AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE. BOSTOV, APRIL 14. I T Is fald tlut orders have been rect'ved here fc^ th.'r huihling ot' ftveraJ large fhips. One ffitichart, wchcar, is now in treaty vith the fliip carpcntert. (or building a vcffcl of gootonf* A incTchant in Salem, we Ic.irn, is build hg a ^eifel of iiootons» and in Phll.idclphra, accounts fay» there arc now twenty-ivi'* fli ps on the fcctcs, and all above 240 ton • burthen* T-hif (quaJron under the command of the vif- fjeunt dc Pontey'es, iS| we hear, to return to our harbour next fiimmer. This inuft give plcafure to the many triends which that nnhleman ^nd his •flicer» formed to thcmfelves hy their politencfSi ind to their nutitm by the good difeipiinc which they maintained through their command. And it mufl prove very advantageous to our citizens •0 have fuch returning opportunities to fupply the fleets ofout gnod allies. TI.echcapnerj.of refitting fliipi in this porl» and t^he V ^uating them wit!i the btft pork. t>cef, Ac. IS a mattf re'-fervins the attention of foreign* ers. The fllip carpenter’s and Other work, is faithfullyi expeditiouAy, and ikilfully don^ 5 and as imported materials are confumed h' re, free of the European eitcifes, and fometimes with the benefit of an Euiopoan bounty on ex Bortation, tha necefTary imported articies come low. Thafe that are of our own making orpro- duce, are known t. be much lower, viz. timber, BialU, fpars, fheathing paper, tar, pitch, tur« pentine, fmith'swork. pumps, dec. It mull afifirfd peculiar fatisfaflion to behold our country rifing into efiimatinn the arts and fciences encouraged, and learning and the author's ingenious produSions patronized-. Among thofe who claim the attention of governmert, and tht prote£lion of the lovers of literature, the amiable Mrs Warren holds difiinguiihed rank. It is Hoped that the propofali for printing her.rr.if- cellaneous poems will meet the approbation of the public. Her kno'vleiije ol lettcis, and deep nfeaiches into the principles of human nature, and the hiftory of fociety, her attachment to civil and religious government, muft render htf refpefied, and produce a r.ipid fate of her works. What can more tend to animate the noKIc lacul- ties of the foui, than the petufai of produflions which are fanftioned by the names of the fair American authors t A letter we are told, has been received id town from the eaflernpart of this commot, wealth, direfled'to Mr. Avery, reprefentative from Ma- chias, informing that the (hcrifi of his Britannic najefiy'a province of New Brunfwick liad lately ferved', feveral precepts on the citizens of this commonwealth, wlthih the iurlfdlflion thereof—* •bferving at the fame time lie did it, that he ex- pedfed it would breed a 4|uarre!. A gang of thieves, near ^0 in number, which Has for a long time infefied Middltfcz county, has lately been broken up. Thirteen of them, belonging to one family, were tried laft week at Concord, froDS the grandfather down to the (rand child; NORWICH, AFRIL ig. The raging dif afe called the iHriot.RtA, Kae made its fecond attack on the iiihabiianrt Of this city and its vicinity : it feenrs to have re fumed its prngrefs with redoubled violence — Mow often the tender frame of man may be eX pofed to this fetondary plague, Gnd only ;.nows i lb far it calls aloud or medical aid, and ought 'o excite the gentUmrn of (lie faculty to a thoroueb bivelligacion of tlib rife and progrefs of this tri* Hmphlng peft of fociety. KEW-YORK, APRIL lift week, a man In this city difpofed of his .life for the price of twenty lliillingi * The pur- chafer was to pay two flilllings the evering of eotitrafe, and tlie remainder at an cppoinlcd liour the next day- 1 he former part of tin a.e.ree- ment was immediately fulfilled, but the pur- chafer being unable to procure the l.attei payment atthe lllpulaied time, was immediately fummon- ed hefoia a magldrate, who decided that he Ihnuld pay the fum, or to the . nootit thereof irt efftfls i he was then put n p. IT flion of tlie wo man f ir better fer ti'crft. We learn, from good authority tliat an eapla. Ration has taken place between Mr. Buike and colonel ;I.imiltoh. on the fubjrfl of fome expref- fions ufed liy tlie foimer in the houfe of reprefen. tltivesi on Wedntfday the ■51ft tiit. In confe quenceof which. Col. Hamilton having difavow- cd any intention, in his culneium on Geneial tJnxne, to on the militia in general, or that of South-Can dina in particular, as lud been appreiiended by Mr. Burke, Mr. Burke made a fatisfafiory apology to Col. Hamilton for the cxprcITmnc .alluded to. It frems of late to have become a popular opinion in feveral of the Hates, that the C'ongrcfs fliouid have no permantr.i refidence in any part •f America but that they Ihciuld be governed iii their adjournment by the population of tlie country, and by other local circtimftances. Under the prevalence of this w ife and juft .idea it is expefted that Congrefs will, when they rife, adjourn to a more central part of the Union, ana population of our country. Few if any liluations in life, afford aiT're extenfive field I'ordiflfufing g 'od to the commu riity-and mankind, than that in which an ingcnl- ou, and judicious editor of a newipapur is pla ced. Knowledge tlie feed of puliilcal, domeftie and moral liappinefs, his lahouis in- ftrufl millions and rtefc nd to future generations »-lic culls Irum ail .lUtliors and ages, from the living and dead wifdom of ilie world, Newfpi- pei« are the book of experivnee, tiiey contain the moft ufi'lul and import.iiit inlormiitlcii to ail ranks and conditions of men j and it is generally till cafe, that a totjl inriif!,rcree to tills fourcc of tr.tcrt.aiiinient .ind inllruflien, is cnrincfled witli great infeiifihility, great iKnnrantc, or rnn- fumniaie vanity, lliave known lome ch.irac- teis w''.n piqued tlicnifclves on tins indifference, ’ifnd who, at the fame time, preeipitauil themi. fetvjs into the '".oft sVrord {itu.S!*of!l fur wsfil ol that kno IIr'ge twiiich .hit medium would ealily hav.- upphed. iliedebitos of Coiigrsfi, fays a coriefpon- dent, arc highly iniereiling, and it is ol import ance that tli: people (hculd lie msde acquainted with them. shin il.ey are acquaint.1 with tbe ro'lont which afiu.ite thc.r rvpnlentatives, they will mors readily place a confidciite in iheir detciminaiions. The Co'.gt'lltonal Kegiller will record and prefctve tlic de'-aies in ftill. A (keicli ot t!i« hcscis of arguments., wculd anfwer the puipofe of conycying nee ff.ny int rnlaiiort, and would take op the great ft piH ol a newf* pjper, to ihe.exciiirton i f uleful obfeivationson agilcttlfuie, cnnim.Tce, mmiit.*tiurt s, &e, which in this cnoiitiy ought to he particulaily attended to. Wou.d it no', therefore, bcadvi- fa''ic for the print'TS of Nuwipapeis in New- Voile, who lavour the puhlie with the debates of Congrefs, rather to give a fummaiyt tlian to attempt theiii in lull Notice. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 22. Tlie following was the "rdcr of prcc. flion yef- terday, at ih» funeral of our late Icaincd and il lutirioqs citizen Ur FKaNKLIN. All the cleigy of the city, including tlie mi fliftets ol the liehrcw congregation, before the corpfe. 'The corpie, carrisd by citizens. The pall fuppoctei by ^he preiident of the iTste, the chief juitict, theprefident of the bar k, S.iniuel Pow ell s rlllam Bingham Benjamin Chew, and, David Kitttniioufe, efquire^. Muuinars, confilting ol tlie family of the de- etafed, with a number o' pr. iriei ds 1’lic lllcietary and members of the fupieme ex ecutive courcil The fpeakcr and membtri of the general af fcribly. Judges of the fupreme court, and other offi- ters of government. The gentlenicn of the bar. : The mayor and corporation of the city of Phi- ladelpliia. The printers of the city, with their journey* men and apprentices The philofoplilcal fociety- The college 1 phyticians. The Cincinnati. The college of Philadelphia. And fundrV other focieties. together s»‘th k numerous and refpeiftablc body nl citizens. The concoui fe ..f fpeffatori was greater than Over wa, kni .inon a like;i’is. It is com puted that not 1 fs tK.,n io,ooo petfons atta.d- ed and witPtlT'.d the funeial. The order and filence which prevailed during tiie prneeftion, deeply evinced the heartfelt fenfe eiitertainrd hy allclafT s of cltiiens, r f tlie urp .rrallellcd vir tues, talents, and fetviees of thi dccealcd. SAVANNAH, MAY 6. Laft verk arrivftl in tliis river from New-V’ork, a brig and a floop, bpund to St-. Mary’s vfitli troops, to be ftation* cd on.the frontiers of this flute. FAYETTFVILLE. Paretjrretph /rent a London nc''j:[paper. ek- titkil, “ The Star,” dated Fth. 19. “ On iSiinday night, as J.inie's J.uin- ctj, efquire, of Chariotie-flrcet, Port land Place, was entering the door of Providence chapel, l.ittle Ei chfield- ftreet, Mary-le-bone, lie dropped down, and e.xpired irrimedialcly. Tlie above gentleman was an American loyalill, .and was well k.'sown for his conltant pradice of relieving the poor at chapel doors, and in the fli ccts.” From a Vtr^inia nc’mj'papcr, da'cd Mas 4^ “ On Monday lail a'rived lieie, in 74 days front Havre dt-Cracc, th, finp I’atriof, Ciipt. tie (, vith 200 pal- fengers, natives of France. We ,tre inl'ormed they arc on tin if way to the weflern country, and that a much larger number may be hourly expedit'd in the Patowmac, in order to purlue thejhortrjl and mqft Hgihle riut io that esuntrs. We flatter ourft-lves that their re ception .among our countrymen, added -to the fertility of the foil iijion which they are about to fettle, will he fuch as to induce thniifiinds to emigrate to ihisi land of peace and plenty.” Ft cm a Londen ^ tper, LAW C A S E» of imf-ortanee to traders, Acaufewas decided I.^fl week, at riMildti.iIIj before lord Lou^hhtJrou^li, which fnllv proves lh riifht of a conliRner of ^oodi on cottiihifTi 'n, orevon an a^ual vend r f:’ flop them in nar.iiiui A i^crr'cmcn nf property, lately cm*^arkfd irl the wine biirinefi, had ordered fixiecn ho'’l)v ids of claret qt a ni .hant at Kovirdeaiix, ilu fc W'cre accorrhn^ly ihipptd to hl» add^fs in I^on- don. and a bill ol lading and invoice rcirularly tranfmitted to him hy poll. 1 he ntnndenux merchant, nl the fm.u'^iine. Tent an oidtr lo huj ar: nf to enquirr l'nio Lhe credit of tins hew houfj Ir J.ondjn : the aiienr ordered rhe wine to'‘his own Oo!T». although fjte vendee had pud the cuflom hf'ofc duri.s, ar»d was to be ;dlo've} ninr mon hs credit 'I he vendee hr' U’hi his .iftion, in trovdr, fbrihc rec'very of the »*inc, hut the court C 'nfidsrrd it .as fettled law. that the ^.iinfii^ner had a riRtt lo flop tlie poods, in tins ctfe, hi ft'ire they rf:»ched tiir conhimt ?, 'vho couH not claim them tiU he had paid for thCin# and he wa^ nonfuiisd. T H E copartnerlliip of DONALD M‘N 1- C O L L, & Co. of Fayette ville, as alfb that of HLNK Y UKQ^HARr, '& Co. of WilmingtoM, being'difiolved by the death of Mr. Donald M Nicolljoneof the partners, the fubferiber, one of the lurviving partners, being du ly qualified to futile all the compaiiy’s bufinels, requeits all perlons having demands againrt: either firm to render in their accounts for feitle- Vnent (thofe againfl Donald M'Nicoll, & Co attellud’, btherwife they cannot be ad mitted.) He alio requells all pdt^fons indebted to either firm to fettle and -dilcharge their accounts, that He may be enabled, as loon as polli- blc, t6dilcharge all debts due by the company. He has, in his ablence, for tht pur- pofe of a more fpeedy dole of the conipany’s bufintfsi authorifed Mr Robert Mac- Farlane at his ftoie in Fay etteville to fettle all accounts^ make and receive payments, and grant dilcharges for all matters relating to the firm of Donald M Nicoll, & Co. and has, in like manner, au- .thorifed Mr Alexander Ur- quhnrt to fettle all matters lelatingto the firm of Henry Uiquhart, & Co' in Wil mington. The remaining flock of goods, formerly belonging to the company,being purchale/1 by rhe ftiblcribur, will be fold by him. for cafh or pro duce, at his (lores in Fayette ville and VVilmingtori, on as realonable terms as can be afforded by any pci Ion, at either HhNRY URC^UHART. Fayetteville, piil 27 lytjo'. TO BE SOLD, At PUBLIC VFJNDLE, lit WlLlVll^GlON, - On the yili daj uf June next, A \ aiuautu WATEk i.OT ill the lata loivn, Liiel)' part ci llie tl- laie ol VVilli.mi Wilkiuiun,* ulquite, dccc'itic^, coiivenieuilj lituaied lot a itierchaui’s buancii, coiicaiitiug uU tit 75 leet oil troiit-Jilrcet; on which there are Icvtr'al valuable warehoufen, a good and next die iireet, Ittiiic iouii- aaiioiis tor ihree lenetticnis ol 25 lett, witli an alley to the valet, on eai h lide ol the lot, lix leet wide.- An in.iiipuiable title will be given, and credit for part ol the purcJiale iiio- Further particulars and condiiior.s will Oj known on the day of lale, . pievious ..pplication to the fub- fciiber. , . . . JOHN WILKINSON. Wilmington, May.’i, 1790. PEI ER P ER RT, HAS FOR SALE, At his STORE, the corner of (7r^e«ati/l, OU-Jireets, near Cochran't Mill^ R Wir U M of cl'fTerent kind)^ Gin in cafes, AI.L. peironi having any demands thd eftate of the bre . Mr., DONALD M TsMCOLL, dccealcd, are iequefted to render in their accounts atteflcd, an^ thofe who are indebted to'laid eflate are direfted to make payments to _ HENRY URQUHARTj Aciminilli dtor. Fayetteville, April 27, 1790. NOTICE; wl'.o have ary demands J ag.ii.'i.l the cilaie of ilie hue Audm Ciedf", clcce,lied, are I"- In rcfitiiicdlo render their claims, . ttc i J, to Francis Fontaine, wh;i was .-i.g it’,ted a.liTiini- ilralor to the lame, by the w.hrlliicitjil cotin of Ciiniliei land, at their bill Ic'- fioiis Anti tht'le who faiid iiulebled to th.itellate, are delired ro make pay- rticnl to ihe fubreriher cnly. FKANLliS F0\ r.\TNR,' (Adininiltr.iior. Wilmington, May 2:4. 51. iron. Steel, Coarie and line Salt» /J ea, Coffee, T Chocolate, DRY GOOD*^ rf all forfii P R 0 D U C ‘E Will be received in paynieni. A generous pride giieti for Rear aniOtter Skim. . February 22 t. t. f. . K . -A, \V A. Y I T* ROM from the lubferiber, living tli. Ciiii berland countj', at the lovcf Littl.e-Uiier Biidge, on the new road^ an old negro fellow, named k b G E Ri He ha.i^ thick lips, a little linop fhouJd.ry cii, and grey headed—has high veins ia hi arhis anil legs, and i his legs the .vi-in.'j appear to be in knots—hi . ack fliews a f. W marks of i. , fw’itc'—yhe is lively and relolute at inv thiqg he tin-* dertakes, I e.vf>t■^l his intention was to go to feme of the buck ci unties, and enj. dcavour to pafs for a free man, a he Wasoncp luffcrred to pais as fuch "in flime of ihocf couniies, j>hcrc he look up vith P free w.ollf.m for his wif--., wh, X have now living at niy, houfe. Any peribn who will deliver die laid negro to me, lliall recei'/t hvc poiinils rcwaid, and I will p-.iy all reafoii.ibh' chai gc'-. ., JAMLS C.AMPBELI.. May 13, 1790. 3^1. For Jatc at the Printirg-Otjicej, A large aflbrtment of B L A N K-S, Printed on fine paper,with a good type 9 ■ ^ Among nuhieh are the fcllo'wi/ig, viz. Suieiiof, . Court, . County Coiirti and Juflices’ Blanks of all forts -.Shciirfs’ Deeds -Co.mmon L'eads —Common Bonds—Apprentice’s In-' dentures, See. &c. 'Copper Stilid. T he fiibrci'.hor infitrms thcpiiWic, that he has ellablillied a COI'I’K-RL andTTN WA HE ,M.\NtlFACT( )U’Y. in this town ; where may be had S'1'1 l-V.S of all lives. A'fo—All k'li rfi ofCDPrER an I TINWARE—which he will difpofe of on reafonable termfl for (' till or 1 rodi'ce. Old Stills repaired on the fhortcfl no/ tice. u.T Cath given for old Copper, B"aft and rewicr, JOHN NAYLOR. Fay etleville, MaJ 31. t. C

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