North -Carolina Chronicle ; or, FayetkvilleCazittel 7, of' Vol. II. J MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1790. Total No 59.. HISTQRT. CAllVER's TRAVELS. (Continued.) ON the fefenth . f December, I arri ved (as I laid befwie) at the uimoi ex. out of my travels towards the well ; where I met with a larg: party of the NAUoweffic Indians, among whom I re filled fevn months. Thefe conilitured a part of the eiht bands of the Naudow elUes of the Plains ; and are termed the Wuwpeentowahs,the Tintons, the Afrah conuus, the Mawhaws, and the Sch.iins. The other three bands, vhofe nam:s ave the Schianefe, the Chonfufceton,- and ih- Waddapav.jciiin, .'well higher up, to the well of the river St. Pierre, on plains that, according to their account, are un bounded ; and probably terminate on the" c.. .ill of the Pacific ocean. The Nau doYreflie nation, when united, cc nfilts of more than two thcuiand warriors The Affinipoils, who revolted from them, a mount to about three hundred ; and lea gued with the Killiftinoes, live in a con tinual Hate of enmity with the other ele ven bands. A I proceeded up the river St Pierre, and had nearly reached the place where thefe people were encamped, I obferved tvd or three canoes coming down the dream ; bus no fooner had. the Indians that were on board them discovered us, than they rowed towards the land, and leaping aihore with, precipitation, left thtir canoes to float as the current drove them. In a few minutes I perceived foir.c others ; who, as foon as they came in r.ght, followed, wuh e.mal fpeed, the example of thtir countrymen. I now thought it neceifary to proceed tl i h raution ; and therefore kept cn the (id ; of the river oppoGte to that on which the Indians landed. However, I ftill continued my coiirlc, fa:scd that the p;pt of peace which was fx? J at the head "'" my canc, and the F.r.ljin tha: were ilying .at :hc Hern, wo fd piove i;v lv-cuii:y. After rowing about half a mile farther, in turning a poin, I difec-v.-jd a great, number cr tenls, a d ixorc thin a thoufand Indian, at a, little dif- tance from the ihote. Being now near ly oppofite to thtm,- Iordere my men to puii uiie&ly over, as I was willing to convince the Indians by fuch a ltep, that I placed iome confidence in them. As loon as I had reached the land, two of the chiefs pi cfented their hands to ne, and led meamidft the aftonilhed rv.ul iuide, v. ho hadjraoft of them never feen a white man before, to a tent. Into this vc entered, and according to the cuf tom that untveifally prevails amoag eve ry Indian nation, began tofpoke the pipe - of peace. We had mat fat long before the crowd became ft great both around, and upon the tent, hxt we were in dan ger of-being crmhed by its fall. Ortthis we returaedto the jpiain, where having gratified the curiofir of the common people, their wonder Abated, and ever af ter they treated mej with great refpe&. From the chiefs 1 met -with the mofV friendly and hcfpitable reception ; which induced me, as the jfeafon was fo far ad vanced, to take up rny refidence among ! them during the winter. To render my ftay as comfortablejas pofliWle, I firft en deavoured to learn.iheir language. This I foon did fo as to make myfelf perfectly intelligible, having before acquired fome flight knowledge of jthe language of thofe Indians who live on the back f the Set tlements ; and in confequenee met with every accommodation theirmanner of liv ing would afrbrd. Nor did I want for fuch amufements as; tended to make fo long a period pafs jchearfully away. I frequently hunted jwith them; and at other times beheld with pleafure their re creations and pafthnes, whioh I lhall de fcribe hereafter. j Sometimes I fat with the chiefs, and" whilft we fmoaked the friendly pipe, en tertained them, in return for the accounts they gave me of their wars and excurfi ons, wi:h a narrative of my own adven tures, and a defcription of all the battles fought between the EnglHa and French iu America, in many of which I had a p-rfonal (hare. They always paid great attention to my detkils,and afked many pertinent qucftions relative to the Euro pean methods or making war. I hcld rhefe conveifations wi(h them i m from them fcir.e informalion rtlativc to the chief poi-nt I had conilantly in view, that o gaining a knowledge of the fituatipa and produce, both of their own. country, and thole that lay to trje weftward of them. Nor was I difappited in my defigns ; For-1 procued from them much ufeful in telligence They jlikewife drew for ine plans of all thecottntrie with which they were acquinted ; but as. I entertained no great opinion-of their geographical know ledge, I placed net much dependence n them, and think it r.nneceflay fo give them to the public. They draw with a piece of burnt coal, taken from the hearth upon tl e infide bark of rhe birch tree ; which is as fmaoth at paper, and anfwers tlie fame purpofes, notwirhftanding it is of a yellow cart. Their ketches are made in a rude manner, but they f em to give as juiianideabf a country, although the plan is not fo esacl:, as more experi enced draughtfmen coultl do; ; 1 lett tne naonations 01 tneic noi plia ble Indians ike latt er end of April 1767 ; but did not part from them for fcveral deys, as I was acccippanied on my jour- fhundrea 01 tsem, a rnany chiefs,, to the ! St. Pierre. At this annually go to the great cave, before mentioned, to hold a grand conncil with all the other bades j wherein they Settle! their sperarions for the enfuiag year. At thk fame time they carry with thm theireai for in terwent, bound tip in buffaloes (kir.s. Befides thofe that accompanied me others were gone before, and the reft were to follow. j Never did I: travel with fo happy and chearful a company. But their mirth met with a fudden and temporary aMay. from a violent ftorm that overtook us one day on cur paffage, WeJiad juft landed and were preparing to fet up our tents fr the night, when a heavy cloud overl fpread the heavens and the mofl dread; ful. thunder, lightning, ad rain iiTued from it, that ever I Jbeneld. The Indians were greatly terrified, and ran to uch (belter as tkey could finn for only a few tents were as yet eretf ed. Appreherfive of the danger thar might cn.r.e from flanding near any thing w' ich conM ferre for a tonduftpr, asth- cloud appeared to contain fuch an uncemmon ney by near three mong whom were mouth of the riirer feafon, thefe baAds