f (-I3-) "obviate rkofe inenvenencTes, and ilitate and cnfure the atuinmtnt of advantages', which may arifefrem ndcafuai cixeumfiances, fpringing iroirj foreign and demeuic caufes, : :r to be an object for which ade ..L" prt vifion fhouli be made in any ylzw iat may be adopted. For this ie Jwd from th ir.trinfic difficulty dialing the detail f afpecific pro "i for the various objects -which re-. io be confultcd, Co neither to do . rich nor top little for either, it is afmlly fubraitted, whether it would 5 aeWifeable to vert a conticeraD'c ! ie of difcreiionin the cornmiflloncrs 'general Uan-cfjics fubjecl to feme "T; : regulations and limitations as fol- viz. j , . hat no land Shall be fold, eicept fuch in refpe ft to which the tides of the Idi an tribes (hall hate been previoufly cx-t:n-uiflied. That a fufHcieat traft or tracts fhall Tcferved aid fet apart for fatisfying fubferibers to the propofed loan in : - public debt, and that no location M be for lefs than fire hundred " ' - i " r "- tf : ! ! That convenient tracts (hall from .tirr,dt time be let apart for the pnrpofc cf locations by actual fettlcrs, in quanti ty i not exceeding to one perfcnoKC hun-. i acres. I That ether trafls (hall, from time to r.:z be let apart for tales in towrfhips of 7 t';:. JBiles fquare, except where they ibali r "oin upom a.bcundary of fame prior : nt, or of a tract io fet apart ; it which c it there fkall be no greater departure ai fuch form cf location than may be "olutely necefiary. That any quantity may nevertheless be r ' J by fpec al eottracr, comprehended " her w ithin natural boundaiies or lines, . both. That the price fhall be thirty cents per :;re,to be paid either in gold or filver, in public fecurities, computing thofe !iich fliall bear an immediate interefl of flx'per cent, as at par with gold and fil i ef, and thofe which ftall hear a future crlefs interct if any there fti&U be, at a proportional gallic. 'That certificates hired for land upon :hVpropcfed ban, fliall operate ssvar nts within :!ie tract or tra&s which flail i fpfcially let apart for fatifyirg the bfcribers thereto, and il-.tfil alio be re ;ivable in all pairer.ts whatfoever for hd,bv way of difecunr, acre for acre. h ht co ( itdit fliall Lc gitcn for zrjr L-nlity Icis than atawr.flnf f t ei.xr.il es funre,' r.or p ore than two ears ciedit $r any greater quantity, f That in ;cvtsy Varies cf crcr, at rre onarter nart cf Ac CCnilcTerS- iion fiiall be paid dowa, and fecurity, other than the land itfelf, (hall be requir- V cd for the refidue. And that no title; fliall be given for any tract or part of a.' purchafe beyond the quantity fcr -which the confideraticn fhall be actually paid. Tkat the refidueofthe trader tracts fet apart for the fubferibers to the pro pofed loan, which fhall not have been located within two years after the iante fhall have been fet apart, may then be! ! fold on the fame terms as any other' land- That the ecmmiflionexs of each fubor-j; dimate office fliail have the management of all fales, and the LGVmg of warrants; for all locations in the tracts to be fet apart for the acoirncodation cf indivi dualettlers, fubjeA to the fupeimtend ency of the ccmmiEoners cf the general lani-cffiee, Vfho may alio commit to them the management of any other fales r lo cations which it may fee found expedient to place under their directioH. That there fhall be a furveyor general, who iaall have power to appoint a deputy jfuiveyor general ia each cf the weftern governments, asd a competent number of deputy fur reyors to execute in per fon all warrants to them directed by the rurveyor-gencwl or deputy furveyor-ge-nerals within certain dilirifls to be atTiKned to-them refpeaively. That the , furveyor-general lhaii auo nave in crSc ; all the duties committed to the geojra-pker-general by the feveral refoluticas and ordinances ef.Congrefs. That all warrants Ufued.at the general Utid-of.ce fhall be'figned by the eoanmif fioners, oruch one of them as they may .nominate for that purpofe, and fliall be directed to the deputy furveyor general within the government. That ejP"' ority f locations upon warrants fhall be determined by the tines of the applica tions to the deputy furveyors .: and m cafe of two applications fcr the fame land at one time,the priority may be .de termined by lot. MJi That the treafurer of the United States fhall be the receiver of all pay ments for fales made at the general lanfroflice, and may alfo receive depcfits money or fecurities for purchafes intend ed to be made at the fubordir.ate oBces, his receipts or certificates for which fkall be received in payment at thefe offices. That the fecretary of each of the weft ern governments: fhall be the receiver of sll payments arifing ficmialesat the ci flces cf fuch government. U The controverfies ccr.ccring rights to patents er grants of land, fliall be deter mined by thecemmiftoners of that cflice i&ndsr vihofc immedikite dilution cf j- ri'clton the Iccatijrss m refpeel to which they may axfife: fliall have teen, made. i That the completion of all ccntrrcls and fales heretofore made, thail Le imr ci der the direction of ithe ccn.mifficners the general lanc-cfhce. lhat the cemmifiichers cf the gene ral lar.doffice, furveyor-genera!, deputy furveyors-ger.eral, and the coairnifiicn ers of the landcf5cein each of the we it em governments fhajl not purchafe, nor fliall others purchalV for them ia trufl, any public kinds. i ;i t That the lecretaries of the wfcflerri go vernments fliall give fecurity fer the faithful execution cf their duty as re ceivers cf the land of&ce. That all patents fliall be flgned by the Prefident cf the United States, by tlie vice-prefident, or other officer ct go vernment acling as Pref.dent, and fhall be recorded in the office ciiher of thelur-veycr-gencral; or of the chrk cf thefupe rior curt of the United States. That all furveys of land fall be at the eiptncecf thepnrchafersor grantc?. That the fees fhall not exceed one cer tain rate to be fpecif ed in the law, fording equitable cersepenfations for the fervices ef the fbrveyors, and euablifh- patents and other office papers for the benefit of the United States. That the ccn.niiTloners of the gere- rai lanu-uiiicc ir.au, a jv.-v " - frcm time to tins e J caufe all: the rules and regulations which may be enafellfhecl, to be publiflicd in one gazette at leaft in each ttate, and in each f the wef.ei n go vernments where there is a gazette, i r the information cf the inhabitants cf the United States. Regulations like thefe will defice and fix the mo A riTential particulars- which can regard the difpoial ef the weftern lands, and where they leave: any thing to difcretion, will indicate the geneial principles Or policy r intended by the le giflature to be obierved,.fbr a confer mi ty to which the cemmifiicners will, of ccurfe, be refponCble. They will, at the fajne time,; leave rcqm for! acccii mo dating to cirCcmftances which cannot be forehand be accurately appreciated, and for varying the codrie of proceeding as experience fhall fuggtft to be pre per, land will avoid the danger cf thofe obtl ructi ons and embarrafiments in theexecuiion, which would be to heppreherded from an endeavour at greater precise andj mere erael: detail. ; fM rjjhkb is huz&lfjulmilUd, Sicreixry ef its reafcry