r I T H E ! North-Carolina Chronicle ; or. 4 i It i-rN-2,of Vol. II. M O M D A Y, SEPTEMBER 1 1790. Total K- 54. HISTORT. frj I S r Carvers travels. Continued.) HE Green Bay or Bay of Pucnts is L one of 'thefe places to which the fnchhare given nicknames; it istermed " vfhe inhabitants of its coaft, the Mono :anie Bay ; but why the French have .dcae-minated it the Puant, or Stinking jBaj, I knovrnoiv The reafon they them- i iclrcs give fori it is, that it was not with . c view 10 muiaci itrangcrs, but mat by , adopting thij method they coulel converfe , :,i?ith each other concerning the Indians, their prefence, without bcipg undcr--apd by them.j For it was-remarked by .'A c perfons who firft traded among them, that when thejr were fpeaking to each ,'ot!er abut them, an 4 ientioaed thtir ; t proper name, they infrantly grew fufpiei N ,ou$,and concluded that their vifitors T.-cre either fpeaking ill of them, or plot is their deftniiAion.- To remedy this ' they gave then ibme ether name. .The Only had confequenre arifing from the ; prafrice then introdaccci Ut that Enplilh , . ZTjd French gicgf; ?! ei s, their p'ans ... 'of interior prvrts ef America, give diife relet names to the ram.r people, and there .v perplex rhoic who have oecafion to refer to 'hrvn. L.nkc Michigan, of v.;i, h the Green Bay is a r-r:. is divided on the Wcrth- J ' - lali from Liks; Hurrn by the ftraijhts cS Michiilimakifiac ; an J is fituati be II' ' tifeen iort; -twoiaud forty-Ox degrees of j'- nrthlatituie, &ibteen eighty-fourand 4 cigbtyfevsn decrees of d lrngitu.de. sits greatril length it two hundred and - itWTtv !c Kt o-?tli V-rtir Vit-t- frA I its? circumference nearly fix hundred, j, There is a remarkable filing of fmall ill I r ids, beginning over agatnft Allan's I . m,nnd running abdut 30 miles into ; lake. 1 iine are cnlied the Heaver ana's. Th-ir fim iticn :s very pleafanf, t the foil i bare. However they af fd a beautiful profped. On theNerth Weft psrts of ibis Like I waters branch out into two bars : pt which lies towards the North is the J of Noqucts, and the other the Green Cji'.ft defcribcy. The wleis of this, as v;SA as the i 1. 4 other great lakes, are clear and v. hole feme, and of fufficient depth for the na vigation cf iaigt ftipi. Half the fpacc cf the country that lies ti tlie Ea.fr, and extends to .Lake Huron, belongs to the Ottowaw Indians. The line that divides their territories ficm the Chipewaiys rnasneaily North and SoiuIb, and reach es almoft from the Southern extremity of this lake, acrofs the highlands, to Michillimakirac, througk the centre cf which it paffes. So that -when thefe two tribes happen to meet at the faftory, they each encamp cn their own domini ons, at a few yards diftance from tlie ftcckade. The country adjacent, either to the Eaft or Weft fide oi this lake, is eompofed but of an indifferent foil, except where fmall brooks or rivers empty themfelvts iato it ; on the banks cf thefe it is ex tremely fertile. Nearj th borders of the lake grow a great mimber of faad . cherries, which are not jefs remarkable for their manner of growth, than fot their exquitite flavour. They grow upon a fmall ilirab not more than four feet hijh, the boughs of which are fo loaded that lhy grow ia clufters on the fand. As they gfow oaly on the fand, the warmth of which probably contributes to brihg them to fuch perfection, they are called by the French cherries de fible, or fund cherries. The fiie of them does exceed that of a fmall muflcet ball, but they are reckoned fnperior to any fort. fr the purpofe of fteeping fn fpirits. There alfo grow arouad the lake, goofeberries, black currants, and an abundance of juniper, bearing great quantities cf berries of the fineft fort. Snraaek likewife rovs here in great plenty; the leaf of which, gathered at Michaelmas, when it turns red, is much eflcesaed by the natives. They mix about an equal quantity of it w-ith their twbacco, whch canfes. it to fmoke plea fastly. Near this lake, and indeed about all the great lake?, is found a willow, termed by the French bois rouge, in En glifh red wod. Its bark, when only of one year's growth, is of a fine fcarlct'co leur and aprtars vfry beautiful ; but as it grows older it ebknges into a rhixrure cf g:cy zvdrrd. The flalks of this Oirub grow many of them together, and rife to - - - - rT i 'Si ; - d! c the heightef fixer eight feet, the hrfck not exceeding an inch diarterer. Tlje bark being feraped ficiii the flicks, rrjd dried and powdered, is, hlio -mixed by the Indians with their tcbacco, snd s held by them in the higheft elurraticjri for their winter ffnoaking. A-ivred. that grows near the great lakes, in reeky pla ces, they ufe in tlie Airrmer j feafen. It is called by the Indiars Scgctkirrac, rrd cr eeps like a vine on the gr curd, U me tires extending fo eight cr ten feet, anil Bearing a leaf about the fizc cf a filver penny, nearly round ; it is of the fuhU fiance and colour of the laiirel. r,d i?, like the tree it referable?,, sri eyerprceri. Thefe leaves, dried and powdered ibey likewife mix with their tobacco ; and, ab faid befare, fmcak it enly durirg the fbmmer. By thefe three futcealaneums the pipes of the Indians are vrell far plicel through every iafon cf the year ; and, as they are great fmoakers, they arc veiir careftal in properly gajdjeriiJg and pre paring them. J ; I . On the 20th of September Ilcft the iMGreen Bay, anq; proceeded up Fox Rl Ver, Mill in .ccnipariy with fhe traderi and feme Indians. On the 35th T arf I rived at the great town f the Winaej bagoes. fituaied oin a fmall iflknd, juft as ycu enter the ea ft; End of Lake "Winnei bago. Here the queen, who prefided over this tribe intead of a Sachew, re ! ceivedmewith great civility, and enter tained me in a very diftingiiifiied man ner, during the four days I continue wim her. The day after my arrival I held a council vvtth the chiefs, of vhc m I-sfked permiffion to pafs through their country," in my way to more remote nations, on bufinefs of importance. " Tljis was readi-f ly granted me, the requefl being eficcm ci by them as a reat compliment paid to their tribe. The queen fat in 1I12 council, but only afked a few que fiicri or gave feme trifling directions in mat ters relative to the fiate ;. for womcq are never allowed to fit in their councils except tkey happen to be invefied with the frpreme authority, and tacn it is noj cuOomary fpr them to make anyifrfmal fpeeches, as the chicA. dp. She was a very ancient wo rnjinlmail jin ftature and aot muchcfiflingui&ed by her dre&f