. 1 V: 1 1 '1 A Cx'r prefmilva iron tiolciu.; i W'M P ou " P I v l pole ancicrua la ill-tpuaded, lt y I yi prvkd attempt to diQurb the I yea could fee it proper light Vow UU-ClU : sow to blcls God7 that 'oar Infur- ' . . a: -. r. l. :i i r it V quailed by the tigjleaeo tad energy ' ; q( our government, tided by the pa- triottfia and aiVivityJejLeor -fellow rrdilzeni. who left tbc homti and . bn&0& and embodied heeoflve U the fuppoKof j ,w "To wnutl, "Beflarj5 expebd- ,,, ..vtureifor tlwfupport of any' extent r. . i-.l. .. . rai andttu fuw required caaonty be obtained by lxv, ..or loans..!-la .all countries the tevying taxes iluu- '"' !Wle -subject ot cornxtaiet It appears to me, that there was nut 'ihe lead pretence" of comphiivt a- w v giiiiiU (uvch of oppouVio:.ttd violence to,thojaw far levying taxes 4 V; -on d welling beufea j and it becomes jyob iv'rt fleet that the timeou cbofe t rile up in arnutooppuletheliw --wi' yr-iuntrr w Tti tt rbod rB - .j vty critical lituition itlr rei;.r4 . to riv.nce, and on the eve of.a iop- (it laiifU thn iiHtiitf' -u"- Tcauuotaiiiit 10 remind vmi nfa other matter, worthy of your coals . diTJUon. It' it MarOiaU or any ot 1 , tne, police.,' or any ot the foer firends --m government, who were with Hun, . : tii.bceii kiled by. vou, or a By of your UJtoded. tolloweri, tbe ct'inie :. iniirJtr NvcidJ have, bceu kdaed -.-- ItiTwat fiJioUi Rours of tcHre- , , lii" rni til tfl'mnffirr iV i Fr f cotjictjicocej that would have flu wi 'd frQin the mfurrawa, which you itititqd,1 encouraged, and pro- ntotea,"vm tn cnaraaer oi a.v.ap- ,'iaia ot Militii, whofe incumbent duty h is to (Und ready (whd ne- ver required to alUii-aod defend the government nd its laws, if it had not been immediately quelled. t Violence, opprelHon and rapine, destruction, waste, and rnurder, alwayj attend the'prorrefs $f in furretion and rebellion t the arm "of the1, fathef would hie bien raifed against the fotr j that of the foa against the father j a brptler's ken. ; ana all the ties of natural affsdlion would have "been diffjlv Cd. -' ..;' .i'.-..'""'" v' .w , ;v fbtJuAoX pSJiifhment is etarn ..pie I ana-'tnc: cnvity foryur .crime reouirvci that a fpvere rum. " 1 ' . - ' '-'V . . ' V pie JLould cc rnjde to deter others rdm thcftoajmilTioirof Jike'crlmes In .future.' ' You have forfeited . your. life to justice," let mthere toxe. earnestly retjommend to you, most feriouflytocouGdtryour fnu- . atior, to t.ike a revicW of your past Uleafld to employ the Vity little5 . time yoo arjo continue tu this world, in eudeatuuts to rnake your peace witlit,fhat.Upd, whofe mercy is ; equal to .Lis, Justice. . ,1. expect mat yau.ars a christianind ai nana wouto nave oecn stainca wiin Ibrothr's blood v'the .faqred hands 'of fricndOiio would have bctabro- ! I , fuch I aiJiefs you.' Bj atfured m j Li guflty and hapnyfell!.ciiiztfti, tiiat withoBf ferious repentance of 11 your unyo' cannot "expedl ; ' riappinefs j- thivorld! to come ; H ! and to" youfepTntihce yea rnuft iJd faith' and hoK in the merits 'fhefe art; Ihe only terms on which prdoa ani forgireneftraf e .pro mifed to thofe, who 4rofefs the chriftian religion. Ler me there fore agam in treat you to apply e- cry moment you; have 'left, in contrition, forro vratid repentance. Your dtf of life is almost fpent, and the mgnt of death fast p yroaches.; Look up to the fatlrlr ef mercies, and God of comfort. Toil have a great and an immenfe ork to perform, and but little tise in which you most fiui li it. There . U do .. repentance in the grave s for after death comes judg ment 1 and yott die, fo' you nrost be judged. By repentanct and faith, you are the objeel 01 Cod's mercy j but if you will not repent, and have taith and depen dence apoo tbe merits of the death 0( Christ, bu. Ue a burdened anr .p'ipeBitent Cnner, you will be tin v 4 jecl of God's justice- and ; en.. , fiance. .11 yoa-srui oncevery re pant and believe, Cod hath pro nduneedhis forglrenefii sad ther . h'ne) cHrrie loosest fotiis mere sad p'ardorf. f C-'-"' , Although yn jauft : Uiltjr' Confined for the cry lhrf t Wrrtain dy of joef Xsf; .'yctiKo .mild gu vernment and laws which vou hav. endcaTC'irJti;!)) deftroj permit fpa (i ; jeaifr) to ioitcile i comraiBt wua wmiaeri ot t&e Zofpel. to whole pious card add commane th Miniftm terfioltion,'to fervent prayers and defWV I mitt cordially reconW W hat remains for me Ts a erf painfull bat t very ncceCtry part of my duty, - It is ttf , tronouncfi that judgment, which the law has appointed for crimes of thlS itiair. wiuac, .ibe judgment ot itujaw I - ff-n ' a . . " uLand this Court doth awardhit yott be hinged by the;" neck enril 4echs" And l pray oa Aitnign ty to bt mereiml to your foul ! - V ' Uy 8. - Circuit Cnrt tfiht Untie j StiUt, The following ptrfoui, concerned id the mfurrechun in NertbainpfofT and Bucks ceuimra, who Tub mitt ed to the mercy of rbe court received ttje judgment annexed to their re ipatjv naniea, vii. , George 1 f wber, to be imprtfoned for the term, of fumdnthtpay S fine of Ijodolhri, aodjive fecurity, him- .f m oo jiaii iwe iureuei in 400 iota, for Ji good behaviour for uus Stocks, fix Biomhs impri fonmcnt, Sued 200 dola. bail 400, tureties aoo euch." . -.1 otiA KUael ju,fu months impri- loiiiHefiV fined 100 dels. bail. 4c, ftireiies 200 each'. ' L'iu'iel Kline, hx months imprifon- me lit, fined 150 dol. ball 500, fure- lies 3 50 each. jHnb Mine ftme fentence'--.-!3j n !UeMi,lU months ini prifau- ntentJuied Ifadols.'tailoo, fare- liej.aoo each. v ' VV illUm Aiettman, fix wionthtite-. priigiln)ej3ty-ued-i430dU,-bail4oo' lure tlJs 20J cachv ) ., . teofge Lretitman, fame fen te nee. Abrant bainicll, three moBthiim- pfifjn.ucrit, fined 50 dol. bail too, luretKs 50v-h.i reicr t!ant;boi"ger, urceU'iit("nce? ,-twt e.i' aaiiik m BiVllt-iioj dill' pnronmeut, riued 100 doll. bi) 20a, forttits row ich, - " , , r.vjeore Mniubower;'"fix rpohihs inipriljuaitnt, tined I Jo dols. bail 50O, lureiKsjO efcch -.:..' t:enry Aninibowar, ' lour niontlis imprifonmcnt, h-d too dols. bail Peter ihijt,er, fame fentence. Peter GahU', two montlis impri- fonoient,. fined 40 doll, bail joo, furetka too each. fin, 1 and Jacob Gable, fame fen- llenrriSsntli, ' elaht aionthi tm prifxiu.ie.nr, iiin'd aoodols. bail 600, iurettst cretcu. . . Valfutine Kutlcri t,wo years im- pnfianieit; lined aoodoli. hail ooo, iuretiri' 500 eatn, , . - Iqcob jfcvrenwn, one yeammpri l-mmetit, hnca. 50 dols. bail loow, (urvtie jooiach.,' . Michael bin? er,-nine- rnonthi im nriiaioicni, bnrd 400001. bail (ooc lurMlcs CoO cich. Pliiilip I'.aiH.I x months itnprUon merit, hiied 3 jo Uols. bail 400s Atre tics 200 eaih, " Co rad -Mrk, tw years lirpri- ronmept, h:ied f 00 dols. bail 3000 iuretics loccesch. . . 1 ''Iviin fcvrluit, OxmoHihi impr l'niin;-ntr""ha;d loo dols. bull jOu Mretics a;o tcv An) 'hm they tefprftlvely (land committed until fci.tc.ice be tot.. plied wt.u. ;: .- 4 1 ht jury, tin (he rrl il f Anthony 3tahler,'gav in thelr ven iit NO VJ heirial of f rrdi-riLft lliiny and joitii -Oeitmajl,' lor Iroloii,- wa conciudect on itic Wi uit. juiigt vliKce c barged the jury nt twelve itid a verdict, UU.L I t. . w.ircn- dered (horr tiine.i.f er. - . ; Oil the J2d ineJihe CircuTrlCoOrt or tne unitfenitrtf tor the reiiw- flvania diihld, adjoiirfied, The Crand. Jury,' in theanorrtlnff return al tru', aa Lidictmeot ajtalntt Anth- ny braider (wti wa tried furtrta' ton, ana aicjuuieo; ir conipiricy aoatook tbnpporiuiiry ot mrm Itij t.e court, they had no further buumch ucir iiirre. - iuoec vnaie then thanked them for the fJtbfui manner in which they had difchirged tlieit duty, and faid the Jlurttold have 00 further occiujb this felfioa tot their lervices. .h X- ; Csptaiu J arret, who was brouth to towa on Thurfdiy. from Nenn- amptoa, wss then sat to the bar. on ssbargsof cvnfpiraey, aid fubenlt- ted to th merey tt the court ) wit or Dei were however, rxsniloed at to bi gail;,sod the court Jinmedi italy .after 'prondnneed Tcntenct, i'Sich dlreds that be be fmprifdned or the term of two yean, pf a fins" ' 1000 dollars aid give bail for hi joa oeniour tor two years.' . ;,. I hooCsndcrifoand guilty of tr 1 40 Wert nest bro tfghi to "the bar to 'fceiTS friilcncc--prevloui,to Jhi onaacistion of which, judgs Chsfe, teas into detail of the ennfe que dees if the bfurreOio ia 1 7y4, od tbe ooe ta wVeh thejtrd lIAil 1 anfihcV txplalftcd U then the Sran'ntceuH. to ty tuer exuteej ot makiagiaexac pit U prevent 'fiiptUr outragva ix. tiovint coac ounce leftteaccftidcaUoa U fwl- JOHN FRIIS, ' ' . JREDR1C1 HAJyi and Toboexecuin;tlw 13d May ioIUur, Crft Eodr in Ouaker -As tkc riling of the Court, Tudce Ch Attt wbcp about tc leave the Bench, obfmed,' itut he iniendvd t ban faid iouethwg to thr gee tttj men ef the Bar, und regretted that To many efthem had hit the court. - tie ob.ferved th 4 tLis was probabl v the laft time that he l$uTd ever pr. uue id this bourt ,t ,' ditterent ar rangement by law; and his cwn dcV- cl(nmg brallh, Would prerent-hrf attendance up6ny Uiuire stotion '., he theretore uw thought propei to fsy, that lie parted with deep prefflM 5teiT-hwowuH-refpettability of the" POinflvvnU Bar. ' '1 hatevel-y ine who had ol ferye4 the bulioel's df tir ctiUrt,' mtil know, tlitft important matter, Cut and criminal, bjd owurrcd in thi prefent retfiom. " k . That he thooglit lilmfi If'bouhd w' pay thi'i tribute tYe(pect und Iricnd ihip to the Attorney of ihe 1 jp Ml and his aililluiit, for the very tcrpstt- Mc manner in wj.itU-Uiey Lad ou- duificd the' nrofcuuQtis. .He luc fe4dMfrfeoffr'ni -aijy Tn!wtcaof rle kir;F,-4b pe lvtly tre horn ahy in cidentaT paliuu, bet ot impatience ot conduct. , That he alfi confidcrtd the Cduum fettorlhe priftinein .ishwintr acquit ted theniielvcavuth ability and pri-f prletyi . : lie wiflied to be uhdeillood, that ir any txprelliont. 111 the hurrv ot trial,, had efwaned him, hich ijiiRlit have been cottddercd rcfl cTmc upon tneeoniijct ot anyot UiecnUi.- lel, that he now iccl.red hedii ivu I --1 - - . it. . ipiena 10 convey any loea or ie Kin;, j that be bad always b en the L ictre well wilher of. the gentlemen off;; Bar, as well in refpect to thtfe ith whom be had uie plcafore to be per lonally acquainted, us others 1 and was fully ImprefTtd with ttitLabiHty,' integrity and candor which cliaiat tei ilcd ttieirpraCtKe at the bar, ami rendered themfoufcfulto the thiblie.' He then bid them an '.'k'lfe'clianate' farewell; and turning Indiie Pe ters, expreiJcd how nmc1 he was era- iioru oyine reconecrion ot the tt- nerat cuincidtuce at lentimoflt thi ' W t r . . M f r - ' . f had fubfilted between thini,' end oc- knowIedied he had derived riliiwul amftaneeTrotn Id CiUiinrnrnriih- jeer or Jaw ifnd ouliueti, and m.urh . ... . . . . . , .. . . kind and Tiendiy advicejjti niatte r of a private nature 1 and left his villus of luppinefsand rtjfpc- iit,y with him and the Bur. ' HALIFAX, ii. AMtlUCAN ENVOVS. Th foJIoMtg paregrmp u ttndtt Fa . rit mad it AUrti ' ' "A conl'crenee otttlie lul'jfcl of peace is to be opened bette etn Mt 11'. ti,llfortb, JJaVie'and MurrsVj the Miiiifler Plei-iuotrntlarv ( liie U niiad State of America, soda vom million appointed for that porpofe oy uieni w 1.0.1IUI. I hetoiniuitlion ,viiiuu in i.ine pcrionst omi Buonaparte, MrurUn and Hedtn-r. Utteit Morg.ti-ilj St-cfftary.' , uaAVedntlJdy I.H n.e .aujierior v our, ot law aiWeijHity tof n edil ItrlCt o Jj.litx doled i;s lcinins wlen J'enteuce "of. dlath .Ha.s'paliid 7.. ' l0lh Jodgsrlaywood,' kliirtli ,T. Lunnavart and . T.I- .1 r ... on ;muii, ior narie-ue;n,Ki and bhtr rod Piiiliips, for o-gro-fteHiiie.--i hey r to bt executed on Saturday next, ' . - - f i Uy the lite arrivalj'from Encluhd, it appears i obuao continnrd verv low. I he Urhifli gnvernment hvt tontraled -to give 3odoirHr per oarrei tor ttouf whtcli mH arrive in fcnglund beturo the firll of aepteui ber. 'v ' '. ,,k ... ., oir. lanarince.. secrerarv to Mr- King, our Mlniuer at Londoa bir-; rived at N. York, lrm London io ur Beyne. J he Boyn bring accounts' oi a areavtui nre Hiving bippeaed an in couom noote qoayr, in Lon dpn, by which the loft waecQIfiited at 300,0001 Rerliaa. Much Ameri tan property ws I said to hive best; ucuroyca. ;t i;m t ' Tbe Britilh toserDment hav Iffti fd a new prohibition sgaUIl tin e- wiigrtuoo ot artincer 1 sad jfel for tbo detedlen of perrons inticiag them away,. - .hJ5., i Two hundred flst bottomed beats jrt ordered to bo built t Chsthint to sccompsny the Britilh (hips a the expedition now Intended. . . , ' i i ii V f4y If.-rftf I'-T'.' 4 On Saturday hft, purfuant U UU fiatcnce, Kiiyb T. Duoiwvant and Smith, wtrt oxteutcd oo the csmmoni of thlitewa in Crottr I was p1eW t'fact i prion Shcrrod FnUlier i V x ptmtei Qhri if tbe DipicfdwrU i VrW .Jt -. "-, -3W fuh"ierrj,i psdetkfiwdrtaoB maica failed ftatftorttesa-Jyj; on thttfpth 'urt. iTi compaoy the Britilh artnid ftltooner Advcn turcrCapr. Beck,, f or New-Yetlt and the 'ichooucr Lovev, Gaptift Brol, for Edcnton.OiTthe Ua- vanna, was boarded by two'-rrd-vrdente prjvarteers, politely treared and.dmtfed,-irriaTri8,":'3'3r long ' 80, 10, iW. parted with the Kove hnrcd fchotiiiir, ' who par licularlj requcfted to be tiblifh- THf 'ffjopNiiricy . Captain Buck- :cv. aritvtrt wo vvr.anciaay aEi-. .icon." Siioke a fchooner belonj;- ng to ; New bent-Port, Captain Itoaih. whicrf was taken- 4y a Frtnth privateer plundered and LtlchSr 'cd. " Scvr;il - Americans were canto- V41n light fif Captain B. out of )uc tnc v-i "l'l was idncu uu notre-ed, and men luitctea to aef parr . i The privateer Oipt,Ji taiortris as, re-verjt?umeroii8, tn janai a, jftul he was. chafed ; n to the Bay by one tf- them. -: ' VV E D N S p A Y ' t.ViN'lha, MtX 21 A New- York paper fays, that liowlft the lirutdladun C hic-f- ot ftinlkOftee, vni pttloner 10 the piDiuids at reitcoia. - - Weat happy ijafliinnc tile pub ' lie that ine iic difofderi on .bofard tue Vonsfreii trii?at ht been quel Jed.TiKl ilieBii'i-ilectediw, broahl- toa itnie wt tbeipduty. - Enropeaa arcouri 8 ;re, fhar the approaching ctmps-igii m th.it con- iinenti wul. pr attended with the moKAijtoioiii.exertioos. Frr VTlit commainder.3" of the ennterid ing pattii'i-wre tliu OVpoled t . '; 1 'bttwarrow.!. , '. Buonnpsrte. Archduke Charles.- Moreao. Jittit.- Klej, an. Maflena, ThtEJthr oftfie fincyclopedl. an Ihltiucler, and Farmer's Ga zette, rcfpcdHulty informs the puh lie, that-as mlasrt." 1$ dtutned. to have a very principal place iu this paper, it is thought ptudeot to poltpone that braiuli of the bub nefn, until it Lis btainsd a more general circulation, tlwri time would as yet adrn.it of, when that fubtedr, with forhc ' other things giaiKtu at in tnc lcaie, will be ta ken tip and conduced in a metliod orderly and fyftematic, in ttie mean 11 tn going on wun otacr jriiicci- laneous nutter. . ... ' We wifbreturoi of Subftrip- 1 tiopia tj be forwarded as fpeetlily as patliou- a our plan ia ackoow Irdej by all to be well definatcL I is to be honed 1 he onb is will nut Kctit b.ick tneir otintenamr. aa a work id f.MisnttuY, exnit and mas.- iiituotf, rtinwi het-xecuted with that di iuy, we would nilU for, witlw ou. It. , . . , 1. . . fi -" 't'ir " k" ' ; ."' . ijo ana iutirt we are much in debted to.r . ., , : la a ptrttcular manner, we wilh 4 O em pi i m e n H" rttrr f r i e 11 C!i r ijfa, upon the coinmuiucvtioa ot her i vour 1 we inute hei correfpondeacr. j from an opinion founded on the judg mem 01 tne greatett wen, m. that thecmal mind ia nearly, if not t- quaily improaiiIe with that of put1 lex. Ani a inn is tb hril favour of the kind we have received, we iioj. u win nui oe tne uit. " k.n..,... .'4l , , -."".1 ... - . : . 1 jt . ' wd'.Wc inform thole young , . j, . gentlemen in the' country, who may be milpoied to attend upon Academical rearhirigV-ftudyapro feflidrlor fall into bu(lnefir'in E-' denton, thai the f can obtain good fcdaiHing,''WaQiing and Lodging, lot Yuiij 1 ?o xrHoi per year. F or particular information, enquire ef 1 Jtiiert AnkbtlJ. v. ' " -.-r t ujirrivtT, met 1 6ik Injl, Sch'ts. Experiment, 'l'upitr, Jrm ' i(( Union, baun, tw xor "" '."."r jy h:'' wo.Brothe-J2h,d-. CLarminsS'ilf Matiuer,- . T"',;! , ri it ;,. .rrehdettt racltct, i.-w.s, .-v rT r? inrnH Bri? CharloheilSui Uetfer. Nill.N.rrovidrnce SaAly CtttpWadelphii, ' Sea flower, Flowef.N. N O T I C K. r MrttVisojorwarft axy.t" risar or per&rt), I'rom purchauttg or V- nf"lt'and of j&o Dollar, ftiveii bf Noie lia been duly paidy and I have.'.: ' aid ryArecept in fullcf laid NoteJ . wa hi other demand! whatever i -"nd at the Uiuerof fditltment the , Mote was to be delivered Up t but ' laid Fiji, not a cliBg- ftiii levari nut as I cenndeir, uuire rcutttb, I thrrtfui'e do not intend to pay faid. .'... ... .1 11. .11 ... .4 r te VtS "'IV Uli . WJ1 of every nith4; the, law will aU low me. , , - 1 . " John vail: : Newfern, Jht 8. leNso; -j ltd ' .TAKE rOTjCL. DOPdSALS wi)l(..rcbk"ed by 1 1 : efi.her of tlie buitttbeis, until iie 71 h ot June nexi . lor -A uilding . Academy, iin the town of hdtn- w, ot the, tu)lw4ig :lCTfpMon; Ir Fifty-two.lt lo-ngv tvftTity- one fctt wiiloapd two Uone.highi w lift twoTooin on each hoori etd - pafiuseol ten fedt wuc. fix win- doj j& iiftren lights In each front; and two,Vcl ten lights in each. end; . hciow j fevtn WindfrWs-of fifteen lights til euch front,, and two of ten -lights in each end shave, tobefi niUici! with a finglesrchttrsvfc ; lour fix pannelled rloort, to ho fin lh:d i nt - the lame manner -j the viudow I two - 'lix faonelled doors; tobefi- iiiiutH wun oounte aituuravc. The floors to be tobeued and cino- ved, and the rooms and pillages to he ceiWd'.iJi the fame i manner, i fix . ' teet iiign,ad capped with a faonia- Tngt; The whole tobe Jone witlv " ' ililaitru. . ehii In n wnrtefnaft IiUil Sisnner,. So their, spprohattori.'-v .. , nil uic aiaienai win or pur on the groiwd. One fonrtk- oftbe fuui contracted, tor; wilt b.e paia (ln ai; vneey1 enother fourth .when the ouildmg is enclofr J, and the Remain - .1 . !.. . - r. ?.. . -..iL p)eledBoBdu'yStIi,artrvd fe- " ' corliy will be required for the per formaiiee of the confrafl. ' ' i r J.COLLlNS, Sem. lBu'u'Jhg ' ' ' tdetttM) iy ?3r. !KcOt ; . ; Advertiferfteht. 5 ! : ' . .1 1 .... . ' -i : PURSUANT to a decree ct the cdiirtof Chancerv forthedillrift ; of tdenton, will be fold, at 'public, auaion,,6n the 35th "o June' aext, ' jne undivided halt- ot tlw Old JLt- . banoneftate. "Tbe fale of tbii va lubl property will take place ta the premiir,- on a credit of one, twq and threeyears. Bond and sp- proved fecurity wl be; required by tbe : . . -. ' SHElUrT. ,t - '-$9 Dollar! i Rctir af-di RUNAWAY from the Sobfcriief,' onthi id day of November lair,' NgroMan named ISAAp, tbout U yesri of ge, 6 ft high, yellow coinpfrxron, thia vifage, Ipare tnadei Ud put of one or two of his fore teetn, is t-emarkible ttlkakive,' .and, hai a remarkable final! foot, the woof "of TusTieadlnclioable to b fiiort; and. a (hoe-maker Sy trade; tie for merly behged to Abrier fitQl, Elq." of the late ef North-Carolina, de- r:l'cd,andii well. known in lhe town ilrl tir'lntlV ttf Krwhrra.' If luppoiea 11 tias airara ior virgi- . nil, by the wy of Edeatbn or lia- lifax.. rfhipt tie has ahmdhis nsnie, to tint of Jf,tab Sftmtn, and ' mi i-rl -A m trirtm man ' TIfv -t,Aif i-. . ii i 1. . j - r - f rewird will b? givta' toJ sny yerfon'r tbtt will lodge him in any gaol, of this (ire: ta that 1 Can fret him a train!'. oi1 th reward of ir DttUn, ivitli sit rctftnable charg, , to deliver Idas to the Snbfcriber. ia Tones ccca-, tyyNorttj Carolina, near ths towd, ' ofNewbern; "".ml - finnKrT iixTrn. AAW44.a aaio- a : aM ' L- uouta tK or i JVBtfrttHxM t lit ' I- . r : .'