INSTATE TOEIGH. Y.VgT f i THE: STATE JOMNAL For the State Journal. -T5 . Camp or thb Secostd Regimeht, ) w : r; rs:j 3 r NEAK Richmond, ,V r . ... Monday Evening, 'August 17 V . J "; ' Mers&s.'EbitoM : While sitting on my knapsack ' tbis evening fttcarap, awaiting transportation to Kich . jnondTroiii 'which place we are going to Gonlona ville, a friend handed me a State Journal,' and I was much gratified at perusing extracts from a letter of Colonel Johnston, of tbeNErstMarjland Regiment;, to a Iadyja North CaroJinaTfue U certainly gener ous and manly in giving our troops their just due,: but noticing a slight mistake which shears us of our just due at a regiment, I write to ask you to correct it. ; It ia with regard to the charge of General George B. Anderson'a brigade at the battle of Malvern Hill. Hisb'rieide is-comnosetl of th? Second. Fourth. Four teenth and tThirtieth, instead of the Third," &c, as Colonel Johnston states, and the Second participated in that bloody charge. plaae correct it in an edito rial paragraph. The Third, and indeed all of ItipIeyV brigade, participated in the battle, going ino the fight J A ... " i i a t .... J i iicr we were repuisea, over nearly me same gnmuu. Cdouel Meare. f tha Third, was killed just iu front of the Litt'eton house. Had there been a simultane ous movement made a,? the beginning of the fight, im- steaa or,8bovinus m by brigades, the fight, as tJloi ml Jahnston truly says, would have been ended three hours earlier. Please correct the, mistake. Excuse this letter I write it on a pine board in my lap. You will hear from us again shortly. The Rapidan, I think, will run. crimson jwith Titood in a few days. The larger , portion of the RieHmoud army is goin thither. Don't mention my name in this matter. vrr.tif. r-..- ?! i . ..i We give place to the above without alteration or erasure. The gallant Johnston "was not certain he was right in the regiments he named, and we are ve " ry sure he mean f no 'injustice to thjj "Second." : He wrote from memory and .hence the mistake. And it is very certain the "immorUl'V Thir4 needs-no more laurels than it has dearly, won. - " Boturned South., h , Among the recent arrivals in this city from Yan . kee land, is the Rev. A. J. Withersnoon. of Lincoln. Marengo, Ala. Mr. VV. is direct from Fort Johnson, ; Sandcsky Island, "Ohio, having left there on the 4th mst. lie is a chaplain in the 21stAUbama regi ment, and was taken prisoner at Shiloh on the second day of that great fight, while humanely ministering to the necessities of the wounded Yankees as well as Confederates. . He was carried before Gen. Buell, wno, aitnongn mlormea by Mr. VV . that he was. a minister of the gospel and a non -combatant, having neither pistol, gun, sword, nor . bowie knife, insist ently refused to release him, but sent him along with all the wounded Confederates to fittsburs landing. Mr. V. stopped awhile at St. Louis ; then at Camp Douglas, near Chicago ; next at Gimp Chase, Co lumbus, Ohio, and was next sent to Sandusky Island, where the days of his captivity ended. He says he met warm mends everywhere, but especially at St. Louis and at Columbus. At the latter place, Mrs. juage v;iarK was unremitting m her' attentions to the sick and wounded, and caused to be prepared daily such delicacies and 'luxuries as she knew would be Acceptable to the feeble aud debilitated prisoners. Jlhe recipients of these rmfch needed attentions, will ever cnenstx with tond recollection the kindness of this noble woman. Mr. W. thinks there are many in the northwest who Would gladly close this . war immediately, were it in their power to do so, while outers openly denounce us,aHU invoke curses upon the beads of the Southern people for having broken tip j. tie greatest aud the best governmeut on earth, , and insulted theglortalis old flag, which once waved over the land of the free an 1 the home of the brave They dwell with great feeling and emphasis at onr lack of respect for the Constitution, losing sight of the fact that the rascaily gang who nominated Lincoln at Chicago, ,weri the first to violate obligations im posed by the Constitution, and that every act of their long-legged, apeish looking chief, since he went into power, has been nothing but a violation of that Con stitution, about which they now prate so loudly, v Mr. Witherspoon is looking well, after his long con finement, and says his treatment, winch has not been as kind as it might have been, lias nevertheless been much better than that represented by prisoners from Fort Delaware. He was not furnished transportation until he reached Fortress Monroe, where Gen. Dix , had him forwaided to City Point, free of charge. The examining officer Rt the Fortress, seized a carpet bag filled with a bib!e and late northern and western pa ' pers, declaring the bag and contents contraband. , Mr. Witherspoon has kindly furnished us with the following list of North Carolina officers now'confiiied as prisoners of war near Sandusky, Ohio : C M Ayery, Col. 33d N. C. Samuel IXLowe. Maior 28th K. f! Oscar R Rand, Cpt. 26th N. C. T TT t c?-. n m. n..l -T rm . a. a cjpeer, vapj. ocn in. j. . S N Stowe, Capt. 28th N C. ' D W Brown, Capt. 18th N. C. T W Mahew, Capt. 23d N. C. W F Farthing, Capt. 37th N. C. J. W. Vinson, 3d Lieut. 26th N. C. Neil Bohanon, 1st Lieut. 28th N. C. Calvin Scott, 2d Lieut. 28th N. C. R A Hanscr, 1st Lieut. 33d N. C. Jas A. Weston, 1st Lient. 33d N. C. -John N Anderson, 2d Lieut. 33d N. C. R L Steele, 1st Lieut. 37th N. C. W A Stuart. 2d Lieut. 37th N. C. 7 J S Rogers, 2d Lieut. 37th N. C. J S Bost, 1st Lieut. 37th N. C Woodbury Wheeler, 1st Lieut. Latham's Battery, f Chas H Brown, 2d Lieut. C.,S. A., Richmond, Va! These officers are all well, and confidently expect ing to be soon restored to their respective commands, by 'a 'general exchange." Petersburg Express. : -i i , j . .. : ' 1 TnE MuitDEn of Gen. Caswell. The Knoxvill I - .' 'Ttfrtt vi 'rr rf tYio TtY incf niunu ,1 1:.: - ticulars in regard to the murder of Gen. Wm. R. Cas f . well, which took place on the 6th inst., near his resi dence, some six miles east of Knox ville. His servants report that they saw him struggling with some one iu the road, but before they could reach him life wascx- tinct and She murderer fled. Immediately upon the receipt of the intelligence in Knoxville,a party of " citizens mounted horses and started out to scour the country in search of l-he'assassin. The General-was in Knox ville on the morning of the murder, and interchanged greetings with nume rons'riends . - ' . ' Gen. Caswell was a distinguished soldier, having served through the Mexican campaign. He was one Of th ; earliest in KmiwHIa (n 3ml.v i . r - - -y- i,, mil.CU the &Hith on the breaking ontf the war. He was an- i""" vjvjur. juarns ft ungaiier uenenil in the State service,?aud commanded the at Knoxvillo until they were turned over to the fin- leneratc government, when he retired to pt irate life Gen, C. was about 51 or 52 years of age, and was jpneof the rncst universally esteemed aud respected cit izens of Tennessee , . Civilian Prisoners at the Rip-Raps The fo' lowmg is a list of Southern's confined at the Rip ltaps, handetl ns by a returned prisoner. Nearly all are farmers, and our iuformant says they have been shamefully treated ; those from Gats comity N C were put in iron?, and. other instances of bkrfciritV iE 8 to h-e themnleased A o ' v?rave8. of Orange countv N C Ti woC Gate county, N.1Jr fS Jamus H- Free. t"'-? XfVoM ti Lieut : CouncH of nrrrr" . t ldos-. A. jorda Ian, nf , men. Uispatchj lih. oympatiit -or the South in EscLAKnTi V ans corresiw dnt ntt.h v.u m.-. . . ' . ,c ,4 , , r -'" uiiv j.uncs savs that , he sympathy , which thr , people meet f u." f!1 M. anting to a sort of fzZ: . " hum mat whi H vfi. er lr.e are almost neglected in society, Southern rio-1-le are every where lionized. - J - . n 1 . , w. Braog's .MovEMiw 1 2th SSTS that eZTt a-C fOUe mOUTUl Ql the liitnvfrti6 heeTl i8sued by Gen. BrajK SZtii& there;was every other - imrnediatelyG16 a movement JadXestpy tho mails. ; . j WCItllxs GoinE. There iif ho longer' axlouU j but that McClellan has, entirely' evacuated Jiis 'en- forces from the James river. '" Uur pickets on Sun day visited Coggin's Point and May cock's, and ftnind both places deserted, and hot a" vessel was to be.'seen on the river. .V'..". ' . .; t . ; ' r A paroled Confederate prisoner, who came tip the river on Sunday night, says that Westover and Berk ley were both deserted, no tents were visible on thl shore and no transports lay in the stream. ' The only Yankee forces seen on the nver was a poay 01 cav- airy who were making their way to the Chickahom iny. McQellan'8 forces. It is' believed, have been transported to Fredericksburg. 'j Another -descent of the Tankeeson ?tne Central Railroad was expected yesterday.' At five o'clock yesterday evening, information vas brought. by a trustworthy geutlcman, to Beaver Dam. station, that three brizades of Yaukees had bivouacked on Sunday night at Massapbnax Church, eight miles on this side of Fredericksburg, andwere at the lime of. his raa king his report oh their march toward the railroad.' Examiner, Lki , - ? : ' From Gordonsville. There .has been ; no active movement along the lines around Gordonsville since our last report. We" understand from passengers who arrived by the Central road last evening' that there was some skirmishing on Sunday, and that a decisive conflict was hourly looked for. aud - eagerly awaited by our troops, who are becoming impatient to engage the foe. ' - . ; When the trin passed Gordonsville yesterday,'it was reported that Pope had declined battle tendered him oh the Rapidan, and - had fallen back in the di rection of Culpeper Court-House. Those who have favorable, facilities for obtaining correct information, entertain the opinion that the Yankee general will soon have to accept battle, or subject himself to a mwt harrassing retreat. Rich, Dispatch, 19- - ; From Yorktown. We v have seen gentleman just from West Point, on York river. There were no Yankees in that neighborhood. One day laxt week a. gunboat had com up to West Point, from the direc-i tiou of Gloucester Point, for the purpose of procur-' ing vegetables. Examiner, 15tA. v. Yellow Fever. Letters from Key West, dated the 4th inst., to the Northern papers, say that the Yellow Fever is raging there "with unusual malig-f nity." AH the government employees have been sentr North, and the United. States ships have left .the1 harbor... : , -' Gold at New York on the J5th vvas quoted at 115 and foreign exchange at 128J. '"'". Extending' the Conscription. The recommen dation of the Secretary of War and the measures pro posed in Congress to extend the term of the Conscrip tion from thirty-five to forty-five years, will give the Confederacy an army large enough to meet the emer gencies of the country without sacrificing other inter ests, which are as important as a large and unwieldy mass of men. The six hundred thousand called for by Lincoln will be only a Persian army, which will be overbalanced by its own weight. We rejoice to see the blended energy aud discretion which govern our own councils. Dispatch. Tub Corn Cop. The Marion Star informs us that the corn crops through the middle of North Carolina are unusually promising so much so that the price of corn is declining in Charlotte. A gen tleman enuaged in the grain trade thought that corn would soon sell for fifty cents. - It is now selling in some parts of Georgia for twenty-five cents per bush el. Guardian. Captured,- Our pickets in Prince George cap tured a Dutch Yankee yesterday, and brought him to this city. The fellow is a dirty, sorry-looking speci men of -the great Yankee army, and claims to be a. member of Sickle's Brigade. He says he has enough of the war, and will never again take up arms against theSouth. When ordered to surrender, he endeavored to run, but a shot from our boysquickly brought him to a halt. He was sent to jail for safe keeping. Petersburg Express, 1 lth. Pure British. The London Times calls the Yan kees a "mongrel race," and speaks of us a the genu ine descendants of Englishmen. ' We certainly have much more English blood in our veins than the Yan kees, or rather English, Scotch, and . Welsh that is British blood. Lo.k', for instance, at the list of Gen erals takeu at random : Lee,. English.) Johnston, (Scottish,) Lngstreet, Jackson, Jjones, Pemberton. Davis, Johnson, Ewell, Pendletoni, Early, Garland, Bragg, Smith, Stevens, Mason, Asfifby, Hill, Ander son, Whiting, Pry or, Randolph, (English.) Stuart Robertson, Buchanan, (Scotch,) and Morgan, (Welsh.) inow iook ac me lauKees. we seem to be copy ing from the tombstone of Fmnkfort on 't!ie Rhine : Schenkc, Steinwehr, Schcefi)fF, Siegel, Rosecranz.Carl Schurz, Heintzelmau,.and Blencker. ) t Salt. It is stated that Dr. Worth (the salt com missioner for this State) is making bushels per daj Private manufadtories on our "coast are makin" about 800 bushels per day. So we do not think there will be any suffering for the 'want of salt. Mr. Vallandigham, in a brief card in the Herald, denies that he has been arrested N, Y. on the charge of treason or dishalty. BY TELEGRAPH. From Riclimond. ; Richmond, Angust 19. There is no.loner ro-i n for doubt that McClellan has chanjreil his base" from the Jams riwnr tho Ihn. pahannock. A-dispatch to Governor Letcher from Dublin says we have reliable intelii-ence that'tliH enemy h is left Pack's Ferry, Meadow Bluff and Flat Top; is the impression they are evacuating cmci ii Virginia. In the Senate lo-lav variHW nortions of, tha 'l';. dent's message were reffirrwl h . - I t I ' mitt UVIil mittfes. ' In the Holism resolutions were ' ndontWl rlnnmnir the rules so as to prohibit that it shall not he in order for the House' to resolve itself into seciet session PT. cept by a vote of a majority of the members present, liie resolutions were passed bv a vote' of 'fil'tv-siv b fourteen. ' Still later. ' V KlCHMOND. July 19. r-f,T - ,3 1 Z . t or ' v, uciiujj general omcers commanilinfr C,n- fwleratc troops to ascertain aud renort if tw' citizens have been put to death in Arkansas by Gen. up.i mtjgruuna inai one 01 tbe invadin armv has been shot by an unknown person, and upon be ing certified thereof shall forthwith set apart, by 4 from anions any prisoners from tli armv nnL command of Gen. Fitch,a number of officers equal in number to the jersons put to death as aforesaidand place them in close confinement for exeen'ion it tme as rna b ordered by the President; and shall regaru Fitch, a felon and iil-if 1; n ai i in Aij conhutmoiu until further orders. Col. Vance. RlCHMOXD, Au. 19. Colonel Vance has resigued his position in the Con federate States army. Confederate Congress. ( Richmond, Augnst 20. In the Senate Mr. Brown introduced a resolution directing the committee on military affairs to enquire and report what legislation, if any, is ueee:ry to preveut abuses iu tbe'matter of receiving substitutes in the army. He specified some of the- abuses and adverted to evasions of the Conscription law." The resolution was fhen withdrawn'. - In the House a resolution nf thanks fA PlAnol "f ...... vV AJA Wl gan and command for distinguished services rendered was adopted. A resolution to abolish the office of Secretary of the Navy, and also one declaring the nrute Hutler an enemy to the human race were su b niitted and referred to an appropriate committee. i ' ? From Morgan. , ' :'kffc " " A " x 1 'Mobile, Aug. 20. A special di-patcli ;to the, Tribune, dated Grenada; 29th, says' that "Gen. Morgan bits fimr mVas f tiHery and 18,000 men with him. ' ' -A steaniboiit was burned on Thursday by Southern SVtt)D&.thlSru i.nrvu.-i't. xro,kt.. ' " ' Z ' kirmismng stall continues in the northern vicinity . of Senatobia. . , - . . v . nr 11 -1 7 ft t i-f i fi : From Washington V Vaj . Washington idispatehea to T Grenada' of the 19th, Z V , . ""sou nas return ea to : Uranse tJ H with his whole army.; r' ? ; From Mississippi. . : - v. ft-v3i ii fCWworAn 20. 1' - "A' specfal dispatch 'toAdverlisr and Register of Mobile, dated, Jacsoii 19th inst., says that a naval court rjiartial TOrjarnences 'there on to-morrow. ' .. 7" V- "P0 that the Federals, have landed fpreei at the mouth'of the Yazoo river. ' They have captur- .cd the Confederate' transpoit Fair Play with two thoosa-nd Enfield Rifles, and' a large amount of am- uiumuun luienaea lor ueneral JUiaaman. Eesignatlon of Gov. Mfigoffla. Chattanooga! Tekx.. Ausrust 18. . Dispacthes from Frankfort to the Nashville Union, of the 17th inst., say that Gov. Maeroffin and Lieut. .Gov. Fisk, of Kentu ky, have resigned. Wilmington ' , Later from Europe! o '" i . j - ; Richmond, Va Aug 19 l The steamer Glasgow has arrived at New York, with fonr days later news from Europe.! - ; V - The Queen, in her speech, io proroguing Parliament says : ; The civil Avar which has J fo'- some time been raging in America.has unforthnately continued in unabated jutehsiry; !and the evils witti which it has been attended havorot been confined to the American Continent; but he majesty having from the1 outset, determined to take ria part in the contest, has seen no reason to depart from the neutrality which she has so steadily adhered to. -A -U H ..' , .; j In the House of Lords Earl Strathleden moved for the correspondence, with " Mr; 'Mason, relative to the acknowledgement of the Southern States. Earl Russel said it was "hot expedient to produce the , papers of ' the Confederate ; agent; as he was t ot ; recognised, and all communications were unofficial.' A correspondence has taken place betweert-'lMessrs. Adams and bewnt bat the British government re plied as before, ' He stated that no communication had been received from any foreign power- relative to the recognition of the Southern States. ' ' Earl Malmesbury suggested i that the government should communicate with other powers with the view of offering mediation, if a favorable bpportunity.arises; to which Earl Rnssell agreed that if mediation is offered all the powers should join in it. The motion was finally withdrawn. , . 4 . The London Times editorially argues that if Eng land wishes to give the 'Federals a new impulse, she has but to take some step which can be represented as .interference, and Lincoln "wilt soon get his three hun- dred thousand men, and the chances of peace will -be indefinitely postponed. . ; - ; ; - : .. . . : i The Journal De St. Petersbtirg denies the rumors that Russia had joined France in a proposition from England for the recognition of the Confederate States. - In Liverpoo cotton had advanced to fd. since the previous - iad vices, but the market closed quiet on the 7th inst. Breadstuff's and provisions were unchanged. Con sols for money S3Ji,to 93. " . Lincolirhad beirr waited upon by a deputation of negroes, asking employment as soldiers in the army, andhad created great seasation by his speech on the o'ica.siop, in which he proclaimed that the difference between the black and white races in the United States is so broad that it is impossible that an inferi or race can ever possess political equality with the su perior and dominant rare. TheKeW-Xork Herald annotnces the disbnndment of Gen Hunter'snegro brigade. . . The Maryland News Sheet, at Baltimore, has leen suppressed by Gen. Wool, and the editor sent to Fort McHenry. The editor of the Dubuque Herald has also been arrested for discouraging enlistments.' There was a collision 01 the Potomac on Wednes day night, between the steamers George Peabody and West Point. The former, loadd with troops. unk. Seventy-six persons were drowned, including threes ladies, the wives of officers in Burnside's command. War meetings are being eld throughout the North. . Wilmington Journal, 20A. Laws of the Confederate States. ' - (by authority.) 1 (No. 52.) '' AN ACT TO REPEAL CERTAIN LAWS THEREIN NAMED A XI) TO DECLARE OTHERS IN FULL FORCE, IN RELATION TO CONVEYANCE OF MAILABLE MATTER OUTSIDE OF THE MAIL. Section r. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That so much of the existing enact ment of the Confederate States, as relates to the convey ance or transportation of lettersor packages of letters or of mailable matter of any kind or other com panies of any kind, their agents or employees, be and the sameara hereby repealed, and the laws of the United States adopted by an act of the Provisional Congress enti tled "An act to continue in force certain laws of the Uni ted States of America," on the ninth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, relating to the conveyance or transportation of letters, packets or packa ges of letters or other mailable matter by express or other companies, their agents or employees, be and the same are her by declared to be in full force : Provided, That noth ing in this act contained shall be so construed as to declare that any portion of said laws of the United States, adopted as-aforesaid, not inconsistent With the acta of the said Pro visional Government was bv said last namefl acts in any wise abrogated' or repeale'd: .. Provided, further, that frauds upon the revenue of the Post Office Department and offences against and violations of the laws hereby repealed may be proceeded againstand punished under the'laws exist ing at the time of the commission of such fraud, offence or violation, and this actshall not be construed to have a retro active operation so as to repeal or abrogate any law as to such frauds, offences or violations5 heretofore committed, but shall have a prospective operation only: Provided, also, that this act shall take eflectrom and after the first of June, one thousand' eight hundred and sixty-two. Approved April 19, . . " (No. bi.) JOINT RESOLUTION FOR THE RELIEF OF CAPT BEN DESHA. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the Quartermaster General be and he is hereby authorized to audit and adjust the accounts of wpiaia uen uesna, ot tne tilth Kegiment of Kentucky Volunteers, for expenses incurred bv him for the transpor tation of his company from Crnthiana, Kentucky, to Abingdon, Virginia, being the first place which said" com pany could be mustered into service, and t pay him what ever amount may be ascertained to be due him on account of such transportation ; said company having been organ ized within the lines of the enemy. - Approved VVpril 19, 1862. , ' (No. 55.) AN ACT MAKING FURTHER APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT IN 7f?STttEASUflY WAR AND NAVY DEPART MENT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Section 1. The Congressof the Confederate States of America do enact, That the flowing sums be,-and they are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the objects hereafter ex pressed, for the year ending November thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. Treasury De partmenttor additional clerks to be employed in the omcevf the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Deposito ries of the Confederate States, five thousand six hundred dollars. Miscellaneous For the interest on the public debt,mne million of dollars. For patfer, plates and print- r V j"L'"i,iu "muuDtoi oonas ana large treasury notes, ode hundred thaosand dollais. For eight additional clerks required for issue of bonds and coupons, four thousand dollars. For paper, plates and printing of Treasury notes of the denomination of one and two dollars, seventy-five thousand dollars. For twelve additional clerks to siffn small Treasury notes, six thousand dollars. War Depart-m-etM"F(ir llie Pal"chase of pig and rolled iron, one million of dollars. For casting cannon shot and shell, five hun dred thousand dollars. For- manufacturing small arms of all kinds, two million of dollars. For purchase and man ufacture of nitre and all expenses incidental to exploring and working cares, Ac, one .million of dollars. - Navy Department To make advance on contracts for the man ufacture and production of iron, one million of dollars. For the purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury of ex change for the use of the Navy Department, in pur chasing iron-clad vessels, one million four hundred thou sand dollars. Approved April 19, 1862. - ! "t . . ; . (No. 56.) , : ' AN ACT TO ORGANIZE A SIGNAL CORPS. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be and he is hereby . authorized by and with the adviee and consent of the Senate, to appoint ten officers in the Provisional Army, of a grade not exceeding that of Captains, and with the pay of corresponding grades of Infantry, who shall per form the duties of Signal Officers of the Armv. And the Presid- nt is hereby authorized to appoint ten Sergeants of Infantry, In the Provisional Army, and to assign them to auty as Signal Sergeants. . The Signal Corps above an thorized may be organized as a seoarate corns, op mw ha ..v..u w iuc wVu.i vuicm yj iue Aujutani ana inspector General, or to the JSngineer Corps, as the Secretary of WTar shall direct " 1 J .' Approved April 19, 1862. : , ' - . I . - ' (No. 574 ''''' , .': AN ACT SUPPLEMENTAL TO THE ACT ENTITLED . ."AN ACT TO ESCOURAGE THE MANUFACTURE tt OF SALTPETRE AND SMALL ARMS." . V . - f Sbctiob U The Congress of the Confederate State of America do enact,. That the provisions of the act entitled 'an act to encourage tbe manufacture of saltpetre and mall arms," shall also apply, to all astablishmcnH o f .1.., T-V.7 . . IT 1 . J- , . r , ' "1 mines for the production of coal and for. the productioa and mnufactarofiron,'andthat in addition to the ad vaoee 6t fifty per cent.' therein mentioned, the President be and be is hereby authorized to enter into contracts for the purchase of coal and iroarin such quantities as may probably be required for a series of years, not exceed ins six, and to make advances thereon not exceeding one-third of the amount of saeb contract.: -3 Approved April 19, 1862.. .4 -j t ---I.:;,Vi, AN ACT TO ESTABLISH CEBTAIK f POST ROUTS ,; THEREIN TfAMED.' , ' v , ' ; Sictiost 1 The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the following post routs De .and the same are hereby established, to wit i - In the State of Alabama. From 'Gantersville, by way of LarkiasrUle, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, to Bellefante From SjrUacogga to L h Richard's, in Coosa County.. . ' -In the State of Arkansas. From Parks to Blackfork, in Scott county. From Jacksonport, by Black and Current Rivers, to Cherokee Point, in Randolph county. From Trenton, by Hickory Grove to Clarendon. From Camden by way of FJ Dorado, i.n Union ceanty, to Monroe, in the State of, Louisiana. From Washington to Hempstead coanty, by way of Nashville, Otan PostOflSce, Wilton and Murfreesboro' to Royston, in Pike county. From Warren, bywayof JohraviKe, to Hamburgh. In the State of Florida. From Waldo Station, on the Flerida Railroad, to Etoriah. . ' In the State of Georgia. From Athens, by way of Har mony Grove and Phi Delta, to Homer.; From Lebeaaville, on the Savannah, Albany and Golf Railroad, to Waresbo ro . From Athens to LawrncfviU. urove, o River, to Monroe: on the Ouachita. Rivr. In the State of Mississippi. From Lake Station, by way of Pineville, , to Flovets Place, in Smith county. In the State of Tennessee. From Cades Cave to Mont Vale Springs. : From Cookville to Gainesboro'. i hi the State of Vire-inia. From Airimrton- hv wk nf t .Massie's Mills, to Tye River MUls, in Nelson coanty. ,,,iaim Dieoijjiorin Carolina. f rom SUtesville, by way or Taylorsville, Wilkesboro' and Jefferson, to Marion, in the State of -Virginia. ' IntheSUte of South Carolina. From Simsville, by way of Maybinton, to Goshen Hill. In North Carolina. From Franklin, North Carolina, to Walhalla, in South Carolina: In the State of Texas. From Hookler's Depot, on the Houston and Central Railroad, to Waller's Store. From Hickory Station, in Catawba county, North Caroli na, to Lenoir. . -' " ... y' Approved April 19, 1862. V - (No. 59.) - : AN ACT TO - INCREASE THE MILITARY EST AB sLISHMENT t)F THE CONFEDERATE STATES. AND TO AMEND THE "ACT FOR THE ESTAB LISHMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF THE ARMY OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA." ;The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the number of Ordnance Sergeants authorized by section six of "an act to increase the Military Estab lishment of the Confederate States," &c, approved May 16th, 1861, be so increased as to provide one for each regi ment of the troops now or hereafter received in the service. Approved April 19, 1862. (No' .60.) AN ACT TO LIMIT THE ACT AUTHORIZING THE SUSPENSION OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the act authorizing theuspwnsion of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, is hereby limited to arrests made by the authorities of the Confederate Government, or for offences against the same. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the act which this act is intended to limit shall continue in force for-thirty days after the next meeting of Congress, and no longer. Approved April 19, 1862. , i (No.. CI.) AN ACT TO AMEND AN ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT TO PRESCRIBE THE RATES OF POSTAGE IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES."" , Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That from and after the first day of July next, there shall be charged the following rates of postage, to wit : For every single letter sealed, and for every letter in manuscript or paper of any kind, upon which information shall be asked for, or communicated in writing, or by marks or signs, conveyed in the mails for any distance within the Confederate States of America, ten cents ; and every letter or parcel not exceeding half an ounce in weight, shall be deemed a single letter, and every "additional half an ounce or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with an addition al single postage. Approved April 19, 1862. (No. 62.) AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE APPOINTMENT OF DRILL MASTERS. SECTION 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, 1 hat the President be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint Drill Masters for Camps of Instruction or reserve forces in any arm of the military service, with such pay as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Approved April 19, 1862. (No. G4.) AN ACT IN RELATION TO AUDITING ACCOUNTS FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That it shall be the duty of the Second Auditor, after examining the accounts for the War De partment certify the balances and transmit tbe account with the vouchers and certificates to the Comptroller for his decision thereon,, and when finally adjusted, said ac counts, Touchers and certificates shall be filed with the Register, as required by the act "to establish the Treasury Department," approved February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty -one. Approved April 19, 1862. (No. Co.) JOINT RESOLUTIONS TO AUTHORIZE THE SEC RETARY OF TH EiTRE ASUR Y TO PAY THE MILE AGE AND PER DIEM' OF MEMBERS OF THE PROVISIONAL CdNGRESS OUT OF THE CON TINGENT FUND OF THAT CONGRESS. Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America,' That the Secretary of the Treasury be and he is hereby authorized to use the fund appropriated by the Provisional Congress for contingencies for that Congress, in paying members of the Provisional Congress, who have not already been paid the mileage and per diem due them. Approved April 19, 1862. ? (No. 60. r . AN ACT TO AMEND "AN ACT TO REGULATE THE MODE OF PAYING THE MEMBERS OF THE SEN ATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, AND THE DISBURSEMENT OF THE CONTINGENT FUND." . . . Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, lhat the compensation due to the officers of the Senate shall be certified by the Secretary of the Senate, at such times as is provided by law, and the Scrgeant-at-arms shall draw upon the Treasury for the amounts tnus ceruneu, ana me a raits snail be paid from a i . m f xi i f i . i . . - me i reasury oi me uonieuerate otates wnen issued ac cording to law. , Sec. 2. That the compensation due to the officers of the House of Representatives shall be certified to by the Clerk of said House, at such time as is -provided-by law ; and the said Clerk shall draw upon the Treasury for the amounts thus certified, and the drafts shall be paid from the Trea- sury ui uib vumcuci are njatiea, accoruing lo law. Approved April 19, 1862. -. (No. 67.) AN ACT TO LIMIT THE COMPENSATION OF CLERKS, MARSHALS AND DISTRICT ATTOR NEYS OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES. Section IV The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That every District Attorney, Clerk of a District Court and Marshal of the Confederate States shall, until otherwise directed by law, upon the first day of January and July in each year, commencing with the nrst aay oi j uiy next or witnin tn irty days from and alter the Cars specified, make to the Attorney General, in such form as he shall prescribe, a return in writing, embracing all the fees and emoluments of their respective offices of every name ana cnaracter, distinguishing the fees and emoluments received or payable under the Sequestration Acts from those received or payable from any other ser vice ; and in the case of a Marshal further distinguishing the fees and emoluments received or payable for services by himself personally rendered from those received or payable for services rendered by a deputy ; and also em bracing all necessary office expenses af such officers, the necessary clerk hire included, to be verified by the oath of the officer making the same. And no District . Attorney shall be allowed to retain of the fees and emoluments of his said office, for his own personal compensation, over and above his necessary office expenses, the necessary clerk hire included, to be audited and allowed by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury, a sum exceeding five thousand dollars per year, and at and after that rate for such timt as he shall hold the office; and no Clerk of a District Court shall be allowed to retain of the fees and emoluments of his office for his own personal compensation, over and above the necessary expenses of his office, the necessary clerk hire included, to be audited and allowed by the proper officers of, the Treasury a sum exceeding four thousand dollars per year, or at and after that rate for such time as he shall hold his office. And no Marshal shall be allowed to retain of the fees and emoluments of his office, for his own personal compensation - over and aoove a proper allowance to nis deputies, which shall in no case exceed three-fourths of the fees and emoluments re- ceived as payable for the services rendered bv the denutv i f . J 1 ' . , r ., to whom this allowance is made, and over and above the necessary office expenses of such Marshal, necessary clerk hire included, also to be audited and allowed by the proper accounting officer of the Treasury, a sum exceeding five thousand, dollars per year, or at and after that rate for such time as he shall hold office; and every such officer shall with each such return ' made by him ' pay into the Treasury of the Confederate States, or deposit to the credit of the Treasurer thereof, any surplus of the fees and emoluments of his office, which his half-yearly return so made shall show to exist over and above the compensation and allowances herein authorized to be retained and paid by him. '-- ? i : 7 i ; 'p i i tApproved April 19, 18W.U; ; ; . J y way ot uomer ana Webb's Creek, to UoUine- worth. From Nesota, Baker county,' to Camilla. ' la the State of Louisiana. Frnm vthtiwi aii RmI (No. 68.) r , - AN ACT TO PROYIDB FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF , . CHAPLAINS AT THE NAVAL HOSPITALS. Section: L The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President may, in his discra tion, appoint and assign to the Naval Hospital in the Con federate States, Chaplains, for service during the continu ance of the existing war, who shall receive the same paV and .emoluments as Chaplains in the Army. . , : ' j H(Ne. 69.) .AN ACT TO REGULATE THE COLLECTION OF THE Sbctioh 1, The Congress of J;he Confederate SUtes of America do enact, That where any State has assumed, or shall assume, the payment of the Ux. imposed by the act entitled an act to-authorize the issue of Treasury Notes, and to provide a war tax for their redemption, approved, nineteenth day of August, Eighteen hundred and Shf ty one, and any portion of such State shall be occupied by the enemy, so as to occasion the destruction of crops, or pre sent the raising thereof, or to prevent the State from col lecting taxes therein, the President may, under an agree ment with .the State authorities of such States, suspend the Payment into the Treasury of such portions f the tax' K.UUICU iy,such aiaw-as may have been, or may be, assessed upon the property of the inhabitants of such dis tricts so occupied bv the enemy, until fnrthor n,,;; k- u r: - ' nrATiBiAn Sac. 2. The suspension of all proceedings in relation to the collection of the War Tax in the States of Missouri , and Kentucky, authorized by the Secretary of the Tresury, is confirmed, and he is hereby directed to take ho action thereon until further legislation by Congress. . Approved April 19, 1862. , 1 (No. 70.) ;AN ACT REGULATING THE FEES OF CLERKS AND f .... , . . , FOR OTHER PURPOSES. t . , : Skcticji I. The Congress of the" Confederate States of America do enact, That all laws now in force prescribing the fees of Clerks of the Courts of said Confederate States be and the same are hereby repealed, and that in lieu thereof tbe said clerks shall be allowed to have and charge as follows, to-wit : - , . . , . - For issuing and entering every process, commission, summons, subpoena in chancery, capias, notice or garnishee summons, under the Sequestration Act, warrant, attach ment, or other writ, except a" subpeena for a witness, one dollar: Provided, that for all summons of garnishment arising under the Sequestration Acts,, the clerk shall be allowed only twenty-hve cents. 1 For issuing a subpoena for a witness or witnesses if more than one be named in the same subpoena, twenty-five cents. Jor filing and entering every declaration, plea, or de murrer, whether written or not, or other written psper in any suit, for each, ten cents. For administering every oath or affirmation to a witness or other person, except a juror, ten cents. For entering the return on any process when proper to do so, fifteen cents. . r For every rule entered in the rule book on one rule day, twenty-five cents. ' . For any order, continuance, judgment, decree or recog. mzance, drawing any bond or making any record, certifi cate return or report, for every one hundred words fifteen cents, or a specific fee of forty cents. - For a copy of any such entry or record, or any other record Or paper, for every one hundred words ten cents, or a specific fee of twenty cents. ' For. entering in any suit or controversy in Court, all the attorneys for each party, or the appearance in proper person of any party having no attorney who appears, ten cents. r or making dockets and indexes and for other services u- o ucKe anu inacxes ana ior other services for w hich no specific fee is allowed, in a cause where issue is joined and no testimony given, including taxing costs. . two dollars. ' ' i For making dockets and indexes, and for taxing costs and othe? services, for which no particular fee is allowed m a cause which is dismissed, or a judgment or decree is rendered therein without issue including taxing costs, one dollar. For affixing the seal of Court to any in'atrumncnt, when required, or to any processto which the same is required ,to be affixed by law, twenty cents. For every starch for anything above a year's standing, except where such search is for papers in a pending cause, twenty cents. For noting in the process book any decree, order or pro cess (except a subpoena for a witness), and taking a receipt therefor, twenty cents. For recording a bond or other writing, in pursuance of an order of court, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents, or a specific fee of one dollar. "Where a witness claims for his attendance, for adminis tering an oath to him, and entering and certifying such at tendance, forty cents. ' a or administering any oath not before provided for, and ..-!. inv n nn-l(! . .. i 1 - . C 1 ? wi; merem, uere me case requires one. For receiving, keepinjr and oavinsr but monev. in nursn ance of the requirements of any statute' or order of Court, one per cent on the amount so received, kent and naid. For attendance on Court when the same is actually in session, for each day five dollars. ! For travelling from the office xf the clerk, where he is 1 1-4UU cu m 10 resiae, or wnere ne actually aoes reside, to the place of holding any court reauiuid to be held by , ue ucuu jjer mue ior going ana tue same ior return ing. . i ' The said fees shall be chargeable to the party at whose instance ine service is performed, except that fees for en tering and certifying the attendance of witnesses, and the proceedings to compel payment for such attendance, shall be charged to the party for whom thp witness attended, and the per diem, mileage and other service performed for me wovernment oi tne Uontederate States, shall be paid by said Government All fees which may accrue to the cierK unaer tne sequestration Act, or any act amendatory thereof, by law chargeable on said fund, shall be paid out 01 me general sequestrated fund in tbe hands of any re ceiver, or under the control of the Court, when an order 8hallbeinade directing such payment, and the Court is authorized to make such order at its discretion. No per son shall be compelled to pay any fees before mentioned until a fee bill be produced to" him, signed by the clerk to whom they aye due, expressing the particulars for which such fees are charged, and the said fee bills made out and signed as aforesaid, the clerk may deliver to the marshal or to a sheriff of the State where the party resides, who shall collect the same, deducting a) commission of ten per cent for such collection, and the marshal or sheriff may distrain therefor such property of the person to whom- the fees are charged as might be levied on under a writ of fieri facias issued from a State court of the said respective Confederate States ; and the District Courts of the Con federate States shall, on motion, and for ood eause shown, quash any such fee bill and prevent the collection thereof, or of so much thereof as appears to be, illegal and hot justly due. No clerk shall be obliged to perform services for a non-resident of the district for which he is clerk, un less payment of his fees for said services be secured, nor to perform services for any person against whom he has had a foe bill returned, and which remains unsatisfied, unless be, be secured payment of his fees for the services desired, or performance of said services be, directed by the court. Sec. 2. And the Congress of the Confederate States do further enact, That all necessary record book and station ery shall be furnished the said clerks at the -cost of the Lrovernment, and that tbe accounts, for the same be paid on the certificate of the Judge of the respective District Courts, that in his opinion such accounts are just and reasonable. , Sec. 3. .And the Congress of the Confoderate'Statcs do further enact, That any Clerk of any District Court of said Confederate States may; with the consent of such Court, or with the consent in writing of the Judge thereof, in vacation, appoint a deputy, who shall take the same oaths such clerk is required to take, and who, during his continuance in office, may discharge any of the duties of the clerk, and he may be removed from office either by the Clerk or the Court. - ' Approved April 19, 28GZ. SALT BEEF FOR SALE- TIIE subscriber has on hand a lot of soar beef from the brim of which salt can be made, and which he desires to dispose of privately. Those desiring to pur chase can find him at the Commissary Store, House, at the ,N. C. Itailroad Depot. C. H. THjOMPSON, Lieut, and A. C. S. . August 16, . I . 78 3 w THIRTY DOLLlliS REWARD. RICHARD LINDSET, A PRIVATE LY C0MPAITY I-, 30th Regiment N. C. Troops, is at his home in Nash county, North Carolina, and refuses to return to his company for duty. I will, therefore, give th above reward ni iniMi "ULiiAKS for His apprehension and delivery to me at the camp of the' 30th regiment, or wherever my company may be. . j Said Lindsey is about thirty years of age, five feet nine or ten inches high, light complexion, blue eyes and light hair. j. i. Harris, , Commanding Co. 1, 30th Begt. N. C. T. Camp near Richmond, Aug. 5th, 1862. 4 78 wit $5 REWARD. ; Strayed or stolen from . the subscriber, on Tuesday, the 15th inst, from McAlfred Upchurch's, a dark iron grey horse, about 5 feet high, with one hind foot white to the fetlock. The above reward will be given for his delivery to me at Morrisville. - T . S. M. CARPENTER. July 19. -r T Mies Cured Without the Knife. pilES, Fistalanmors, Spermatorrhoea, II- X cerations of the Womb- Ac Dr. J. A.' Clopton. of Montgomery, Alar., will be ft Raleigh the first of August, and may be conmtlted for a few days at the Guion, House. He has operated on many of the most distinguished gentle men of the Confederacy, and guarantees perfect relief in everj instance. Those who may be troubled ; with Pile's coming down at every action and bleeding them to death' shall be perfectly relieved if they will bat submit to an ope ration. Not one patient in ten is confined to his bed!--Reference to the f rfc gentlemen and ladies of the States,T 2 ' ; -v 72-wAswtf ' TW? J'fTP' c?, F' mh Anient IT. C. T. J has deserted.He w 31 yeara of age, blut eyes, brown hair,dark complexion, five feet ten inches high and by occn t f"Pnter. Pavne was born in Forsyth cVmniy, enlisted at Greensboro', Gudford conntr. N. C, 17th June 1861. v, V V- E. B. KING,- ' u Llent. Commanding Co, P, tud Cavalry. , : Camp Campbell, 2111 f " f3?tf ' ior wmcb no specific fee is allowed, on the trial or argu ment ' a cause, where issue is joined and testimony given, including venire and taxing costs, three dollars. Jorth Carolina Deaf and nM. Tm Wt X Wednelfli: ??UI Vfu lh i m nf o. ' li fw , Parents will be expected affttn5LPS. nedessary winter mO0' fcr u r"" SI Any person knowino tween the a?es of municate the fact t7?hV?S SS essary steps may hi uv! V,nc'Pu u' tion Any infen We pupils Ac, willbe ri " " 10 "e or otherwise. August 16, ' VUft im C,p Rale 1 A i 1 IGH. A nn,. 'yiid s EALED PR0P0S4K trii 3 ill ' this Office nnYil ,kSI UL furnish a sufficW V!" r of W uiuisii a sumcient quantity r J or Sv" ri ib f winter and.spring he wood to be sou m - "VMUU fin V .. 1 I required, and to be cut nre-piaces. .caUieiennr Bidders will iUf furnish it V Per w f. The nVbtof State is reserved. 6 ulu.not ,drwi Bond with security for the rl;.L, tract will be required:, August 16. ' errt . JiULOtrTYV rV 1KEJT up ana commuted iff X ham county, N. C a nnJL 10 th hi i- Neal, and belfig," Wof .W county, and wm hTA xt f'tnij " i i t 'I Wntyfbutdo;; very oiacx, aoout 6 feet 10 in T nt- ' hereby notified to come forw, danT ' PittsboroV July 25th. lSf!? . A SEMI-AXXUAL DlYlDEn arvl A upon the Capital StoH fji j.oau company nas been declarer! Confederate bonds, at the oflice f t after the second Monday in julr 1ft 2e S Raleigh, June 27, 1862. - ' V Toidaaf!cfom4l, ,o5o''.-i Apply to I: July 23 AVATFn. AITl ATIO.Y ASTEACIIKU BT (Tor, a native of the State. StetS&fP penence and is capable, of tnarfMni.. " ? f"' H French and Music. The .ituat'mn Apply to the editors of thejTS ON the 21st Jnly.two bar borsch. CampMangum. 'One condition when thv left. .. , ... -piiii-iu uuimai. or giving information so that i i rally rewarded. . Ju.y24-74-tf , ' To all hoia ifiuay Coni THE siihscrihf rs arc prfDarcdtflBw brandy from cider for thH"in5?R: upon its being delivered at the still. , , . T?t?l, A ... n.l. J. H.P()ll ' 15LANT0N )TkaI . COLUMIUX.S.C. FOK t F. R L V .( ) F . K K N'T l'( ' K T TS PREPARED to fill orders to anr n X Engraving and Printing Bank .Notes, Di! change, Ac. u n 1 1 E.N GRAYING UPON "STEEL OU STON irge suppues of JJanlc Note ami other -1"" . AUg. V, lh()2. ' " Jfr MHAWiUAKUBS, UAMP OF IN'sTJJl'CT; ITvi t.wr i : "i . Camp IIotSE6, August 8th. lie: SPECIAL ORDERS, ) ' No. 6. f " UJTOEK Instructions from the Smc H ar, the defeated licers in the riwnt r iion 01 iwcive months rt-giuientg, bt tween tin- "-Jj - utrruuy oraeron to report theinie! Camp of Instruction as siibject tot con.cri)tk . , My oruer ot . .... PL'TEIt MALL' , ,. . . .Major CoinmtKh; .r . j. hahr, Adjutant. r Fayetteville Observer. Wihuington'onral oury y aicninan, copy three Uincs. August 13, . Headquaktkrs DihtricI- of A.C . Antrust Stb.E RESP0XTBLE parties in North Carrfk ing rejected tnat many are entering tkfi Rangers' service, or are prof'essirg to entertr expectation of staring about tht'ir horow aedtin yond cannon shot of the enemy ; notice ii hert; tnat an enrolled men in the district arc jubjedti from these Headquarters ; and that moreittinit b required of the Partisan's than of other loldin the orders for active service are not Dromoth eo with, the Partisan companies will be dibwAiJj roiiea as conscripts. ) Major General Com J.Uf. if II EA DQUAHTERS 7TH K EG, N. C. Te Camp xijlAR GoitDONsvii.tEi Vi, . ' ... ' August 5th,'l862. X 1ST ot Deserters from this regiment n . 1 J iNorth CarofBia : Company A Privates P E Smith, X Bentlej, 1 ley and Wilson Icenhour. . Company JJ Privates Linker, Hortnell, Bost,i Bineheart and llariis. Coinpany C Corporal Jordan. PrivatesG Wfred vvm itooerts., Jno VV McMillan. JcnkimXii Welsh. Jesse Daris and John Ward. Company D Serc-eant John 4'acknrd. Private I Jirennan, John Collins. Francis Dorsinr, A' Gallagher, Thomas Johnson, A K Kanapaoi. J'' ray, David J Williamson oha Charles II CriP' enlisted in Charleston. S. C..1 and PrimtM Jubl raui games, iiooert & Mulwee and Wm stonoW ra t t v . ' . in Charlotte, N. C, and Jno McVance, enlisted nah, Georgia. ; Company l Samuel J Winborn and J TH Company F Privates Elias G Cranford. J B C William Fry and William Lomax. Company G Privates M 1) YatM. A Cnl arbee. J M . Seatrroves. W T Ilandon. W W fr Marshal, II C Uradley, W Upchurch and P A 51' iOinpany.11 frivates ' Charles lavlor ana Freeman. Company I Privates W S Ballard. T. T McLain, P P Westmoreland and David William. Company K Privates James Kkliaids ana THIRTY nflLLARS TtFAV A RD be pit" aprc-hension and delivery in this camp of anr of w named dpartorn. nr F1FTFKV DOf.LAKn hu FfcES, if lodged in-anviail from which tbey ctoof " ootainea. . , . , Hv Ardor nf F. fl' ITirwrion. Cora'J S .(' F. I)! STOCKTON, A"- TTilminffton Journal -f weekly), Irebell fc;pr Charlotte Democrat, publish four timea ns vuuum) w vaj) 1IUU1 liujjuro, . ... FXTICACT, 1 .4, " n " , Ai.trl. t ... I vco (iTM'l 0"irI IlCHM0.ND)Jul3W,''r GENERAL ORDERS, . ' No. 63. ) . ' . -rwf .III. Paragraph I. General OHcri, v ries, u hereby revoked, and all paroieu r-r"i Regiments are in the East", will report at wcw" ginia, and- those whose Regiments are - Vicksburg, Mississiopi. IV. All seizures and impressments of every of property whatever, ami especially of ar"",.Vr stores belonging to the States of the to nw- hereby prohibited, and officers or tue y. f , is, joined to abstain carefully from such .'"'jf4! ments, and in case they are made by mutate, j tare ordered to make prompt restitution. By command of the Secretary of W ar, nnPrjL rx- TT. Sr S. C. Bl? ' An?ot6ti, 1 The attention nf iht, nfUcera and men 01 uw, , T 7 . .. -n.i . r. 1 llau,'. and men are required to report immediately w ick.t is vaueu to me aooe urucr, - ,v. quarters, or send certificates of Surgeons. By order of cuu V aug. 9 Headquarters 1st BbioaI'8' Oi- . Army or the PiWjJ w July 25th, Genebal Orders, 1 . U HUB Af I AU UU I IDA VI H"" i.nt W' JUL flewbern unless ordered oy tne eci 7-. f der, and in no case will a citixen be perBHW" yna our lines. v . By order of C01. Sot. Wiluahs. -f . , A.l J. C. PEGRaM, A. p - Jnlj- . i , r. .v ;. . . 0V Raleigh Register, FayetUville 0berr, Democrat and Wilmington Journal will pic" times and forward accounts to this office. 1 1