C 'fcm-hc:ic. London, March 6, 1 75- TXHEliEAS, upon a mifconfhuc V t 'n of rlic ocJe: of council, of ike 51 of April 17S9, for regula ing the t;adc with the United States of Ameiica, ir.ahcgany and ether articles, not the grew ih or produce cfhe territotjes be longing to the faid Hates, have hern im ported into this kingdom, both in Biitilh i.nd American fhips ; NOTICE is hereby given to all per forms concerned, that under iht fid order, the feveral articles cnurr;eiaied therein, "being ihe growth or piodu&ion of the territories belonging to the United States cf America, and no other," can be brought nd imported into this kingdom from the countries belonging to the faid Uni ted S:atc?, either in Britifh or American dipping. By order of the commifiioners, JOHN GALE, Secretary. INFORMATION WANTED. IFFrancisTruav,21 native of France j who came to America, and ferved in the ai my commanded by the count d'Ef taig in Georgia, or fome of the Semth cm States, will apply to Monfieuf.. d'C amble, at New-Orleans, hfij he informed ofa confidence fjfoTmo uey which he may command for hisfer viceiinthe armj, for his penfien, 'and bravery in the fcrvue of his moft chiif tian majefly. The laft accounts I had of him was, that he lived in Richmond, Virginia, and carried on bufmefs as a merchant. PHILL. LAUGZE, Georgia j June s, 1790. The printers of the United States will We paid by Francis Beforoun, for inferting the above advenifement, by fencing their accounts to him, Charlef ton, N: 19, Queen-ftreet, near the old battery, next door, to the governor's. 54- F O R S A L E, THE fubfeiibcr's plantation in Bla den county called Sum merton, on the Weft fide of the Waccamaw Lake, containing about five hundred acres, kereon is a good twoftory dwelling houfe, kitchen, and ether out-houfes. Calh, negrof s, or merchantable produce, delivered at Wilmington, will be received in payment. GEORGE GIBBS. Tf the fairf plantation is not fckl bythe fr.fr cf December next, it vriil be ren'.ed cut ; early. i 3 ) JOHN JOH?JSTON G? CO. Have Impirtid in the late arrived vef- fels from London and New-York, a nea and general affortment of DRY. GOODS, fuiufelc to the approaching fcafon among which are SU P E R F I N E and fecond cloths, coatings, flannels, baizes, and up wards of four hundred pieces of Negro cloths, Stc. different colours Compre hending a vailety of Mtnchefter, linen and woolen drapery, and filk mercery goods. ALSO, Jamaica Spirits. Weft-India and New -York Rum by the hogfliead. Brandy and Molafles by ditto. Madeira, Sherry, Lifbon, TenernTe and Malaga Wines. ; Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars. Hyfon, Souchong, Congo, and Bohea Teas. 8 by 10 Window Glafs, German Steel. Refined Iron, and nails of different fizes, 8c. The major part of thefe goods be ing laid in low for cam, (arid of fuperior' frefk qualities) thefe difpofed topurchafe whelefale or retail, by applying to the above firm will undoubtedly nod it to their advantage j Cam and country produce taken in payment. fViltningtenr Scjl. 27, 1790. 56 6j NOTICE. THE Public is hereby informed, that agreeaole to law, we the fubferi bers are appointed infpeftors of beef, pork, flour and butter,- for the town of Fayettrrille : Allperfbns offering! for fale in this town any of faid articles, rriuft have them put up ats follows, viz. Beef or pork in good 32 gallon white oak barrels, hooped with twelve good hoops, the heads doweled, and 3-4 of an inch thick, and the ftaves half an inch thick, fufficiently tight to fecure the pickle, and to contain Z2olb. of clean, well cured beef or pork. Flour to be put in good fufficient barrels, fit for exportation, with eijrht good hoops, and to contain. 1901b. ot good merchantable flour ; -the length of the ftaves ought to be twetity feven inches, and the diameter of the head feventeen inches. Butter to be put in -ood, tight firkins, that will hold pickle. TOHN WILSON,1 t r n . CRAWFORD, J InfP- Tayettcville, Sept. 10, 1790. just run iKrn, And for att 'a the printlng-cftce, The NORTH-CAROLINA A L M A N A C. For the yrar of ourLo; d 179:. IN purfuan& cfan ait of Aflembly, palled . at j Fayetteviile, December 1789 : Will fee fold, on the rl: ft Monday of November next at the court-boulVln Xlifaheth Ton. A houfe and lot in faid town, being No. r 13 ; -with all the appurtenance!; thereunto belonging : Alfo fiTehur.ctred acres of land, fitc:ur.! on Black Rir(er, and a tr?. cf land : Black-River J-nir.wn by the. nam- -i Shaw's cd Fjcjj ; the whole in Blade, county, and bcins: of theefiaic r-f the ite James White eiqu ire, deceaicd. months credit' will he giren the puroJi fer, giving bpnd with approved leap WILll AM H. BE A T V, J Adminiilrs.tGr. Bladen AuguA ic, 1790. j. Cofiper Stills. THE lubfcfiber informs theptaMio, that he has e'ftablifhed a COPPER andTIN WARE MANUFACTORY, in this town1; where may be hzi. STILLS of all fizes. Alfo- All kinds of COPPER and TINWARE whiek he will difpofe of on reasonable terms for cafk or. produce. Old Stills repaired en the fliortefl no tice. ' . C Cafli given fcr old Coppef , Brais i cwien ; JOHN NAVLOR. Fayetteyille, May 31. t.f. STRAYED or STOLEN, FROM thfTubfcribers, about the 26 th Ult. a CiiZSHVT SORREL HORSE, 8 years old, about 4 feet 10 inches hijh, bradcd on the mounting Moulder and buttock- F, crcfTed in, the middle, fo a torefemblejan ,F and an I m the fame Jetter ; both his hind feet whiter and has ! a film over; his oil5 eye his back is F marked with the faddle. If ftolek a ward of twerty pounds will be given for hone and thkf or ten pounds for the hcrfc only ,5 or if ft rayed -a reafonablc reward and charges pairf. B A CHOP & PATTERSON, T' -!l