FOREIGN NEW. fix o'clock Uacorucicus t,f whit liad Lap- Lad uown at the liable do-j-r, the hone- . Jtcrotr threw fume -faagyhBr, TiPtT .rj fift.-feitht?.4Me?Artnefra(;ti thfonfcN-rtnit . fitc UiLiagpgneiJtiituuth of. thi month -AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE -T- VIENNA, JANUARY fji HE Hungarian nobility have ac pciialmajefty, in which they chiim,-in ' terms bordering Upon Infilling, the ieftoration of their country 'rrights "arid btiug able to get her up ; but even he -a.i imi aware of the accident until the ; mail toaih ahived, the guard of which , been oiuhe dunghill about an hb'ty ajid an hull, the marc of her own accord got -V? wtut ima the liable and began vsF .cit. , The proprietor however ordered her to he llabbcd anj wliea openeJ fi-c iyai -v,as diftovejlfl H viCi foal. , The tllc riiare:ai very Riucli; accullomed io jr unit) ui4 i.iii td4UiC lUAUiu'tu iajr a on one-leg .for the firft mile, but not af terward ami as tio caufe of anj mor ' tification was difcovered, this extiaorsii 'xury cltfumflance puzzles every body. Point Peire) ny the A me ;ican captainiand crewt, belonging to the rrffeh in the laid port. Pub lic ib-joi it if the aUfsifinkif 'pqTW"t fa.niily upon fucking official accounts, that they :iiyw have angappununity to return to their ge nerots brethren, th tribute and acknowledgement-juftly due th- m from this colony, for their f r-it, Utm aif.tfliT It-Wtherifare en A A fKiir rii(mirt. (Kill nrfpnf an attr.'l sirt, iu the l-t-rks. Crrat-Br.tam, l!o land, w f0 ffd , ,;(of the Mm; cf h ', BOSTON, MARCH Jt. General war or general peace in Eursfe. A letter f'O.n London, rec i.ri vi Net - VoiK, ancient privileges --t-, They further . defire tjxat the royal crown ot Hungary, Which, after death of their late fovereign " Empr Qucen, mother to his maje'ty, was car ried away from Prefburg to Vienna, may be fent back to the former city, the capital of iheif country. ' That theneonle mav be atlihertv 'm -TayTy. the German, and refume tlie old - at WarfaW lhe ,d nQm Jiun-anan drefs. .rV,.i .u.r . iv. That all the public a&s be kept and recorded in either the Latin or Hun garian langjiage, inftead of the" Gerv man ; and that every thing in Hungary ma"y be put ap;ain on the old footing. They promife, if all this is done, to b , 1, . ... 1, tins ct ww p,ified, turn. t:nx 3 ,ake jo.n jfi Sfflj.-jfcand that juitide fh.uld be ;ror and t.upref. wrfl, by a i;3j. which impofc-d .-4r hrinv nn them tnfl .. SweHep, and Prutruhjve entered into tn aties to prcTent the .I'urks being dtiven out f Europe, ', and re endeavouring to in tUis cafe, the tin per or a cominu.ition of the war. brine on them ths wliole forceof thefj powerful nations,. Our tell politician are however of opinion, that the -al-. fuid atteiript to extirpate the Ottomans, will be j;ieo up, and that a general tranquility Will en- ixs." .- ' - A it 10. Arrived here on Monday laft, vfrom B.wbadoe, the brig Port Kofe way, Capt. captains, to be inferted in the addrefs. Whea this ft was pafled, ntm, f:n M. Dormoy dc- djrte in refp.ect to ' a duty cf Three Dolhn oa each American captain, at the admi ralty office, and which lor fome years part, had b?en (illegally) extended to Seven. This ahofs was thun taken into confideration, and the affeno bly was pleafed to enat, that the. attorney g-nerd and his deputies fhalt order that only tritium Hlpulatedin the it of 1783, (hall in tutuit b t tion is received that the nesociadons for a peace are in fuch forwardnefs, as tp afford the rncU fnguine hopes of fuc ceTsj and it was reported that a treaty was actually on the point of being Con cluded. , The , conditions of this treaty 1 f T.n (hall be ereftcd into a principaUty .Y, f -.--...- juy anJ ,.emain independent ot the Porte mucs in general, w iui every neceuary mat tneir country can produce. . j Winter. ; (' Whn Snfnrm-i. "that OA th '.. . . . . v . . Was lelt there 1 ivfiwni oj i&c jncrnan yrjjttt ut a wm art' Bravtallitt ef fit Trtntbi , Kever did the uftful fupplies of yaurtra to the colonies apptar in - fa truly a beneficial Every one knows what nolle exerti ons were made by the Hungarians at the death of the Emperor' Charles VI. in fupport of his daughter and heirefs the late Emprefs Queen. , ; The Emparas-already-affivred--therh, that as foon as" his dominions arc Weft wuh peace, he 'will "afTemble the diet or dates of the kingdom, and, in -coticert with them, do every thing that ihall be thought . lor the advantage of the nation. ; Famine has reduced the garrifon of Orfova to demand a truce of three days ' fbf tbt adjuftment of a capitulation. ndenendent That the fortrefs of Oczakow, and that tracl ot county between the Bog and the Neiiler, fhall be ceded to RuGia The court of Vienna demands, thai Uw. coun try fituated fouth of the Danube, in the, province of Wallachia, ftiall be ceded to the Empire. ngrceably to the treaty of TiflarovithT with"aiTf6r tfefsof Chock- zim, and its territory. . JJTT T HOU! I V s! 1 ' . An antiquated virgin in Hailey ftreet Vrote about 1 2 months fince to Java, defiring a mercliant there to fend her beautiful monkeys. Though the lady only meant zcouHe of animals, from the t mor of the orthography, the merchant 'conceived the word too was ico. Tn PROVIDENCE, R. I. ' APRIt 3. Lalt week Mr. AhnerMerrificldtl,f Mtdwiy, In the (lata of Matfachufetti, having purchafed in this town a clieft of tea,, and other articles, was proceeding homeward with" the goods in a waggon, whtn'u property was (eized by a reve nue officer j and fent to Bofton, By ( of Con- vErefti not nly the good; trnr then argan and Mam are farfeited. BltlTcd efficl of our being out of the Uplon 1 Mr. Merrifitld long dealt . la this town, and expended much money therein. light, as in thU day'i obligations. With tho pureft fentimcnts of gratitude we make you every -acknowledgement in out power, for the leal, aftivity, and prefence of mind which you dif- played in arreilirighe progrefs of. thofe deftruc- -rjive flames which were yery new reducing tha . whole town of Pnt-Pre to aftes. Your con--duft imp fcj a duty upon u which- ia lHghly -, agreeable, from a recolleliaof your voluntary .exertions and humanity, t time when yott , were not folicitcd ; and above all, from the at tachment you m inifeft for the happinefs of th ( French colonies. Your frvictton this occafion provt you t. be truly our brethren, and are ferns , of the good tfftcts of that pitriotic fyftem which . unites us to the American ftites, with whom . difmterelled gfnerofity is the firA law. Without 10SD0K, FEBRUARY 9. -vv"At Leeds in Yorkihire the jufticeS have bejun to makeexperiments,at their Jft .quarter-fefliqns, upon the effects of Tohtude as a punilhmcnt.fnr difordcrlf ' perforis and fmall thefts. They fentcn cefd lbme to three months, fome to fix month's, to one and two years confine ment, during which the prifpners arc e eluded from all (tpriverfe with that com munity among whom they have (hewn tnemltlves unfit to live. The rerfon ' confequence of this natural miftake.the . lady laft week received the following letter l u Mad a ?c Shipped on board ' the good brig Nancy, for London, Cap tairr Payne, fifty monkeys the re. -mainder of the hunirtd (hall be fent w.itfr allpofliUedifpatchaftertheyare caught. We have, &c. Pioj ds Casterri 5c Co." ,. ;A few days ago, a young couple went to be married at Afhton under Rine ; when the ceremony was about to . HEW-YORK, APRIL 17. . ' ' We hear, that yefterday it was ordered in the "Trnate cf the United States, that Mr. Strong be addeito the commitue appointed " to conlicter , what pro-iifion will be proper for Congrefs to make in the pfnt feflion, refpeeting hr rtata excufedat Ws own deQre t his colleague bein5?TJtimnriiTrvt ' " " . r 1 r 1 . 1 . ! ..... cn the committee. :, r. , ,. Etra2 of a letter from Princeton, April 16. . " Nev.r was there a more truly difagreeaSle . and untoward tyring than the prefent fcarcely a . blade of gral's to be yet feen in tlte fields j and nwtning but florm i.Il the earth is glutted. "What mort iflliis u? is the appro.icliitig return of the ftud nts from their late vacation. In con , fequence of tlie fcVere (rofts, &c we fhall have . no butter to give, them, (0 that the college will . be under th? necelRty of recurring in earned to ,dry luilks of philofophy and flaleicraps of logic God's will he done A Larned man belonging createlt of misfortunes : and without vou w. ,"fh jdd have been for a Jong time deflitote of re 1 pairing our IoITjb yoor trade is at once effenrU tal, and our re:iteft confolation. Receive, then, .in this addrefs, the moft gratefnl acknawlertge Jments we can find words to exprefs. Recipro- eal ftrvices will be the flrmcll and moft lifting Oond of friendfhap. We have been Informed, that an fmpofitioa .has taken piacc in the admiralty-office, of de- , manding a greater duty .than, the ordinance fpeci-' 7VVe CuU immediately take the moft ffec tual rntafures to nut the matter on a iuft foot- r log j, and u-jon everv occafion yau may tlwayi - to the coll.RC, fivj, an eclipfe is the reafon of all this. .p "lemoit particular attention from the e Iitratt of a letter from Kingfton, Jamaica, .,tisni of this ifland, wKo well know haw to ef- April 5. . t ,timte the honour and worth nf the pecp!e of " A private letter from Carthagent mentiona, ,'he United Sjitej.- We are, with every fenti that the Spaniards are . txtremtly jealous of any tnent of theVwft Ancer frirnnrtiip, - - - vho canies their food is' ti6t to fpcafto 'commence, the lady walked out of the them. "As Colonel Fullerton w'as walking ahaut the flreets of Piera, that corner of Conftantinople, or rather a neighbour ing town, where chriAians and other itrangers chcifly rcfide, he faw a boy dri church, j the gentleman with much ap parent eagernefs, followed her, and in treated her to return and make him happy, to which at length fhe confented. When again in the cnurch, and at the altar, the intended bridegroom made a vfng a few fheep with horns painted with moft obfequious bow, willed het a good y,oici. un enquiry, he found they were day, and left her. fometrf the (hecp ihat "remained "after the great annual charitable feaft of the " Hiram, iiT which thev had been defti- t ed. He purchafed thtm at a very dear rate. A good ram cod five . 'gui nea. It has been cuftomary from the carlieft time for the Tartarian and In dian tribes to gild the horn, of both their fheen an 1 cattle oh certain Merri nhies. It is fomewhatof this, perhaps, thar U at the bottom of ancient ft otic Concerning the golden fleece, that exci ted the entcrprie of Argnnatm. - A rccollct of Chalon in Vrance, a few v eek fince, found means to make him felf niafter of a very conficrahle portion cf the trenfure of the convent of that town, with which he is faid to have ta ken (hipping for feme part of America, " vndcr the aflumed character of a miffio rijry for propagating the clrilUan reli gion . The kirg of Spain's proclamation of the 2 5 ;li of laft month, denounces ven geance on all thofe who dare to bring within hi territories a printed paper ! Moft of the Princes of Europe would be juft at oppredive, provided their fub jetfs would permit them ! According to the miniftci ial mode of reckoning, the more friends we have by alliances and the longer we arc at peace, the more neccflity we have for an in crease of the a'my : If fo, it mull be the genera! wifli to h ive Ids friends, a by that means we lhould have lef fyl dicrs and lefs Vaxes. , , Tlte emperor's cdul in favour of the Hungarians, takei place the firft of May next, and they have fummoncd hII their national alTembly to irrwr on that day for the parpofe. V -"'" ; ' , It is fuprWed that the mretW of the Diet, which was fixed fpr th'e Pth, would , awivtf iirii rai,9 tt (III, T'llf V'iA The following fmgular ci'fnmilance he put off to the iSth, and that the finl baving occafioncd much converfatioa ve give it to our readers npon the vera city of the cvach proprietor, p; njeri, co ichnian, fcc.On Saturday moniing, laft a mare hclnnging to Mr. fleck, of Chipping Norton, coming with the old Jiirrr.inpham coach from Oxford to Chapel hottfc, about a mile fmm thelat tcr plarc, loft one hind font, v htt h came ofi at the cofTm joint j id aWt h.df a milefiirthcrtheftheriind for' cameofT at the fame i't 1 ntwitftanuing this fo r . ft 11 I . . prcat as her iptrti.tiiaj: ute travelled to delivered her Wi o-tcctot ue liberation wouia ie to re 'gulate the fuccf ftiou to th throne. A very ftrong party arc in favour of the tlcflor tif fanny, fotefcring the the Yr en ' f thf ft.?r s :i?Tl,eachmnn 1 the hot loulc-kcfpir about grroiM conkquencrx rl placm r crfvn on the head of a native l;!e. The national aircnihly hive alxlilheJ all Epifcop.icv, and cTu'ucd tlscal lowar.rei of the clergy from the Lord knows how much, to one fifty pounds per annnm. The ladici of this co'intry have a.opt e.1 what U r'led th?Bstit bosmrt, which, wi.h tluir cVa'ni!;, t;ivc one a.) dea of chami anJ tnk icm.iit. foreigr vtffd, Opoij any account whAtcver, en . tering that port, as well as ethers upon the ;pa ,'nifh main. That tlie government fcems to be k exceedingly agitated, not onlyjpni iMcrnal con- . vVulftons, but the difpat-chis .from old Spain, . which breathe nothing but vengeance upon any ; who (lull attempt to propagate the French ideas of liberty, Ice- in their American empire. The llritifh frigate Amphion lately attempttd to get .Into that port, but wai pcrcinptmijy ordered awty, wit!ut the leaft ccrimony or .regard to , htt errand. It isctrfain. tliat both Indians and Creoles are very troublcfome in fonie pa'ts of the , interior country, and that , the government has ordered many tortiflcations tu be demolimcd for tear the ir.furgenU fhould get poireffiou of them. If 1 may haiard an opinion, Squth America (at wtll is Mexico and its dupendentiti) will as na turally by her own weight fall cTT from Spiin In xhalf a eeotury, as the Vriud States did Iro n - Crcjt. Brisain, and pcffibly wh1l1?n("vTbiehce.- Ambition i natural to all mankind, which, at ,wllas ihediflance of thtir eonn tlion, the im "potency of Old Spain, in difunion with France, and the intrigues of the cletgy, willfuun pave the way to a complete Independence." Fxtraft cf a letter from Boftori, April , When it is cnfideied that C. npr.f, havf a new path to ftrtke out in all their meafures t.?ve t9 reconcile vatious and contending inte- r.i to terulate the concerns of a nation to ficuie puHic faith, and to choofc frmn a variety of pmpofuiens thefe that fhall belt fur fcrve the lu?erelt, not of a finglc rt'e. or the Irade of a fingle Aate (ii Va been frlmhly fygytted th:y ouftbt) but of the great whole j w.ien agentrmt . jhjMic thus contemplates, though they may wifh gteatrr difpateh, they eirinot reafonahly eaprt V. 1 hofe who fuggcrt that Congrtfi do not lie t' arf fuur hours in a day, Ac. m,ke unfair fug eftior.s. It i a rule of the hnuf. t'iat durini; be hours of f fTion, ail the niemtxrs fhaP be pitftnt. Thrcfortthcommiecs bare no time,' t fit, tditerate upon, and prepare the bjlls, re . frivf, ttc. commitnid to them, but in the hour tre and aft'f the fitting of the houfe , If the jHople wifh thit their r prefentatlves fhotnd art vlth riifptchjihe hod niole to p.-o txrte it woitlt be tn Hop troubling ihem with the 'innnmmltle p-ivxe pclitinnt, mcm wials, fce. v'hieh cnnfU nually are ar c.1 eg ihur aiuni.on fiom the pub lic biitir.c',." ' On the iit nf February, at fevrfl tn tha frrniny, a r!ntndpj fire Ifvkt0iit ar Point -I' Cuifli'oU, and vj not , xtinru fh d tiil ritinii'i'. There were 15 tap 'al huldlngl roiiluimd. brfulct a number m f nailer r.e the h 1. lof, tl'i.iu id at da millions of liWtt, Vte nrr Hppy to add that a number of cVfiv;ms to t'1 Cr.ited States ert lyinr in bath ur, t";t nn'Kn and crti f hiclnx- etied tbenif'lvrs in the m-ft I gnal manner on tNsrHfliell'nt feidi'Ai and tilt nfflfljlice t'.cy lent Ttrieil foim .rar at t rti!e V m ) "r e the th-nk f the j uhlc, by a com fi.itfrt irnm t-' citirrn if itie mn. Ittrjft fit ifa 'tf'fr rfiltn ftl' 'f li, riff tf 1. tr, itf-t'tjf f.a, iqo Mr, Uwiwy icatt thi Brife allies f Trance, Your mnft humble and moHobedfent fervanti, (Signed) Lr MIS LI, PreCdeot. Undcrftgned, CuntuMXN ana D'Etmar, Secreuriet.. HILAElLfHlA, AtRIL 21. 1 On Saturday right laft departed thif life in the 85th year of hi age, Dr. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, of this kcity. . His remains Will be enterred this afrernoon at four o'clock in Chrift Church burial ground 7lr. t are jewurea win ine jiuo-wnf jtnrt accoun'tJ.JFrmMia,J-UJl illxefa f- ir attending i'hyjician, The ftor.e, with which he had beea .t anli-Iled for feveral years, had for the , laft twelvemonths ccftifincd him.chiiflf to his bed t and during the extreme i p:t inful paroxyfms.hc wa obliged to take -j dofes of laudanum to mitigate hijtor- j turcs full, in the intervals of pain, he not tonlf amufed himfdf with reading , tnd converfing cheei filly whh his fa mily and a (ew friend?, who tifited him, but was often etrj loyed in doing bufi nefs rf a public as well asprirate na ture, with various pcrfoni, who waited cn fr r that purpofet and in eTety"--inflance cifplaycd, not oi ly that readU nefs and difp-f.tin tf doirg good, which -was the diltingui(l;ing chara'fteriftic of his life, but -he fullcil and cleartft pof. fcftion rf Lis ur.ct mniwi mental abill- t ies: and not unfrequrntlf indulged hm. felt in thofe Jem fi'F.fprit and enter. t airing anecdotes which were the de- ; light nf all w ho heard him. . j About fixtecn day before his death, . he was fcixsd vidi afcvcridi indifpofiti- -on, without any particularfymptorm at tending it till the third or fourth day, when he complained cf a pain in his left : breaft, which increafed till it became ct tremely acute, attended with a covcrh and laWiont bre.uhincr. During this ftatc.Mhcn the feverity of hi$ pa;n( forr.t timcs drew forth a groan of complaint, he would observe ihat he was afraid he did not bear thtm as he rught grateful A.nfe of the ma ny blcftin.! he hd rercired from the iLtvjnt of Die r- Sursjjie D-.ifg whn lui rilfc J him, i V v.