T II E 7 Pm'ettevuk ?0fis) , i i L Nc;5, of Vol. II. MONDAY,1 0 (7 r 01 R n, i79o. , Total . K? 57. 7' jT7 Go UllflLis WV 7, BISTORT. CARVED TRAVELS, ' ' ( Co?:tineJ.) rxHE Miflifippu'as Taras the; entrance Ji cf the river St. Croix, thirty miles ni"o,-e L.ke Pepin, is very full of iflarids ; fw.r.s cf which arc of a confidcrable ic.igth. On theft, alfo, grow great numbers f the maple or (ugar tree, and r.isur.dthem vines, leaded with grapes, creeping to tlieir very top-. From the lake upwards lew rrrbuntrnns are to be fecr., and thefc but firiall. Near the River Sri Groin relide three, bands of the NawdowcGie Indian, called the River .ir-h:. This nation is compofed at prefent ci elt-cn binds. Thty were originally twelve; but the Aiiir.ipoils fome years ao revolting, and iep.iratinj themfelves from' the olhcn, there remained only at thi-, lime eleven.- Thcf: I met htre are i-;:.ird tliff River Dana., :bccaule they chi-3y dwell near the banks of the river ; ih other eight are generally diilipgukh d fcv the title of the Plain's; and inhabit a coi-.r.try th.it lies r.oic to the Weil ware. The names of the former are . the Aehtatawanahs, the Ivfawtawbauntow ah:, ?nd (he !Shafweentowahs, and con fi.l cf about four hundred r.-anicrs. A little before I met with thefe three h in '., 1 fell in with a party cf the M iw rawbar.r.UWijp.r., : -counting to icrty w:tr rins and their families. With thefe I re r.Jcd a day or two, during which time ilv or nx cf their number who had been out o an escurfion, returned in great h-u-.c, and acquainted th-ir companions that a large party f r the Chipeway v r.r r.or?,. " er. they ezpre?:-J rhtrafeives, a -o iVv.illvv: them 11 vp,'"' .. .re c.Iofc r.t tl:e;r hech, and cn the point f marking; ihtir little camp. The fh:;5i applied' to me, and defired I would , Ir , tell at their head, and lead them v:c tor.ppjfc .their enemies. As I 2f a ' r.n a tJ imvillmrr to excite the un- n t-.l rr i'on, 1 hrew not how to 4. t ; arer found anfelf in a great r , 'rjrn:;:. j Had I 'refufed to uf;m the .:.f vccsj t, Ibould huve draw' on -.ir: idi.Vlc-.u'.c , or had I met the Chipeways "with hoftile intentions,. I lliould hare made that people my foes, and had I been fortunate enough to have efcaped their arrows-at this time, on fornt future cfcaficn I mould probably have experienced the feverity cf their re venge. In this extremity I ckbfe the middle courfe, and defired the. Naudow ellies would fufFer me to meet them, thsu I might endearour to avert their fury. T-o this they reluctarnly aficnted, being pcrfuaied, from the inreteracy which had long prevailed between them, that my remonftrances would be vain. Taking ray Frenchman vrith rne, who could fpeak their language, I haened towards the place where the Chipeways were fuppofed to be. The Naudoweihes during this kept at a diftanc behind. As I apprcached them with the pipe of peace, a fmall party of their chiefs, ccn lifling of about eight or ten, crme in a friendly manner towards me, with whom, by meaws of my interpreter, I "held a longconverfation ; therefultof tvhich wa?, that their rancur being by my perfuafi ons in fbmej mtalure ; moliirisd, they agreed to return back without acccm plilhin tlieir farage piirpcfes. Bur ing our difecurfe I could perceive as they lay fca tered abcut, that the party was veiy numerous, and many of them arm ed with mnfkets. J Having happily fuccee'ded in my nn dt: taking, 1 returned without delay to the .NaudowctTies, and ' delired they buUfinftactly remove their damp to; fome other pai t.of ilie country, leli tkeir; enm ies Ibould repent of ilie piomiie they hai wcn, and put their- intentions into execuaw-n. They acccrdin 1 i !-'. Cwed my ::d ice, am;' in.mcciatcly pre pared to-Vtike thir tents.' Whilit- they ere dcing.ihis they traded me vrhii thinks : and when I had lien ti.cm 0:1 and; .the! elder pUrt; of them thsrkfd m e w 1 th gr at co rd i 4 i t v , tor ti e mu- Thev ii.formed board their cunccc I pmlueu. To this '.al!vehtu! c I 'vra"i ch.irflv in debted for tliff friendly receptit n 1 ; -Art, vards met with frtm thcjM-i'...-.wrti:s cf the Plains, ar.d for th" re.-pear.ci ho nours I received during niy aboc n-.rr:g iheni. A nd when I ai 1 i v cd many mor.tWs fter at the Chipeway vii-je. xtsr the Ottc;vaw lakes, I found tl-fet n: fame hvd res c bed that place before me. The chiefs recciyed me with gicat ccjdiIity, chief I had prevented." 1 1 1 . ,mc9 juiac tne war.. .between ! tneir nation jand I' the; Naudoive (lies had continued without interruption for mere than lorpr winters.; That they had long -wKhed tJ put an end to it, but this was generally prevented by the young vrarriois cf either j nation, who couhli not fei1rtin their r.ri S dnr when they met. '.They faid they I mould be hanor iffome chief of the f.wne" f ii'.. ij i . . pacific difpcfitibn -as . rayfelf, and who ij poffefFedi an equal dtgrce of reiolutiqn I -arcd-coolnefs, would fettle in tlie country between the tyro ri anions ; for by the in- teifertnce of luch a perjbn an accommo- elation, which ontheiri oarts tkev fin- Z j. !.;.. J cerely defired, rpJght be brought about. J As I did not mfcet any of the Naudow- ; eOies afterwardi, had not an opportu- j nity of fbrwardng fo good a woik. A i. i 1 1 t 1. T71' IT-' C xoout miriy mi.es oeiow. uie r aus cr St. Anthony, at which Iiranived the ; tenth day alter I left Lake- Pepin is a caveiof an amazing depth ; the Indians ; term; it Wakon-teehe, that is, the pwell-f ing of the Great Spirit. The entrance! mto it is about, tea teet wiae, tne neigni jj of k five feet. The arch within is near f.iieen ieet high, and aboit thirty croad. J The bottom of is ccnfifls of fine clear ; fand. About twenty feet from the en-' trance begins a lake, the wafer cf which is tranlafent, aid cxtbads to an un-itarch-bls diitanci ; fbrjthq darknefs of the cave" pre verj-s all : Attempts to ac- . olre a knSwlede: of it; 1 threw a fmall' pebble; towards ihe interhtr-paits of it with! myutmcit tcrengdi;- 1 cld ner i that it fell iato the water, kr.d ROtwifir4 tlandinsr it was rij fb fmall a fize,itcaufed ai:aUoi:iir.in.g aiisj horrible nolle that rc-j ve Related t!'iioiu;b all ihofe gleomy re- glons. I. found irj this caveman)! Indian ! h ierog ly.pl ii ck.? ,' v p'fh appeared very ap- tient, itr tin.e l-ad pearly covered tkem; with mp(, ib thatjjk wa's with difficulty ,! Ther v. ere cut in ;t ! icr. the infji-e of: ike T coi;!u trace ilen Vr-aii;!. . Lien vrzit cf'Snpoiea cr a none ; fo extremely frf; tjmt -it. n:ighv be pene- ; tra'ed with-a knif-f a ficnt, every vrl re ; to be icunJ neaij the Miilifppi The j cave .is prJy accleb'le. by aiecadicA j

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