i i , ( li I nit.-o-jc, i-cp pafTige that lies rmr the brink of the rlcr. At a little diitmrcTrora this dreary atcrn is tin buryinj pla::e of feveral bajiJs of the NauJoweffij Indians. Though thefe people hare no fired refi dehce, living ia tents, and abiding bat. a fer nunths ononefpot, yet they always brfcg the bones of their drid to this pace,v which they take the opportunity ofdoiag when the chiefs mcetjto hold thir councils, and to fettle all public af fairs for the eiruing furnmer. , J Ten miles below the Falls cf St. An thony f.he River Si. Pierre, called by the n uives the WaJaoawmenefrtor, fills in to the Millifippi from the Vc(l. It is rot mentioned by Father Ilennipin, aL-t:vr-ugh a large fvr river : this omiSion, 1 Conclude, m ill have proceeded from a fin ill ifl mi that U iituated exactly at its enhance, by which the fight of it is inter c pfci. I fhnuld not have difcovered thb riermyfelf, ha I I not taken a view wlKnIwas fearching for it, from the high lands oppolite, which rife to a great height. Nearly over-againft this liver I was obliged to leac r.iv canoe, on account vcf the ice, and travel by land, to the Falls cfjS. Anthony, where I arrived r,n the 17.i1 of November. The Miflifippi, frbm the Sr. Pierre to this place, is rather iivre rapid than I had hitherto found Iti and without- ifiands of-any conficra tio't. Before I left my canoe I overtook' a y 0 m:g pi i n c e 1 f die W i rmebago I n J, i a n s , viio was going on an embaffy to. foci s of the bands of the Naudowefliss. Find ing I intended to view the falls, he agreed to accompany me, his curiofity having been often excited by the accounts he h.id received from fome of his chiefs. He accordingly Jef: his family (for the Indians nevr travel without their houf lioMs) at thi place, under the care of my M hawk f:rvan and we proceeded together ,by land,, attended only by B y Fr e".chmani to this celebtated place; We could dMinftly hear the nife t f the water fall 'fifteen miles before we reached the falls ; and I was greatly pVif:d and Tirpmed when I approached thi-. al'oniihing woikof nature butl was not long a. liberty to indulge the To emo tions, my attention being called ofF by the bthAvi ur of my compahion. The prince h J ro fooner gained the rtoii that overlooks this w nikrful c; i- cade, ihtn he brg rn wi h an audibh voice to iavoke he Grait S;v-i-,one of rrhcfe places of rei'dence he imagined thi to t.e He told him 'lint he had corne al ng var to pav his 2.lor:ri mi to l:Jn,P. d n w. would h oeigs in his power.- Hs acio.diaIy 3! firll threw li is pipe 'into "th? ftreanx ; then the ro'.l that contained hs tobacco -y ut ter thefe, tht bracelets he worj-c-n hp arm j and wrnts ; next an orna'm eii . 5 ac--encircled his n2cky cfempofed of head: sth;t wires ; and at lair the ear 1 ivt;s i si his ears.: I:i fhort, lie prrf'enteJ to'h'.s G ! every part ahoy his .drf that w.is. valuable daring this he frrqaentlr fmcte' his breatt with great Violence, threw his arms about, and appear ed to be mu.cn agitated. ' AH this while he continued his adora tions, and at length concluded therh with fei vent petitions that the Great Spi rit would ccnllantl) sifoTd us his protec tion, cn our travels, giving us a bright ful2, a blue iky, and clear untroubled w;i-; " ter ;. norvculd. he. leave fhd.plact till we had fmoaked together with my pipe in honour of the, Great Spirrr. : I was greatly furprized at beholdirg aninftance of fuch elevated1: devotion ih' fo young an indian, and inftead cf rid cwling the ceremonies attending it, as 1 observed my catholic fervant. tacitly did. Hooked oji the prince with a greater de gree of refpecl.for thefe Mb cere proofs he - gave of his piety ;;-and I- doubt but that his otTeiings and prayers were as accept able to the univcrial parent of mankind as if they hadr been, made with greater pomp, or in a confecrated plcr;. Indeed the whole condutft of this young . prince at once amazed.and charmed meJ During. the few days we were together his attention fsemed totally to be em ployed in yielding ma every 'afslilance in his power ; and even ia; fo fhort, a tima he gave me innumerable proofs of the moft generous- and- diflnterefted frirnd ihip,;fo that bnour reiurn I parted-from him with great rcluilance. Whilft I be held the artlefs, yet- engaging manners of this- unpolilhed i'avage, I. could not help drawing a compariCon between him. and fome of the more refined Inhabitants of civilized countriei, not: much, I owni in favour of the latter.. ' 1 : TWaKV'Ti iTfy M ISCEL L AKV... FOR THE OiZFTTE. Of the firfl-pestling cf Anxric. NUMBER I. OF all the various fubjecls cf fpecu lative enquiry that; hire hirherto. cor.fum.;! ihz ume, and nircn ven to th Uarning cf th- cuiious and inqui-f-.tive, that of t;ie hrd peopling of Ame rica mu't urtioubredlv challenge-a nlare- ' 01 .iz snd attention of every Amc- :hor. Wheji we. rort m-- p.a:e this might y emptre,juil ;commci:cing- :n iica'i ;t t tin her career pervaBel! by im ho ft of vin'aes, which hvt bst traniier.t! ' i v-ered overthe oilier nac'foris cf pifar, wk cannot but mfcrali conduHt, j ib 'hit exiiUace wiVi e:-.gIoiiouv aniliT eJiii i'ion icacb forfA'au! toapcii ad 'ih an laitine iemore ialthe agev ei ruturi yj 2nd that; l'tr:recof'ds will contibre to be ;iri:xla:jt4-;b!e ibiirc. of example -nd h Ttvuc'tiqnVnot oalvj to the fu'Tnoundi--, 'ibut 'iiaur-iife UBbofr?- : rI hef hrrr.aa ;Vr:ina, wicn expanjdet! upon thisj:giu-a ble and' jaugutt ra?ige of future iproba3;:;.. lilies, mii"ft frequtq.tly be makirtjg" e xctr." fios ")ii ia contrary direiiion, ' by jniy. gating the original of the fir it injsabm:;tf of a country that bids 0 fair to be trefscf half the glebe.- j . Various and voluminous haye been the theories which-have been thru ft Ir.o notice uon :his-engaging and; cmi us enquiry, and which as unifcrrly- ;c been encountered., with fuch fon.iqc,o!c bbjtclionsj as flill fp leave the eii.paif) In full vigour.. I ! I Previews to the advancement' 'of . p ry new theory on this lubjecl, evcryi eiir. and cor'uifaai5lry one becomes r.fc't ' But leitl ihould exfreed the bountss ci .a hewfpatfer publicafion,I lltaU conifime y fiilf.to tliaL one which has genci ally tb tained, apd as it were to have fwlalloc up all thp reft I-mean the ho)ith-wfci of Etirorl?, and the northeait cjf A Ha, which, from their proximrty to iAmeri oa, bave'4rawu the i;iream. of; cofjsur? in their favour, as being the - only ar: riues through which the new rfoiid vas fumiihed with inhabitants., ; Let us examine for. a momtni, whe ther the'tconiiguity of either thel ro-'h. eaft of A i.'i a or north-west of EuVfy will lufHciently fatisfy 'the fvdjal en -quiries, which will neerfaiily arif 1 rr r. a'furvev of Ameiiea, rchen firlt difcoveV cd by t he Spaniards; . - j V.'irii th en, with refpecV to the north eiit f Alia. We will find, that th; lu t fi.m court, taSreeable 10 the i.'cas '. f Fctcj the Great,. of opening atrade v.i ;i Ameuca,lhad confiderab)y extencjed th' boandarics of his empire ro the we A t""d the o'aft ot'the naked and ragged re';K r s, of Siberia . fo late as the y ear 17:1. v '. h irfiriite trcublc and faffienhy, , fitted'., c 1: t: two velfelk n the tea of Kv mA;arb'; rn a'voyagej.iof. difcorery The v. Hole (f the- iniorrrration coming from this p taking, ibardy this, that each hi' tic corr manders diic vcrcd land h:dh il-J, coijeauredi to be part cf the VVrufi ... a cn'inentJ:' T-his. itnppeais the co::o-bo-a e, and?, rove from a fimilaiiky f m i;ners itVid cudoms in iome,-ifln''tr i ".Anf mn'jLwhica !Tjry,nl:(? diovcr cd, fpn' wilt re. c- iguou. cb t.Me fujppo d. ' Amcjiciiii icc-iiuueau. Agaia Ji- i?dr I)