For Sale, ThcfariiousGrift and Flax fired- I L L, atp:cfe:itpc;eiTcdy Mr. John Eccles. ! ALSO, Iur hundred acres cf land on the wc fcde of Cape-Fear river, ;:bout five r.i cs from Fijeuciiilo, xrhtie ElUs otc.iC ii.s. One hundred anJ'fiftr res. a -j iniog tie fame cn the eft i.d, aid 70 and an ialt'cn the eafl fid cf the ritr. One hundred and four arret cn the eafl Tide ofihe river,near Mis. Tommy's, for.: e j !y 1 Porter's. Hx h-indrean forty acres onthceafl f.ieof the river, ruling a font on the liver iibte the rr.outh of Crcfs-Creek. Six hindred and forty acres near IVced-iiide. Four hundred acres ca Flat Swamp, near ditto. Six hundred and forty acres on the back of Lock's Crerk. Five hundred acres on the drains of AjIomt-'JCFtek. Six hundred and forty atres on Little Crcf--Cfe?k. Six hundred amd forty acres adjoining the f-me. ' j iv.ii hvndred acres on the drains of Croli-Creik, near Ji hr M'Pherfon's. One hundred and fifty-tire acres on the weft fide of the town, adjoining Hay rLounc. j j ALSO, The Hcufe an! Lot where Mi Ritchie lives, ppofite Mr. Adam's Itoie. A reasonable credit will be ;:ven for p:rt of the price. l Apply to James Hogg., Fa c.'.ewi.c, Oclcbcr 28. Cm. "T""!HP! co-parrnw-jinh? cf Isaac and L Jamuu H:v ii.r bring diffolved tv i-c death cf the ltcr, the iubferiber, fi ivirg partner, requefts all perfons j i m rr anr demands ar.infr faid fiim, t" rr.ici 'hem t" hm for fettlrmer.:. tW:'r ndzb'td ae nuo defued to n.ukc hrsediate p-yrert. layette. ilhyKov. 1, i",,o. 6c. 3L v. 61 ) ' " - Fortv Shillings Reward. V V er's houfc was. broken open on or .about the mid die cf October., in flant, and the following notes of hand ftolen from him, viz. j One note f hand from Neil M-'Crancy to Mathevv ".Ro!an VvMiitevfor twenty -two pounds. One note from Eflcr Kill--patrick to John Killpatrick, for 25 dollars Specie. : ; One note from Archibald M'Bride to Robert Hodge, for twelve gallons Rum. And one -note from John Kerbccn to Jbhn Bibbin, for twenty (hillings, all of which were endorfed to the fubftrib er : This is therefore to cau tion all perfons from negoti ating the above notes. The above reward ' ill be paid, and no qucftions afked, on their delivery to GEORGE TAYLOR, j Elizabeth- town, , Bladen .co. October 30. FIVE POUNDS REWARD; RAN AWAV from the fufefcriber, living in Iredell county, North Carolina, onihe.firft day of1 July laft, a negro fellow named FRANK : he is of a veilow complexion, (hews ibrne-marks of thefmali pox, is about 5 feet S inches high ; has by running away before, and getting froft bitten, loft two of the little toes of his left foot, and part of the' third one ; I expe.ft he will change his cloaths and name, and p-afs for a free man as he has done before, and endeavour to make his way to Fayetterilie or Wilmington, and get on board foie vcfTcl, as he has often threatened fo to do. Captains of veflcls and otkera arc cautioned on their pes il cot to harbr.ur faid fellow. Any perfon who will Jake up faid fellow and him to rre, or fecure him fo that I get him again, fhall receive the above reward, and ail referable charges. j Cftocr i3, 1790. i JG&N WORK,! rvo'ti THE late proclamation of his eyrel lency governor, Marlin ih:wx ai the treafurer of the VJjted States hs orders to pay out the cafh for JtrrJarajcs due to rhe.o5ic"eis and f)Uien who have fcrved a certa? length of time in the continental army. In; cfquence of which, and by authority, I have opcRe an office in Fayetteville, for the acct mdatinof the perfoss cnceVned, and will undertake to collecl the calh for all fuch claims in the mod ipeedy manner, provided they are rendered to me pro- perly atteftlsd. The peffon having a claim, muft -make oath before two juftices oF the peace to the time he has ferred, and take the juf ticev.j certificate, which certificate mult be given to mt, with a power tm receive the money, and that power witneliel by a juftice f the peace. Thole perfons who may not find it convenient to attend, at my office, themfelvcs, may forward; their papers by letter. - AH other kisds .of 'public fecurities will be received and Rgciated in thej mo (t advantageous manner at New-Yorfci and Philadelphia. ?f iOHN-PORTFRFIPI.n rayetteville, Uctober 27. Co. 5t. WFIIS is to forewarn, all J perfons from reeivingv by any conveyance, a note of haad given ly me to Benjamin Bagky, of Chatham, for thii-ty-fix pounds, payable the 25th day of December no:tj as 1 am determined not to pay the fame, having been deceived by him in the purchafe ol a .horfe, fo' which faid note was given. EPHRAIM COOK. Fayetteville, October 26 J ALL perfons having any demanas againfi the eflate of the late Mr. Samuel Hawley, deceafe, are re queued to render in their accounts pro perly -attefled, to . ilaac Hawley, AdmV. I Elizabeth Hswley, Adm'x. Fayetteville, Nov. 1, 1790. 60. it

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