( POET nr. LAURA. A. .S glittering on the brow of Heaven^ With chaltcn’J ray and ibbcr grace, Quivers the lovely liar of even, On the fmooth wave’s traniparent face ; 8b gently fweet, lb mildly blight, My Ltiwa’s beauteous eyes appear, When beams their ricli and radiant light Xhrough the foft veil of pity’s tear. AXLCDOTE. W HEN theDukeof Hamilton, upon his tra vels, was adii ittc J to the honour of kiliinv the Papal Tie. an EngliUi gentleman leeing the ce remony, ran out of the lioly prelence with lomewha. greater Ipced than grace ; and, up /n being tpiciii- i. cu upon his rude beiiaviour,rei-iiej,;haL‘'hetliiju:. it iiigh time to depart ; for il a Duke was mere, peimitted to falute the PoniilPs jeoiy heaven oni'. knows what he mull kils.” t From a late Philadelphia taper. An AD D R 1', s S t) :he T U B I, I C, 'Frcmtl>e c?n;fykania Siciety fir prsmoting the abelUl- on oi' Irrrv, and the relief of free negnes, unL-xfuttr held i:i hond tge I T is V ith peculiarfatisfaflion we alTure the friends of humajiity, tliat m proleculing the dclign i.u Cur tuioei.itioi:, (.‘Ur enueft'a urs have proved fticcefs- fiii i'.ir lieyond our mail lai'giunt eK|.^ilati(;r.5. Encoiuagcdhy liiis iucceia, and I)^' the dailv pro- greisc.f iliutlmninous and benign fj irit cf liberty, which io ttuTuiing it.l-lf throughout the woild ; and lmm!>!y hoping for Uie countenance of t!ie divin hlclTingon our labours, we lutvc ventured to niak an important addition to our original plan, anu oi therefore earnellly Iblicit ihc fupport and allillanct of all who can leel the tender cnjotlons of fvmpatliv and compalEon, or relilh the exulted plcafuie of be r.cficcnce. Slavery is fitch an atrocius dubafement of Iiiimai nature, that its very extirpation, if not perfoimn vitii folicitous care, may feme times open a Ibmce ol ferious evils. Tb: unhappy man who has long been treated n a brute animal, too fj cqucnily itiiks bciuath th common Handardof the hiiniau fpccies. TIic ' a' ing chains that hind Iii', body, do alfo fetter h's u tclleauall'acultie-, and imi'rtir the d)ei-il alltdii ot his lieart. A:;caft' ru-eJ tt) move like a niere rra- chine, by tlicx^ill of .i mailer, rell.fiirm is fiifpcnd- cd ; he has not the po'ver of choice ; and loti'bn and conlcieiice liave but little iiihucnce ca tr his con du'fl, be*. auO- Iv.. is 'eiilwiiy goxcrnej b^■ p.itlloiii (u- fear. He is poor and f, icn.ilcf,— perhaps \t orn out by extreme liiliotir, ag,-, and diieaie. Under fueh circuttitlau.es .'fee iotii may e ften prove a mid'ortune-to himfelf, and preiudicial to fo- ciclv. ' ■' Attention to emancipated black jicople, it Is there fore to he hojicd, will 'occotne a brancli oi oin nati onal police ; but asfar as wecontiibute to pr, n'o.'e this cmancipaii..n, fo far that attention is esidciuly .a ferious duty incuiiibent on u.-, and which we n'e iu to difeharge to the hell of our jjJgmcut and abili- lities. To inllruA—to advife—-to qualify thofe who have been rellored to freedom, for the exerrife and enjov- inent of civil liberty—to promote in tliem hiibiis of indudry—to fiirnilh tliem with employments fuiied to theii age, fex, talents, and oilier circumllaticcs an J to procure their children a:i education calculat ed for their future fitiuition i.rlife. Thefe arc the great out-lines of the plan which wc have adopted, and which we conceive will eirentially promote the public good, and the happinefs i.fihefc our hitherto too-much-neglcided lellow-creatui es. A plan f) e.xtcnlve cannot be carried into execu tion with.out confulerable pcciiniary leli urces, be- y>a,l the preient ordinary funds oj' the locict''. Wc li' oe much from the gcncrotlty of enlightened and heaev.dent freemen, and will gramfully receive any (louatioas Of AibRiipUions for tliis piupofc v.lnch Inaybe made to our ircaiutcr, J*.rr.cs ^tafr, fir 0 James Pemberton, chaiiman ol our coniii-itiee ot corrcfpondence. bigned by order of the faciety, B. FRANKLIN, Prefident. Philadelphia, 9’h of November, 1789. From the American Mufeim. ' To preferve panpient, or punkins, through the’veinter a?id Jpring. HEN taken from the vine, open them ant. throw away Uie loft contents which arc luuail in tlieir inlidc. Then cut them into fmall y.ietes, and dry them in the fun, or in an oven Pre- vethem in a diy place. They may be either nnaed or uoiled before they tfre ufed. Pi epared 111 this nianner, they make a cheap and .cellencfood lor cattle, horfes, and hogs. Many louiand pounds might be laved in grain to our uiiiicrs, and to our country, by the general ule ol Ills Vihoielume and nourilliiug food for domellic .mn.als. They afford more nouriftunent than the p.--aLOe or Icahcitv-ront. PETER PERRY, Has for sKht, at his Jiore the corner of Green and OldJheets, near Cochran's snitl, R U M of different kinds, MOLASSES, G I N in caibe, W 1 N E S, IRON, s T p: e I*, Coarfe arid fine SALT, T E A, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, D R r GOODS of all foiJli. A few birrcls excellent Mullets, cheap. qT PRODUCE vili he recehed in payment. A genereut price ntiill he given for Bear and Ouci i.ins. Fayetteville, Augufi to, 1789. 1. t .J r HE Cumberland guard will attend, as ufiial, i t kVliiie’s mill, ill Il:iwklns county, on the firll of Oclober, 1790, to elcort families to the Cum berland country. The families who tire removing o that country, tuid thofe who do not attend at that Ime, caanoL expetS. to be guarded. DANIEL SMITH, Brigadier-general. "1u(^ Publijbed by the Pr irters hereof ■ i for ule at their Office, and mod of ilie Stores in tewn, T!ie North-Carolina Almanac, For TiiE vearof our lord 1790; Conta'p. ntj tlie Lunations, Fclipfes (if tlie Luminaries, rifing, felting, and fouilaiig oi' the .Seven Stars ; ritingand felting ol' the Sun and Moon ; Feilivalsand ether days ; a lill of the Exe cutive and Judiciary Olficcrs of tliis ffalc; the Pre- lidcnt, Vice-Prcfident, Senators and H(}ufe of Re- prcfctn.'ilivcs of the United Slates ; times of holding tlie Superior courts in tltis (late; times of holding the County Courts, fi*c. fc. Calculated for tlie Meridian of Norlli-Carnlina. By William Thqmat, Fayetteville, Jan. I, 1790. W ANTED PwoaJlive I.ads, as apprentices to the IMntiiig Bulinefs, th.it arc good Englilli fcnolars, a.id c.in lie well rccommcndcc!. Sept. 8. SIBI/KY & HOWARD. R ROKE^ GOAL on the yih inflant PHIITP vV LS 1 ON, late oi Moor-e cotinfv, committed av aceeli'ary to the murder of Gtoige Glaffock. - All pertons are rcq ilred to be aiding and alfiffii-o m apprehending, io that he be again cominitted to gaol; and anv expence acmiing thereon will be paid by the fubferiher. . 'i’HOMAS WRIGHT, Sheriff. U nnnngton, |ajnuar^’ 8, 1790. ' V 0 W B L L 6? ^ A V K Carpenters, Laoinit-s>.aKiis, lui/.tis^ ! Catveis, tjiiuerj, u/iu t TiLG leave to iiuoin. u.c ^uL..t d. ^jCiieitt* and^, 11 their mends in y uuituiai, lUai r.^.ii.g LeeO, I i.jjuiuily itaiee. Ill 11*1. above biabel.cs ii. Jxuie|.e,^ j auu u.eir many yeais exy.eiiti.ee u. Aibeiiea, iian.ejr tnciiiielves that U,ey can ^ixe laiuiae.ici. to a., viio would villi to enipioy liiej. m any oi Oic abuvB brandies. They will be in tins covii,U the wcailitry-einiits^ about the nrii 01 Eebiuaiy at.v. j a».e ..a>ing uve appieiilites anu a journeyman, wl.o is maiiei 01 his tiuuc, e.di unueiiaKc uny job viuiin .nerii.eivcs.—« Linuoubicu 1 eeon.ii.en,.adtiis iiuic. Aeiciiouigt Virginia, can be ,.iotluctu, vherc they navt uved aimuii level! ycais. T'hey alio no ngn painting in general, CO" •rx gcxoe. j.rict given loi itaioned 'Walnuts Cherry, aiiuXiiidi. i'.. B. Tlie lubicribei will rciiiam tome day* in town, and wui contradiwith any gebiienian vvuo may wilii to einp.oy them. ^ICHaKL hCWELi, Fayetteville, January 16, ly?^. TO BE SOLD, or if not jold, TO BE RENTED Jur ci,e or more)ears, 1 ''HE FIOLSE m which I now live. TTie prjfi miles being too well known to require a pat* tieulai' deicnption. James Burnfide. Fayetteville, January g, 1790. f t)S r, on the iRih day of Dereni- ^bci laiTi .a pocket book, containing a Tobacc$ A(?/,-, given by Potts and Campbell,.inlpeAors, to Wiiii.im Spcarm.in, for one hoglhead of tobacco, Hrll qu.ility, numbered as follows 844 1250 120 1130 nett. ^Whoever w ill deliver the above note to the fub* iciiber, in Chatham, fluill be handfomly tcwardtde WILLIAM SPEAkMAN. Jan. 4, 1790. ly— LOST. A POCKET BOOK, cohtaining THREE T’Oi'ACCO NOl’ES.figned by by Potts and Campbell, til the following wights and htmibcrsy \'u. * 514 1380,150 1280 516 1270 125 1145 1261 1300 140 1160 Also—.f. 7 10/. in money, and a note of liani^ figncd by John Rea-den, for the fum of f .2; in money, and,^.27 in goods. Any perfon delivering faid pocket-Iiook, with its contents, to Major yc.'m I'urtcrfield, or the fulrictiber, fliall be entitled to the money, and no queftions alked ; and allperfons are ciutioncd from purcliafing the above mentioned tobaetju notes. Amoi Cheek. Fayetteville, January 26, 1790. FOR S L E, at the Printing-Office, (Price Five Shillings.) OBSERVATIOl^S Os TH* AcmeuLTenr, Maniiractuiiand Codv MiKcr. or TH* UNITED STATES, in a letter * to a Member of Congrefs. ByaCiTizENof theUNiTioSTATre, also. An O R A T I O N. ' ; Debven d he irc St Jliin’. Lonot, No. a of Nr.vbern, ' tlie 27th n*-c-tnher, in ihe vear of Mvfonry, 1:780. ” lly Mr, Solomon Hallinc. LIKEWISE, A funfral oration On the Dkath of CeNr.RAi CASwatt. * By F. X. Moktin. 1 .\\ LTI xxV ILLE: (North-Carclina) PRINTED BY SIBLEY & HCWARp.-

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