The North-Carolina Chroniclb; or, Fayetteville Gazette. VOL. I.] MONDAY, F4ES.UAR.Y i, ^190, [Nl’MB. 23. MISCELLAm'. rrom the Gazette of the Ukitsd States. THE GUEST. The Mole that has no luindoiv for tie fan, “ Finds jet a light that teadi to genial love.” f A GREAT part of mankind are held in bond- age to one ab'urd culb.ra or anoUier—but ^rhaps a more ridiculous and niifchievous deviaii- on from the laws of nature and reai'on, never ob tained than the Celibacy of the Cleigy. 'I'his is a trite fubjeft of declamation ; but all that has been written, or could be urged againit it, would have proved ineffedhial,had notthe rays of political know ledge recently opened the eyes of mankind to their true interell. Their is now a fair prolpeft that this intolerable yoke will be taken olF the clergy of the RAman Catholic church ; and the door ol honour able love, and connubial felicity, be opened to them in common with their fcllow-nien. “ Marriage is honourable in allIt is an inllitiliion wile, politic, and benevolent initfelf—and leatls to all the tender charities tliat knit the family of njankind in the hap- pied unities ol love, concord, and peace. Whin I behold a well-regulated happy family, the objeit inJpires tlie moll plealing I'enlalioiis and refl edions. I call my eyes back to the period when 'the parents of a lovely progeny firfl commenced the acquaintance tlult has proveil the origin of fo many agreeable circumRances. Happy- moments of love, honour, and mutual contidcnce !—How refined and delightful the fweet intercourfe of kindied minds ! Their mutual aitr.adions, cemented by the facred bonds of wedlock, have gathered llrenglli with ad vancing years—-and, their lad fctling fun fliall go down in peace. Wlien this conneflion is Ibuiuied on proper principles, it is not fuhjed to thofe pertur bations and depreflions of fpirits, which itndci' the marriage ftateajcRto tli« ihoughtlefs libertine, and make the timid waver and doubt till tinie,extinguini- tngthc'beftpalltohs m the human benrt, creates art indiiference either topleufingor being plealed. The cares of life in every ltHtc«« ltf5ny—In the mar- ried'ftate they are divided, as they incrcafe—and , the pleafures of life are doubled—the mind retains its natural foftnefs and generous fym|)athy—and having a variety of objeiis to engage its attention, thofe ohjeids interell its feelings, and animate its ex ertions, till its felicity con/ills m living to the hap- ' pinefsofits cbnncidions, and of mankind. Society derives its bellfecurlty from the attachnlents which originate in the ties of family. Fathers, motlierst and children are the fureft and bell pledges of fideli ty to the comraonw'calth—to thofe endearing appel lations notliing is indifferent, that has reference to the peace and profjlerity, the misfortune or niifery of their country ; but the voluntary exiles from the temple of Hymen, while they violate the laws of rcafon and fociety, in palling through life in the fo- litary walks of b.iehelorifm, lofc by degrees the belt a'Feaions—they conirUft a temper of inll-nfibility to the happinefsor infelicity of their fellow-creatures ; and from neglcdling and being neglefloi! by the he/f prfcr of our fpecies, they iie|nii e a inorofe and cenib- riou'- dirpoliiion—and making war witli the woild by dieir contemni for Its maxims and cuRums, they always come olT fconJ h.Jh The follraiina ohfervathns on the great Importanre and n/’/V/Vvu/'Nl-wsPXPFPr, atee\frnOed from the firf number of the STAR—.j paper'pub- lijhedby Mr. Loring Andrews, at Stockbridtre; MalTachufetts. . I T is owing in a great degree to the want of in formation, that the people are fo often ftifpicious of their rulers, and entertain the idea that the in- tcreft of the people and the interell of the govern ment is unconneiSed ; and that the latter have no objeft but to aggrandize thetnfelves, acquire unli mited power, and lay heavy burdens upon their con- ftltuents, which they themfe! ves mean not to feel the iveight of. ReRlefs and lifiippointed mcTi, o\n of office, cverpropagate.fucli ideas ; and fo Inni' us the people at large, or any number of them, ground their opinions upon verbal reports, they will be like ly to remain in a/late cl uneafmefs svijh regard'to ^ their liberties and properties. Every man v ho feels intercited in his own late, and the fate of his oli- Ipring, Ihould Jearch for hinfilf, and inftead of alking his ialorm. nt, “ arc ihefe things f®,” he fhould ap ply to die hJE'WBFAP-ER, the faithful regilier of liiv irauiaCiK.ns ol the ; its pages tctiiiy con- ctniing public men and public mtafurcs. II the lUicrsoi ihe people atl uprightly, lludy the interell, of their coulinuents, and conlult the good of the great whole, ilie people will rell liiusfied il they know it ; and the true and only lure channel tluough which this intorinaiion can be gaii.eo, is a ]NE’V\b- PAPliK. If rulers err, the people liiould know of their mifcondiuii, which will L\e be paii-lcU lu its true colours bj die impai ii.d isaitoi ci a hsewipaper, and impartial every Editor t.ught certainly to be, for, if patronized by the people, mueli is eiitruiled edtohim; felt-inieieli, ii no oilier iiiouvellin4U- laces, and mull induce an Eaiior of aKew ipaper to found an alaim, when danger is at hand; lor the deilruction of a ratt PRess will be ..t uiu oljjtct with nieu determined to enliave iheii Iclluw-ciiizcns. Sueli determinations, how ever w ill ntver he formed, w hile the people ccaunut walcliiiil ol their liglils, attentive to the proceedings of government, and li beral patrons 01 the alls, “ .iii,oiig winch a liee pi cl. iiolds a rar.k.-^’ ai iiiniwwA iiR'. i.'sm FOREIGN AFRAdES. LONBON, OCrOBER 26. A nother Rormisgnlrig lofillorthfOwoman empire, which may j rcbalily retard ihc opera tions tl'.alarc *nw earned pn by foine great powers in I'.uropc, for cfi'c‘‘'ing a peace between ail riu- belli - gerent powers, or v.-hich will oblige the Porte to make greater fat-1 ilices tliun llie itiiglic have at firll intended, to prociirc a peace. Thc'coiii t ot Naples has lately flarted claims to Uie prorvince ot' Albania, bordering on the Aalrhitic;' and now in poffelT-on of-the Turk;. This appears to the court bf Naples to be tlic moR favourable moment to urge thofe claims, when the Poi te is engaged in acontcR with Rullla and Auf- f-ia. * Thofe claims, fnpporied even by the whole of the forces of the Two Sicilies, would nof grcMtly enibar- ! rafs the Turks, if the king of Spain was to Rand netiter. But his Catholic Majefly, we are inform,cd, has caufed it to be lignified to the'Portc, that he will fup- pnn the pretenlions of his brother the king of the Two Sicilies, in afi'eriiiig the ancient right of the crown to the province of Albania. P.draR cfa letter from Paris, dated Ofiober 16. “ The inhabitants of this city w ho happen to ihink that the mob tire not infallible, fcaicely dare open thcii lips in j.ublic about aifaiis. Such is the {itna tion of alfaiis at prefent, that a b.old calumny, bold ly propagaled, would be fufiicu nt to n akeilic n ob proceed to extiert dies of the moll alaihiing naltirc, liefoie they wotild t.ikc lime to ci.nlidc-r whether or not there was the fmalleR foundation for fuch vio lence. If one of the rabble /hould hap]ien to point to a man, and cry out “ aiilloc rate !” the death tif the wretched man would probably be the conle- qticnre. “ J his is U't a mifreprefentatiop or an exaggera tion ; witli my own eyes 1 faw an iiiRancc tlmt ful ly warrants the a(ictt;on. A clergyman I'fthe name of Lc Roi, liad tlie nii-.fortiine to bill under the dif- pleaftire ol tb.e mob, who 1 ffolved to difpalcli him .w ithout any iorrii of trial, and by their own fove- rclgn authority. The poor man feeing fome people advance towards him wiiliftiry in their looks, and crying “ ariftocnite !” inllantly ran into a lioufe for Rielter, and afeaped by a back door. Tlic mob foon followed, dragging wit an Abbe who happened to be in the fame bottfe. They roared out tliat tlic-y had g6t the Abbe le Roi. and ftvore tlicy v oitld im- rnediately hang him. Y IiilR they wera dragging hint to the place of e.xenition, tl,c- mifcrtuTmic vif im of their fury declared In the n-cll f.'icnm mannt-r, that he was not tin- Abbe It- R-.j, b,,u they would not attend to liiri'. When they gc.t Idm to tlie place of execiilion, iliey fixed the fata! cord rwinj his neck. While the) were E ing litis, th-; pool man with tears in I'.is eyes, and liis hands flretched cut towards hca- ^ ven, called God to witncls he was not the they took him for. '1 hey Rill continued deaf to his do- ^ durations, and were juR on the point ot hanging him’, when the Marquis delay Fayette arrived. Having requeued they would fulpend the execution for a few d minutes, he alked what was the Abkc’e crime, 'i hc Q mob replied, lie was the Abbe le Roi, tlic friend of > the ariltocracy, and the enemy of the people. The « Marquis told them they were miliaken: he fai 1 he (J very well knew the perfon of tlie Abbe le Roi, and he alfured them upon his honour, tliat the pcrlon whom they were going to hang was not the man. He faid he did not know who the Abbe then pivleat w’as, but he declared he was not the Abbvle Roi. A Oa this declaration of the Marquis, the poor Abuc £ was releafed ; hut had this nobleman arrived a quar- Q ter of an hour later, he would have found the murdered. Such is the government which prevails T In this city. y “ There is reafon to believe that the majority of the members of the alfcmbiy are extremely at erfe sj to go to Paris, fearing their liveS to be in danger : J but the I cpcalcd invitations of the Parifians, who S will not bo c.-.fy without them,at length determined their removal, though not before the alfcmbiy had j i received a forntal deputation firm the commens of c Paris, who engaged loanfwerfor tliepeiloiial fecu- tity of every member.” ^ 'I'o liiow how mucli more the purlbit of a Fox is^ pretc'iicd to the purl'uit of religion, a church was^ . lately erctflcd at a village inSulfolk, the coll of wl.i. h pi was two thoufand pounds. And laR Week the Iluke a of Richmond’s dog-kennel, at Good-\Yood, was X completed, the expertfe of w hicli has been not left then ten ihoufundpounds ! So that, according to mndern ^ eRimation, a kennel of hounds is juR live limes the 4^ Value of a church ! The ahbvc kennel Is built cn arclics, all of Rore ^ rtiRic, with fomewhat of the 'rufean cliaiacRcr. TJie * front li.vs a fpaciou.s entranee in the centre ; t\>0 V feeding rooms J two rooms for the Jogs to-netp in'; (J two for thui'e that arc indtfporcl, v.'ith other ticprrt- ^ dcncies for thofe that aie niore Tick, &c. I'he lloor of each is well contrived, as to the air, hanging lev 1,.M . and gutters on all lilies Atthfcback of the build-^S ing are rooms for the htinifmen and whipfers-in, » and courts for the dogs. Tlic Duke furiiilhcd all L thednawings hirrdelf ; and the expeafe ot tlu whole Q occafioned drawing on his banker for thi! above lum. •» His Graee is mailer of the ordnance. jj An afeUing event, ^ A few days fince wvie executed at Shrewfhnry, i 'i’ll..mas Pliipps, elq. aged 47, and hi.s fon, Thomas § I’b'l'ps-.jnn. aged 20, for lorgir.g a note of * ftir 2c!. purporting to be given by RichardCokman. J The note had been put in liiit—but the defendar.t ^ iiilillcd, that the note was .I forgery. After a full * heaiii.g, the two Phipps’s wen- hroii; he in giiillv, Ji and werefen e ceJ tt. be himi;-. Mr. Pliipps ami his J 1.'.!, f:’.m the - ifiie f.f b -i. co-.-lcnuKiiion until the ^ morning nt tin irexcititi n, |ti-liftcd in tlieii ihi.o- * How ever, be.ore tl ey left tlic gaol, ) rnii'g Phi, ;-s tf that he romi: ittcu the I'liigL.vj avowlii^-^ liis hi.liti’s inroccr.c f '. i\.-iit.l ol Its luai'p; li-ri'C.!, 'vl-eii publilhod. 'l hicy w-.-re taken in a tti urniiig co.ichtothe place of r-.-iu i- on. _ fhitluiry.ay lothe r.i-al tree, riie firiiei I'.iid totl'.e I,'ll, “Ti-ii.'iiiy, thou h.iR htctigl.t me to this Ri iinclul end, but 1 trcely foigive thee.” To whdeh the fon made no reply. When tl K‘ aw’lul moment arrived tliat leave lliC labk- vehicle, Mr Phipps faiJ to “ You l.ave l.rotight me liithet, do you lead the ^ w ay which the youth accordingly drd, and in tlie ' I moll cimipofed manner afeended the ladder to a O temporary lyalfold, ereiRcd for the purpofe, follow- 3. cd by his father. When the devotions were hniflied, and riie conviils tied up, they embraced each other, and in a few miinite.s the executioner let dowm the ^ fcall'old.and they were lantielied into eternity, atnidR 1 a vail concriirfc of decply-alftflcd IjieiRators be- £ holding a parent and a child fttffei ing an ignomini- ^ Otis death for viohating the laws of their coimn y. November to. '/Tpon a fair inveRigation, it ap pears, that ihelofs to the Holy .See, by therevolii I- on ill France, will be no lei's than four millions of crowns. 'Pile American Rates have obtained h.iilhs fn rr. Romc-fortlieconl'eorationof Dr. John Carrol, tRe fyr ax. they mtiR to his icti, J