Kouf-r Cull o'lii. rifl.cp, 1)- il;c liilc cf TKi cp Tf Taltin.cie, in N arjlard ; by vliih l;e takes place in il ai ltc leltrt all ctkir lifl.cjrs, and has the dircdiion cf all C nll.clic aflairs ilirct j,htut that ^a^t extent cf ctiunliy. tieis invelitd with lull jtveis to eccieciatc ethers, to ertdt colleges,leltle end el- tablilh r erafleiies, &c. Thele l ulls cirj tvei him to go to the Havar.rah, Quebec, or any j iact in Lureje (vheret ne Bill op and tve Piielts can bepieient) ie r the puii ole of his on n ccnlecralion ; alter vhicli, it is laid, lie v ill have the ehaiadtei of Legate ^ptillolic tt the Hates. This prelate V as legally clcited Ly his cleiyy ; and itisapiccccf policy ncrthyci notice, that tl.tugh the Hates farflicn this aflaii, they will net admit of any church eHallifliment, to pre^ent fends and j ro- fccutions. By thus educating il eir yemh at he n.c, anil allowing every mode cf leligicus pirliialion, and protcdliiig them in every il'ii'.g but in Uic rallly and litigation, they V ill pi clervc their manners and morals pure and uncorrupt. Exira{} of a letter from Mafif ^ated OUcher 6. “ In order to prevent the conicqucnccs of the fpirit of inl'urrevJlion, wliieh isfpreading liom king dom to kingdom, and has already made feme pro- g refsinthis, our Monarch has rel'olvecl to allemblc le ancient courts of Spain. His Majefiy has ac cordingly announced to .all thetewnsv. ho have a light to fend deputies to prepa rs for iucli put pole. “ This folemnairembly iscobe held in this capi tal, at the Palace del Boon Retiro, in the great hall of the kingdom—thus named, becaufe it con tains the armories of the Hivencecn kingdoms v hich compofc this monarchy. On Wednefday, the fourth inflant, in the night. Tome hundreds of armed men marched into Thomaf- lown, in the county Kilkenny, in Ireland, wliere they continued drinking in a riotous manner ior fonic hours ; they then proeee'ded to the chappie of that town, .and after firing luvcral lliots at the win dows, they broke in and dimolillicd every thing they could meet with ; in Ihort, they completely gutted the building with crofs-cut faws, &c; which they had brought with lham for the pin pole. Aker this exploit, they paraded the town v ith repeated ac clamations, and Jileharged a volley of fmall aims. Letters from H.imburgh, dateel Oe'loher 3, fay— “ All the letters iVcin Sweden, announce the great ardour exiiling for its ileTence ; 600 volunteers ha' c been armed in the iilarvd of Goihland, 5JC0 in Bothnia, and at Stockholm there ai e 10,000 citizens who have undertaken the defence of that capital.” By the Plandcrs niail, which arrived on Saturd.oy morning, it appears, that the taking of Belgrade has been followed by other conqtiells, infcmuch that one would believe a general panick had Hruck the Ottoman troops. On the 14th of Oftober, at noon, an exprefs ar rived at Vienna from the- prince of JTohenlohe, with ■ an account ofhis having gained a complete viifiory over an army of 10,000 men under Cary MuHapha, who were advancing towards Porefeny to attack him. ' The Prince having received previous notice of his defign, drew uphis army in fuch a difpofuion to wait for him, that they might all ae'l together. The cav.alry attacked the enemy’s cavtilry \viili great in trepidity, andpnrfucd them to Vaydeny ; and their infantry wliicli were attacked Iry the right wing of the Prince’s army, were cut off and purfued to tire mountains. The whole body of them were clifperfcJ, leaving j yoo dead on tire field, among whom it is fai.l is the Pacha. The trnnliics are, five cannon, fifty co lours, a great quantity f arms, and the enemy’s camp, befides all their liniga'/incs of provifn ns :it Vaydeny and 'I'lirgiifchy, and a great luimbcr of cattle ; the plunder was given to tJie foldicry. The Prince of Hohenhihe ha*> received a contuflon in the right knee, but the lofs of the rkuUriar.s is very trifiing. We are inclined to impute this difgrace of the Turks in a great mcafurc to the cliange of their ge nerals, panicutarly the like Grand Vizier, who, du- ring the laft campaign, harralfcd the ImperialiHs after the manner of General Wafliington ; and this war of pofts is mod affuredly the bed method for them to proceed, not only owing to their numbers, hut their want of knowledge in Europetm taiflics, and the peculiar mode they have of fighting. But notwithdanding thefe defeats, there is dill much to he done before a peace can be fettled. The affairs of Prance feem to be advancing to a crifis, which w'ill redore fome kind of efficient go vernment to that kingdom. Tlie martial law, is in certain cafes, the bed, becaufe it is the mod humane mode of redoring order ; and if the militia of Paris can be brought to do their duty as foldicrs, the enor mities of licaiitioufncfs will foon be at an end in that city. It fc«r, sril.o vety rdtially 10 It c::p'?'e'‘ct'', il at vhen il.t n el ate piiMi.tcd fum rei.eviirg their late dilcictrs, F.rd i ie lined ii.tc a Hale cf cenpa- iTkive liaiquilifj, iin iv hat cl a kjal ipiiit will be gin louiirn; ard, vlcn the dui.kiii efi ti riot, aidaihitfl cf pever lave fill did sn.trg iheic Jif plf, ihepultj.l fiti-«ii(ii Cl li t kii g V 111, veiy jicLabl), aipiai as it is, a tlilgiate 10 the kii g- Oim. I'o Aippcfcthat a charge of fenliirtrt in favrur cf ihe Ic vittipii willfi (iiiy take plate in Iiante, is i-ct luaii.irg the cim n llr.nce cl the pieiint nc- n.tnt. A 1 alien viiil i lit lav o—V iihcut Ictuiit) — viihcutar.) airy—vlihcut tnafuic—ard viihiut a king, cam (t Img Ji.lfilt. ’Jlie h aiijuis cc la l ayette hin.JcH, htgir.s to be falisfcd ihai ihcexccu- tive ffVM-r lad kttur be placed ai.y vlieie than in tht n.cb. His n anh to V crfailles 1 as f cker.ed him el his n nHtr—vhile iht n ayor cl Palis and the j nfideiit cf the raiiinal aftnlly vifh fer any means to ktmetl.ini in ni the late ef iht Baker. 1 heir Majellie-s nn.ain at the Lcuvit as bdbie ; tl.ey fiii e Uibiu riklc—the King nev and ihin takes a Icilitary walk in the'1 huillciics; but the Queen is never feen nut of the palace. They beat theii fate in patient ref gnaiicn, until fuch time as the perple cither cerre to their preper fenfe cf their fi vtieign’s degradatirn, andteicuchim frcni hisimpiilnr.nitnt, Cl that icnic foreign power perfoimsthat duty for ilitm. li/ESf-IhDIA JNTELUGEi^CE. imOVTEGO-BAV, OCTOBER 30. C 'APT. Dowrick, of the brig Minerva,from New- luundlanil, iafoints, tliai oncol the iiaiiiporcs bound to Botany-Bay, vnh conviti-, was iei.ii in bl. Mary’s Bay, on the toiuh fidcol Kev ioundland. Tiie convidfs on boaiu had murdcrcei the eicv.,and alter running the veliel into port, they v. cut alliorc. Orders were ininicdiaicly iliuadfor their appreheii- fion. AMEJi IC .IX JN-'^EL LIGENCE. w JiOSTON, DECrMBTR J, l^cRr.^9l or ccMMERcr. E inform, ns evidencing this, that one hun dred and ciglity-two fliips and vclfels have arrived in this poit fince the fourth of Auguft laH, from foreign parts, ’’fhe number of vclfels building, nfTghig, and repairing in this harbour, and in the fcveral rivers, is another evidence of incrcafing tia- vigalion. f'earUfi nrtv cf C mmerce //> ftfdi htr rativey^i/j Teacf tb$ kcn. 'ji nu ttUni g^ttn Wbilt in ev'ry gutc%'* NEW-VORK, Di e EMBER id. A letter from a piincipal honfe in Amfferdam, dated September to, 1789, reecived at BoHoii, in forms, “ that all zVnici ic.in bonds, bearing five per cent, intcrefi, fell on ihc exchange at two per cent, above par, and thole bearing intci e-H of foiir per cent, from nincty'-fix to ninety nine per cent, and tiling. Tl-.is is the happy eiTcel of your new federal govern ment.” It is laid, via BoHon, that the Btltifli forces are preparing to remove the wi(fern ports from eff the territory of the nnilcd Starts. I he Prefident nftae ITuiicif States has gcncrotlfly made a donation of fifty guinca.s to the fociety for the relief of dirtreffed priioxicrs ; to be applied by them for the rcliel of ihofe unfortunate men, who arc the obiefts of their care. In tfie gale of wind on Thiirfd.ay the tfiih tilt, the Hoop , Capt. John Arnold,from I’Oricnt, bound to^Previdence, and the fehooner Neptune, Captain V iles, from Wilmiiigron, bound to Boflon, were flranded near the fouth ferry', Narraganfct. The veffel and cargo of the hitter vv ill be laved. PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 13. A correfpnndent has lately perufed the publicati- onof a letter, giving a etirkrj account of the i ifing of the waters of Lake Ontario, wliirh. from their con tinual advances, h-.ivc nlarmed lU inli.ibitants around Its borders to a great degree, as fcveral buildings vineh Hood at a convenient dillance from its ancient bouiKlarie-s, now Hand ieven feet under water. He ttikes this opportunity to remark, that the tide v-’- ters m general on the cartern ccal- cf Nonli-Amcrlca feim at prc-rtirt to 1 c giadually ^airirgen the laniT vhid. is m.cH perceivable in high iicul.ein latitudef, \\ ith a v iew to akenam this r. aiitr, i.e has lOiicdied a gi tat r.un.bti vl ce neui ling aeiiui.ls,aii.oiig vhitli is a cirtil.cLte, t aiici May i^, lybb, iiiri. a ter-* tain Jokih Kict, an iiiiehiger.i n ar.,vl:o v.as '.ucli licreit til this acei uni ; the lame vho bicughtthro* thclc Hates a Mcclc Dter vhich he taught at the r.ouhvaid, vl.otflciedin the pieUiiCt ei icvtial credible vitntlks to iv. ear to tlit uuih el his aher- tit.ns, vhieh areas Icllow : lhai he ihe laid jeleph Rice, vhen at he me, relieics on the banks ol An napolis river, in Kova-beotia, about 33 miles Irom the mouth thercol*-ihai .-iking this iiver are laige bodies ot ground vhieh llievv the Itumps ana rooif of trees an incredible Ipace below common i.ign wa ter maik—that the- vaicis continue to iik higereve- jy jeal—that he had oken htaiu an tiueliy penon declare, that they had railed 10 niuth there, u.ati h^ tides extended now fitly miles higlier up Annapoim river than lormcrly. 'Hie only icaion ol -thcic re marks is to excite inquiry, buieiy il die actounti lliould prove ti ue, they arc Home ol die nmit remark able in natural hiltory 1 A number of Angular incidents occurred during the late tour of the Prefident, vhieh gave him n.uch faiisfadlion. Among othei.s vi as the lolloving:— On his arrival at lNLwbuj y-Pcrl,a poor old icldicr, by the name cf Cotton, ce-n.n.only calltU Colonel, who was in the memorable battle when Bradock was defeated on the banks of the Cim , and Icived under the Prefident, v-.ho was then a Majci, lequeft- cd to be, and VI as adn.i'kd into theici.n. vihcic the Prefident was. Cn ib.e k'ie'.icr’s bovii.g.ai.U Lik ing ‘‘ how Major W ali inj-.f 11 did,” the l ielldent, immediately recollcifiirj; li.-m, and riifing lirm his chair, took him by ih-.-1...;.,!, ;.:.d itiKlcrly ii.quiied into the fceiics of his lik and pi eUcni ciu una.ai les. I thank Cod, anivvercd ihc loldier, tl..;i I l-avt an opportunity of feeing my old ccn.maiidti tret r. r re. 1 have I'ccYi him in advcrlity, and now feeing hini in glory, lean go home and uic c iikjuttd. Tiic next morning he came aj,;iin, to take l,ts leave of ilic Pi' lident, viho gave h.im n guinea, vhieh he ,TCC( pled, he laid, merely .as a token in remembrance ol his "ommanJer, and which he- now wears jicr.dant on bis lirirm, dccla; ::w i!;;it nctl.lng carihly loall feparate it from l.irn. PITT.sni’RC, HOVIMBER 28. It is vvah regret we arnoiincc to the puhlJc, the dc-aihof the honcurable Samuel H. Parlors, one of* the Judges cf the vvclfcin territory. He had ac- comipanied Captain Heart as far as the Salt Licks, on his way to Glaliago, and was on his return, down Beaver Creek, in a cai.oe, with one man, when com ing over tlie falls, the canoe was dalhed te p'ieceSi and they were both droWned, BALTIMORE, JANUARY K Extras} of a Utter from a ger.tlc7r.an in Philadelphia', to kis frie/id it! this tono7i, dated Wtk December. “ Yourfiiend l.llicott had nearly perilhed in the woods ; he arrived at Niagara,-waited on the Com mandant,told him his bufinefs was to run feme lines, and allured him an cvprefs would arrive therfe, vviibin a day or two from the Prefident and Lord Dorcheffer, which would certify his commifTion.— The inhofpitablc officer I'rdered him to Ic.avc the fort immediately—Mr. Ellicntt rcqucHcd, if his in- foiinaticu v as elifcreditcil, lie might be detained a jiiiionci until the exprefs arrived, as he had only piro- vifions to l.'iing l.'ifn to Niagara, and muft fv.ffer milch, if obliged tints abruptly to depart. All his entreaties how ever, were ineilVilual—he was obliged to leave the lort, and but .rtir thcafliHancehe obtained frn-ntlic more friendly Indians, muft have pci ifiied. He had not prorceilcd fat, ht.'brehe was oveitakeii by an exprefs from ibe favage Commandant, who had received the defpatchcs vnentioned ly Mr. EB licoti, and was ordered by I.oid Dorchefter not on ly to permit him to run the line, but alfo to treat him with every mark of attciiticn in his power.— finrely it was as fevere a ptiniftiment as could be in flicted on the ungentlemanly officer.” T he I'xo foUoivi/tg refehes neere pa (fed the Ugif.sture cfilc co7m7io7in.vealtb of Virghiia,at their laflfejfson. “ Rci'olvcd, That the governor, with the advice cf council, be l equettcd to take the moft eCciftual mcafurc for procuring and forwarding to Congrefs, at the ct.mmeficcment cf its next feflion, full, c« m- plete, and authentic information of the prefent ft.ite ofihe iwivigation of the river Patowmac, as well above as below tide water, with an accurate Hrtc* nicnt of diftiinces, the progrefs of the works for iniu proving the navigation of'the raid liver, with wh.il remains to be done for completing the fame, and tltC pracl'cabiHiy ef its coninmi',jj^koi) with the vi'efie.jri