i. a, , ; TWiiimi illiii .1 ; : I M 1 ' " k X ' T H E - ; "j mrth-Larotina Chronicle ; or, Favettevilfe Gw&fte. -.Ho-fofVjDL.II.3- M ON DAY, SRPTEMB&R 4f ii 1 .Total Kp-J 53O BISTORT. v. - TRAVELS i THROUGH TIH INTLRJ O R PARTS OF NOR TH-jiMERICA, . IN THU Year, 1766, 1767, and 1763. By J.'lCARYER, esqtjise. JN June, -1.766 I fat out from Bofton, an i pmcse&d, by way of Albany and KiasiraWyichijliniackinc, a fort fimaied between the lakes Huion and Michigandiiiant fromJJoHon 1 x o nrles. jTliu being ihe utterrabft cf our factrrics (towards the North-Weit,Iconfidered has th?mft convenient placer from whence I could begin mv intended progrefs, and tr. r at one in.o the regions Idcfignea ',fo explore.5 ". j Referring my reader to the publicati ons already ex'ant for an accoxint of ithofe parts of Nor ih-America, that, frcm Ilyi rig adjacent to he Back-Settlements, Jiave been ? frequently deknbed, I ihall confine myfclf to a description of the fnore interior parts of it, which having teen but feldom -vifited, are confeq-'ent; But Utile known. In doing this, I ihall Hi no inftance exceed the bounds f truth, or have recourfe to thofe ufelrfs and extravagant exaggerations ten often rjpade ufc of by travellers, to excite the Mlitiufitv of the rublic. or to increafe ' 1 4 w . - - - . - itteir own importance. Nor ihall I in !flrt any obferva ioi s but fu ch as 1 lMve Blade myfelf, or, from 1 1 ie credjlMiiy Kf thofe by whom hey were 1 elated, hi enabled to vouch for their authen- Michiih'macktnac, from whence T bepan tiayfchj is, a .fnt'rrmf)nd of a r.g ftockad-, and u defended a parrif n of en? h;m 'ict! men It ain abnhr thirty h' fe.. re of 1 v ch b??cn;-'s to oycti o' , .inJ ;;no to rhk-cim-i iifun . Several tia 'crs dwell wi Mr its for'! -ations, v ho it coyvrev.t fiMia'-Mi to traffic the n. I,'1 br;;r incj r:i i u:s ?icl:i' ckjnidc.iin tke nj;ny;e cf hr. Chi- 7 irc!arr, f?frine itoife ; and -1 -cc is-jwieU te xcctivcit caii.c from an iflmd, lying ahouffix or feven Kiiies tothe Nith-tait, witliin fij!u of the lort, which has the appearance cf that aninial. During the Indian, war that followed foona "ter the conq icfl of Canada in ;he year 1763, ani'whi h was cauicd oh by anjmiiy ol confederate Rations etimpofed ot "the Hurons, Miamiet, Chipcwavs, O towaws, h'oQiomattiTiiie, Millxfat:ec, the extent of heir routs, I was to fmd Wc accord on the i 8 h This iort is (1 iremiry of a te lined by the and.fomc other tribes, uniier th direAi- pofltilion of a on of. P.intiac, a celebrated Indian war rior, who kad always beeti in the French intereft, it was taken by furptize in the following manner : The Fniiian?, haig cttl.id their plan, drew re4r the fort, and began a game at ball, a paflime much ufed among them, and not unlike temis. In ilie height ot iheir game, at which fome of the ngliHi ofl'iccrs, net fufpecling any deceit, (tood locking on, they ftruck the bail, as if by accident, oyer the ftockade ; this tiiey repeated two or three times, to make the deception more, complete ; till at length, hvin by thiv meant lulled every iu picion of the centry at the South gate, a party ruined by him, and the reft foon following, they took poflcflion of the fort, i'hout meet ing with, any oppofnion. Having accom panied their 'defign, the Indians had the humanity to fpare the lives or the great eft part f the gahifon. and traders, but they made them all piifcners, and car ried tlicm 01T.. However, fomc time alter tney took them to Montreal,. where .they vvere redeemed at a good price. The foit alfo was given up again to he En glifh, at the peace made with PontiVr 'y the commander of Detroit, the yea. fo - lowinor i 0 . " Havi-g here made the neceflary difpo fliion for pu'fuicg my travels, and ob tained a credit from Mr. Rogers, the governor, on fome Engiifh and Canadian traders, y. ho were going to trade on the Mtlipii z:J received alfo frem him a prom:fe of .! f efh fpj-ly of goods when I reached the fa'l- rf Saint Anthony, I left 'the for on the 3d of September , in c-nipany wi h agreed that th; full oods as I miht want, for pref nts to the Indian chiefs, during my fontl- y mc other guides, and to depend on he goods the governor rad promised to with. ngly fctout together, nrid arrived at Fort la. Ear. tuated on die louihcrn es- bay in iLake Michiah, Fi ench the Bay! ot Puaii is i but which, fmce the ilagiifii liavc guinea tnew traders. It was ry Thould i'urnifh me with ruani-e'wi th f inoi's crdcr, STT-eahle to he but whea I go al n veu at 1.1 1 i-ine ictucmcfits on sins part of the continent is calldd by them Green Bay. 'if he reafon fits! btinsrthys denominated is from it ap-pearan.ee, far on leaving Mkhillimackihac in the ipring feafon, th ugh the trejes tnere have not put forth their buds, yet you 'find the country around I .a Bay, nptv.ithllar.d-. ing the pafage not exceeded fourteen. days, covered wiih the iineft verdure, and vegetation,, a forward as it couici' be. weic it fummerv Tliis fort, afo, is only furrounded by a ftockade, anc being much decayed, is fcarcely iKfcnfible again II imall aisr.s. It was built by the French lor the pro tection of their trade, fome lirne before they were iorcjed to relinquilh it ; and when Canada rndf its dependehcie were furrendered lokhf Englifi,;it .was'immef dialcly gafrifohed vsith an officer audi thirty ;men,; thjrfc were made prifoneti by the 'Meiymqnies, foon after the. fur pr ie- of Michilimackinae, and the fori . has neither been gariifonu or kept in repair fince. I I ' The Bav is aljont ob miles long, but differs much in its breadth, I being ill fome places onhr fifteen miles1! ia others .from twenty to thirty ; it iies nearly from North-Eiift to South-Weft. Ati t the entrance of it from the lake, are & firing of hlands extending from Norlr to Soiifh, called the Grand Travcrfe j thefe are 30 miles in length, and frrvc to facilitate the papage cf canocs,ias theyl Yhclter; them frfnm the v, Jndf , wbicla! lometlmes comr v ith 'violencei acrofs! the lake. On the fide that lies to the Sriiith-Eaft is thh nearer! and beft naviffa-' ti-n- '-i ;' 3 'L v : ' The iflanr s eft fhe Grand TraVerfe are mc fily fmall. arid reeky rrary gt ihci icfks areol an amaiiig iiz, anappeji" a ff they hi'dlbren fawstoijcd by the! On the iaiC& aiid Lrft ' I Ml 1 1 1 1-- VI I '4 1 ., I!.. S 'A 1 ! :1 1 H