0 An v of m :t ! 1 n h :1n !s a ta at th? Otto v:tv.; which I fou :i 1 a. of Ui : ,; m . I i v.;; ifiliU of the nation,! rrh.i ::::::d nwi'i evrry hc'irar he cnul.l .. .' : a it u r-T. U-i:!viit . J- i j rr: t ?!y n ? iUr it the tin , i c f i. cr-ry pcT-i juirv: . ... ! w .!u!i: c ili.-n-.or ij: hii ; , i vi L m:t wi.Ii n laijiirvj : - :4- ::i -'s OHD ich-rd th: ih;:e, i I h;i I'l.iul wii.iia tiireetcor: jo -: it, l ie i.i Ii vv b;g i:t x fi:i-lt p? . . . ;h l'i . 1:1 th.h pi?ce loaiel I !.h b f h-; ' ii at lb: fame time th:y tor k car ; t tiii-.h ir.p them in inch a Hi inner ;- .,-) .1 iz : y irii v:roar htaic :h3 .bey rtn, i'jo :: from one tree or :i -i. o Anaibtr, .bvitir mi beh ivin, t- I; ih:y . war i.i th: ne.n of battle. At tif.t I wis jjititl firp-izeJ, and was 'cn the pu?-t of orJitiaj my at:en-Unts t ret ir i ihr:r rtrc, coneluJin that thir i:vc:vini5 Y2fs holile ; but bring undc icri.'s.l by in r.: rf the tr:i,ir?, win ir. ii : I rir ?h i' their u 'id man-ir.-r of r.vi.-ir, ihe chiefs of o her nai: ir3, I cc-a'i ie.-? 1 it in t'ue V, an Vis pl:a:ci v.iili th: rcfpeS ih-s aid I rem v.: 1 brr- on? ri-b Ainon- i prs'c V I maJt jbecbirf, vsrs ims ,f-iri u;ua li-jurs, v1 Ii wlii:b h-Tiri i. jlhc.nfW-s.r'::iryf ail a' j in.i in a V.jrcc ill i: the r;i:e ; p r'. of tb; i:. In tb 2 mri.i'i wb'.n I -cp.ii i Ic.',' t!)2 cV.ief A-.te.iJcJ -i n 1'- lb ra, U i Jt 3s f'o.i ;i I etnbi k-.l, off:rJ ur, 'r a i a-j ii h vei .e. r.n.i .r:ir f-1 t-mni y, :f::-e-U pr iy i i :ziy bciulf. 11' -ny-i i 'tbr iY; G -a. S-I ri v ral j fivor.r r!-' Ai"b pr .iJroas vna.;: a" hr ;vr uVJ i: c Ri? :ri unci u lii iky, an 1 if n-vh wAlzr i.iy, n i that L ::iib 3l. ! v:i !v niht on h Sear r bl i- i;.r, enj ';i:iJC i-i'-1 crrjp-ci ilr.:, ;m :'-A fii. !. j n i 1 tlf., tb.t I miRbt rtni" ic-v-ui t i il u -i n ii i i ib great pips jrf v. i: " I .i ' his m t.it Kc cnnsinntJ hi p:rj ins i;l I cialJ no longer h.ax. ; tb vj. i ill hrr obfsrre, tb.it mt'vicb iH in lii j. the inbtbiMTs of Fnrops. arc ap: to :i cTtai-i iuorri i i las of ihe fero city af th'fj ftvacs, as the ar: t-er-ns l, I ;'?i'.;.l ;r.Ti vry tr ie of them in th i.it'iinr pirt lbs rno l hofphable an I co irtffi i; tr?afnni. ; an 1 am convince I tb i h:f ;f! com nin y; tht ci imp i an I fpi. i' io.:s liv-iiors of thrir more rsi-.i: i ntib"i irs, 'Vy retain this fri;n'l.' tal infnb; conJ il to vards ft- 4 Tb ir in rzicr.icf an J ctuUv to cb;i fr.-rn'-t? I ickml;drr to be n ? it t v. ii ' y 'T the f iv vrah'c o-Vmi-oi I .'.i' 1 b to ea-?r:ii of rVm ; hi r i'i 'V'ii : br- itirr, an ? h t i rc;;iiJ Lb; ftu-ctt of imexnorii cj;- . (-2-) ' - tn!n, hv ton dee? root in their m'ali to b2 e?r exti-pated. Aojv thsfs psople I ate of a very un comm ii Vn i of brziX Ths Indians, in -ennl afs b it lttdc ofin nutr:touf fooJ W ii' t tb: corn is In th: milk, as tkrr tsr:a-ir, ihu is, j befor; it begins "torinen, tbjy flice oil tbe kernds iiom lbs cob ta which they grow, and knead tbe'ta into pile ; this thfy are enabled to do truho-jt lbs addition; of any liquid,, by tb: milk which flows fiom thsm, and. when it is eieJi:d, they parcel U out in-t-o cake?, anl enclofin the rain the. 1?ac? of the b.iiT vood nee, place ihera in h -t embers, nhert th?y are foon baked ;ln.l better fl iv cured brcai I never. its: in ;my country. y T its place is only a I;H11 viiiag,cpn talnin about twenty-five noaleb and fix tr or f;venty warriors i'ound no thin 3 worthy of farther remai k. . The lar.d oa the STttb-Eal fide of the Green Bay is very indiileren.,' brring: o?eriprcad wiik a heavy growth of hem--lock. pine, fpiuee and ; ilr trees. Th cnmmunicniion bet ,veen L:iks Micliian,. ani the Gr:en By has bren reported hy forne to be impjHai.-abl'e for the paf- , fae of any vriV Is larger !han canoes or boats r.n .account oi" 'he llioil.s that lie between the illmds in the Great Trav; ve fev but ow fniading it, I found faffici ent depth for a vefiel of fixry ta, and . th? brea l'h proponionible.-.' The lan . I adjoining to the bottom of this Bavis veiy fer:i!e, the country in eneral Jevel, nd :!ie perfpewlive view of it ple:fm and extenfive... T'y ; ' A le v fitv. ie live in the fort,- which i-s on tbr We t hde f the Fx Ri.er, and pp vice to i on the Ea t fideot i s enrrjnee, are forne French fettlcr, vho cul tiva e rh bind, and appear to live ve ,y comfortably.. r 4I ' j j - - "xj ijT 't s . AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE- cbnrniers tn Lincoln's Tnn, took 2 part?-1 cularfmcy tb i o her day toia young wo man who freq isnted tbe garden with a '' child in her arms. They laid various ftratagems to entice the mother to corns into their chambers ; but (be faw th; intent, . an J lid bofly aToided avilit of that kind. At lad they thought theyhaJ hit upon a fcheme ;thar muit !? eiFeftuallr.' I bring her in : one of, the gcnijemen tivz tii: baby in hi arms; and after kitting rj.. orocgnt i nome to nis apartmenrsjTfl5 o:her itudtnt iollovvcd, and bomjnoj imagined that the woan msU na?ufiy. come f n Her child, but as the iayifc'iv? " She oit the biter; fr (be left! rhe4hild'' , in their protefHon, and made the" beft-of j ner ray iionie,-ana na? taken care. to toneeal hat h me from th.m. Ther are perfms of jr ,pd fortune, and have lent tne cnua to nunc. - Z ASPS -OF CONOR ESS cf ihepNITED STATE& ATM K&Qt CrtND SESSION.''- Begun and held at the ci y of New-Vo-vJ on '.Monday, the tr u ih day ol j uiu ary, one ihouland ttrcu hundred a:d nuiety. . , An dCT making prwijoh for tie Debt T7 T HF' RiC S fnftice lard the Aip' V V poK of public c otli;. r 'quire, tti tt prov-i.t":r, i.Vo'iiidj rr.,: fox fu'h'u: t- t 'he ,t f r-rt . t , ;ii.d Uia upon tU:j BOStO", AUGUST 6. Captain Crueift, who arrived lire on We lnf 1 iv laftjin 45 divs from Bilba, informs hit at the :ine of ' his depar ture .(Jane 17) a war was hourly expect ed and hi'afer.he left Bilhoi, he fell in wi b 5 or 6 Bri i'b men of wa-, who r-re iuifin2j olf the Spaiiilb coaiK H: foon ater fpoke with a Spanilh gal lenn, bound ino port ; he ave th? cap tain information of the Bntifh' crui.er but the captain of ihe galleon, point ing.io his gus, merely laughed at the inform vaon.- . The BITERS 'BIT ! TWO yung gentlemen who vrere ftadin the U iV, aid who bars m re-.pt-cr " u?vi?:.j, I up :ni 'bei ra. tatle uild i.tti-iai'K.: B- tt toaTe.i by ii. ; ;cra:c 'iind h'"V. of rcpref" ma ive--' tli'-" ' ' :-ifed j-ctJp ft Am ii,-;!, iaj -Conp.nif Hiknh'' Tha' r ieiTin out ff ,he ;n.or,ic-. v l h r e arifr'p, fr.ee the fill day ! 1. c Tibe, 4ti pad, and w hrh nr. ay jh r. ter aifc on the dutit-s of grot'.-, s in cs rrjerchand':fe imported into .ihe lVu Slates, and on the tonniitye cd ihii vtif the yratly fum of fix lioufs doiia: s, or- touch tlicrr f as may appmprj ed fiom time to time towj," tiie lupport of; the govcrr n ent ol Unbed Stages, and their common fence, the lefidne of he jfaid mcriJ fo much thereof as m?.v be t tcffiivJ : the fame fiiall br received in earh T' next: after t' e 'Tum refeiyed a foien ihall be, and is hereby'. arptopri-?tf the payiiiciil oi the luicrtit vLitli r 4

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