'''''lJnWaWBeB(BBjBjBBjgpanajBj J. .." ; rian of the tncftkftiiam htQ v rrHE front oStre ' to' ba filled J. with inftrufuont and obfcr ?;tton rcUtie to- the tilligfe"ff Qdje American fol, fi4.Gi.rdeni.fg, Orchard f aiGng . of Sfotk, cote of Difcafcs, both in Animali and i.yegetahles,,; - , ?K ii Wkfe regarif to the human fp. v art i r!ct of Health, Longer icy, t pretention of ; iuunatorc iu, sbcMConaljjf Will Whaitdei out vV-outtine of ludiciat AftrolojtT. , ----- a . - -. . voted upon the world, under the .tjfpe of conjuration, juglaiywuch . kfiin8fT&C' to the difgrace and j. f roach of human nature hlelly ; : t- Some account may be expeQed V f that infinite arictf of cuftom, - mode and manneri,! that havfe Ob i. tained among the different aatiews j f the earrh with the general prih'. ciplcs f ronj whence they proteeded. It will not be thought improper, ircquentlf to ornament the hjlti& kM tor with lively Itrokci of the mo a law, drawn from the' general i ; s priaciplea of the law of nature, t'A'i (not ed ling with any particular t - lyftem of religion, aori elancine ? at any thing that might have the r. "fhadow of tendency, to InTatidate Ji-the refpeflabilitt of in perfuafion v.p natem.i wun arrariety pl other kv .ff..i j --ii : '-i.. ? , In fine to reduce phylofophy andfeiencein general to praftice, to greatcn the human mind, with fen'timcnta leading 'to ttiiWerfal knowledge t to encourage the A tnerkaa geniui, .by giving every valuable production a free pafiage, Will go into the defigtu '. J. With regard to the political fea urea of our piper, it it eonteav. plated that an accurate and, jufl ftatement of fafla will form it "lyftem of poUtica, without falliag ia with any party whatever. Jv s From the refourcca that will bt aabll(hed. and the literary fcorre- foondence that will he formed anJ : i-rmO'if nfpfl. ' it U . exoeded. the ;Sublcribera will confider it their iintercft, to, file tbeif papen, to T which an annual index will be ad ded, pointing at number, column, . fee -; .-. , Scurrility, glancing at charaQ crt, and evert fulfome ftoff, with which mod of our public printi are frequently crouded, are uot to be , admitted.. .-: . ' .' '' ' I . ' . No production to find a pa&ge. y but that wiiuk comet forward, with the gentility and liberality of ' ' the gentleman, and man cf fenfe, ' The ad, i and 4tH pagei fpt newt, foreign and domeftic, atla nfCongtcfi, Qi of our Central ." AlTcmbly, AdvcrtifemenU, &c. : TWe give thit notification, in or der to learn, whether the fcheme may meet with the public appro- ' .t .:t! cauoiu U 11 COM, grmiiccavH wiu -CznJj Cclr fitoli&T"l' he , oming Sublcribcn to It, puifuant ; ti the propotaJa. rricney to be paid before the ' itceiot of the r ft riper, which Will be wttltly, Inncm. (vh cne half will be paid down, and the rmnainirg half at the eipirati a cf fit monthi,) and which we hope will be a living fIonltor, and Kct the momrnt of a day - JAtirS WILLS, V' .V. ' EO.IERT ARCHIBALD lumen, .rul7,teo conditions; K' I. It will ba printed on a good type and paper ot.a large iemy uze, and lent toi:brcnbera, (they becoming accountable for the poll- are i at brtt muart oer annum. -.k .. ... . . .. . M win make its appearance as foon fcs 500 Subforiber are ob tained, v va !f l i '", i III.' One half the $ubfcriptoti money to be paid jo advance, on receipt cfjhtfiiAaunibgrandlhe remainder at the eipiration of fix "month. To thofe, who - do . not aovancr tne money, on ne receipt 1 t ot, tuecra Jiumbcavne paper Will oe difconUoued. ;i,V;: ' Cflays, Ankles of Intelligence, &c intended to be inferted ia the &iuftkptdum'?rlnjlru8rtr will be luaiiAiuiif icbc:vca obi 11 if petted, whenever thev come thro1 tht medium of thcPolt-OiBce. the poftage'will be paidotherwife, thev cannot be attended to. Advertifement (not exceeding lo lines), will be inferted at Fivt Sbillingt the fir ft timtf, and Tw bhtltingt at SixptHtt for each con tinUancd t larger ones' in nronor tion t but, tofecure iaTertion they muft; be accompanied with the " Ladies', beware I hit you not.' trNVY ia a vke,- awire predond - Bacc aad-dangerooa, xhin. ny wunn tonnruTS tnc Human muiu. malice, lamenting er; profuerity, ! and fickening it the, fight of health. If the bfeath ef envy did not cva poratci f Tiniverfal ire it fig tliat it niht intedt' the a'u-wurfe than a pUgue,' darken the fun, make the fca unnavigable, and Waft the fruha jrf the earth. , 4 , -,-; ' 1 may be thought chitnrrical, but in cxpofing this, vice, 1 claim every aid; ' t-1 '.f:.:.-, ".,- -' pifcord, difappointnient and ant' pair, are the nuuriflimtni of the en viou V they would crulh' all noble utidert.knijis, and nip the bud of 1Q ycHtiaa. mrrtlv becaufe merit mlaht e more cunfpicuoua than ia their own. ' : ' v'-r. ' ,': Thf'y can neither endure Induftry, fcufe. or bravery l beauty appear to them deformed, and courage is turned Into cowardice. . ;v "nvt wants both fplrir and jrood nature,' a nd'confc (ous of Its own impotegce, ittoldsitA ami m JU pair, and tit's ciir(iuj in a comer Coufcioas of Inferiority, it infen Ubly tuppofes mem v. here none can be found, and, from defiretobc above it Sri vlf is rmuercd contcmp tible to the meaneit, .... ' ( Tis made cf impotence, vexation and malice, apd preys upon iifelf, while it rxhauits its (pints.. f ' Ambition can find gratification pleafure, luaury t covetoufnefs can acquire pelf, but envy f.aiiil nothing but vexation mvb, ty proving duirate to the conlliutioo, It lingers and exhaufts itlelf, . i. The vice thus delineated,' vmh mortification I am compelled to fay, that it predominates molt in the lo ataU mind i bat 1 trull all wh read this attempt to reform Ir, will held It ia equal abomination with one who hopes fee psutBcs a liberal mind. . . CLARISSA. . Lord, what a ueftionjiave yoo sik 1 it Hot plainonefaid".laria( wJtormjreiy fA plain one -jay nave aued uie.ts defite that wUkd ii perfectly undcfijiable and to ex plaiif what would tire all sac fatui ties of expiKat.ion,'!"' --:?--K.. IThefeW tf Hoimr all this I .'1'teti- Marla-vthst hint is of fe wonderful a quality, tlit it rot in-f trtqtiem ly- nappe os but , laid i, pretfing hr band gently-r fa mat it pevir ,be Ulf ;the f t -not JpfreS questir ntppens. tliat- on a untne tone fif ;thooh im;fM-tVBfQjtir tigmur n tied forever, r ,:..V..'.i' "'f : lodeed, fid Wsria -va atiti rif Maria but ninlr utHthilfk'n:u lien fatt lkD I finileo-Mttole a kift the fvefi revense for her nuttentlon, and Jeft Jier w artjaa- i (bit bed rrpoPt I J, -J; , " " -'; f ' . hoping at the fme tt,: th thof ; aed umiiar fcntimenu may B'coroo tha model sod pattern, after wbieh, tliemaoeers and COnducof oury outli viilbe joraiea. , at 3 dollar! psr i It Is ttf tfted that iU POINT IIONOUH. TNTAllIA the playful, bewitching XvJI Maria waa littio? near mv iatheparloarwiodow iweexchan ted our ftud'm, i foe had faatchfd ntwfpaptr frem me and I was meditative over tin para of .Sterne, wutcn eta jua occBfica ueraittnti on. .. , , .. , fc .. . Tray," fays Maria, laying down tlit piper, and looking arthly prjy, touLo, WMat is the ttnl J dJemmr i Why,- it ii, tliild, Uid I, recover kg fi eia my rettrir, and yatrokg ' Jr?t evefl i. -nrv Jear CouEa t- Print wbatfoever fo difficult proper ly to difeufiAi too widely txfundti in the Wilcmnon, it Ivies all its ener ay the . erowa tediuua. 'fetid isfeldom, if ever, reticwsd. If on the contrary, itl.e.ckf ly ivwprtjltdf it will give.uior puiiU tnaa pieaiure in (be djt,yi,n.n arguroenti, like theft 1 i fntak of, Maria i nothip eia more lnariount the Fwit than train fit wiwh the; fpace of arnnmcot is at I Jiavtid too contracted, one canntot ilttrate one cannot r fei fcort.eLilfJ -rbeWifouifion will h ImpeKtcJ titltef the on way or the whel v A very Jintnlir oiiitit tlaa ton treat of I there i du err iIar i is multlpfitd Uejotid tli-pbfnb'ilt. tr sf cDumsiat ittii-iit ifliivcriiSad by iircumlfmner, ;imW; ten J thrmfsp. different forms, -it -liers ,.any farfatti as the Hi of i tj nen pli' Our own image and tna frfi tace rt fiefis Is i man dinVretit colours at there arc ptrfons who know uj, sad at there are varying opinion! ainangll thole to whom e are kaawn. It it'is iiit omprehenTibW as the ef- fecit 'of a prlfon to the Uninformed t tad ltcarrif e w itb i rrtiiijhH even lis. the ' cultivated and" plulofopbic wind. ' .- We all, Maria, or at lead the jte neralitt of OS view the furltc which reflects aur own lmie," ai bearing all the poliih of a diamond- nd dt fykg equally the tioge of.afperQoD, sad the inciiiog of calumny. . This Is iodied placing the fubject lo a new lUh. faid Maria. v.-n ' FerhSpt it may j bur in us pear what others may fay of ih bje ft which affords ua fa mnch pi e la re I ; It is without lullre aau uliout poliih, faySone-i'its wdcr is abio lately tinted with the '-reVsw.hue t-f ruWrtJtiHtiby trigtr fjyt sno tlier. - . .' v- - no, .rejoins a third, bot it bear the" ennrfl tlat of .pi He van cxrUime he,-win ftifl fiea ii'H mje refltcted, and theyJ'it iiufullird, aa r. firllr what tiiifrf prtfvutatiun i her f - .. : :. ' ; ., You, rfftftti,: ho tievcr kee of Ut could not podibiy lay wbt inpaUtfy. ' " ' ' -" Timidnt', who never kheir .fi.r; Itttnti could not polfibly f.y In what tgft eonfifts and Aiif'iftnn, when he kiiputtd rivty to f ,-trrtiinly niif tools liia owa furjace for mine. ' 1 Cut litre comes my chofen friend nha fay you, f lorio,' tu this ce dfiotlf .' : '; - " .That they are all 'wroag, replits he, but fmils not yet for yours is equally fo.' ' , " " ' . It has neither the' brilliance you affigu to It nor iIk hues which tlity Impute.' I. fSr'difirt ao fee no thing buthe7tff un'rcSoitiDg fuiw fact of fdj-Uvt I i k Thus it iithrough the world, Maria, and fucb Is ihit fonwr eonceroing which yoo enquire. That perfon, therelorf, is m(t reenrt wnoierf fan, on the Imaginary Itllfmtn 1 hare defrribed. it fmalleft and lead obfervablel and the poet agree per uaiy la tills episton, wnea lis i,y, Kccmslevialt, qui natas moritufqut' ' ,; v:.- fefliit. :m- ';" I wtt tbent to proceed, when I percelrtd oaturamgsriuud that til ..''"- ' ' - . ' ' , it . . - v- t -- e -." " '-''. 7 , 4 ' 1 - j , , a s' ' for the yi$itiiH JalgfajX, k; ;'CJ '):":. ,-'" A', -"t Jit 'C a o i t a i a Os t a v s a, '- - .; no. i. - . - HAVING thus earjy : introduced mytyf o the man of Science, .(uih Hot Mr. Editor Ibould yettdif cover the kllufion, I would neks 'ad irtfr niyfolf to the 'Ciptftmmi-f-"-?1'n t finvi iou -of this thsraler, is not welt bndtrAood tvaa on the $rer LBeatre ot iita. jw4 Jl tuy abftrned molt of us Carol'inlwaaarva bat a cirfufd ides the (oali lies, In whatever prt of the World W tra vel,' the Gentleman, ty be difcavsr ea uy a nice ouicrver, witrt sue ap titude with which a rf t-.Mafonfihda outa Urother, The fisns art theft : Ths Gentleman ia courteous, uu ad'uming .and liberal-wcuptioua 9 of, givilig rfeuce, aid sfabU to, tht uieaneil donreftle.' , Id a tolled corn pany, you msy difcovet tha Gentle !b, by a dlflideacf In' hU. deport- went tha indication of merit His ppif ions are thin, hut well digtfted, beeawftV he stvet ventures them, bat uponnjatufiwith wlikhhf iafomt what acquainted, ; - - V"1'.-, s--. -You will feldora find him flart luljet, or lead a'converfatka,. be :uth M?.IniTOv what ts tha reaibn that there It lo much sda a bout opinion, more thaa there it 'bout practise I p-- J;-'-" ,;i---;nf5H0RATI0.' -.;The 8tTea eanaot sa- . fwer HoaTtobetter,thanbyrcla ' ting the following; anecdote ; . v:,-.At a wedding in theWcttountrj',, an old launch profeCor, wbo hsdoit..- - that occafiofcpati bit wfpv&Siarge- - ly to Baccnus, ana coiucq-ieotiy vertfull of hi divinity,V itdrcflc(t . hlmW toa tefpeaiexWfymaay inattlapftcareatoay. Youethefirtt -man faid he, ihat ever eon varted aie. j It looks tike my bungling work,' re" plied the Clerg) man, for 1 fee 1 will . -have to do it over again. 1 v Qh; Will pot thia fame remark apply to pree chert in the low-couti try at well as to thole in the upper f Does u not appear tftat our pracn ers in general, aid mora..imeat la ,v making numerous converts ihan In making found converts f V" . Aa the preaching bufintfa Is a funer- -tion Iwottld always wiflitorefpeet, it might not be improper to fuggefc. one CtifiJ(TtloniC that department, . ' viz. that along with the .ctiptunt 1 doftriees cf fioib," reptntauce, x v ptrknees, &c to take tha freedom, tolmprefabpoa the auindtof their ' audience, the plain and iniportana IMIIIIT, VM ! yi www - ),,; ;, nA tnflnmei tn their (rneral H. . portmant and ia a particular maa p i ::,,.jr ton. we would wiu inem, not ia ;-. confidef'tbe foil SS Uft,-or tb;.;' ground on wnich it ltaudfaaencnanc ed laad t but that they art on God'a . earth, under bis luprema eve, ana t aifo under the eyes of their lellow- - matures, Who would rejoice la lc the manifcQatioos. af thofe fubllma prbciples taught by the great hed of the minilUrlal order, la thrlr lives and converfations, vlt. the ek ercifing themfclvesio!the iraportaoB duties of temperanfct, sneaknfcfa forbearance, brotherljy kindntfaJic. in onmofition to drutikennefa, 'nua-'" i turn it th precept of the moral law contrary relline. dilliODeflyai the like, 1 1 do not know that tnerc i m ea.ufrh It apprehenfive that he mat meet with men of more knowlcd'e I precepts of hc moral law, and that. .1... ti,f.lll Tt,. I jr.. 2 I . ,L. ...... nu.ii.il. ; , in ivm.iw lumiii- i m a more PnnrnjLtoiC r HiM, ll nsi oiocaneao wuoen-roleStiie ton- irtTriiani hi views Vith att inent ielt LrtrccWlavrtfpoa " felf the marked attention of the ig noramus. , ' .( When we meet a man, on wham fortune, liat . blind goddefs,' -hai Ihowered.dowa her bounties, de- fcandingfroma gaudy carriage, with an haughty tnemlupcrcilious airs, ino pnpcriooa languaga j uiu w lay,' .there is a GeVtlemaa f Jfhall we not rather fay ' Blafl1gratideur,'i blufh, proud -, ,v cuurc wimurawyquroiaze, i : : V Ye tittle Uar, aide your: Uital V' aiihed ray s.'V: ;. . 1 find the Word Gentltatan, to he derived irom the Latin word Ctnt. 1 tfui. In ancient times, ftriflly ep. cited, gentriijut, meant a man af iilz'i birth'and eood family, - In the pi tier. I day when rank and title Is liUl ahde', tha Gentleman is fco ac quired ijt is in hli one of aur nain rairighit, It ia a title of tnoro en. trinlic value, than thol which the enthroned -Monnrcb bellows upon fault fend fychophants. -. J . s ? r eyince.of manners, eafe of ae-. crf$;flbil)tyof behaviour, audat- '. ?. : 1 r icniiou i;j)itii rnttcury appen v to tlie Gentleman. tie mutt be alfo a nioQ at Uriel honour. ' The title litre, and the character are lo fep.rable f jf thstharaiter confers the tiile. '-?':'? ' ' , Ihe obferref doeaaot arrogate to hlmfclf this characler,but be is am b'niuus ta soffefi fome of the quali ties ncctOary to ronUitute the Gen tletnin, 1 - Liberality of fentimeuts and a liacere defire to comrpnnlcate blaobrervatioaa, while he iaconvin. ced they tend cither to inftrut or Improve,' are . at any rate, - princi ple, Inherent ia hit bread. Under their benign influence, Le has at tempted a literary corrtfponder.ee, (le baa certainly paved tha way to mental Improve menr, for lie flitters himfelf that h has fecured a corner of a publication which doea honour to biscoontry. lie willies however, la have fome fellow labourerald tbii literary field, To find fome purfuing bis track, by whom he may' gain fome fmall (lock of knowledge i and at the fame time efcape the m perti nent cnriofity of fuch at read only for ftlbion, and condemn wtihout tba'i orieafea.l ; .- ... - ? : The Enttoft cannot withhold hl approbation of the ft aliments tl ' Crra.i Wiu.a ill.' ta any one tenes af day ctoftia'n feck - r whatever, t-'"--:r'-f rr; ''Letourpreacherf asd proieuora rni.(nMP. nmw an man nor wtm icl. r.Kv nooflihlt method whatever - xnmMn.l tli.ii" Jiruiilual fit nmrh totlia rioike of thf wife nodobferv'- f kg part of tnankliid, as 'by af.mud rtenlyr Rmrul aonduct.' . Aaihia hint !a capable of beinjj improved ' ta a " " " mnlt valuable pur pole, we nspe ic 1 ; r ... ..; ' : Frm tht AW CMfUt Urfi p!Jer, - , 0 GtLPlna Ifoissi. . .... - . ..: v..- t. t. s - . -.. ' ' I ant really ot opinion, tnat our krMit r( hnt-r,.' wnillil li hnt feS generslly uled by ua, would ba ; mucn more prcicrioie io mill ney are at prefent, if about half tbenum ' ber weie to .remain MrtH. Tl- matter, lafomertfpecls, fpcakl ftr f '. Itf.ir .it mn(l rrrtnll nrnduca. live of fitch Rood conuqscnccs aa that their Qreegta and beaaty will be confiderably increafed, or rather, ' to rntikmoroaeturaielv. Uiew na U.IILI.. Will lift V IM..... ia the manner they generally are. . . The principal objection urged t Hint .(. 1 1 wiMinwu'a tm w nr nature Las formed them it, th:t . il.r mrm in em. rat ra nU-lnuft r.l ' trouDieiomc to rme i out t or n . -this wilt be obviated fct the teol'.He- ration that oar (Igiit hvrfcs ar very -t. much tampered with. iaotJtr to -:: cite lull In them fort the puT01 - Sating nitres wiibfoal.. W'Mi" : ert:a is tli lucar.'te, u.iJ SI ILCI ..f 3 1 11. I ' ' ti.l.. . -

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