T ! f I V- ! MV. ffeAiiier ; 7723 Infarct!- f zrbzcrttzzzet ;-;2S' he though that 2 o,ccp dollars wonldbc fully compcr tent to tKebjecV" - -.. ; ' -" : Mr1. Madifon replied to Mr. Sedgwick': fHc con troverted his fcntirncnt with refpe;& to economy, a"3 applied to the dates -he doubted, the affertion, tHat Dollars, 1 itf f Tobacco, fecond quality,! 3 3 cafli. r-r n 45y. 5cT goods. Indigo,. Flour, fuperflnc and common, Flaxfeed, lnuian.Corn, - Oats, Barley, V Butter, , Cheefe, . Beef, ' J ..Mutton, - . Bacon, . v- Talloir, T . Hemp, m Deer fit in,: Otter (kins, vf ' -Raccoon do. - S?dt, MoliuTcs, k Iitn, . Steel, 7 SjC 25 a 2ST q" a 1 of. . 76 35 4 12. 5 6.. if. a if 2: 50 a 6c lof. a$of. 15 a 2j5. 6,C 9. . o. 4 1 cy. Veft-India Rem, "pcrljhd. cr bll. 81 .fcv-Englar.d do. per hhd; orbll. 6f. iTyfon and green tea, - - 50r fJmchonj do. r r. - ohca 'do. "'i lojf. a if. .Loaf iupar. Af. a Crown co IO. a i;'.fcC?inDcr is rot'CC4iis; ar?:nkha V gXTlLdCTfrovi the proceedings ef Cokcress JIOUSE cf RKPXESINTATIVESOfthe UkITEdStATEE; Relate fit tie amendment of the Senate to thhrllfdr ri" . viui t:g for the expsficcs cf tieg'iciatiotts a::d treaties rd:iJ ' . tke Indians t Zfc. R. Baldwin cbferred, that.the matter h hft unJetermir.ed, "whether the treaty vc'iui tlie ibaib. nation is Lo h included in th; rrovii'ion as deduced by the Senate or net : If it is, ;iccprdhg to the account given by the Governor of the V eftern territcry of the aftuu! czYer.ccs attentling treaties at V:hich he has been preicnt, it ill fall vTy much hc n of vhat will be abfolutely requifite to. enfure Ufcbbjccl, which the houie aj pear to have in con- tcmplation. He moved to amend the amendment, ly adding ihcle words, " for holding treaties v! ith tlie Indiiuis fouth cf the Olit'oi" Mr. Sherman f.itd, that from information he had j receied, there v a-, a large fum, forty dioufanddol- ! lai s granted !y tlie lateCongrefs for thebufinefs cf ; txiding trcaiies, which has not been. accounted for, and great part of which is tiow on hand : lie fup pofed the lenate had tills in view when they made the ; amendment. Mr. Fitr.fmcnr, replied to Mr. Shermm, rlncl cb ferved, thr.t there is fo'me miflalce rerpc&ing the Con tlcmr.n's ir.foiTnatit n en die fubjccT: bcPf& the home : In qricr therefore that they might art under ft mid- ; frigly, and obtain an accurate Hate of facts, he mc-cd tliat the amendment migh; lie cn the table till to morrow. Mr. Sedgwick fai J. when this bnnnefs was oefcre Tinder cord: deration, 1 wa3 furpriled to find the ma jolity of the houfc in favour cf the fum then moved for, as the Prefident in his meJage appeared tc have in cor.t:mnaticn treaty with the Creek riruron on- ly-iand why w.e (lioul J exceed the fum ncccilary fcr that purpofe, without hny previous cnimatc, is to me jpcrfucHy inromprchenfiHe r to vote a fum ofm-hey hi this of tlie govcn:ment, double to what is; nc ce flary i or tlie immedLate cbje5:, and when the cir- -cutmlanccs of rd:e trcaiury are hch, that v'e can' liCt mate any provision fcr the public creditors, is a! very extraordinary, approprlalion : it very rarely Happens that a government exceeds in economy the ! fum m tlfc amendment will b? amply il:fHc:ent and if Ave we're to vote the-larclc fum, we have re?ib:v tQ fuppefe titrthe Itufir.fs vroM'he protfn fled till the whr.le : expend :.. I hop: ; ; Xj'hih Xh fl.ut, - - ' fc motion to defrr the decifiou dll to-morrQ. I MK BoudinotwoppoleddthejJ priaciplc widi me (faid he; from mean to deviate, mac in au our a ourrblt to have fpecialreffard to me rnrcr will ed for, they doubn? m StEar the-Sufinefs y be wed one with. Utanlllng onttlwe do i tUW innrt'the dtErnity tot the Umted States we will" calftcrms ions from ft". . . I!. our fronnirs, ;&ey fhaH itncly obiei-ve tflie Uipuja- notion It is a tions on tnar pare, ,-. o--u -wT- 7., - Irnofecrdllife TJreleitts I am oppofed to; iiury What eftimatc have we to mew that, fb;larg3 f,T Sft is neccuary ror tnis ouuneis : - , t TTl" , i dollars is rJ 1 1 prcfumc none. The nurnber of Indians to be pro- beyond uie number reqtuure to tiv ed. The amendment ...Tofcne rfete---WKS --tihea. J to. 1 1 Caroli to lar hia (Mr. Sumptef j fidlynvinced me that ere a numb?r-is"qult51Mnicry.. Wi ought . to conuder upontbiioccaaon.nattucn large grants wiUinnence iavfpturer'apprcprbonsV If the fum mentioned in th-amendmeAti fhould be found infuf- was nega ) r. 'Mir? SATURDAr, AUGUST 22. ficier, the Preli n.t wiirgiyc'u5 notice accordingly, an! the deficiency; may b; :fuppjied--but! if we ap propriate a fumitis'&prt "-than fufEci'cnt, in the preient ftate of ourHreamrjSwe faall find that we fubject ourfelves to . very great inconveniencies, and cannot j iittify iuch a ftep.:Fm cf opinion, that 20.000 dollars will 9 fouhd fully lucient with what is now on . hand" : I hope therefore, that wc (h ill not azree to the motion for poMponement the time1 fixed lor holding the treaty .is the ififteerith of September, that is1 f..!l approaching : What vrould be trie confequence ftould the Warriors retiini home aftef appearing on thx ground, and riot uhd the" coTti, miitoners there t6 meet thcrn ? To lofe1 4 fmgle day rriiy be attended widi fatal cfFec"te. . j ; i,tv. Laurarice was in favour of the motion for fioftpouerhent : Hewi(hed, he fai4, that accurate information may be obtained refpeclingj feveral cir cuniftances v.-hich had oeen mentioned Time mnft be allowed for tliisj and by to-morrct7 the lioufe miy be ip porfcilion of .fuch tads as will enable them to aic more uilderflandingly in the buiinefs. I tmfl " fir, ; !aid hi, that I am as averfe a-; aiiy member in thisihoufe, to taking money prof uiely, or unneceifa riiyjoa of the pnbhc purib" but this is an impor tant Tub' eel the houfe appear to be fully fentlble .vof mis, and therefore making fuch proviifioiis as may b th tumou 5 " . I . Renrcientations fromhe citiz New-Jcriey,. Yprk-Towi and artca&r9f vania, were jprcfentcd tb the hpV -4fe"3.'';' vantages they pollels id fell, iclimat, fitiintn,popu laticn, cultivation and building ;an proffering their reipeclive towiis,: widi the circumjacent territo' Vy, of ten miles, to Congrsfsi for tits permanent feat of the federal government. j . 1 1 1 - i The amendments to the conftitution, as altered and agreed to by the houle. was read! 4 ; . MtvT'uckcr dien propmed the following amend ment in mManeJThiit Congrefs Avail not exerciii? " the power of levyingrecltaxesy except in calea : .where any ftate lhall reftife or neglect : to comply with their regulations. ' . j ! i . Mr. Page iaidralthougU I widi the way irnay be' alwr.y? open for every member of this houfe -.to yro pofe amendments to the coniltution, jyet as tie buii nefs Is fb far completed with relpect to the report of tlie cbmmiheeV I thinkr.it wSi.be beftjtoj proceed and ; finifh this report, ?and in the ; ben'tirric! rerer this" to. the felecl: committee of i eleven. . . . Mr. Tucker. I'hope ;f;tiicproponUc3i will be atteiicfed to at the pre! ent time -?-s the hoUfc is upon the fubjecl, and coriildcrable rogrefVf i made, this nmendinent mar be added with eafe, if I it fhould.be rf-reed to---I think-it be.it to'finifh the whole buflriefs now Congrefs has it before them. e conimenfarate to the cbjeft in the firit inltance, 13 . Mr. J action oppoied te popchtiqn : I hope, fu, e rnit hkelv wv M eniure mat -opjscc, and will that the experience wtf Jrxveihad, vrili be fuuicienr.to to be tne m? z lavm? memoa m rne ena. , 1 prevent uouctcis ever .uivcianz inemiciyes or tins Tiie motion for postponement being put, was ns j power. Thi3. experience forcibly points out , the -im- atjved. S t propriety of adcptihr-jtlns anendmehtrequifitions. Mr. Baldwin's motion to infert the words fouth cf j upon feveral (rates it is well ppo:wm though made fe-. be Ohh, was :akeiil!p- - , 1 veral years fince, remain uiicomplied" with to .this Mr. Scott it. may perhaps be wondered at, Mr. !h urmaii, that as I live upon the froritiers, and may e fiibpofei to know 'fomething of-the liature ot In- th. Mr. Scott It. may perhaps be wondered at, Mr. C be diin alfiirs, I hive been fdent upon this occarcn but; Iir,'it n b:eatife I hcive no opinion of Indian treaties and i hope that if we vote any fum more than fufrieient to fupport the Commiffiosxs, and feed tlie j Indians wliile the treaty is holding, tliat -it -will be mbezJed j.fbr I cc'nfider it a! thewclrrtjrid cf policy to fpend a lrge fum of money in matemg pre fents to thofe favages ; it never produces any folid advantages, but coiiftantly the reverie1. The Indi ans liave reduced war and treaties to a fyftem . of comaiercc arid tratne. By giving them prcfents, make them ilrong to fall upon our defeaceleTs fron tiers ; and it has often been, found toj be ?1tne cafe, that the arms and ammunition which they have re ceived at a.lreaty bf jpeacc, have been employed .to the dcltruction of the donofs i. the fum cf 20,000 do5;lai-s, I think, wilt be large enough. I hope we lhall cencur withjthe fenate. : Mi Moore; Wa Iri fen'timenf v?itih Mr. Scott jh re probated thf'A-fl'ejm wjiich had been. adhered' to o making presents to the Indians. t r 1M1. u l w Baldwin ir.id, in'anfwer to Ivlr. Scott, th gentleman's obfervations are cf a general nature ; the fupex inter dant of Indian anurs and the fecretary at jwar have made a' flatement, and xi is to He up pofrd 'trpen rh-e bgft information tliey icari' btcirf if tnijs is defective, if it is too much, let the. parti cu- lars be printed out in wthich the excefsj lies. Their ef timatc ilntcs 1 tliat ?. e.oco dollars- aiie rccuifite for hoidLirr trenties with the j'but!;ern ing trend es.:wiih Jboth mrikm and ft tii'ie,s : if tins prplfion i in.ended to defray the oeie of hold-".. a-nHf the prrnofiti$m day ; and no inducements m! future can ever be;fup- pofed to be" fufficien'Jy oixerative to induce fo univer- isdiaJcompliance with requiBtiens; as to iecurethe public good, if a fenfe of common danger, war," and the facility of payment in a paper medium were not fuJEcitntto do-it?. But this plan, of " reqnifiticn. is prQj;iiant with duUculJies of various . kinds if wi'f i excite jealoufies, infarrcclionsj and civil war, dnTi.lve the union, and expjcfe us to the contempt and invader of foreign powers : for if thi, power is taken from Gonrefsy you. diveft tlie Uiiited States ipf! the means j of protecting the union, cr providing for the exiftence ; and continuation bf the govjemment. : 1 J Mr. Ii vermcf e mpported I the . motion... He fold it is more important than ail that has I been agreed to. This is an ranerdrncqt! t)f fbme pin-pne, an j which a number of the ftatSshavc part'r.ularly call-, ed for j Without feme to more purpefs Krc heM out to the people that I have the honour; to represent, they 'Hil confidcrthcie-as a'mere ranfjeciio. bit they. I .will not give a pinqh &f Ihufr for tl?c4ij all. Mr. Pajrc oblerMed that, ithis prcpcS'tinn U cn i s:bout which, the wapneil : jnends- to: amendment, hare differed in opi. n i rfome of thchi ha-rc en-, tirely ceafed urging il, and 3thf;rs liave h$cps the ' moil : ilter-uons-al vcjiTes for the rcYf?r; and now. fiy, that the government ci-ight tevcr; , to pve up this; power.. For my pav: cspcrieicchas fully ..evinced, that no deenderce can be. placed nponlrc' quifition'si;--' If m'timc'cf war.'nnil when we made' paper money by. hohertds M, hey were dirrerrard- "-lvc cijcci..tnn kn it nv aei-enderce in inture cart be-;placrtd!m the I fhall therefore, he ! : Indiarx?, it Spears demonflrsLble, that we ih-dl fe.il ' for want t!:e. me: j.f ri-Tcctin. cr.: ObiCi o in loth. Mr. 'Gerry moved j cam-mittee. : tlia-t i: be rcjerred, to a fele i --ff?b,;cel'ed'to tJhs motional fa'd the cu renter t..l. V 1" V.i u obferred, thaphiiiimbet Oh wlicfi fubjecl nfamen,lm'er ir.d: J; r.rc ivcta ;:i'Ibibrir:-ucn ;- Ul- committer iot . 1 1 jeu, as tet completed. Uie rerort oi i 1n. v 1 ' f TV

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