L t doM-kbhi at timet Va.a il.fy Me not wanted. andAat ' Jtbe.are ia general viciaui and tron- Witne I Bjt I fjxk 1rtm lay own TFoha p ot telTpTJTrTcli "oT .-tiiirfon ll1Iiife as qTijet as lambs 4 ti i tiie (Ubltaml apsn the road, . Tbyiare warn more able to ibltaie Jiari work, "are va.tiy fuperior to Jubtit tii ufuei taethod of peldinr - h- rtet wj ItQ U plaice; tbe rice .Lw fluid before ftrmrge fcMgtihle i.-.. . , "3 -a ittitl beautiful than it 11 M-wfot hwif , It ij, very Jeldom that any bad ; ,; coafrqttoncclri&a from tbe 'gelding icai,r wnen ttie extremitjea are , tetuerixedaad tbe fcrotum filled u .iiSrt.rU abiy this rjtetfiod will fcl JuiaHfwr the pHrpofr.when you i E' growl hoi ieij tjii tf qujres tns rrttell care and attention, i i U'4nd.ihe Itonea are, taken out, a ( svigitMsjcl well waxed flmiild- br: lici.j iU!i4.tW i&rd, ' then' y'onl . 'fa!?; tif .tbe ' iiftasle eiFrw,'J .feia. mtUioi ia preferable lata couilic, Jorfometinieairiolcotiilredjflgwill -'iiUfjff before it jjdife'dvere -; ;' ' .any I $aj ref:rj&e to cVrcfs (be woimd . ' witU; but incufe a fever, -or jiQm-t - tn.t'ioB' flioaliL.nfue jrouLfliijuIti J bleed tiiiu.copioiilljf, od give biuv llrcittfTiar 4 Kwkse whi las Hi Fiary-tit t$ittfntt , Gtldma I . 'i-BTe oi fill ot tartar ihree dramt j , Jnnnireed and fennel -brtrifedr raclv r hfcifFtl OUJCP J rWOOUIlVFt Ot ftlHIU i t tt tuektieinfiifed tbree'lfua'r in I pnrof bo'Wingtvater f he thiaii ..-tioiie ftrain it oliF aod 'dfliolve in it f wo oBftceaof crfttn of tiirtar, jiikI' ' liiree pttnjeffofUnber falr.jT( Ihi , . compyfiuonma' be iven in a morn ' ing. --; t J . - s - Should the btllynnd (heatk (Veil nfterlbe operation,' they lliould te. tajriented twft or three time at d and bached often with' til of roles tad vjnegar i and this foolJ be ton-'. tinued till the fwellmj i gone down; -t vi A. K -l 3, February 14. , ; .? --There is da longer 'afii daubt of th return pf.tbe Kilban troops.; ordef ' wa brought to" $uaiv janyjon the a itt anary by 1 01 tj nei or toy a cotnmandha'TauirZ"?1 1 t Francia; to ro. cflibHartTrc-repuo--J . ic 01 vcokc, ana io inrwn ol Pit(lmont, 'wnich th -l.tn)cror ' Germany jelufedtd do,' v ' .t - .Tbe write from Verena, on Ihe - 3d ult. that tha'Aeprertpttrive lib bail, and many other txV cbetian laf been condemned i6 lahour ijj the oiineitof ?yria; or to draw tbe v barg n tht Danube4;7kV--.if .s ..GLASGOWe.3o.W -v M.Oa Thnrfday Ult, Paris per till lV 1 rtb int, we r received in Ltm tlen.1' Thetr coatenMwlilch are of lome .. iuiportAuce .4 re "given uiidrr t.tie t'rcijch department, fiuam pai te b5 pablicly announced His mreni iuh' oUakipg the coaimand of tliearnVjf,' Ll (lie approaching amnien;v-ln '. ia tnWrrls to th people ba ihefui Jett.ht espfefli. 4iU wiC lof pec -t. .tt.eigha againJl tn.a governrorirt ot bivcunu:J'or.rettinfl fcia-ovef-ure'ajf-and infiituate that loeiftiif... lJtnfal poe,ri ii be ir.fltiriKcJ bv miuic .3biat, yillinpicj, in order tacbiain etoney,' men snf avmaj be tiad recourfe to ev?ry evfufive, e vrryopprefiivenrt. Kroiri Ms iljoV rui requiliiloHS no aje, n vondiVi- if exempt. ,1 hit' it i to be free V we UMraob'.iqu. ! A new army, - ot 'l'frtatVn ia to be lot-toed at Dijon under bis command; " 1 ' Firfcil unanimity It i fui, fub ii ja betvien the Confuls and LegT. 'latore, 1 tlrcumllanee which induced . fine til' it members tn- enprela Us liepti, that it would aiferd that c V.fnnct of ftcls fta-mueh wilhedbf , One of thefe papers, on tbe au Ibtrrity of German journal, mtn tiom iht death of tb King of Den tnark. I f : V-'i .! . r--:t Air. Vandyke, the gentleman thro wbofe sg'Bcr tht rumoured fJpply of a hundred tjoarteri of torn is to be imporud iatofhi ountryy came roer in the-eOel which brought ;. theft papers,;..- -.v.', . 't ' ' " 1 i 11 "i t' ", RATI JBQNr fJ. 9 1. '--1 i General Snwarrow arrived on the nvh, February, at Craew,f"rom .s ?hicb, alter rtpofing fmnt tJiti'he to fet wit for Heterlburg. ' Tht Rofiian army eentmaei tt a'auh towar.ls Wlfcnia 1 thtrrin : nlpaUoItmn files t.f tbrtiaeli Velb ervenl tin fithef throifi vi'rlierit f 1 Jlf if. rb comma nJ,A bV CeJ Tirrai. peir.-;! . 1 1. . ! 1 - .-... ton o&o wen including thof wba do not bear anna, anil who art eQimated at 4 or JOOOanen i tht fecondcorrs, under command of Gen. RoTcmbcrf , Letter iron lothuaoiaf ajappjujce that a Radian army of 8ooo men is colteAtnt toward tbeOiorei U'tb' iljtic, an tbt it it fuppofed t bat Uiol troops will emaark alif r alto, getter or ia part ,( t tertfr io a grand expedition on t ranee and jlolund., LONDON, March 17- By aecoanta rectifedfrom $rltan ny dated the liBnft. It appeari. In eonif adiaidB to the French Hate aunts, tlut the Cl.ouan, are aain jn great I nice, and that alf caminu nieatiijn btrw-ff n fiieftand raris bad te cuf ofl,'Tir jVveiitcen days pre vious to the siiove date. ' .-V' "TbVconibined flt-e'lsjsfnnlifling of la uil or tiie line, of which re spsnifi), werej in th . outer foadv But qiHtfr'awprr-pirfdrfor fei,7The .syhalcxrs'wa uilfcieraLol tbel'renth .hips-nuvkiji it u IV1J, dcfcitej ta the Ch.nu a." 4' Tht tjeVi nader the xointeinil of f;,ord firidjiort, TVilelXr5(n J'rby on ftaigrity UM. It is reparted th;rtotf rnme ht are about to iifirtnafe ot the Pr:tHt of Oringe all thr Dutch' fhis of War vhich -"we?e Vfvcnnpr tb liim in the Texel.1 J hfy ifj mort probably in- tendftT (ortran(i)ortt fofHh'e t,i'Oop 1 u t sid r H k jrjjnc if tlier fxped i t i it n , l'l prrpui itifliij. - l lie r,alt-,:n-dia Couipaiiy'. iftrnn'lulert1.n of th imp(,m 4Vrkf rtht'ercd tberny1 Hie Viaruis or.Wtt'cn it t qid lisve inade tie f.f.riui'p a jirtwnt o joiie liimorril tncnlaml pounds; The livpenitio'i1, to(H':o'nman ded by Lict. Gen. ir, Charles Sttfwart. is in eoniiderable lorm ard rtcfsj f'Tjor Generals Simcoe, at Uaif, and Huoie are to ba em Uioyud ou jLhis-'Exnednimii frnni wjitch the countt .nav Jtxpett a! ihaf xn bfi atijiiovtd hy brave an I skilful olnctrs and"iiroops.. '1 he Ivledittrtanean hs-s ht-en meiuioiw Cd aj thei? ir-Lhi; tot urtion j but (ho UovnsZho ojijHifie a point, heiii'g lurdtri'd as,iii p lacd nf ren-1 dtivous, will aii jut iicwvfooA- far ovy pol t f tct -'I ijr 1 5 tlf Li ht. yragoon ts yqn tp oe utmer Orticrs, for C'.pbar kilioiv it is ""not added wb'cjIieO'forav a part of this . peiUutJvwhich.lhiiTrr'nch arc fo : ' a p p re he iifi i4 be Jaffndcd agai-ill U0..S:.JTTie If oops nnoVf'Gf 'fftc m it vul be otii'ervcdj'c'o "Tu-.'t'n.-Vpo'c any f Jwfc' fi0nt. ''0tu 'JvAJii t, tut fitch sa hafibeen in-ilVi if it, frz iuropoft!pf?c;iUcstj,jt' . rde4 Uiiit tgypt s their tleftiinrt'n. -. ,Xhe ..prepticni (w'the ftroml Espcditica coiirtnve tn.fh;'J.v 1: ia-iirtehried to ConipViiV tle f.ri.le ii OuaifdO toceifu rwirh't'l:!? l.iffi iVgm-.i "is aiid that boui to !t aoBieuwd'by' rerrM'S, 1i6.ii the militia of thiit JtiHintVy, c, v 't'hc dtllwiaiioa u.f thiVpuwcifurtAjy )vii -bstii, foini'tiiv.e 'dsteriviTi.'d, it,ilie ptri.Ml of aion , w. til t!e M4 UfStt p'tvfc.-circuii;!tan,; Ces,:!is wdi iu'the tiifpofition cuLe jrocpt, irt-cut Iro be tcmcjtd Ironi Ruilu. '.- ' 1 1 ;Ntt'.TO?K, Jrit-e. '.'Thr f ipCharl.ji.Greei.tie!4!, ,? andTi tinti'tia i:ui t in Amff rd.-iu. and '!hip,,,.V-mn t n pUH.'.f ai-c trout tint piirtjor Itirce ions have Vntb iwn aLfVby'tfe irftilfli fri-ti .f.ol jii!iivl oidi-red frr IIl'r.is ;'Hu.i fliips f,i!d nboiit t he jet 11 i r.'A. alul wre tukeii three days af.er Ij'iI jAg . ' ; ; , , . The Clertpitr rncliored the t before ytnerHi.y'orf Governor'a If 1bI, - 'five cre s and pud'enycrs ;l iotli velTelsarc deuiHed on-boardol her-". ' , busy Nivjrrkt myV-.--v t-i4iijih6iurtvautmate of the Clip Charlotte, commanded by Cant, .imuiiu, snuac longing 10 Mcurt. Brothers, Coflerr and Co. being du ly fwnrn, faith, that the' faid fliip ofPr'J from Sandy Kook on ttt 3 1 ft )nfl en a ov eg to Amflerdam, in conjpiny with tht fhip V arreo, Captain Campbell Thst nothing material tccurred uotil tin morning of tlieajd; at 6. o'clock, when io at; 50, 6, N. long. 7t, JO, Wtbe sntiin irigate Cleopatra, l ja guns, C,pt. Fellew bovein fight, and fired l g'in. Tb wan en being to wind- wrd of the Cleopatra, immediately ,.tipve td, "but tht Charlotte Continued lirtvurf until 6eunt had bctafue lfOi.;Hy died, tht Jatter of Which ,7'f alhet n r.t her, , Ai $ A.; M. ft 14 wernitiuJ xd lojlaw her 1 tud .Jcrtn toljmr.a v 1 "t if . 1 ' t - Jtl eor unmeouiti... muicn we nn hbottlddar. M ibeot A.M. the Cleooatni fired a gaa as a Cj'nsl foYsbe Warren "to bear'Jowa.- tht boredoirnaetordifgly, and CaptaU Ttiltm lent h beat-n bardy- 10 ATJMhl ,Cpt15s Uit Char- otte and Warren avert erdered tn basrf ih Uoptr. t tM. fhiltt they "ert detained 00 board, tht firft Lieoteniht ef the.tJeepatra, tee coaftjpg pilot eime on eoara im Charlou. troke opef helerters and took than on feaii tW Clecpa- tra- fhl. prize naftr aad feverai featnen were put boari the warre t nr ere.w eccjnioi.inw, 6 eing ai tbe fsna time taken on board the Cleopatra," At" thia "time the CapTaipsof the Charlotte ahd Vyar ren returned on board their refpee' t vefbio.. At ia f Palt two.tne Charlotte wta all taken pofleflioo -of by a;urize nulter and feainen the coJc iudcabbiiiwLoly remain zbrk board.- M i I'. M.ihetliar, lotte nd Warren, bore awa tor 11 Third ay foHow'niff this deponent., ogetlier'wit'ntTie hrit and Ueond mates of thc VVarreii. weredirectca bV a tnid Oiinma imb deJift aWntj' "Wal k ing n gainer -tiet, r' juumrwjivsr of In order to that .elFecl- recti .-. . '. . . ... ........ from tht firft, lieutenant. On 'tbe jcth Uft.tbis deponent with the firft BS fecond mates ot the Warren, received orders to" leave the' orncers room where they bad hitherto rotf fed and to reef in future with " the fratrieo 1 but incyiifeqMence of a re- p'rtfentation from an officer ina' nnt v ipallers mat, and - general mWfiiipuien, they were. iracioufly pernfitted Pa-five as before, cpnduft pf thfjhf.tinTtoy vit ti depenent ami the ntluT mates was uriiisjrmly civil -ard olltjing, for which tfcWdepnnent publicly rctornk them hisaiknowledgeiivmt-on the morningof the athinft. the Cl ptra anUed ff "Snly' Hook,j A pilot coijilngon board, this deponent niili the iiticrm.tes and the crews of the CWVrlotte and Warren, were ! ordered t go below, which -order they oVUi ' 'At'abcuf jt V. W, the tlcopa'trapamett an anchor abrcad of the forton Governor's liluid, and at ; o'clock P. f't. tins da v the deno nenf withWie other mates and cre'S were perdittcd to come on, (bore, und tut iter this deponent faith not. ELUJAII STURTEV4NT Swornbcioteme th! 29th. day ofArnU A.L). 1800. T.lfi OilTMAN,' Notary hy r.c arnvaUf the Little Tom Dn. In-, l apt. Lai k, in 40 days front CaoV, jiiioTmniiW" i"rteeived,that the Ameircan Luroi, having Pucd hrugli.jUourdtuix, Mere on their y in f via. . ., 1 lit fliip Loyre, arrived at New 1 tv, wr it'gs London dates to the tfth iVbuIi. Yin ibele we learn; 'iliat great pif piaiia.isuwcrc uiz- king 111 f.DCiand tor another Ji.aprdi tioif, ('clisiied, it was Tupptifed, for t.ie..eiiiierranfaii, as actoants had hcn tccived,. .that partbf the fleet trow brelt 1? fail ot the line) had Cot our ana rliat the rclt wemrra t fr tea tvjdllut the fcrititli go ve iitn!tnt,iii coiifcquenci cf the gra t fciiUiiy of, wheat and fljlie, h-do-, peiird nvir poris for the admiiTion of ihvile articles from - 11 i:tuul nii;t us, and oifcred the tibial boun Jh Lnvnc bn-jgrt afrounts of a Jrc4i.tut ii. .: Immi'm happened" oatbe n'i'i ri l!uf qn), In London, 'hy U,';i Hie 1 jf wnS rflimattd 'at. jd. j'jol, llri iir.g, h'.xhh An eritiii pro" y w l.iJ tabive been dctlioy; a. x The I'mifa joverDnient hatecjn tra hi! io jivc 30 dollars per bar ft ! iar ull ttur ,trnt lliall arrive in KirgU'iJ bef-r the tftol Sepieniber Mr. U-indridnr. iecretarv to Mr. Kiiig, our Miniilcr' at London, has arrived in th? Boyiie. 1 A treaty bs been recently con ledb erMH th King of Great- iritaitt and th tmperoror Oerma by,, by which tha twt contracVmg partivt bind Jjeiufelveanot to make a fepirite peace with France, la CoDtiquenCeof this treaty, a fubfidy of two millions was immediately to aa fent to the Enaperor, The Elec tor of Oavarla it alfo Atbfulifed to tht amount tf. joo,oool. , ,. . , Sentence tf death has been pat- fed on Fries, Hainey and Getraa, cotti ited ottreafon in the Circuit Court of the United States. Upon this awful occahon, Judge Chafe addreffed Fries in the following tmpfefTift manner tf' " 1 f Aficf obfetvlrfg to llainef rtd Cettman that What he badto fay ta VtU$ woull- apply generally to incm.- tne jurj;e prcccccca ;j ready informed, inlywftoawhj on tou by the ladid me&t oa whita -j. -JL-t-rt ton oafc p3-aTraiKnei " V7 ngjwartgainft the Unkei States.' iwPiiTUt trnrh-aritli evert m- dnlenee that he Jatrwott'a pf mit. r Of tht ho!a pannel, yf rKiKM rToaitt challenged thir t T-fbttr. f aa wit hv trtKl4iftf fty , that the jur.gMtmfl you, ,wm of your own fele&ion and choice. NotTjne-ttHbenHjefore-Jiad ter formed and delivered opinion refDecline fouf i goilt vor annoj- cenceTfie "tertfirt f hejry again you wai oondei oa the teflimony f, maoy trediblt w& unexceptionable witneffcs! "wa apparent from the condnr!xf the jury, -when - they .ilfliveTU nhejy verdici, that Minnoctnt they Would have acquitted you with plcafure I anu uiai iney prunouin,cniucn v diH ajr in'.l vou WHth ereat Coticefn 1 ahJ-reiuiiancet from a fehltiiui ty to their countrr , and tjuli fort vifiiet of you't guilt. ' y . ; ... JThe crime of wltich you have been, found ' g'uflt y is treafon . a Crime, conbdered, in the molt ct vilized and the tnoft free countries in the world , 4 at the. ereifUR that any man can commit. Has a crime of fo deep at dye, and attended with fuch a train of fatal conlfquenccs, 4hatcao fccewei no aggra.taiK?tt yee-inc outy oi my tiatioii requires, that I frould explain ro! you the nature of tht enme cf which you are conviited ito fiiew the ftlfeA to De aaminiucrra 1 ana to awa- ken your mind to troper reflcflU one and a due fenfe of your own condition, which I imagine youi tajutt have reHecied upon -curing your long confirtementi ' 1 ' ' Yon are a native to this cbun ' try- You live under a conftitritt on (or form of govemoicnt) fra med by the people thenifeivea t and under the laws made by jour renrefentatives. ' faithf u!lf ekecu- ted by independettt and impartial judges. Your government feeures to e very member of the commu. nit? equalTiberty arid etiual right 1 by which equality of liberty and rights I mean that every' perfo;f (without any regard toA wealthy rank or flation) may t niqy- arff CV quat mare orTivti jtrjenf freq-sa( protedfon of Iay, &an equal fecu- rify ' for his pcrfon and probertv." Yo7vnjoye6.-(m-'cd.rTOorf.LfwhH your; fell ow, citizens) '"oil - the fe rights. . v"; v;-'v' ' If experience fhbuid provej that the conftkution ;i deiedive," it pTovic'es a mode to change ar a mend it,, without any danger to public order, or any Injury ta feci al rights. T -..v.-vf- :'r-7. - :If Congrefs, from iVattemion, error in judgment, or want, of iq"i formation,' fhould pafs any law in violation of (he conflitution t or. iurthenfome, or oppreffive to the people, a peaceable, late and ant plri remedr is provided by the con- (litution. The people themfelves have efhblilhed the mode by which fuch grie vancca are to hi Tcdrefred add no otherrno.ie can bs adopted, itHoct 1 vfolatiah'bf hhs ,ton!lU tution and of the 17 Con-" cti conflitution, fuclv a hr would be void, and th courts; of the U nited States poJJfs complete' au- t ttority, and are tne only ttJbun.il to decide, whether any law lj cpn.' trary to the conflitution ' If Coti grels fhobld pafa burthenrpific 'or. opprellive Jaws, the remedy isw their conflituerm, from v;tioriTtliey derive their exigence and authori ty. If any law., is tnadcj .repug. nant to the voice of a majority of their conftituentj, it is in their power to make choice of perfons to repeal it but until it is repeal-' ed, it it the duty of every citizen to fubmit to It, and to' give up his private fentirhenta to the public wilk1 If a law isiurthcr.fome, or ev8 ODOt-dfTive in' iti"natdfe. or execution Is fo be oppofed by force,' and obedience cannot- be compel ted. there must foon be an end to' all government in this country. It cannot be credited by difpaf&onate men, of any information.that Con grefs will intentionally 'make law! ia,- violation ef the constitution, contrary to their facred trust, nd foletnn olKgattaoe to fupport it. None can" believe, that" .Co'pgrefs lon;iif. Mil ,.-t- ppkwitttctoWttii unjust ret- frhich they qxust paruapxtiv The most ignorant tna man Vtow- kt'.iYk-.Ma'fa in MlVt tTA f 1 V '1 thai Will flot -aneu intn cqum , . - f ar - - - V ia ry ieTpia 1$) ilutlr conrt hema. Ever? law that U detrU meatal to their (FoftKunentf, west l rove hrtW W tlIm:lT Frord tbIconHtieraaQrif,i sTery n5 may fee, that Congyefi can lave J no interest iaopptefJipg their fel- JOW-CKl It itltlmosf, incredible, tnat 1 psoplliyjng un4r 4h best an4 mildest govern mreijajth' whofej.--. wor1dtlhou!d'not"onfy te diSatii fied arid djfcrtented r; bat flwuld . . break Out in open rtfifupce'and oppofilion'ta its fa wi' fi- I ; ;.Jth Wotteaioifi!!; in tie r four VKstetrj counties bfthiif state,' . (psrtkularly in VfJglOtiTf : eppofe the execution of the lawiT". ef -fhe Uhittd 'Sfates", wbicbJiti r diuitijsa stalls' and fptiiti distil- led wUhirttheUaTrei States w-ttil fteflt'litwogei it oginated front jrijUdices and - wifreprefeii tatidits industrioufly ."diflem'tDated and dilFwfcd against thtfe laws. Either perfons dtfaffeatd to our go-ern'iienjE,-or: wifhing f ,' aggrao dize thernfelvegdeioed land mif led the ignorant and uninformed clafs of people. .,'Xhe oppofition ccmtiicr.ped in meeticgi ot the peo ple, -with ywea.t against the cm cers wftcbv f1ldMWr.'tf3;;afl outrace atramst toeai,aiMi'"yti extended co privati : cjizertV:toni- ? mittees were formed to lystema- tizTand infiathe tBexttt oOp, poGtton Violence tacceeded to violence, and the colleclof of Fay. fette county was corripelied to lur- r- render nis cornmimon anu ouiti'l - ; bbokif the id welling-Jsoufe of the infpetior, (in the vicinity of Fittt- bur'g)wa$ attacked and burnt staid thiq Marfhall was feized -n. obtained big liberty off ptomife : to (erve no other ptoceis on the v west fide of the Alleghany moun taim . To eomprl fubmif&on to theV laws, the government were ' obliV ged to march ait ?rmy against the K infurgents and the rczpcnCC 'waa f above ,- one miliiort .one hundred , thoufand dollars, Of the wholtf " nambro.f inftrrgents (many hun dreds) only a tew were brought to frntenced lo,4ie'vjgol oMitchi-fcr ell) and they were pardoned by the' late, Prefident. ? Although, he, in I .. lurgents made.no re ustance , to the V army fent agains'therh, yet not s . few of our troops lost . their Kves, : in cqnftquence of their 'great ,fa f.gue and exppiurc to tjiej ihyeutf " o the toba? - This great ,and rernSrVable "clf ;j. rheoey of tfie ' government had . tn -ffsa ton er aud tbe deluded penplt ; In'yojif belghbtorboodJ.. Th rileJ progreitknd termination of the fate ir.furreOion, bear aflrongarid ffrik- int'tiialoBt.tethe.formtr 1 and it .:' may be remembered, tb;t t has colt . . the Uaitcil, States 8w,cocji dollar,' . ' 1 It cannot elciipectfervtior, t!iat li ' v ignorant and unintovmcd are taughtj loebmplainnf tsxes, wiiiehare ne" "' ccfiary for the fuppdftef' govern"- -mrnr. aridyet they peYmlt'tHcmMtf ( ;; to befiliii.cd into iul'urre&ions lJd t i - 4 have fo ennrmoufly encreafed ; tber7v ' ; 'public h;irthcns,- ef wbicli tlieif eutr,'. ' tcibiilian' can fcafcely be calcula- ..,. rv1.';?': ':";.; . . ' When e'tf rsna eembine snd auem-. 'ole wiihl 'taut to prevent by tlireaM," i )i iandrtion, sftd violence, tht i v-mi5Jii pf. the laws and they acta-1 ; ' V S-TfX lucfl tr'rousoeiigns tn vernmeat to the alternative of prof -'" t' tratirglbe laws brftrt the Infur- ' 1 getni or of taking neeeflary mea : S iarea to compeLfubmiiTjon,-f--.No go- ; ', J vernmept eatt lielitat., ! he x iience. aad. all-the coniequencea .y tuererure; are not imrmiauie 10 in governmentbut o the infurgepts. ' t .The mildocfi and lenlfyf our go J yernment are at ftrikiag on th rait as on tlie former, infuiTeclioB t Of-j nearly 1 30 perfons who might bavt, ., beep put 011 tlieirtrial. for treifen.f , inly five have been jtpfecuted aodj-, , S tried for thst crime; -. 4; - . ' -;' ' Fa the laU lnfiimaioa, yttf, jhn Jriet; borta confpicuous and lead , iogpert, lf you had reflefted, yoa .", Would batfeo, lrtt yo atteaapet ' wataa weak, as it was wiaked,:! jW " ' was the height, of folly in ytut0f '-r fuppoft that the great, body .of ,our.y-4 ' citizens, Melt In the tojoymerit of a . ; free republican government of their i.r own and. 1 cboice'and of all TichttciviL "tUg't.uf( fcr tn'i fr-tTjr 1 ana ana f'nprnjy anqcouiciauitnat 1 he. Lfi if tf'e only terority lor 4 .1 aw- 1 1 . 'v 1 ' ' t -Vv r"M" iJf i Ji rlrfei tf ttt JSJ t fiTnTrU, jbu "liwe. been aU I Will wilfuj'y or iiitepti ' t" - ..... " . ... ' & ..'- ... ', ,'.! I"".'.,.--.' 4, - 1 i f . " ,. ... ' :-' - , .-. -f- : 1 ' ". 4 '' .- . .V. L v 1

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