ifi'uflian Cencra! Je Slionfcld Kalli, Ity pcrmif- fion of fiis mailer, entered into theferv'ice of the It.Ue ol lirabant, widi an appointment of 18,coo llorins. The DiikeD’T.Ti fel, wliohad been appointed perjietual PreSdeiit of (.be rniiilary dcparimeut, has relii^ned that ftation in i.!ii;;uif, in conlequence ot this ptonioii. on ; conceiving his brother in-law the Count de Mare, had a fuparior claim. I’his del'etiion is extrernely ferious to the patriotic caulc, on account of ilie Jjuke’s high liation. AMERICAN IN-TELLiGENJE. BOSTON, APRIL 5. ■l^xtrall of a letter from iiu o£icer on honrd the lJ);p Coium- btd to his friend in this io’wn, dated Nooika doand, Juh 2i?, I 7*59- /xN tlie C2d of September laft we arrived here, on tillsw/V^tV/or norlli-well coalloi An.c- Ifica, where we met iiur conii'rt the Hoop W'ailiinj/ton, after being abfent troin lier lix tnont.hs—the ciew ol which is’ere then 'wed, but had been exirtmeiy ill o: tlie leurvey, of which dUenl'ewelod to two of out peo ple. VVe had the mistorinne if lofing our .ulronomer, over bo.ird, ahile in life, rvilacti. ocaan. This fide of the continent affords but iuii. Hews ; the mod m.iterial 'at prefentis, that the ards have taken jtolfelTion of this fovnd, and ercCo. d a lort of 10 guns—they have alfo here two fhips, and are determined to take ail Eiigiilh vellcls that may arrive here—they have already captured ihrec, viz. a inow, commanded by Capt. Collenei*, a floop b)^ Capt. flud fon, anda fchooner by C.ipt. hunter, all^ bclongntg to one company. Wc hourly expeft an Ameruan liiow, Capt. Metc.df, from Canton, whom the Spanilh Com- m. ■ lore has promifed not to moled. To-inonow we cxpeiil to proceed U) the northwaul, in company with tlie tloop, as far as Cook's rRer, from thence to Can ton.’ Veflerday f.iiled frorn this port for Canton, in Chink, tho Ihip Mairichufetts, Job Prince,' c rpiire, command er. This veflel was b'lilr in G.'rrr.inlown, about i 2 Hi'les from this town, by tlie honourable Sam lel ."sliaw, efqnire, Conlul of the llnite.i Sr.dcs in Clnn.i ; is ah'• I l>oo 'oils burthen, ar.il edeemed as fine a ihip 61 her dimenfions as ever went to fea. 'lairtrflic'wejn a Mr. (^lalttli ant! a Mr. Ritch'c, fii that [ihice, iu V ifeh ilie latter received a w -und in Ills thioav, of v. hieli lie cxpiied in a few minute.s. Extiact oi a letter fioiii C adi'z, to a geiukinan cl this town, dated I'thinaiy 2, 1790. “ Admiral Cordova received, iluee days ago, ad vice, by e-tprefs from Algcclr.is, of the Enij eror of Morocco’s having taken polieliion of all llie ISpanilh veli'els ancliored in his ports, 'and iiupriloned tliea- crews. The Chaniher ol Commerce >1 ibis city had a rneedng the day before yellerday, in ordbr to lend out iwoliigaies lotruife oir tlie .'I'trcighls mtaijh, to proiecl the Well-India Ibips from falhiig into the hands j ot thole l’)a>bati.Ills. Tliis deleimination of the M >or is (.iccoiuing lo flying leporis) in conlequence I of the I'.nipcroi’s iiaviiig been .iliaii.n.uet! by liis n.n, and the'la'.ler whiling to have a war v ithtlie Spani ards, witli a view, J. iinaglne, to get Ionic dollars from ) them.” HEW-YORK, MARCH I By a velTel jad'airived, at New!niry-Port, from rr.ncc we have the follov.'ing account :—The King has made- his efcape from P.iris, and, it is fald, wilh a view t i Join the army on the frojiiiers. Yon may eatily im.igine what "wil! be the coiii'equcncesot luch a ftsp.” The convention of Rhode-IdanJ have men \vifn- Ont accomplilliing the important biiflncfs of their ap pointment. The convention Hands adjourned to the ^i]ih of May, then to meet at Newport. Many conjeiHures V.ith refpeJf to the bufinefs on vshich the BritiHi Hoop of war has viflted this por', we infert the following copv of arr order of the Britilh . council, which will explainthe reafon. , ... At the court of St. fames’s, the id Decemher, 17S9,/re- fr.f, the kin ft mf excellent Majefiy, in council. WHEIIEAS, by order of council, of 25th June, IySS, the importation 61 wheat, of the growth ot any' of the terriioi ies belonging to the Ihiitcd'States i^f America, was proliibited, until his majefly’s plcaliife fhould be further lignifled ; and whereas it. has been reprefented to his niajelly, at the hoard, that it appears by accounts received lioiii his majelty’s conlul general at New-York, and by the information of feyer.il mer chants of the city-ot London, anel others, trading to Amciic.T, that the Hellian My, hy which the uhcat of the f.iid United Estates of Aqierica xvas^ iiifeiHed in Former years, had this fe.ikm wholly dilappeared : ^ His majelty, taking the fame into cnnlidcration, is pi'eafe 1, with the 'advice of his privy council, tb ord^r . that the fail! pi.ihlbiuonj laii.1 by order in council ot tlit^jth June, I 7Sb’, be, and the fame is herchv taken olF. And the rigid honourable lords conimiffioners of hii.naajeily’s treafury are to give the ncceiT.iry di- teHiois herein accOrdinglv. WILLIAM FAWKENER. Natural Hijlory. Tn tTlflo- county, in this Hate, on an ifland in the NevciTink c-eek, nearly in tlie latitude ol 41 to'i'i' th, ■a Mr. Baker,in the begiiiningof tlie month of March lafl, Laving cjt down a large hollow beach tree, to his furprife fouiul fhe cavity in tlie tree nearly filled wiili the common barn fwallows pf tills country, in qiian- tity (by his e.flim.ilion) nearly two barrels. 1 hey were in a torpid Hate ; hiil carrying fume ot thole V'hlch were not injured hy tlic bill of the tree, near a fire, they were prel'enily rciiuinrited hy the^waimili, and took the wing with ilieir ulual agility. Ibis may be depended upon as a faifl. ALEX.SNURIA, APRIL I J. ■ A few days ago a duel was tought at Fi'cJenckf- FAYETTEVILLE. Tlic commioec of Corgrefs to whom was referred ihe p-'iiiiui ol Rlel.arvl Wells and John ll.trt, brought 111 'h ' f iilowiiig ie|)'ut ; ^ Rci'olved, That I'he poireiibrs of the'continental bills of (If-..lii, eniii'.c 1 Iiy itie authority of Coiigrels, before he i8th d.iy of Mat ch, I 7..Srj on bringing the fame into the treafury of t-ne Uiiite.l iSt.itcs-, lhaV receive ccr- lilic.ites lor tlie lame, at the rare of one dollai I'pecie value fir one hundred doll.irs of ilie laid bills; and tie ! line Hiail be funded on iiitercll in the fame man ner as ihe mher debtsot the United .States. 'Idle in- terelt to eomniencc on the day the laid bills fh.dl be lodged in f.iid trealury : And all fiirh bills in the treii'iiiy of ally Hate exceeding its quota'required by tl'.e .(Cta of Congrefs ot the 7th day of Ocli bcr, 1779, and ilie iStli J.iy of Much. 1 7P0, t.n being broiigiu into Jic tix.i.'uTy of the Uiiiteif tjtatc.v, fli.ill l>e cieui.ea ■ to the account of Inch Hate at the rate ai'orelaid, iiri in tercil 01 li' per cent, per anr.rm, f .iiii the' time it was 'receive.I iiuo the trealury o; the lefpeelivc li.ite.s; laid on the ta le. I’ne lionoiirable George Mafon, efqnire, is eleclcd one I f h ■ leiiators of the Uiuic',! Si iics, from ihe Ha c of VirginL>s in tlicrroni c.f the honour.ible ll iHiam cUpiire, deccafed. 'riiehoiiieof afl’emhly of New-York has palTe.l a reroliilion, appointing Ids cxi'e-ilency George Clinton, Rith.rnl V.ii iek, and John Wat-, efquiie-, coPimiHioii- ers, wi ll authority to huild a unveriiment houi'e, 011 tlie gn iiiul wliere ihc fort Hands,,ri.d to draw tosieoty thoufand dotuvs oii't 01 the ireahiry of that Hate for that purpiilc. 'fhe faid biiil-ding to lie appropriated for the accoh nmilaii.'in of the I’lflident ot the United States, while Co".g’'cfsreiT':'.in in that city. His Britannic niajelly lias been pleated to'conHiinte and appoint 'fhonia'. hi Uonougli, clqniic, to be lu- ronful in the Hales of M lirachufcttk Ncw-Haniplliirc Conneefient, dnd Rlioile-Ifland.. He has been alto plcafcd to conHituie and .ajqioini Jt hr. Han.ilton, ef- qiiiie, lobe his conlul in the Hate ofA'irginia. A London newljiaper has ilic tolb wirg article :— Tl.e court of Vienna has aiHiially apgoinicil comnilf- fioncrs to treat wilh tlie Parriots ; ilu y. are two in lliirnlier, and men of high repii'.alion. TIic firfl in the ci.mmilTIon is the Trince de 1 igne, whois at iliii mo ment with the army near Bclgiade, v iih the laiik of Gencr.d ; the other is Count dc Colienzel Abjhati of the nett prcc.eds of the duties on imports and tonnage. N. TTampfliirc .iTotnAugtJ} IJ, . 7.7‘’9 2 I 1-2 Mali'jchufeU.s, 10, J>.3-439 54 1-2 Conncelicui, 11, 20,352 «7 1-2 Nc'w-York, 5. I52,1(;H 97 New-Jerfey, I. i,97« 51 I’cnnfs lvitni.i, 10, 188.404 94 Delaware, I. ^>■57.3 9« i-i M irvl.rnd. 10, «:.75' 6 1-2 Virginia, 17. 142,028 62 S Carolina', 3'. S.3-.32 61 1-2 Georgia, ZZf 8,851^ 80 .3 4 Dollars, 784.487 '4 3 4 Dcduflfordrawbacks.z percent. 15,689 7+ 1 Dollars, . 768,797 40 3-4 - • Notice- I Cj* Port of B.'Jlon, only to tiyth Decvmhei T J AN AWAY, rin outlan fifli negro fellowq \. named TOBY—has been in tl.is roiiiity two or three ycar.s, fiieaks hroKcn Ifnglilli, ba. liis country mar!, on both fules of his f.ice, about fn e icot p 01 lO indies high, appears tn lie abouUiirty years ot age, fays he has been in the country about four ^eais; aiid was landed in South Carolina. He is now hired oilt to pay prilon fees. henry DEBERRY, Sheriff. Montgomery county, 'HE copartnerfliip of DONALD _ M NiCOLL, O'Co. of Fayette ville, as al/o that of HENK Y L'KQU- HAKI , Co of WilmiiTgton, being tlidoj-vcfl by tlie deatli of Mr Doiiald M Nicoi'., one of the parthefs, the lub- feriber, one oi the lurviving pnitners, being duly qualified to icitle all ths company’s bulinels, r^ueits al' pei'tons havingdemaiids againit cither linn tq render in iheir accounts lor'f.rtlement (tlioie ag.a'inff Don'ald M Nit oil, &. Co. attefied, otherv\ife they cannot be ad- m.ttcd ) He a ,o icquclfs all perfuis indtbred to either fii m eo fettle and dif- charge their accounts, that he may be enabled, a's foon as pc;liible,*todilcba''ge all debts due by the company., fie has, in his ablence, for the purpofe of a more fj eedy clofe of the company’s bufiiitfs. authorifed Mr Robert M.ic- Farlane at his ftorc in -Fayette-ilie, to fettle all accounts make and receive payments, and grant difcharges tor all matters relating to the firin of Do nald M Nicoi I, & Co. and has, in like manner, authorifetl Mr. Alexander Ur- quhart to fettle ail matters relating to the firm of Henry Uiquhart, &r, Co in Wilminifton. The icmaining Rock of goods, for- m rly b-longiig to the company, being pti!chafed by tiie fublcriber, will be fold by him, for cafh or produce at his (lores in Fayetteville and Wilming*- ton, on as reafonablc terms as can be afforded by any perf'orr, at either placci HFxNRY URQUHART. 'Fayetteville, April 27. 1790. ALL perf.ins having aiiy clemnndi igainft the eflate 0! the late Mr. DO NALD M‘NiCt)LL, deceaf-al, are re queued to render in their accounts ar- teffed. and thofe who are indebted to (aid tffatc arc dire6led to m.jkc payji.ents to _ ... . nK.NRY URQITIART, Adm'n Fayetteville, April 27, 1790. TO DE SOLD, at PUBT.IC VENDUE-, In WILMINGTON, on ll,-; otb J-'v of June next, A 'v.iliiahlcVi'ATER LOT in liie (lu-l town, hitel'.'pan of ihe iHhite ol ^\''’lliam Willrinloii, efquire, d'Tc-ii'cH; conveinen'.ly fitu:ite!l lor a mer chant’s hiir.nUs, con'a’-ing about 75 loot on Ftonr- Sti'cet; on which there are fever.il valuable ware- houfes, a good wliaif, and next the Hiecf, Ho'’" loun- dalionsfoi ibree teiitinenls of 27foei front e.rcb, wilK an alley to the water, 011 each liJe of the lot, I’lx feet wide. . _ An inJifputablc title will be given, and credit for part ofihe purrliafe money. _ Further paniculai s and cohJiti.ms xvill be made bnown on ihe liay offalc, of by previous applicaiioii to tile fubferiber. JOHN WILKINSON. Wilmingtoh,'May i, t^pfo. 2kpiil26, 1790. 35* R A N A tv A Y, Hn oudar-li.'!* negro fe'-'-uv, nameclJEM, about 2(sor 1^ ye.iis ol .1'C—has heen in tliis coiinly aimilt iwo \e.ns—five fee" 9 or \o inclu s high, I'p'-aki hroken Ent-lilii—lays he lielou.U'.d to one Saudem, of .Soutii-C.irtiiin.i, hot iveeii -"lailelloil and S.ivaiinah river. Hire I out to pay piiiou feet. HENRY DEBEIbikY, Sherilf. Montgonfiery county, April 26, 17ya. 35*

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