: 12 thl,; olurncshaveheea written en. each of e. I ''have take them all in for the i of fyftem; but to me none appears I portant except the third and Lift. The firft queftUn includes mechanics ; -i mews how naturally agriculture j-y he takan into'thefecond branch of - iral philofophy in any of the fyftems. I- "sed mechanics originated from agri .are : the farmer's handfpike was " probably the firft lever; and his Hiding pete, with one end o-n the ground and th j other elevated oa his krn cr log--P Sa7C s firft" idea of an inclined re. From this firlt fource, evrry ranch of icieuce, as navialin, optics, :c."hs its own fyflem of mechanics, ,;iont which nothing cam be done. Manufactures yet may receive great r-itantages from improvements in me chanics ; agriculture, which is more Hrriple, never will. Wc are now at no lcfsfrr implements, but for want cf in clination to nfe tliera. Great improvo :r.2i;t would here be pernicious. Co uld r nuchine bedevifedto do . the work of t:ri farmers, nine would be pefts to fo s'ttj, efpecially in this new world. A great deal has ben writtea on this .r neftioa, I will only make two or three Ort remarks. The inftfumentj. are de rived from the mineral, animal and ve---table worlds Wi'h the procefs of iron amd other; ores, the farmer has no thing to do ; and very little need to pro . ylic farm-wood wher a carpenter can tcHad. When this cannot he, he alrea dy knows, that thewiater is the feafon for this purpofc ; that the oak is in per , fecYion at an -hundred years, and other trees about fixty or ftventy. Much has been faid about the trench plough and roller : the roller is a very ifcful inftmment, though little ufed by ; Use farmers in North-Cat Mna ; it is very 'ufeful in breaking clods, in prefling down llie roots cf wheat thrown out by the 'froA, and to prevent them from being f thrown out. ' The ufe vf the trench plough may : be fuperfeded by Jeep ; ploughing, and by gradually defcending vfroin year t year, as the ftate of the 'foil willadmit. If earth be takn from tthe bottom of a cellar fix feet deep, and , jpread over a foil already fix inches, the f whrle will, in a. few winters, have a ve- . getative power twelve inches deep. i Among the inftruments of agricul ture may be claffed the animals ufed for t that purpofc ; of thefe, few farmers know .the value mf the ox he is as tradable, land may be made as. fpeedy as the . fhoife ; his durg is more attenuated, he i-, cheaper fet', it crippled is mere falea I tie, and needs lef? currying and fhoeing J than the horfe. The comparative gain, I by thole that have made the cflirr.atc, basin twelve years ?vncvt,"td ". mere than isvenry pounds. is, ;-t any rare, a fubjeft that deierves confide: a- ti-.n. On the 2 J Qneftio,li:tle needbefuid. High land fhould, if pcJible, be level ; leaves and grf, never burnt, but ploughrd down for manure ; low wet ground fhould be drained, and defended from the current by crefs and fide ditshes. Trees fhould be girdled two or three years bcfoie t peniag the foil, the bark and fmall Kmbi fail and form a rich rna nirej and the timber can be carried off for fuel and other ufes, to prevent falling on the grain, or forming a retreat for vermin after the foil is epesfd. The belt time foi opening foil is in u tamn, the fods may be rottd, and the natural manures imbibed through the. courfe of the vrinter. Indeed all arable grourd wheiher new or cl 1 fhould be .ploughed at this time. The 3d Queftion is of gtat importance. With regard to fruit trees there is little choice. The apple, peach and pear are common ; th? pifiimon defeves culture. Fruit is certain in the coldefb part of North-Carolina, every third or fourth year. This is fuflicient encouragement ibr the culture of an orchard, for the farmer may then, cut of a good orchard, diilill all that will be neceflary for fami ly confump:ion until the next fruit year. Rrfpecting grains, graffes, Jcc. the "farmer may be guided in his choice by the following principles : firft, as the clime .is warm, chufe thofe whofc roots will ftrike deepeft in the foil ; yet not fo as o exclude, in the fecond place, a rotati on cf fibrous rooted plants to bind th foil when to much. opened by the firft kind. Third, chufe thofe which can be all, or nearly all, thrown back in ma nure on the very fpot from which they have been colleetedC On this laft principle, and indeed on all rational principles, we muft rejeft the culture of the tobacco-plant, unlets, it be tn-fmall quantities, for medicinal purpo Ce. Every atom collected from the wheat-field can be laid back ajain for manure ; fo that it need never fail. The fame thing. may be almoft faid of .flax, hemp and indigo. The fiax and hemp feed, and relics of the indigo vat, form rich manures: and by ploughing in autumn, the foil, by the aid of the na tural manures will lofe nothing ; but every planter kaows how much and Low rich the manur is in a ilngle leaf of to-.') bacco all this is extracted frcm his field; it is exported from his country, it will never return, and tee natural ma N T E. Sec GentlwKau Farmer. aures &an never make up the dfftTLi 4th Qutfticn has engiohtdrfcs utfen - tion cf farmers'. It is Ij-.? iisbiecl of A' rncft all the -pieces, -on 3g'ricultr.re thcc have apptaiad hi thenew-ipaper, yet i prcmiies vtry lit tie-vto .the Iirpovemeik oi farming. The pruceis . hi taifing wheat, hemp, $c 2. is pretty well uadet-. ftt;od, and v. ill never aslmit of any jrctc in;provemenr. Fv y farmer knows that he muft cq ftr.d his rop from large animals by lencejor ditch ; if they be bad or brckea dn- n, it is indolence, and not ignorance, tht is the caufe. Againft .fmall infeds dropping eggs in th milky grain, no fure remedy has yet been found! Soak ing feed in water, with felt, lime, er ful phur, has been triedj I believe, without certain effect f. Againft their own ef fluvia, plants may befecured by placing them at a proper diilap.ee frcm . each other ; and from fweet oily dws which flop the poresf as well as from ether difafiers of the atmefphcre, there is no remedy. The farmer has o need of direclions abcut the culture o his trees, unle& it be that in pruning he fhould cut off, rot thi ycung thrifty, but withering1 brughs, and thefe an inch or two from the trunk, . to prevent fears and defecls. Some fay trees may be tranfplanted any time from the finking to the'rifing of the I lap. I have not made the experiment. M Tn cultivating plants, it, will appear from the dc&rinef attractions, that die foil fiiciild be reduced to a perfect pow der, efpecially at the time of planting ( r fowing ; and indeed a cornfield fhould always be held in fuch a ftato. I This is the! reafon why corn fuits not h hilly, heavy foil, and fhould therefore he &fs an obj eft of attention in the weftern parts of this flate. In cultivating plants, ma nure mould be equally fpread over, and mixed with the foil, over rank ft raw or ftalks, and root-worms. The farmer kaows wheu his crop is ripe, and alio how t collect it into his .bar a or ftack 7ard4 The , , j 5th Queftion has refpecl to its ufe. Vegetables are raifed for the fruit ; for leaves or blades ; for the roots ; for cloathing, as flax and cotton ;and for manutailure, a& pot-atfk and Pruflian blut. - The laft is ccmpofed ef more than vegetables. ' The RELIGIOUS PTARIOT. NOTES. . f Whsn the cg is nce Stopped, there is no medy buc ktrplpg the raia eittisr tco hct r too ccld t9 hatch tliacgj, orccl erwife 10 griad it c-ut cf tke $ rai . " A talfr iioor, perforated vith fmall tclfs, to let the fran through,! ard raifed a a flafe, icot akcrc th truf)or,ii in irrpevement tfciefii- mf e vijc. TibTCWU'dtr is uHctitadatly fipzudtMt ait -I-

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