists. Gun-Smiths. Filers and good Black Smiths, to whom wages, will the prevailing rates at such estab- the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House aloresaid. f Sec. 6. The disbursement of the contingent funds of the two Houses, hereby placed under the control of the said Sergeant-at-Arms and Clerk, respectively, shall, before payment he approved by the Committee of Accounts ineach of said Houses respectively. Sec. 7. The said Sergeant-at-Arms and Clerk shall regularly submit estimates to their respective Com- Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate ' States of rmttees onAccounts, and no disbursement of the con America, That the Secretary of War be authorized to apply, out ot tne contipgentlund ot the War Department, such sums of money as, in his judgment, may be necessary for the aid of prisoners of war in the hands of the enemy : Provided, That all' sums of money paid any prisoner, or expended for him shall be charged to his wages. Approved March 25, 18C2. . : (No. 16.) AN ACT TO REGULATE THE COMPENSATION OF" M. EMBERS OF CONGRESS. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate State of America do enact, Inat the compensation of ach Sena torsRepresentative and Delegate in Congress shall be twenty -seven hundred and sixty dollars for each year, and mileage at the rate of twentvcents per mile fop each ses sion, to be paid in manner following to wit : J0n the first day of the first session of each Congress, or as soon there after as he may be in attendance and apply each Senator, Representative and Delegate shall receive nis mileage and all his compensation, from the beginning of his term, to be computed at the rate of two hundred and thlHy dollars per month ; and during the sessioncompetisation at the seme rate. And on the first day of the second or any sub sequent session he shall receive Ms mileage aforesaid and all compensation Which has accrued during the adjourn ment at tne rate aloresaid ; cad during said session com pensation at the same rate : JrVovided no member shall re ceive mileage for more than tuvo sessions of any Congress unless more than twenty day hal) elapse between the ad journment of one session'and the beginning of another. Sec. 2. That the President of the Senate pro tempore, when there shall be n6 Vice President, or the Vice Presi dent shall have become the President of the Confederate States, shall receive the compensation allowed by law' for the Vice President ; and the Speaker of the "House of Representatives shall receive double the compensation above provided for Representatives, payable at the times and in the manner above provided for payment of the com pensation of Representatives. Sec' 3. That this law shall apply to the present Con gress; and each Senator, Representative and Delegate shall -be entitled to receive the difference only between their jper diem compensation, already received under the law now in force, and the compensation provided by this act. . . - . Sec. 4. That it shali be the duty of the Committee on Pay and Mileage and the Secretary of the Senate, respectively, to deduct from the monthly payment of members as here in provided, for the amount of 'his compensation for each day that such member shall be absent, without leave, from the Senate or House respectively, unless , ench Senator, Representative or Delegate shall assign as the reason for such absence the sickness of himself or of some member of his family. Approved March 25, 1862. - tingent fu"hds of either House shall be audited by said commujees except in accordance witn sucn estimates. Sec 8. The said Sergeant-at-Arms and Clerk shall as7 soon as practicable after the close of the-pre-seu and each succeeding session, make up a kibularr fcaternentof all appropriations made during the ses sion, and also a table or statement showing the names and compensation of the clerks and officers of each House, together with a detailed statement of the items of expenditure out of said contingent funds fof the ' next immediately preceding session ; in which state ment the .disbursements shall be arranged under the several heads of printing, stationery, and so on, until i This is a fine healthy region. The climate is nnsurpas- . ting. Whilst the locality will, in all probability, remain undisturbed by Yankee invasion. Address ULAi TON & WlilTSDN, or the subscriber. I R. W. PULLIAM, Agent C. S. A. Asheville, N. C., April 12, 1862. 47-3tvv QHE partnership heretofore existing under the . firm of FROEL1CH & ESTVAN, (C. S. Arms Facto ry,) has this day been dissolved by. mutual content, a satis factory settlement having been made between them. I Ti. FROEIJCH. t ''-'.' ' M F.KTV4V Wilmington, N. C, April 14, 18G2. 47-4 w Mr. LFROELTCH w ill carry on the business of said factory, on his own account, as ole proprietor. j j LOUIS FROELICII. KITTRELL'S SPRINGS. After the 15th Blay this pornlar place of sum mer resort, will be open for the reception of visitors. Since the last season we have made many improvements, and feel confident of giving satisfaction to our patrons. j. The healthy location of our place, the medicinal virtues of the water, us ; accessibility (being immediately on tbe each and every he.xd of expenditure ha been specified A Raleigh and Gaston Railroad,) and its safety from the in and described, with the cost, of every item and i Tading enemy, render it a pleasant and desirable home for which statement shalf exhibit, also, the several sums f P seeking summer quarters. j v -j o ''.. ' . X, , - We would say to the many who aave already appphed ui4wu uy iuo baiu. DerReanii-at-ii.nrJs ana CierK, re- . for board, that .we have been necessarily compelled to re spectively, from the 1 reasury, and tbe balances, if r fuse them, as our house was only fitted "up for summer ac- any, remaining m their bauds. . Said Sergeant-atr- ; Arms and Clerk shall cause said statement to be printed and a copy thereof sent to each member of the Senate and House of Ileprescntalives, as soon ai practicable. Approved March 26, 1862. $2 00 12 00 40 00 (Xo. 18.) AN ACT TO FIX THE TIMES FOR HOLDING THE CONFEDERATE COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That hereafter the Confederate Com-t for the Northern District of Georgia shall be held on the first Wednesday in the months of June and December in each year. Sec. 2. That all laws conflicting with tins act be and the samcare hereby repealed. Approved March 28, 1862. (No. -22.) ' ; :: .. ' "' ; AN ACT TO FIX THE COMPENSATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President shall receivg commodations; TERMS: Board per day, " ' week, " " month, Children and servants half price. BLACS-VALL 4 ', Prorietora May 6th, 1862. 5l-w4iwlm THE ODERSIGXED DESIRES TO SELL HIS posseMons on the lower Hillsboro' road, northwest of Raleigh, containing between three and ..four hundred teres of land, about one hunc red acres of which is low grounds, in a good state ot cultivation. A very spacious Dwelling, well arranged, and a Saw and Gristilillt on a nef er failing stream of water. Those wishing to purchase will call and see it as it is only three and a half miles from Raleigh. : . S. II. WHITAKER. " 1 ; . . 53 tf WANTED. A SMALL house, or rooms In a house occupied by another family, for a lady ar i1, wo small children ; refugees from the eastern part of the owite. Apply, stating! erms, to this oflice. . June 3, 1862. .: . 59 3t HE PUBLIC TREASURER HAS APP0IKTED byand with the consent and approbation of tho Gov ernor, W. H. DODD, to sign Coupons on North-Carolina State Bonds, under an ordinance of the Convention. - May 37, 1862. . ' 5 St '-.:...' .-v T -'-" Partisan Kaajrer. . HAYIXC received Hie rcqiiisilc aulsi!tj. I propose to organize a Company .of .!'k':i,;.!i RANGERS, to be composed of the-oid ollit-crs' tlirinvn ' -.i of service by the recent reorganization. ."A-''tlcca.i:ai..n." oSiccr. myself, I earnestly 'and cordially' inyife nli of hm class, who, from patriotic motives, des'i-e-'to -rvc tl: ir country, to come and unite with toe to annoy ami inn--, and, if pos.-ible, to drive from our soil a c'ruf'l iind bavbr-as tncii:j wiioje pn.'sciico. is degrading, '. CoiTuplhi" luting to ou'r diffciict-l(V citizens. . It is intended ti-at this -Ooitipanv shall b. :ii!:v ' ! Col. Sc'itt'j Corps of ilaii-f-.M-s. consutin; of .Moar.H i.'ij' men, Cavalry, Infantry, ami a Lio-ht lia'ttorv, 'all i,i r,a...i in, as iar as praciicauic,. operate toctiuT. Each member will furnish himself, with a gn--l ?t ,('::; brirse, and such arms as he may have at his c!u;fi:i': 1. Gentlemen wishing to join the will address Uu at Rah.-ip. N. C, or apidy in person at tho planters Hons?. May 31 V. S.'t.K V, Foj-meily Lt. C l."l3th X. (J. 1m: Purchases of Flour. TttEAStJltY "BEPARTME N'T? i . - . ' Richmond, Mav l'i, l;:'. ' - PSOrOSALS wi!lhe recclvrd forl!iP immrdi. ate sale and delivery of 50,000 I:iN-.t-N'of VL at Flour, in parcels of not less than o0 barrels, to he d"!imv(l al'r; any line of Railroad in the occupation of this (jovoi jiwnt, coininnnicatin with Coi inth.-Iississipjii : iut;i! i'-. purchase money to be made at the thneof delivery infp'.:' cent.- Confederate llonds. The proposal? will be adureK.-d to the Secretary of the Tresury, and will state i!i- u ana place at which it is prop? sed to mak:i delivery, and tlie pricc of tbe Flour in bonds rated at piK. C. C. MKMMINGER. ', .S.'c'v off r-a..iirv.i May 31 ' '. " " 'aa-l:J ' Lost or Stolen. LOST or stolen from the Mall, certiftcalcs from the public Treasurer of North Carolina, ' Nuru Carolina 8-per cent. b(.nd4, ns follmv?'! Xos. 17 and :'. $5000 each, dattNl April 9, 1802, making $10,000 ;' N'i;b-f dated April ZlstSl8C2, for $1000;'No. 147 and Kr $2000 each, dated 21st April, 1S;2, niakinfr 'J40W. i ; said certificates. for bonds are inade payable toJuunO. Williams &. Co'. THOMAS BRANCH k S0X. Pftenburc May 31 -"illi N. C. WHITE SULPHUR iiSPIUXCS, 53 Miles West of Salisbury, ' KEAIl WESTERN X. C. ItAlLKOAD. THIS (Icslrahle Suinmcr KesoTt is" imir opened for reception of Visitors. '.t . , Every attention paid to families whose .fiiwds re gaged in business which -prevents ' Uieta. accompinj' tern. ' ; ' n.i " J ..... . 1 !:., irattT!. u. ine wioe-spreaa repuiation or in-e ntMiiiiji - delightful mountain scenery of this retfreu spot, i"i . with the known ability of its managers to cav t. public, insure to the visitors of. " .the White uiM', health, pleasure and safety. We can accouimodate s' hundred visitors with cottages and rooms in tbe ilw'i A line of Hacks ancl dailv Mail to the -V'rf ' ' ilUS. E. J. U01UMM May 1 . : " HOTEL. SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE.- , KITTRELL'S l)KP0T, N C. fu , rpilIS nOTEL IS X0W OI'EX FOR Till AJ. X modation of its friends, pledging the beat p ..s try can afford, good rooms, and proper aftc,1,O410"p.r patrons. Terms as heretofore, $30 per mosta, .,vr,t? week and $2,00 per day. Thore is a tine three quarters of a mile from the Hotel and at i-" cv- m, . reference can be had to the analysis nf-l'rot. ... which will be found, accompanying this notice. .((rPir, ' The Hotel is within four hundred yards of Springs, immediately on the Raleigh and Gaston u tight miles from Henderson, fifteen fioia Lou.sPJ-b-' . . from Oxford and ten from Franklinton. . f . ietl;,,-!i PrOner conveyance can be naa to cicner j after the 10th of June. D ... ntf.7tl pir Petersburg Express, Daily, Kaleifrh S- '.jh. and Register, Semi-weekly, and Richmond ia." lUh four weeks and forward bills to me at i-..' WM. r- tulM- . . n-m THP n' lTl'f. The water which I receiv'el from you carl." to be held in solution, at tne time i m.j It still continued to bold in. soiuu' v -f,.t on, and was perfectly (fpsr anu consider that about two tuo v - .w, However . ,iti a.- - . - . ... .. : ....nic au v- I nna is a cnaiyDeace, aTiu i ueiic c i- . , .ub;M'- UUC UD VI I or ceased water to the gall vV e mav been separated from the water the water is quite as strong as iodic anu alterative. Jiie iiuu, ..... . - 5(.n held in solution by an organic acu. v ifchaivb"-' of this peculiar combination that this class " TLn j tier.c.f waters become easily assimilated to the system, a become so useful in.ceftain cases ol debnU).' Most truly vaun, . , " ' i.ist. it need be.tobe.u ,. Hme atidm Jft, i it ; in confCl. ., May 23, v Board in the 3tonntams.fin HE Female College, at Mnlll3V county, N. C, will re-open July 3rd. A1 tion for the term of five montns fio, i board1?; families can be boarded." House now open j, tf scholars and others. Address, . f Jf?JU c p. p." r President. Rev. A. W. CUMMlt'2n,ra K '' "