F . . v. - - - . -- -- - - - A i i r - - - Vol. I. Num. 9. WEDNESDAY -- - . to.. 4.1. - . 4 . " ' t-- - . : ? ' S- 1 . ,.! " - i : - - . -i.-V- '.. I ... . - ' J . ' 1 ,,4 ... 1 1 , J MORNING, Novsmser 12, 1 Sex?.".;. 21-2 DAjr rJ$: i. i ; W. V ' 'f si ! - 1 . O r , - Jr.. ... Labor tnin'u vincitjmprobus. 4 ; ' NOR FOLIC D;K 23,; . ;. iLxtracl A letter fr.tk.tks fhstiri v .7 Ccnful a Livrvhtdvtiel zth ' Stptem'fef. J, '' -' MclTagcs betweenj Cala"3 an ; Paris cntiaue as frequent as ever. f Gfcn. Abcrcrombic L.is abancioneci the projeSl of attempting Malta. 1 Our Comm. Tuners it Iiris aic jo ' injr. on vell.,, Ycitcr!sy : afrive.-l ; Hiniprcn Roads the thip Mitliflppi, Cap'am Citlathan, 43 tUjs from Lircrpuol, bound to Ciry Toint ; ;c received .".from laftcvenint; a London p-per , ofthe io.tli September, 'from rhich tlic following arc cxtracis : 1 LONDON, Scfjt. io.j According to advices-received on Monday from Gen. Sir' Ralph A bercrombic, vrclcam that Gneral Graham had been lent with 4000 troops and a -numerous of arriikry to the attack of Maira. . Sir Ralph Abercrombie alf went thither in perfon, with two irgimants, hfling of 1000 men each,: con fro m X.echorri ; bat after infpccling the S.rri:t: liT' wciiLi, aim the ltatc of defeae, it was thought prudent to aoaiidoxi the attempt,; and with-, draw our forces, whieh had accord ing to the lad accounts been rcla.id ed at Minorca. Letters received from or baird Lord St. Vincent's flret mentions, that the fleet (lands clofcr in ibore than ever. , The blockade has been St f . f ,f VCrJrftri'? ? th;monhs pafl, and all forts of provifibns, Sec have hien prevented from xntering lirerl for the fleets. I he flym y look-out fquadron of frigates kiep la dole into the roads, as to be tre qtiently: within reach of i the batte rics. mis tney go to prevent a fleet of tranfports at St. Maloes, laden with naval ftores and provih ons, from efcaping into Breil. . :TP A II I S, Sept 5.. . AlmoSl all the Journals have a " greed in faying, that 0-1 the 2d, four couriers coming irora London arri ved one hour after each pther. iuch acltve communications are a fayour able augury. Iney wi i prove at lead on the part of ths 1 Britifli go vcrnoient a great ea'gernefs to be on terms wjth ours ; and itjmult be al lowed, that it was a happy circum- flance that there ihouid be jult four packet boats quit?: ready ito bring o ver the four couriers within one hour of each other. .There arc.at Paris fcveral Ruffian Cols taken at the HcLder. Forgot- teri.bj their government has advan ced them what money they wanted. .Wc learn from Leghorn, that Admiral Keith has failed , with his fleet, and is gone to Mahon to bring away the Englifh troops. It is be lieved that tney will proceed to . I taly.. ; , ; BREST, Auguil.27.'. :- i . On hard Me. TtrKibUA .We are placinrthcnret ona moft I rcfpcaafclc footing; All thcrcfTcIsI vhich are in the?port being arisd, ind they will be .very fov.i in the 'oad. We Inv hid adicei that :he Englifh propjfe to mike ,tan felves martyrs - here, a:id to atuck Brfjl ; but we have made fush tor- iinlabie preparations fur dc-feace, ;hat if thev ihouid be b'oid en aih ;o attempt a csup de main, we ihali 4 ve them A. very warm rece'priori. f he canons of" the batteries' are al ways loaJcd. Tl;e coa.l a'reiu.rhs oe.t i'tare of deJeace ; aa.i if t!xe enemy Inouici co riff in, they will not be able to gtt out ugin. Our veflels are drawn uo in two iriis Light th?c dee'eers .iorm St part of the :!rrt, und p-reient an im pregnable battery. One thou fund pieces of camion are mounted upon the points on whi.-h the LngiL'ii can make any attempt. The enemyk nrmament is alavB in iew. Their obj-c: is faid to be u fAcrifice forue of v.-ifcis, to. burn or link ours i!oACcr the iroad of Breit will n t h ta road of Abpukir. The uitr.icc is de fendrd1 bv batteries and vne:s can- not -enter more tian tv.-o irjre -. The brave Bernadotte has h iie.i i qaartcrs at Liudmc ..u. rc on the belt terms with our friends the Spaniards j. they arc much tached to us, ant: liie ci;i2iN hit t jsc ;7inc jj with a cordiality that does both much redit. STRASBUKCJi I Sept. 1. We have juft learnt by an o.'ficul communication, that citizen l)jf folles,." chief of the etat-mijr of the army of the Rhine, has announ ced to the. field Madhai lieutenant knrnn T rmr th f tTminafimi Cif tllS 1 UA1U41 k H4V - fufpenfion of arms concluded at Pars-idoru. The ceflatlonof the armiflice has alfo been notified to the Aultrjan Gens, comman iin-j leparatt corps, the Prince of Reufs in the Tyrol, and General Simbfccn in Franco nia. , - It is faid that the Auftrian Gene rals werc"very much iurprifed at this intelliTevnce, and that the hope of the Emperor being Hill willing to ratify the preliminaries coucltfdtd at Paris, is almoft general. The Geeral in Chief Moreau, is oeupied in giving activity torti)C operations of the right wing of the anny, and in making the neceiTary difpofitions for attack. Ltcourbe ?aas Conferred, proviftonally, the command of the right wing upon Gen. Gudin. We have received here official news that rhe celTation of the armi ilice has been notified at all points to the Auftrian Generals, and that hoftilities will commence ; immedi- !r- Ery thing preages new vie- An extraordinary courier from Paris pafTcd thVough;this city on hi way to Vienna. . U- It is faid that Ruflia and. Pruflia will march joooo nien in order to force the Emperor to conclude a f TRANKFORT, Auguft 29. ' They write from Berlin that con ferences have taken place between the Minifter of the French Repub lie, General Bouraoavillcy .aadthw 3aroa Krudner, jMinifter fro Ru(fii. It is fuppofed that their object it to bring about a reconcf 'iation between the! two countries, which is by r.n means improbable, under the' exilling circumflaaces. . BRU3LS,! Sept. r. Fro r: che Banksjof the Rhine, wt JMrij, thtt the troops cantoned betw4gcfn, t!ie Lahn and the Niddsj. b?a i to be in motion, to approach tJe Mfin. It appears -that the mi upcrati ons;ori thai point, will 4 hpiburg, Wuvtsbufg, and Afchaf- BOLOGX A. Au-uft r7- - The ui-.shm of Frencri under th; n Jers 6f G?ieral 1 roops rIoti- hier, wjuch was yer.f:rda atcer at Imola, fet off having rjreeived a rcinfarcere;it oi or oooo men, in order to refumej tie poff-.-flion f ) the R').'iia');!n, which had been eva- . cu-'.re , '! y from motives of 4 r nrade. iiuu vt'nicU tha Aultriau 1 troop? p7id -occupieid as it appears, from 'fme mi fundf. rj? t a n di i a account is rvew in j Bom- f b-i'v p tr of an enormous fti.il?; c ihe jua.id i Ge.lebes which had woun d itself round and crufhsd ro death a man who jay fleeping on the beach, and was taking the body into his mouth when' others, came and cut off his head it is faid this kind of lnake fwallows man and even bullocks. Mr. Bouiton of Birmingham is preparing a dye by order of the Eaft India Company, from which gold medals comnitfmomjvs of the capture of iSeringapatam arc to he flruck,: and ditlnbuted to the army in India. ; A comrnifllon" has paflcd the great fcal of England, empowering the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to return the Irifh pesrs.and commoners to the Imperial Parliament. Ifrom a review of the limitations of prices of articles of provifions by an acl'panl-d in the year 13 13 it ap- it appears that mo'twy then was from ten to twelve times the value it is in England at prefent. The corps in the lout hern parts of England are &ood, ani 1:1 the northern parts but fhort. .Capt. Thompfon. late from Lif bond informs that Buonaparte had made a demand of 8,000,000 crowns from Portugal, to remain neutral and permit the French vefTe!s free entry in the ports of Portugal, 01 that he would march an array, of 25,00 men againll them who were all ready at Dijon, and thit Spain had confented to their marching throueh their territory, that the" court of Portugal were engaged in eouneil on the fubjecl. -7 Paris papers fay that a paflport has been granted by Buonaparte for the Queen of Naples to pafs from Leghorn to Vienna, whether (he is to travel by land under an efcort of Auftrian horfe. , . Letters from Marfeilles jlate 'that k (hips of d liferent burthem nave lately entered iviaita witn pru tfiGons. r . la an adrefs ,ta the clergy at Mi a as from Buonaparte (but of which the editor. is not kriown V he' is made I to (peak qf the Rohjw Ca lliolic as the true and pre'rablc re ligion, and as the one which : dv-e-' lores' land fupports the rights, a principles (rf Democratic govern ment. . j , :UX:J-: :' A Milan JournaHiinferins' thnt1 the Piedoritffc' 'govefij Xhi ha vsl propofed to the Cifalpinr g-.ve"n-..'v meat an! unipn, .ani a lope is a lo; (i ?ht it will be reciprocated and tend alf to Liuria In a, late trea;y bet Wee n the Just in -Ha CcJmpaTiy and the-Nabb Saa- lut AU Kn'hn. the fnrrrief " areryro 1 ' keep. an array of r 0,000 ;. BririCL nnt'r native trpo js in O add af all jiiiies and to ae?':rt:cnt i'he number wh:n rhe fafe'ty of the Province may re quire i t . : , A Hamburg Tart'le -f ft tho Sth August, jstats ikt 'Iiciril. ir.iclli- , L.rnce was received thrre from the ? "Hague, t:o the Dutch Miniver, '&c. that.prelijmiaaries of peace between France aad the EloocriSr of Gernr -ny, ' fbunde'd'en the treaty ;of Cam- 4 pd Formio were .'Jigncd on-the evt'n ing of the 29 :h July----A Vienna article of the, 30th July,-" tatcsk, that fht armistice hi G'trmanv and Italy hathj been fiid to be prolund;, for fever A months, during which rhe negotiations wcjfiS to t riie i on. ' , 7 '' :': . ,. ' An article dated Hgt;r, Au gurt -2d, ft?, res that the; Ducrt Minifter at Paris u rote by a courier Che pleating in'eil'gcnce that the (preliminary ai tic lei as a to rcfai:, were already ar ratig c j, and as lbme faid,'ligned on ;he 29th July. - A London nVticle of i4th o fiNfs-, -there is i;o tiuch int. die above. " ; ' A London paper of the 13th, fays, it is probable they were. either figned or dcfinltiveiy at ranged. By letters from Dantzick it is ftatedj that the King of Pruf fix has laid an jaddirjonal dutr of 1 25 guilders per laii on all w heat to be ex ported , this is r laid to riave afteCtcd'the murKtC price in England I f"- 'X- ; A London article of the 25th July ftatcs that the wife of John -Sandal, !a gardener at Sheffield 1 place, aged 23 years, Was fafe ly delivered ot lur daughters at a birth, ali likely to Lye ihe was three years iturned and, had one c hi Id before. The Captain, of an Engl(h fchooner informed a New-York pilot that the French, have ta ken Curracoa, that the United ; States brig Pickei ing. was in the harbour at the time and joined With other Americans in defending the place againft the French, who, ; when they ' con quered, maflacred every Ame rican, including . the conful, orBcers land crew of the ficfc- 'c'ring. An Edinburgh article of the i6th Auguft, AUies that jhe "i t ' 1 .11 5 ' ,'.V -M't. I . ' t . ' ' : i . ' ' ' ; 1 '.;!:- ' : . I, - ! v . I1 ' -til-" . ' i- v " ' t . ' - . - . t 1. i"i '5 'fi'"' " M X : -