PAPERS refmed to in the REPOR f of the SEC RE PAR T oj the 7 RL^iSVR 2\ - ' [Concluded J ^unrter-indfer's drpiirftnrnt. ’Transportaton. Including tlie imnJportii'iim of the recruits to tJif fronliers, the removal of troops fium one U-.uion to another, the inuif- portation of cloathing, ordnance and military llores for the troops on the frontiers, the neceifary removal oJ’^ordnance military Itorts, the hiie of teams :ind pack-^iorfes, the purchafo of tents, boats, axes and earnp-ket- lles, boards, rire-wood, coriipany-Lotrks, Ihitionarv for tlie troops, and all other expenccs in the quarter-niallcr’s department, 15,000 Hof pit nl a.parluiey.t. For medicines, iriRruments, furniture and Hores, for an hofpital for the frontiers, alfo lor attendance, when neCeifary, at Welt»l'oint, On!na nee Jepr.rtnxnt. For fajaries for the ftore-kcciters, at the feveraI,depofits, vl’,’.. Wel't-l’oint, Virginia, Springfield, 3 at ej«-*iullais per month, j Charieilon, i (lore^keeper, at ico dollars per annum^ 2 Ailiitan's, at i 5 ditto, per month, . j llore-keeper at I’liiladelphia, I jlifo, R’bodc-Ifiand, I ilitto, l^aucaller, I ditto, Fort Htnkcmcr, iio\ liis fubfiftencc, i dollar per week, 32J >4A5 ICO ■3G(? 50O 95 96 17.* Philadelphia, Virginia, Weil-Foirrt, Rent/ of luiliings for dcp'ft/. 751 C6 350 400 T^abourers at the fcvcral depofits, !H ariificci-s at the polls on ihe frontiers, including ar- mounrs, at 5 dollars j'er nionlli, Coopers, atrru'Urcts, and carpenters, employed occafi- cnally at the leveral arfenals, The expellee of materials, and conPrufting twonfy new carnages for cannon and hcwltaers, 1502 400, 4S0 50S) 2,coo C6 Buildings for arfenals and maga-zines are highly rcquiliic in the (i nlhern and middle departments, for which particular ci'limatcs will be formed. t C'.n'inorrciej of the •v:ar department, viz, OiFce-rent, wood, (lation.ny, delks, book-cafes, fwreping, See. Siibfi'’'•nee liue the olHcers of colonel Marinus Willet’s regi- mon', in 17S2, 786 6 P ry due lieiiienani Jofeph Wilcox, parmrifter to the regiment lalclv cornmaniled liy colonel David Hnnn hreys, , 31^ Pay, f.ldi lienee and forage ilueihe orficers appointed by the flair of RhiaW-lfiand, under the aA of Congiels of the 3ovh Odober, 17S6, 1770 6cd Total amount as above, . 15^,137 Dtdiift conuingencies of the war-ofTice, office-rent, wood, flaiionary, defies, dc. as above, the fame being included in the civil cltimatc, Coo Dollars, 156.737 72 SUMMARY of ihtYoregoing. r’ay of the troops, Svhfifttnce of ditto, d Ca-athing of ditto, i Quarter-mailer’s department, *• Id 'fpital department, Ct'tningencics of the war department. Contingencies of tlie war-oflicc, Arrears (if pay and mblllteuce unprovided for^ Ordnance department, -« C 11 E B V L P Estimate of the prohuWe produfl of th.c funds propofeJ lor Aindir.g the (!ebf, and providing tlie cun critfsrvice of the Chiled States, including the p'rcfent duties on iniports and toiiuage. Probable produd of the diuics on imports and tonnage, according to the adlsoi'the lafl Icllinn, Jncludiugihe Hate of North-C.irolina, this eflimateniay be laid to correl'pond w ith tile Ifaienient made liy the committee oi'ways and means, during the lall feffion ; which llatcnient, the fecretaTv is inclined to think, is as near the truth as can now be obtained. In tlie preced’ng elliniaie are comprehended wines, diilillcd fpirits, teas, and corTee, amounting to about, Which being dedudled, Ic.aves Dollars. 1,8,00,00* 600,004-. ■ From which deducting 5 per cent, for expence of col led'ion. 1,200,00* 60,coo l.caves nett produGl, Erobable produdl of the duties propofed. Irnp'jrteJ. f,Coo,000 gallons wine, itl 20 cents« 4,oco,oco gallons diililled fpirits,at ao 700,000 pounds bohea lea, at 12 80c.000 pounds fouchong and other l>lack teas, at 20 100,000 pounds green tea, average at 25 1,600,000 pound:-coll'ec, at 5 Made in th United State/. 3,500,000 gallons diftilleJ fpirits frcni foreign ma* tcrials, at 1 t cents, 3,00c ,000 ditto diflillcd irom nihrerials of tlie United States, at 9 cents. 1,140,(?«’»■® 8oc-,cr.o 84,009 S 6c, 009 25,000 Sc,cx;9 385,00^ 270.000 Dcdiidl for drawbacks, and expcncc of colleftioiv 15 per cent, 2,004,000 300,600 1:703.40ft Dollars, 2 84,3 4 FUREIC^K APPA1R3. 2871 ^5 156,137 72 72 59,028 42.572 2.). 44^2 15,000 1,000 3.0CO 600 2,87, g 7,646 69 156,127 72 %Var-rffice, December 29, I789. (Signed) HENRY KNOX, fccrct-ary for the department of [N=- in.] ESTIMATE of the annual PENSIONS of the INVALIDS of the United States ; taken lioin retur ns in the wur-oilrco, dated as (ollow.s: Dots. Ctj. Doh, Cts. New ITampfiiire, Ma iracliufetls, Connecticut, New-York, Ne\v-Jcr!'e}’, Pennlylv'aiiia, November 28, 1789, December 14, Decenilief r, December 31, February 2, Decemlier 10, For t787, Virginia, 3.=24 11,166 7,2q6 15,588 4-357 6 16,206 9,276 66 Conjedlural—no returns having been received. Suppole Rhode-lfl.ind ai’.lDelaware ne.iiiy equal to Kcw-H.amp.lliii c, 3.170 Maryland nearly equal to ConneGlicut, 7,(.-vjO Ni I ih Carolinti, Suuth-Cu.-t lina aiul Georgia, nearly equal ip New-llanq'llurc CoiinecticLtt and Vhgiaia, 19,596 67,215 72 Dolla 29,766 96,979 72 [Signed]'. H. KMOX, fecretary for tlic department of war. X\ba-otllcc, 11II December, 1789. vtFVNA, jAkiUARV 36. P OLITICAI. alTaiis have fbr lonie days been entirely negleifi- cd, and nothing talked ot but the negociations wiililhe Turk:., which feeni to flacken. A'the private let ters from J ally arrive very iriegular- ly, W'e imagir ■ the rorrefj.ondence of that city is ini'peified by the RiUlians, and that we only receive fuch accounts as the two court's think pro per to give us. Fehrnary 3. His M.ajcfiy the Erh: peror having refiJved on account of his weak Hate ot hcalfli, to divell hinifell of the charge of the mod weiglity matters of il.ite, lias appoint ed a finillar Grand Ci’uncil . rr'-ti- fereucc, for the m int-remeni of lI.Ke aft'.iirs, to that dm in,., lie reign of tlie lateQueen Maiia’!'!:erc|li. "I'ln-fiuir counicllors are. Prince M -.n il?, .lie Piince de Sathrenib ig, Field M ir- fiial Lal’cy, and Couni IF fenberr ; the privy counfellor Spielman, is Re- ferreii.lary, and Baron Cuiitihach, Se cretary. — I FRANCE. NATIONAL ASSEMBLY, Feb. Lz' On M. lulay' tlw mimi'es of the Tnemoiable- nieeti.yg of the i^tli iii- Ibint, (ill the fiipor ifiui' or rhj mo- naiiir orilers, •were read hy the alfein- bly. Some (>p]sofition was r. aJe by the deputies of Alfar.e, oilievs ol tile lioniier province-. Tlie moll dillingiiillied \.ms '.ht Abh-d’Lymac. M. D'lpnnt anm miccd, that the re ports of ibe comniittie of conitituti-n, on tiro dlviihan of the ■kingdom, were finillieJ. He alfo made a rcjiort of the general priiie'iples wliicli IboiilJ dircet the '• Icmhly in preparing a dec-rce Ui d . ernii 1C this great woi k. lie abo pr(.d>iee„i a plan . t fiiedi (l»- dec, divi'.lud into heads, which W.isordeieii (0 bepiinted. Fthruiry 16. d’he Prefident: laid hcfoie the A:i4mhlv fbvtrral articles yropol'cii 'o them ilic pit.cedimr day by .M Dupont, an,i whicli were aill.-.ed to tlie I ' of the if ciee ll-'r lire tim'.l divilion of ilie kingdom —Afcer a ti'r'cinu.'n of fijvera! hours, on the ex pediency nr inexpediency of llicie arti cles—ihe following wire adopted by the Aifeniblv. “ 'I'l',; N.itional Airemblv h.avc decreed, and do hereby deer et : 1. That tlw liberty refervsd to the cloTtors of various'diiiriit':, to delibe- Tate' and (.icfcnt prti ions to the Nbi- troiial/VlLnibly, is a meaiure which appears to be more rotifovr; ble to the gcnei al inter ells of the elecRcrs anj ekifted. 2. In all the fhvilions in. the k-ng-» 'doni, it is uiiderltood that cair’t city ct.inprelicnds all (he territory, cot tages, ho,,'cs, .kc. and the inliahi- lants of V hich ate airclTed .ad cnicll- 'ed lot till' payment of duties. 3 When a river is die line of divi- fion, both diltrii.Rs are C4j':ally v con tribute to preferve the lame ; and the exae^'t line pf divifion is the centre of the river. 4. The divifion of the llrgdom in- to ilifii-ieds, rclaies only to cle-aions. 'Plie old divifioiis arc to. he obr-rved 'wub regard to duties, umil the new c rgaui/aLicu of that power.” LOKDOM, rtBRUARV 5. Tbe F.mpcrnr is miking nneom- mon preparations in B bcn'iia, and it is uo'.v filed that (vi,iihal Laiidoba fliall command there the appioaching canip..irMi. • The Ruffian army was advancing (ill the fide of Liiinnia, but were checked by the king of Pi-ulfia.' condiul here, asin Holland lull year, an.I nt Liege liow, is 'moll fage .and I'piiiled. Ti:c prcpai-aiion-rur w,ar in Pruffii are •acccleraicil with the utmoll expe- di'.ion. Oldcrs h.ive hcen iil'ued Irotn the military department for li e piir- chnleoftent etjnipages, nnd' 14,00* hoi'fes ; and bakers are engaged I'tf the army. It is thought both the King and the' Prince Royal will take the field. 'J'lie Duke rf Saxe Wr imar, isanived at Berlin, and the Duke ol'Biunfwick is daily expeefieel there. Tlie lollowing lingular article is copied iiom ilic Ga/elte de Pay* The Vice-Roy of Mexico has tranf* milled hi'ine a packet to .Spain, con- t.iiniiig leveial letter.'--,'and otheT pem, vhidi hcen t.ikcn out Jt nic I- nj.lilii, Poiiugucicj-and Rulli- an vclie'is, to lie numiu-r of 361 mil by a Spanilh I'lijraif, which had met tiic laid lltti ill S. hit. 40 dei^rccs, ing, as is luppoicd, tofound a cob-ii-iv. 'ihe C;iptaiii of die Spanilh fti- gnte had alid taken ll.e Cfemmaiides et Uie ficct.

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