1 - mm -4 mm Jt O E 11 Y. " ; - E LEG I A p ODE, CiAV. ffDr.' F R A N K LI N. . it rrr . ft i: t In all their vernal tloom. Anklet the fwects of fonng Adorn great FlAMLWi tomb. Im -f auwt'wftH daiicf- U:.; : l iefigth'hiilalours ceafo, ' , 1V 'nlading crown Is won, . . . ,5; , r-kx A'r.'' fits; fun .dticenjin -Se fonsoffoenieTj. , V ,!; Ihe patriot heav a'figh, . ' , TtAlid fccelrwin iv-l' r- li-Tbat fo much -wolth can die. ; V'-1 -Jfeathtefcis llat name S-tf I .., nu jpiendia wai vf I .guiate proeeffes in the courts mPSX - ' I United Statet,,-;pffea;on . ' , : WMVnM i;".nlrt.c : . .'. rl ninth day - of Sepiemberiallr &l&MLvi.&Ji 1 tod the fiunfiris ; hereby . .: TV'hile meteors gild the Iky, 'Mahkind fhail ftiU admure -iWheif Franklin's name they heafi V: Who foatchM celeftial fire w i; MiOH? oppreffor s fpear T:"6evTfy fntare age, ' ; . v uuii ni ry noias a pen, ; - -, - -y ie.H ran it our virtues tage, 'imon? tae ur;t ei men i ":l;Afi4 Wied fhe counts her fons n "IVhoVe cam d immortal famei vv.-ru next jio vv on iiv i UiM j fi&l$$WWt Cshfulmtn,fctftfuvtit Tyi- r:imiacJale;a!l le autbtnticatei A N E C D O T E. c TCx't f- v-v:r-w'.- i F) -W11 7Vf ftW1 H-M-irr-f,: " oc- veraiiufes Ihallhc-authentipatedby ha AiameiMe.- y5ng. thc ieal of their teipecTive ftates Sn1y ' e:?CtTfid affid thereto', tWecWds and JSw?:1;"-ther" ' dWal proceedings VYthe courts of any. JU- y-nce- for all-u-rt wottldhef .-X,t.irt it.it r;j fir . A- THE TABLhTi V Klfr .'".f"'lTurt WWf WJS 7 ' rf?U '.?" '')-!-PPmtP. 'V. I- A CTIVE pVopmy fuallyceWerf I : X Vl JPx. a: thnfe places, , which art rather fif' j ?.hati nature has made rich There it !-;,r;icarce any thing more "ridiciilous than betaken.;: :- . ;;,. . . s- I- br an indolent man to boaft ef natural '-V F?' A. . MlTHLENfiERG, ' -iy f advantage jas iourtfi Jof-t- wea'th hf tfrtprefmtetivet; "jrht moltiertiWfon and mHftVlSm, JOHN ADAMS, Vkt-PrtltdenteYlke :t.:vi i' eer 'cbnf,r opulence oij an Indojent 'j '?'LtrpUi "fefan Wodnauira'l j :f(; poverty.;; That . fupfricrity whuh one t-S v cat,on Mds over aiiother in point of t , , : tjrtefai wraith, 'and .operative Urerfeth, ; U the reiult.ftf art and induflry. : Men ; ; . lU nottJcft thrmfelvei, in the fir.lt innance, t? levcre labour, unlets their fi- : : tutionretidesit bnavbidaklft. Frornnt ,- a BnecBiury, tney beconie indUHr oust ' . V . ' j and wlien tlitYareaefuffiTYi(.l tnU ivif",:' WM3romltab!t. Vhenin- ' VA: "v ' "t0 if ,k'onie,hcnberrinto hl' t r,ct Ailoon'as the loveot gain XTI tamf 1 afcendaflcy-over-the lbve f (V.,f ' Meiieis, mert will acquire more than -fCT thcy nare ocitafion to cdnfume. ' : Pro- f---rert7roneedrnthisay willftldom rv ' ',Pnded in felly and extravagance j "' , : T, Jec.auf f a man had bCn difpofed to be 7 t,,'. "'":..." 9" nd extravagant, he would not H I '.T..rbally hatt been induarioui. Whilt I - V C 0ne li !n ofinJoflrj he : - V- -.'-; Wul ofcpurft be frnal,,and by hi means frugality will lilewie beecme an f I ' habit.' The lk ill' an contrivance that I u . ' ". 8n)WontofwpHencewillrenderlabour j -more ttduflivei butthe Increafe' of ; ia,dyama;ill net abate the ardor of ex- .4 friion)treiuuH therefore lock to that part f a r.aitb Vhere Jnduftry is moft p(d . , , , ' tralcnt fcr afij vcwealihahdf oifthe heft ac- i a country, to which nature has becnli- . :beral, people content themfclvcswhhfcw fcfter been compelled ly nwciEty to nfc above that indr V hce of character which maVc men narui aUy prefer an eafy life t a ufclul cne." . ;. ... Begun and held "-at ine c'rty of )jrw. V ( York, on Jpnday, Uie,founlrof"Ja. .Lcoary, .one thoofandfevfeOftJfed- r:B,& .J. "' V:" Act to arAiriut ht force nr.S .j&tif ;- t V .-rr; -Ti E it tnJleJ hi the Knott 'ani h'siik J3 , p,MefenUik$ if ? I i f.uo,tf M.L I of the the twenty-. Ihall be, IcoritThuedS force, uctil the etid of the next feffioa CcflgTefi jlTfeAUHL 1 JOHN A t) AXIS; Vh0.ent pJXhe "Afproyed May 261700 - , : JEORGE WAtJlJlNGTON, i -it : ''lr'tfifat yiK&f United Stateu KOMAT5;3EFFF,RJONr 'i Vn':'" ? n?" t Secrttary ' y 5it; Ti E itehadietf by ihe fenate arid hbufe I 'JL of rtprefentatbeiJjC the Utiited I ' cwtesTOT ra erica mvcmgreis ajiemuica, N of the legiflaCUrfcrtheTe- anyhefTdurlwtiliiriihelJnlted Sf.ites by the atteflatlon of the clerk, and the feal of the court, annexed j if there be a feal, together wi;b the certificate of the judge," chief jufltcejipT pretiding m'a&irT trate, as tne caie, mstyoe, uvti tne 141a latteHauonism due form i.and the laid atteltauonTS in due torm .and the iau records and radtcial pwceedings auJien ticated as afprcfaid, lhaHhaveffuch faith I and credit ciycri ttf tbetn inlevery court l " United States, as they havt I 1T lw or uAge tn, the courts of the (late I from whence, the records, are, or flmll I , United Statet; 'ant-Vrtftknt of the Senate. Approyed--MaIj6V 1190. ' GEORGE WASHINGTON,- i ' . Prudent of the Untied SfaTet. ' Yrif cty, ' : , THOMAS JEFFERSON, . ' v Secretary ef Stnte. 1 ; 17 OU.R hundred afui fety-flx, kcres JL Chaiharn county, about eight taiJc firm. the fork of Deep and Hawe ilmsroirthe raft fiderTr"'""' ' iu hundred and forty acret in finite owtr, pn Uie waters ofBack Creek, in ! Hawfieldi. . : " , - ....7 One hundred and eighty-five aeret.W tiding tw6 of the mountains ccar Hillf. borough; -'V " ' 'Four hundred and thirty three acret and ani Vf, adjoining the lands of George Rteves, about fix miles fouth- :wcft ofjimibwoogbs r , 5'ixhuiidred and forty' acres' abort t'ght rnilex eaft from Ililllboroui-h, tear Mr, Catn. . ' - ;.Cood negroes or eafh'will be received a payment, and a teai'onable ' credit al- lowed for part cf the purchase morter , provided die purchafcr finds frood fecu- V - Apply to ' : . . , 1 '' r WALTER ALVE3. Lands for Sale JT IU 1 IU .XV ' . .IV X HAS FOR SALE,' itt his STOREi the corner cfGrfand " 'OU-Jlrreti, near CmV A, . Yiriesr Iron, - Coarfe and fine Salt, -'i ;tcffee,; . - Chocolate, DRY GOODS ' pf all Yorts. if-fr-Xt? D V C mtt) retnvedj w payment. ; r : i v & . . -.. - I '''h ,'Mrwii r?rr iiien I T ZWf?fe P? I ; February tx. , iv:ti'f.J I TK7rf . t. ti -vts t t- I JHayeliayy receded a lar4 tCottOltj and ypoiCinis, lijli, a . . ii j-r r V' which fliey will difnoie of "by tne.bflr fmaller qnar.LtY, atiheitore in Fay lieyillen,ery4owtes'tWi'e V; June 14.,-- ; . r ;; :vt.r. CP HE - ?ttbfcriber!hlrikon" jT ! .. .X give public notice, tliat the part- .ncrinip oi 1 ntf.Kjion,, ttuno, cr c. ex-' pired on. the 1 7th day o( Uiis inftatv (June.') 'i Alt thofe who are -indebted twith lames Thackfion, in FaverteJljGFISTF l.nr lOtllSrtMlfgWUU. Ifl lUriington.- and thofe to whom the Company arf intjebt. -Kot tobe enterel before January nexV ; td are requefted to render their accounn' f A.j.$sfcWe Credit vill he: given, fot-: -immediately- to the faid James Thack I . rart P$- particulars ap S 11oa.fQrttlemrra.T:::.. - V . plj to - ' :--- .s':- v---7-;-.. :-; -'-:''."-' 1 ' 'fOJlM miRGVVTM , , ; . A -4 TAMES HOGG r f vv JAMES THACKSTOk ;, ' v. A large afforunentof '.v' . R;Al:vS,'S -FrSyted on fine' paper, with a goodjtype :Z''ri4mg ithkh are 'tbefiltvmng, vh. i SupcHorCourt; County towrt, and f.Ju(lices V Blanks: of ' forts Sheriffs'. Deeds -Common Derd J-CoramoQ '.. Bonds Apprentioc'sia'' dcutures &c. &ic. ; , . 1 ' 'X - - 1 . .... .l ; i v . .- ALL perfohs bavtng any demanJs asainft th? cftate of A LEX AN .DER HOSTLER, deceafed, are here, by noticed to render them in to thefub fcriberj, property auefled, that thev may be fettled t and thofe who am iniLhted to faid eftate, cither by bond, note, or open account, are rcqnefied to call and fettle them, on or before the next fupe- Hor court at Wilmington, as all demands utifettled atthat rime will be placed hi the hunds of an attorney, without dif. tindtion. .' -r WILLIAM GREEN. Ahnr. : f1 ' Adni'x- - Wilmington, June 20, 1790.. , MARY HOSTLER; Adm'x.4 C .T 0 ? E L EASE Df ; i.-iv ir-v- A,, ,7xrr. - " t for j., jiXitit written firtt - .- . i ' . . , .... . ' , ,.' AN exceeding gorid, new.S AW 11 HILL, now in irnod order, and v - tuia tolifahlt rrH i tu path; The Conditions will be made afy and convenient, and poflTeiTion giv- en as fooh as the term are-atiecd to, an t l.n,l muii err. A . r '. . wwmv. Blu.(iuiuuciu istumy gen WILLIAM GREEN, Adm'r. 'MARY HOSTLER, AdnVx. WUrningtOu, Juue 10, 1790,,- 41, going :wiuv. a tolyf able good tlream; VlNGj likcwft making perri wigs, 11 ,. -tinjber in, alundMnei 4nd convenient, j'tJifs1 culhions, bd boxes pmnror . . ' . ftwated about-1 9 milej above Wtlmtng- j:. ibaving foan; wa(b balls,' maUraffes, kc, ' ton by water, on Lonp-Creek ithelum- bfle flaueri liimfelf, 'that his'kuowledce' ' - ; Dir can.be ratted, or large .pettuugers 'of thofe .brarubes iil - meet witu. ich -' 1 A Iadedit Lie niill-tail at any time ol the -- encouragement, as will enable him to - 7r if. .year, whole plamntion, on which -difchargethrm to the fatlclion r-f the j there is a fine range, and excelfent tie rulliein general al'thnfe Kcntleme '. ' "1 ,TT.,,f ob niviuaca in me iea:e. 1 ana ladies m m nh m ilv.k - - Lanas tonoai FCURbandrcd acreion Ae weft fide , cf Cape-Fear - River,'; about fire nilei from Fdyeueville, vlicf Ellas I: Ore hwndttd and fifty afirWft tfaine, onlhe wettiJde, andesl on 1 hctart lute 5t"ue TiVcr. OfiV hundred and Jour acres on'-ihei Cdfrof;ure mer, near "Mr?. Tom' my's, formetly Jj, Pone 'T Six lundred and 'fortt acres 6n the ' tad fide, of the rivtr, haying a frpnt ;p half a.taule pa then rie juft aboye the mouth .of CroTsteek. JT Six hundred cdTforty acres neat ' i weed owe. hundred andfbrty acres on th? , tack ot Lock's Creek. " ' Five hundred idittc on the- grains' of Blount's CrU . V , ' : -ZZLLlI ' trofi-Creek. u- ' nc-the &mc rghjtmiles above I Mv 'Adklns ; terry, v n ihe road to" UtlyV On Goiodrlch'sV v VLt - i--. J- w.-- ii2L;v Four hundred acres en Flat Swamp- near Tweed Side. - , v ' .One hundred arid fifty-five 'acres at , ihe ( Well fide of the town, adjoining rTAlfoT the hoiife anoT lot. where MrC I iRitchle HyeR, opp)fite Mr AdatK's w emtcu wuujv iiiexU: - T " ii " ' it, ' , '-H I . O r P'em poncivcu gy- mu jionn &ccieT- Fayittevifle, June zi, 1790.' ; ; V nr?HE fubfVrlber informs theouSIlft. tiwthe his eitabHflied a COPPEiUiCv' 1 " andTlN WARE MANUFACTORY; ;J, in 'tlits :town Yhere may be-ha4 V; 1 5TIIXS of all fiies. , Alio All kind 3 ; of COPPER and TINWARE which ' he will difpofs of on reafonaUe term' ' for cadi or produce.; !' 'Sv,-'r i7T - ' -,"' ' ' , . Old S'ills repalre'd ola the Cxbrteft neJ ,j j CCafl given fo oil Copper, BraU ' id Pewter. - -(: ' 'and Pewter. JOHN NAYLQR.; :J Fayetteville, May 3 ir A PrftM having any "detjiaiida" v ; uTY'-agarnit the eftate of the late , JUttN lURNER.elquire.of Bladen county, de ce;iied ate hereby reiefte4 " r"nder their accounts pmperly atteft ed and alfo thofe indebted to faid eftate v ' are defired tc make immediate paymanv ' 'bat demands againft faid eftate maf u-;ti;a. AMEY TURNER, v V THOMAS "ROWN, V Exe'rtv josiah lewis, j ;; : - I Bladeni June j6, 1790. A' I , H ? H SUBSCRIBER refpeftfuUy 'y;-j-. -JLT nrormrTnt puunc, tnat he bat re. . , - ...- i w jf r,. ....? ... moved from New-York to Fayette title,7 . 1 "where be intend to carry on the bufi- ' V nrfs cf HAf IT.nttTSSIKG SH ' . P I ------ ' 1 - ViKri .t:-H . I their cuAom. ftMt hurtKnt nrtr I . executed with punAtiality and flfe-atca, I JAMES AJLANTZ. , I ' . ' . - - t t . ayeiUYille, July a. . FAYE'rTEVILLt'r PRINTED ir ; . BlBLEY.er HOWARD. . . 1 1J a. '3 1 ; ' ,f ;". .,', .. . , - - s . ..4.. - 4 . 1 v . . j i . ' '" . , ' ' '. , ' .' . ' ' ' , V -. ,