CONGRESS OF THE L’NiTED STATES. At the feconcl feffion, begun and held at the city of Neu-V(i k, (‘m Monday, t}j; iburthof January, one Uioui'and Icvca hundred and ninety. Jin /Ul providing for the enumeration of t!t inhitbit.ifit} of ■ the United Stater. , K it enailcd by the fenale and hnufe of ■ ' JLJ lejird'eniauves of the Ibihcd Stales of ! America in Congrels adenitiled, the Murliiais of • the feverai dilirieis oiThe United Slates fhall be, and j they arc hereby airtlioiifed and required to caaie die j ■rniiiiber of ihe iiihabiiants iviihin iheir Tefpective dif- I triets 10 be ; onaiiing induch enumcraiion Indi- an.s not taxed, and dilfinguilhing free perfons, includ'- hig thole bound lofervice lor a tcim of years, from all Olliers, diilingliilhing alio tile fexes and colours ol Irce perfons, and the tree hialcs of lixtecn year.s and uu- vards Ircm thole under that age ; for effecting which purpofe, the Martlials lhall have powtr to aiipoint as iria.'iy Alilllants vritliin their refpeiTtive dilUidfs, as to iheni lhall appear necciniry 5 airiguing to cacli-Allill- ani a certain divifion of his dillridi, which divilion lhall conlilt of'or.c dr more counties, cities, towns, townihips, hundreds, or parilhes, or of a territory plain- ly'and diliindlly bounded by water courles, niouniains, 'or public roads. The Marlhals and their Afliilants ' lhall refpeflively take an oath or allirmation, before li.nie judge or jullicc of the peace, rdidertt within iheif •refpedive diftr!3s, previmis to their entering on the , difeharge of the duties by this aft required. The rath 1 or aihimalioa of tiie Marlhal lliall be, “ I, A. H. M.irflial olijhe diftriet of do foltmnly (or afiirm) chat 1 wilTwcll and truly caufe to be made, a jail and peifcft enumeration and defeription ol all pcrlcns within my ditltidl, and return tlie farce to the IVcIident i,l the United Stales, agreeably to the ciiicilions of an aA of Congrels, entitled, “ an aft pro* vidiog for ilie emimeratiou of the inhabiiams of the l.'iiited States,” according to the bell of my ability’.'’ Tlie oath or allirniaiion of all Alilllant lhall be, “ I,’A. E. do folenml) la ear (or allii mj 1 will make a jull and perfeft ciiumcnition and defeription of .all per- fons rc.ldent within the divilion alligncd to me, by the Marlhal of the dilliift of ‘ and make due re turn thereof to the faid Marffial, agreeably to the tii- ^ reftion.s ofan aft ofCongrcfs, entitled, “ an adl provide *ing for the enumeration of the inli.ibit.ints oi the Unit ed Stales,” according to the bell of my abiliiy.” The enumeration llnill commence on the tirlV Monday in Aiigufl:, and lhall clofc within nine c ilendar xnonihc thci c.ifter : the fevcral Allillanis lhall, within the fai l nine montlis, tranfmit to the Maiflials by whom they lhall be refpeftively appointed, accurate re turns of all peri;«ns, except Indians not taxed, wiihin ■their icfpeftive divifmns, which returns fliall be made in afchedule, diflinguilliing the families by the names of their mailer, miltrcfs, fteward, overfeer, or other princiiial perlbivthtrein, in manner following, that is to fay : Tlic number of perfons within my jlivirion, con'fill- ing of ajjpears in a fchedule hereunto an nexed, fubferihed by me, this day of one thonland feven hundred and ninety A. B. AlFillant to the Marlhal of Schedule of theiuhole number of perfons rjiithin the ilnifion allotted to si. B. ^Nantes of Heads bn's V* cj i'antiiies. t 15 5 3 ^ i02 ♦>, cn a s’ t," .51 Sec. 2. And be it fiirtlicr enafteJ, that every Af- fillHnt lading to make return, nr making a falfe return ■ rt the enimierat'oti to the Marlhal, within tl.e time by this aft limited, lintll lorlcit the fum -of two hundred dollars. Sx. 3. And be it further ennfterl, that the Mar- Ilials lhall file the fevcral returns arorcfaiil, wiili the clerks ol their rel’peftive diilrift couits, who are here by direfted to receive and carcl'nlly prei'crve die fame : anil the MarOials re peftivcly llnill, on or bcibie tlie frit day ot September, one tlioni'anj feven lumdred :-ud ninety-one, tranl'init to the J’relidenl of tlie Uniied States tlie aggregate amount of each del’criplion of pel Ions wiiliin their rcljicftive clillilfts. And every lading to file the rctni ns of his Alllllants, or iiny oi them, with the clerks of tlii'ir refpeftive diilrift coiirl^, Of failing to return the aggregate aiin'iuit if c H I! vit'fcTipiicn of peii'ons in fhe'r rtlpcftivc dilhifts, ns ’ll'.' lliall appeal i-Von faiil rctilins, to ibe J’:c- li li.nt ol the 1 hided .jt;;tes, within the lime llinited by th '. aft, fliall, for every Inch ofl'on.’c, foi felt tlie fu.m of cigh.l hui.died Jolla:i ; ail which I'oiRitujrcs lhall be In the courts of the diflrift.s where th.e of fences loall be, o: in the circuit courts to be licld widiin the lame, bs action of deln, inluimation, or Indiftnient; the one h.iilf ylicreol to the iilc ol the United States, and the ntliff half to the informer ; but wiicre the prolcciition lhall be full iuliiluted on bi.haii of the Uniied States, the whole lliall aicriie to llitir ule. And for the moreclleftiuil dil'covery of ofiences, the judges ol the fevcral Dillrieh Conrls, at their next fcl- lions, to be held iiftei the exi'iiation of the time allow ed for the letuins ol ihe enifnierntion heteby direfted, to die I'relident ('t the United States, Iliad give this aft in chaige to the (hand Julies, hi llicir rcl- if'cilive courts, and lhall caufe the ictmis ol llic leveral Allillants to belaid f.dore them, for their inlpeftioir. Sec. 4. And be it fin ther cnafted, that every Aliilt- anl lhall receive at the rate of one dollar fr'r cj'.ciy one hundred and fifty pet ions by him returned, where Inch perlons relide in the country ; and where I’uch perlor.s refidc in a city, or town, containing rnorc than live tho’.'lanJ pci Ions, fuch AlliUant lhall receive at the race of one dollar lor every three hulidrcei perlons ; but wliere, from the dii'perl'ed filuation of ilic inhabitants inl'ome Jivtilons, one-dollar for every one hundred and fifty perfons lhall be rnfulTicient, the Mai llials, with tire ■ttpprobatioh of the Judges of their refpeftive dilli ifts, may make fuch further allowance to the Ainilanls in fuch divifion.s, as lhall be deemed anadcqualecomp"!!- fation, provided the fame does -not exceed one dollar for every hfty perfons by them returned. The I'evcral' marlhahs lhall receive as follows : ihe maifluil of tlie diilrift of Maine, two hundred dollars ; tlie marlhal of the diilrift of Mcw-Hamplliite, two bundled dollair- j ihemarllial of the diilrift of Mairarlmfeti', three hun dred dollars-; the marlhal of the dilliift of Conne>ivnr, two hundred dollars ; the martluil of the diiliiift of New-York, three hundred dollars ; the marlhal ot the | ■diilrift of New jerley, two hui'uited dollars ; tlie niar- llial of the diilrift of Peniifylvania, three liunlred del- ■ lars ; the marlhal of the diilrift cf Pelawirc, one hundred ddliars ; the marlhal of tlic diilrift i\C Mary land, three hundred dollars; tlic marlhal of the dif- trlft of Virginia, ftv'c hundred dollars ; the marlhal of the dilliiti of Kentucky, two lumdred and til'ry dollars ; the of the diilrift of North Carolina, ihiee hundred and fifty dollars ; the marlhal of ihe didrift of .Souih-Carolinii, three hundred dollars ; the marlhal cf the diilrift o-fOeoriria, ivvo hundred and lifty dol lars. -And to obviate all doulits vvliich may arife ref peftirg the perfons to be returned, and the muniiei of making iciurns. Siv.'y. Be it cn.ifted, that every perfon whofe nfual place of abode Ih.ill he in any family on the aforeliiid fu ll Monday in Aiiguil ne.vt, lhall be returned as of fuch family ; and the name of every perfon, who lhall be an inbabitanl of any dilhift, but witliout a fettled place of rcfidencc, lhall beiiifcned in the column of the aforelaiil fchcdiilc, wliicli is allotted for the heads offamilies, in that divi.'lon where he ot flic fliall be on the f.iid tirll Monday in Augiilt next—and every per- foii occafionally al.ltnt at tlie time ol' tlie ernimeration, as belonging to'ihat place in which he ul'ually refidcs ir. the United State's. Sec. 6. And be it further cnafted, that each and ev'er; perfon more than fix teen years of age, whither i heads cf families or not, belonging to any family, with in any divifion of a diilrift made or elhiblilhed Within the l.’nitcd States, lhall be, and hereby is tib'igtd to render to fuch Alilllant of tiic divifion, a true accoimt if required, to tlu bvli of his or her knowledge, of all and every perfon belonging to fuch faniily rel'peiltlve- ly, according to tlie fevcral deferiplions aff-rclaid, on pain of iorlciiinf;; twenty dollars, to be lued for and i ccovci edby I nch A ill (hint, ihe one half for lii.s own ul'c, and the other lialf for the ule of the United Stiitis. Sec. 7. And be i’ fur'ln r enjifte 1, Unit '.lo h Aliill- aiit Hr.ill, previous, to making his riturnto flie Marllml, caufe a coi reft cc‘|iy ligned by liimlell, of the f liciliile, coniali-ing the nnmber ofinhaliiiaots ivolrn liis dliili- on,tol)e lei up at two cf the nudl puhl'.. |)l.ict s w iiliui tlic l'aiiir,lhtie 10 remain for llie infpeftion of ah cfm- ceiT.eJ ; for cacli of wliich copies the faid AlliUant fliall be entitled to receive two dollars, piuvijcd proof ol a copv of ihe 'f hediile having been li t iiji and fiif- leFed to remain, lhall be ttanfmiited to tlie M.iif!;:!, with ilio return ofilie number of perfoir ; and in cafe any Alilllant lhall fail to make fueli ji -iof to ihe Mar- llial, lie lhall foreit the compenfation by this aft allovx'- cd him. F. A. MUUUF.NP.F.KG, Speaker of the hufe f reprefen tatives. 1()HN .ADAMS, ice.Prefvtoit 'of the United Stites, and Pre/ident of the Senate. Approved—Kebin-.iiy 8. tyqo. GEORGE V/AollINGTON, Prcfidchtof ihi United State!. Q TOI.FN or flrayed from tlie fiilifi i ibcr, about k.5 ilai-e weeks ago, a B.VY IfORSF, fourteen iiaiuls liigli, eight years old. and br.imicil T onllie monnllng biitUH k. A reward of lortyJhi/iingswWWje: given 10 any peilbn who will deliver laid horle to tlie lubfcrllicr, or give fuel'! infoiniaiion that he may be found. DAVID ANDERSON. I'uycUevlllc, .^prll 15, i. f. T he Snbfciibsr, intending to movefronj bury, V,ill (Jitpofe ot Ins lic-iile and lot lie lives, and his planUlion, adjoining the ti -t, containing better dian 200 aeics ol good Lr '1 be houie IS well 1'hillliea, and cenvenient for a v- veiii and Hole i ibe-rc i. .n the let a good well, . den (p..ikxi) barn and liablcs, kntbens, &c. '• terms will t*e made ealy to any peiiou wanting puichaic, and paynicul will be iceeivcd in call. ^ nagi'oes. • ^ • MICHAEL TROV. Scdijhtry, April 6. NOTICE. T he fubferiber, preparing to leave this P" f requelts all perlons who may liave dtmi- « againll him to preteiil their accounts, on or be. the 20th of May ue.'.t, and luch as are indebted V make payment. THOMAS NEWMAN - Fayetteville, April 19, 1790, ^'1 KAVFD orflolen.lrcm the lub.-eriber, on jif k.> I4:ji ol Decen iicr hill, a hkch, young KO. •- I'JOitSE, abtm lour years ole!, lias a flat in I'oithead, and his ofi hind loot vl.iie; 14 i k hands high ; black n:aii ard tail, oevci "■ , deliver liiid hiorfe to the lublciibtr, in W ilm.irg. i-., or 'J Sibleyt Fayetteville, lliall be gei.eicufly 'I.* warded. 1'. HILL. \Vilmington, March 20, 1790. 1 'OST, in Wilmington, about four weeks ago ^ SIi.\ FIv \\r\'lCIi, made by William ii r beilion, Greenock, No. 301. Any perfon dclix , inglaiil watch 10 Mi Ji h.n Brown, W i!n.ii:gtor.-, b the lulilcribcr, inUiis town, fliall receive Jcurpo.', rcwai d. , A. FERGUSON. ‘Fayetteville, April 5, 1790. —— ■ ■■ » TEN FOUNDS REV/ARD. 'OTOLFN from the fiile'ciiher, on Wednef et t''e-24’h of lad month, a SCAI.E BEA vvi*h CHAIN.S. Any perldn giving informal i to the liihi'criber, fl-iill receive tiic aliove 'rewa A aftei -conviftion of tlie oifendcr. PETER PERRY. Favettcvillc, March 4, 1790. 27. 7 PETER P E R R r. Has for s a r. e. At his STORE, the corner of Creen and Old-fmi^ ni .r Cochran's JMill, R IT M of dilTcretit kinds. Gin in cafes. Whites, Iron, Steel, Coarfe and fine Sal^, '1 ca, Cotfee, Chocolate, DRY O O O D S o.f all (ort - P R_0 D U C E will be received inpaymei,). ftrt" ^ generous price given tor Beclr and Otter Skins. ’ February 22. ,, f ——' ■ ■ ■ ^ I'or Jaic at the Printirig-Opice^ A l.irgc a.nbrtment of B L A N K S, Printed on fine p:*pcr, viih a good type, *iuhh h ore thejhllufmtn^^ viz* Superior Court, County Court. an.» Jnflices’ Blanks cf all forts,—Shcrilfs'Deeds-., ( onnnen Deeds—Common Bonds—Apprentlctji\ Indentures, &c. ftc. A S Civen f.r Clean Rags, Ffilher of COTTON, i r COTTON -and LINE 4 By the printers hereof. * W ANT. ED—Tw'o-ifHve Lads, asapprent' to tlic Printing Bulinefs, that are g h Englilh Icholars, and he well recommendeil. . xSlBI.EY & HOWARD T AVI;. rTl’.VfLLE : (Nouth-Caroliha) . PRINI'ED BY SIBLEY 6t HU WARS.