- AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE. ' PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST t. Paragraph from a late EngliJJj newfpaptr " Sir Benjamin Thorn pfon, Fl R. S. in hii philofophical and chmjcai papers, has earneitly recommended the wearing of flannel next the ikin, hating himieif experienced great benefit from it, before he had any idea of difcovering the pby fical caufc- " I am atloniihed (fays he) that cuitom (hould aot hare prevailed , more univerfally ; I am confident it would prevent a multitude of difeafes, and I know no greater luxury than the comlfoi table fenfation which refults from wearing it. It is a miflalpen nQtion that it is too warm a clothing for the fuin mer;; I have worn it in all climates, and in the hotteQ. feafons of the year and ne ver found theTeait inconvenience from it. (it is the warm bath of perfpiration confined bv a lineri ikirt, jret with fweat, which renders the fummer heats of fouth ern climaxes fo iniupportable but flan nel promotes perfpiration, and favours evaporation, and evaporation, as is well known, prodmces pofitive coU." Extra? of a- Utter frm Elizabeth town, Augufl i &. " The fatal effedts of wild-cherry-tree leaves to cattle cfptdally in the dog day s, hare frequently been experienced, and oaght to make people very cautious of throwing the loppings or tops of faid trees in the highways or ft rests, to the great injury of their neighbours. A re cent infliance, which confirms the above, happened at Chatham, by which a perfon loft: two cows by partaking of this de ftrullive poifoji. jit: account of the produce of different kinds J Zrattu- planted-in September ; 1789, an J Jlltrcb, 1 790, by Jacob Hiltzksimer, efq. Spettz One grain was planted Sep tember 15, 1789, and April 3, 1790, was .taken up and divided into twelve parts, Vhjch were planted at a fmall diilance 'from each other. .Thcfe produced the aitszUhing increafsof 418 heads. Lczrd-:J Wheat. One grain planted September 15, 1789, produced 81 heads. Cap; IV he at One grain produced 57 heads rain planted March 31,4:790. Spring Vheai One grain produced. Tii-j-rcii fd Spring Barly. One grain proo'ce 99 heads. I he aore-mentioned produce was p",J::ivcd to thePhiiadelphu Society fur prv)ni"ti'-.;; v;i culture, at their meeting SFAYETTEVILLE, c;uie 17-.I1 in:li!at. STATE! of NORTH-CAROLINA,: By bis Excellency Alexander Martin, Efq. Governpur, Captain-General an 2 Com mands Ain Chiefs in and over faid State, ! A PROCLAMATION. ! 1 , 1. , WHEREAS, the honourable the ! i'ecretary of ftate for the Uuited States of jAmerica, hath tran'fmitt ed to me an authenticated copy (of which the annexed is as a tranfeript) of an acl of congrefs jwfied at th2r- laft .fefiiun, innxj ed " An acl to accept a'ceffi -m ! of the claims of the ftate of North-Carolina, to a certain jiiftricl of Weftern territory." I Ji A E thought proper to ilfue this my pioclamation, announcing the fame to the citizens of this ilate, to thofe inha biting that territory, and to the all other perfons whom it may concern, that due obfervance be had thereto, ajaci their con duit governed accordingly. GIVEN under my hand, and the gfeai fealof the ftate, at Danbu ry, the firft day of September, A. D. 1790, and in the fifteenth year of ihe independence of the Unitsd States of America. 1 (ALEXANDER MARTIN. By his excellency s comn:i.n , Thomas Rogirs, P. 6ee. See No. 18 of this papexv STATeof NORTH CAROLINA, By Hs Excellency Alexander Martin, Efq. Gotyrnour, Captain Gerieral and Com mander in Chief in and over faid ftate. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, the honourable the fecretaty at war, hath tranfmit ted to m$ an authenticated abftracl-, of which the following is a copy, of fpecie due th non comrniffioned officers and privates jf the North-Carolina line, as their pay. fcr the months of January, Fe bruary, March and April, in the year onethoujfand feven hundred and eighty three : j I HAVE thought proper to ifFue this .my proclamation, notifying the fame to he perfons aforefaid, and others. whom .it may boncern that they may apply purfuant to the direfiions of congrds; to the treasurer of the - United .States, fcr thefuros of money annexed to their re Ipeifiivc ames As alfo fpecie due the officers of the North-Carolina line, for arrears of fubhilance for the years one thouikndj feren hundred andcihty two, and one thoufand feven hundred and eighty tree, tale-r. from atterii actounU lodged n the oihcei GijVEN under my hand, and rhe great feui of the ftate, at D.inau r , the tenih day of Oaobtj, in $3e year qf oujr. Loiqj .qpe thcu jfand feven hundred' and iiinciy, nd fifteenth year of thie mdepea . der.ee ot ine United otatcs. By his tteeeilcncy's command, '1m oil as -1 oc't.ft's, P. Sec. Solomon Mid die ten, Adam Hart, Thorn a f B rown, Sarafonj Sykes, Daniel Mc Farter, Nehemiah Pravey, Johri Carter, John Wjells, , Peter Hadl'ock, :W ill ia n Th cm as, Fountain Jordan, Robert Mv 'Kenny A brahain Fowler, James I,resr Eli Mi Vay, WiL'JatiiRyall, John Ph.tt, Wiiiiam Brown, -.Willis !m Btirncrt, Fieder;ick Biounr, John 4?mfch, Rcbert Scycrs, Lotte .Watfon, Calb.Thtmas, ABSTjlACT (if fpecie .due the r.cn ct ",-mrp liHoned 'oHrs and pri vatts of the North Carolina line, on account of thpir pay for the months of Janua ry, rchruary, March andApri-, 1 785, taken from Mr. Ebcnezei Jacklon's XetUement. : Names. David Chcfter, Fi:aHcis L&rho, Samuel Baxter, Bnnef Morgan Benjamin Motte, Matthew Newby, Archibald Butts, David Ambrtfe, Jofeph Brown, William Loi:g, Caleb Jordan, Crawford Jv hi:fon, Jchn Bailej, Frkcrcii Wefterdale ,Ca?far Santee, Levy Wiggtns, Beiijamin Joiner, Joel Ta)?b6inff John Lee, Benjamin White, Jnhn Leach, : Vincent "Salmon," Dol. 9oths. i4o . . 4 . 4O 4O 29 3 39 .30 29 5 29 30 2$ 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 2 ; 60 2t . 60 26 60 26 60 26 CO 2,6 6q 26 60 2,6 60 26 Co 26 6 26 64 26 60 26 66 26 60 26 60 2 6 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 . .26 60 26 60 26 60 26 60 26 Co 26 60 . ! 26 60 26 Co 26 60 26 60 26 60 2-6 60