9' V - i m. m.m. .m. m h . a 3 tfrw Tjriusque mlbi null their million, and of hofhhtiei 2 . iKrijf r. between the Englilh ancTAJge- & nncs, and the Danes and Algc i J the Portugucfcjidhe. r v r rinrr rn Encrfand in their deClfi- reftrictfonion the failing of the Baltic I uniijuxufu h, muwmw thcirrirttof thefljnlrom thecal- Anrticltadrth. Paris bead of the 16 th Auguft, ftti, that a rero- lutian hat taken place lately in Swit- ztrland, that the councils hare been -v11fVn.r nd executive oun cil appoioico ; aa bd headed date, - That preliminaries ef peace hart been figned between the trench Re- public and the ly of A gier..- j ' An article under tne Lonoennc.u, i dated aadAyguft,ftt,tUat a letter I TT13 rcceiTva irwi . ru af the late tecret rtpedition, ttating J'elleifle or Breit tn KrhMrnU ot' deftrnation. It appears oy a ieur. n Augult, from St. Thomas' tbaton the 1 7th, Gen. Rigaud arrired there from. Jeremie in a D.nifo tefl'l it U added ; br way of pottfeript, that Gen. Ri gaud and hia attendant are ordered ofF the i0aBdiB34 hours, by the com- aandmt. . An army of Ruffian troaps is eflera blingon tMe bar.ks of the Vcltula, on theirentiert of the Auftrian ftate, whieh gires rife to rarioua conjee- turea. . , , Information bath been receiveo that the Britilh frigate La Seine, after an engagement of 6 hours w itb the French frigatejLa Vengeance, captured her. The Vengeaace wb'en captured was on berj way to France from Curracoa, at whithlaft place flic refitted after the afBoG with Commodore Trux- ton. . . A camp is forajingbetween Amiens end .Paria Carndt in an addreli to rlirmM rhe Tcrh , Auomft. laa,'.' de . i r . u- o.u fendeis of tb eoantry the chief coa ful has vaft projea, he hopes you will execute hii orders with courage nnd contribule all your energy to en .fure peace.' It i$ hid the Kreweh lately took a 'fiiip la ihe Mediterranean and on fiud-ino-it belonged to the Pope they re le?fed! it faying they bad orders to re fpett the Pontifical flg. Onltbe 13th Anguft the French go vernment pafled an "act that the pall porca!of Minifters or agents of allied power to foreigners fb all net be a aitable except to thofe ef their own nation refpeclively nor fliallthcy avil Frenchmen altho' of their refpecViYe nation naturalized fincc the irtbjuly 1739J -Nor (hall fuch enter tlfe terri tory of the republic on pain of being , "treated at emigrants ; thoie nttives then in France in virtue of foreign paflports are to obtain licences wiiu in a limited tiaiefroTi the Miniitcr of General Police, and all other fo reigners paflparts conformanly to the abave. ' The French General KJeber is fiid to liave been alJiffinarcd in Egypt, by an Arab, who (hot hiin in the head whilfi; prefenting a petition. Gene ral Rollo is faid to hare fuccceded to . ube command. ; m vLetters by the Hamburg mail in rorm that the plague hs difappeared in Morocco, and corifidirably abated in Tunis and Tetuan. A letter iigned St. Prieft, frcretary of aatetotheKingof France, dated from Mittau, hath been addrt fled to 1M r. Trau ve nay Miniiterot i.ouis letn. calling on the French Emigrants not tnrMnrntn France is tbey will there by forfeit the right of recovery of :their eQates ktn Mis JHtjrjy return thithtr and efficc the fclory of tljeir 1 . . -ten years privation. Tilers is riuich 'attention paid by the French government at prefent to the improvement ot ibc r rcutu u, oYrrinnorthem in the nfe of car: non add fmall arms and by raanoeu- vnrxr r irm m lncQ a manner isio render them more ejepert in aclion mW.t r oiven to luch asexcrl and there are. fundry wemoirs fuggfting improJvefncnts tn their navai racxica. PHILADELPHIA. 0&. 29 Bqfton accounrs fay, that bv the Diani, London papers to the 8th September flate, that a report prevailed, that the Ame- m ....... V.r4 1f T?f4TlP4 S w p v ' J 0n on the demand of Buona- parte ; oi a uritiin cxpcuiiion o Egypt ; of the dcape; of a .French fquadron & 6oootropps from BrenY which the fcnguin feared were bound to thc-Wcft- , . - . r -r i ThehcaUhorthecjtyfBal- timbrc is fo far refused, that rn, Inrcc k4nfcs have agre d tb . h finals in r eif u&iat . prices itlC 27ih mil,-- ' f T.c Prcfidcnt of the United States arrived in town on Satur day I a It, on his way to the I cat ot govcrnlnciu. - Ifasc Tichenor; Ffq. is elec ted Governor and Pui Bng ham, Efq. .Lieutenant; Gvcr nor of rhc State of Vermont Majority ioi Tic henor 3700. London reports fiatc that the Danilh government alfurned a loftier tone to- Writ worth than was expcclcd That accounts were received that incrcaled ex ertions were made to prepare the Bred fleet for lea. That the Emperor of Germany had an nounced to all the Courts of Eu rope his determination not to treat with France except in'con jundion with England and his other allies. By a private : letter, dated Liibon, Auguft 7, it is laid thai France has demanded ' no mo ney .of Pttugalj but nu. isliueh other proportions as cahnot be complied . with-r and that an fwer has been given lay Portu gal that fhe is ready to. treat with Fianc hut wi!l agree to no terms ificonfiftcnr with her treaties with Great-Britain. Advices were received from Minorca that the -25th regi ment, 1900 ftrong, had been fent to Malta. "1 rve forces un der General Ahercrombie, con lifting of dhout 9000 men have failed to the cam ward, 'hippo led to be lor Egypt, ani tj?c General had left orders that the 4OOO men which vere landed on the Ifland ot Houar but vVcre afterwards embarked for the Mediterranean Ihould toUow him, a long them are feveral hundred cavalry, . . 1 1 London paprrs fay, that late o rcrland difpatches inform, that an uncommon. fttcceifibn of rairi ; had laid entire diftricU in China Jundcr water, that, the gretit river Hqumbo had beeu fvohito fuch etcefs'as to tally t vralh from the banks many of the villages which adorned them, and inundate all the 'adjacent cun try, fuch of the inhabitants as ef caped fled to the hil?s,the latebeau tiful, level and highly col tit ated plains, were, at the dare of thefe accounts, covered with hoats em ployed in collecting the wreck of property fi sating on the waters. An articie dated Conftantinople, July aSth, dates Klcbec was cer tainly murdered, and that he has oeen fuccecded in the command of the French aTtny in Egypt by Ge leral Menon, who "in a letter to Sir Sidney Smith fays die. aflaflin had been fent (rom Caxa purpofcly to commit th muritr, b there ire fttrmti Att Manon himfdf was V the cautf of it, and it is ftated thaf KlcbtT Vis on tlit point of adopting fli onirisljrian Ctf El -A Til CXI t4 4 which Menon was ppofed who was at the head of that party that wsl aiwajsavene to tne rrencn 4-nf Egypt The fame accounts fay thr Grand Vizier and the Captain Pacha are conjointly to deeidcneulttj of the former is iafofce'd . bj 45,000 frefh trooDSthat the attact will be made in arious points, that the captain Pacha when the laR letters left Ga rtid failed fro A thence with his. fiect.- . In the Aurora of otha 22d inflartt, fiindry cxtrads area made from a publication faid to have been made by Aiexand.tr Hamilton; Efq. con raining cenfures againu; -Prefident Adams and his oninion of his un- opiiuwn ui f iua 1 omce of Pefident, given as having been J r. Hamilton to Mrvl fitnefs for the oiuce of -Prefident, I two letters are g written by m Adams, the fid dated Auuil 1, 1 00, calling upon him to know whether he had declared the cxift ence of a Britifii faction in this country, and that Ihe (Mr. Hamir ton) was one of them, and it fo. what grounds he he had for it, iht other letter is dated the lit O tober iuit. from the f-iisc to the fame, re- former letter, to which ritI ,--- , as he had no anfwrr till now, he j cxpefls none, and a ids that t thus much I will affirm, that by whorp foever a charge of the kind mep tioned in my former letter, may at any time hnvebeen made or infinu ated againfl roe, it isA bafe', wick ed, and cruel calumny ; deftitute even of a p'laufible pretext toexrufe the folly or maflc live depravity which mnft have diaatcd it." The cartel (hip Benjamin Frank linCapt. Saukey, from Bordeaux, arrived here the aid inft. fhe failed the ad September, and brrng information that th ncgociation with out envoys had beeft renewed, and would moft probably terminate in the adoption of certain commerci al arrangements. A number of la dies and gentlemen ate paffengers, amongst the latter Mr. Fanwick, for merly American conful at Bordeaux. By late accounts trom in cw iors it appears, that London papers to the pth September by the Two Friends, captain Gardner, (have been received there, they contain Lord Whitworth's Letter, dated Copenhagen, 30th Auguft, inform ing that he figncd a convention with th Danifh Minister the day pro ceeding on terms fatisfa&ory to his Majesty & fuch as the writer thinks will strengthen the bonds of friend (hip and alliance between the two countries, the principal articles are alfo given the Danilh frigate and convoy are ro be repaired at the ex pence of Great-Britain and then re leafed ; the difcuffion refpefking the aflerted right of the Englilh to vifit convoys (hall be adjourned to a fur ther negociation in .London, .until -which,. and the point is decided, Danifliftips mall only fail under convoy in the Mediterranean feas to protect them from the Algcxine em zers. the JJamiri inipi man oe liable to be fearched as hereto fore BALTIMORE Otf 29. Op jfo aufpicious an oecafion as the reftoration of health, to our afflicted citjtbe return of- our eitizens to tbeir lately deferred homes and the rivival of bufinersin our ftrct ts where the hum of induftry wasfo long hnfli ed in midnight filenee the heart feels unufual emotion9,tan3 leaps in grati tod e to a merciful God lor prefer ring our lives f rom the deftruftive fever, for (laying the ravages :of- death, and brieging us together gjyn to em brace our relatives, i teltcitkto Jour friends, and faueezr the ftretched hand of a congratulating accaio-tance.--BBt, faya fame dileonfolate ntniimrr. were a fhort abfeoce from our friends and occupations nc J -F . . I misfortune, our (orrow woold be ttroed tojo7-ow many otasaave parted to meet iaHhis ) tranfitorl , lo jre 1 Certaiuly w VtahJJ-1 lament, ,icl! perlp . ? "1 -humanity, lahc relief WT i f tbetfHeaen:bas.rew ; f viUcomfovt the monrner.t as be 1 The ferer has been a lRTaiidheary ralartit on the city,' ana tnc cao i j theJofa rnaj&Vheavy on onruow- - ? eititclisnerally, yet an aoonaam crop nd ajmlk trade, will, we nop, greatly alleviate botbmerehaat, m ; chanicand tarwer to inai yviin. r'T.r - year erjoyed". r tti. rmmi(iioners. -miter nericverence iri, and a performance of. their arduous cuiies, ""'w .11 praife, have inrited ns to our nnA'nn this occafion the x.ai- of the Federal Gazette beg toconrataiate both their tow. oantr rriends :the one on retnidho their own fire-fides 1 tors of the Federal Gazette beg leave :own ana a Mo tbeo- t!ibi being tabled to obtain thofe fbppHewhieh tbcy io much ftcel M wart ofand wbieh our city is fo well prepared to give thenu ' - j. The number of deaths wliich took place during the late fatal epidemic,; have been'grcaily exaggerated, we have taken fojj.e pains to give the foilowins ftatcment of the mortali- tv ; and ueiievc it to db ncarpy 0 accurate made : as it could poflibly he : 7 1 Adults. Children. Agu(l. Seprcnber, Oiober,' Tin '259 SS 978 2 1 9 Total, ll97 . ; Agreeable to tho reports of the health committee, which we have every rcafon to believe to be accu rate, the deaths from the 21ft Au gult to the 4th September inclu five, 234, of whom 204 were in tered on the eaft fide- of Jones's Falls, and on the weft fide 30. jBr'jooi the, 5th September to the 25 th Oc tober, inclufive, to flic w a moire ac curate ftate of the difeafe, the pla ces where the deaths occurred wierc more particularly1 diftinguifhed by the committee in the reports during which time there were buried 44 c from the Point. 151 from the hof pital, 51 from Old.town, 275 from the' weft fiJe-of r Jones's Fall3,2 from the precinfls, and 1 4 from the countryJ!.-i':i . j; y ',' ' 1 :,- - j '''' i By a proclamation of Governor I St. Clair, the Legiflatufc- of dtHc North Weftcrn Territory is to meet at the town of Chilicothe, on the firlt Monday in the month. ' From a HharJeJtsn gaper of 03. H remendtus Storm ?Xfr On Saturday nisht - 'from 11 to T3 o'clock, as. tremendous and de ftrudlive a.sitorm, ; was experienced in this city and harbour, as has-hap-pened for nearly 20 years. ; For feveral days past,- the wind has been excefiiyely violent from the N. . On Friday last, about noon it (hifted to the N. without a- ny abatement. On Saturday it re turned to N.- E. and blew a very heavy gale until noon, accompanied with rain, it then (hifted to S , and continued from that quarter until afteV't a o'clock atnight, whers it fuddeniy chopped round to S. jVW whieh with ebb tide, relieved ui front the profpects of devastations, which before were exceffire and dif trefitng. At 12 o'clock at night, tha , tide was above two feet high oa the wharves 5 feveral vcflels were dri ven from their anchors, and a large number of fmall crafts were stove to meces and funk sit khe docks, ? and Nearly all the wharvci from GihW t:. U u umr.ivanwuv-r T " if. 'I..V , ljfr;'jvjS A' ! i!