I The rth-CaroliChmhicIe ; or, Fayetteyiile Gazette Vmrn Proceedings of Congrefs. BOOSE Of iErRESEHTATmj, J Tutday, March 9'. 2 ajaviption of the J ate debts under con Jideration. TH E fifth refoliitlon Was tlicn read, vtz. . ;k:.Refolved, that 'it is advifiible to endeavour to effect a new modification of the domeftic debt, including that of lk4E!rjicuar Hates, with ihe voluntary conlentole acmsGyTimmtt terms mutually" beneficial to them and to the United States." -j -. ... Mr, Bland 'faid he was not for going about the bulb, but wilhed to come to the point at once. , He wiihed to effccV tliis loaa on terms conlliunional with .f j&e faith 'of the United States, as. pledge ed id creditors. It would, if agreed to, be advantageous to theUnitedStates, becaufe it would multiply fpecie, and' realize property in the fund. He there fore moved lor an , amendment, or ra ther a lubftitute, to the above refolution.' - Bur upon Mr. Fitziimons explaining -that' Mr. BlanA'jLropofitton would conje forward with more proprieTfltlr future ftage of the bufinefs, Mr. Bland withdrew it. The fifth refolution was then agrcsd to by the houfe, without debate or di fifion. The firth refolution, was next read, Viz. - ' . " Refolved, that for the purpofe er , preiTed in the lad preceding refolution, fuWcriptions towards a loan ought to be Opened, to the amount of the laid do-" medic debt, including thatof the refpec tive.. dates, upon the terms following. Viz. . .. - "That, for every hundred dollars fablcribed, payable in thefaid debt (as Well mterell;af principal) the fubferiber be entitled, at his option, either . & " To have two-thirds funded at an annuity, or yearly mtcreft of fix per " cent, redeemable at the pleafurc of go- -wnment, by pay ment of the principal and to receive the other thirds in lands of.tthe wellern territory; -at jthe rate of twenty cents per acre. . Three other alternatives alio' make apart of the fixth refolution ; Tjut the houfe appeared to take the firfl alterna live fcparately under confideration When . - , . Mr, Boudinot rpfe and oppofed it, as bernga mcilfur? which would greatly injure the value of land..'. He. ftated fevenil 'objections, and .faid it would have been more fyllematic . to have ap pointed a board of commiflicners to dif pofe cf the weflern territory, the pro. dace whereof would anfwer better in difcharging he debts; than any other msdium. He therefore nrnnnCA fubllitute a refolution in place of the firli alternative, to wit. " That four per cent, be funded, and the remainirg two percent, be paid by a certificate, pay able in ten years, and bearing an inte reft of fix per cent." which certificate might cafily be redeemed with the pro diet of the falcs of the weflern territory. - - Mr, Hartley feconded Mr. Boudinot'i motion. Mr. Tucker objefled to the fifth refo Iittion, and every fubfequent one. - He laid that the fecretary of the treafury, in making this propofal, had materially departed from the honourable princi ,.pls hid down in the beginning of hir report. - He thought it would be Letter '4o have fuch part of the debt as the rcfourccs of the cotmtry would permit, funded at the inteteftof fu percent. er annum." If and. fid hr. emued between feveral nf the but it was at length determined in fa vour of the. chair. -r , Mr. Boudinot then YeaTurned his ar guments, in favour of the propofition he had made, which was oppofed by Mr. . Fitzfimons. V. . .; -Mr. Lee faid, that unlefs "the words were !lruck out of the refolution which ; propofed a lefs intereft than fix percent. teirwou1dbe "anewrfet&jn -that-thrUiWed-States are not able to pay at fix per . cent, and in fact be a declaration of bankruptcy. . . . Mr; Boudinot' ftill defended his pro, pofition, and wifhed that fome better al ternative might be ffeied than that of me lecrctary's. above. 1 ' l mimca i 784.. Every thing that came of 10 years : Whereas, by the Secret in r riia 1 1 1 . - 1 - . . - tterrtWWMf ,1.- ... 'l4iU1? 'V4b,ocu,ea Uom- ry's plan, the unfunded debts won d nnt faitthMrkers motion was nTTfl a make than 6 millions of dollars. Z a allreaufury onout an advantage that will make it bear ''i; Nov.34, bf 22026 72. aS high a market 'price 'as the iunded 5 ri ul? ,W ,Y , dcbt UPn e whole, he laid that, adjourned untxl 12 ,by Mr. Boudinot's propofition, the O clock to-morrow. ,;t -, Aett wrt1t1l l . -f Mr a rv sk pl ' ternavc ttnder the 6th refc M n afhmPP3:under7confidefatioiL - Mr Boud,not;.and Mr. Tuckercalled j , Threttiohrbeforthg for the refolution. to be read with Mr. Boudinot's amendment, to which he propoled an amendment, viz. ", 7hf fucb csrtificoks he received as J perk in ail paywevts of iDeflefn lands." fie then obftrved, that 20 cents per : WWarrooh-arrahiatio Mr. StSne faid a few words refnecling a land office ; and Mr. fitzfimons ob ferved that Mr. Boudinot's propofition was a diftincl one, and might come in Aiiouicr alternative. . . .WtDNESDAV. Marrh tS ... ;...... .. ' r . ' vnn,he "f..rt of Secreury at War, An then" afked V hether it was not an .on the petition of CoL; John Ely, for ineligibleplanto fet 35 millions of a new erarT,cPbyfican, &c. was read " debt afloat for the Iptculators to v ork alter fome deliberation, it was tr,A ?ttzm??zrs to refer this report, ' &c. to Hhe feleft aniodelftM Kpi Thlj ri j '" . . . .-ditprs or the nation, why "adopt lO 'He 1 harder of the day was then called hoped it would not be adopted. . or, and the Houfe went into a commit- ' Mr. Boudinot anfwered MrAmes. octrciary s report, tne nut al-; and. declared that his calculations l ad TT 6Ul rcloluuon being no .better fimilitude than if he-had com- pared the debt of Great-Britain to the prtnt-cf We owela ccitain Aim, lay about -j millions or upwards ;'ie millions might be (aid to be about t ne third. He nieant to pay ttie creditors two-thirds, and to fat i sty them for the other third at the expiration of fc y ars. with full Intereff.f How the gentleman can make 10 millions to equal 22 n,iiir 1ioTnv-etr4iR8FvJtdi.cfL HV thniiiYlit th oU rl by the Secretary fuch. ys -none would be found to accept of it, but fuch as wan- teu to turn it immediately into rr.or.ev. 11 '1 !' ... ' . io ftrike out the words " 20 per acre." and to lubllitute, in lieu, thereof, 'Mr'.' Boudinot's-pir pofition of yellerday, with Mr. Tucker's amendment. , Mr. Sherman, thought it would be good policy to lelTen the H,l f hi--,; -ciErjnclpaljHe was forpuH'uiiig the mode" pointed outMrTlinSecltarys rcport. He wifhed. that the Secretary had alfo reported a mode of felling the lands, and fecmed defirous to writ lor it. Mr. .boudinot faid he was confident , Mr. iioudinot fa d, he was not verr ;f iV, va.. , -r- lcu,' mm t imnieciiateiy into money. ius meaiures. , . - - Mr'.. Smith (S. C.) thought it would j - w.y muugm il nvmtu be belt to add Mr. Boudinot's propolki- as an alternative. - Mr. Scott next rofe. We are come to die point at laft, faid he ; it was firft argued by fome gentlemen, that land was not at its equivalent value, but he contcrJed that it was now at its value tn market. There were fundry appli- oflbtS for i7,me millions of acres. The obllacle which had been mentioned by Mn Boudinot, refpefling titles, was not well founded ; every land purchafer knows how to fecure good titles. He reprobated the method which had been adopted by the old Congrefs,, of having the lands furveyed at the expence of go vernment before fide : Are we, faid he, to keep the public debts hanging about our necks for ever ? , We are told that the weflern country may hereafter be come the centrei of government : the propofals already made, fl;cw that the lands are valuable $ and if propofals con tinued as rapidly as they appeared to indicate we fliould fuonbe able to pay off die whole debts of the United State. . , Mr. Boudinot dill contended, that by bringing too much into matket.the va lue would be depreciated : But Mr'. Scott faid th lt It U'as Tina nf Jte value,a'nd if we wait untilit rifes.we may off as h payment for one third of the ne w, men a mcalu re would produce the evil confequences he had mentioned ye flcrday. ,If we pafs du's refolution, we never can fell a large trafr of land. He was for pledging thejand to fink the -jpublic debt by all means. ' Mr,7itzfimons faid, tie creditors w:e?-e not forced tq take this or that alterna- .tive. but were lft zt tfiIp .n . ' 11 v 1 . l n j 1 1 . and he believed that this'ahcVnnt looked upon not beiier than "a 'mere de ccptron. ;Me'theVtrcre.'5i!h"efed' tq- hit propofition, , which he believed would jufiiiy him in dechning ;l at if would fink the public debt tluee tira'cs as fall as the other fand anhough be negatived he was of opinion ,diat gentlemen would return to it, or fometluniT fimilaV. ivir. i-awierceiaidtrjattue gentlemaa ... r , , vi'u""i 1 j-awicrceiaiutnattue eentlerr'an SrbSP c aItCrnii,V 1 VC",de t0' (Mr- Boa"m ) had caikd the debt 27 But wnh rtf, o Mr.i Boudinot pro,., .millions s but he had omitted 17 ' " Q' r Cal m0TC' ' Hc-,I,en contemplaied the prof proved from aconTanfon cf the two peft of the intereh cf n oneV fallinK iri . cafesf which he dien ated. and dreu-, tt: -.1 .c.:-.. ..f , ,7 T .neJ conchifion that the propofal mentioned by the Secretary, va's die moll elegiblc. .. ;Mr. Boudinot was' of a different vp'x- "" . .Mvimii ni(iac wouiu beft, anfw'er the., end propgfed .' If wc ke,ep die lands in our own hands and fell them out in large parcels, thier value will incre.ifj more, than if they were brought to market by fo many fellers i ITieie would be moj-e feilcrs tlian buy ml'hey-uulLbtTCjiluicdjo 4. or e -i.ciu per acre, initeaci ot 20 cents; and who will trive 20 cents ihar mn rmr. chafe nt c Upon the Whole, he thoucht his propofition mofi elegiblc. r Mr. Hartley agreed wit Mr. Boudi not . in the general principles He ihought many difficulties would arifc irum reuucnonoi intcrclt ar.d the pavini? - - - - WMA U of the WeRcrn Lands! iff : Foreinen will - -.vUWI nave a mbre equitable bption, and the rrrd,t of the United Sates will be bene! frnm fjw. tt-Cv On motion of Mr; Fitifimons, the committee rofe. ti - et t xr . ,MU'1"1 i"c i-'nuca cate$ wiubc bcne The report of Jofeph NWe, rcgifier fined, by retainmr, the pmpof (ion or" .....wM...-....xuim.nis, uiciu- mirns were modifications 5 bne a pcrmtendant of finance, was rend , fet- m.vle irredeemable for a fm rfrf" 2"?. ''!J7 . dehnwhUfttheremainiuepitwaspoft. iwu I'junainauiie wncd; . He thought Mi. l,;.".,.- aniiuin. 11 una, laid lie, be a lull equivalent to pay one-third,, furely land is a iuft an emiivaVm ia m V. whole. The alternative prrpofed, he thought altogedicr inconfillcnt with common juflice, and therefore moved to flrike otit all the wmls in the prnpn iitioa after option," and io fuLftituic accounts of the faid Robert Morn's ha.! been regularly regiflred, and fettled fome time pafi. A printed flatcment has been deliver ed, and proper invefiigation already mace our, winch render it unrcccflat y for proprfition an abarn'orrncnt Hi the- principles laid down by the Secretary It was 1 defile At in to put eff the one third for ten years. It carried a departure frrm the prin ciple upon u.e very fce of it, which - , iv i.j mc Viy ice 01 it. which Congref to order any ccmmnoners on the Houfe w.-nld not nrrre to ' for it liVr 1 ;i . ' lc' w1Ui0 m'ue u,p Jidtd debt near f The laid accounts wee clwlcd the jft n rr.illoas if dclkr at the ciftitaUoa the Uni ed Stat es.iiL'ieeablv tn tb Km. crctary's idea, fo that, in lefs dian the time mentioned by Mr, Boudinot, jndu ding the affumption, jkc. might be re- v- iii.i.n iinji uon;irs. ne was againft Mr. B(.udinot's propofition. The quellii.hbcing put upon Mr. Boudinot's pu pofition, was negatived- by a great majority.. ; . The qucftion was then put upon die main propofition (or ill alun.aiiw) without any amendment, which wa a c reed toLv a77Tn;TnirV-rrf;ii -lhtrJtlfy March n. . , r ,. Incon-.niiiueof the whole cn the to prt of the Secretary' if the troaiVry, i'T making proviiioiifor the llppoit cf die public credit. ( , . . The followintr rrobr.firinn ilen rcad.vi. Tohavc the wht le lun; ftu.d- and to receive a cctr.pcnfatirh fi r the micrcii, iinecn cicuiauana payable m, linds,as in the r ...... - ------ v...ivu yt llivi.tlll J I'll r ,...v., .... xjuttiu, yum in iras alter native. After a lengdiy ilifcufTioh the prcpoi Htion was negatived. " The nett propofition was then rend; and further debate enfned. . 'I'hr ff m, miticc p c.witl out cc m!ng to a deciiion on a nmiion n-ade by Mr. Jackfon, to ftrike out what relates toiricdccmainity in ihisklternative. A fecund memorial from Ceorgiv Sciiba re1)Kcing iputdiafe of laiidiiiv die Weflern Territory, was read, Mr. Tiuii.liill brought in a bill for rnaling arrrupciifdion' to Col. jrhii Kly, lor In i'eiviiis, as a furgcon to the late army of ihe United Suus-which, vai reaJ. Aduraedi