J' : ! : - - I ; ; - (-43-0 ic v .Tf, rcs entirely upon the 1 nowledjjs j -J vci.ni:,, cl" Ji. finale rnifiionavy, and corruL'. uu 1 1 . Jcorjcrt u : esl together vv srii t!v :.foicu:t fimihuit, Lirh the reader v- -o'v proceed to eUicrvf i j of no force. r: t'c-.n thr mifc:;une of the greater r.itivbcr of uisinonnrics to have ftuked ;;. t c'u or ihconfidcricies in their re'i ;s cdi'.calirtfi ; anJ 'iai:h, ?hr OiTspring Via rontuied and urprwned imagination, vrs viewed ai incompatible with reafon, sr,J cnicqnrltly became the principal !a:or o! their actions- :No wonder, t.ir.t thsy i! nuH tell u cf a race peer! in the Oriental ifl.ands, vho v..tc mamcntcd vuh tails rcfemblhig tint of the American b:avcr ; and cf a tree t!ioK Icaies turned into alligators ; ?-d of ibi rrjonftrtnis ftitagonuns who c.::t- p-d the Corinthian coholfus ; an 1 cf a race to the e.tt of Japan, whqfe f. tt iu K:h lhape and fize exactly refrmbled n European umbrella, and rould invert t!::i: common Handing pofition, to per pendicular exacmefs, by means of a horn thry (hot from the crowns ol their heads, f;-.emlfeet imp the ground, while they adiuftcd their pedeftal roofs, fo as to re nuin,for days together, dry. and fecure nainil the greateft flomns of hail" and run. I fay, 'when m:fiionrics could nuke Inch cu-ious and important difro vsiici, it is no-j haid to r!mit that a La tvian prieft faould oaf from Greenland lo the Ejquimitux, and fo find the way by huh the progeny of Noah patfVd, inor ccr to iock the new world wih inhabi tants. IJu thjt the refutation may be rr:ore complete, let it be admitted that th; above fac"U are true, and that recent ciftoveries puts the exigence of fuch com tnrnica'ions beyond the reach of doubt. This, w be ct ndliMrthe fphere of the nT'Mruent to the utmost pfitble ftretch. t!:io we (kill imhappily.rtnd, will be o.y extricating on Helves from a few difficulties to ret en tang! d i n a m ul ti tud e : for by what ingenious theories (hall we accoenftfor the various kinds cf animals found in America, and numbers to which the Europeans were perfect ftrangers. Herds of wild bealls fly ihe fociety of run, inftcai of pnifu'-cg it as thu cafe r.sud r.ecelurily fuppcfe, virdefs we allow the brutal creation firft in trucked the ra ti "i ll voi Id ii the art of navigation. If we allow they were created rpon the l; t, wirhoTit Ixeint; tranfported from the old world, therein I will agree, which 3 on ft.all find prefen y Befides, is there any colour of probability to fuppofe, ti ut th - nn'?.! .5 .tr-:i t'-wls peculiar to tlie t: .'-pics, l;.o:il t liw-i d rhemlelves in bands, a J Ihi-pe thrir crurfe to th.e naked and "n Tcpiins cf the north eaft and parts of Amerirn, and then pafs: on to the cotti fpondent latitudes v. hie h ; they liad forf..keh in the old world1? Such a -wiM and ir.v'? -countable pilgrimage might be predicated of man, a ho is guided marc 'han tr.vo rhirds of his time by the in:pu!fe of paSIon ; but that the bmral &nd feathered creation, who are under the ftcady nnd unerring operations cf in tei eit, Ihould make fuch an extTarrtina ry manoeuvre, is akogeiher repugnant to every thing on this fide of miracle. Dut to go on. How comes ii to pal's, tha't a fmglc KLACR was never difcovered in Ame iica, in nil th.tt rmmenfe tracXof country ftretching from the Efquiraaux. to Cape H:rn, notwithAaciuig that colour a b -uro In vaiiou- parts of Afia as well Aftica ? ' Furthermore how is it thar, ihc empires of frlexicc-and Peru were fuch a great rihlance before the reft of the Americans, in polkure and know ledge, when an immenfe country, in the temperate zone, and in every point of "view invi.ir.g a permanent fettlement, mu;t ncctllurily be run over, in 'order to get under the fcorjchiiig tropics, and that this deniable country, which had the. faircft opportunity cf gleaning the mo ft wealthy of ihe emigrants in their jour- n-y, fliouid be only repleniihed with the wild and :oving lavage, enjoying in the great fcale of things, but a n&ked remoye from the f rocious animals amongftwhom they furjourned ? Further can we fup pofe, that fueh infinite multitudes, as were necciTary to people the new werld, v'ith all its dependenceies, couki pafs cither from Europe or Afia, when the fcience ot navigation was fcarcely known in either cf the places; and a lengthy period of time (comprehendingage'.) fullered to roli op, and accompanied with aflonifair.g naval improvement?, and re peated attempts directed to this very point, and yet the orphan pofiibiHty of a communicauon be only the difcovery of yefterday. Surely to admit tliis, would put common fenfe to the blulh, and rea fonas ahHamed,Hiuft ftop her mouth ! , I know the mind, accuftomed to rational difcufllon, arid but moderately acquaint ed with the hiftory of fociety, will fpurn at fuch nourifhment as this. Let ur, for a moment view the abfurdity a lhtle far ther on. That an extenfive and Inviting continent, with an infinite number of de pendencies. Ihould be difcorered, and all Europe and Afia be ftruck with the fpi rit of emigration, until ail was filled with people, when the mighty and intcrelling event, "toqe. her with the knowledge of the route, fhculd perilh from the memo rr cf all fiefh ! This is too" much ! However, let us add a few interrogato ries, thtt tlie abfurdity may yet be more r,h weft, inordei to rent:atc into the lies, tht tJie ablurdity may yer oe more xz hojrii s of the northern fwellcd. Was his the cale when the Banes firft difebvered the iiland of CreaV Britain ? was there any thing like thi3 when JnIiuGs;faxJ made deicent upon?. Xhcfbme place? oil how was it in the dif covcry of America by Colunibus ? 33oes not the negativcrojl all the interrogate: iei beam' forth in all fhe cafes, and in the laft to art aftonifiiiplg extreme I cr in fine, is tliere any tliingjio be found in the hif toryfrcm Adam to Gererdl Wajhitigtsn that will ever caiinienance fuch a pofiti on ? I anfwer. HO. j A WODERH PHrLOSOPHER. 9 nt i LAIVS OF THE UNION. CONGRESS ofthr UNIT, ED 'Si ATES, AT THE SECOND SESSION. Begun and held at the city of New-York on Monday, the fourth d.ay ot Janu ary f one thouiand fevea hufidrei and : ninety. .-j r !, 1 .1 . An afi making ftcftler provtfwn fGtthe pay in&zt of ihe 4ehts of the Unif eu States, j WHEREAS, by an aft, entitled, " an act for laying a duty on goods, wares, and merchandiie import ed into the United States," divers duties were laiu on oogs, wares, airu ixi i,udtn dife fo importjed, for the difchargc of the debts of the United States and the en couragement and protection of manufac tures and .viereas the fupport of go vernment anc the difcharge of ; the faid debts, reader it necefiaiy to encreafe the faid duties?" I i BE ltjena ed by the jienate and houife of reprefenta ivesof the United States pf AmericainCDngrcls alftmi.lcd, that from and after the laft day oLDepember next, the duties fprcified and laid fn and by af aforefaid, fKs.11 ceafe and cetermine,' aiicf that upon all goods, wares, and mer chandiie (nouhereia particularly except ed) which after the laid day tfiail bo brought into the United States, from any foreign port or place,; th ere fh all be levi ed, collected, and paid the feveral and reflective di tes following, that is to fay j Madeira wirie of the 'quality of London particular, rJergaUsn, thirty rive cents ; other Mad dira wine, per gallon thirty cents ; j Sherry wine, per gallon, tweni y- five cents other wines, per gallorr, twen ty cents ; Tdftnied;fpi "its, if more than ten per cent, below proof, according to Dy cas's hydrometer, per gallon, twelve cents; if rriore than five, and not moci than ten pef cent, below proof accord ing to the fame hydrometer per gallcb,; twelve: a.ndjan half cents; if of proof, arid; not rnorc than five per cent, below prooi)