ferved tliat partial evil is oftentimes an \ini verlal good. He was forry fome gentlemen liad not brog'ilit forward a relblution pro viding that the ilates who had paid oft' wore than their proportion, and had the” certificates now in tlieir irealuries,would be allowed to diicouni thciii againft the United Stales, &c. Mr. Vining concluded with an hand- {bme figure, comparing his arguments to a vellel launched into the federal ocean. He wiflicd that the biifinefs could have been poltponed with proprie ty, but feeing the gen''-nien Were anxi ous to b-'ing it to a decifion after fo long « difculfioii, he could therefore wilh it were hallened. A few words more were "added by Mellrs. GeiTy, l*age, and Sedgwick— When This important queftion was at length ^Ut from the chair, on the fourth relo- luiion, refpefling the airumpiion of the ftate debts with Mr. Madifftn’s amend- tnents, and there appeared For the affirmative, ,31 ' For the negative, 26 - [ To be coiitimteJ.2 Congrefsof the United States. AT THE SECOND SESSION, Segun and held at the city of New* ^ York, on Monday the fourth of Ja nuary, one thoufand feveu hundred and ninety. Jfn ACT further to fufpenipart of an a^, entitled, “ An Aft to regulate the col- • leilion of dutict imp-fd by lam. on the ^ tannage of jhipt or -eejfjs, and on goods, •wares, and nierckandizet, imparted into the United States," and to amend the /aid alt. B e it enalled by the fenate and houfe ofreprefentatives of the United States of Ameriea in Congrefs aJfembleJ, That fo much of an aft, cnililed," “ An aft to regulate the Colleftion of rite duties impofedby law on the tonnage of fhips dr ve/Tels, and on goods, wares, and men'handizes imported into the United States,” as obliges Hiids or vefl'els, bound lip the river Potowmac, to come to, and depofit manifells of their cat goes with the officers at St. M.uy’s and Yc'.'comi- eo, before they proceed to iheir port of delivery, (hall be, and is hereby fur ther fufpended from the firil day of May next, to the firft of May, in the year one thoufand fevea bOndred and ninety-one. And be it further enadei hy th authari' ty aforefaid. That the landing places in Windfor and Eaft Windfor, in the ftate of Connefticut, (hall be ports of delivery, and be included in the diftrift of New- Xiondon. F. A. MUHLENBERG, Speaker of the houfe of reprefeutativtt. JOHN .\D AMS, Viee- Prejident of the Thnited States, and Prejident of the Senate. Approved—February S, 1790. GEORGE W/\SHINGTON, Prejident of the United States. True ropy, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Secretary of State. . FOREIGN NEIVS. BEP.HN, JANUARY 20. T HF fyrtem of ttie enfuing campaign is faid to he thus atr.ingeri : ' I’rirce Henry, with ecnor.il K ill:reiith. erm- snanits Mie army which marches hy Saxony into Dohctnla. The duke of Prunfwick, with his vnime pu pil. the prince royal, takes the fteii) in t’nlanrf The kme. wiili general Mollcndorlf, com- tnandsin Silcfia. r.ittsts fr-.n Oftend mtr.tlpn the dcat’i of the tmperor in tli* mnfi pt rtiive terms. Letter!, iioni Vienna ol the i jili iiiftant, fay, they have no liop;:. of a pa.ic; with the Forte, as the laft advices from Conftantinople .alTert, tiiat tfie {rand iignier i. deterniiiied t6 carry on the war. 'I'he accoimts from Warf.iw are totally difT-r- *nt j tilt) mention tint the ptcliminaries ara nearly finitheri lor figning, and that prince Pa- tenikiii has had yoliorfcs got re.idy at Nimirow, to carry the news thercol to dWfiri'nti]uaricrt. rasavARv Tuefday a coinmiuee of American meich.ints, had a conltniicc, by ap- pi'lntiiieiit. ssitli the milliner, ceneerning wliat ileps may he proper to be petUicd to recover the debts which are outibnding and doe from the Americans, contracted hncetheycar 1776. The king ot Sardinia, it is now fold, it to make a dWerfion In the next canlp.'rtgn tn favour of Aurtria. A ftinilar eff.irt is alio cxpedted to l-e .1 .ade in favour of KuiTia, by the princes of Cab.in, Tart.ary, and C'ircaQa. 'J he emperor has lain a new tax on provifions, and all other Common necefTarlis (ex 'cpt stood) in Vienrli. And every perfon xapible of bear ing armi itlo'bt fent to the nrm.es. The prrpiratinni for war, both at Vienna, Berlin, irfaw, and Stockholm, all proceed with the greatelt aQiviiy. 1 he Turks have made feme attempts towards Iherclitl ol the gariifonof Orfawa,but hitheito ineffeftually. T he king of .Sweden has puliliflied an ordi nance. exhorsing all hli fubjeCts, inhabiianti of the coaft, in take up arms in defence of their cantons, and ftiare with him the datig'.r and the glory of the iw»r. I he exIuntatioB has had the d fired cfF ft; theSwrdes are earnellly freond- ing the lormidablc preparations of their king, and every thing pertendsan aftive caiuiiaijn. 'Maacn ,. \v« believe that we m.iy now affirm, without any chance »i beine prcmi'ure In our prrdi^Vion, th«i the emperor no more. We are.agt opiy aiiiliorircil in'tliis b'*lief 'hy the words of tiie Oizette, but by pr;v;it' letters frsim Holland, fomc of which intted mcnii tn, that his m.ijcAy (ii(*d the rijtht of the i6ih ult* heine fufFocn^ed by the vi.Jtncc of hiscf Uih. On the I 3th he received the faci -imeiit in hh own Upartm nts. in t)»c-^rtferree ol fs ertl perfens belonging to his'eoiiit. .mil all the public pUers ofamufemeni were •nlerrd to lie ftiut ; .ind on the i^thhis majefty received cxiremc unction- That the emperur's dif fd'rr WTib incurahle and too violent to hold o\n long, hai b en the con- ft.in! in;orm.iti'o f this p iper; in’?rd his con- mull have ber . hnco.Timonly droov; to have fupp rted him throoyh lofevers an il'.nefs. We have aheacly menri* ned th it his nujerty h.id fente time lince fent for bis fuccen'^r Inm Flo- rcncp. but he was net arrived at \ Icnna on the 15th uU. •At Anrwer|>. the approach of the citadel is moft clofely binckaried. and a lire of c.nrnon planted from thencealonf the Fauxbou'^gh, to the adjacent villagt of na^henlinl:. in ufdcr to prcvcKt furprife. It Is faitl, that one huedred V l int’ers Irom each ot the five comp.mVi in tf«« city, will he difp.atchcd lliere againft the cvtcucicnof (he gairif^n. Extrafl of alstter from ronftantlnople, Deesm-' h-r 'iti. Tlic Div^n ha- mi t of cry day f t tbeftf three weeks. Tht-. bin.* 'Ih af*d Ftrnrh ambafTsdors hive nudienr*** thcriultar and are the (inly r-iinlftirs (the Spantih excepted) who fech im fo often. '• Tli» prepstationi fCr wsr.ire carri-d on Vr-y reriilarly • two 'boufan'l men, moA rf wbom arc Europeans, art- employ ri at the .irfrral. ' he granj fignior who go»s I'rcpurntlv in pt c ffion with Mahomet’s flandsrd. wiffim the people to Wriieve that he mean-, to pu» hinifeU at the head of his army. AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE. fiOSTfl.V, MARCH 13. The Biit'fli flicriff from fit. Andrew's (•To. va .Scoti.ij lias taken with an arm- I inn r, a Mr. 1 uttle, forint-rly a lieutcnam in ibe Amriirsn army, from I.is hriife on Mot,r lll.ird, in the bay of P.ITiniaquoddy, and tonviy.-d him 10 Sr. Andrew's jail, where he e-.v. conhned a corli- dcrahle time ; ihtir coiiit h ive rcpc.itcdlv fined the inhabitants of tliofe IHands for lefuline to ohey svhrn fummnned as jnrynirn. In a late inftance Capt. IStinn, their high ffiei 1(1 for Char lotte county, with David Owen, cfrjuire, one of their principal inagirtrales, and four men, arm. ed with inulkets, pillols. Arc. in a hnrtlle and violen- manner, went on Ficdirick ifl.ind, and attempted t ■ break opm Mr, Drlefderiiier's lionfe to fearch for property they faid belonged 10 a BritKh fuhjrO. The m.irtcr of the houfe rp. pofing them, armed with an ax, prevented their fucce-ding on the houfe; but they fiodiiig a cow on tlielfland. forc'bly carried her off with them Mr. Dt-lefdernier i,s the collcftor of the cuHnms In that ifl.ind lor the Unir-,d States. It is hoped Lord Durcliellcr will notcuuntcnancc fucli proceedings. I.ONDON, FEDRUARY One laft Irtrrrs from HiulfeU reprefert the Belgir revolution to be much l.arihi-r from a He- cifive ratificailonthan has been generally expect- «*.. T'vn Pruffian camps a-e. it Is f ild, to he form - edmxt fprir.g in Wcllern Prutri.i, on the coift cf .Sainoyiii.1 and that of I'ricow. I lit I’olilh army, divided into tluecbodies, or'.ll form three camp's, one under K.a.iiinieck. anoiber on tlis jjoptiers of GaUlciaj and a third ir. Lithuiihia. FROVIDr.NCt, APRIt X. Infirmatian from the Genefce eaunfry, communicated by a corrcfpv.dent. TIi.it R wajrmnn roiul, with brietj-es over all llic creeks ami rivers, quite to the Genelee river 119 miles from Onei da. is now complealed—the p-nprictors of the Gcnefee cimipanv having opened the road from Om-Ida to Cayiitra, (>i rtiiler. in c;;lent—tli it the i’llt works are in fucli forwardiiei's as to afford 40 h j;h- els per dd/. tANBURY, fcONKTCTirt rj ARRtl. f. Lately palfed tliror^h this county, one Johnilon, a feaman, belonging to Exeter, in New-Hampihive-, who gives thb follo-te'ing account of the capture ol Capt. Pettrfon, of I.otig-lfland-, and his trew. Confining of eight men, (he be ing one) by the Algerines, and'their efcape I'rom tlieni. They failed from Newbury-Portfotne time in the year 17S4, on a whaling voyage, and having been out about three months-, were taken by an Alger ine cruifer of 16 guns, and carried in to Africa, wlicrc they were kepi at hard labour forcne'ytar, at which time Capt. Peterfon was made overfeer of the reft cf the (laves, and had the charge of dealing out to them their prcvifions, &c. Rnd tlius continued for four years, when liis filiation became intolerable, and he determined to attempt an efcape. Finding ah old Vefl'dthat was broiiglit in as a prize, and trondemned as unfit iorfea, he conveyed on board of her, from time to time, fiich f rovifions and Other neceft'aries ashe could carry with out deteftion ; and being as well pre- parei as his fituation would enable him, he communicated his intentions to his men, and to Mr. Underliill of Weft- Chdlcr, in the ftate of Kew-York. who liad been twenty years in flavery. They ap|iioved of his plan, and accordingly embarked in the night, witli their clogs on their legS)-and put to fea, chooling rather to truft thcmfelves to the mercy Cl the waves, than continue in a de- plor.tble Rate of flavery to a mercile''s gang of infidels. 'They fulTered ru: -h by f.itiguein.pumping, and from aw.;rit tli ptovilions and clnathing ; but being lavoured w itii good weather *and lair winds, they arrived fafe in Georgia, af ter a paffiige of fix weeks, and are now on the way to tiieir friends, having been a'bfent almoft fix ycai-s. WIXnSOR, ^VERMONT] FEDRUARY 2. By a Gentleman from Amherft, New- Hanipfhiie, we are informed, that in the nigiit of tlie yih ult. fome evil minded pet Tons fct fire to two barns, belonging to an attorney in that tnw-n, in wjiich ■were his hay, grain, ftc. which were wliolly confiimed by tlie flames—four cowsperiihed in the fire-i-Amougfl the rums were found fmall carthern pairs containing coals, by wiiicli it was I'up- pofed the fire was communicated. Another attorney in the fame town found the ncxtmorning,ticd tmheknoefc- crof his door, a letter, containing the fullnwing laconic advice—"Be ye aifo ready" A not a hena direfted liim to look donm. Oil calling his eyes to the ground h-.- beheld a faggot of pine fplini.ers piiclied at the enI—We leave itlo the world to giiefs 'heir meaning. We likewife hear, that ilie office, pa pers, &c. of an attorney lielongliig to Filciibourgh, Maffiicliuletts, was burnt to allies, in tlie night of the ytli ult.—O envs !—why art thou thus permitted to r igt in ijie licenlimis bread of lavage nan ? Ye kindlcrs of fire, what can ye expeft but fire. .Ttid IloIIaqd, the very counTies from vhich we have huhei to imported tilis atiicle. Glauber’s falls of an excellent- qualiiy, arc made cheaper than can be imported. 1 FAYETTEVILLE-. •* fi:!i.Arri.pinA, Aratt. rr. Laft Wednefday in tlie alleriinon, the reni.iinsol the 'Hull■.•ions and venerable BI'.NJAMIM FRANKLIN, L, L. U. were Intel red \vii!i every mark ol ten der and refpeftful furrow, wliich an :if- feftionale family,devotedto liim, friends truly (enlible ol his worth, or an intel ligent and grateful city, could Ihew. The Ihips in the harbour hung their flags ii.ilf mad high. 'i'o the city ofBofton the glareofhis raiiviiy, lie has left a liberal and well jiulgedtnken ofhis renicmhr.ance ; to the city of I’l'.iladelphia his feeond place of Liith, lie has left tlie fame. lint lime alone can unfold to his country and liis fellow men, the nimcrous treafiires of wil'dom which his pairiorirm and philan thropy have be(|iie;illied them. Tlie ui'efnl arts are conftantly iticreaf- ing amogft ns. A iliigle m.nuifaftiircr ill the noi thein liberties makes annually 400 dozen pairs wcrfreil, cotton and thread Itockings ; the lad fuperior in appearance aiul goodnefs to thofe that ate iinjioMcd Irom England at a niitcli higdicr price—fn in tlie laboratoiy of McIIsTs. M.nlh.'d.l, We are inlormeil, that, (his Hiiiltrii i- fiocolb. i f mule fill ammoniac '.vill be exported to Lugland We hear the Preiident .of the United States lias been plcafed to appoint th4 iKNiutii-able Samuel Ash, efquire, judge of the didriet court of this date, and that the full federal court is to be held at Newbern. On the 22d inftantthe houfe of repre fentatives of the United States refolvedy that the members wear the cufloniary' badge of mourning for one month, as a mark of veneration due to the memo ry ot Benjamin Franklin, a citizea ■whofenative genius was not more aa omam nt to hurtaii nature, tluin his va- ilous c.xertions of it have been preciouf to icience, to freedom, and to his coun- try- The window glal^ mannfaftiired ini^ Maryland is equal to the heft of that im ported from Europe. It is hoped all y Hing ladies and gentbrmen of tiie b au , monJe willgive the preference in futurc^^ to American refteftions. New-York newfpapcrs advife, that the Prefident of the United States hat been again indifpofed. It is find tha- Airof New-York does not agree with him. Letters have been received at Phik- deljihia by the late arrivals firm Eng- I.ind, which mention, that the court of London hasiffiued orders For the imm» diate equipment of 24 (liips of the line, and for the recal of all their officers on half pay, die prefent pollure of poli tical affitirs in Europe haviiw rendered tiic meafure abfolutely nc-ceftary. Oh wiilnifda)’the 14th up. hefore the Tii- rtreme circuit court of the tinned States, held at the ci.-y of New. York, Wil ii.n Bfown an4 Limes Hopkirs were tried for a tonfpiiacy to dertroy the brig Moinins Star, and murder tho rapla-n and |ohn Lewis Loney, a paffenger on h-iard faid t-Kg. Alter a trial which lafled aboil* four hours, they w-ere found guilty, snd fen« tenced to (land one hour In the pillory, be im- priflmed for fix months, and publicly whipped previous to ihcir difdiarge. TO BE SOLD, At PUBLIC vendue. In WILMINGTON, On the 9th day of fane next, A Valuable W ATFR LOT in fh# find tnv.-n, latcl" part of the eC- tate of William \Vilkinl‘on, efquire, dccMfed, cortvenicntly fituated fra mcrch.ant’s bufinefs, containing about 75 feet on Front-Street; on which there .ate feveral valuable warclioufcs, a good wharf, and next the ftreet. Hone tonu- dations for three tenements of 25 feet front each, with an alley to the w.uer, on each fide of the lot, fix feet wide. An iiulifpiitahle title will be given, and credit for p-,u t of the purclnue ino- nc';. i'lir'her ptriieulars and condilirns will be made known on the day of'iale, or by previous application to the fub- feriber. JOHN WILKINSON. Wilmington, May I, 1790. RAN AWAY F rom from thefubferiber, living ia Cumberland county, at the lower Little-River Biidge, on the new road, an old negro fellow, named ROGER. He has thick lips, a littk (loop flioiiltli r- cd, and grey headed—has high Vein, in his ilrms and legs, and in liis legs the veins appear to be in knot.s—hi.s l ack fliews a I'ew inaiks of the fwheh—lie is lively and reliihiie at anv ihir.g he un- tlerr-.ikcs. 1 expeft lii.s intention wa.s tn go tn Ionic of the hack counties, and cn- iieavour to pal's foi a free man, a- he was once IIIIFerred to pafs .ns fiirh iu fome of thole counties, v here he took up wiih a Iree woman for Ills wife, who L have now living at my houfe. .'\nf j'crfon who will deliver the faid negr > to ine, llvill receive five pounds reward, and I will pay all real, n.ahh- rharres. J '.MLS CAMBBELL. May 13, 17^10. jd.