For PRIVATE SALE, Purfuant to the tail will of Fran cis Clayton, Efq: dcceafed TVT well known valuaM planta tion and parcel of land, called Rocky Paint, mn the North-Eaft river, in New-Hanover county, containing, by the original grants, 192 acres, with a large brick houfe and other Wuildinjs One hndred and ninety acres of this hz been unier crop tkis rear, and is en clfe! with new fnce ; and there are fe Teral hmntlrcds of acres clear, and fit tor immediate cultivation Thefelands are feme of the keft in the Hate, b:h for til lage and pafture. ALSO,' the plantation and lands on the SshkJ, whtre Mr. Clayton ufually refided (formerly Mr. Harnett's) con taining aboot Soo acres, with a commo diousdwclling houfe, and otker necefla ry ouildinjs A confiderablc part of this is clear and nrfer good fences, haTing been plamted this prefent year, and is excellent for corn ad indigo: with this, or feparate, will be fold, an extenfive range of baks, between the Souid and the Sea, efteemed valuable for ftock and the timber, and on which is fome good plant able land. Credit will b given, and the payments rereived by inftallments ; but in addition to perfoiai iecurity, mortgages on the premifcsVilbc required. Propofali v; ill ke received in Wil xniigton, by Archibald Mackine, Henry yjquharr,or Henry Toomcr, the afHr.g executors, to whom 'die lands arc deviled for f:i!e. Ar. i?. On the Sift of January next, the xrr,roes, confining of abnrr forty workers, will be hired in families for one year. irHmirrgtMy Oct. 14, 1 790. 50 Wanted 1 v. -9 s ; & r T 0 n F. S L D, B Y P I J D L I.C A U CTIO N, Sn KOIsTD.) the f. j Jy 9f XcwUr m.ytt ,i tjejct, A VALUABLE tra.cT of land, ccn JC A. tahhj- 358 acres, art of which is frpno fed to ie cxj:rrr for the cultare ice, firuatron Old Con Creek, near Viitian, jcini: Old Town planta tion, a .-ul cS v mtin Thomas Wi thers nd Mr. John !I-K-n7ie. C 9 n T tt -I v emnth s c red 5 1 with in:-eft tro-31 ihr dar of fale, ancl a ir ;rc of the premium. Any perfba inciLinro pwchafra? private i'Sp way ia the Kjr 'Us- to WILLfA! H. CROUCH. Taj 5 ucfiiic, SeA2Jxaiber 37, 1790. TWO fmart, active LAD3, one about 12, ths other 1 5 years of age, as apprentices to the WATCH-MAKING and JEWELLERY BUSI NESS. : Apply to Peter Strong, : IVho has juft received, A large and excellent aflort raent of Materials; for pro fe ci ting the abovfc I bufinefs in the mbft: exteniive manner. 3r CASH given for OLD and CUT SILVER. Fajcttcvillc, Oil. 25. IfpT A Sorrel Mare JloUn. QTOLEN from the fubfrriber, laft O . Thurfday Right, the 23d inftant, a MARE of the frlUwia defcripUon, via. bright forrel, a finall blaze in her face, a high itroap rmp, ostc hind white foot, about f I'lrten hands in height, a thin rrjane, fill blooded, ad a'out four years old, had no brand when ite was ftolea, and lias a very ihoft head It is fappofed that Ihe wa earned away by a gang of horfc -hieres,iht lately inicilcd thi neighbouihcod ; and a .reward of fix pounds is offered to any 'one who will fecure her, axd delivsr her to Mr. Wil liam Meng, at Fayetteville, or to Richard Weil-. Dry Creek, Chatham co. September ao, 1 790. jy. JUST PUBLISHED, And for feU at the prhiting-efficf, The NORTH-CAROLINA ALMA N;A;C, ,For tiicycar of oijiLdid 1791, i F-IAT all perfons whojarc indebf cd to the (iatf cr Major THOM AS LVhUs, deceafed, Ia!e ot Surry coLn ty, are, dt fired to make ment immediately y ad t t'lc who; have any' claims adirft (aid tliate, are defifed to Li nig them in to the executors. ; pfcJn ArmftrtKg; William fcinatVfer. . ' - Lxccut)is. Oftober 4, 1790. J7, L. Dekeyfer, JO EGS leave to inform the public, that he has ikken Col. Portex ficid'sr larseJetm- iiioiiqus new houfe, ieaily pp.poftte.vsr. M4 Auflanfs rvhre he intends keei j Boarding- anid Houfc o tertainmerit. n or froi a En- The houfi containingfueh a viitty ef pieafantiy fituated I itocms, wiil enable him to accopE": date a large number if the memfecrs of thcciifuingLfiern bly. His greateff eHMs rill be exerted to-pieafs tljole that favour him with their cuf- tom. He exntcls to bd in the heufc by the jfirft of Oftobcr. Faycttevilie, Sept; 6 pone in trie, and on the fhortcftf notice, at the printii)g-offic:.; Order? fromthe Joiintry. . .1 . . ... 1 f i . uuiy anencen to, aril .punc tually -executed.

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