: f : : ; . : ' . ' If if I' ' ' ' . T H E 1 ! ..... . ., - i ' . ' ' - 1 ' 1 North - Carolina Chronicle ; or, FayettevilleGatette Uo- C, cf Vol. II- .; M O N D A Y, 0 C T O B E R i 8, 1790. Total Nc- 58.- 77 CARVEIVs THAVJLLS. : (CirMnird.) riTT T?;,i!c nF Sr. Amhonv received 'Ui. it--- - . ' tlCr name from rather l,cues iien , a Fr.-nch mitTlonnry, who travelled' j it i': - - pts about the year i6so,ad vi'tb-dift European cvsrY.eu by ih ,'.;.;v;s. rpiisa2in2: body ef waters MH-Vare abote to hundred and fiity vir.iscvcrfifoini amaft plea ng cat ar- . ar.d the ra-il below, in rue fjvJce cf -b ce hundred yards more, rendered t'- c!erent:rarndciabW greater ; fothut whm viewed at a Jillr.ncc they appear to h much higher than they really src. T c above-mentioned traveller has AA ihsricWnat abaut fixtv feet; but he .stride a jjrMter enor in cilcul.nmg V- h-iht of the fills of Niagar r which i.e Visits to be U.k ImndrrU feet ; whereas frcm later obervaioris, accurately mad;-, iJ; will kwwn that it does no: exceed or? hundreJ and forry feet. But the r- vl father I fear too often had r.o o-ber iour.da-ion for his accounts than repo.t, or, albeit, a flight mipeflien. the middle of the falls (lands a fmall :r,-j ,!!tr f.mv feet broad and fome- i what longer, on which grow a lew crag-. ircd her..lW:k and fpruce trees ; and about halfway between ibis iiLmd and IthVtla fiern laore.ii a rockj lying at ;he vcry pj,r; of the f ill, in anj oblique pofi tirin, that appeared to be about five or f- :n: broiid, and thirty or forty long. Thtfe fall VJlrY niach from ail thi oihers I have fren, as you may approach cV:'-r ihnnwitlicut finding th.c le: ft ob t(!iv.5iion im ar.y. in'-erven'u hill or p-e:! e. ; " j The country arwir.J th-m i extreme ly brn! iful. 'itiiiwt un:i.:erit:pred ph'ri, v hee the eye iinds no relief, but cimprvcd of iy ;;a!e a'fecnts, which i . jn:n -er ere covered v.-'nh the lined ver t'. rr, and ir.teifoerfed with liltie rvocst ;;U-- ; pie r.fin variety to the proi j t' Cn whole, when the fills arc i: .cl-jricd, vnch may bs.fccn rt the dif tacc cficur miles, a m 2: 2 plcafmi; and ptfNrfvfqiie view cannrt, I believe, be ioud hi ou;hout' the m.iverfe. I co'nld ' liHve 'iihea that r had happendxo einjoy tliii fniht at -a more feafonablc time of the year, whilft the trcs and hilidcks were chid in nature's gayeft livery, as this nvift have greatly added to the plea furc 1 received '7 hdwever, even then it e:c-eJcd my armeil: expectations. I have endeavoured to give the reader as jud anidsacfthis enchanting foot as pof-llLle,-in the plan annexed ; but alt def criptlon, whetiier cf the pencil or the pen, muic fall infiaitely Ihort of the ori ginal. ? I ' ' At a little di (lance below the. falls dan as -a fmall ifl irid, of about an acre and an half, ca which grow a great num ber of oak trees, every branch of which, able to iuoport the wejght, was full cf cag'e's ncfls. The reaibn that this kind -f bii ds refort in fuch numbers to this fpot, Sy that they are here fecure from the attacks ehhcriof man or beaft, thefr ret! cat beinpj guarded by the rapids, whi.hthe Indians never attempt to. pals, -An iher reafon is, that they find a con flint fupply of f.iod for themfclves and their ounr, from the animals and fifh" which are d'aflicd to pieces by ths t:ul5, and driven on the adjacent fhore. - Having fatisfied my enriofity, as tar as ih-e eye of man can be fatished, I pro-ceedd-on Ri'l accompanied by my youlng frier.d, till I had reach -d the. lliver St. Francis, near fix ty miles above the falls. To this :;7er father ilenrdpin gave the r.ame of St. Francis, and tl is was the ex lent of his travels, as well as mine, to wards the North-Weft As the frafon wai fr adranced, and the weather er trcmxly cole!, I v.s net able to make fo m.my oh!;i vafions on thefe parts -as I olherwife f:ouid hare done. It might however, perhaps, be neccf f.iry to ebferre that in a 11: tie tour I jr 'de about, tlfs falls, after travelling fom-teen miles, by the fide o! 'thi MhTifiip ji, I came to a river really twejy. yards wiJe, which ran fiom he Niirth-Eafl, called Hum Rive'. And--t on ths 2D'h of November csme to J a ether termed Gocfe Ri-er, about twelve yards Tidc. Cn 'he 2 1 il-1 ar-jved at the t. Franc:, which is a''ut ihirty yards vide. 'Hers the MiftiSppi xtfelf crews narrowi. beinrr not mere than hn-2 vard over ; and appears to b-2 chiefly cornpofed ; of .fmall branches! 1 'The ice prevented me from noticing the depth' cf any of : thefe three rivers. " s ., - The cow n try hi fo me places is hilly, but wiihout largel mountains, and land is tolerably good. I obfervei here many deer and carntbdes, fone.-clk, wiifi abpndar.ee of beavers?, oitcr?, and other fars. A Ibtle abof e tins, to! the. north-. ; cad, are a honibei f fmall lakes, called thc Thoufand Lals, the parts about which, though but Utile frequented, ar the bed; within maliy miles for hunting, as the huntdr nc?er fails of returning ; loaded beyond his expectations. 1'he ,M:!li;hppi Its, never .been explor ed higher up than the River Si. Francis, and only by father Hehnipin and myfelf thus far. So that re are obliged fokly to the Indians for all the intelligence vrc are able, to give relative to th more Northern parts. As this river U not na vigable! from the fe'a for vefiVls of any : conhdcrable burthen, much higher up ' than the Forks' of the Ohio, and even that is 4fcmpli(he4tithgfeat dicjtfhy,'i owing td tlie rapidly of the current, and the winding of the rifer, thoeiettkments that may be made on the interior bran ches of it, mud hi indifputably fecure frorrithe attacks of .any maritime power. Hut at the fame time the fettlers will have;- jhe.j adyantagc . pf being able to conyey their produce to the; feaporu with gjeatf facility; the,; current of the river, from! its iburre to its entrance into . the gulph jof Mexico, beingj exiemely faTourable for doing-this in fmall crafti This mif?ht alfo in jrhae lse fabilitated by canals or flmrter etits, and a; corrinymt caticn opened by W iter with New-York, Fnrk of "the Ohio, 'are about nine lnm dred mih s above thrJe. ! From rhf lat ter it is about twrn'y miles to the IFinbis River, at d from that to the Ouifconfm, nhirh I have given an account of, about eigh: hundred rrore. On thff 2 5'h 1 returned to my can, which I liad left ah the month of the Rirer jSt.' -:Pi-rre. ; and here I partei vwrh regret from my yung friend, the prince of the Winntbagoes. Thi ! liver being char cf ice byjreafbri ef its ibuth.