4 f i traters, accoTnpftnic J witli tlic n-.oil accurate chart cr pkn of tlie faid river, that can he obtained. “ Refolvcd, Th it the copy of the aft tor tlie cef- 5on of ten miles iquare, or any leifer ouaiuity of .^territory within this date, to the United* States in , Congrefs aiiembled, for the permanent feat of the / general government, be tianlhiiited to the gencr.il alfembly of Mui )iand without delay, and that it be propofed to the laid ailclnbly, to unite with this Ic- giilaiure in an application to Congrels, that in caie Congrefs li.ail deem it expedient to eitablilh the per manent feat of government of the United St.ttes, on the banks ol the 1 atow'oiac, I'o as to include the fionof either Itate, or a pan of the ccllion of both ftates, tills aiietnoiy win j.ai's an .lel for aiivancing a fumof money not exceeding one hundred and t.ve.i- ly tlioufuud dollars, to lire ule ol tlie general goeeiu- xnent, and to be applied inluch manner as Congrefs lhall (Hreid, towards ereCtlng public buildings ; the faidaffembly of Maryland, on their pan, advancing a fum not Icis than thrce-lilths ol the luin advanced by thi» llatc, tor the like purpofe.” NORFOLK, JANUARY 2. By the fliip Union, James Tucker, mafter, in 29 days fVam Oilcnd, we have the following informa tion : That the Emperor’s troops in Ghent finding the • patriotic army was marching to take poilcllion of Uic town, orJered the town gates to be thut, and that ,10 ^onc ihould be permitted to go inor out, except wag- *gons with provilions on market-days. A muiiher of the patriotic troops cf nce.dcd themfclves in the provifion waggons, and when they got within the gates feiacd on the centinels, and opened a pali:^, c for all the patriotic troops to enter ; tiiey immedi ately laid iiege to die garrifon, which they got pof- fe.lion of in ;ibout five or fix days—liiat a gre.u nun ber of lives were loft, and about one half the town dc-ftroyed—that Bruges was feized on and ttiken _ fjoffeni >n of in a few hours, by the patriotic troops, from whence the whole of the patriotic army (ha-. - ing collected themfclves in one body) Went and laid fiege to BruHels, bclore which they lay wlien the fhip left OftenJ. HxtraO of a letter from a gentleman in Port-an-rnnee, to a gentleman in this place, dated Novemhr y. “ The introdinflion of flour from the United States into the Kieiich Weft-India illands, is pro- longated until June next.” LF.XINCTON, (kF.NTUCKF.) OCTOBFR Jt. On Thurfdav laft, it -was fo dark from about two o’clock until about half after four in the evening, -that the inhabitants of this place were obli-'ed to kave lighted candles fo dine by. ^ Various arc the conj''(finres with refpeft to the , 'caufc of die darknefs ; foYiie fUppofe Tt proceeded on- ly from an uncommon thick fog or clouded atn-.of Jiherc ; whilft others are of opinion that fonie im- menfe opaque body palling at that time betsveen the body of the iiin and the earth was the caufc. A11 ob- jeas had that yellow appearance which they Inivc in gi great eclipfe of the fun. Fayetteville, On the 12th of October laft, in the n.itIoTial afTem- bly of France, after an important difciillion on the queftion of the ftyle and title of their king, it was r'e- folved, that, “ in future, the kintr’s oulv lii Ic fliotild be ROT Dh.S FRANCOI.S.” On diis occafion, the hall refoundecl with repeated accl.Tniations’ of “ VIVE LE ROI DE.S FilANCOI.'^;. In thenon’iieni nations of Europe, punin.TTients arc exceedingly evemplary. The king of Sweden has lately confirmed the lontcnces of dt:ith agaiiift Major-General Kaulborc, and a Vice-Adniiial of his fleets, who were to be (liot for cowardice. From the Viiginia Gazette. Mc/Trs. Hanson aud Bono, Gentlemen, , Adluated by a deftre of feeing every vlmniis add on promulgated, and having now in my hands feve- ral extradls from the Paris journals, of vSeptember and Odlober laft, I have attempted a tranflation of the enclofcd paftage. I h rve endeavoured in the tranflation to render the true fenfe of the Freiicli ori ginal. _ I Icavi it altogether to you to Judge whe ther it is worthy a place in your paper. 1 am yoiir’s &c. “THE fitting of this day was atterid'-d with a movingcircumllance. Tli i'lh.-d.ttants of .1 villa;.e, or rather cottage, all cultivators of the earlh, t.iu.e to oiler to the inuTiediatc tt-anls of their country, eight huudred livrcs. They were applauded by tears, wiiich prccceued Irom thole emotions whitii real virtue impiie.s ; and were aelircd to take a leat m the midlt ol the aliembly, when Mr. de Hannont ‘/o//;/!-//-? addreded tliem with thatkiudnels anu al- labihty he lo rcniarkabiy pollellcs.* TJioi.gh UiC .a - lembly were not lurpri/.eu at, they were leidibiy ai- IcCtcdOy, this example of -virtue in the nleUil dais ol cultivuiois." bi’LECH oj M. IcDucde Rochifocault, tn the iNaiioiiai rxiicmhiy i^T'rance,a// ttic eiiabiiiiauti.i ej thu libel ly oj the I'rench prels. Mlssif.urs, S URROUNDING nations taik much of the great revolution w-hich this councry has alieci eu tor itfelf. But the work is but hail done. Vve have undoubtedly deftroyed many intnngcments on the liberty of the lubjeif. Leuies ue Cachet ai.. now no more ! 'I’he bi.lile 1 m ruins! i-ieuch troops no Jonger march at liic word ol imperious and iinlicenled authority, into the houics and over die property of the unollendi'ng luhjetk. No ! they have vindicated their charafter m ranking dicnilclves as ciiiaens rather than foldieis. We have obtainci it is true, fair an lionell liberty irt debate. But this— all this—is eltabliiliing a free comiituilon only oy halves. How lliall pollcriti—hov 1. .11 diidc wl;.. might value us altcrwards, feel and perceive that v. i- have done rigi-.i, unlefs we arc able to tranin,ii ti hem, by means of a free prefs, th -ielult of all our hi.uglus ? Then oniy can they a. teriniiie, coodv .nddeiiljcrately, dual, feeling as iueii, we Jjave aC ' llich—That the w-liole country, neatly as one :u • ividiia!, role together, and lick Ol oppielfoil, » feemed to know no bound, vindicated its claim be heard and rcdrcMod. Without thecftabiilhir.ent of a free prefs. all tin great work, that no-tv only w.i'its the complcaling hand, falls unfinilhed, and may die unremeiTibercji 'ui-ibns, who can only judge from nhat ilic-/ fee, and feel from what they read, may impute n, 'heir fathers motives which they knew' not, and ■nurces tif .addon which never guided their condudt. .h. thcl'e grounds, let .all - Ve h,i'’e done be fairly dc- 'ivered down by our w-riters to pnlteruy. Let "there le in thefiir freedom of the prefs, .an open and li beral caavafs of our deeds, an inveftigation of onr ondudt, a fair blame or an honeft pr.iife of all that Frenchmen have dared to Jo, and been obliged to luffer. “ But, Meflienrs, great as this advantage would be, which w-oiildthns refult to oiirfelves from free prints, yet they will continue, under due regulatioiusrto In ihe d.iily, the hourly monitors of ihofc wlio are to live after n.s—who arc to guard what we have trani- mitted to them—and -.vho may learn to avoid, by fuch means, any thing we may have done atnifs. A free prefs, I hold to be die giVat fafeguarJ m all law, and all morals. It is the fnpplement to that due reftriftiou ,• fmaller offences wiiieh the 1-aw points out, but lur times cannot reach. It is the perpetual thorn in the fide of ihofe whole petty infringements of the orders of Ibcic/y, amount not to crimes, but yet pollute the iburci^ of honoin and virtue—whidi avoid public coy/n7ance, y,- w-ound domcftic peace—which creep iiAvavfn lii 1 hands of jiillice, and yctlo.ive all theii/ m dl’-- ” ■ hind them ? The perpetrators of lin-h oft- - re-: cv \ dread the prefs ; and, tlr-reforc. In-honeif andbr.-.M men, ever Ihould the dm-frccdofu of the picfs b^ cli'rilhed I If we want precedm'—if we need cxar.|-,lc, to exhort lu to that wliii li i , ri-jlu—look to F-m.!:,,-.,!, who long have enjoyed freedom, and, tlK-refore] judging of its l.lelliiigs, have fr urcti by fioe wiiil ing, whal freemen have acliievod. In ihc dinrn.il public.tt.ion.s oh that coiiiifrv ?rc to be found inneh that docs honour 10 human 'rV'n.u.s and the bell lights ol human nafire. ' Wli) fliouki Fieiu-hmen, then, fear tn make an experinu-nr, that a coimti-y vvhnft iVftcm of jnril'pni- demreisthe admiration of all enlightened people, has found to be To falutary, and fo'cllbcftivc to the rights of its citizens ? I.et us theii^my countrymen, throw afide thofe uiiworlhy Ihacklcs, that Hill fetter our opinions ! Let us firilh the great w'ork, that now wc li.ivebiit began! Let us—in the name and vindication of all that is moll de.ar to its.— this dav eftablilli A I REE ri Eli.S—FRANCE I Of w hatliavc we to lic allianiiid ? What pulflica- tionof our fentinu nts have Weeanfe to dread ? Bohlly will I avi-i for .ill prell-nt—None ! 'I'li.yn la coneva'ment no longer mark the coun cils of this eoiinlvy. Let iilenre md fccrecv let i lauteJ jpies ati-l ptemecIitateJi.ifojmaiit:!, Jle w-ith il'.at dungeon to whieh their vctr..-ics were de- Itiueel 1 Frenchmen, my dear countrymen, are free 1 Let th.'U loimd be recorded, tiiat its remcnibrunce may livelorever—that when writteiiiit may notbe eraieo, —and ih.at its imprclTmn rriay mitigate t.> every great deed, let this day deliver lb our poiteriiy— y/;e ts-rABLisiiED frfedom «/'//.'tf frees ! MARRIED—At Wilmington, on euinday iatl, Mr. Richard Watson to rVius losipKiNa. Mr. Peter Maxwell, to Mrs. Reblcca '.jUERARD. Mr. Hugh Waddell, to Mbs IIeron. An adl directing thecollcctorof impolt etild ULUUl uUllCb, U CUliCCt llic loint; lor the ulc ut thn> itaLe, cia. ai'- Congielb vA the Uuiicu iuiw Ii aI , ni.iRe ^rovilion lor tiiai iailil tw ru^cdl dit ilCt, |iulleu dl lallil— bui'uu^li, ill 1784 E itcnaiftcd by the general alien,br. ci ri.cfiate • ol NorUi-t,arolina, auU it is hereuy ei.acc.a pv . e aui.hoiiry 01 liie uime, tha', alt rolwctois in -ic leveral ports in this hate, uku aa oth r , . itn.i, wiiole duty it has been to coiieCl toia- . u^,e uuiies, or .my other imjiolts or iiuiics on gcot’i a-.j-outd lino this Uute, ihall be, and the; aie liei :• '' .lULliorileu aiidreipiiitu lo continue 10 deina .d a i tceive lilt fame, ,is by law dii ee'ted, ibr tiie me liieiiatc, un i. Inch time as tlie Coiigrcis ol me lilted -Stales llniil have made the nceeiiary laws, .'ii lhcei.s liiali be appointeo tO colltil't duties fgr i.e benelii it die Uiiileel S'atcs of America. A 111! be ir tuither enacted by 'he authority afore* f.iid, that the ad paifcd at liiidborougii in April, i7o'4, tor impoRiig a duty or lax iuaii of 'hc-p'ibiic revenue, and upon the diffcicnt aiiidvs dicicin n.en- liiirtcd, fold at audion.or public vmduc, and lor re gulating audlionceis and vendue mailers, be, ami ihclame is hereby rcp.,.L.;, and made v,.i,( to ;di i ,- i cuts and put poles, as if the fame had never hC'-u made. Read three times and r-lined in general alfoinbly, tke day of »789' CHARLEeS JOHNhTON, S. S. iS. CABARRUS, S. H. C. PJi/C£S CVRitENT IAr£T7Ef-tZ.L£. DalLars, 131'. « Trt'sccr.recnnd quality, Wlieil Ti .u', p r barrel, • b'l.xticd, Corn, r,-ci r ik, per liundred wt. Hulter, * I'-Jlow, w - p. '■''■rikins, per lb. * •ill, ifem, Welt India, per hll. N{.v b. gland, h. per III. St -v, 45f. 0 trf, 8r6d. a qfr.d- ye.f. 7f6d. a lit. 4f. 'mat* if- tf. jof. a 9;/. tf. Of. • hf. Cfu'. •:*f ^ ;r. ifoJ. li ' -f * * 4* *** »• * * ^ ^ * * V ^ ^ ^ I ''y^.^EFN MU of Mr. TL I . Lturerloh’s wag- gin. on the road berween Wilmington anA Fayetteville, the following articles, viz. i q ftvipi-1 Ijlk waiftcoat patterns, 2 retl eliilli ditto, 3 pieces I'pottcd faltinct, dilFercnt colours, Should any of the above-articles be 0IT red for fale, it is rcqneftcd they may h" (topped, and infor mation eiven to Mr iSeverin Eri-hl'on, at Wilming ton. or Mr. William Mcng, at Fayetteville. l-ayettevlllc, ill February, 1790. t. f. C A ,S Given for Clean C f' "F T O ' ^,,4 COTTON nr.d linen RAGS, the Printers here*.tf.