ZiOKTH CAROLINA STATE LIBRA I i;u! a' .vi? f!:hiy.yc-r3 sffertrnn-??, tf?e I';:.!::'.-?- n.i e a un-j;Jra:1 rir.pt htv.o c hr? r -!;: (p:cb.;b!y. r.iur: a,, W ;p. ;: lr.:cd) ih? nr.?. m-.t f L;ch we laid rssiiT,!e theitje, the wo-M eiaUt, ca n;.)' po!;raly bhime him -or Im OiC en: ire if.-; :.'fn t .i'.i iiUr.is ; t. '.. c,rs.iv.?.v.u- ei:u'.rrn to reach -riiicr.r f'iko?t:ied in 'he ; oy retitrrjr: in a con- . -on;, they were enabled to onccl - 1 r'nVer r i" i:rrs into wLLh the toni ! :;micr5 cf thtV.rher two vdJll had ' en. I a ni1.- s li Tt IT of j'ome c f c-tr.i.:nonr. ii ora the i rait . 0 'h Rrctsnd wh. or., a new foul into Lin;, :anJ bid Lim. (or a time, n?r only to iort the r.y fbch he poTVTen, is t!irrr trr a iu!i: cbaihc 'of u is .er.avtr. 7 . -.iwfc-,, , j ift;.u ci tilt; 5i iclicvcs. him, and Lis Lfi (IVVik!. - T, . L- , I- . Uie cc .nuortim son, ;n: alio ence uT' raJiirn to Iok f;;war.t toihofe nheJ of joy, v hire the meai-m continually ; fii.?, ah'i where no one thai ever was al- : 1,r f... r 1 r he that i 3 apors to . . v 1- J. . 1 v : vt lontd tc tafte could tiuly lav, quar.ri-y .is diminiffces!." ;'-r'":;' ia raritirKe evcurfior.s beycnl f r;cr-:on ; we mull ah'h remember, that :a:?r atteirpt h not above twerty i'.-v-rc remains anocraiisniaiy ar - : lent in iaveur .cf thr 'ncrtli ead. H :r::s !hc Larbarcttc people inhatuirg ihe aboat the r.orth-eali promcurcry " Aha, gjive information of a" mah ulard l.o-ciTjrcm their ooafl, about a day's irnrn which they can cieferv a l.vconutiy, filled withforeaa, and poshed by a people uhofs language t..rr cmiid nat underaand, but wiih t-hom t!.-y traded for certain commodi tiJ i-h they nerer before had feen, Lc ice. This makes up the u'hole of the a-::rrents in favour of the norrh-ealL w;n h we i'il let Hand in full rru7, rn. f t .re examine what can be brourht in d oh u;c European noith weiK I: appears, that Norway Hands pre p2 To: tt Cicicli the honours which may icrue mcrtneqv.cncc of the north-weSl t.: : ni.:. WGrU! O if I urn fnrpvrr ip'trlrl rn tht i:i'e of water ! 'Jhis clement leaves me a- it found me, a poor infipid" crea tu; e, deli:ute cf all elevaticn, as Wcll as v :ci'!.c:. ext.on'i Vv'i'Jo w ; I d nc.z. 1 was ever r;atly afrui.I of mn :Jio v, as ffcv.T know n to trar . ... HJ lli V.l H.iJM', 'uch a man i ccR and uH'ir. J-j is ' v.hcle happiiiefs; ;sc-nLiTd in Iminf ccn tinrially. lie never relaxes the fivf re his f:row ' rcr but ; l.ike a .-cemiri ar imai the s, is cpntmnahr anxious to defers, or :1, acaci 1 c -n,mn : r!!s ionp-iocpht-for cemmuni cat.cn : For (fay they) in the ninth cen t"ir rKii,. ';r , ; -'wj, aim piuccccea m -. cromziilinn of Greenl.-mrf. hh 1 . --- .. IXIICI I uu- v4 1 1:VGI T ci:t hundred years, ...tihe cl:i.ft,an faith, brought this naon again to ylte? From L, ,i l-'-'.ien,we le.rn, that1 one r. l,Kjr r, who nndctftcod the ;lS'.oi nd, pafci over into r , t" nis aiiO- p-",n:ntf.)un,j ther f. th 1 , m , v , 1 i u-c 1?' A.e the laruaee t.'; r.C,nU"'' and in every p.ui- the ame people! So much tro.cn portal thronob w,.vt, .1,- I inqaimaux mufl at all events for ori- A MODtRtc PHILCSOTHER. ' '.'v '-co.or.e ct the 1 -ui.) kii - i.Itl!e Tai'Jilcc country, 1 cordidcrvihc variety of mat nature ha& th:ov,n in - a;, cisian, Triiiis a reiident on this mcapAiyitr . .. . . 5 t - Xiie.e d and defign of man is happi .3. Hence then ve celd rrnr;tH;f c. who upon the uncciain Upeeulat.ions of fuuuitj v.-ouldidb-id-c our joys of the pr-fent fealon. WIkh once- a man de pots hence, he; is 7xan no more. Iiis phnfmes, i any he has, will r,o lc'ngcr be-the plrafures o-f a nian, butota crea ture c;(hng .in;fome other .mode cf be in .r. L.et mc x .- - -w 'J ;, i4 I' ' "ft nature, while here, enjoy thole pk auires which are tlie peculiar portion of huma nity. . , 'f'he time will come; when this liquor vhich now fpaikles in the bcwl, will avail me nothinrr l They will place tke full bottle by my fide, but it will not yieid me a ire of confolation, much lefs lhall it inflame mc to generous -and noble anions! ''Jeverthelcfs I pity that man, who In uHng tin- good thing is lb unfortunate as to conveuit to an evil purpefe fuch- is cur fnend Tvjkenalah, or the Big lieute nant : nofooaer dees the firong fpirit of the juice of the grape begin to operate tlian he in a moment becomes a monfler. Cruelty is in his eye, and the resemblance . of d-xath is on hrs countenance. He imiies fiercely at all around him, and de lights in acls of violence. Foi-fuch the great man above the clouds did not bid the grape to grow. For fuch he only meant the runniag ftream, the ftandirg laJie, and the fpring that hTues conftxLatly from the bofom of the mountain. To lay all in a -few words, he placed fuch men in the fame rank with the hearts of the fore ft. ; Who that has a fpirit within him par taking in ever fa imall a decree of the edefiial nature, but will peiccivc him felf becoming a better man bv the opera tion cf this divine liquid, the juice of the Tape- Ishe generous ? it heightens; his genercfity Is he brave ? this clevatfs him into a prodigy of exalted valr nr. . All naiTCTTftef? and rscani:cfs of jfjpirir, if in ourifoTehs, viU not long cxir m ti.jQj. To he aU ; ways-fcndtis- is not true wifdorr. lif fJjculd, to certain degree, be cl:oueicd with folly, otherwflc , we difgwiiV the feelings of nature, anid' under 'the feverc mac of .wirdom loje thofe pleaiiires which folly, h:en fbafotiably. iadulged, never fails to irdrire.-.; ; What thir-k.yoa of ihe power called Na uie ? Teil me,rtphilo p-r, is ihe al vvaysin 'hat icdate apd ltfike rroodr v-hjehyou yeurfelf wouid ih Von it am ly ; tftafliime ? : fias fiieinot Viiiby her paA jflcns and ijer wiirric, her fits c f aner and of moderation ; (he has even her hcurs of ply an d merriment ; , and par don me when I fay, e at times con n its fbne little freaks Analogous toi what we call folly in man.' , : T here .is a. flowed that grows in our -foreits which has jpaniculailyi attracted my attention- in cur language-lit is' call edjeu ha. ataroah, in jEnghft Ecejbixtr. Upon this flower ths vfiiin;flcl iarcy of nature has painted a bee, as i in the vei y v aft ofeitraaing hoce);,. fo nicejy as to deceiveheoit penetVating eye, till Uie I impcfition is difcovered by applying ihj5 fingers t the flower, and endeavouring s tp,catclr thcibe. .-. . : rThis was evdentlr done witij an idea " of jocular ae'atbtion.j- Is it prdphene to -lay Nature had taken a glaft cf Jwine too much when ihe went to' t oxk at contriv ing this jflawerf- If fb l-hcpc F may be permitted to obervc, without fceniure, that, fhe could not have been other wife than at leaft in a try good hurncuh. ' Why is a GARBXZRjhe mcjt x htraords hary 7nan. in the world- ? j. Add-elled to the counters- ofi . 1 ' : " ' 1 BECAUSE no man has morejfcuilneis upon earth , and he always chooles good grcu?t(ts for what he docs Fie cotrmaixis his tlytue, he is maifer of the t.nir and fingers femry-.tcyei Fie laifes his rcery evtre year, and it is a-Lad year indeed that does net brirg Lira a-pluAk- He meets with n.ci e' lcugfo than 'a mir-tfler et r.atc; iraUs n::rj: tiJs ihzn the French S t'c K 1 8