( (-63-) jOHN JOHNSTON 6? CO. B O O K S, Hav Imported the late arrived vef- k t& V v - Vm T.nunnv and NeW-iORK, a rj-at and genera afibrtmcnt of lJKl GOODSi fuitable to the approaching feaicn jfmong which are SUPERFINE and fccIld cloths coatings, flannels, baizes, and up wards of four hundred pieces of Negro cloths, &c. different colours-Compre-hendine a variety of Manchefter, linen and woolca drapery, ad filk mercery poods. h ALSO, Jamaica Spirits. Weft -India aid New -York Rum by Ihe hogfhead. B-andy aid MolaflTes by ditto. : Madeira, Sherry, Lifbpn, Tenenffe and Malaga Wines. Loaf and Mufcovado Sugars. . : H fon, Souchong, Congo, aad Bohea Teas. 8 by 10 Window Glafs G-rman Steel. Refined Iron, and nails of dittereat z:s Set . C3- The major part of thefe goods be-i-Uid in low for cafh, (and of fupenor frefli qualities) thofe difpofed to purchafe vrhole'fale or retail, by applying to the above firm will undoubtedly had it to their advaatage. Cafh and country produce takea ia pavrrentJ 'mimington Sept. 27, 179- 5 6J i INFORMATION WANTED. IF Fr AncisTruan, anative ofF ranee, wko came to America, and ferved in tfee army commanded by tbe count d'Ef tain in Georgia, or feme of the Somth ern" States, will apply to Monficur d'Gamble, at New-Orleans, he will be ieformedofa confidence fumof mo ney which he may command for his fer-t-cesinthc army, for his penfion, and trave.y in the fervice of his moft chrif V.y. majefty. The lall accounts I bad cf hin was, that he lived in Richmond, Virginia, aad carried on bufmefs as a xnc; chant. . i . PHILL. LA.UGZE. i Gvrpia, Jutic , 1790. The printers of the United States will We paid by Francis BoIoiQun, ior interim- the above advenifement, by fcnfcip- heir accounts to htm, Charlef ton, Nf 19, Qneefi-Rreet, near th old battery ,!next door to the governor's. 54 To be fold by tke printer of this paper : Price's Britim carpentry, containing the rules of that art, with fixty-two cop perplates. 60I Langley's builder's jewel, with two hundred examplts, engraved on copper plates. Robertfon's hiftory of Scotland, a elegant edition, two vols. Svo. 60C New precedents in conveyancing, con taining draughts on mod common and fpeciarbce afions, drawn by eminent coun sel, and publiihed from manuicripts of Piggotr, Northes, Webb, &c. in two vol1. 8vo. 6of. Elements of general hiftory, both an cient and modern, tranflated from the French of the celebrated Abbe Millot, in five vols. 8vo. 150I ; Letters of Pliny the younger, traflated by lord Orrery ,jwith an eflay on Pliny's rife", in two vols. 8vo. 60 Gentlemen raftrudred in the conduct of a virtuous and happy life, to which is added a word to the ladies, 8yo. 36 The hiftory of the famous preacher, friar Geramd, tranflated from the Spa nifti, in two volumes, 8vo. 60. The hiftory of the United Provinces ' of the Netherlands, from Philip II. to to the truce with Albert1 and Ifabella, by W:lliam Lothian, D. D. one of the miniftersof Edinburgh, 8to. 30 Plutarch's lives, in fix volumes, 8vo. with explanatory and critical notes from Dacier and others, to wkich is prefixed the life of Plutarch; by Dry den. 180 . Dalrymplers memoirs of Great Bri tain and IreUndfrom the diflblution of the laft parliament of Charles II. till the fea battle of la Hague, two volumes, 8vo. 6c f : . . The minute philcfopher, containing an apology for the chriftian religion arainft free thinkers, 8v. 30 Pennent's tour in Scotland and voy age to the Hebrides; in two volumes, S vo. so c Confiderations on the prefect itate ot popery i Britain and Ireland, 8vo. iof Will's treatife on breeding, rearing and fitting for'ufe, horfes, horned cattle, flreep,fwine and other animals,-with di reftioas for curing their fevcral difor- ders, 8vo. 30 . , The memoirs of agriculture and other cecoaomical arts, by Doiue, Svo. 30 . , . - r Euclid's klc'ments, with theoreams of Archimeies, and WhiftonVearrollenes, with an appendix of practical geopic try, 8to. 130: f Noble's ' elements of linear peripeA-l ve, ovo. 30 1 - i Montefquieu's fpirit of laws in twa volumes. . 30. i I Elements of criticilrn, by lord Kaims two vols. 30. m Tarnell's poems, unhtund. tif. Sherfe's ! declaration of the people? right. 15 ' j Comparative view of the ftate; aad fa culties of jqen with thofe of the animal woiU, by Dr. Gregory. i$f. ; RoufleaU's trcatife on the ibcial corrt paft, or tho ; principles cf politic law. 15 j, j Roufleatts letter to the archbiflio of Paris ; with proceedings : cf parliameritT againft hisjwritiags. 15 i The akfarvations of the Dublin foci- ety fr the jadvancemeat of agriculture I aad manufaures. 1 5. i j Coxheads camp, a noel. j ifyl r j Patriot lting difplayed. Jsf I Life of. Alexander . Pope,! efquiri, with a critical eflay on his ' writings and; genius, by Ruffliead, in two vo lumes. 3C7 j The words reafosi, fubflance, perfon, " orthodoxy, catholic churchK&c. explain ed, with reflexion's and observations on thefe fubjes. 15 . Johfori's Journey to the weReirn ift anrfs of Scotlamd, unbound. f, I Poems of fir Samuel Garth. icT ! - Art of Contentmehtby t;he author of the whole duty of man. i2f ' The adventures of Telemachus, trie fon of UlyiTes. '15. . ' . Hiftory of Alicia . Montague, a novel, V w. v V " " 9 The compleat fasiily cook, or houlc- keeper's companion. 12. Mearsf s' geography, or a brief furvey of the terraqueous globe. $f Pra5ica3, nueafuring made eafy by Hoppus, with a new let of tables. ' 15. Homer's Iliad twelve! firft books in Greek. 15 H ! Corderius. 1 qT Horatius. ., 12i : : ! Garreteon's Englifh exercifes, for frl-nlhovs to tranfcate into Latin. " IOT Hermes' Roman, .or a collection jofl Latin words, for .tranilatiHg Garreteon t exercifes. icf -THE ABOVE BOOKS, Are latoiyl imported, in general or go.u print, andjwell bound, amd the paper mo rv wrccd anaexed to them lower than: v,hat is ufually demanded in adTance for received at he ccicmon diicount. f $$ptemltt 1 V 1 1