cTiap. 131^. ^erfe izd- ill ■^Imothv, ch;i!’. 61I1,ve’'1'ts lit and 2d. ■^itus, cha,>. 2;i, verles yr'i and loth. 1 ll Peter, chaj). 2d, vetfe 181I1. lllCo- liiithi'au.s, chap, 7tli, vcrics 2id and 22d. This allowance ot jiavery was not only known in ihc days of t'ur Saviour, and BltC'- his time, but Mofes, the Jewilh iegill it( TjWht) received the Divine com- jnanJ'., and tlic two tables from Heav er,, liAtd it r.s a principle in his laws ; for lic not only countenanced.- the llavery of ohter people, but fuch was the po *’cr of the jcwidi father,' that he was per- niitL»-d to fell his children, nay, his very tlaujtluer as a concubine. And the Ro man l.ivv's, admired for their ireedom, carried the power of the father to the fcliint' his fon as a (lave three dilTerent tunes, and it w’as not until the fon had redeemed himi'elf tlie third time, that thislon wasreleafed from thisopprellion, and the power of the fatlier ditfclved. liir, the book I have fo tifieu quoted on the principles oi humanity, one of die main fopports of the Chrillian religion, fo far from differing with this pcrmilfion cf flavery, that Mr. Millar again men tions (after relating the praftice of do- meftic flavery among the nations of an- tiqnity,’fucli as the Egyptians, the Phue- ricians, the Jews, the Babylonians, the I’erfi.ins, the Greeks, and the Romans) “ There are indeed hut few f .ivcs a- mong the greater part of the'favagcs of America ; becaufe, from the fituation of that people, they have no opportunity of acctimul iting wealth for maintaining anv number of fervants. As in ordina ry ca e , they find it burJenlome to give fubiillence to an enemy, whom they have fubdued, they are accultomed to indulge their natural ferocity by putting him to death, in cold blood. The Tar tars, on the other hand, who have great poifcninns of herds and flock, find n» diiTi.'nlty in fupporting a number of do- mclHcs. For this realon they commonly prefer VC their captives, with a vi^w of reaping the benefits that mav arife from thdr labours, and the fervitude ella- bhlhed among that people, difpofes them to treat their enemies witli a degree of moderation, which othenvife could hardly be expefted fiom their fierce and barbarous difpofitions. The fame obfervaiions may be extended up on the coall of Guinea ; which fi c m their intercourfe with the nations of Europe derive yet greater advantages from Ipa- ring the lives of their enemies.” Thus, Sir, have 1 proved, that it is not politic for us to interfere either with the importation or emancipation of flaves—that it is not wan antable on the broad bafe of the chrillian religion, and ihjtt flavery is confidered by able wi iters as beneficial to the flaves themfelves. Should I not, however, be able to convince my friends, the Quakers, and they fhould ftill perfift in their opi nion, let them go to Africa. There is a wide field for their humane fpcculation 1 —There they may marry and be given in marriage, and have a motely race of their own. There they may convert the natives of that continent to th.e te nets held by themfelves. y'vnd there Bir, they w ill have it out of power to prf luce the pernicious corifeqncnccs, v liich, from their prefent conduil, mull invvitably eiifiie. I toesthcjiifliceof ihcinterfercncefland on better grounds ? I think not.—For inllancc—1 hoh one thoui'and acres of tide rice land on the Ahamaha—On the expedlation of importation, ihcfe one thoui'and acres are worili three guineas per acre—take away this expec tation of importation, and you take a- W'ay that value altogether ; iellri«5t that importation, and y>)U diminilh that v;t> lu.- one half. In the exail proportion * as you injore the free iinporla'.ion, in that ratio. Sir, do you irjure the pto- perty : numbers in Sinith-Carolina and Georgia, ate in this pridicanient. IIo','/ Sir, aie tlie) t(. be conipenr.'.teJ Have tliole Friends a purl'e fullicient, and are they willing to carry their julllco ar.d hr.maniry fo f.ir as to give it? H-,ive Congrefi. a treafaiy fuflicicnt to inJ.cin- nify iheleliolders ; f do not oellcve they hive, .tod how. Sir, i; jiiilice to be done V rh.''ip Ii It compeniatioii ? The lame bicaion arifes to cm.incip.ition ; tlie finie coiruicnfatlon jullice tcquiivs. Si-, ahh''U','h tlii'. '\Varner MifUin, tliis If ... ier of fedi'ion, li.is ni.tde Ills boalls ..ccd ibis property oac^ half nnJ that hebai; only to accotnplifli the reiiLiinder, I appeal to Congrels, if the rights of property aie not .idcqu.ua to the rights of perfons ; and if on our enteiing into the contlitntion, the mean ing of it was not to fecitre the'citizens in the poffellion of the one as well as the other ? Let us laftly examine the life of the refoluiions contained on the report, I c.ill upon gentlemen to give me one fiiiv gle inllance, in which iliey can be of fer- vice They are of no ufc to Congrefs. The powers of that boTly luz already defined ; and iliofe powers cannot bea- menJed, confirmed, or diminilhed, by tc;i thoui'and refillutii'.ns. Is not the firll piopoliiion of the report fully con tained in the conllitution ? Is not that the guide and rule of this legillaiure ? A multiplicity ol laws is. reprobated in any fnciety, and tend but to confound and to pxrplex. Hovx’ llrange would a law appear which was to confirm a law j anil how much more llrange.mult it ap- • pear for this body to pafs refolutions to confiiniihe conllitution under which they fit This is the calc with others of the refolutions.—Thefecondis very alarm ing, as it tenus to emancipation altoge-' ther.—The third, Sir, in my opinion, is infulting to the humanity of the Hates; it feems to be hung out as a monitor to them, as a kind of 1 emembrancer, tluit although this body knows them to be poffeffed of humanity, that the llaies win not exercife it, unlefs Congrefs tell tliem of it. Is there a neceil'ry to tell Uiem thus ? I believe, Sir, that there is as much humanity excrcifcd in the fouihern ftates as in any pan of tlie world, and they have a right to eX' rcii'c it, in iheif own local politics, as they plcal'e. The remaining propofiiion will be of no manner of benefit to either the public . r the fiave, and the rcflridling the trade in the leaft degree will give Very ferious alarms ; for if Congrefs have a right in one cafe, they have the tight to reftriifl the trade altogether, and the moll pernicious conlequcnces will enfue. A gentleman from Maryland, (Mr. Stone) on a former occa'ion, very pro perly obferved, that the union had re ceived the different llaics with all their ill habits about them. This was one of thefe habits eltablilhed long before the conllitutiop, and could not now be re medied. He begged Congrefs to rcflefl on the ntiniber on the continent who weiC oppol'cd to this cnnlliuition, and on the number which yet remained in the fouihern Hates. The violation of this compaifl tliey would feize on with avidity ; thev would make a handle of it to cover their defigns ag.iinH tlie go vernment, and many good federalills who would be injured by the meafurc, would be indaceJ to join them. His "heart wa^'inily federal, it liad always beenfo, and he willieil ihofc defigns fru- ftrated. He prayed the committee tO pay fome attention to rhofe confeqnen- ccs ; to remember how fume member? on the floor reprobated the ceflion of Georgia. iVas not "liis, he afked, the ready w'ay. to encourage tliat ccllinn, to populate the couiury, and to rend the bonds of the union aliinder. He beg ged Congref. to beware erelhey wenj tori far ; he i ■.’•led on them to attend ta the interefl of two whole Hates, as well as ihe memorials of a fociety of Quakersy who came forward to blow (he trum pet offeilition, and to deHroy that enn- ftiiution which ilicy had not in the Icall contributed, by .pcifnnal fervico or ftip- ply, to ellablllh. lie fccondcd Mr. Tucker’s motiom ’ j,''. ^ FOREIGN NEJVS. oi liavuig tONDON, rEnr.L'ARV to. BH.GIC VROVINCtS. TBE ciladelof.Antw erjibaf eapitiila- t"dori theevering ol I'liday the 5t!i—the gaiiifiin aniouiitcd to i2comen. Fa mine i, the obvious caiil'e of its fall. TIiils is the bill refiilile of the AnHi iari power in Brabant yielded. ’’J'he terms of capitillalion permit die ganilon a free rctrcaljWiih all the honours of war to I.ii.stiTibiirg. V.oulcinierfrh, in his return from Bi uifels to tire Army, pail'cii through Kamuron the third. That city from It* ll'.ualion has become the rci.uev.vous ot tlie-variousBdetacment ofs volunteers, whoarctlockingto tliep.itiiotic Itandard. Fifteen hundred palled on the id ti ..m Tournai and from Hcinault, and twelve hundred were Uion daily expeaed ironi Brabant. ‘ , a , i- • Limburg has manifefted difpolitions more deinocratical than the other Bclgic provinces. They hate recently therelore fliewn lympions, ol difalieitiion to the feudal and priellly arillocracy who do mineer in Brabant. Though the difference between the Courts of Rome and Naples, are nearly adjuHcd, the principal objefl to litigation is yet undecided on, xlz, whether the king of Nhiplcs lliall pay the annual lii- biileofahorfe tothePope. 'Iheprelent is of itfell inconlideraWle, but is ellablilhed by the feudal right ot the court-of Rome, There has been a very ferious not in rile Iflandof Sicily. The goveinment had farmed nut the revenue of oil, and the coniraflor immediately advanced the price of it. The people lemonllra- ted, in vain, and at length grew lo in- cenfed that they refidved to take the ad- minillratinn of jullice into ilieir own hands, and ariully hung the contradlor and all his eniill'ai ies. The'viceroy im mediately lowered the duty An American loyalill, wiio wasalk- "edtotake a ticket for general Burgoyne’s benefit, at Drury L.ine as Authoi ot the Heirefs, made the following reply ; “ I jj iid enough for his fword in Ameiica, and I am determined to give nothing to his pen in England. Froiji ex^ eriinents made by the Earl of Fife, it appears that the Mangel Wur- zei, or Kootol Sarcity, notwithllanding the fliong recommendation of DoiHor Lettfom, has not anfwered the expe^la- lions formed by its eulogill, and on a comparative calculation of its produft and utility is found inferior to common turnips, carrots, or turnip-rooted cab bage, as a food for cattle or the human fpciccs. A celebrated dancing mafter at Glaf- gow, having by fome means or olhei da maged the Fiddle of a German, one of themuficians of the Militia band, on the next day received the following extraor* dinary challarige. (Copy of the original.) ” Sir, • *• 'Voiis le englifc me allemande, voul take mv Fiddel, de way in my enntree, be fill dc forde me no want to teach de djxn'e; me no iindcr.'land vons profef flon,vous no undclland de mine i v^i get mine vid de finger. “ If vons be lie German me expeA recontre at feveno’elock oiiFri.layniorn- -ing to givedefati f.iflione.me bring my comrade for my feconilc, vons bring your frintle vid you, the wall behind the jalc, vous no come at your peril. Wednel'ii.iy nit Signed 'W.” The affair, however after recourl'c tri juflice, was at length fettled to faiisfiic- tinn of the enraged fcra[>er Tliey write from Conrtantinople, that arrangements arc m.ule lor prol'e- Cluing the war iiiih all poHiblc vigour the enriiing campaigiT It is added ili.it the Multi lias received direAions to per- fi rm the ceremony o*'dipping; the bor der of. he Pi r>i'herS garment into wa ter, and being prcftTveil in bo'tles, the gr.ind lignior prei'ents it to the principal people of the empire, who look upon it as extremely valuable and mix a drop of it every day in common water, which they diink witli gnat ilevoiiort, iin.a- giiiing it will inevitably fccute them a defeat in battle. ’I'hc King having figr.ified his defire of h iving the concerts revived in Weft- minfler Abbey, arrangemenis arc be ginning for that pnriiol'e. The 1 . nj is to be cricrealcd to lojo performers, vocal and inllrnm n'al. Some furpi iling efforts have been late ly made in fpining W'-ollen yarn to an unexampb-il degi ec ol fineiiefs. A Mils ■ Ives, of .Spaliiii.g.'ha- pgodued a very ex- lraordinarycxamplcintbisMayipevf rm- ed with a dillatr. One pound weight was finin liy this ingenious young lady into 256 Ikeiiis of yarn, each Bein being 500 yards long, making ' a-ls, amounting to 81 Englilh mi'esand 80 yards in Icngtli. A niaiuilaffiiier of Norwich propol'ed loworV this yarn in- to a llia.vl nfa yard and a half li’iiare, the warp doubled and ..willed, and tkc wSof Angle, whirh Is erpeftAi to weljj^., altogether lei's than two ounces. To Mr. PITT. Sir, AS I know you arc a friend to tole ration, which you carry fo far that you think it an injullice to deprive men of civil advantages, on account of their re ligious opinions, 1 feel a pleal'uie ia tianlinitting you an account to which I was lately a wiinefs, becaufe I know it c will be to your tolerant mind a veiy great gr.iti.ication. ’I'-he county of Fnix, in the province of Languedoc, contains a great number of Protcitant dlircncers. The dlirentcrs at Mas d’Azil and Burdes met their Catholic Brethren laft week, for the purpofe' of organizing their municipalities according to the dc» crees of their National Affembly and of eleifting the officers of the corpof* ration. All were elegible according to the new decrees, the Proidlant Siffciteri as well as the Cmholics ) all teH and corporation laws having been repeal^ ed by the National Alfembly. I'hc bufiiiel's ol' the eleftion was cob- duAed with the greateft regularity and brotherly love. The religious tenets of the candidates not weigh a feather % their merit, iiniierftanding, and characa ter, wee all that -were confidered. . When the elcAIon was over, tlie Ca tholics accompanied their ProtellanC brethren to the place of woifhip of the latter, afilHed at Tc Deum, and alter* wards heard a fermon pieachcd by th? Protelfaiit ininifler. After the fermon, all perfons prefen^ Cailicbcs as well as Protellahis, tooB the Civic Oath, and fwore to be true t* the Nation, the Law, and the King. I know, Sir, that you will rejoice thaj Popery and Intolerance have been dU vorced—and I am convinced that yot|i will not fuffer the latter to find an afy. Inmin a ProuHant country, now thaf Ihe is turned out, of tlie firll Popifli couj^ try in the world. 1 am, with great refpeA, Your’s, C. lei Foix, Feb. 22. Whalev er has been faid to the contrai^ “—W e arc Jriven from goof autboritj t* underHand, the prefent feffion of parliaB Tient will be a very long one, as a- •rnongfl. other nectflaty and iniportanf national biifinefs, the Following wi^ much engage their attention— The'flave trade—on which witneffi^ will be examined at large, peihups i^ both houfes, and counfel heard on the cate. 'I’he repeal of the left aA—oi^ which I'onie Hand is ifbw expeAed to be made, fhould the friends ofthe eHabiilb,* ed church not exert themfelves more than they have hi herto done. One . of the niembcis in coming tO tow’ii on the 0(ieniiig of parliament lo(|r his fpeech, wicli was behind hiscarriage in liis portmanteau.—We truft this wi® prove a caution lo all oiators who ma^. iiereaftc, tniv-d with their elocution oi ihcir light. Let ters ofcorrefponilcnce between majetly and the French king have bcc% very ficquenl of hue. A c ite was yeflerday argued and det tci mined in the court of king’s bencl^ in which the quellion was, “ Wlictliere, a payment made in bank notes can le gally be deemed a payment made igi money.” 'I’he court fai J that the judges ha( not gone to the extent of deciding thaft the tender of a debt in bank.notes wa* a good tender, unlel's I lie party accepteil itascafli. A payment however, madciB bank notes, might certainly be deemc® a p:n-ment made in money, and migh|t be fo Hill d in a deed orother inllrumenC bx '■ > I-h any turn ij Hated to be givcj, or paid, 1 count d’Aircis, it appears the lall Dutch mail, has not long con-* liiuii il at ’rnriii. He left that for Ge noa, ri om which he If.ortly embarked fgc Spain. I iiediike is certainly making prepa rations for his departure for Vienni’ This places the ailei'.inn beyond a® doubt, that the long agitated elcAio®, ofa king of the Romans is fliortly to take 1 hue ; a circtiinltancewhichin the pi eTen' fuii.iton of the empire is certainly' ofiiie'ltwtunporiaucqr ' v

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